any other over 35 first time mums?

Clio - thanks for posting that link and explaining what you're going through :hugs: Read through and can't believe your drs messed up your meds. I mean, I can believe it, but it makes me mad. Also the way you were treated at the hospital, I'm so sorry they weren't more help. And I agree with Storm, this is such a wonderful group of ladies, and we are caring about you and rooting for you. I'm very glad you are blessed with such a loving and supportive family! Sending my love <3
You guys are awesome. Thank you all. And thank for reading that all! You have no idea how much that helps me. It's a pretty wacky illness, and like your MIL, Storm, I do tend towards the depressive, which is why this episode has been so very, very odd. I'm really glad that helped you understand her a little better. I'm always afraid its going to be me that everyone resents when I get older because of this illness. A few days ago, when we were at the beginning of the maelstrom, I found out that J knew three new words: "pain," "hurt," and "back." (I always call it my back or my hip. SI joint takes too long to say, and no one knows what it is.) Anyway, he now also has a habit of putting his hand on his bum, exactly where I put mine, and walking around. I broke down when I heard and saw him.

I don't want to be remembered by J as the mother who lay on the couch or in her room, mentally ill and in pain.

But I am feeling much better now. For one, J hasn't been a trigger; he's always with Eric or at Oma's or his cousins'. I haven't done any heavy lifting (ie. the boy or the laundry), so the inflammation is down. I'm two days on the half dosage of the SSRI and already the hypomania is slowing down, so I'm not cycling constantly, as I was before. We still have to figure things out, as none of the stressors are gone for good, but we've still got things to do and people to see ahead of us.

And I think I'm in love with all of you. I can't believe how generous and kind and supportive you've been. I don't think you understand just how much reading that link means to me. And I totally agree, this thread and the women on it is a pretty rare and wonderful thing.

Kosh--I typically make it up as I go. I managed to get him a brand new Thomas set for cheap, and then followed the directions for putting it together. From there I made changes to make the set easier for J to maneuver. Then, you just see where you can go. And when you run out of track pieces (I have a lot of second hand stuff and new Ikea stuff, so running out is rare), you just stop. I'm so proud of J, though. He hasn't pulled a single thing apart and carefully moves the trains along, avoiding breaking up the track or derailing his incredibly loooooong train.:dohh: When we first started with this stuff around a month and a half ago, he couldn't even leave a half circle of track on the ground. What I also like is all the anecdotal reports of kids playing with train sets for years. Plus it develops so many hand-eye coordination skills. And patience!

For all--I don't know if this has already been discussed, but do you find your LO to be extraordinarily bossy? J is constantly grabbing my leg or arm, pulling on it and says "come!" or "ground!"--I'm to lie or sit on the ground with him--or "sand box!!!" He brings us shoes and socks, declares that we should put them on and then go for a walk and pulls and pulls on our arms and legs. It's driving me bonkers. Though, to be fair, the "ground" game J wanted to play this morning was me sitting on the ground, and him yelling "HUG!!!" and running into my arms. Then, after an appropriate amount of hugging, he'll get up and do it again, over and over. :cloud9:

Um, other developments... J is getting his colours, but is patchy (pink is his favourite). He's also up to 5 in actually understanding counting. Shapes are going well. But the alphabet he couldn't care less about, unless it's a letter with a magnet on it, which he can then stick on the fridge. :haha: Oh, I also got "Wow Said the Owl!" (which he loves). He freaked us out, though, because when he came down after a nap and saw the book for the first time, he said: "Wow owl!" We were trying to figure out if we had said the title in his presence, but I knew we hadn't. So, we came to the conclusion that he can actually read!!! Then I remembered that he says "WOW!!!!" to anything new and neat, and knows the word "Owl." I actually felt relieved. I didn't know what to do with a genius toddler who didn't know his alphabet, yet could read before the age of 2. I mean, that's a huge responsibility to be the mother of an intellectual phenom. Or an idiot savant.

Now I'm going to go back and read the big shoe discussion. And then, I will comment!
Storm--little L sounds so wonderful! And imagine; when you joined this group, you were tearing your hair out! That is such hilarious story of her putting together her own bed! J just sat in a box with Tata and watched us. His converted crib/bed is still up against the wall so he can't get out during nap time, because that was an epic fail. But if the little bugger manages to drop his only nap, which he is desperately working on, I guess we have no reason to keep it turned around. How is L with nap time and bedtime with the bed? Does she stay in? I saw on FB that she actually went up to bed herself! Hooray! :happydance:

Though I must say, I'm glad that J is prematurely engaged to little Sophia. I don't think he could handle L. Good luck to her future husband! :winkwink: Wait, isn't that T?

But what's this about your OH not helping with decorating? I just read that in Angel's post pages ago. Can you post a pic of the room?

And that's so wonderful about feeling the baby move. When you wrote that, how far along were you? I was 18 weeks when I knew for sure those were kicks, but I think I'd be more certain if I had a second time round. Did you feel the LO earlier than L?

Angel and Borboleta--I love your avatar change! It's so unbelievable how much they've all grown! And Indigo, I love how you've managed to keep your privacy by posting a pic of the top of N's head! :haha:

I should change J's avatar. I think I tried, but it wouldn't work. I'll have to try again.

Kosh--are you feeling any better? Is someone at least prescribing even a mild tranquilizer for you? I'm so sorry, seeing as it has been chronic anxiety, too. As I said before, anxiety and also never sleeping must be so incredibly incredibly draining. :hugs: Because your husband is a psychiatrist, can he help? (Or did I get his profession wrong?)

Oh, just read back a bit (okay, a large number of pages back) that you have this referral. When is the app't?

And is G sleeping any better? You've gone a long time without sleep, my love. Have you had a single night without dealing with a sleepless G? As in, your husband does at least one night, and you go somewhere (a friend? a hotel?) and just sleeeeeeeep? Easier said than done, though, I imagine. :hugs:

SK--thank you again for your kind words. I'm sorry you went through such a tough tough time in your 20s, and it is entirely understandable that you needed help. It really does sound like bi-polar, the way you describe it. May I ask--do you still use CBT?

And yay for TTC! I think your doc is awesome for encouraging you! I'd say go for it! Unless you're not broody anymore... (I'm so behind!)

Kitty--how is your new computer? Are you enjoying it? What's Windows 8 like? Is it really cool and new, or is it a variation of 7 and Vista? (I've got a mac, so I don't remember much about Windows.) Though I've got to say, the next time you are tempted to get a mac, go for it (ahem--Charlie!). The extra expense pays off thousandfold. No freezes or crashes, great longevity, no conflicting programs, and no slow down until years later. I always buy the three year warranty, and it's always quickly repaired with no questions asked (ex: "Why is your computer soaking wet?")

And how is little B? Have you really been inside all summer long? I would have gone around the bend if I couldn't kick J outside. Is he at least easy going? (Though from how you described him, I would suspect so...)

Oh, and yes, now there are no excuses for you not to post pics of B.

Leeze--is it any better with OH? :hugs: You've perhaps read my saga with my OH, where it's exactly as you describe. He's distracted because of work, I feel neglected, and any discussion about it never makes things better. That issue, and all others, have fallen to the wayside because of the recent crisis, but he starts teaching again soon, so... And I realize now that many of my more recent breakdowns have been fed, in part, by my fear that OH didn't love me anymore. Or that it will always be like this.

Charlie--I'm sorry--I know you're going to Australia, but I never figured out when or for how long. Can you fill me in? Will you have internet access? If not, we will miss you! How long did you live in Australia? Do you have an accent? Eric always tries to say "more shrimp on the barbie" and I have to make him stop each time because his accent is so bad that it sounds like he's making fun of the Chinese. :dohh:

And I had no idea that your father passed so recently. It sounds horrible what your mum has been through, but it couldn't have been easy for you either! :hugs:You and Storm seem to have a lot in common on this front!

Borboleta--the story about the Church nursery and Thiago's reaction to being left alone is heartbreaking! Though I also know from my own experience that they will let you stay. Did they not let you? Trying other groups of children with you around sounds like a great idea! We've decided to enrol J in Gymnastics; both the kids next door, even the two year old, go, and love it. I like it because it's so good at developing a strong core, flexibility and balance. Their father is a professional goalie instructor for hockey, and wants his kids to play. But he won't let them until they are good at gymnastics. My respect for the guy went through the roof when I heard that. Is there a program around your area that might do a sport with LOs?

And I'm so glad that everything is still going well for G and his job! You must feel very blessed right now. :wohoo:

Oh, quick story that just happened. J's going to Oma's, and OH told him to go get his shoes. Instead, he started running around in circles like a loon, yelling and yelling and yelling. So OH asked him: "Are you going to put your shoes on, or keep on yelling?" J stopped to think about it for a moment, then answered: "YELLING!!!" And on he went. And louder.

Oh, and talking about loons, I always refer to something odd or crazy as "that's cookoo bananas!" Now J runs around saying, "Coco 'nana! Coco 'nana!" I love it when he crouches down in front of the cat and tells her that she is "coco 'nana!"


Angel--how is Sebastian's eating now? J got over his refusal to eat as the teething pain receded (I also dosed him just before he ate, as well), but that doesn't appear to be the problem. Oh, and I meant to ask, when your mum comes, does she come to visit you and your brother, or is she mainly with you and the boys? You are so lucky to have such a short flight back and forth (and the funds to do it!). I do FaceTime with my mum a lot, and often she is with my sister and baby G, and I feel sad. Not that I resent any of them--they just all look so happy together (my sis has mellowed big time) that I wish J and I were there with them!

Oh, and I've always been meaning to ask--do the boys have any cousins?

What lovely shoes! I just guess at J's foot size because I buy them out of a bin at a second hand shop (and I've found some amazing shoes!). I think he's a 6, but I have no idea about those letters.

Re: early waking--we basically do the same as you. If it's really early, like 5-something, then I go in and give him medication and rub his back until he falls asleep again. If it's somewhere in the 6-7 range, we typically make him wait either until he starts wailing, or we deem it a reasonable hour to get up (like 6:30). But I totally understand your dilemma. I think I've lain there, looking at the clock, wishing him to be quiet a million times by now. And I don't remember an 18 month sleep regression--does anyone else?

Indigo--oh, I was so jealous when you wrote about N jumping up and down because of swimming! It sounds heavenly, especially an empty pool! Was it indoor, or outdoor? I still haven't taken J! And I was a water rat growing up! I'm also glad your visit with your mum went well. I know what it's like to wait on edge for a parent to say or do something upsetting.

Did I get everyone? I think I'm caught up!
Clio L loves her bed and oddly she doesn't get out! She still needs someone in a few times a night but I live in hope... She also puts teddy to bed now complete with blanket and shoves a bottle in teddys mouth! She's so funny. Also incredibly bossy! Her latest is lie down so she can tuck me in, give me her bottle or jump on my head! Oh and if she needs something she can't communicate she grabs you by the finger and drags you to what she wants!

Lol yes the arranged marriage is to T, I'm hoping he's tall as L seems destined to be tall, I'm 5 ft 7 1/2 and my dad is 6ft2, both my brother's are 6ft plus and even though I think dh is short at 5ft 10 1/2 his mum is taller than me and L seems to have the tall genes... She doesn't take after my mum at all who was a teeny 5ft 1 1/2 :)

As for the room, dh was just being a pain and I'm pig headed. Will try for a photo when I get the furniture in, hopefully this weekend! Mind you dh is working so I will be L minding all weekend.

Oh and I felt L at just after 16 weeks and this lo at just after 14... I guess with L I thought it was gas :)

Ok need sleep and its hard to update on phone.. until tomorrow!
storm - I saw this and thought of you. isn't this one the one you got for L?
N has 2 bottles & 5 mini-meals/ no, I'm not letting him go hungry..:rofl: (sorry, Leeze's comment cracked me up QUOTE]
Didn't Borboleta say something about seeing a child go to bed hungry on supernanny and that the next day she then ate something? That's what I was referring to. I hate that idea. Sounds like you got a great system going for Niko. I don't always remember to offer snacks. I need to get better at that !
Hi ladies! Just a micro post as I'm off to bed.
Hit back from hols on Monday but have been knee deep in laundry ever since! Lol
Will try and catch up soon( if that's possible)
Just want to say hugs to clio:hugs:

Love to all:flower:
Just wanted to share this....

N is all boy, a bull in a China shop & freakishly it's a hilarious pic to people that know him. I did buy him a stroller & a doll, though. I'm TRYING to teach him how to be gentler... It's not working, though...:shrug: Dolly ended up in the trash (along w his bib & my sofa pillow) & the stroller ended up disrobed. He pulled off the fabric part on day 1!

Dolly & the stroller are going back to the store. I also bought him a train pop-up tent thingy. It's not going to last the week. It's going back, too. :nope:

Does anyone here have the IKEA tent & tunnel? I'm wondering if they could withstand the antics of my little bull...?

:hi: & :hug: everyone!

I'll be back once I've cleaned up a bit. I'm so exhausted, though...:sleep:


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Good morning ladies :)

I have been reading your link Clio and it is most interesting and absorbing. But Sebastian has been a bit whiney and clingy this morning so between that and reading this rather long article, I don't think I have time now to post my usual reply. (This is not meant as a reproach, as I wanted very much to read up on this!) All I can say is that bi polar sucks! I am really sorry and I really hope you can get the help you need and return to a balanced mood. Though in a way I am glad for you that you landed on hypo mania, rather than being stuck in depression (if you had to have either), as the thought of being permanently miserable sounds dreadful.
I feel a bit ignorant and somewhat stupid for not even considering that your pot might actually be bad for your condition. I just assumed its mood mellowing reputation would just hold true here too. But it seems you are stuck between a rock and hard place with the pain from your joint and your bi polar. Like the other ladies I find it appalling that your doctor just went away, is unreachable and has no one who can fill in for him who is at least slightly familiar with your situation. On the other hand it was your p-doc who seems to have made the error to prescribe those SSRIs so I am not sure if he really will be able to help so much. :(

Kosh I haven't forgotten you either you poor girl! I am glad you are feeling better but I do still think you need to see someone you can talk to, as your DH doesn't sound very helpful. Maybe a therapist can help you with how to cope when you have racing thoughts at least. Though I am thinking a sttn G would greatly help matters already. I am sure that 19 months of severely broken sleep do take their toll in all sorts of ways.
Also, I kept meaning to ask, I know you are somewhat into natural parenting but I just wondered if you had any plans regarding BF. Will you let G self wean or will you stop yourself at some point? I am all for BF in general and I would never judge you either way. (Unless you plan to continue till he goes to middle school ;) ) I just thought that maybe the BF might have something to do with G's waking at night still? Though I realise of course that there are plenty of babies waking even if they don't want any milk.

I have to go. The boys are supposed to nap (we are back to two naps a day :wacko:) but even though Sebastian whined and cried all morning, he is in his cot now, doing downward dog and twittering. Dominic is asleep and I think maybe I need to sneak in and get Sebastian out so that he doesn't wake his brother. Hope you are all well xxx
Kosh thanks for the link - I did see it - its the bed we got L but we got her the white one with the sheep on the headboard and apparently they are fine, I also give it a darn good tug to make sure nothing was likely to come off!

Welcome back Clairey :) Loved all the FB photos of the dogs on the beach with L and the donkeys!

We had an AMAZING night last night, Miss L went to bed at 8:05 (with bottles of course) and we didn't have to go into her until 6:10 this morning! How I long for these nights to be be the norm... shes a little monkey. She cried with DH left her to nursery today so I'm mean and told him I hoped he felt guilty for leaving her in as he is off work!

Not much else to report, first MW appointment next Monday but other than that getting BIGGER by the day and not really bothered by my hugeness :)
Hi ladies! Welcome home Claire! Oh I do hate all that laundry when you get home!!

Love your description of N, indigo, he sounds like a little character and a proper boys boy! He looks like one too in your picture, very cute!

Kosh, seriously, even after 2 nights of broken sleep I am like a loopy fruit loop, arguing and just quite frankly bloody awful to be around, and I have a great OH who helps a lot. So 19 months with crap sleep and a DH, who seems to not be hugely supportive, I would nit like to think what I would be like! I hope it continues to get better.

Clio, I also hope now the SSRIs are working their way out that things settle a bit for you, but nit too much in the wrong direction. I agree angel bi polar sucks. :hugs:

Clio, we are off tomorrow and gone for a month, first to Hong Kong for a few days though. No I have a very English accent! I pick up the Aussie one as soon as I am with Aussies though. My mum still has an accent though, but her family think she sounds like a "Pom"! We have had a tough 2 years with dad passing away, it all happened a month after I started my new crazy job and fell pregnant (I though it would take ages, so started TTC sooner even with new job :dohh:) I was very close to my dad and he was a wonderful man, we were lucky to have him in our lives, I will tell you all more another day. But thank you for your kind words :flower:

But now for my rant! What a day yesterday! I took Charlie cat and my mums dog to a friend who lives out of London yesterday, she is looking after them while we are away. A normal 40 min car drive took over 2 hours! No fun with a baby, dog and cat in a car with broken AC! Anyway we got to my lovely friends home, had lunch, chat and the kids played with Sophia. Came home, no traffic this time yey! Got home late afternoon and OH had to pop out, quickly got some dinner for Sophia, let her have a ramble about. Ran sophia a bath, then while giving her a bath I all of a sudden felt water from behind me and heard this gushing sound :shrug: no idea what it was, until I turned around and the sink was literally hosing out water up to the ceiling!! Water everywhere, so a naked wet baby, no OH, water all over the bathroom and into the hallway. Do you think I could turn off the mains? Nope not a chance! Called OH demanding his immediate return to this catastrophe that was unfolding 2 days before we leave :nope: he returned, stopped the mains water, I managed to put a very excitable, over tired naked bubba to bed. Then went to my mums to get her packed, got a sad call from a good friend whose father is very ill in hospital after a very routine op :nope: and then when I got home we heard some thing on the window of our living room, there were some kids outside who have never seen before, throwing eggs at people's windows! :growlmad::growlmad: as for the leak (which feels like an understatement!) £170 later and it's fixed minus a slightly damp hallway carpet! Oh and 2 days ago we found a wasps nest in our attic that we had to get sorted! Seriously I could not have written all of this, it always happens at the worst time doesn't it? :dohh: all ok now though as I have been able to treat myself to a coffee, chocolate and a bit if B and B:thumbup:

Anyway ladies, more packing needed to be done while Sophia hopefully continues to nap. X
Oh Angel! I guess you missed the post about only reading up to the rapid cycling part. I went back to the link to read through it again, and saw it was horrendously long! As for the pot affecting my mood, I never worried about it before because it has never caused any problems when combined with my meds. And I certainly have never gotten manic because of it. I think it's a contributing factor, but the opioids they were giving me before were even more dangerous...

So, as far as I can tell, I'm no longer cycling, nor am I hypomanic. Unfortunately (as you might have read on the site), mania is always followed by a crash into depression. Well, one day at a time.

I think I need a nap, so personals later, I'm afraid!
Hi ladies,

Charlie: what a day :dohh:!!! I bet you were sound asslep in bed after all this ordeal!!! Some days we are meant to stay in bed isn't it :haha:!!!

Clio: you story about J's new words made me sad too :nope:. But he loves you doesn't matter what. Being bipolar or having back problems. You are there for him when you play or gives him hugs and kisses. That is all it matters:). :thumbup:
And I never thought to ask the church nursery if I could stay with thiago :dohh:!! I guess I will next time even though it might take a while for us to come back.

Claire: welcome back:)!!! I love how Lucy keeps her hat on:).

Angel: poor seb, I wonder what is bothering him. Thiago has being a little more whinney too this days. Oh well, since they can't say what is wrong they have to express it some how :shrug:. And I laughed when you said that he was doing the tripod position in the crib while Dom was out :haha:!! Thiago still loves doing that too :haha:.

Storm: what a lovely night you had :happydance:!! I bet you feel like a super woman today :haha:.
And I am not sure how tall little t will be. He is normally on the 90 % for height. I am 5ft 8 and so as OH. But my dad and his dad are about 5ft11. So hopefully he will be more like our dads :thumbup:. But my OH doesn't mind when I put heels on ( twice a year maybe :haha:) and I get taller than him. He thinks is sexy :haha:. So if L ends up taller than thiago I will teach him to say and feel the same as his daddy does :haha:.

Indigo: how cute is Niko!! I love the picture of the cape and pushing a stroller and his doll :haha:. And he does sound just like a little boy.

Kosh: wonderful news about your appointment. Hope that will help you my friend:).

Kitty: did I say already that I love apple too:). I guess who doesn't :haha:. For my 40th birthday I want a iPod:). I need more storage for my music for my classes so I already told OH. I wish I could afford a laptop of a tower apple computer, but maybe one day after we pay all the bills that need to be payed after a year of no money :wacko:.

Sabrina: how is that ttc going :winkwink:?

Are you ladies saving up money for LOs college? We started when thiago was about 4 month old. It is not much money every month but for now I think it is fine. We will increased as he gets older.

:hugs: to all.
no ttc yet as have just finished AF, so OH will get lucky this weekend+ (hahaha!).

no bitings today in creche (had a biting yesterday)....and LO seems in good spirits, but no interest in a nap, so I slightly burnt dinner (oh, well!), but am glad that tomorrow is payday!

hope all are well. I need to go buy some new sweats, etc., for LO as he seems to have had a growth spurt (so am buying some cheap ones (but hopefully will be okay) tomorrow after payday.). The cardigan I was knitting turned out 'crap', but the next one (with much better wool) seems much, much better and will get my OH to take a picture and will post....

I saw a picture of myself and OH (on the creche wall as Finn's parents) and I am so disgusted with how FAT I look, so am determined to shift at least 30lbs before Christmas. However, will be good and careful while also ttc, so only cutting out some bread/potatoes and increasing the walking....

hugs to all, and especially to clio - the down of depression (to me) was always worse because it seemed to last so much longer than my creative, 'manic' stages. Once I made a dress, painted a picture and organised the entire house whilst up for over 3 days then spent a good two weeks in bed. Sigh....and yes, the CBT did/does help me alot, even now -- e.g. I am determined to sleep properly and if I can't, then I at least try to relax in bed, which helps me alot (I decorate houses in an effort to clear my mind, but does help with the spiral of anxiety and worry)....and it helps alot that my OH will take LO every other night so we both can get some sleep on alternative nights (or at least, relax a bit)....

hugs to all and must go as LO is eating tasty crayons!

Afternoon everyone! Charlie I hope you and your little family are having a safe journey!

Clio have we hit the depression yet? If so I'm guessing you won't be posting much but know I'm thinking of you!

SK - woo hoo girl get to it this weekend and the rest of the week... your OH will be shattered.. mind you we didn't put a huge amount of effort in to trying to conceive this baby I guess we just got lucky!

Borboleta I agree that as long as the man can make the woman feel beautiful then height is not an issue! You will have T well trained :)

Claire how is that laundry coming on?

Kosh how are you feeling at the moment, a little better I hope?

Kitty when are you going to let us see a teeny tiny updated photo of Blake? Pleeeaseeeeeeee :)

Indigo - N sounds wonderful and believe me even though L is a girl there is nothing girly about the way she gets on - she is just nuts!

As for us I accidentally (haha) ordered 4 pairs of boots off Zulily for L, they are just adorable, 2 in a size 7 and another 2 in a size 8 so hopefully that will get my big footed little madam through the winter :) Oh and my ribs hurt - I think all my insides are getting squashed up and I have a nagging pain under the right side of my rib cage - not nice!

Ok I'm sure I have missed people - sorry if its you - I'm tired - horrible night with L again where I ended up with her in with me at 3 when she went back to sleep and I couldn't get back to sleep - nightmare.. after our brilliant night the night before *sigh*
OK, my first picture attempt of my little cutie...sorry, couldn't get the rotation right, but here's a few...finally!

Blake on his 8 month birthday on the couch - one with the playing card

Blake a few days after that with slick hair (coconut oil) in his bouncy chair. Chose this one to show you girls this shirt...says "Daddy and I agree Mommy is the Boss" :haha:


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Here's one that's right side up

playing with his fav toy, a little piano, inside "baby jail"


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Adorable! What a handsome little boy! I love his smile, so cute :) Thank you so much for posting these.
Got to go Sebastian is screaming as if on the spit!
Yeah! Thanks Kitty, what a lovely little boy you have, he has certainly grown!

Oh and Angel I forgot you, I remembered on the way home in the car, I'm so sorry! Hope S has stopped screaming :) x
Kitty--oh my gosh is he ever adorable! He has such a delightful smile! My favourite is the one of him in the bouncy chair. Thank you for posting them!

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