any other over 35 first time mums?

Kitty - he's adorable!

Clio - am loving your new avatar pic. Is J climbing? Kia loves climbing everything at the moment!
Good morning ladies :)

I have super clingy boys at the moment and hardly have I made my escape to the kitchen and my coffee, one or both of them start screaming again and I have to go over again. Seems my hour of ease between morning bottle and breakfast is a thing of the past. I will have to find another time slot to write replies here though it has to be one when OH isn't around either or I cannot concentrate. Not that he talks to me too much (he hardly talks at all) but I just don't find having him around that relaxing. :haha:
So just quickly until they start up again:

Storm I hope your pain under the ribs eases soon. I remember a burning pain I sometimes had as if one of my boys were rubbing away the nerve coating of my ribs. It was not nice but oddly enough I have not remembered this in at least a year. Weird how one forgets huh?

Indigo I loved your pic of Nico. So cute with the cape and the pushchair :D And my Dominic is a rough and tumble boy too :D

Sabrina is it this weekend when you start ttc? I am crossing my fingers for you sooo much that it will be as easy as with Storm :) Who knows, it might be. A lot of women found that getting pregnant a second time was much faster and easier than the first. There is one woman whose journal I follow and she had her little girl by IVF and now is surprise pregnant with her second after only NTNP! So there you go :)

Borboleta saving up for college already is a great idea. We have a bit of money aside but that is meant to go for either home improvements or towards maybe moving to a larger place. Sadly we cannot get a mortgage so have to save as best we can. And if that doesn't happen then the money will just be for the boys' education. But still, I think opening a savings account for them is a really smart idea.

Claire welcome back! Hope you can get on top of the washing you poor woman! I don't mind doing the boys' washing and I love folding and putting away their clothes but what I do not enjoy is gathering up OH's washing, especially his smelly socks from all over the floor by his bedside. He has a laundry basket there but of course dumping it on the floor and having me collect it is much easier :growlmad:.
Anyway, I loved the pics on FB and it seems Lucy had a great time. I didn't quite get though whose dogs those are? I don't think they are yours are they?

Clio J is a beautiful boy and I love that new avvie of him! :D
I did see that you said to only read to the rapid cycle part but I was very interested and just read on. I am hoping the depression part doesn't hit you too hard as I think you must still be in that now? I am sending you millions of :hugs:.

Leeze how are things with Kia at the moment? Are you getting any sleep yet?
Sebastian also likes to climb and I am just grateful that he has little scope in the sitting-room. He is supervised closely in every other room believe me lol But in gymboree he is like a little monkey and rarely wants to do what they are supposed to do but rather goes to the climbing things and then up and down, up and down. :)

Kitty_love once again, what a cute little boy Blake is. He looks like such a happy little boy too! I bet you have to cuddle him compulsively all the time, he just so cute :)

Kosh how are you feeling? I hope better and that it gets easier for you from now :hugs:
You suggested to leave food for Sebastian and that is a very good idea as he likes to take his time. The problem is just that Dominic is extremely greedy and would eat it all in no time. He already steals his snacks out of his hand if I don't hover above Sebastian and protect him from Dominic's greedy and more forceful nature lol.

As for us: All is well, no more fevers luckily.
Sebastian has started to like avocados, hard boiled eggs, toast and eggy toast and even ate some of OH's chicken goujons and tiny burgers so YAY! And for dessert they both adore mango and watermelon and banana. However, he eats it so slowly, that in the same time Dominic could finish his whole meal lol. But it is a start :D Problem is just to slow down Dominic so that Sebastian gets a chance to eat. Cause if he sees that Dominic is getting something new, like the fruit for dessert, he will chuck down what he was eating and demand fruit too. On the other hand, Dominic has a fit if he has finished his main meal and has to wait for the next course lol :dohh:

Got to go! Respite over lol
Hi ladies,

Angel: I laughed when you were describing the boys:). They are too cute. And I was telling OH how Dom'personality is and Seb's and OH ( without knowing Dom's name) said " so one is more domineering than the other." And I laughed and said " and his name is Dominic! He said " no way :haha:".
Sounds like Seb is doing a lot better with the eaten :thumbup:. Thiago still the same :wacko:.

Clio: :hugs: and hope you are doing a little better. J has such a beautiful face with those beautiful blue eyes:).

Kitty: Blake is a sweety pie :kiss:. And I was imagining him very small, but when I saw the picture I was shocked how big he is :haha:. He doesn't look like a premie at all.

Claire: hope you are done with laundry:). And angel's comment about the OH's clothes on the floor ... I thought she was commenting about my OH :growlmad:!!!

Sabrina: hope this weekend is your weekend girl :haha:!! Actually yesterday a friend of mine just told she is pregnant :happydance:. She is 42 years old:). She has a 21 months old. It took them 10 years to get pregnant of him and now she started her fertility injections about 5 months ago and got pregnant. She is excited but nervous. She is probably 4 to 5 weeks pregnant. So hopefully everything will be okay:). They tried for 5 months this time around.

Storm: so sorry you had a bad night with L. She is a little monkey:). But I love my future daughter in law :haha:.

Yesterday was a full day for us: thiago slept till 7:45 am so I decided to just give him one nap. Man, that was a mistake :dohh:!! He was crazy yesterday night :wacko:!! No fun to be around :nope:!!! I was so happy when he went down at 8:15pm. I don't know how you ladies survive with one nap a day :dohh:. Thiago is definetely no ready for it. But today he woke up at his usual 6:30am so we are back to two naps today :thumbup:.

Have to get ready for my class. Hugs to all ( Leeze , indigo and kosh too).
just a quickie....LO now hates his stroller so I bought a harness and will practice with him; it will take ages to walk home from the creche, but what else is there to do? hurry home to do housework...never! and another biting on friday...sigh. But we think it's more to do with frustration at not having the words to speak yet, but he understands everything, so, I can understand his frustration....(he will bring things to you if you ask him, etc., and I always tell him what we are doing, so he does understand alot....

hugs to all and yes, I have reminded OH that we are ttc tonight (was recommended before due to PCOS to try from day 7 to day 30, but now my cycles are more regular, will try from day 7-day 20ish (I conceived LO around day 9 and that was when my cycle was normal under thyroid meds))....if we don't get lucky, oh well, but if we would be great....

quick personals:

borboleta - how was OH's first week back?
clio - I love the pictures of J -- he looks so grown-up!
angel - now that LO sometimes does and sometimes doesn't take an afternoon nap, I realised how much I needed that nap (e.g. your coffee time!)
kitty -- I like the pictures of B also! very cute!
storm - hope you are feeling better?
and to leeze, indigo, etc....hugs!

hugs to all and hope all are well!?! bye!
Evening all, not a great day for us, I called at my dads and he had popped out so I had to go to the shop on my own with L to get cards and a present for my nephew.. she was a nightmare, wanted a pram and doll which I was happy enough to buy her but then freaked out cause I wouldn't open the pram. She screamed and cried and I ended up pushing the trolley and carrying her, she's heavy!

Then we went to my dads, walked the dog with my dad and L brought pram and doll, had lunch etc.. then I got L to sleep (def only one nap.for us) and my dad fell asleep! My dad slept ALL afternoon, L was back up and running around and he still kept dozing off. By tea time I had enough and left feeling sorry for myself, lonely and hard done by. I know its,my hormones I mean my dad is 70 in a month and its hardly surprising he's tired, but all I could think about was how much I missed my mum, I miss her so much :(

On a lighter note, L worked out how to blow raspberries tonight so I am well drooled on! It's so funny! That and my Doppler arrived and I've been listening to little bean baby... Aww... It almost cheered my hormonal down self up... Almost...

Sk we know what you will be doing... Lol.... Better get some energy drinks!

Sorry for self centred post, but my hormones are making me weepy and I'm tired...
Hi all, I'm still lurking but just can't find time to write a personal note to you all. Hope you are all well.

Funny thing, I got asked if I'm more tired being a Mummy at 41. My idea as I've never been a mummy at any other age! Lol.
Thanks for the compliments about J, everyone! He even has wavy/curly hair now, just like OH's, and I don't want to cut it!

Leeze--In the picture, he's climbing up our deck stairs in the back yard. He can walk down the stairs, but not up them yet. We're over the "illicit" climbing stage. What is really funny is watching him try to climb the ladder to the fort with a ball in one hand and his plastic lawn mower (handily named, "Mow") in the other, so he can throw them down the slide. He typically loses the ball, but Mow has mowed our slide many times by now. What is Kia climbing? Is she dragging chairs to get something higher up yet?

Borboleta--We have something set up by the federal gov't called a Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP). It's an account you can't access until the boy goes to university. If he chooses not to go, then we can put $50,000 of it into our own Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP). So, I put a (measly) bit of money into the RESP account and invest it in whatever fund or stock I choose. The federal and Alberta gov'ts also give us a combined total of $8,000 over time. Which should pay for...well...half of his first year of classes, as long as he lives at home. Poor kid. As in, literally, he will be a poor kid when in university. Though some sort of trust fund is being set up for him by Oma, so that should help, too.

One nap is certainly hard, but J goes down between 6 and 7, so we do get a break earlier in the night. It's probably why J will only take one nap--he sleeps for 11 hours minimum with no wake ups during the night, so I don't think he needs anything more. Oh, what do I know. I'm just guessing.

Storm--your ribs sound so uncomfortable! I remember the worst thing was not being able to breath if I lay on my back, and I was so tired of laying on my side for 10 weeks of bed rest! I hope your ribs improve! Well, the baby will eventually drop...:winkwink:

Oh, I just read your post. :hugs::hugs::hugs: Sometimes nothing but one's Mum will do, eh? I'm really sorry.

Angel and Storm-- you asked about the depression, but nothing so far, except for some minor stuff. I'm actually more concerned about OH; he had to go to the doc's to get some anti-anxiety meds, which I have been begging him to get for years. I'm glad he went; they've helped him a lot. So, hopefully my reducing the SSRI that I suspect caused the problem to begin with, has just levelled me out, with no accompanying crash. Fingers crossed!

Angel--I love your description of the boys! Oh, that Dominic! What can you do? Can you send Dominic off with OH after a meal and stay with Sebastian? Cutlery for just D to see if it slows him down? How close do they sit at dinner? Otherwise, I've got nothing... Maybe the Multiples forum might have an idea?

Can I ask why you can't get a mortgage? And wouldn't the sale of your flat, which I assume is prime real estate in London, help with any down payment?

Indigo--Ahhh! Finally a pic of the mysterious wonderful N. Or should I say, SuperN? He really does look rough and tumble! What sort of R and T things does he do? I asked OH if he thought J was rough and tumble too, like N and Dominic and Lyds, and he said, "Of course he is!" Then I thought about it instead, as my husband's opinions are completely unreliable, and realized that J isn't. J "considers" situations before he ventures forth, carefully and quietly. Though, here is a question, how does everyone define "rough and tumble"? And who else thinks their LO is R&T?

SK--good luck with TTC this weekend! :dust:

Claire--welcome back! We missed you! How are you and Lucy?

Kosh--how are you feeling? :hugs:

Kitty--I have absolutely no recollection of what I was going to write to you. So, how about, I'm so glad you joined this thread!

Lady H--good to see you! We don't care about personals, we are happy to simply to hear about you and your LO! Even if it's brief!

If I missed anyone, I'm sorry!

Okay guys, need to take a bit of a break because J is incredibly whiney and I have to fix it. For J, whiney only means three things: tired, hungry, or teething. What I find so frustrating is that OH never thinks of these things, even though we both spend equal amounts of time with him. So I came down this morning to a crying J, and asked if he's been given meds. No. Tried for a nap? No, even though his pattern is to go back to sleep two hours after he's up, and it was now over three hours. Given him a snack? No. Why not? OH hadn't thought of it. He believes that the best way to solve the situation is to sit and hug J while he continued to surf the internet. :coffee: And while this is the most wonderful thing in the world--to get a snuggle from J--it is merely a bandaid, and sometimes even then J is crying on OH's shoulder. It just frustrates me; all it takes is three things to calm this boy. Hugs are not part of the main course of action. I guess, in the main, I just don't understand why someone would let a child suffer even minor discomfort when you can fix it! :shrug::growlmad: Then you can frikkin' hug him for the rest of the day! Please, in fact!
Hi ladies

SK - get busy tonight hon. Fingers crossed for you. Are you planning to do OPKs?
Clio - I have similar thing with OH. Sometimes if she cries he just cuddles her and tells her it's all ok. But if she's crying then actually something's not ok!

Re climbing, Kia mostly climbs on chairs and the sofa but on the back of chairs or arm of sofa and doesnt have much sense of danger. Or any stairs or steps, no matter where we are. Sg
She's also obsessed with water, particularly washing her hands. And opening and closing doors. She can do any of these things repeatedly and its really hard to persuade her to stop doing any of them!

Storm - sorry to hear about your hard time in shop and it really sucks that you havent got your Mum. Hugs XX

Angel - I've got such a cute image in my head of your boys eating. Sounds hard to keep them both happy at once! Kia has been sleeping much better this week. Normally waking up once a night for about half an hour but otherwise sleeping 10 or 11 hours. I feel like a new woman. still exhausted but no longer feeling totally desperate

thanks for good wishes - and yes, OH was more than willing (hehehehe!). As for plans and practicalities, ets., no OPK, nothing....will just relax, have fun and try every other or every third day from tonight until about 20th-22nd day, and will remember to take my thyroid meds! Funny, though, we both have a bit of a tummy, but we're both actually more fit and toned since we both are so busy/active with LO, so not so FAT feeling (and I even lit a few candles, too)....!If nothing after a few months, might see the GP about whether to recommence taking this horrible drug (metformin; it made me sick to the stomach every single day, but is supposed to help either once you get pregnant or to help with PCOS and pregnancy, dunno) and I was also doing acupunture a few months before getting pregnant with LO, so might try that (it was, at least, very relaxing), but we so little DTD that regardless, it might be good for us as a couple to reconnect a bit more anyway, but LO was sound asleep in the living room after a lovely day of buying a few toys and a little sweatshirt that has a picture of a reddish fox (remember his favourite toy is a red IKEA fox?) - I promise that I WILL take a picture of him tomorrow and I must change my picture (although Christmas is coming, so relevant again soon, right?)....

My OH and I also had a bit of a talk tonight and I've decided to start applying for proper academic jobs again (I have a PhD in Roman history and have written a bit, but nothing last two years, I wonder why?) as we are both getting tired of the economic gloom and doom here in ireland, there are a few jobs in Canada and the UK, so maybe it's time for a bit of a change?!

On another note, have you noticed that most of our LOs are now....gulp...little boys and girls?

hugs to all and to all, a very good night!

Hi ladies,

Thiago is 18 months today!! And started the day with a proper tantrum. :growlmad:!!! The child barely eats and gets grumpy because of that, or tiredness or teething. I had a bad day yesterday with OH telling me that he worries that I am not as watchful as I should with thiago and we went to see his parents and thiago felt down on the cement after trying to catch me while playing chase. He felt down and bumped his head and scrapped his knees poor thing. He is fine now but he was upset for a while. I cried for a while after a got home because of multiple things that were going thru my head and like you storm missed my mom immensely yesterday. :cry:. I love OH' family but nothing like your own family to make you feel better sometimes.

Sorry for no personals today:(.
Leeze--Exactly! Grrrrrr... How can you forget that there might be a way to stop the crying? I honestly believe that OH loves the hugs so much that he's convinced himself that he's doing exactly the right thing. He also doesn't put J down for at least half an hour after he wakes up in the morning or after a nap, claiming that he "refuses to be put down. He cries." Which is ridiculous. Of course he cries! But it lasts for a second. Plus, who carries around a kid with a diaper SOAKED in pee? But, OH does what OH deems definitely right!

Borboleta--:hugs::hugs: But Happy Half Birthday, Thiago! :cake:

Re: OH and comment--bah! I sometimes wonder the same thing: am I too "reckless" or "careless" with J, because I don't watch him all the time or play "rough-ish" games with him. (He's also fallen running after me.) But then I watch his cousins, or the boys next door and stop worrying about it. I've watched both little ones, both close to J in age, and they are a mess. Scratches, bruises, falling down deck stairs, rolling off of logs on accident, etc., etc. When these things happen, both my SIL and neighbour look at me and shrug. It's just par for the course for them. I now have the same attitude. J has to learn how to be careful. It sounds like a wonderful game, chase! J would just go the other way. Or pass me and keep on going. I wish I had a cuddly little T who follows me!

Anyway, I think little T is as happy as he is because of the wonderful things you do with him. :kiss:

SK--I was on metformin before and during my pregnancy. I have no idea if it helped with getting pregnant or prevented m/c, but peer reviewed articles seems to lean towards that direction. I always took mine at night to avoid the immediate bad side effects, and worked up to the proper dosage ridiculously slowly. It did regulate my cycles, though (down to 33 days), and I lost tons of weight on it without even doing anything (it helps with PCOSers' insulin and metabolism problems). I don't take it any more, but I'd do it again if I had to.

You actually do have an advantage being older and having PCOS. As the number of follicles in our ovaries decrease as we all age, we end up having more than other women with no PCOS at both of our ages. Did you ever have an AMH done, where they are able to determine what your egg reserve was? I had one done just before I fell pg with J, and it turned out that I had three to four times the follicles than women in their 20s. We apparently hit menopause later, as well. There have to be some benefits to this syndrome, right? So, I have no fear that you won't be successful. Good luck!!! (Though that is a lot of DTD. I couldn't do that. Is it everyday, or every second day?)

As for writing again, that sounds like a great idea! Go for it!
Borboleta....your DH is a shit for saying that. :grr: We beat ourselves up sufficiently when our LOs get hurt....& they're bound to get hurt, the clumsy little things that they are.... :growlmad:

Blake is soooo handsome & wow, I almost forgot about Jonas' stunning eyes.'re such a trooper & I very much admire your stamina w this pregnancy... You hang in there....:hug: (& sorry Storm & Borboleta about missing your mothers...:()

SK....good luck w TTC...I'm chickening out, I think...:blush:

Borboleta....I think you asked about college funds? We already have it covered. We always lived off my DH's paycheck & mine always went straight to the bank. We have been together for over 20 years, so our home & his college fund is taken care of & we don't have any debt. My parents always struggled financially, so it was important for me to have a few things taken care of before I had a child. You could say, that I have issues parting w $ :blush: because of that... Don't get me wrong, when it comes to N, he never goes without, but I question EVERYTHING drives my DH nuts...he comes from an affluent family, so he has no problems spending. $...:growlmad: The bizarre part is that my sisters & brother spend $ freely & don't even think about it....strange how the same circumstances affect us differently...:shrug:

Let's see....I'd say R & T would look something like this....A SLIDE: R & T kids dive down head first without a second though....:dohh:

Angel....I don't think I would last 1 day in your shoes! I'm amazed at how different they seem. Oh & they're both sooooo handsome! :cloud9:

:hi: & :hug: to everyone else....
Angel....if you see any of your DH's socks on the floor, throw them away! I NEVER find socks on the floor anymore......but tissues in the laundry....that's another story.....:grr:
Hi ladies, still haven't got much time to post as Lucy now has a stinking cold and her nose is streaming. I barely got any sleep last night due to it and I guess tonight will be the same. She has only been down 1.5 hrs and has woken twice already :-((
I can't remember who asked about the dogs in the pictures on Facebook? They are my mums 2 greyhounds and my sisters dog. Lucy loves, loves, loves my mums dogs and says nana, woof, woof when I say we are going to see her- cute :)
My best friend who is nearly 30weeks pregnant with her rainbow baby sadly lost her dad a week ago, he was only 66 :-((( it is such a sad, sad time for her, yet she has her long awaited baby due soon. Such a mix of emotions.
I feel for her and all of us who have lost a parent or never stop missing them. Hugs storm and borboleta. :hugs:
Right must dash.
Hugs to all.
clio - I did have the AMH done (back in 2011) and it was consistent with a woman in her early 40s, but when I had the ultrasound of my ovaries done, the ob-gyn asked whether I was on any fertility drugs as I had three eggs coming (January 2011), so you might be right regarding the extra eggs around. I personally hated the metformin, but we'll see how the next few months go -- I personally think it was the thyroid that was the problem and fortunately, my medication is at the correct dosage!

Borboleta - I so sorry that your OH made you feel bad....I'd ask your MIL/FIL about when your OH was little, etc., and/or relate some of our stories to him because all LOs our ages are a bit clumsy, etc....(and my Finn has loads of booms and bumps and bruises -- it's called exploring the world)....

must go as somebody is teething very badly at the moment....

Good morning ladies :) It is now 7:10. Let's see how long it takes for me to write this (I type quite fast) and how long my boys will play quietly as they are doing at the moment ;)

Borboleta Belated congratulations on T's one and a half birthdays!
But what your OH said about you not watching T enough is incredibly unfair! I don't know any child who doesn't get bumps and bruises! I used to be covered in them as a child! He is being a mother hen! So there! :p
I am so sorry you miss your mum, sweetie! Sometimes only a mum will do, I know, as I always call her first when I am upset. :hugs: I hope you feel a bit better today :hugs:.
But it was funny what your DH said about my boys' names! We had their names picked out f course before they were born but thought we would see which name fit which baby and as soon as Dominic was born and started crying, OH said that is Dominic. It was clear even then that he was an assertive little boy. But I actually knew before too as I never felt Sebastian kick half as much as Dominic :)
I know what you mean about our boys not being fun when they are tired and missed a nap! I feel bad for saying it but it can be really unbearable :( And we only survive on one nap if they woke closer to 7 than 6 and then sleep at 12 till 2 and then to bed at 7ish so that they are up at the most for 5 hours at a time. But it is still pushing it. But then again my boys sleep 11ish + hours at night and I think T only about 9 or 10, right? I think that does make a difference and I would nap them twice too for sure if mine did that.

Sabrina how is walking going with the harness and which one would you recommend? I was thinking of getting one for Dominic to go the park and walk a bit where the play area is.
And I agree that is a lot of DTD! I bet your OH was happy hehe. I think you are approaching the whole issue very well. And I like the idea of wanting to reconnect with OH as well. :) Sounds great!
Looking forward to seeing a new pic finally of Master Finn and saying that that his avvie is soon relevant again is just you copping out lol Anyway, he needs a new Christmas avvie anyway when the time is right ;)
Yay for applying for proper academic jobs! That sounds great and I really hope you can get one. :D Is your DH up for moving across the world if you found something in Canada? And there is a bit of an economic gloom over here too :/

Storm first, another load of :hugs: I am so sorry you feel lonely and that your mum isn't there :( I seriously cannot even imagine how painful that must be, especially now with your second bean on the way :hugs:

Lady H I agree, don't worry about writing personals to us all, just tell us a bit about yourself and comment on anything you want to :)
As for what you said about being an older mummy, well I am always groaning and achey when I sit on the floor or get up and say, that's what you get from being an older mum. lol So I am sure that is one area I would have felt less had I been younger. But then again I was never very energetic and bouncy any way lol

Clio I thought your avvie pic was great but when I saw the original pic on FB I actually got to take in just how gorgeous your boy is! He has such beautiful eyes! Does he get them from you or DH?
As for my boys meals, they sit next to each other in their highchairs but far enough apart that Dominic cannot steal food of Sebastian's tray lol I might try cutlery but judging by how they handle the spoon when we give them to them after they finish their porridge/ dessert, it will not be great. lol
As for the mortgage, I don't pay taxes in the UK but in Switzerland. At present there is no double taxing thing here but that also means, I am not eligible for a mortgage. And apart from that, I don't really get enough money for anything but a teeny tiny mortgage that would maybe help with home improvements but nothing much more. And OH gets way too little from his house after he pays the mortgage on that, to get a second mortgage (and for complicated reasons he cannot sell that house but I would rather die then live in it!). The reason we live comfortably is that all the money I do get is just for bills and living and none for rent/mortgage. So we manage :) I could of course sell my flat and move to a cheaper area but I love this area so much that I just cannot bring myself to so far.
As for how I define rough and tumble, Dominic loves rough play with his daddy. The wilder he swings him by his ankles for example and throws him above his head the happier he is and the louder he laughs. He doesn't seem to know fear :) Sebastian needs to be treated more gently and carefully. And as you know he is much shier and more timid in every aspect anyway (except for climbing in gymboree!).

Leeze I loved the video of Kia spinning! So so cute!
As for closing and opening the door, Sebastian loves that too and when we finally get fed up and want to take him to another room, he cries! My OH always comments for him in a monkish sing-song while he does this and it goes like this: "I open the door, I close the door; I open the door, I close the door; I shall become ONE with the door! I open the door, I close the door etc" lol Silly man :)
I am glad sleeping is a bit better. I remember the relief when Dominic went to only one waking at night and how good that felt. Still, why is she up for 30 mins then? Is it for milk? Or just to have a chat and a cuddle?

Claire sorry Lucy has a cold! Poor little girl and poor you too with the sleepless nights. I am really hoping to one day hear that Lucy slept through the night every night for a week now! I am sure it will eventually happen but in the meantime, :hugs: to you!
I was the one who asked about the dogs :) How cute that she says nana woof woof! :D
I am sorry for your friend's loss :( What a sad thing that he missed meeting his grandchild :( And I can imagine that even feeling happy to be expecting this baby mut now be mixed in with grief. :(

Indigo Oh my golly tissues in the laundry! :growlmad: When I told my OH how I hate that, he said "well maybe you should check my pockets first then". :grr:
When you say you are chickening out, do you mean you are done with just the one boy? Are you scared of pregnancy or of the hard work two will undoubtedly be? Or maybe you mean it will be too much of a financial strain? I really admire you for being so organised with your funds etc. I am careful and don't spend it like water but I don't stint either and don't really count the pennies when I want something, I buy it (small things, not designer purses, or cars and jets lol). Having said that, I did tell OH that we should start planning meals ahead for the week as going shopping every day and letting things go off in the fridge is getting to expensive. Sigh.

And that reminds me, question to you all do you all do a weekly meal plan for your LOs or just make meals up as you go along? (I think I remember that you clio plan ahead, don't you?) And is it always adapted things you are having yourself or different? We don't really eat stuff that the boys could have, either cause they don't like it, such as pasta, or cause it might be a chop or a steak or is just too expensive to risk having it land on the floor! (I tried them with salmon mousse rolls once and guess where that landed :()

Wow with only one interruption of about 15 minutes when cuddles, dummy and muslins and then a bit of reading and shape sorting were needed, I actually managed to finish this post in under an hour and just before their breakky is due. Yay for playful boys!
:hugs: to you all even if I didn't mention you specifically this time :D
I forgot to say that the boys destroyed "Ten little Fingers and Ten little Toes" but Dominic keeps asking for it and wants only that book! Cannot appease him with any other so I ordered a new one and hope it arrives soon. Wonder how long it will take till that one is shredded too. Ah well :shrug:


And I think Clio wanted to see a picture of my garden. So here are two. I hope it gives you an idea how truly tiny it is. I took the photo while standing on a bit of a patio area but behind me is nothing but a bench and then the house. Still, the lawn is looking lovely and I soooo hope it will take :)



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