any other over 35 first time mums?

Hi girlies!

Blake had his 9 month checkup dr appt this morning. He did great! :cloud9: He's now 17.5 lbs (right in the average range for weight), and he's in the 90th pecentile for height (cant remember the number exactly), so dr was very pleased! Tall and slim little guy! Not surprised on the height as Dan and I both noticed last weekend his legs looked a lot longer (also Dan is 6'5"). He got his iron levels checked, and got a flu shot, only a tiny bit of crying. He had tons of fun playing with the crinkly paper on the exam table though. :haha: He's taking a well-deserved nap in his swing now.

Storm - love the L and kitty picture! Your kitty is very pretty, beautiful markings, love her tummy! And what a tolerant personality, L is very fortunate to have such a nice kitty pal.

Clio - YES! I def feel that I understand Blakey better than Dan. But I do stay with him all day every day. Dan totally agrees, though, he usually asks me what he wants whenever he makes a noise. Dan credits some of my "Blakey-sense" to all my work with animals, vet, training, learning to read them, etc. He thinks it totally transfers over to babies, too. Plus he always says I have more patience than him. I think it's actually brought us a little closer as a couple as I see and appreciate Dan trusting my instincts regarding Blake, while he doesn't have to stress about what Blake wants/needs and we don't argue about it.

Angel - I laughed about the snacks while shopping. My mom always talks about how crabby I'd get out shopping when i was little unless she had snacks for me, and then we laugh about how it continues today. She still brought snacks along when I was an older child, and I actually always have a pack of peanut butter crackers in my purse even now! :haha:

Oh, and I'm with you on the books. I'm going to be very sad if/when Blake wants to rip them. Dan already had me take a few back because they had cute pop-ups or flaps that looked flimsy. He said to me, are you going to be upset if Blake ruins that book? Then take it back! :haha:

Happy Friday everyone, hope you all have a great weekend!
Hi ladies,

Angel: I love dom's new word:). You are so lucky that at least one of them is a good eater:). And I love that you call him master Dom :haha:.
Thank you for sharing about seb and his language. It is so funny that after the appointment now I think thiago is doing great :dohh:!! He is trying to say more words even though we are the only ones that can understand what he is saying. His eye contact has improved ... His whole persona has improved in my eyes :dohh:!! Amazing what a black cloud can do over your head!!
How is seb eating? Today after thiago ate a little bit of breakfast and started whining in the chair I got him out and tried to feed him more food while he was playing. I know, not good habit but I worry about his eating. His weight went down to 35% so need to put something in this boy's belly.

Leeze: my husband is the same way. He loves his down time. Don't take me wrong he plays a lot with thiago but sometimes I think I need to just leave so he doesn't rely so much on me. And thiago is a momma's boy so if I am there he will want to be with me.

Clio: did you have to buy new clothes? I would be so mad too!!! No clothes left!!!
And I hope your OH seeks help. Both of you have a lot on your plate right now. And I hope your mom will be helping you guys a lot.
Thank you for sharing about J ignoring you when you call him. I will do like you and go down my knee when he doesn't want to pay attention on me and hold his face. Great idea:).

Kosh: hope you have a lovely vacation my friend:). You need it!!

Sabrina: hope this is your month girl:). And since thiago turned 18 month he decided that mornings are a good part of the day to scream and whine :growlmad:!! He is a squirmy worm and if you try to grab him and he doesn't want to go with you it is tough!!! I went to the pool with him the other day and he was not happy there. I was thinking with myself " yeah, now I am the mom that people look at you mad wondering why your kid is screaming! Can't you do anything to stop him?" :growlmad:.

Storm: L is so funny. I love her answers to things. You wait till she gets a little older :haha:!!
Yes, can we hear some of the baby names?
And even though you are going to go for another maternity leave in a while, it won't be like vacation for sure :haha:! Are you keeping L in the daycare after the baby is born?

Kitty ,indigo,and Claire: hope you guys are doing well:).

As I mentioned to angel, now after our doctors appointment I can just see how wonderful thiago is doing :dohh:!! Yesterday I was washing dishes but I could hear him from the leaving room spelling letters. So I picked in behind the couch and he was spelling letters from a book :kiss:. He is facinated by stop signs!!! He can spot them anywhere. Them he spell the letters in the sign.
His eating still terrible, but all I can do is offer food and hope for the best :thumbup:.

Hugs to all of you ladies!!
Hi Kosh! Get packing girl! Hope you have a great time! Ha ha ha, good one about reading it 2 diff ways :haha:
Borboleta - so glad you're feeling better after Thiago's appt. :hugs::hugs: Sounds like he is doing so great! Too bad he didn't have fun at the pool, maybe he just wasn't in the mood? But I bet every other mom there had been through the same thing, no worries!
sorry, guys that I've been a bit awol, but....

GRUMBLE! I went to the dentist and I HAVE 9 CAVITIES! So, he is going to do the most important now and over the next month, because if I get lucky ttc , (hehehehe!), but am now in my 'come on, OH, let's party' part of ttcing! Part of the problem with my teeth is that during pregnancy with LO, one filling came out and although I do brush twice a day and floss, I was using cough sweets (hall's, etc) to stop eating, but not using the sugar free ones, so exactly where you rest a cough drop, there are little cavities - I am so stupid! and.....

OH's work have told him that they want to change his hours, e.g. from 8.30-4.30 to 7.30 to 3.30, which means that I would be solely responsible for LO's the morning (and walking through cold, dark Irish mornings to get LO to creche)....he told them today that it was impossible, and his manager said they might do the later 9.30-5.30 shift, but his original (and for 17 years!) 8.30 to 4.30 was great as he/we had time in the morning and he was home by 6pm (e.g. almost the exact time that my patience with LO (after 4 hours) was exhausted (odd that, huh?), although we are now in the habit if LO doesn't take a later afternoon nap, of putting him in the highchair and BLASTING music to dance to, (which LO finds amusing!/not a fan of the Smiths or Leonard Cohen, but loves the Michael Buble CD I won!), my OH is going to get his CV together and look for another job...sigh.....

I am so delighted, Borboleta (and we ALL told you so!) - T is a lovely little man!
Storm - I love that picture! It is hard to believe, but your cat is actually bigger than my Sabrina, who is huge!
Clio - cross fingers that you have the patience to deal with your mum....I do understand the button pushing, but thankfully, alot of stuff has been resolved (albeit slowly) over the years between me and my mum....
Kitty - great news! re: LO's developmental stuff!
Angel - I HAVE to bring snacks in order to distract LO....and his cheapo TESCO plastic remote control (which is so fantastic!)...
Kosh - have a great holiday!
Leeze -...we have one cat that will tolerate a bit of love, the other won't for anybody (but me)....very odd!

I haven't forgotten, indigo, etc., but the pizza is here!
Evening all! First off I feel a better explain about Storm, I'm not a bad cat owner, he is huge cause he has a medical condition, he has had to have his bladder drained in a hurry many times as he kept blocking. This apparently makes him lazy and therefore fat! The last time he had to have major surgery where they cut him open and cut through his bladder to remove the blockage and flush his bladder, but he has done brilliantly since then but can't any fish protein, the vet suggested this (although it was a shot in the dark) and 3 years later we haven't had a blockage! It's a shame though cause he LOVES fish.. but hey he can't have it. Jet is a very skinny black cat and Lily is a perfectly average sized thin version of Storm :) same tabby colours... Oh and Storm is the only one L had any chance of lifting, cause he's lazy, that and he never scratches, he's a nice boy.

I understand L way more than dh, he can hardly ever tell what she wants unless she says it!

Sk I had to get 2 root fillings when pregnant with L, I was in agony! They could only clean them put and put temp fillings in though as they couldn't tale xrays.. I really hope I don't need more this time!
Kitty that's great about B! Hasn't he done well!

Oh Sk I do 8.30 to 4.30 it makes such a huge difference with traffic etc.. I can drop L to nursery for 8 and be back for 5... I would die if they forced different hours.

I'm typing this on my phone so excuse the lack of personals!

Ok baby names.. for a boy I want Joel.. dh likes Joshua, Jacob, Levi.. but I still want Joel. For a girl middle names will be Sara May after dhs grandma and my aunt and,dh is pushing for Sarah for the first name but I dont want to! I want my child to have their own name... I like Leah (what L was meant to be called but dh wanted her current name) and Cayla/Kayla but I'm not sure if that's too unusual over here for us! My niece wants Lily (cat), Olivia, Charlotte or Cordelia??? I've politely declined! People already call Lydia, Olivia.. can you imagine the confusion!..

I'm so rubbish at names... Help!
Exhausted today so just a quick one. Kia got bad cold and had rough couple nights. She also vomited all down herself when I was trying to drop her at nursery so I had to take the day off work and stay home with her today. Ironically she seemed much better as soon as we got home!

Clio, I definitely feel like I've got a much better understanding of what's wrong with Kia. I think part of it is that I tend to persevere until I've worked it out. Also her words are really coming on now and mostly she'll try to communicate what it is now too, which is a huge relief.

Angel - we haven't got anywhere with potty training yet. I really just wanted to get the potty and seat because she was asking to sit on the toilet. So far, she's mainly used the potty to store toys in! She does ask to go wee wee if we're out, but this is because she loves washing her hands! X
storm - my Sabrina is super-sized because she is lazy and loves all types of food; she also has diabetes (4 years+), but her daughter Daphne is a smaller, thinner (but starting to get a little weight, but not fat) of her!

not much else - personally, I like the name Julia for a girl....but Sara is very pretty, too!


ps. Finn understands what we say, e.g. throw the ball, get the remote, etc., and will follow directions if clear; he's on the brink of saying regular words, but still points to things, etc. I think that's part of the reason for some of his temper tantrums, but also his teeth....and 3 days at creche without a biting! Right now, Finn and dada are 'throwing' a ball back and forth, which is very cute!

Am I being greedy when I say I want this house?? I NEED to win the Euromillions and then some!

Sk I like Julia too, my friend used Sara as her little girls middle name, the one 8 weeks younger han L...

Will try and update later, in.stinky form, had a big row with my dad today :(
Am I being greedy when I say I want this house?? I NEED to win the Euromillions and then some!


I like it too!
Hi ladies,

Angel: I want that house too:)!!! My godness is beautiful!! I love English gardens. Maybe I need to pay you girls a trip one day so I can visit English gardens :thumbup:.

Leeze: so sorry Kia didnt feel good. Maybe was just a one day bug thing :shrug:.

Storm: I like Kayla and Sarah for a girl and Joshua for a boy. So I am with your OH :haha:. Kayla Sara may sounds so cute. Loads of personality:).

Sabrina: when thiago tries to throw I ball to us he holds it behind his hand and the ball falls backwards!! Definitely not a basketball player :haha:!!

We had a terrible night!! Didnt have one of those in ages!!! Thiago woke up at 3 am crying, so I gave him a little time to see if he would go back to sleep and he didnt so I went there with Advil and milk ( teething, or the flu shot and no eating). He had the Advil but refused milk. So after about rocking him for 45 min I was tired and decided to put him in bed. He cried when I left but I told OH I needed sleep since I had 2 classes this morning. He went and pick up thiago and tried to rock him for a while and them I heard him going down the stairs with him at around 4:30am and feed him toast and oatmeal squares :dohh:! Than when's back to rock him and got sick of it put him in bed and thiago cried and cried and cried. He felt bad and went back there and thiago finally felt asslep at around 6am!!! I just hope that this was a one time thing :wacko:!! He had a great lunch today eating loads of tortilla chips :dohh: , cheese and rice. So hopefully that will help and his appetite will increase again after months of not eating much of anything.

:hi: the house..:thumbup: I'm chickening out because I don't think I can do it. According to many, I have an easy little guy for the most part, but I'm still shattered by 4 pm & can't wait for my DH to get home. :blush: I just know I'd be a better mom to 1, IYKWIM.

Clio....we have thousands of universities here @ every price point. My DH doesn't have the free tuition thru this gig, but he did thru the last one... He'll be more strategic w the next gig, hopefully. :)

Borboleta...sorry you had a tough night, but YAY for T eating! :pizza:

I hope Miss Kia gets well soon...poor baby...:hugs:

Storm...all good names...:thumbup: sound like Mr. Blake is thriving! :wohoo: Well done!

Kosh...I hope you get some extra sleep on your vacation. :sleep:
Hi ladies,

Kitty: I forgot to say that Blake will probably be very tall. 6ft 5!! And you are tall too:). Don't you love this stage he is in :kiss:. I love this one that thiago is in it too but it is a bit more mentally challenging :haha:!!!

I am not sure if angel was right but thiago woke up again at 2:15am last night!! What's up with that :shrug:? I really hope that there is no 18 month sleep regression :nope:!!! But he woke up happy sat on a corner of his crib and patiently hoped that one of us would come get him :dohh:! Which we didnt do :thumbup:. I turn the sound off on the monitor but I would check on him to see if he had gone back to sleep. He sat in there playing with a couple of stuffed animals for over an hour and when I checked after that he had fallen asleep again :thumbup:. It was not pain because we have him Advil before bedtime and he ate fairly well yesterday night. Oh, and I told you how well he ate for lunch yesterday, so we were driving downtown after his nap and I told OH to stop at Wendy's and get a strawberry milk shake for thiago and I to share. He loved it but at one point during our trip he put the straw to far down his throat and he vomited all his lunch in the car and himself :wacko:!! It was nasty!!!! And so much for a good lunch!!! We had to stop at a restaurant and clean the food pieces down his outfit and car seat. I took his clothes off ( OH throw them out because he refused to have that smell in the car) and ran with him in his diapers to the restaurant's bathroom while everyone was looking at me wondering why my son was in his diaper only :dohh:!!! At least the car seat didnt get to much vomit in it but the straps. I am washing the fabric but I think I am going to have to hand wash the straps unless I can figure it out how to get them out. Maybe I should read the manual.

Today we are going to visit our friends that have 3 kids ( 10 , 8 and almost 3 year old). Should be interesting :haha:.
And a friend of mine just went into labor today :happydance:. She has a almost 2 years old daughter and is having another little girl today. And my 42 years old friend that just gotten her BFP thinks she had a miscarriage :cry:. She was bleeding a lot for a couple of days. She told me that she was sad but at the same time felt bad for felling relieved. Her husband was the one the wanted another baby since they lost one of the twin boys when they were born. I think she would be happy with just her son. I told her that she shouldn't feel bad about her feelings. We as older moms have this dual in our heads; should we or shouldn't we have more kids, right Indigo :thumbup:. I am the same way:).

I better go get ready:). Talk to you all later. Hope you have a great Sunday:).
not much here, actually....LO has been a little cranky (teeth as well), but it's been a pretty quiet weekend with a little fun with OH last night! Um......

sorry that you had such a rough night, Borboleta and I completely understand why 1 is enough, Indigo, and at times, I think I am silly for ttcing again.....oh, and storm, sorry about whatever situation with your dad, mine still hasn't responded to my email saying we weren't going to his at Christmas (and I sent that two or three weeks ago)........

hope all others are good - clio, etc., and here's a scary thought - this morning, I had to put the heating on............sigh!

Just popping in to say :hi: from down under. Hope you're all well x
Charlie: :hi:!! Hope you are having fun with S and your family:) and the flight wasn't too bad:).

Glad to report that little T slept thru the night again :thumbup:. So hopefully the past two night were a one time thing :winkwink:.

Going to see my friend that had her baby today:). and thiago is in his running mood :haha:. So cute. He runs around the house screaming ah....!
Hi ladies, I just wanted to say hi and apologies for not posting much lately. I have just been soo busy.
I hope everyone is ok and I'm trying to keep up but seem to be more of a lurker lately! Lol
Hugs to all.
:hi: Charlie, Claire & everyone else! :wave:

Recd some bad, stressy news today. :(
But, here's the good part...I still have my N & DH & I don't give a shit about the rest of it! :)

Having N has put everything into perspective for me & I'm just so grateful!
Before having N, I would have been upset, anxious & depressed for days.

Quick N story:
I was showing N vacation pictures on my iPhone. We were on the petting farm pics & I said, "Where's the billy goat, N?" H looked down, flipped up his shirt & pointed to his belly button. :haha: I guess billy goat & belly button sound similar? :shrug::haha: So now, of course, we ask him to show us his billy goat...

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