any other over 35 first time mums?

What is going on with BnB?? It is all pink and cursive? Eeek!

Edit: phew the forum skin can be edited back to the old style which I just did! User CP and then Edit Options and the bottom of the page Forum Skin. I selected BnB.Momtastic which is the usual one :)
Angel--just re-read your post. OH and his brother hated each other when growing up! OH, the older one, beat BIL up a lot. But they are now each others' best friend. Relationships between family members are always so complicated, aren't they?
I hope your mother comes home soon & her pain management is working out well.

Happy V Day & Happy Birthday to your Dad!

Good luck with the job hunt! I hope you find something perfect!

I have a feeling you'll be knocked up in no time. It took us 8 cycles & large doses of soy to get N.

Does your DH want another?

I hope you find some moms you can bond with...I haven't yet...except for all of you...& FXed you get knocked up ASAP.

Maybe I missed something...Why is Blake throwing up his food?

Oh no...jealousy already? I loved hearing the airplane sorry...N loves airplanes, too...he gets to see them everyday fairly close-up as they fly over the tot lot at the park. I'm sorry your brother treated you unkindly growing up. Is he totally forgiven? It's amazing what we forgive when it comes to family....:(

the Jonah stories crack me up...oh & I'd like to burn 'Good Night Gorilla'...I really don't understand the attraction to it. N is into 'My big word book' right now & 'All of Baby, Nose to Toes'. When I try to read him 'You Are My I Love You' he says, 'gotta go!' He hates all the books I happen to love.

{We are financially ok because we never spent a dime of what I earned from age 24-39. We lived off my DH's income only. I have always been disciplined & conservative w finances & I have also always kept an eye on the real estate market. We bought & sold our homes at ideal times. We paid $90k less than the previous owners for the home we live in now. We live below our means & I hate shopping...:haha: (except for N)}

Hope you're ok?

My sister is slowly getting better, I think. Sometimes, she tries to hide (lie about) how she's really I think I need to trust my instincts more & her words less.

I'm not sure what's going on w N. He has been clingy & grumpy & emotional. His canines are coming in, but could canines be worse than molars? He's never been this 'off' when teething. :shrug:

I tested yesterday @ 9dpo....BFN....& I was SOOOOO relieved. :blush: When my DH handed me the prenatals this morning, I told him to trash them because we're 1 & done & he let out a HUGE sigh of relief....:wacko::haha:

I really wasn't sure about how I truly felt about another until the possibility was in my face. I feel like apologizing to N....but I just can't have another....:cry:
Gosh ladies ,your posts are always so long and interesting and mine seem to be very self indulgent and boring!:dohh:
I just wanted to update you on mum. She eventually came home on Sunday evening at 6.30pm it took an hour and half of waiting to get her discharge papers. I'm guessing this is why they don't normally like to discharge patients on weekends? Charlie- do you agree? Also, I recommend not getting sick on a weekend either! Lol
She is doing ok, but the wound is very sore and it pulls if she gets in the wrong position. I saw it did the 1st time on Sunday and she looks like Frankenstein. It runs from her pubic bone nearly up to her chest and is closed with these awful looking metal staples ( hence looking like frankenstein:haha: )
I think the hardest thing is also the unpredictability of her bottom. It's a side effect of the surgery, but it's very tiring having to get up lots to go to the toilet.
I hope it calms down soon for her.
I found it incredibly hard yesterday trying to juggle Lucy, my mum and her 2 elderly dogs! Oh and not forgetting our 18yr old cat! It's going to be a very hard few months I fear :-(
Anyway I must dash. Sorry I have no time to do any personals:dohh:
Ps I just wanted to say of I go for baby no2 I will also def not disappear from this thread!
LO and I slept well last night - I put the electric mattress blanket (it goes under the sheets -- but I don't know the proper name as I only discovered this after I moved to UK/Ireland) and I even used my lavender heating pad on my neck (helps with the chest) and yummy! It was a fab sleep! I guess LO woke up in the middle of the next as he was lying (laying?) next to me, very cozy! I must have woken up to move him unless he can now jump out of the cot and climb onto the bed?

Not much else here actually. Very dull - the cough is almost done (yeah!) and LO seemed in good spirits this morning, but was very annoyed with daddy for making him stop sweeping the kitchen (with a large broom and dustpan) so he could go to creche. I hope he keeps up this cleaning thing as he gets older! (It's actually quite funny to see him sweep up after the two very lazy cats!)....

hugs and bye!
LOL SK its simply called an electric blanket, we are very imaginative over here - although in recent years we have progressed to the electric over blanket for those people with memory foam mattresses :) I'm glad you got a good nights sleep!

We had a decent night, I was only in with her ladyship once and had to wake her this am, first thing she said was 'Wheres daddy?' quickly followed by 'Wheres Pappa' - pfft not even an hello mummy or a hug - what is she like!

Indigo if you are really that uncertain then this is probably as good a time as any to stop! I have to admit though I did cry when I found out I was pregnant and it wasn't tears of joy, it was tears of WHAT HAVE I DONE - HOW WILL I COPE! That said as time goes on I'm more at ease with it although I am very very apprehensive as to how I will cope when number 2 comes along. One thing is for sure I am so done at 2, no more! I hate the way people try to make you feel guilty for only having one, I know plenty of only children - ok they are all adults now and they seem to be doing just fine! As for your sister, I hope she improves a little soon -its such a difficult situation! It is your sister isn't it? I always get worried I have mixed you and Kosh up - I have no idea why :D

Clairey I am sure your mum is in a terrible amount of pain and those staples are just scary! As for the overactive toilet going I hope that settles soon as I am sure even getting to the bathroom at present is an ordeal! I am also sure you are wrecked with L and her nightime shenanigans as we like to call them over here and your mum and dogs that need walked! They are lovely dogs though and its lovely to see pics of L with them :) We of course had to take Cara to grandpas birthday party on Sunday and she gets on great with my brother and SIls little cockapoo who is just the sweetest little thing. Cara is a fab dog, brilliant with L and brilliant with other dogs, I'm very lucky!

Right I need to go and do some work - I'm not loving the new BnB layout its weird but I guess in time I will get used to it!

Ladies hope you all have a lovely day!
Oh Claire, big :hugs: I totally hear you, I have been there with Sophia, my cat, my mum and her elderly dog :dohh: she has only one dog mind. It's very hard work! Wow that is some wound your poor mum has, does she have a cough cushion? Or just a cushion wrapped in a towel which you apply a small amount of pressure to the wound when you move,need to get up, cough or laugh? That can really help with the pulling pain. It doesn't eliminate it, but offers some support so as to lessen the pain. I hope she is on some good pain meds too. Weekends discharges are not a good idea, especially with elderly patients or people with complex needs as there is little support if things go wrong once they get home. Such as no GP's, limited district nurses, and no consultants in the hospital ( they are on call at home!) so I would never want a discharge on Friday or Saturday. Oh and is your mum seeing a district nurse for the wound? Might be an idea to ask your GP to refer if not, much better for you all. :hugs:

Indigo, sometimes we only really know what we want or don't want when we actually do it! I am the opposite, I didn't realise until this month how much I do want another! But don't feel guilty about N not having any siblings. I am an only child and really, it is not all doom and gloom as some people imagine. My parents got to offer me things that would never have been possible with a sibling, I never had fights or sibling rivalry and lets face it a lot of siblings do not get on as children! My mum did make a big effort with me to socialise me with other children, so even though she was a SAHM I went to Montessori which I LOVED and remember so well, I was in the brownies, do you have them in the states? And I was part of a swimming and tennis club until from 4 to 16! So I was busy and had a lot if great friends, most if whom I am still very close to now :thumbup: I want another, not because I didn't have a sibling, just because I have always wanted two, well more if I was younger and richer! That's just me. I have 2 good friends who were also only children and both of them only wanted one child, they think that been an only one was fantastic, so want that for their boy/ girl.

I agree borboleta, why do people always have advise about some thing, especially children it seems. It can be really irritating! Sounds like T is on the brink of a wider vocabulary with his midnight chats :thumbup: at least he's happy chatting away and you can leave him to it.

Well I now get these OPK's I am ovulating today or tomorrow it would seem, which is CD 17 or 18. So that makes sense, with a very long fertile phase but means that my LP is not as long as I thought, possibly 10 or 11 days, so not dire, but not ideal. At least if I get AF this month I will have a clearer idea of my LP. So I think one more DTD tonight, if we can muster up the will! Then we're done for this month and the 2 WW shall commence or to be more accurate only a 10 day wait!
Charlie: thank you so much about your post as an only child perspective :thumbup:. I always wonder how it is to be an only child. I am not closing the door entirely to another child but as it now it is locked :haha:.i just enjoy little t so much.
Hope this is your month my friend:).

Sabrina: glad you had a great night:). The electric blankets sounds fantastic!! I bet Finn loves it :haha:.

Claire: glad to hear your mom is doing a little better and at home with you. I bet you need to keep the animals and Lucy away from her though.

Indigo: I totally understand your fear! I am like you and don't feel the desire to have another one at the moment. And it is okay if Niko and thiago will be only child. They will have lots of love and like Charlie said we will be able to afford things for them that would not be possible with 2 children. Time will tell and if your OH is not ready either so maybe you should wait:thumbup:. My OH would like to have another one but sometimes he is okay with jjust little t. So he is on the fence :haha:.
Glad to hear your sister is doing a little better:).

Storm: :happydance: for a good night of sleep:). And yes isn't it amazing to see how people are!!! Asking you when the third one is coming :growlmad:!!! None of their business!!!!

We had a good night and no spelling at 2:30am :dohh:!! Ops, thiago is up, got to go:). Bye:)!
Borboleta--J just asked me if I was reading the news, and I said that of course I am (OUR news, that is). I then asked him if he wanted to give a message to little T, and it was: "No, no... Yes, yes...chocolate pig cake!" :shrug: :rofl:

ETA: Oops, hit post instead of preview. Anyway, I wanted to add for now:

Claire--please stop worrying about your posts. They are lovely and we want to know what is going on with you. Some of us just like to write a lot. Not me, of course. I have what's called a "sparse" writing style. Rather like Hemingway's.

Again, :rofl: ! But still, never feel badly. We love you!
Indigo--okay, jealous. I always looked at the huge bank posters on the subway platforms in TO, which said exactly the same thing: start saving young. Though at that point, I thought--save what??? I was a student for 12 years, and even my most generous scholarship years wouldn't have allowed me to sock money away. Actually, the only money I socked away was to pay for taxes at the end of the year!

I love that you watch the real estate market! I have been doing that since I was a teenager (long, boring story as to why) and knew the value of a house by looking at it since I was 17. But while there was a housing boom here in Edmonton too, you could only make lateral moves. And this made you no money, of course. You could make your house all fancy and sell it, but whatever price you sold it at, you could still only move into a similar house in a similar neighbourhood at the same price because everyone did the same upgrades and that upped the price of all houses to the same as yours. (Did that make any sense?)

And sadly, even though the boom is over, housing prices never fell back to pre-2006 levels. Bah! Anyway, little N is very, very lucky!

I'm glad your sister is getting better. I missed all the troubles you and she were having (I think I figured out at one point that she is schizophrenic and went off of her meds?) You obviously know your sister best, and if your gut is telling you to go with your gut, then go with your gut.

"Gotta go"? :rofl: Well, that's a definitive statement about the book! Which one is it again? I didn't quite understand the title. I rather like GN Gorilla because with so few words, I don't have to say much. :coffee: And don't knock those Big Word Books and body part books! It looks like little N's building vocab and doesn't care about stories right now. Without our version of the Big Words Book ("My First 100 Words"), I think J's growing vocab would have stalled at a certain point.

So you're NOT going to TTC a second? Did you know how your husband felt before the BFN? But that was only 9 dpo! There must still be a chance for this cycle! Or are you one of the ones who got their first BFP at 9 dpo? A friend of mine knew she could test accurately at 9 dpo. I never saw anything before 12 dpo.

Leeze--I'm glad you found some mums! J loves older kids, too; if it's a boy, it's hero worship, and if it's a girl, he is lovestruck, and just says "Hiiii!" to her and stares. Also, how are you? Are you still so painfully tired?

Angel and Charlie--J isn't cuddly either, unless on my lap, facing outwards as well. And he'll only stay for a goodly amount of time if OH is playing guitar for him, or if we're watching Pocoyo. But the story of Dominic and the planes made my heart go "awwwww!"

Angel and Borboleta--I was listening to some Pocoyo yesterday while making dinner and realized how much J has actually picked up from it. "See you soon!" is what Stephen Fry says at the end of each episode, and Pocoyo is where he got the "Hiiiiii!" from. Then there's "treasure," "key," "key hole," "Pato's cake" and "the Vamoosh," a word that will most certainly take him far in life. Have you guys tried "Max and Ruby"? I hate it, but J and his two cousins LOVE it.

Charlie--I'm afraid to say that year two goes by fast, too. Maybe even faster! I was weepy from November on (J's b-day is in Dec.) last year, though, so I completely understand. But the more you tell us about S, the more she sounds so much like J! They are truly meant to be together. And her gorgeous looks and English accent will make J stare at her, dumbstruck, I'm sure, after he's said, "Hiiiiiii!" Can you post a more recent picture of her, or direct me to a FB one? I still can't figure out how to adjust my feed so I only see people (like you guys) whom I actually want to know about. And wow about the women at the play group! That's just cuckoo bananas! (And mean!)

And I also appreciate what you said about being an only child. I do always wonder during my brief broody periods if we could even afford another one!

Angel--Yay! Someone who will not leave the thread! How are the cards going? And S and D and the jealousy? Have you read up much on twins? They must have a section on jealousy, I would think. I don't think it's anything you can avoid or change, though, even between non-twin siblings.

And I think I forgot to say that that is wonderful about D's walking and talking! :wohoo: They say that children who walk later are typically more careful and steadier than those who walked early. And less accident prone. :haha:

Claire--It sounds like you've got a lot on your hands right now! How is your mum doing today? Is the wound any less sore? And how are you doing, coping with all of that?

SK--I'm glad you're feeling better!

Kosh--how is the new work going? Do you enjoy it as much as the last project, or is it about the same?

AFM--Well, all of you who might leave, you must at least come back like Indigo.

Yesterday my heart swelled as I watched J and his interaction with my parents on the phone. He actually held it properly to his ear and his mouth was in an excited "O" shape when he realized how a phone really works. When he calmed down from that, he said, "Grandfather!" So my mum passed the phone to my Dad. And J said "Grandfather!" again and began to sing "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" for him! Then he said, "Grandma!" Once she was on the phone again, he sang "Twinkle Twinkle" for her, too! And back and forth my parents' phone went, with J twinkling and twinkling over and over. He's also currently working on "The Itsy Bitsy Spider" and "Mr. Sun." :cloud9: Though I hope he has his Daddy's voice, and not mine!

So now it's my Dad that is heading towards an operation. He keeps on ending up in the hospital because of a bleeding prostate. It's happened so often that we don't worry much about it anymore, actually, except this last time was quite bad. My mum was a bit vague when I talked to her last, though. Either the operation is a go, or they're waiting until the next bleeding episode. But the episodes happen a lot, so it seems inevitable. My Dad is 76, so it's not surprising, but...:nope:

Okay, time to pick J up from the "Day House." XOXO
Clio: that is so cute that J sent a message to little t :kiss:!! If he could say more words he would reply back but as it now he probably would say a, b, c ( phonetically speaking :haha:). The way he says Q is the best though :kiss:!
And I love the story about him talking to your parents on the phone :kiss:!!! How cute is that!!!! He is a sweetheart:).

And back to the alphabet little t knows and says all them but will not say the letters J, T, X or Z. He knows them if you ask where they are but I think he has trouble saying those letters. I am now trying to work with him on the numbers. I am trying to find some numbers with magnets so I can put it in the fridge like we did with the alphabet. I think that, the alphabet books and leap frog amazing alphabet movie really helped him learn the letters. And I noticed that they have number land in the leap frog series so I played for thiago today. Oh, and Clio I have watched max and ruby before and I thought it was cute how bossy the big sister is :haha:. I am sure thiago would not be interested in that yet.
And now thiago is expending his signs appreciation to not only stop signs, but reserved parking/ van accessible, yield, pedestrians crossing and the red or green signal ( he loves to say go when it is green). I should dress him up as a police officer for Halloween :haha:!! But I think he will be a dragon since we bought him the outfit last Halloween even though OH wants him to be superman. Why spend the money since thiago could care less for Halloween yet :thumbup:. And this year I decided not to decorate the house. I am to tired and I know the kids will be disappointed but oh well. I normally have skeletons, zombies, bloodie angels, fog machine in front of the house but this year I just don't feel like dealing with it. I told OH that maybe we just go trick or treat in another neighborhood so I don't have to go buy candy :haha:!! I am bad!!!!:dohh:
Hi ladies, I must warn you about the picture I am about to post. It is a pic if my mums stomach wound that I took today when I redressed it for her.
She didn't feel strong enough to make it to the doctors surgery to have it done. They wouldn't send out a district nurse to her, she clearly isn't sick enough! Lol
Poor thing is having those staples out tomorrow :-(( needless to say I'm not doing that! Lol
The picture shows it to look like its horizontal but it's actually a vertical scar. My poor mummy.


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omg claire! no wonder she didn't feel strong enough to go to the doctor! :nope: hope everything goes well tomorrow :hugs:
:hi: ladies!
very hectic days. I'm starting my new job on the 1st november and I'm running like a lunatic trying to finish things off in my current project :wacko: My new boss wanted me to star asap so that I overlap for about 6 weeks with the lady I will be replacing and she can show me everything that has been done so far in the project. (clio - it will be a very similar job, as in techniques and data analysis, but applied to a different disease)
My current boss is not too happy that I'm leaving early (contract was until the end of the year) but couldn't say much really, as she knows that I need a job. In the end it was agreed that from the 1st Nov till end of December I will work 60-40% (new-old job) so that they are both happy, but I know that it will likely mean that I end up working 80-80% :dohh:

on top of this, we finally took possession of our rented house! can't remember if I told you - I got a text from my old neighbor saying that the tenant seem to be leaving!! we had to wait for 14 days to be able to go in in case she claimed she hadn't actually left and could sue us for unlawful eviction! (I have the feeling I already said all this? apologies if I did!:dohh:). Anyway, we went in last week, and OMG......I can't believe anyone could live like that! the amount of rubbish was unbelievable. the garden was a tip with old furniture and 1000s old toys and carpets. the kitchen had a film of thick grease, I don't think she ever cleaned it. she broke the lights and the blinds and the walls were all written and dirty. The heating and the electrics didn't work. and if that was not enough she also took the freezer and the washing machine!!! :grr:
But the saddest thing is that that had been Gael's first home, it was such a lovely house....:cry:

So we are spending a fortune now trying to sort everything so we can rent it again asap...:dohh:

the battery in my computer is about to die. will post now!

hope everyone is ok
will try and catch up soon
OMG Claire! Your poor mother! :cry::nope: It must be so difficult to see her like that! :hugs:

Kosh...I'm glad things are working out on the job front. :thumbup: I'm sorry you have to deal with your tenant's disgusting filth...I would be livid! :grr:

Charlie...thank you for your post re being an only child. It made me feel much better about our decision & I know N will have a wonderful life even without a sibling. :hug: sister has some depression/anxiety issues & a very stressful job. She stopped taking her meds & started having panic attacks. She's much better now. She responds quite well to antidepressants.

I'm sorry your father is having issues again...hope he'll be ok.

The interaction between J & your parents is just so sweet! :cloud9:

& I'm panicking....I'm going to go test again...:wacko:
Morning ladies!

Oh Clairey your poor mum - how does she manage to get up to go to the toilet at all with that size of an incision? On the upside it does look like its healing rather well? It is an absolute disgrace they couldn't send a nurse out to redress that wound and I'm sure she didn't want to go and sit and wait somewhere.

Clio - sorry to hear your dad is the next on the procedure list! I hope he gets sorted out with is prostate and its not too painful for him!

Angel I am sure it is hard work with the boys but I can't help but think how incredibly nice it must be to be a twin! A sibling the same age to play with and fight with all the time - how cool is that :)

Kosh that is good you are getting the house sorted but terrible that someone would do that to your property! We still haven't sorted DHs house and we have spent about 10k on it getting a new kitchen, floors, bathroom, pvc windows, doors, skirting etc.. we really do need to get the carpet down and get it rented - although I think we will go through a rental company and pay them some money to keep an eye on the people renting and if they trash it we can blame the rental company!

Indigio I can't remember when I got my BFP with L but I did get a few that looked negative when I was sure I was pregnant - when is AF due? I never got a negative from the day AF was due. Did you do another test or has AF shown up?

Charlie I hope you have been DTD as planned and that you get your :BFP: cause you want one :)

Kitty how is Blake getting along? Have you tried any other food purees etc recently?

Leeze how is the TTC going for you?

Oh as for us, we had projectile vomiting last night, I put L to bed and went to my room and I heard little crys and a 'mummy' so I went straight back in and she was really upset so I lifted her and was rubbing her back over my shoulder when she did an almighty burp and projectile vomited over herself, me and the carpet - she even had it in her own hair! Bless her, she then thought it was hilarious once stripped and was standing on the bed vomit in hair pointing at the big puddle saying 'Oh messy messy messy' - I had to laugh, so I vaxed the carpet, threw on clean pjs myself, had to bath L again to get the puke out of her hair, brought her downstairs to get her hair dryed, put on a wash of pukey clothes and noticed she was in great form. So why was she sick? Then I noticed her half drunk fruit shoot on the sofa (my dad buys her these and she doesn't get very many) - lifted it to have a drink and it was OFF! Arggh it was 3 months out of date (obviously sitting around a long time) and it had fermented and was rancid and she had drunk half of it! Its not a wonder she was sick - so hopefully that was it. Anyway she went to bed an hour and a half late and slept in her bed until 7.15 am when she was shouting 'mummy' and as soon as I went in she said 'wheres daddy' (at work btw) - wee monkey you have to laugh.

As for me - its getting hard to get comfy in bed so I have ordered yet another pillow in the hope I can get some more sleep - on the irony of a couple of good nights of L sleeping and me being awake...

Sorry to anyone I have missed :)
Just a quick one as in car waiting for Sophia to wake up, then we can see my old colleague and her new puppy :) I am very excited, sad but I just love puppies! And in typical form Sophia fell asleep 5 minutes before we got here!

Claire, your poor mum, I hope the staples come out ok. If I was nearer I would take them out for you, I love taking staples out, yep I am weird! It's awful that your mum can't get a district nurse to come and do that at home, it really doesn't take long :(

Storm, poor L drinking rancid drink and vomitting like that, but sounds like she really will eat anything!! ;) and poor you with having to claen it all up! Oh and sleep in pregnancy, I never slept well at all. One thing I will not look forward to if I manage to get knocked up again! And yes we had our moment of passion last night!!

Kosh, that's awful about your flat, some people are disgusting with no respect whatsoever! I would be so mad. Are you going to rent through an agency next time or privately? We rent my mums plae through an agency and they check it every 3 months and send me a report. Do all repaires etc but her place is on the south coast so not very near, but well worth the money in my opinion.

Hello everyone else, must let my friend know that I am out here as S is still zonked out!
Oh Charlie, that's a shame about the staples! I'm sure she would have much preferred an Augustine girl doing it at home and not having to trek to the doctors. My mum is only in Hayes, so I wouldn't have been do far! Lol:winkwink:
Storm- yes, I have to say despite the severity if the scar it is healing very well. Last year her wound got infected and it was nasty and made her very sick:growlmad:
I'm sorry about L's vomiting episode. That fruit shoot must have tasted disgusting?!

Did anyone else read in the press yesterday about the colouring in calpol causing hyperactivity?? I'm worried now as I don't always give Lucy the colour free one as it never occurred to me?

Hugs to all:hugs:
Clairey I wouldn't worry too much about the colouring in the calpol - I've always used that one and it doesn't seem to make L hyper? That said I can't recall the last time she had any which is good.

Yes the fruit shoot tasted HORRIBLE I don't know how she drank half of it and I feel like a bad mummy for not checking - I wonder if I can get my dad to stop buying them! I don't mind if she has one at his house but I prefer she didn't have them at home but he keeps bringing them up - maybe I should just hide them.. She certainly doesn't need them she will happily drink water most of the time :)
glad to see everybody posting!

claire -- I am determined that LO (who will probably will be an only child) will have loads of interaction outside of the house. I went back part-time when he was 9-10 months old and he does seem to interact with other children mostly pretty well!

borboleta - you could just decorate the front door so it is clear it is a 'halloween friendly' house? (that's what I will do).

um....we are practising words at the moment. He can do 'apple', 'ball', cat and daddy (the last one for awhile, though!)....he can also do some animal sounds, but it is really funny as our small cat (Daphne) is a bit hissy at times and when we ask 'what does Daphne say?', LO will hiss -- it is very funny!

we were thinking of taking LO around for Halloween to a few houses (not the evil, noisy neighbours, but another another neighbour has started yelling at them for all the noise, so it is obvious that it's not just me who is annoyed!) and perhaps as Dracula? as he is soooooooooo good at biting (another one today at creche...sigh) , but everybody agrees that it is developmental, e.g. hopefully soon we can teach him 'I want....' rather than to bite as he wanted a toy another child had....

hugs to all....and sadly, my cough still longers, but at least I don't need my inhaler again!


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