any other over 35 first time mums?

Evening all, not a great day for us, L was in tossing and turning and crying and shouting from 5.30am. I was so wrecked and I had to go get my dads cake. I went and got the cake and dh told me to have a look around and not rush, so what do I do? Go to my mums grave :( I felt odd this am and funny enough even worse after I put flowers on the grave. I am so stressed (house move), exhausted and feel utterly depressed.. I don't know how to shake this! I'm totally overwhelmed with the enormity of moving and the emotional part too, I don't know how to get the furniture moved, I'm worried about how my dad and P are organising nothing and I'm concerned about how much work needs done once we move :( help!

Anyway I just needed to vent, sorry but I feel totally suffocated at the minute. Pregnancy hormones?
Ok I may kill 'dh' (we can certainly drop the d), after writing the last post I noticed my elbow was feeling decidely damp... He bathed L earlier whilst I put away laundry and let her run around nude AGAIN unsupervised, she p*ssed on my bed! 2 pillows, 2 blankies, the sheet and super furry mattress protector have now been removed. I'm so so so mad at him, Ive told him before she's NOT allowed on my bed with no nappy... I think I might scream.. now I know why she was going on about pee pee earlier, she was trying to tell me!
Oh storm I feel for you! I totally understand the feelings you have about everything. I think once you are in the house it should be easier to see the light at the end if the tunnel etc.
As for your dh ( minus the d) I would so act the same as you!!! Argh MEN!!

Well, my day yesterday turned into a bit of a nightmare.
Mum was supposed to be coming home from hospital .....all good you would think? That would have been the case if a doctor had actually seen her yesterday? We waited all day and evening and no doctor saw her..... AT ALL!
So mum is still in hospital :-((
I had my 5yr old niece staying Friday night and df took her and Lucy to a soft play centre yest morning......again, all good. Until I got a call to say he git a flat tyre on the way home ( my car is one of these stupid ones that has no spare wheel!) so I had to rush off in his car to pick the girls up. Df then spent the rest if the day trying to sort this tyre, with no success.
So we still gave no tyre for my car and mum is still stuck in hospital!!

I hope everyone else is having slightly more successful weekends!
On a good note, my brother had a book launch on fri night which went really well!:happydance:

Hugs to all.
Storm--:hugs: I know how overwhelming moving can be, and I'm so sorry! I was pregnant when we moved into this house, so we called in movers and packers to do the job. Certainly helped with the stress, but it wasn't cheap! Do you have any such option?

Oh, and certainly no "d" in "dh"! Seriously, sometimes I wonder if they even think at all. Two days ago, J wouldn't eat his lunch--a beef and bean burrito--so OH just let him get up. Now, yes, I did baby led weaning with J, and I know that you're not supposed to force food on them, but sorry, that lenient stage is over, to my mind. So I had his burrito on a plate with me while we played and just gave him one piece at a time. Lunch finished, thank you very much, and OH: JUST USE YOUR BRAIN! At the next lunch time, I made J my version of French Toast (in other words, Lazy French Toast with no syrup), but then had to go upstairs. When I came down, OH said that J had eaten almost all of the French Toast. Good. Now how about his vegetables? What did you give him? Oh, OH said. Well, nothing. AAAARRRRGGGHHH!

And now, according to OH, I pick at him too much. :gun:

Claire--oh, what an awful day! Hugs for you, too! Stupid car with no spare. But at least they had fun at the bouncy place! Did you get a bit of a rest, at least?

Charlie--you're DTD the old fashioned way to get pregnant? Wow. That makes me sore just thinking about it! Can I ask how old you are (I've forgotten)? And did you fall pregnant naturally with S?

SK--you've already been short listed! That's amazing (and so fast)!!! :wohoo: Did Toronto contact you? Where are you now short listed?

So J has been hilarious lately. It turns out that he's really good at mimicking, so he has been saying the funniest things. For example, I put some owl curtains up in his room, and he walked in and said: "Oooohhh! Nice!!!" He walks into rooms and says to whomever is in there: "There you are!" He's also now taken to saying, "Bye! See you soon!" and this morning I walked into the kitchen where he was eating his oatmeal, and he looked up at me and said, "Good! Good!" about the porridge. And just incase I didn't quite understand, he added, "Yummy!" Last night, it was "Sit on ground, watch laundry washer.":shrug: (Why?) I also asked him where Daddy was, and he said: "Upstairs on toilet. Pee."

Oh, and he loves his day home. He calls it the "Day House" :cloud9: He goes for two days a week in the morning. But OH just picked up two more courses to teach at the uni, which increased his pay rate for ALL of his courses, and he received more students at the long distance university he works for (it's the easiest job in the world, and makes up for over half of our income. If OH actually took a job as a professor anywhere, our income would drop by 25%, and he wouldn't be around to help at home). Anyway, he wants to take that money and reserve a permanent, all-day spot for J at a flat rate of $700/month, so we can drop him off in times of emergency. I thought it was a ridiculous amount to pay, but after a talk with my mother, who considered it the best idea ever, I agreed.

Oh, and talking about windfalls--I just got a letter from the Edmonton Public School Board saying that I have over $5,000 in my retirement fund, and would I like that money? Um, YES. Yay! Not that it will do much when I reinvest it... Indigo, how on earth did you get everything sorted financially before you had little N? I don't know of a single person, even among the wealthy baby-boomer generation, who has pulled that off! If it weren't for the fact that I'll be inheriting from my parents, we'd be living penniless and homeless at 65!

Oh oh--Pake's here to look at our wall again. I'll pick up the personals in a bit. XOX!
Storm--:hugs: I know how overwhelming moving can be, and I'm so sorry! I was pregnant when we moved into this house, so we called in movers and packers to do the job. Certainly helped with the stress, but it wasn't cheap! Do you have any such option?

Oh, and certainly no "d" in "dh"! Seriously, sometimes I wonder if they even think at all. Two days ago, J wouldn't eat his lunch--a beef and bean burrito--so OH just let him get up. Now, yes, I did baby led weaning with J, and I know that you're not supposed to force food on them, but sorry, that lenient stage is over, to my mind. So I had his burrito on a plate with me while we played and just gave him one piece at a time. Lunch finished, thank you very much, and OH: JUST USE YOUR BRAIN! At the next lunch time, I made J my version of French Toast (in other words, Lazy French Toast with no syrup), but then had to go upstairs. When I came down, OH said that J had eaten almost all of the French Toast. Good. Now how about his vegetables? What did you give him? Oh, OH said. Well, nothing. AAAARRRRGGGHHH!

And now, according to OH, I pick at him too much. :gun:

Claire--oh, what an awful day! Hugs for you, too! Stupid car with no spare. But at least they had fun at the bouncy place! Did you get a bit of a rest, at least?

Charlie--you're DTD the old fashioned way to get pregnant? Wow. That makes me sore just thinking about it! Can I ask how old you are (I've forgotten)? And did you fall pregnant naturally with S?

SK--you've already been short listed! That's amazing (and so fast)!!! :wohoo: Did Toronto contact you? Where are you now short listed?

So J has been hilarious lately. It turns out that he's really good at mimicking, so he has been saying the funniest things. For example, I put some owl curtains up in his room, and he walked in and said: "Oooohhh! Nice!!!" He walks into rooms and says to whomever is in there: "There you are!" He's also now taken to saying, "Bye! See you soon!" and this morning I walked into the kitchen where he was eating his oatmeal, and he looked up at me and said, "Good! Good!" about the porridge. And just incase I didn't quite understand, he added, "Yummy!" Last night, it was "Sit on ground, watch laundry washer.":shrug: (Why?) I also asked him where Daddy was, and he said: "Upstairs on toilet. Pee."

Oh, and he loves his day home. He calls it the "Day House" :cloud9: He goes for two days a week in the morning. But OH just picked up two more courses to teach at the uni, which increased his pay rate for ALL of his courses, and he received more students at the long distance university he works for (it's the easiest job in the world, and makes up for over half of our income. If OH actually took a job as a professor anywhere, our income would drop by 25%, and he wouldn't be around to help at home). Anyway, he wants to take that money and reserve a permanent, all-day spot for J at a flat rate of $700/month, so we can drop him off in times of emergency. I thought it was a ridiculous amount to pay, but after a talk with my mother, who considered it the best idea ever, I agreed.

Oh, and talking about windfalls--I just got a letter from the Edmonton Public School Board saying that I have over $5,000 in my retirement fund, and would I like that money? Um, YES. Yay! Not that it will do much when I reinvest it... Indigo, how on earth did you get everything sorted financially before you had little N? I don't know of a single person, even among the wealthy baby-boomer generation, who has pulled that off! If it weren't for the fact that I'll be inheriting from my parents, we'd be living penniless and homeless at 65!

Oh oh--Pake's here to look at our wall again. I'll pick up the personals in a bit. XOX!
Just wanted to quickly add this:

While I was outside, transferring a perennial:

J: Outside Mummy shovel with!

OH: Who are you? Yoda?
Sounds likes nobody has had a great weekend...growl! LO was very fussy last night from about 11.30pm (!) to about 3.30 am, when I went and got OH as I needed to get some sort of sleep and about 4am, LO (in OH's room) suddenly had a temperature and was screaming with teething pain - I felt awful. Given that he had been sleeping on me, he didn't feel hot to me earlier, so hopefully, it was building up....but OH brought him back to me around 8am and LO slept until 10.30am, which was nice. OH was supposed to go visit his mother, but given the situation (and without any prompting from me), stayed at home so we could take shift sleeping....and got AF (not trying this month) so that would explain why I have been a bit cranky the last few days and craving loads of food (haven't gained, haven't lost weight since last time I weighed myself and won't weigh again until end of the month)....and OH cleaned the litter trays, too....(but I also got 'the I'm spending too much money on...?' lecture three times over the weekend, so that negates some of his gold stars!

storm - hugs! of course, it's all emotional, you are pregnant and sleep-deprived with a toddler and loads of other stuff on your mind!
borboleta - I feel the same re: bad mummy....sigh....
clio - only an acknowledgement from Toronto so far (bless email!) and unofficial for a short-listing an another place as was told by somebody who knows somebody, etc. But there is loads of time between now and next academic year, so who knows where I will end up?

off to sleep and cross fingers ALL our LOs sleeps as well!
Claire--I was re-reading some of the more recent posts and realized that your mum is still stuck at the hospital! I'm so sorry! Is she home yet? Is she okay?
Hello ladies, just checking in. Dominic woke at 6:30 which is now unusual so I got up but he has dropped off again so I will try and post something here. Sorry if I am not answering everyone as I should.

Claire how is your mum? Is she ok or in lots of pain still? Sorry also the whole car thing was such a disaster. Hope you got it sorted eventually and your mum will come home soon. :hugs:

Storm happy birthday to your dad! He looked so nice in the pic you posted on FB :) My dad turned 75 this year and my mum 72. My mum turning 70 was a bigger shock to the system to me cause I am not close with my dad like you are to yours but am close to my mum. She seems so young at heart and so unchanged, except that she doesn't hear as keenly or remember all I want her to etc. But yes I know what you mean. :hugs:
As for your NonDH, Oh my golly I think I would have killed him! I am actually quite speechless that this happened! How thoughtless can you get!?
As for moving, that alone would depress me too! I am not looking forward to it if and when we do next year :(
Oh and how are you doing on names for your new LO? Any progress? And congrats for reaching double digits :D

Sabrina sounds great being shortlisted! I am crossing my fingers for you that you get a job in a really great place. Seems you are not cringing from the thought of moving again and I am in awe of you, seriously! How long have you lived in your current house? I suppose it might be ok if you don't accumulate clutter like I do lol.

Charlie I was 41 when I got pregnant with my boys and though it was by IUI this was only cause of OH's antibodies in his sperm and not cause I had any problems. I was given fertility meds just to enhance our chances. So if you already got preggo naturally without anything then then I think your chances are great this time round too :) As for testing, I only had to test every day from ca. 8 days into my cycle but I did use the more expensive digi tests. No idea if you can actually miss O completely with them? Hope you are enjoying ttc anyway ;)

Clio J just slays me! What a clever and funny boy he is! :D And I am also so in awe of his language skills! He really is so intelligent!
Glad the day house is working out so well for him and that he likes going.
Nice windfall for you! :D Almost a little like winning in the lottery :)
Hope Pake can fix your walls! I would have wanted to cry too btw!
Cute new pic in avvie! Whose sunglasses is he wearing?

Indigo, sorry you are so exhausted. Hope your sister will be better very soon. :hugs:

Borboleta of course you can wait a little longer but you know, just cause ppl usually think you should have more children, doesn't mean you have to. If you would rather not then don't. Seems that you have a lot of relatives and friends with children that T can interact with so it isn't as if he will be lonely growing up. Don't feel pressured either way :hugs:

Leeze yay for meeting with mums in the local area! I really should make an effort too. There is a twinsclub that I am a member in but I have only been to one of their meetings this summer and that only briefly. It is crippling when one is a bit shy. So if I knew the mums would be of similar age, I think I would feel more confident too.
Still crossing my fingers for you and ttc. Do you usually have such long cycles? I know that my luteal phase was always 14 days and my cycle between 26 and 28 days, never longer. Maybe you missed O? Hope not! But maybe next cycle will be clearer :hugs:

Kitty_love glad Blake is doing better with his food, poor little boy! Though I know that for them, throwing up is not as horrid as for grown-ups so I am hoping he didn't really suffer?
We did traditional weaning and gave pouches of pureed foods at first and the boys loved those and still occasionally get them (stage 2 as they refuse to be fed lumpy stage 3!) when they refuse what we have made for them. Like Storm, we also find it disheartening when homemade food is chucked on the floor straight away :( And unlike with Lydia, this happens more often than not :( Anyway don't feel bad for giving jars or pouches. They are perfectly fine! :)

:wave: to all my other lovely ladies :)

All ok here really but my painting is not going well. Have rejected the first few and started again even though I usually only have 2 hours a day to work on it. But hopefully this one will work out (though I am hating it again already lol) and I can actually finish it sometime soon!
Sebastian is super super clingy still and cries when we leave the room and won't stop till we come back and he can sit on our lap for a bit with his muslin and the dummy. He is going through a bit of a daddy phase too, which means it is harder for OH to leave the room even when I am still there, than it is for me to leave the room if OH is still there. But on the whole he wants us both there. It is very sweet but also kinda exhausting.
Also I think the boys have started to be jealous of each other :cry:. No doubt Dominic still loves Sebastian, as he still wants to hug him etc but sometimes when Sebastian is glued to my lap, Dominic will come over and hit either me or him with a toy. And the expression in his face is sort of willful and not very nice :( I feel bad for Dominic cause although he doesn't want to cuddle much, he does want to get our attention more too and play with us more. One thing he likes to do, is to sit on my lap (the only time really for any length of time he does) in the window and spot planes. The airport isn't that far and the planes go over our heads every minute so they are quite low and easily visible. I love how he gets excited and shouts "Pppleehh" when he sees one appear over the roofs of the houses. :) Anyway, is is my special time and activity with him. But yesterday Sebastian wanted to sit on me also and look out and tried to shove Dominic off my lap the whole time. And of course Dominic also tried to shove Sebastian off. Sigh. I will have to get some good advice on this situation as I grew up with an intensely jealous brother and it made my life really hellish at times. I would hate for my boys to dislike each other as much as I disliked my brother then. I always loved him I suppose cause he was my brother but if I am honest I really did dislike him very very much till we were in our 20s :( But in my defence he used to beat me up a lot too :(
In more cheerful news, Dominic is starting to talk really well. He seems to learn new words or expressions almost daily and I know by age 2 he will talk as well as J is now, hopefully :) Sebastian has said a few words here and there (most notably and typically Ellie! when she came on in Pocoyo) but I guess it doesn't count if he doesn't repeat them. Still, him parroting anything is a good step in the right direction. He is also starting to walk a lot more and really well. He is very careful still but does it unprompted all the time now. So that makes me happy.
We took him to the free play session at the gymboree on Friday and he LOVED it! Hard to believe that when we first went, he would cling to me and be too scared to participate at all. Now he was all over the room, climbing up the slides and sliding down on his belly going Wheeee!! :)
Well it is almost quarter to 8 and my boys are still sleeping. Meh! I could have had another hour but I didn't want to disturb OH so I left the warm comfort of bed. At least I got to post here again, even if it was largely about us :dohh:
Anyway mummy needs a coffee before the day with my demanding boys begins. Hope all are well. Sending lotsa love and hugs to you all :hugs:
sorry, a very brief post from me again

storm - lots og :hugs: I totally understand how you feel. we moved houses almost a year ago and I too felt I couldn't do it, but in the end things worked out better that I'd expected.
a is for apple - that was the word of the weekend, which culminated in Finn running and grabbing an apple, handing it to me and then laughing like a crazed maniac when I bit into it and then gave him pieces of it. Why? It dawned on me that he had never seen anybody eat an apple before (he gets cut up pieces in creche and home!) - he was in much better spirits last night as well!

a nothing post, but oh, well! hugs to all!

Morning ladies!

Clairey is your mum out now? I noticed she commented on your FB was so wondering if she managed the great escape from hospital! As for the car, oh man that is so typical! Thankfully my car has a full spare – on the downside I need 3 new tyres for sure, so my brother works for a tyre company (you needed him over the weekend) so I told him just to replace all 4, I can’t be bothered doing 3 now and one later – so when I am off for the carpet fitting on Thursday he is going to sort it for me.

Clio I was in the kitchen the other day and I was thinking ‘hey someone said their nursery makes the kids sleep or lie still for 2 hours – who was that and what is that craziness!’ it was you wasn’t it? There is NO WAY L would sleep or lie down for 2 hours – usually she does 30 – 40 minutes in nursery and that is it, then they just move her from the room they nap in into the tiny room at the back with those who wake up – she has NEVER slept for anywhere near 2 hours in nursery. Its actually one of the reasons I didn’t change her to another nursery – they have quiet time from 12-2 and if your child doesn’t sleep they do move them to another room but you aren’t allowed to pick them up during this time? WTF if I need my child regardless of your quiet time I will expect to be able to pick them up – I was really uneasy with them having a 2 hour slot no parents are allowed at all.

SK so AF is here, I remember you saying with being poorly this month was a non starter – shall one be having a little try this month?

Charlie I used a CBFM, and tbh we only DTD when it was showing high fertility and not on the peak day this time. Actually I got my :BFP: the first month of using it both times.. probably coincidence but I think it’s helpful to get the little guys in laying in wait before O time – hehe

Oh and Clio yes we are going to have to get a removal company – well rather I’m going to have to find one – we just don’t have the man power to do heavy lifting, what with my brother having a bad back and my dad having his hernia op – it’s a non starter. I dread to think how much it will be though, it was £400 last time I moved 5 years ago and that was from my old house to the new house, this time we need to go from my house to my dads house and back again – which is probably more difficult as neither house will be empty! I will just get the big stuff moved though – like my bedroom furniture etc.. I swear if it was up to my dad he would literally pack a suitcase and move – but I want some of my furniture etc moved! It would feel to odd leaving it all, that and I love my bedroom furniture..

Well tomorrow is my V day, hard to believe I’m almost there already and still no names – DH and I can’t agree on anything – I guess my shortlist is Julia (need to find out about MIL though), Leah/Layla/Lucy (but people keep telling me I can’t have another L name – why???) and Aria (DH hates it), oh and maybe Kayla/Carla….. I find names just so hard! My dad has requested a sensible name that people understand – lol – good old grandpa. I did like Violet until I realised with my surname (stupid surname) it really did sound stupid!

Anyway yesterday we had a nice day for my dads birthday – L was great at lunch but then again she had her cousins ipad and 7 cousins to keep her amused, we also went to a carvery so it was very relaxed. After we came back to my brothers house and had cake and coffee – they had more buns and sweets etc… and sparkly wine and extra fizzy shloer for me and the kids. The men all cleared off into the garage for an hour to smoke cigars whilst the kids and 2 dogs ran around like idiots. L had a ball and its great now as you can let her run round after her cousins and know that she is pretty much ok. There was only one minor screaming incident which was after my nephew smacked his little sister in the eye with an x box controller – thankfully L was involved – for once.

We too have lots of sentences and interaction, we were late home last night so I said to L ‘I think I will skip your bath tonight as its too late and just wash your face’ and when I got out of the car she said to DH ‘Oh no daddy no bath!’ – heehee she is funny. Oh and Clio I laughed at your DHs yoda question, the guy I sit beside in work has taught his daughter how to say ‘Greetings’ in a yoda voice – very funny.

My posts are getting longer and my personals are getting shorter – sorry ladies – I’m bad…

Ok better go – heartburn is kicking in, I need some tums!
Angel--I love your stories about the boys! I can see how jealousy might start now when you're the only one who can take care of them at the time. I would bet the farm, though, that Dominic doesn't know that things hurt as much as they do. He may only recognize that what he does with that toy gets your attention, and hence the willful look? Is that a possibility?

Sweet Sebastian! How is his eating going? Still badly? And I guess this clinginess is not uncommon at this age; isn't little T going through the same thing? Did I tell you that "Ellie" was one of the first words J said (after "Pato"?) He didn't at first know she was actually an elephant (pink with such a short trunk?), but once I said "Ellie the Elephant" enough times, he started to identify all elephants as "Ellie." Then, after a while, he finally said "Elephant." All because of Ellie. I love Pocoyo!

As for Dominic, he sounds exactly like J right now with the speaking and copying! J doesn't want books read to him anymore; he just wants to look for specific items in books, learn the words, and then identify them. Last night, our three books before bed consisted of: "Good Night Gorilla," "Good Night Gorilla," and finally, "Good Night Gorilla." The first time I pointed out the alarm clock on the last page. The next two times, he flipped rapidly through the pages, so he could find all the pics of the alarm clock and say the words. Once we spent half an hour just sitting and staring at a mermaid putting on night cream, as J went "Mermaid! Night Cream! Mermaid! Night Cream!" Have you got "The Baby Catalogue"? J loves it because it has no words, just pictures that are very familiar to him, and he even sits there quietly, reading it. Sometimes even upside down, which I consider an amazing talent.:winkwink:

Oh, and J loves the "That's not my" books again, because now he's learning animal body parts (tail, paws, body, head, spikes, mane) and what the words "rough," "fluffy" and "soft," really mean. (He claims that Tata is both soft and fluffy.) It's like the books have two different "levels" for different ages. Plus, he's determined to learn the title "That's not my..."

I have no doubt that D will be writing love poems to S by the time he is 2, apologizing for hurting his feelings and expressing the great affection he has for his brother. I'll bet my other farm on that!

Oh, and I'd like to remind you that you hated last year's card, too, and it ended up being gorgeous, and the "client" loved it! Just sayin'! :hugs:

Thanks for the compliment on J's picture! I think those are Eric's "pedophile glasses," as we like to say, because he looks horrible shifty and slimy in them. I was about to throw them out, but J got a hold of them...

Storm--I'm glad you're getting movers! Do they have the same rule in Ireland--that you're not allowed to touch anything yourself because it's against the movers' insurance policy? I love that insurance policy! But I know how expensive it can be; I've moved 3 times in the past 6 years. Talking about moving, Angel, are you really moving next year? When did this decision come about? And where are you going to move to?

Storm, yes, it was me who talked about the mandatory 2 hour naps :)rofl:). The woman seemed quite confident about at least getting J to sit quietly for TWO HOURS, so I guess some other kids do it, but really? That's interesting that L is removed to another room (and smart, too!), and they still let you pick her up during that time? Seems entirely reasonable. Other nurseries don't do that? That, to my mind, sounds like a complete scam.

Yay for V day!!! :happydance: It is truly a wonderful day during a pregnancy.

And L sounds like she had a great time at the party with her cousins! How much does she interact with them with limited language skills? J can sometimes be aloof with his crazy cousins because they can speak so much better than him. Somehow they manage a relationship, but not a verbal one, and not a close one (yet).

SK--what an interesting observation to make about Finn and the apple! And congrats on the unofficial short-list! I think that's wonderful. :happydance:

Borboleta--are you not planning to TTC? Or are you still undecided? I'll have to have a look at the FB pic of T and the stop sign! I'm glad you had such a good time with your friend and her two "later in life" babies. It sounds like we've all got some time, doesn't it?

Claire--how's your mum?

AFM--I'm about to be really selfish and say that while I'll be so excited about any BFP in this group because I love you all, I also feel it's like a clock counting down. We lost Rowan and Jules, and will soon lose Storm to a the demands of a new baby. I'm just sad that if everyone falls pregnant, no one except me will be left on the thread. I've talked to OH about it, and he is 100% against having another. It was just so tough the last time we tried, and I'm already having trouble keeping my pain and mood under control. But sometimes I think that 2 might be easier in the end, as they could entertain each other. But I'm on so many drugs right now that it wouldn't be feasible, anyway. But congratulations, you have all made me BROODY. :gun:

Oh, it turns out that my parents' scale is wrong. By ten pounds, in fact (I should tell my mum that. That's a huge margin of error!). I only lost another 10 lbs, and still stand at 170. But I've cut all sweets out (even Sunday dinner sweets!), I am eating well, and I am making myself evermore active with J and OH, so I'm hoping that those other 10 lbs do actually come off relatively easily. I was immobile for so long that I think actually moving is giving my system a jolt. On the other hand, OH bought me a pair of pj bottoms yesterday, and the size is medium...for men. :cry: (He wasn't trying to be cruel--I actually told him to get that size. And they fit perfectly. :cry:)

Okay, J up from an unexpected nap. Must go!
Hey Clio I'm going nowhere even after the new baby arrives, mostly cause I typically check on my phone so it doesn't take much effort :) As for being broody, I'm still not sure I was, but this is it 2 and I am done! We simply can't afford more than 2 and I would have a breakdown... Now I must remember to find some movers :)

Oh and L had a terrible tea tonight, apple juice and 2 bites of fishfinger, pesto and pasta were apparently stink... And she's just had some rice krispies and helped herself to another carton of apple juice! I can't be bothered fighting this fight..... Apple juice for all! Lol (i hate apple juice btw)...
Claire, so sorry about your awful weekend, that's awful about your poor mum been stuck in hospital for longer than needed, weekends really are bad on the wards over here! I hope she home and doing well and that you're managing with both your mum to help and Lucy.

Storm, looked like your Dad had a lovely birthday and it does sound like L loved it too. Moving is daunting isn't it. My poor mum moved twice in the space of 3 months before and after dad died, no wonder she was all over the place! But we used a removal company from Sussex to London and it was £1000, including storage for a month and packing. Expensive but so worth it. :happydance: for V day!

Angel, nice to hear more from you again. I really don't know how you do it with 2! Your story about Dominic plane spotting :cloud9: very cute and so nice as he's not a cuddly boy, like Sophia isn't. So those moment are just lovely! I guess the jealousy is very natural. I have no idea what any kind of solution would be as an only child myself i have not even personal experience of sibling jealousy.

Clio, lovely to hear from you too and as ever I too love your tales of J. Well I love everyone stories as I somehow feel more prepared for my future via all of your insights! And 10llbs is still great so :thumbup: I don't even go on scales anymore :wacko:

Clio, loved your comment on baby making the old fashioned way :haha: I am 40 (41 next month :cry:) so I was 39 when I had Sophia and we were VERY lucky as I fell pregnant the 1st month we tried which is why I have no experience with OPKs. And Angel thanks for your optimism about being able to get preggers with little problem, unfortunately I am an awful pessimist when it comes to baby making and pregnancy! I think it is as a result of my job where I see A LOT of early pregnancies going wrong. TBH I think it's my way of self preservation, in that if I expect the worst and it happens I will be able to handle it better, which I know is nonsense, but if it all goes well, well then :happydance: silly I know! The difference this time is that I am still breast feeding, which even though my cycle is back and regular, breastfeeding can cause a prolonged fertile phase and short LP. I think my LP is OK now though but my fertile phase has been different. So over the last 2 months I haven't really been able to totally tell my most fertile time as obviously as I could before, so I thought I would try the cheap OPKs. But they are confusing me! I won't go into why, but it's vaguely possible that I got a positive yesterday, which would make sense as I am today CD 16 of a 28 day cycle, but I am not sure :dohh: anyway we are pretty much :sex: every other day or more when I think I am fertile regardless! By the 3rd time at the weekend it really was not fun, even OH was grumbling about it, which is unusual for him!

:hi: to everyone else and :dust: to all those TTC. x
Clio I am not going anywhere either cause although I would LOVE to have an other, realistically we really cannot afford the getting or the raising. So I will still be around too :)
and....even if I do get lucky again, babyandbump was a life-saver in the early days with LO as I have no family around! and at the moment, a very heavy AF so ttc is that last thing on my mind! (and so heavy that I had to use a pad and a tampon - WTF?).....

must go as LO is taking a bath and has decided that screaming is loads of fun! and now, we have a very clean little boy running around...wheeeee!

Hi everyone,

Charlie: I laughed about your comment on BD by the third time and complaining about it :haha:!!! Ah, this ttc thing is just so romantic isn't it :dohh:!!!
Hope is all worth it for you this month:). And I hated OPKs too!! Very complicated!! I stopped using them after 3 months of trying. Them I just went with tempeture measurement and hoping that Clomid would work that month :thumbup:.

Angel: it was good to hear from you:). And I know it might not be cute to you but it is for us that Dom and seb are competing for your attention:). I think that is totally normal. Wait until they become chatter boxes and them they will try to talk over each other and scream for the other one to stop so they can have your attention :haha:! That is coming, just wait:). That is one of the things about having a sibling is. Sometimes we love each other and sometimes we can't stand looking at each other :haha:. I think I told you that glen hated his sister growing up ( probably because she got all the attention because she was the only girl). One time when they were kids she stepped out of the car and he said to his aunt and he couldn't stand the air the breathed :dohh:! That is pure hate sister :dohh:!! Just now that they are older is that they can get along better.
Lets just hope Dom and seb will not get to that extreme even though it turned out fine:).
And yes thiago is still my Velcro toddler. He doesn't leave me alone for more than 5 min :dohh:. My back is actually suffering from it. I am really considering going to see a chiropractor because it has been bothering me more frequently now. I know I shouldn't be dancing with him on one side of my hip but he loves how momma dances with him :haha:. I can't say no to that :haha:. Seb sound just like thiago. We should get these boys together one day:).
And when I came to the US I baby sit for this family and she had one little girl that was the best eater ever! Since she was like 9 months she would eat salad. Actually she would eat anything her mother would eat. Then after a while I left to come to Houston and she got pregnant again and had a little boy. The other day I saw a picture of her son ( now 10) and she mentioned how excited she was to see him eating a salad for the first time :dohh:!! I asked her if he was a picky eater since her daughter was a great eater and she said yes, that he has always been a picky eater since he was a baby. Same family same food, one good eater and one picky. Oh well...
And are you moving? To the suburbs? I bet you are going to miss the wonderful city life. I did when I moved here. But you get used to and you will love how wonderful it is to have space to put your stuff around:).

Claire: sorry to hear about your car:(. I hate when that happens too! :growlmad:. Is your mom out of the hospital finally? Poor thing:(. I love the pics of Lucy on fb:).

Clio: I am not planning on ttc at the moment at all :haha:. First we have a lot of debt after a whole year of no money and second I am not ready. But whenever people ask me when the next one is coming and I say "I not know if I will have a second one", people always tell me " oh, you need to give him a little brother or sister :dohh:! He will be lonely if he doesn't have a sibling!". Than I feel bad and think that maybe we should think of another one next year. Why people always have advices? :shrug:
I can't wait for when thiago will be talking more like j and Lydia is:). There responses are just so cute:). I love it!
And I am with Charlie, 10 pounds sounds lovely!! I have been meaning to lose 10 pounds in more than one year but nothing. But it doesn't help that I have multiple servings of chocolate every day :dohh:!! I know exactly what I am doing wrong. :winkwink:

Storm: :happydance: for V day:)!!! I love all the names you picked:). Specially Layla :thumbup:! And I think it is cute if you name your baby girl with another name that starts with L:). Nothing wrong with that:).
And :happydance: for movers!!! The money is all worth it!! Are you moving during the holidays? Is L going to sleep in your old room?
And your dad's birthday looked wonderful! I would loved to have a piece of that chocolate cake that by the way looked awesome!!!

Kosh, Leeze, kitty and Sabrina :hugs:.

As it for us thiago has now decided that 2:30am is a good time to start spelling the alphabet :dohh:!! I am not sure what if happening but I wake up pretty much most nights to him saying letters :dohh:!!! At least yesterday he was back asleep after 20 min. But sometimes he stays up for 1 hour or more. But I just turn off the sound in the monitor and try to go back to sleep. Very strange!
Oh, and I forgot to mention to Clio and angel that one of thiago's first words was Ellie too :haha:!! He now enjoys pocoyo ( still), super why? ( love that show), leap frog ( amazing alphabet, phonics farm and I am trying to make him like number land :haha:) and he is starting to demonstrate some kind of interest in caillou and daniel's tiger neighborhood. At least some variety for us :thumbup:. He still likes his books but I think he is getting sick of the same ones so I will ask for more books for Christmas. And my dad is bring some Brazilian books when he comes now in November :happydance:.
The weather is beautiful here!! We have been going to lots of bike rides and the park.

:hugs:to all:).
Quick one, Borboleta you DO NOT have to give T a sibling! Having another is a totally personal decision between you and DH, T will be fine no matter what. People are full of unwanted advice and just for the record the next person to say I have to have a 3rd to try for a boy gets a punch in the face :)

L wont be in my old room as my old room is the only bedroom to the left of the stairs and I'd rather have her closer, that and there are 2 steps down into my old room which she has ready fallen down :doh:

Oh Charlie I did laugh at the DTD chore, the month I conceived this baby we didn't DTD on ov day at all, dh wasn't up for it and lets be honest us woman can put up with it but the men have to put out!

3 hours til V day.. woo hoo... L is sleeping, DH is at work and my big fat butt is going to bed soon...

Oh and tantrums tonight included full scale meltdown as we wouldn't let her take the tv remote to the bath... *sigh*

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