any other over 35 first time mums?

Hi everyone!

Ha ha 2 naps - no chance of that, we are most definately on one a day and sometimes that is a fight, Miss L usually naps for 30-40 minutes in nursery - that is all - she is up before 7, goes to bed about 8 where we get various nighttime hilarities and still only sleeps for 30-40 minutes so all in all less than 12 hours of sleep a day, sometimes maybe 10 1/2 in total - where is the sleeper I ordered??? She certainly doesn't take after me, I love my sleep!

Oh Kitty, SK, Charlie and Leeze all TTC - how exciting! I on the other hand am 23 weeks today - utterly HUGE (next person to comment and ask am I sure is there only 1 is going to get a punch in the face) and already finding it hard to bend and left L.... 17 weeks to go - does that mean I'm actually going to explode before the end??? Still haven't got a name although now DH thinks the name his mum was going to use may have been Julie not Julia so I need to find out...

In other news my dad is 70 on Sunday! Wow how did that happen? So we are having a family lunch out (too many kids for dinner) and then cake at my eldest brothers - naturally I have had to sort the cake.... I will post pics on FB if it all turns out ok - I may even post a few huge bump photos - hehe - maybe not.

Ok better go - lots to do and little time - hope you are all having a good day!
Hi ladies,

Yeah for all the ladies TTC!! I hope you all get BFPs soon:). I guess just me, kosh, Clio, Claire and angel are not part of the group :haha:. And I am not sure I will be :haha:. Time will tell. :thumbup:

Clio: j sounds a little like thiago when he got this stuffed animal chicken ( he loves the show on DVD) but holds me for his dear life whenever I try to play with the chicken to see if he warms up to it :haha:! And I still don't know how do you manage the day with a toddler and no nap :dohh:!

Charlie: what vitamin do you give S? We give the toddler's flinstones. It is always the first thing he puts it in his mouth when I serve him breakfast:).

Thiago woke up at 5:20am yesterday :wacko:!!! I managed to give him one nap. Today he went back to his 6:30am which I gladly appreciated!!! He was so tired around 10:30am but I was able to hold him off till 12:30pm when he felt asslep in the car and I drove like a maniac so I could put him in his bed :haha:! Hope he will take a 2 to 3 hour nap. His teeth have been bothering him a lot too.
And some of you might have seen the picture on Facebook of him and the stop sign. I couldn't believe that we found one at toys r us!! He is in love with it :haha:!! Carries around the house like it is his most precious thing :kiss:! I know ... A stop sign!!! Kids :wacko:
well, went to the doctors today to make sure LO was recovering from a chesty cold (he is), but I have a chest infection and got some anti-biotics (for me, a big deal, as I only have had maybe 5-6 times in my life), but now have an upset tummy (not sure whether it is the antibiotics or the cough syrup so am trying very hard not to cough too much (if you know what I mean?)....

and we're not ttcing this month as I have this terrible cold/cough as hardly romantic!

LO is definitely down to one nap a day and he does about 1-2hours in creche around 12-2, so no break for me anymore...sigh.

hugs to all

ps. clio - I'm not sure you would have liked me back in 1994, I was pretty stuck-up (but very insecure as well)....I think I've mellowed alot....I hope!
i'm here! :hi: just no time to write a 'proper' post!

:hugs: to all
Thanks for all the good wishes for ttc! And Yes, Charlie, I'd love to be ttc buddies!!! <3

Well, don't want to celebrate too soon, but we've had 2 good days of eating from Blake. He's had peas twice and only one teeny tiny puke- yay! Broke down and bought jars of baby food, and he liked it. I think what I made was a bit too lumpy? Maybe too hard on his tummy? He did good today, even had his first smile while eating!

SK - hope you both feel better soon :hugs:

Storm - happy 23 weeks! My dad turned 70 earlier this year, too. Felt kind of weird, especially as my mom was really rubbing it in (although she's only 2 years younger) with lots of 70 signs and stuff.

Borboleta - I'm off to check out your pics on fb!

Hugs to everyone, time to get the stinky off B, bath time!
I am here too but also no time to write. But yay for Blake and eating and happy 23 weeks Storm. Sabrina I hope you shake that nasty cough soon and FX to all you ttc ladies. :) Clio I love the new pic of J in your siggy! Cutie! Borboleta T is too cute with the Stop sign! Loved the pic on FB!
Got to go, do bottles, clean the sitting room and then get back to painting. Oh and just quickly, ty for the suggestion of leaving food around. It is a good idea really but it made me grin too cause you don't know my round Domdom! He is a hoover! (vacuum) It would not lie there long enough for Sebastian to eat any! ;) xxx
I'm here too, hello ladies!

Kitty yey for Blake eating some food :thumbup: am still looking for my mojo, need to do some serious :sex: this week, the things you have to do :haha: well that's what it feels like at the moment!

I had better go as Sophia it seems it not going to go to sleep tonight :shrug:

Will write more later x
Evening all, I'm wrecked, Dh is working tonight and has 4 shifts in 5 days as he needed Sunday off for my dads birthday. That leaves me on L duty before and after work and little cheeky face thinks she is hilarious running away and not getting dressed etc! I'm big and slower than usual so that can be fun!

Oh Charlie lots of energy required from you this week.. romantic isn't it? Sk I hope you feel better soon so you too can get back to the TTC! Leeze and Kitty I'm sorry but I'm lost in your cycles!

Angel I think L is a D, shes a little Hoover at times.. no leaving food round our house or the dog eats it!

I'm off to sleep and hoping L stays asleep!
I'm here too! Lol
Just mega busy with Lucy and my mum.
Looks like mum will be coming home on sat, but she will still need lots if looking after as she won't be able to do much for a while.:wacko:
Hugs to all
Clairey thats great that your mum might be getting home on Saturday! I'm sure it will be a slow recovery but excellent news that she is hopefully getting out.

Usual night for us last night - I had the pleasure of dragging my sorry butt out of bed 4 times in the middle of the night to attend to her ladyships needs - Dh was at work so as a result I'm in my usual state of shatteredness whereas Miss L was running around like a lunatic this am after she had a nice little snooze in mummys bed while I got showered and dressed - shes a laugh she is...

Its lunchtime, its roasting in the office and I have my own internal heating going on so I'm not a happy bunny.

Hope everyone and your LOs are doing well this fine Thursday :)
not much here -- still sounding like I smoke 40+ a day (I don't!), but at least, I am sleeping somewhat better -- I went to bed about 7pm last night (got up around 9, though!), so hopefully on the mend.'s a little strange, but both OH and I have realised that LO is starting to look like a little boy instead of a baby (losing a little baby fat in his face?) and feeling soooooooo old -- will try to post pics!

hugs and bye!
Here too - lurking - feeling cashed & not sure when I can recharge & relax...

:hi: & :hugs:
Hi everyone,

Sabrina: hope you are almost done with your cold :thumbup:. That is the only bad thing about this time of the year:).
And so understand what you are saying about LO looking older. I have a picture of thiago in my desk at the studio that OH took of him when he was 3 months and he looks so different. No more baby fat:(. Oh well, he is still his handsome little man:).

Storm: I don't know how you do it with your OH at work during the night, pregnant and with L :haha:. I hope we can see you here once in a while after the baby is born :thumbup:.

Claire: glad to hear that your mom is coming home :happydance:!!!

Angel: don't forget to post a picture of your painting :winkwink:.
And I love the Facebook video of the boys!!! When you talk about Dom and how he eats everything in front of him and that you cannot leave food for seb without having Dom eating it reminds me of my SIL dogs :haha:. She has a malti poo and Bijon/ poo ( probably writing it all wrong sorry :haha:!) but anyways the Bella ( the malti poo) is little but she is eats all her food and duke's ( the Bijon three times as big as her) food. She is a round little thing and duke is all skinny :dohh:!! I don't know why but I think of the dogs when you mentioned the boys :haha:. I wish thiago was more like Dom:).

Kitty: that is wonderful that Blake is holding on to his food now. Maybe is like you said his tummy just needed to get adjusted to it. I used to make thiago's food too. :thumbup:.

Thiago has been taking some pretty good naps the past couple of days:). Yesterday was 3 1/ 2 hours and today it's been 3 hours and I think I am just now hearing him moving:). I just wished he would sleep till 7:30am in the morning. I am not sure what I am going to do when the time changes here. He is like on the clock 6:30am which will be 5:30am when the time changes :wacko:!!! Today we went to see a Brazilian friend that has two little kids ( one boy - 4 years old and a girl - 19 months) and I was pleased to see thiago interacting with them a little more. He is was more interested on the boy cause he is crazy :haha:, but what 4 year old is not :dohh:. She is actually an older mommy too. She had her first with 39 and them got pregnant with 43. She said that both times she got pregnant in less than 2 months after stopping the pill. So I told her maybe I can wait 3 more years and thiago will be almost 5 by then :haha:!
Hope all you ladies are doing well:). :hugs:
hi ladies. I'm mostly lurking too at the moment. Seem to have more on than usual and no time to do anything!

Borboleta - thats great you got to hang out with a lovely older mum friend and her kids. Kia loves the older kids too. We went out this morning with 2 of the mums from nursery and their daughters. both a an similar age to Kia. both the mums are over 35 too! it feels nice to be making some friends in the local area.

Storm, I'm on CD20 and still no O. hopefully in next few days. I really feel for you being pregnant and having to cope with all that nighttime activity. big hugs x

will try catch up more soon XX
well...the cold is gone, but the cough remains - GROWL! I've had to use my asthma inhaler for the first time in almost two years, so am getting very tired of this! The worst part is when I do start coughing and LO decides that hitting mummy in the face is what I need at that moment....sigh!

Finn is now almost a little boy, sob....but fortunately, he still loves his cuddles! He has decided his newest game is to throw everything over the side of the stair gate and then start crying until mummy goes, collects and brings them all back again and guess what he starts all over again? oh, well - at least, he's amused. Yesterday, we had a good ten minute temper tantrum over....well, I have no idea, but I think it had something to do with...?

hope all are well and hugs!

Ah SK I know what you mean - L is most certainly not a baby anymore - shes a wilful little toddler and she too has lost a lot of her baby features - sometimes I look at her and just think 'Wow you are getting big!' I hope the cold eases off and you feel better soon, I'm using my asthma inhalers at the minute as I really don't want an asthma attack whilst pregnant even though they are pretty infrequent.

Oh Leeze hopefully you will get a positive OPK soon! As for the being pregnant and having a toddler or little person, its not that bad - even with the nighttime wakenings - I think having L distracts me from a lot of the unpleasant side effects of pregnancy and tbh I had horrendous round ligament pain and pelvic pain with L but I seem to be mostly avoiding that this time? I can only assume that its cause its all been stretched before? The MS was worse than with L but this time I did get the cyclizine which was really helpful! This pregnancy is going so fast compared to with L - I think I was so worried with L and it was all so new, this time I have a much better idea of whats happening and I have my gorgeous funny if somewhat trying little girl to keep me distracted :)

Talking of my pregnancy (again - sorry ladies) DH felt the new baby for the first time last week - she gave him a right good kicking - it was nice.

2 days until my dads 70th - I can't believe he is 70! My mum would have been 70 in June past and I often think about the celebrations we would have had if she had been alive - these days the celebrations are much more low key, I guess my dad probably doesn't feel like he has much to celebrate. Hes away at a conference at the moment with his 'work' (voluntary) so I hope he has a nice time. I often wish he would find a nice lady to keep him company - but I'm not sure he has any interest, but hey who knows - preferably a nice lady 60 plus who loves children, I couldn't handle someone that didn't like L. Anyway that's just in my head, I'm not sure it would ever happen!

Kitty that's good about Blake, I fed L a mixture of jars and homemade - there was more than one occasion that I stood crying as she refused to eat what I had spent ages cooking and in my sleep deprived state I didn't cope well at all. I just mixed jars and home made! Its all home made now mind you - she would just look at me if I tried to feed her any of those toddler meals you can buy, but by saying homemade its usually just what we are having with the odd potato smiley face, eggs and chicken strip thrown in :) I was that parent who was NEVER going to feed their child junk food HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAH that so didn't work out for us... I am weak! But she seems healthy enough and she does get a wide and varied diet, especially as all nurserys meals are home cooked on site and they don't usually give them much sweet food. Since we have lifted her lactose ban in nursery though she has had 2 small pieces of birthday cake apparently :) The first bit she stuffed in her mouth and ate in one go and they thought she had dropped it until they noticed a little chocolate escaping from her mouth - what can I say the kid doesn't get much cake!

Ok this is like war and peace so I shall stop... for now....
Claire great to hear that your mum is being discharged tomorrow. I hope it all goes smoothly. Is she staying with you?

SK, boo to the cold and wheezy chest. I hear you about been hit in the face, it is one of Sophias more irritating traits, well I find it irritating anyway. Hope your chest gets back to normals soon. Any more job apps? Any news?

Borboleta, I love meeting other older mums! The lady you mentioned gives me hope! I was 39 with Sophia, well she arrived 17 days before my 40th! So I turn 41 next month, sob sob! Great news about T with the good one nap, nice to find a routine that works isn't it?

Leeze, hope you get an positive OPK soon. I am using them for the first time this month. I only have the cheap ones. Are they really accurate? And how many times a day do you test? Once or twice? I have been testing once, but figure if you can ovulate from 12 hours after, couldn't you miss it? Tbh I am trying to just stick to regular DTD and hoping it happens!

I have now started thinking about Sophias 1st birthday, in 3 weeks! I know apart from Blake and Sophia all your LO's are a far bit older, but my god 1 years goes by fast! She is definitely wearing me out more and more! I have found her half way out the cat flap! Trying to climb onto the shelves in her room ( above the bed!) I took her to the park yesterday and she loved the mini slide and decided to try it head first! Needless to sAy, we went to the swings after that! Naps are hit and miss still. She adores Charlie, poor Charlie though, it's hard for an old lady! We Are getting closer to been able to read to her now which is wonderful! Today we were reading that's not my kitten book and for the 1st time she clocked that the picture were a cat, like Charlie! Yey yey!

As some of you may have seen on my Facebook, we went to play groups for the first time yesterday! It will take some getting use to! It's hard as Sophia is too old for some of the babies toys but too little for the toddler bikes and trikes etc. However I was pretty peeved with 2 of the mums who took toys from Sophia, one for another baby, a similar age, she just gathered all the toys in front of Sophia and put them in front of her daughter! I was pretty surprised, she didn't seem to even notice that Sophia was playing with them! So we moved and Sophia saw a dolly pram which she wanted to play with, so we went to have a look at that, Sophia was holding it and rolling it back and forth. Then this girl, about 2' started crying and her mum picked her up and bought her to where we were, put this little girl in front of us, she was still crying and wanted what Sophia was playing with, fair enough, totally normal for a 2 year old, but then the mum put her hand on the pram while Sophia had it and said do you mind if my daughter has this and took it, leaving Sophia crying! I was, again surprised! Normally I am pretty outspoken, but I think I was quite taken aback that I just sat there like a donut! Next time I will be prepared! But seriously play groups seem like crazy places and like I said, it's not the kids!

Anyway, need to get Sophia up from her very late nap!

Before I go, storm, I hope your dad has a lovely birthday. I know how you feel, it was my mums last week and it's easy to think when they are alone that there's not much for them to celebrate but look at the wonderful family he has and another one the way :)
loads of temper tantrums today, some of them LO's--

reaons why my LO is crying (a take on the 'reasons my son is crying'):

1. I wouldn't let him take the lid off the sippy cup (to spill it everywhere)
2. I put the plastic rain cover on the stroller (it was pouring rain)
3. The cat looked at him funny

um...I will think of more, but let us just say that it hasn't been a fun day...well, for LO, yes, but perhaps not so much for me!

re: applications (a lengthy process but have made the first stage of short-listing for one or two)....

Hi everyone,

Sabrina: don't you love those days when they are having a bad day :growlmad:!! I normally think it is teething ( we will see my excuse once the last molars come thru :haha:) and I give him Advil, or he is hungry or he is tired. And I love the story about Finn throwing stuff down the stairs :dohh:!! Thiago loves to throw food off his high chair:growlmad:!! We kept telling him to leave the food on his tray but he keeps doing it :growlmad:!! Them I just grab the food and pile them u p in the corner of his tray so it is harder for him to reach it and than he grabs something from the pile an eats it :dohh:!! Kids :nope:!!!

Charlie: I couldn't believe your story about the playgroup :growlmad:!!! Sounded awful!!! I think my reaction would be the same as yours. Can you find another playgroup?

Storm: maybe I said this already but it took 7 years afte my mom passed away for my dad to start dating. He is 72 and dates a lady that is probably 75. They have been together for a while now. She is coming with him to visit in the beginning of November. She is really nice:). Hope your dad will find someone although it might be a bit soon for him :shrug:.

And thiago woke up today at 4:30am :wacko:!!! I couldn't believe it so I just turned off the monitor and tried to go back to sleep. He was not crying just woke up and was playing with his pacis and pocoyo in his bed. After over 1 hour he finally went back to sleep but woke up at 7 am again. I felt bad and decided to go see him and see what was happening. Discovered he had a wet pajamas from peeing too much and a poopy diaper :dohh:!! Poor thing, no one came to his rescue at 4:30am to clean him up :dohh:!! Bad mother award to me today :dohh:!!

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