any other over 35 first time mums?

Welcome to my super-long, totally behind, post. First:

Thanks everyone for the suggestions!

Leeze, I hadn’t even thought of play doh! And Indigo, your suggestions about drawing made me think about painting (IKEA has that easel...) Thank you! Sadly, Angel, he had MegaBloks, but I just gave them to charity because he never played with them (I did a culling of his toys). And Borboleta, the Leap Frog DVDs just arrived! When do you let T watch them? Can they replace the before-dinner Pocoyo? And Storm, J loves that car and the pram and the dolly, which are at Grandma's and Oma's houses. I don't know if I should "double up" on toys he can play with elsewhere. Agghhh! Why does this have to be so hard? And I'm also tired of spending money on things he doesn't use.:nope:

And Storm, what is a Gruffalo bake set? Do you make little mice cookies and then comment "and the mouse looked good"?

OH just came back from the second hand store and bought J a kid's table and matching chairs, a Vtech "computer," and a toy truck. As you can see, he loves his new "desk" and his own computer!

Re: TV--can't remember who asked. We use TV purely as a means of survival for the half hour before dinner. Because he takes his only nap at nine in the morning, and he honestly doesn't stop moving for the rest of the day, by the end, Pocoyo is our saviour. He will watch up to half an hour, but I don't really care. OH and I have come to realize that so many of J's funny idioms come from Pocoyo! So, if it's teaching him language, I have no trouble with it. Anyway, my parents cut me off completely from TV until I was in my teens, and I am now addicted to it. OH had unlimited access his entire life, and watches almost nothing now, so I think it's up to the personality of the child.

Oh, Indigo, I just read your post about the TV and language study. I've decided not to look into it, because I will suddenly become afraid that I've damaged J somehow. Ignorance. That's what I want in this situation. Ignorance.

Borboleta--I thought you'd get a kick out of this! J was pushing one of his new toddler chairs around, and saying "Going to Pato's!" and then "Going to Ellie's!" Then, finally, "Going to Sleepy Bird in the Vamoosh!" :cloud9: And this morning he was making Pato a cake to bring to him in the Vamoosh. The cake was a box full of diaper wipes. :cloud9:

Oh, and this morning, I couldn’t help but pop the letter DVD in. We only watched up to letter J, I think, but immediately afterwards, J started to sing the alphabet up to D! Good call, Borboleta!

Indigo--do you have the Plan Toys drum? It's wonderful; it allows you to do chords and to play melodies because of how it's constructed. Do you have other Plan Toys that you think J might like?

I would love to take J outside, but sadly, winter is already here for us. :cry: It snowed for two days a few days ago, and although it melted, we've only got a few days left of good-ish weather. And no one plays outside in the winter here. Though, who knows; I've never lived in a neighbourhood full of so many children. Maybe they will defy the elements.

Oh, and Charlie's Sophia is J's intended, so hands off my future daughter-in-law!

Charlie--speaking of J's intended, I loved your description of little S! She sounds like such a delight! Oh my--I just looked at her age! Her birthday is so incredibly soon! How are you feeling about that? Are you throwing her a party?

I hadn’t thought about a fort. Thanks!

Thank you for the reassurance re: J and his inability to sit in a circle. And about the playgroups, I went to a few and didn't like them either. To be frank, I have nothing in common with the other mothers, as well, and I can’t talk anyway when J is constantly on the move and often out of sight. I'm going to try and do some research about this age group and socialization. I think we're being pressured too much at far too early an age to do these group things. What's the age again that LOs begin to even acknowledge other children? Can anyone remember?

And what kind of competitive things do the mothers talk about? You should tell them that it all evens out by the age of three. And then tell them that your baby is almost fluent in Swahili and can already fly (jet fighters, that is. Real flying is just silly).

Storm--Wow! That is a lot of Christmas presents! From stingy ol' us, J'll only receive one or two gifts, and the rest will come from both sides of his extended family. I figure he won't know. Luckily Oma goes absolutely NUTS when it comes to gifts for her grandchildren.

And poor you with your bump and limpet! You, and Rowan before you, deserve medals! I couldn't do what you're doing, and you're among the busiest of us all! When does your mat leave begin?

And I can totally sympathize re: the incessant talking! "Whads Dat???" drives me round the bend, especially because J knows exactly "whad dat" is. :wacko: And saying, "you tell me" all the time is exhausting, too. Books are such a chore now, because he just wants me to identify all the objects in the pictures, not read the story to him.

Any more news on the moving truck problem? That always falls to me, too. And there are always problems, aren't there! :hugs:

SK--Do I ever relate to you right now! As you might remember, J was a nightmare when I worked at home. And now we have a Day House. Oh, a nanny. That's very posh! :wink wink: I wish I had had one!

And I'm impressed by your determination! Look at you go! You will get a position in no time. I wish I still lived in TO (okay, I always wish for this), because if you get the job, we could at least meet up in person when I visit home. J and F could meet!

Kitty--Good luck on the 2WW! How many sleeps until you can test? :dust: for you!

And thanks for your reassurance regarding being an only child! Charlie reported the same experience. I also disliked my sister growing up, and still do. I think I liked her for a year or two during our twenties.

Yay for Blake with the food, but boo for the tooth! Poor thing. But that's fantastic about his standing! Is he cruising yet? I know what you mean about learning so fast; it is truly shocking. As in, I once walked into J's room, and he was standing up in his crib, and I was shocked beyond words!

Claire--I'm so glad your mother's on the mend! When do her staples come out?

AFM—So the mj license is a no go. The substance abuse doctor at the pain clinic interviewed me (a pre-requisite), and she said that she couldn’t prescribe me the mj because of the Bipolar I psychosis I had when really sick in my 20s. They think it’ll happen again, so I’m automatically off the list. So legally, I’m still a criminal, but she said she doesn't judge me. Well, thank you, substance abuse person. But she did run some cognitive and memory tests on me, and this pothead scored in the 98th percentile. So there you go, substance abuse person!

Oh, and I just bought J some PlayDoh, which OH is considering vetoing because it contains wheat. Good thing I kept the receipt.

Okay, I am now posting this behemouth, even though I’m certain it’s out of date, and incomplete!
Ahem. So, it turns out that my post is around 4 pages behind (it's a response up to pg. 521...). I've got to keep on top of things!!!
sorry, kosh -- I tried to download on BnB, but it said the pictures were too big (I will try to figure out how to make 'smaller')....and I made the costume from a Simplicity pattern.....

not much here - still having dental problems with a filling from a month ago and the dentist is off next week...growl

LO is currently screaming because....?

Hi- need to read the latest page, but just wanted to let SK know it was me asking to be friends on FB...I'm Jaime. Wanted to see how cute Finn is!!!

If anyone else wants to add me, I'm Jaime (pic of my Tabitha kitty)...not sure if the link will work?
Love the pic of G Kosh, yes beautiful big eyes!

Yes i think i agree Clio, J as a future son in law, he is really rather gorgeous!

So in keeping with the theme here's my photo of Sophia taken today with her new shoes on, not my favourite photo...more to come from her birthday next week!

sophias new shoes.jpg
Clio - that's a shame if you have to take the play-doh back. Could he play with it under supervision? Kia mostly likes to get us to roll it into little balls and throw it across the room. Or use the play-doh scissors to "cut" big pieces up! Which involves pushing the scissors with both hands until it tears apart - I think mainly its because scissors are so forbidden otherwise!

Angel - what lovely photos! They look so cute together. how lovely that they've always got a little playmate in each other. Glad to hear Kia isn't the only one who dislikes Mr Tumble. I think its because he looks a bit like a clown. She doesn't seem to like clowns much

AF got me yesterday so I'm out for this month.

Indigo and Kosh - your 2 are adorable too! I may be biased but I do think the LOs on this thread are particularly cute!

Hugs all, sorry for short post again. parents coming to visit this evening and lots to do XX
Evening ladies just a quick one, lovely to see all the photos. It's such a hassle uploading them for here I'm the fb queen!

L was hilarious this am trashing the house, I felt so bad leaving her to nursery but I had so much to do, nearly killed me too! So I went to pick her up at 3.30 and she didn't want to come home! The tweenies (4 girls) were all sitting on the floor about to watch Charlie and Lola, they only get about 15 mins of tv a day and this was obviously a big excitement and I interrupted lol. Eventually got her out, the girl was saying she's a laugh and at nap time insistented on having her hand and arm tickled to go to sleep... Monkey! Anyway we went to my brothers and she had a lovely time with her cousins and,their dog (our dog was with us too) so we got home late and I'm wrecked.

No update on the Julia yet Angel.. names are currently on hold :)

Sorry af put in appearance Leeze, fingers crossed for next month!

Oh and I totally agree we all have thee most gorgeous children!

Clio of dh isn't keen on the playdo can I make some gluten free yourself, I don't know how it would work but it might?

Hmm I'm off to google how to male play dough... Then sleep...

There you go clio. :)
I just love Sophia's shoes! :thumbup: Is that a merry-go-round I see in the background? Ok, so maybe I have it wrong, but I have yet to see a merry-go-round here (US). What happened to them? :shrug:

Clio...I very much doubt that Mr. J has been damaged by 20 minutes of TV watching/day. We all know that J is verbally advanced, so no worries...The study simply found that the amount of vocalization & interaction is reduced when the television is on, even as 'background noise'. The study measured adult word counts, vocalizations of the child & interactions when a child vocalizes & an adult responds verbally. Each hour of television exposure = a decrease of 770 words the child heard from an adult. Anyway, I didn't mean to get anyone concerned :nope: & I don't think anyone here would plop their kid in front of the TV for hours & our decision to not allow TV was not entirely based on the study.

Is this the drum J has? N doesn't have it. Or is it this one?

Anyway, I don't think N has a favorite Plan toy. I want to say it's this... I call it his lawn mower. But, it may just be that I'm annoyed by the sound so much that it seems like he's always playing w it.

BTW, do you ladies always adhere to the recommended age range for toys? Sometimes, I just don't get it.
I'm out this month too, AF arrived and a day early.

Yes it is a merry go round indigo! It's a cute little park literally over the road from me, so we go there a lot! In actual fact, this is the only reason I got those shoes as Sophia cruises around playground, normally in socks, but November in London... I think someone would report me! I was going to wait until she was walking well, but I love taking her over there to explore, so shoes it is! We also have a drum, a hape one, sophia loves it! I don't totally go with age recommendations tbh. I think a lot of toys say 3 as they have chocking hazards, but are ok if you are there supervising. I think it depends if what your child is ready for and what they like. Sophia's favourite things, in order are, Charlie the cat, dogs, any dog! Balls and books ( about cats, dogs and balls though! )

Clio, I kind of agree that we are pressurised into getting our LO's socialised when it's not necessarily to their benefit. I think it stems from the age of working and child care myself. I don't see anything wrong with it either mind and am happy to take Sophia to play groups and Gymboree again so she gets use to been around other babies. With socialising I don't think really starts until 3. I remembers watching a wonderful documentary about child development and recall 3 been the age where children learn to play together in a meaningful way and learn about sharing and considering others. I have also read pretty much the same in the sears book I am reading.

Anyway must go Sophia is up.

Have a lovey weekend ladies x
I'm out this month too, AF arrived and a day early.

Yes it is a merry go round indigo! It's a cute little park literally over the road from me, so we go there a lot! In actual fact, this is the only reason I got those shoes as Sophia cruises around playground, normally in socks, but November in London... I think someone would report me! I was going to wait until she was walking well, but I love taking her over there to explore, so shoes it is! We also have a drum, a hape one, sophia loves it! I don't totally go with age recommendations tbh. I think a lot of toys say 3 as they have chocking hazards, but are ok if you are there supervising. I think it depends if what your child is ready for and what they like. Sophia's favourite things, in order are, Charlie the cat, dogs, any dog! Balls and books ( about cats, dogs and balls though! )

Clio, I kind of agree that we are pressurised into getting our LO's socialised when it's not necessarily to their benefit. I think it stems from the age of working and child care myself. I don't see anything wrong with it either mind and am happy to take Sophia to play groups and Gymboree again so she gets use to been around other babies. With socialising I don't think really starts until 3. I remembers watching a wonderful documentary about child development and recall 3 been the age where children learn to play together in a meaningful way and learn about sharing and considering others. I have also read pretty much the same in the sears book I am reading.

Anyway must go Sophia is up.

Have a lovey weekend ladies x
Well who do you think woke mummy at 5:30 and wouldn't let me do more than doze for a few minutes here and there for an hour more and now has dropped off again at 7ish. :growlmad:! Well at least this gives me a few minutes to post here.

Claire how are you? Were you able to catch up on any sleep yet? And how is your mum doing? I hope she is going from strength to strength!

Kitty I know what you mean with spending way too much on pee sticks! I did too! But mostly it was ovulation sticks for me, the pregnancy ones I only used once a month roughly as I just assumed it would be either positive or negative. I didn't know anything about testing too early and getting a negative when it was really positive. I wasn't on any forum back then ;)
So I am crossing my fingers for you.
I hope Blake is feeling a bit better with his teeth? Poor little thing!

Kosh I do understand a tiny bit of Spanish but really not very much and I don't speak it at all. In did know that ojos is eyes but I hadn't noticed the title of your picture. Gaël is gorgeous! Has his wrist completely recovered btw? How long did he have the cast in all?

Clio I am so sorry about the MJ and the risks. Seems you are so stck between a rock and a hard place. I would hate for you to experience the same thing again as you did in your 20s. Do you think the chances are really that high? And how are you anyway? Is your hip bearable? And your state of mind? I hope things are better with J going to the day house?
Love J's piccie at his desk! So cute!
And for us too tv is a means of survival. If it weren't for Pocoyo I would never be able to leave the room at all (unless OH is there). But if he isn't and I stick Pocoyo on then I can manage to make food for them and wow go to the loo without the wailing at the gate. And sometimes admittedly even with OH here we do put it on in order to escape and have a tea/coffee in peace. We cannot consume drinks in front of Dominic unless we want to share. And with share I mean let him have it.
I think my boys started to acknowledge each other at a few months old but never at the same time. It was weird how they could ignore each other's overtures. I have a video of them being very small, maybe 3 months old, and Dominic smiling and cooing at Sebastian and Sebastian looking every where but not at him. Odd that. They started playing together once they were a bit more mobile I guess. So at around 6 or 7 months but it was even then just a matter of taking away each other's toys mostly.
Btw Dominic also does the What's that. Although of course he doesn't have the words. But we have a book with lots of images and he points to them and wants us to tell us what it is called. And he does it so often that I am sure he knows exactly what it is. But possibly he doesn't know. For example there is a picture of a park bench and though I told him a million times that is a bench, he might not actually know what a bench is. Like I am not totally sure that he knows what a dog is. We see them in the park but he is not interested. But if we see a cat he screams with joy either "Ca! Ca!" or "Kiggy!" He has recently learnt that cat and kitty is the same. But he has problems with "t" sounds. I wonder if that is cause of his gap between his front teeth? Hm.

Sabrina I am so impressed that you made Finns costume yourself! Awesome! I don't know how you find the time with work and applications etc!

Charlie that is a cute pic of Sophia! Look at her standing so well! :D
I really should let my boys out in their shoes too! I am always worried that they will start crawling in the mud instead of walking lol But the next sunny-ish dry-ish day will see at least Dominic walk around the play area in the park :)

Leeze sorry AF got you but I will be crossing my fingers again for you for next month :)
And like Kia I also don't like clowns. I never found them funny. And, I know this is totally weird but I also mistrust men who pretend to be simple to entertain children. I find it creepy.
I downloaded the book you recommended on FB. Haven't had time yet to look at it but since it was free I was in there super quick lol. Thank you for sharing :)
Hope you have a lovely time with your parents :)

Indigo we mostly look at toys from the viewpoint, would it hurt if I step on it and can Dominic hit Sebastian with it over the head and if he can how much would it hurt. :( We wanted to get them those wooden puzzles that have those little holding pins to slot them in place as they love them at "busy box time" in gymboree but all the above concerns made us think better not. :( They are from 2 years on and I am hoping by then Dominic will know better than to administer such rough love to his brother.

I think Dominic is waking up again. So just quickly. All is well here and my boys a delight though still hard work. I slept awful last night but when it is my night to sleep I now have discovered something that gives me blissful sleep: Waxy earplugs! I thought my earphones would be enough to drown out OH's snoring and squeking but ahhh what a difference ear plugs make! Blissss! I am SO looking forward to tonight! lol Lately I am not sleeping at all well and I wonder if that is another sign of iron deficiency. Must remember to take my multi vits!
As for my boys, Sebastian is walking all the time now though still slowly and carefully. But he is getting there and we bought him his first pair of shoes too. :cloud9: So cute!
Dominic loves watching the short video clips of him and Sebastian as babies that we have uploaded to the HD of the tv and keeps asking for them. He says beeby rather than baby, so cute though! He also says it when he sees his own reflection in the window or the tv. :)
Sebastian still has no words he says regularly ( except maybe ninnie for banana and dadda for daddy and mumum for mummy) but he does chatter and babble a lot. So I am hoping he is ok but I am not sure. Would you ladies have him tested if he were your child? Do you think I am right in worrying? I know I am asking a lot here for you to advise when this is not your field of expertise but you actually know him in a way, where as if I asked in the toddler section of BnB I'd get a lot of answers from mums who haven't the first clue about my boys. But they are 19 months now... :(
Anyway, just skip that part if you feel uncomfy. I know in the end it is up to me and OH, who btw is sure that Sebastian is perfectly ok and will talk when he is ready. He is probably right, maybe...
Lotsa love and hugs to you all xx
Charlie our posts must have crossed! (or rather I didn't see it when I started writing) I am sorry AF got you :( But will be rooting for you next month. xx
Hi ladies,

Woke up early too angel, but was not thiago's fault :dohh:! Like you sometimes I just can't sleep as well. Maybe is aging :haha:!

Charlie, Kitty and Leeze: sorry for AF. Maybe next month:).

Charlie: love the picture of S with her shoes:). Thiago always were shoes. He had so many of them :dohh:! Actually still does. He has 4 pairs of shoes at the moment for the winter and that is not counting 2 pair of sandals that he can still wear from the summer and I am on the lookout for a black pair to match some of his outfits :haha:. And since he wear shoes from a very young age he doesn't mind wearing them. Now when we get home we go barefoot or now that is getting a little colder he has ( another pair) one of those sleep on leather kind of sleepers.
And I agree with you and think that S with J will be a lovely arranged marriage and their kids .... :kiss:

Angel: I wouldn't worry about seb yet. I have a couple of friends that their kid/ don't say many words either. One they just speak farse with him at home and he just says maybe 4 words and he will be two in December. And believe me he is not autistic either. Very social little guy. And another friend of mine has another boy that is a month older than thiago and they both speak English to him and he doesn't say many words either and he goes to daycare. He does more hand sign.
Maybe see if when he is around 3 if he is not saying many words yet than you might take him to get checked. And I am sure it is hard for you because Dom is saying a lot more so it is hard not to compare :thumbup:. But they are different babies, different personalities so they will develop in different ways too :flower:.
And I absolutely love the picture of them sharing there pacis with each other :kiss:!!! How cute if that!!!! I should have thiago join them and they could share their pacis together:).
Oh, and I talked to another Brazilian mom that her son sucked on paci until he was 3 and she said what made him quit was that she cut a little piece of the paci ( sucking part) every week until one day there was no more sucking motion left on the paci and than her kid didn't want it anymore. I might try that with thiago when we think it is good for him to quit :thumbup:.
And she said that she potty trained him too when he turned 2. Just put the training pants on during the day, and he had accidents, but after a few weeks he got used to the potty. She said pee was harder than poo but as soon as he started wetting himself she would grab him and put him in the potty. I might try that too when thiago turns 2. Not looking forward to it but it would be so nice to be out of diapers :thumbup:.

Clio: glad to hear you liked leap frog. Isn't it great! They hammer you with the letters and the numbers too! I totally recommend!
So sorry to of hear you were not able to be accepted to get MJ as medicine :nope:.
Let us know how your toy search goes cause we sure can use some ideas down here too:).
How is your dad?

Indigo: love the pic of N for Halloween:). Where do you live here in the states? I am in Houston Texas. And we don't follow age appropriate toys either.

Sabrina: again, you might have a good second job on your hands with your lovely sewing :thumbup: skills:). And I love Finn's cheeks:). :kiss:.
And yes please go see if you can give me a full report on our lovely daughter in law Lydia:). I am sure her little sister will be as delightful to Finn as Lydia will be to thiago :haha:.

Storm: hoping you are surviving the move:). Did I say that my sister in law moved cities ( 1:30 hr away) when she was about 34 weeks pregnant :wacko:!! It was really hard on her because because she had to pack and she had a toddler too like you! No fun!

Leeze: so cute the story about Kia cutting the play do and throwing the balls :haha:. I was thinking about play do but thiago has a tendency of eating chalk or crayons ( yesterday he ate some chalk and almost vomit!). So I might have to wait a bit and see :haha:.

I am on the count down for my dad's arrival ( tomorrow). So excited:). Nothing like your own family:). I have been cleaning like a maniac! The weather is beautiful here and we can go out in our bike rides all the time and to the park:).
Thiago now reads! Yes reads the following words: balloon, stop, exit, go, vela ( candle) and lua ( moon). My OH told me the other day that he saw the word go somewhere, pointed at it and said go. I couldn't believe it so wrote on the fridge with the magnetic words go and he said it again. Than I just went with the flow and started showing him how you put some of his favorite words together and he now reads them. And the cute thing is that he spells the words and than says what is writing :kiss:. Oh and angel, thiago doesn't say the T letter too. Maybe is a hard letter for some of them to say it :shrug:. The next words I am going to work with him are Chuva ( rain) and Uva ( grapes) :thumbup:.

Kitty: have you download the fisher price apps on iPad? I bet Blake will love it. And if you go on YouTube they have something called super simple songs and the videos are to dye for :). Thiago loved them for a long time, and I think he still does, I just forget to show them to him.
I just love Sophia's shoes! :thumbup: Is that a merry-go-round I see in the background? Ok, so maybe I have it wrong, but I have yet to see a merry-go-round here (US). What happened to them? :shrug:

Clio...I very much doubt that Mr. J has been damaged by 20 minutes of TV watching/day. We all know that J is verbally advanced, so no worries...The study simply found that the amount of vocalization & interaction is reduced when the television is on, even as 'background noise'. The study measured adult word counts, vocalizations of the child & interactions when a child vocalizes & an adult responds verbally. Each hour of television exposure = a decrease of 770 words the child heard from an adult. Anyway, I didn't mean to get anyone concerned :nope: & I don't think anyone here would plop their kid in front of the TV for hours & our decision to not allow TV was not entirely based on the study.

Is this the drum J has? N doesn't have it. Or is it this one?

Anyway, I don't think N has a favorite Plan toy. I want to say it's this... I call it his lawn mower. But, it may just be that I'm annoyed by the sound so much that it seems like he's always playing w it.

BTW, do you ladies always adhere to the recommended age range for toys? Sometimes, I just don't get it.

I think merry-go-rounds were used in too many horror films and have therefore been removed from parks in an effort not to scare the parents.

Thank you for reassuring me about the TV thing. When I read it was only about the amount of speaking television reduces, well, that doesn't happen. OH and I babble even when Pocoyo is on, too. J could probably do with a break from his yappy parents. Eric calls our entire relationship "one long, incomprehensible conversation," seeing as we've been together nearly 24 hours a day for 10 years.

:shock: OH and I got together 10 years ago this early December! Oh, that was such a romantic time.:cloud9:

And J has the drum from the first link and it's great. He still prefers his ukulele to...well, everything else in the world except the cat, but the drum is still great. We have the second-hand, $5 Fisher Price version of N's favourite Plan Toy--the Fisher Price Popper made entirely out of plastic. :blush:

Oh, and I don't follow the age rules. It think it's about parts which may be too small and might choke anyone younger than 3.

Angel--thank you for your concern about the mj! I will, however, be fine; I still have "my friend", and that study that they're basing this whole psychosis thing on has been successfully contested by other studies many times, and people often misunderstand it--it speaks, in the main, to the onset of psychotic breaks in young schizophrenics. In fact, the most recent study I've come across concluded that people with Bipolar I who smoke actually have much higher cognitive and memory function scores than those Bipolar I's that don't smoke. Anti-pot people LOVE that first study, though, because it demonizes mj even more. The gov't just doesn't want to be responsible if it should happen. And I've been smoking since the time I thought I was the leader of the world and would lead us all to safety (don't ask--delusions rarely make sense), and I haven't had a repeat in 15 years.

The pictures of the boys are incredible. I can't get over them. Can you frame one of them?

From my experience, D probably does know what "dat" is. My working hypothesis is that he's listening to the sound before he tries it himself. J made me walk around the house daily for months, and he pointed to the same things every time. Now he can say them, but he asked "dat?" forever.


J: "Q, R, S, 9, O, 3, 9, Z." Oh yes, his letters and numbers are coming along very well.


Will continue later. I have to go clean the fridge. Ugh.
Oh, but quickly, for the photos theme, here's the one I've chosen for J:
Sophia's days are also filled with pointing at EVERYTHING over and over again asking dat too! They are two of a kind it appears!

Angel, from my own knowledge and stories I would so not worry about Sebastian's speech. My father, who had a PPE from a rather well known university, so in other words, not daft! Didn't speak until he was 3 and then he spoke in sentences. Sebastian sounds to me like a cautious type of person who will take his time to do something until he is confident that he can do it well :thumbup:

Borboleta, have fun with your dad, you must be looking forward to seeing him after a whole year :happydance: and I hope you house is up to his clean standards!

Oh and I also had an early wake up at 5am but nope it was not Sophia it was my OH's alarm that he forgot to turn off :growlmad: This was promptly followed by Charlie seizing the moment to pounce and purr until I fed her,by which time I was up for the day! Needless to say I have demanded another lie in tomorrow with no 5am alarm!
Okay, my portion of fridge duty completed. Now it's OH's turn. We are the worst housekeepers in the world. I last remember cleaning the fridge...never. I'm sure I did, but it was a loooong time ago. I don't know how the rest of you do it. We're trying to clean up the house entirely, bit by bit, every Saturday, but as we add on something new to clean to the stuff we have to maintain...I want to cry. :cry: Who is it who has a housekeeper? Borboleta? Well, all I have to say to you is: :cry:.

Okay, on with personals:

Charlie--I laughed at your alarm story. I recently bought this ridiculous alarm clock that allows you to set the alarm for two different people, who wake up at two different times. Problem was, I couldn't for the life of me figure out how to turn these two alarms off, and was woken at 12 am and 5:15 am for days. I finally figured it out, but I was ready to throw the stupid thing at the wall!!! But poor you! Yes, you had better get that lie in! (We need a shaking fist smiley.)

I'm sorry about AF. :(

And I agree with Indigo--my beautiful future daughter-in-law has on some very handsome shoes. What's her shoe size?

I'm also thinking of joining Gymboree again for J. It was so much fun, and they have those free play times, as well. Some of my best memories are of J at Gymboree.

You know, I don't think I've got you as a FB friend! I've been looking for pics of little S to show to J, but they all appear to be on your FB page. I'm [email protected]--may I be your friend? :flower:
Darn it! I just posted accidentally! That post wasn't finished, but now I've got to go! XOX

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