any other over 35 first time mums?

I can't write long posts without something going wrong! :growlmad: the States, pediatricians like to see 5 words by 18 months old. If it's not happening, it's NOT a red flag, but they will start monitoring a little more closely. If they don't have 5 words by 2, then they start testing. However, keep in mind that the pediatricians in the States are PARANOID. N's pediatrician was looking for torticollis at first. He even was willing to recommend physical therapy. Then, he didn't like the size of N's head. He wanted to do an MRI. If he saw the size my father's & brother's head, he'd understand. Then, he was fixated on the pointing thing. & in another state, far away, my friend's pediatrician fixated on the same things for her son. It's becoming ridiculous. There was nothing ever wrong w either of them. I think if it were me, since D seems to be the dominant twin, I would start being concerned if he didn't have 5 words by 2. How many weeks were they when they were born? Because my friend's son was 5 weeks early & if she goes by his corrected age, he's on target w the milestones. Another thing I wanted to mention is that when N was trying to master walking, the verbal stuff went out the window for a while.
Evening ladies, firstly leeze and Charlie, sorry af got you both this month, I hate TTC, so stressful. Thank goodness I will NEVER have to do that again, I'm actually trying to convince dh to get the snip...

Clio that sucks about the licence, I don't get the medical community sometimes. Oh and my maternity leave starts 20 th Dec, woo hoo! As for the gruffalo baking set its really just a bag with a little themed apron, rolling pin and cookie cutters :)

Angel I would not be worried about the speech thing at all, tbh I'm sick of the rules and regulations and current guidelines! I often wonder how much they will change in the next ten years. The dummy swapping btw was beyond cute!

Indigo and Kosh, what lovely little boys! We don't see enough of N and G.. more pics!

Sk F is adorable and woman dear you are some seamstress. All we need now is a pic of F with mummy!

Clairey I wish you all the luck of the Irish with the big girl bed!

Kitty how is B progressing with the food?

Ok I'm lost again, its been an emotional day, first of all I went to the butchers to order a free range turkey (sorry my veggie friends) and the butcher knew my mum very well and as he hadn't seen me in ages spent a long time talking about her :( Then tonight my dad gave me a diary entry he found yesterday that my mum wrote the day L was born. She was basically thanking God that L had arrived safely and I was ok and it was lovely she was here and she would get to meet her as she had just been told she had advanced terminal cancer. She was so pleased I had been blessed with a daughter and so sad she now knew she wouldn't be around for long and she prayed that dh and I would be ok with our little girl and I would cope when I found out she was dying and how she would have to tell me. It then went on to say how thankful she was for all her grandchildren and how Mich she loved my dad. It broke my heart, my darling little mum was selfless to the end and oh so concerned about how upset we would all be. I love her and miss her so so so much :( Anyway that was hard to read so Ive been upset all day. Bless my mum, she was a star. I'm so sad she will never meet this baby and she had so little time with L..

Ok have to go, tears are in freefall again....
All I have to say is storm- my heart goes out to you! The biggest of hugs :hugs::hugs:
Aww Storm! How heartbreaking and how touching! What a beautiful person your mum must have been and what a lovely but painful present to find and read that diary entry . But how hard too. I can only imagine how you must be feeling. Many many tons of :hugs: to you my dear. :hugs:
Oh Storm :cry::cry::cry: :hugs::hugs: :hugs::hugs: :hugs::hugs: :hugs::hugs:

It must have been so bittersweet to read this now. :cry:

I'm so very sorry for your loss...:(
:shock: Thiago reads?!! Isn't that the very definition of genius?

Angel, I think little T says it all; he was quiet for so long, and now he can read. :)shock:) They are all so different, with so many quirks. Are you worried about him? Is there perhaps a twin thing going on here? I don't know the first thing about assessment, but I would mention it to my Pedi and go from there. :hugs:
Storm--Oh, I should stop responding to posts before reading the rest of them. I am so sorry for the tough emotions the entry brought about. But at least you know you and Lydia were so loved. :hugs::hugs:
Morning ladies, L has been in her bed for 12 hours! How! Typically I've been awake a lot but wow! Had to laugh as I've started the random pregnancy snoring thing and even woke myself up at one stage... Anyway its 8.09Am and L is still asleep, I feel a bit lost! I'm sure she will be up very soon but I'm still in shock.... Maybe one 25 min nap is the way to go? What is the magic formula???? :) x
storm - a few tears, BUT perhaps your mum is around? My FIL died before I got lucky with LO, but I swear that he's around -- in the beginning, Finn seemed to be looking over my shoulder when he was in moses basket and smiling, so perhaps my FIL was standing there, smiling and waving at LO? It's odd because my FIL never visited us at this house, but sometimes I feel his presence anyway.

Not much here. Thanks for all the compliments for the costume, but my hands are in bits from all the hand-sewing and I think it shows my obsessive nature (must finish something or else...not sure what the or else is though!)....and I like knitting, sewing, etc., but I can get obsessed about it as well. I learned to make pom-poms a few days ago and put one on the top of a little knitted hat for LO, who is NOT impressed and keeps trying to rip the pompom apart....sigh.

I do adhere slightly to age recommendations in that if it is something very fussy with loads of part, nope -- but otherwise, get things that LO might like. Since he is supervised all the time, I'm not too worried. However, his favourite things at the moment, appear to moving his toddler table and chairs, climbing on the window sill (windows taped shut and cannot be opened) or arranging his toys in baskets and bowls only to throw everything overboard, me thinks any toys need to be sturdy rather than fussy! He also likes throwing the wooden number board, bringing the empty board to you and then walking across the living room to get you the number (1 giraffee, 2 rabbits, etc), but we have misplaced the number 8, so he is not very impressed with the gap when we 'finish'.

We have our 18-20 month developmental assessment on Wednesday, but since he is in creche, I will ask them to write out the check list for the public health nurse since Finn isn't one to 'perform' for anybody he doesn't know well and this way, they can get a better idea of his skills, etc. He does speak a bit and we think is on the verge of proper conversations as he understands us very well (and we can get him to go get things!)

hope all are well!
I can't write long posts without something going wrong! :growlmad:

Tell me about it! What I want to know is, if you accidentally double post do you get points for each entry? I want to get to 1000 as soon as possible. There's some sort of present if I do, right?

Oh, and please, don't be alarmed by the whole med. mj stuff; I've always known that if they got ahold of my psych files, I was never going to get the license because of that whole saviour of the world thing. Stupid study. But, frankly, I believe that the vetting process is sound. Anyway, it turns out, the feds have closed all of the dispensaries and they will mail you the pot from very specific growers, whom everyone acknowledges grow bad pot. And please don't worry--I'm not about to have a psychotic break because I smoke. My illness was vicious in my 20s but it's never been as bad since. They even downgraded me to Bipolar I to Bipolar II because I haven't had delusions since.

Borboleta--I still can't get over T's bilingual reading and writing! That is one determined kid! And so so smart! How is the word "grape" going?

Happy Daylight Savings Time!--to all North Americans except for Saskatchewanians. J woke at 5:30 this morning, and in my head, all I could think of was: "it's really 4:30, it's really 4:30! How are we going to get him to sleep for an hour longer in the next little while???" How was it for you guys across the pond? Did your LOs adjust quickly?

Oh, and look what I woke up to: :cry: And it's still snowing! But we're going to go out and build a snowman and show J how to make snow angels. Luckily I've got him all kitted out; I've had a snow suit, hat and mitts ready for him for months now because in Edmonton, you never know...

Man, this is a boring post. J went down for his nap at 8 am :)wacko:) and I'm trying to figure out what to do. I thought I'd take this time to write a post, but I've really got nothing to say...

Well, until later, then!
Personally, I don't understand daylight savings time (and when I just asked OH, he asked me if I was stupid, so not very helpful), but he gets up around 7-7.30am on weekends, and likes to sleep in a bit, e.g. he will wake up around 6ish, but can delay the inevitable (we put him onto the bed for cuddles and usually he falls asleep for a little while), but he also goes to sleep around 9-10pm and will wake up around 1am or 4am (like last night) for a few minutes.

must go as LO is now crying with abandonment (I am two feet away, but daddy has left the room (LO does with whoever is looking after him, so it can be daddy or mummy who is abandoning him (although OH will make comments that I could help out....yes...yes, I could. Because I didn't have him last night and OH didn't sleep until almost 1pm....yep, that's right. I do nothing around here....sigh)

hugs to all, bye!
I was lucky with daylight savings Clio as Sophia was getting up at 8 due to her random napping, or should I say not napping, so she made up for it at night! So now the clocks have changed she's up at 7.

I have to say, I am a lucky mummy having a LO who loves her night time sleep so much, I don't know how you ladies with bad sleepers cope!
It's cold! My car was frozen when we left my dads (ours) tonight... I spent all afternoon clearing out at my dads as its becoming more apparent he would be happy to pack a suitcase and walk out. Arghhh feel like I'm packing up two houses, well cause I am!

Tomorrow we move the fish tank, which will take a ridiculous amount of time, but it needs moved to move the bookcase at the top of the stairs to its place so we can get the beds out.. ok enough I'm stressing...

Lol I was just about to give off about some idiot making noise, then realized it was Storm trying to get out of the utility room!

In other news L has hit the terrible twos quite dramatically, twice she hit dh In the face today and refused to say sorry, she is so stubborn. Second time after a 15 min meltdown she eventually said sorry, got a hug and a kiss and ran off gleefully happy, why does it take so long! She will stare at the floor and say NO! I think I need to read the toddler taming book....

Clio I love your snow, we just had torrential rain and it was cold and miserable. It's actually making me wonder how I will amuse L over the winter!

Oh and I think I'm getting a sore throat :(
Personally, I don't understand daylight savings time (and when I just asked OH, he asked me if I was stupid, so not very helpful), but he gets up around 7-7.30am on weekends, and likes to sleep in a bit, e.g. he will wake up around 6ish, but can delay the inevitable (we put him onto the bed for cuddles and usually he falls asleep for a little while), but he also goes to sleep around 9-10pm and will wake up around 1am or 4am (like last night) for a few minutes.

I find this incredible: that you can cuddle with your LOs. Must be a boobie babie thing. But OH and I aren't cuddlers, either. We have long limbs; we need to spread out!

J was so cute today; he is in love with this app called "Ginger the Kitten," which has this cute little kitten who repeats what you say. This morning he made me call up Ginger, and he carefully said to Ginger: "Hi!" and Ginger said "Hi!' back, and then J had a conversation with Ginger. It was adorable.:cloud9: Have any of you been having the sense that you're understanding more and more of what your LO is saying?
Oh yes Clio we have full on conversations with L now, the longest thing she has ever said was to dh, she said 'Daddy, bring juice, come in living room, sit on bum bum'.. we were both quite in awe of that sentence. She then proceeded to take dh by the hand (he was holding a glass of juice) and walk him to the sofa and say 'sit down'...have I mentioned she's bossy? Lol

Ps its 5.20am and I cant sleep, my throat hurts and new baby is having a disco.....
I think I understand LO pretty well -- but he does get impatient with you if you don't understand, e.g. I was listening to Leonard Cohen while making dinner and LO kept pointing in some distress at the CD player. I finally realised that he hated Leonard Cohen and was very happy when I put some Michael Buble on!

As for the hitting, yep- I got a few smacks up the head from LO yesterday. I was wearing my glasses as I had some allergic reaction to something on Friday and rubbed my eyes until they were very puffy and swollen (so no contacts) and Finn seemed to think it lots of fun to smack my glasses off AND I'm off to the dentist again today (emergency appointment as I think either one of new filings is cracked or I have an absess (sp). LO woke up with a fever today and OH is staying home with him, but I think it's teething-related as he seems to wake up around 1am and 4 am and 6am very fussy and needs a cuddle.


N likes LC....Like a bird on the wire, Like a drunk in a midnight choir ....I have tried in my way to be free.

SK...GL @ the dentist...

Storm....hope you feel better soon....

B...amazing that T reads! Well done T! Well done Mama.

We went to a kite festival on the beach yesterday & it was such a beautiful day. N was in heaven.....kites, seagulls, water, sand, dogs, people....he loved it.

He's up....more later....:wave:
went to dentist - have an abscess and am on antibiotics at the moment, but at least, the pain should go away....soon....aargh

must go as LO is running crazy after a slow cat.

Oh SK you poor thing, I prescribe vodka and dh to look after F! Abscesses are just horrendous... Ouch ouch ouch...

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