any other over 35 first time mums?

Charlie--same here; I would have not been able to handle a non-sleeping baby. Hence, all of my great regard for those here that did/do! I've got to say, I'm pretty lucky on the vomiting front, too--J's never thrown up. He spat up, certainly, but never threw up.

And happy birthday for Sophia tomorrow! How bittersweet! What do you have planned?

Storm--I really should stop complaining so much about winter here. It's actually gorgeous right now: blue, blue sky, no clouds, white snow everywhere, hoarfrost on every branch and such huge prairie spaces covered in white. It's just so early! Though fall was getting boring here. Trees can't change colour when you don't have many trees!

And that is one heck of a sentence!!! Good on little L! She's a real chatterer, isn't she?

SK--Oh no, it was an abscess? That must be so painful! Did they drain it? Poor you! :hugs: Oh, if you like Cohen, maybe you'd like Richard Buckner. Same types of songs, but at least he can sing [ducking head!].

Indigo--the kite festival sounds so lovely! I wish that J could have seen it! It sounds like you live in a gorgeous place!

Borboleta--how's grape going?

AFM--I have Stompy Little Man in my stomach right now (do you ever get this, where you're angry about something and can't make the anger go away, no matter how much you realize you're over-reacting? I call that "Stompy Little Man.") Currently it has to do with the most ridiculous grammar lesson ever, which I cannot manage to undo.

Here's what happened. Months ago, when my mum was here, she and J went through our photos on the computer. My mum would point to pics of J and say "that's YOU!" and then came excitedly to tell us that when they played this game, J had learned that when he points to a picture of himself, he says "YOU!" I looked at her, appalled. He was supposed to say "me," not "you"! Now he says, "Hug you!" meaning "Hug ME." "You do it!" means "I do it!" And there are so many other instances. I can't get over how my mum did this with no thought whatsoever, and she was a language teacher for over 25 years and therefore taught grammar. OOOOOOOOOHHHHHH Stompy Little Man!!!!!!

Everyone keeps saying that he'll figure it out, but it's been months and there is not only no improvement, but he keeps applying the "lesson" my mother gave him to new sentences and concepts. I've phoned her and asked her to please come up with a counter-lesson to help him sort it out, but she realized how hard it is to break one's understanding of "you", "me" and "I." So, I ask you all--can you think of something, anything that might help? I need to make Stompy go away!!!

I think I'll go bake some bread. Maybe that'll banish Stompy.
H ladies, haven't posted in ages :hi:

storm - big :hugs: I can only imagine how emotional reading that from your mum must have been :cry:

leeze, charlie - sorry about AF

Clio - sorry about the MJ but luckily you still have your 'friend' :winkwink:

borboleta - are you teaching T to read?? I need to go back and find that post!

Sabrina - I've had an absess, hope you arent in too much pain :nope:

claire - have I missed something? Are you moving Lucy to a big girls bed??

Indigo - love that N likes LC :thumbup: Gael likes a German band called Unheilig, dont think anyone will know it....

Angel - are you concerned about Sebs speach? (sorry need to back and find your post), as indigo said, last time I saw the peaditrician he said by 18 months they expect mummy, daddy, bye, hi and one more. how many words he's got?

Re. Speach, someone said that they will be all the same by 3 years, was that you clio? Is that right? I would expect the time frame to be longer than that. I'm sure My friend's 3 year old has less words than J!

Anyway - have a recommendation to all of you book lovers, 'who's hiding'? (sorry cant post link), its supposed to be for over 3, but G loved it.

I've now started my new job and I'm very busy, but seems to go ok, and I like it, so that's good.
Cant remember who asked, DH is finishing his PhD nd working privately, but today he found out he got an interview with the NHS so fingers crossed!
Gael has grown sooo much these past weeks! He's a proper little boy, and oh boy, is he bossy! But he's so cute too, he gives hugs and kisses :cloud9:
The other day we went to a second hand shop to get him a couple of toys (they were 2 for 1). I said to him 'choose two and take them to the counter', so he goes and gets two, and takes them to the counter and I get my purse out to pay when I see the assistant laughing. He'd gone back and picked another two toys and was bringing them too!
Oh Clio I never thought of that, thankfully L says 'thats me' and 'thats mine' etc... How irritating for you! Yup my little madam never shuts up, I wonder who she takes after... Ahem :) yup I talk A LOT!

Nearly bed time for me, I'm wrecked, we got the fish tank moved, what a hoo haa and lots of books, then I sneaked off to get L early..

Catch up tomorrow!
Angel - went back and found your post. So Seb has about 3 words? No, I wouldnt worry now. Id probably wait till his 2-2 1/2 and see how he develops until then. Is he trying to communicate but cant say much? Because Gael doesnt have as many words as J, L or K for sure, but he has lots of made up words. Also, just a thought, does Seb use Dom skills to his 'advantage'? I mean, maybe he doesnt need to say so much because his brother says it first?
Angel I was thinking what Kosh said, maybe S doesn't speak as much as he doesn't need to! Your boys interact perfectly with each other, I certainly wouldn't be concerned. L talks TOO much now, but she was way behind J and K for ages and now you can't shut her up! :)
Happy birthday sophia! :cake:
(Charlie - I was sooooo emotional when Gael turned 1)
Happy Birthday, Sophia! :cake:

& congratulations, Charlie, for surviving year one!

I was emotional, too.

However, we had an awesome first birthday party & I was very happy about the gift I bought for myself for a job well done! :haha:
Happy Birthday, Sophia! :cake:

& congratulations, Charlie, for surviving year one!

I was emotional, too.

However, we had an awesome first birthday party & I was very happy about the gift I bought for myself for a job well done! :haha:

:haha: what did you get yourself indigo?
aargh! the anti-biotics are helping a bit (as are the painkillers), but what a silly girl I was (e.g. I should have gone to the dentist much earlier!)

BAD night with LO. He fell asleep in my arms around 7.30 last night, but was a bit fussy until about 11.30 when he properly woke up. I offered a bottle (he had) and around 1am, offered some meds (he took), then for the next two hours, he was kicking and punching, etc., so at about 3.30am, I woke up OH and asked him to please take LO so I could get at least 3 hours of sleep. LO was running a temperature on and off and was particularly grumpy, but did sleep a little for OH. We gave him some meds and took him to creche -- it's only teething (he gets bright pink cheeks), but I am so tired! Noisy neighbours have started blasting music in the afternoons, so I can't even take a short nap when I get home....

hugs to all!
Hi ladies

My dad is here and don't have a lot of time to post. But just wanted to quickly wish Sophia a happy 1st birthday :happydance:. Our baby girl is oficially a big girl :hugs:. Hope she has a great day:)

:hugs: to all!!
I forgot to say my friend has just had a baby girl!!!:happydance:
A whopping 9lb 1oz or approx 4.130kg ouch!!!
Clio I wish I could advise you, I am not surprised you are annoyed at your mum for this. But I never came across anyone confusing "I" with "you". That is a puzzler! My boys love looking at videos we took of them when they were tiny and I always say "Look that is you, Baby Dominic" or "Baby Sebastian". I never thought that they might confuse you with me if I only say "Look Dominic/Sebastian that is you". But I can imagine how incredibly difficult it would be to now change this. :(

Kosh yes I am a bit concerned about Sebastian's speech. And when I say he has 3 words then I am being generous. Cause he never clearly says Mummy or Daddy like Dominic does and his "nini" might mean banana or dummy (Dominic calls it nunny, so I guess nini might derive from that) or it might be a delighted noise he makes at the prospect of either. I think he said "up" a couple of times when he wanted to be lifted up but I couldn't swear to it. He babbles a lot and some times it sounds like words but might well not be. It is possible that since Dominic is so much more boisterous and so much more involved with us that we inadvertently practised words with him more than Sebastian. But Sebastian other than Dominic never points at things to ask what it is. So I guess it is cause of that too. And yes I did read that with twins one is often lagging behind the other more assertive one cause it is easier. So I am hoping it is just that.
Glad you are liking your job so far. Do you have nice colleagues? And are the hours about the same as before?
G sounds like an adorable little boy! I love that he gives hugs and kisses :)

Borboleta I hope you have a wonderful time with your dad (and that he approves of your cleaning lol) and that little T takes to him really quickly. :D

Storm I seriously hope that you were not involved in moving the fish tank, unless it was holding a small plastic bag with the fishes!
It does sound like your man is much like mine, if I don't do it myself or nag him to within an inch of his life, it simply doesn't get done. Sigh.

Sabrina you poor thing with the abscess! I hope it will be all cleared up really soon!

Indigo I love handbags! Hope you got a really great one as you certainly deserve it. We all do really :) What I love about them is that one doesn't need to be super skinny for them to look good :haha:

Charlie Happy Birthday Sophia! :D Hope she had a lovely time I cannot believe how fast this went! Didn't you join us when Sophia was 4 months old? Doesn't seem 8 months ago and yet is does seem longer too. Weird thing, time.

Claire how is your mum?
Love the pic of Lucy in the toy house and the one with the dollhouse. Well done to her daddy too :)
Congrats to your friend. :) I was 4kg too and so was my brother ;)

Am rushing this as I am busy once again. Going to an Antiques Fair (yaaaay!!) with my friend Beau tomorrow and have MIL and SIL coming down on Thursday. So need to clean now (bleh!) while the boys are napping. Dominic is ill though. He had diarrhoea yesterday and a massive explosion last night and has a fever today and is off his food! He wouldn't have any lunch at all, would you believe. He just wanted to lie on daddy all morning and relax which is again so not like him. I hope he shakes this off by tomorrow as he usually does. And of course we aren't going to gymboree today. Also hope he doesn't give to Sebastian too. Would be quite bad to have two little boys with fevers and the runs!
My painting is hardly progressing at all and I still hate it. But I will have to make OH sit with the boys during the day more so that I can start working on it during the day and not just in the evening when they are in bed or it will never be finished!
Got to go and clean, both boys are sleeping fitfully as I can see on the monitor and might wake sooner than I would wish. Oh here we go, poor Dominic is crying again! xx
Sophia! Happy Birthday!!! :cake: Charlie--you still haven't told us your plans! And how are you feeling?

Oh, and re: FB, you're right, I do have you as a friend, but I keep confusing you with Clairey!

Angel--I was also wondering something along the lines of what Kosh and Storm said. I suspect J won't form sentences if he knows he can get around it by saying something shorter that still makes sense. For example, right now, he just said "Bandaid!"--Muppet Bandaids; he gets one a day--and OH got him a bandaid. I know it doesn't explain why he has only a few words, but maybe he's taking his time because between Dominic and single words he gets what he wants? Ach, what do I know? At least you know that when he is being a velcro baby in the carrier, he will be exposed to language all the time, if you are as chatty as a lot of us are.

Though are you still wearing the Manduca? I wanted to ask you--do the straps cross in the back? My Gemini's do, and it helps with my back.

Poor Dominic! Yes, I agree--if D is anything like J, and won't cuddle, then lying with Daddy would mean not feeling well. Poor thing little thing. Is S now bound to catch it?

Yay for the Antiques Fair! Are you planning to buy something? :wink wink:

But I'm sorry your cards aren't going like you hoped. Will you post a pic of them even if you don't like them? Remember, we loved last year's. Plus, if they were so bad last year, as you said, they must have loved them if they're coming back. As OH always says to me, you need to give yourself some slack.

Storm--it's ridiculous with the "you" and "I" problem. He just asked OH to "hug you" and then to stir his own oatmeal by saying "You do it." Yesterday he said that he wanted the heater off in "my room." And he meant "Mummy's room." Luckily, Stompy Little Man is gone. We've been working on correcting him, and he's confused enough to start referring to himself as "Jonah" again, or just saying "hug!" which is fine with me. I want him back to a "neutral" position so he can figure it out again.

I suspect L has already surpassed J in language. What a sweetheart--it makes me laugh to hear what she says!

Borboleta--I hope you're having a wonderful time with your Dad and that hugs and kisses are abundant!

Indigo--you think like me! I keep on considering J's birthday as an opportunity for people to give me gifts. They never do, though.

Kosh--can you give me the author of the book? There are too many children's books with that name. I'm glad things are working out for you and your husband. Let's hope a position with the NHS is in the offing!

Maybe they don't even out in language at 3, but they do in physical ability, I seem to remember reading. But language comes on so quick, as we've seen.

SK--I'm glad you're feeling better, but little F's night doesn't sound like it would help you heal! Did you get your 3 hours of sleep in the end? And when are those horrible neighbours leaving? Didn't you say that the council had thrown them out? How much longer?

Kitty--I hope everything's okay with you and little B!

Claire--how is your mum? And 9 pounds? Did she have a vaginal birth? Ow!!!

AFU--I'm trying to decide which Gymboree class I should enrol J into. He seems to love drawing with his markers, so maybe the art class? I tried the music class once, but it was silly. But, he was also so young; maybe the classes for older children are more fun? OH said to just take him to the regular stuff this month and take it from there. Are any of you using paints at home? I'm considering this, but the mess!!!

Okay, must go attend to his Highness. Bossy kid!
Hi ladies, I am one pooped Mama! This is the 1st moment I have had to sit down and have a cuppa, I swear Sophia knows it's her birthday :haha: she has kept me on my toes being a crazy baby! Yes she is still my baby, not until she walks am I calling her a toddler! That sums up my feelings! :cry::cry::cry:

Clio, oh dear, what a pickle with poor J's pronouns! Good luck getting him back on neutral ground and starting over. Are there any books that are good at demonstrating, me and you? I am sure you do this already, but someone gave me a tip with Sophia to stop saying, give the spoon to mummy, instead to say can you give me your spoon etc, but obviously that's now and she is a lot younger and it's so she understands pronouns as she gets older and more vocab. Maybe some role play games may help? Have you got a toy kitchen or doll and pram ( as my future son in law, i think you should be training J in household duties, so at least Sophia will have a useful husband, cooking, nappy changing etc :haha:) but maybe those kind of games may help?

As for birthday plan with Sophia, well the original plan was to spend the day at my Aunties, with mum too, so a small family day as we are having a small party here on Saturday. My aunt is very disabled with MS, so could never make it to mine and we are her only family, so I like her to see Sophia as much as possible. However my aunt is now in hospital :nope: Anyway, we had to go to my aunts today anyway as her cleaner, who also makes the most wonderful cakes, was asked by my Aunt to make Sophia her birthday cake. So this morning we went to get that, it is gorgeous, I will post some pics, it even has a little Charlie cat on the side :cloud9:.So now after some crazy playing and laughing and lunch with me and nana, Sophia is having a nap ( finally) and I am having a coffee. Then hopefully OH will be home early, open another pressie and dinner, I have got some little cup cakes for today. So far pressies, Sophia has a lovey wooden trike bike, wooden xylophone, a dress, money, train set and a recycling truck and some books. We have opened one each day this week, since Saturday as I think all together is too much. Then this Saturday a little party in the afternoon followed by an adults party in evening, just a small thing at ours.

Borboleta, have a lovely time with you Dad, hope T enjoys all his Brazilain cuddles :winkwink:

Clairey, how's your mum doing? Congrats on your friends baby daughter. November the 5th is a good birthday I think. For all you non UK peeps, it's Guy Fawkes night here in the UK, which is a celebration of the night Guy Fawkes attempted to blow up the Houses of Parliament with gun powder and failed and was arrested, so we traditionally have firework displays on the 5th and the weekends around now. I was happy Sophia was born on this day, as a fellow November baby myself, it's not the best month otherwise!

SK, hope your abscess gets better and you get more sleep tonight.

Angel, it must be hard having twins as you will compare naturally and there is usually a dominant one I would think. I don't know anything about twins tbh. I do have a good friend who is a speech and language therapist, I will ask her when I see her in a couple of weeks when parents should be concerned and what is expected at what stage and see if she can suggest anything. You must be really looking forward to going to the Antiques fair, are you going to splash out? Love your comment about handbags, have never thought of it like that, but so true, maybe for my birthday a new bag is a possibility! :thumbup: or maybe I should do as Indigo suggests and treat myself for Sophias first year! I like that idea :happydance:

Anyway need to go and prepare dinner while my monkey is still asleep!
Charlie--really quick (though I'm so glad S had so much fun. And yes, J is neater than his parents, which...well...says nothing.) Can you ask your language therapist friend about how to sort out the I and You problem (me, mine, yours, too...) We've tried everything, including games, but if you think it through, it still is really hard. And I could punch OH sometimes, because he doesn't help try to emphasize "I'm doing something," and "that is mine," etc. He still talks in third person, even: "Daddy this" and "Daddy that." I'm nagging him like crazy to change what he's saying, but I don't think he'll let me nag for much longer. :wacko: Even if she can say that it'll work itself out in the end, I will feel a million times better about it. If this were a passing phase, no problem, but it's gone past the "passing" part.

Let's put it this way: I think J thinks his name is not only Jonah, but "You," too.
Oh dear, it is very hard to reverse it and doesn't sound like your OH is helping much! I will ask her that too. X

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