any other over 35 first time mums?

Evening ladies, well we are moved, half our stuff isn't and I can't find anything and I'm currently trying to get my head around being in my parents old room :( I seriously hope this move was the right decision cause right now I'm not sure.... I'm hoping 14 hours of non stop running around is just taking its toll and I will feel more positive tomorrow! Night night all x
I'm having some wine. It's well-deserved. I'll spare you the details & won't complain because at least I'm not pregnant & moving. Storm, I have to say that your stamina is simply amazing! I do hope you will be able to take it easy soon. Claire, I have the same hope for you. I know first-hand how exhausting it is to be a caregiver to someone who is ill while also caring for a toddler. nice that you & T get to spend time with your father. I often daydream about the relationship my father would have had w N. He was a force-of-nature sort of man, but loved LOs & they loved him.

I will PM you my location. nephew has Aspergers & because of the presumed genetic links & because of being connected to his issues, diagnosis & therapies, I definitely can sympathize with the pervasive worry that plagues some parents. I just wanted to share that the most typical age for a developmental regression or plateau is between 13 and 18 months old.
I don't know if you will, but some find a little bit of comfort in that study once their child reaches 18 months.

I don't know if anyone here follows the Wonder Week calendar, but as it pertains to N, he is 4 days away from the 10th leap & this one is a looooong one.

I don't know if I mentioned it here, but I started dropping N off at my ILs 2 days/week for 2 hours. He (& they) absolutely love it & it's going quite well. At first, I didn't know what to do w myself, but I've decided to walk in my favorite park w my favorite music. I love it & it's sooooo nice to be able to recharge my batteries a bit during the week.

Storm...maybe redecorating that room & making it your own might help? (but, don't do it yourself....make your DH do it on his days off when he drops L off at daycare)
Just a quick one before Sophia wakes, which will be any moment! We had an exciting development on Sophias birthday evening, she took one little step, alone between me and my mum :happydance:

Yay for Sophia!

(But I must say, the walking milestone is overrated :sleep:....:haha:)
Just after 5am and I can't sleep, I'm tired... And sore. At least L is asleep? Right? I miss her, I want a 'baby' cuddle, but she went down late and was exhausted. I can hear dh awake in the other room too... Looks like the big people aren't sleeping tonight... *sigh*
I managed to sleep until 6am today :happydance: yesterday i woke at 4am :nope: so I sympathise Storm and Indigo!

Storm was this your first night in your new home? How do you feel now about been in you mum and dads old room? I hope you have managed to get some rest. :hugs:

Indigo, that's nice for N to spend some time with his family and you get some me time, I would like to be able to do that,but I suppose I will when I go back to work in 18 days :cry: not that I am counting or anything! We loosely follow the wonder weeks, but it's more a case, of why is Sophia not happy, Velcro baby, not napping well etc then I have a lightbulb moment and check the wonder weeks and usually it's bang on! So how long is the 10th one? And what new concept to they develop?

Borboleta that's so funny about your fathers girlfriend having her son do her boob job :haha: she sounds like a character! Glad you have had a lovely time with your Dad.

Things with Sophia, well no more steps, to be honest I didn't classify that step as a walk, you really need more than 1 surely? But it was her first freestyle step! No more since , but a few failed attempts on to her bottom!

Must dash, the monkey is up x
Weird cause all I did last night felt like dozing. At least it did till 6 when Master Dominic starting waking :growlmad: But I steadfastly stayed in bed till 7.

Storm yay for being moved in. I can understand that it is a mixed sort of feeling. But I agree if you can get DH to maybe paint the walls a different colour etc it might help make it feel more your own?

Charlie yay for first steps! Hopefully now you will soon see the return of your happy Sophia :D Enjoy running after her ;)

Sabrina I am not surprised Finn didn't perform for the HV, I wouldn't have either! So yeah good for him lol
Hope you managed to get some nice bargains at Jojo. Also one of my favourite shops! That and baby Boden. So so lovely! And so expensive :(

Clio we are still at level 3 in gymboree but will now move up to level 4 as Sebastian is starting walk really really well and is a great climber. But at any rate that means I cannot advise you on that either. But our gymboree doesn't offer any musical classes or things other than the usual climbing and balancing stuff.

Claire glad your mum is doing well :) And my heart goes out to you. How tired you must be! I hate and dread missed sleep now. I don't think I will mentally ever recover from the anxious sleep deprived year we had with Dominic. :/

Borboleta your comment about your DH and the boob job made me laugh. But how like a man! Actually mine doesn't like fake boobs, so wouldn't like me to get anything like that done. But when I moaned that I need Botox for my forhead, his comment was Go for it! I stared at him with my mouth open lol (I am not getting that done as apart from everything else it is so expensive! If it lasted for the rest of my life perhaps, but for 3 to 6 months? No!)
But I am glad that you like your dad's girlfriend so much. Have they been together long?

Indigo you do deserve a little You time! I would probably spend that free time in the cafe of a bookshop and just have a latte and browse tons of Interior decoration books or perhaps garden books. Love those even though I have no talent for gardening and kill all house-plants. :haha:

How are all our other ladies? Kitty how is Blake? Is feeding going well still?
Kosh and Gael? Any more top lifting incidents on the tube? :haha: Leeze how is Kia and the sleeping?

As for us: I had a great time with my friend at the Antiques Fair thank you all for asking. But noo I didn't buy anything! I couldn't afford anything there that I liked, it is serious proper stuff with provenance etc. But I used to work with antiques and it is just nice to do something cultural again. My friend has such good taste and is so knowledgeable too. We studied together for a year at Christies (I did my MA in art history with them but it is actually through the University of Glasgow) before he went off to study architecture, so I love going to such things with him.
My boys are ok-ish. Dominic was ill early in the week with a fever of 38.5 (101F I think) and diarrhoea. We gave baby neurofen and the fever was gone the next day. The diarrhoea however is still going on and he has the most horrendous nappy rash as a result, with open bleeding sores :cry:. Changing his nappy is such an ordeal to him now cause it obviously hurts him when I wipe. This morning again he had such an explosion that a lot went through his pjs and sleeping bag onto his cot sheet! And I just don't know what to do to make the diarrhoea stop. My mum recommended rice but he won't eat that nor pasta either. I make sure he gets plenty of fluids so he isn't dehydrated. I thought of taking him to the doctors but I am sure they will say "it is viral and to just ride it out". Well thanks. Dominic does seem to be ok in himself otherwise. Just his usual bright happy self with perhaps a little less appetite than usual but since he is a bit too round anyway, I am not too worried about that. Any tips on what I could to help make the runs stop, would be greatly appreciated.
Got to go, this was an unsual break they gave me! But now they want mummy!! Sending :hugs: to you all!
clio - I'm relieved I didn't really offend you but sorry I hit a nerve :hugs:
anyway, I went on and did a bit of reading re. autistic regression and it looks like children that have a speech regression only had a dozen words to start with. So I very much doubt that J’s confusion between pronouns is a sign of regression, don’t you think? :winkwink: However I totally understand that the subject worries you :hugs:

Have you had a look at the book I mentioned?

storm - I really don't know how you manage it all - moving houses, pregnant and with a toddler :wacko: I'm not surprised you feel a bit unsettled, hopefully that will pass soon :hugs: I need to find some energy to unpack my boxes...and we moved almost a year ago! :dohh:

borboleta – that’s great that T is enjoying his time with your dad and family!
re. your dad's girlfriend's surgery, I will be honest and voice something (I bet someone else must have thought this too)....her own son did her boobs?? :haha:

I need your advice ladies: one of my new bosses sent an email around yesterday suggesting attending a 4 day conference/meeting in London :nope: It’s not until February but I need a plan, as I know a) I don’t want to be away from Gael for that long, and b) sadly I don’t think G and DH will survive on their own :dohh:
Any ideas?

Indigo – what happened? are you ok?
angel - I think I read somewhere that is best to avoid ibiprofen/neurofen? I wouldn't be surprised if that contributed to the bad diarrhoea. And riped bananas are good (as they constipate)
angel/charlie - our posts crossed!

indigo - I read your post properly now. thanks for the link.
great that you are having 'me' time. I too would go to a bookstore.

I used to pay attention ot the wonder weeks, but Gael was so clingy as a baby anyway, plus his sleep was always so crap that then I came to the conclussion that for us was not a ww but almost like a wonder year :haha:
we used nurofen (sp) and calpol and so far, no explosive diarrhoea (but I myself get an upset tummy with aspirin (me, we never give to LO) so the ibruophen might be a trigger for D's diarrhoea, angel?

not much here - LO fortunately was pretty good last night and only 1 instance of vomiting (but he was standing and I was able to angle him (and the vomit) onto the floor, but OH is soooooooooo useless. Finn is standing there and I am screaming to OH (yelling as he was downstairs (our living room is on the upstairs)) and he is like 'what do you want?' and looks wildly around as if a towel will magically appear, so he throws me the wet wipes which land in the pile of vomit and then as I am cleaning up, keeps asking me where my ATM card is as he wants to go to the off-license (to be fair, I had suggested it about a half an hour earlier)!

I woke up myself at 1.30am with the worst pain in my jaw -- so I guess I must go back to the dentist again -- can I ask them to just pull the two annoying teeth out? (I won't, but aargh!)...........

kosh - could you go for one or two days rather than all 4 (is there a fast train to London? I have been to Newcastle for an academic conference, but not sure about the trains)...

borboleta -- I told myself that there were 2 cosmetic surgeries I would have 1) if my chin started to really sag and 2) if my breasts became like swinging pendulums! I did have a skin tag (a mole) removed from my underarm (developed during pregnancy) as my grandmother was prone to them and I swore that I would never let them go (they weren't obvious on her, but like raised brownish freckles) and that was painful (they freeze them off!)

clio - Our LO still sleeps in our room (respective rooms) as fortunately, he will go back to sleep usually after a cuddle, but he is such a bed-hog as he takes up the entire side of the bed (and sleeps across you) and wants to hold hands, but with him, if he cries, it is usually because he isn't well....I can well imagine how difficult it is hearing J cry and how you so want to go into him, etc.

must go as break is over. I'm off to JoJo after class -- there's a fox t-shirt and a fox toy that they have held for me and I must decide whether I also want some blocks and/or an owl night light. I also love baby Boden, but anything I have bought there was on sale....same with JoJo, except for that roman t-shirt (put on fb, I think?) and got a larger size earlier this week, on sale....and last year, I bought some snowman pjs, which now fit him perfectly (LOL) but they were so cute that I didn't mind paying full price.

bye to all and Indigo, pm me your NC location (my dad lives near Greensboro and it is such beautiful country (we were going to go to NC at christmas, but realised how tricky it would be to go nyc to greensboro to arizona (where my mom retired to) and then back to father isn't really speaking to me much at the moment!)

Thanks ladies I am going to lay off the Neurofen! If that is giving him the runs then that is a double edged sword. I initially bought it cause other than Calpol it helps fight colds etc. But it might well be that. Let's hope his runs will clear soon.

Kosh would you like to go to that conference then? If you do, couldn't you take OH and G with you? I am thinking your OH could entertain him with such things as taking him to the Aquarium and the Zoo and maybe even the Tower?
And as you know, wonder weeks didn't apply to my boys either as Dominic hit the 4 months sleep regression a month early (or more if you consider that they were born at 37 weeks and you need to adjust for that) and didn't come out of it till almost a year old :haha:.

Sabrina I have seen the fox t-shirt and it is soo cute! We also buy most of our Boden things from ebay but Jojo is not as easily found there for some reason. There is a Jojo at the shopping centre where our gymboree is, so the temptation to go in and look (and then buy something :dohh:) is often overpowering!
But as for the vomit story and your OH... what can I say. I know it is very genderist :)haha:) but so far I have not met ANY practically minded man. Or at least not quick witted in such situations. Throwing the wipes into the pile of vomit is what my OH would have done too! :dohh:
Sorry your dad isn't talking to you though. How horrid of him!

Meant to say Clio and Charlie I love your new pics and avvies! So sweet! :D
Morning all! Not the best week here, AF arrived a few days early and was very heavy and painful. And poor Blakey and his teeth and tons and tons of drool, like a little St Bernard puppy! We go through so many shirts again during the day, it's like when he was tiny and puking so much. We have two bottom ones, and I noticed his upper gums were very swollen on Wed, so they may be coming in soon.

B is doing great wih food (at least the flavors he's tasted so far), no more puking and he's even totally off his reflux med finally!!! I'm going out this weekend to get more flavors for him to try, kind of excited to see what he likes or doesn't. His fav now is peas, when he swallows a bit, he gets all excited, smiles and bounces up and down in his highchair so glad it's peas! So cute!

Hear him to get a shower and have some bnb time this morning as he slept! Thanks baby! Sending love to everyone in our great group :hugs::hugs: sorry post was all about us
Kitty we had Funky Giraffe bandana bibs for our boys when they drooled cause of teething (or cause drooling/spilling water from the sippy is SUCH fun!). They don't have them in the US I know but these ones on your amazon are pretty much exactly the same. Kept the tshirts and more importantly their little chest dry. Might be worth looking into? xx

Edit: also wanted to say YAY for peas! My boys love them too. Blake sounds adorable and such a little character. Glad feeding is going so well :)
Thanks Indigo--I did find out when regression occurs and was so relieved to realize that we were past it! Thank you, though, for writing that--the info has made me feel a million times better.

Anyway, off to take J to the day house.

ETA: Thank you, too, Kosh. I didn't know that about the number of words. As you can tell, I was petrified of autism. Now you have calmed me even further.

And also, OH and my mum have made me read countless internet "articles" about speech development, and that this is entirely normal.
Sorry ladies no decent post from me today, another stupidly tiring day... The place is still a mess, I've just moved 3 fed up cats down and I'm wrecked... I will try harder to post tomorrow xx
morning, all!

LO slept through from about 10pm to 7-8am, so I got some decent sleep (and remembered to take pain meds before I went to sleep, so no teeth wake up at 1.30 as per the previous night!)....LO also seems, for the moment, to be over his latest teething and no temperature last night and no vomiting, either.

clio - I worry about F's speech development, but like J, they both understand alot more than they might say and interact on that, which is perhaps even more important? (of course, it didn't help that somebody wasn't talking at all during his 20 month visit to the public health nurse on Wednesday last)....

storm -hugs! I'm sure that the cats will eventually recover?

must go as loads of 'housework' to do....

Need to rant! Are men in general like this? I tell my OH something and he just doesn't listen and asks me the same again and then again doesn't listen. He says "sorry I forgot for the moment". No he didn't forget, he didn't listen! I might as well talk to the wall! Latest incident is when I told him that we are going to try the boys on the BRAT diet as Dominic has such bad diarrhoea. I told him yesterday and tell him again this morning what it means and what they should have and that this is ALL they should have. He wants to make their lunch, ok. So 5 minutes after I tell him what they should have, he says "I am going to give them Beef Stew, ok?" I must admit I totally lost it with him. And now he left in a huff to go shopping and didn't even say bye. I seriously want to kick him sometimes! So angry!
Angel- I think you will find it is most men and not your dh exclusively who is like this! I get things like this ALL the time and it drives me nuts!!!:growlmad:

Can't remember what else is going in on here as I swear I'm thinking fir 6 people all at once:dohh:

Did any of you ladies have a back to back birth??
It's just my best friend has just been told that her baby is back to back at 40weeks ( she is due today)

I must add,to all you lovely ladies, thank you so much for all your kind words while my mum has been poorly. She is do much better now and even came out with me to walk her 2 dogs. I'm sure if she could drive again and wasn't worried about the dogs pulling her on their leads etc, she would be out with them by herself! But she needs to take it slowly. I'm so glad she is getting there though. She even said she might go swimming in the future!!:happydance: something she would never have considered with a colostomy. So apart from running around like a lunatic things are good.
Now, just need to get Lucy to sttn!! Lol

Hugs to all.
Special hug for storm!! Hope you settle in soon

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