any other over 35 first time mums?

Oh dear, it is very hard to reverse it and doesn't sound like your OH is helping much! I will ask her that too. X

Oh, thank you. I am soooo angry at my mother. Sometimes she does the stupidest things because she's simply not thinking. J's improving, but I just want to be told that it'll work itself out on its own. And what a ridiculous cognitive "mal-development" to have--pro-noun mix-up born out of an off-the-cuff game with Grandma one Sunday afternoon.
Clio - I forgot to comment re. the I/you issue. I wouldn't be worried at all, I even think it's cute he may think his name is also 'you', and to be very honest I think you're asking a bit too much of him to get all the pronouns right so young. I know for a fact that the you/me/mine thing is one of the most common 'mistakes' and as far as I know it resolves itself with time, so please do not worry too much!

angel - if Seb says nini both for banana and dummy, then in my eyes, that's two words! The way I see it is, he's using a sound/word to communicate something, even if that is not a correctly formed word. Gael says 'pa'. I know it means bread, shoe, bag and ball!! (all in Spanish). he says ps-ps. And I know it means 'to clean' as that is the sound the cleaning products that come on those spray bottles make :haha:
anyway, going back to the twin theory, do you ever spend time with one of them separately from the other one? I mean you with one and OH with the other one? I know it'd be more tiring, but it might help?
clio - The author of the book is satoru onishi
Evening ladies, it took me half the day to realise dh and Sophia have the same birthday, just 40 years apart! Lots of lovely people were born in November, like me :) hee hee

House swap is a nightmare, my dad is doing the absolute minimum, well less actually so I'm.trying to clear his house and my own! It's not fun... Now I'm really stressed about moving the cats too, but will leave them until Friday... So they need to survive one night with my dad. I'm taking them all as its pretty obvious my dads idea of looking after a cat is to chuck it some food, usually on top of the previous days foods..litter changing appears to be sometimes optional... I think they might all be better with me! Wish me luck...

In other news today my child was the child that got bitten! Apparently L was on a chair and another child (they can't say who) wanted the chair and L wasn't for giving up the chair so the other child bit her on the arm! By heck its a flipping big bite, all red and sore looking and although it didn't bleed you can see some of the skin is almost peeling like sunburnt skin so I assume its minor damage to the very top layers. I'm still not sure how I feel about it, I guess its just one of those things and I'm ok with this instance, not sure about how pleased I will be if it happens again though. I think the bit that bothers me most is I wasn't there when my child was hurt :( I'm not in any way annoyed with the biter :) kids will be kids!

Ok I'm tired, L had me up at 6.... Zzz zzz night all. Oh ps Clio I have a cleaner, 2 hours a week, £16.. so worth it!
as a mummy of a biter, storm- apologies (although it has been over two weeks since the last incident!) I find that LO bites because he wants the toy another child has and it seems to be typical at this age....cringe, though!

I also have a cleaner (although not for the last few months as she has been away dealing with a family death) and it saves me (e.g. she cleans OH's bathroom and does the floors, etc) as I HATE scrubing floors, etc....

LO had a terrible temperature tonight (over 39, but not quite over 40) and we double dosed with meds (an hour apart), stripped him down to nappy and vest and then a bath (lukewarm) and he was fine (cool to the touch) -- but aaargh! -- my poor little man and all because of those nasty back teeth.....OH has him tonight, but I told him if he/they don't sleep by 3am (so far, LO asleep since about 10), wake me up and I will take over (as OH took over at the same time last night)....and the meds/anti-biotics are helping my teeth, but after about 2/3 hours, nope -- need more meds.

must go - LO just woke up, screaming 'mama' and might go back to sleep or not....YAWN!

nope - checked temp and it's around 35ish, so cross fingers!

Just a quick one before Sophia wakes, which will be any moment! We had an exciting development on Sophias birthday evening, she took one little step, alone between me and my mum :happydance: the other first, was a bad nappy rash which we have not had at all! I think we may be cutting a tooth as so many poops, this rash and a sore ear, poor bubs.

Hope you ladies and LO's are all well today x
Woo hoo Charlie! L took her first faltering steps on Christmas day just before she was one and literally 2 weeks later she was walking round the kitchen.. it won't be long. I always use metanium cream when Ls bottom flairs up, messy but effective!

We've just moved all Ls clothes to the new house, time to pop back up and refill the car!
Charlie--I'm glad that you had a great time at Part I of S's birthday! When is her party?

Kosh--Well, I worry--I think you know that about me by now. :blush: What is interesting is that when I expose my worry or fear, it always goes away. Or, that which I was worried about suddenly changes. And now J is getting it right half the time. I don't think I'm expecting too much when there is a regression, though. :flower: All of us, I believe, are petrified of autism, and we're at the age where the signs can begin to show. For me, my greatest fear is regression. Wasted worry, I know, but my anxieties are odd and many. I don't think J suffered too much over the past two days. :haha:

ETA: I just wanted to add that I'm not drilling this into his head, only, when he makes a mistake, we correct him, and then hug him anyway. Imagine: "Hug you!" "No, Jonah, that's 'hug me.' I will not pick you up until you say it correctly and say please.":haha:
Charlie--how did I miss that about Miss S walking on her birthday?!? :wohoo: Congratulations Sophia!
clio - I am terribly sorry if what I said offended you in any way. I didn't mean it in a patronising way, we all worry of course! I didn't actually think you were worried about autism/regression but just about correct grammar, that's why I said I know that the me/I/you issue is one of the commonest 'mistakes'.
clio - I am terribly sorry if what I said offended you in any way. I didn't mean it in a patronising way, we all worry of course! I didn't actually think you were worried about autism/regression but just about correct grammar, that's why I said I know that the me/I/you issue is one of the commonest 'mistakes'.

Kosh, you are lovely. You did not offend me. I think you just hit a bit of a nerve, which you could not have known: I am constantly worried that I'm pushing J. My parents did it to me, and I never want J to feel pressured. OH says that I shouldn't worry; he said he'll intervene if he feels I'm crossing a boundary from teaching to pushing. I feel very reassured by that. Your post was reassuring and helpful, too, so thank you. :hugs: But yes, I am really worried about regression.

Charlie--how did I miss that about Miss S walking on her birthday?!? :wohoo: Congratulations Sophia!

We use some powerful stuff on J's bum that does the trick even during the worst teething episodes. Is your stuff effective? I know ours has something bad in it--parabens, or something spelled along those lines, but I also think it's the very thing that makes ours so thick. Ignorance is bliss...ignorance...bliss... Which teeth do you think are coming in?

Storm--I'm glad that you're getting stuff with the moving done. Are you chipping away at it slowly or are you constantly going and going? (Let me guess--constantly going and going?) Oh, a housekeeper once a week would be wonderful. I don't think it would be as cheap as you have it, though. What we need is a team of housekeepers to come in and get us back to ground zero, when the baseboards were dust-free and the walls were devoid of crayon and marker, and my husband's bathroom wasn't so gross. Then we could start maintaining without it becoming overwhelmed by the job.

For those currently doing Gymboree--Are any of you above level 3 yet? According to J's age, we'd be level 5, and it sounds hard (sitting, listening...)! I wanted to sign J up for art classes there, but the only Gymboree left in the city doesn't do the art program. I'll have to look into other art programs around Edmonton, I guess, but it's such a pain in the butt attending all of the free classes all over the city in order to choose one. Is the music one worth it? The one for kids his age last year was ridiculous. Ach--I'll just get free passes to any and all programs I can find.

Oh dear, must go. Love to you all!
hello all!

we had the 20 month assessment today and aargh! fortunately, I'd brought some observations from creche because once it was our turn to see the district nurse, Finn turned into Mr. Clingy and Mr. Shy -- a few minutes before he was running around the health centre, putting his rubbish in the bin, offering me crackers and playing with this wooden, metal structure with wires and wooden balls and then....sigh. He wasn't interested in the blocks in the nurse's room, he wouldn't speak, he wouldn't even point to his tummy, etc. and I had to do all the talking. She did check his eyes (I was diagnosed with an astigmatism (sp) when I was about his age, but fortunately, seems okay), asked about his diet (he uses spoon and a toddler fork) and about his at-home activities. He is petite (about 31-32 inches and 10kgs), but it's all in proportion, if that makes sense...Of course, the minute we left her office, he started running around the waiting room, waving to everyone and grabbing his coat to have me put it on him. Oh, well. and out the door, he was pointing at cars and screaming 'ca', so we practised cat and car....and of course, he was babbling all the way home with mama, dada, apple, etc....

not much else. am tired. may have to go back to the dentist as although the anti-biotics are working, am worried that I might need a longer course of them or...gulp - removal of the filling, etc.... very tired. That said, my favourite store is holding a christmas event tomorrow (UK mums will know JoJo Maman Bebe) and there are free chocs, etc., and discounts on clothes (for people who regularly shop there) so at least, that will be fun (very posh shop, but I tend to get stuff on sale)....

hugs and bye!
Hi ladies

Clio, we are currently doing level 4 at Gymboree. I think it's fine at the moment for Lucy but I guess soon enough we will move up to level 5!

SK- I want to go to the jojo Christmas shopping thing. I got an invite in the post. I think it's up until sun 10th - more money for mummy to spend! Lol

Storm- I hope you are coping with the move? X

As for things with me- I'm very busy running around looking after everyone ( mum and her dogs) it's so tough to make sure Lucy is looked after and happy and to do everything else. Not too sure how I'm managing to fit everything in ??!! Lol
Anyway, mum is doing well with her recovery......slow, but well :))

Hope everyone is doing ok.
Hugs to all
Hi everyone,

Since my dad and Lucy are in the mall and I am here at home waiting for thiago to wake up from his nap so we can go pick them up, I thought to come here and say a quick hello:).

Let's see what I can remember:

Clio: I thought that was so cute that J was mixing you and me :kiss:!!! But he would make me think twice to see if he meant me or him :haha:!
And I love the picture of him and the balloon!! Thiago loves balloons too!!
We have a cleaning crew that comes twice a month and like the other ladies that have help I LOVE them!!!! We pay $65.00 every time they come. I think it is a pretty good price because of the size of the house and they do a good job.

Angel: I am sure you Christmas card will be delightful to look at it:). It always is and like someone here said you don't think it is good enough but the people that you are making them for, love them! Sometimes I see some similarities in personality between you and my OH when you guys think what you did is not good enough. Don't be so hard in yourself. You are very talented lady :winkwink:.

Sabrina: poor Finn, is it the second set of molars that are coming? Thiago goes thru fazes with them now. There are days that he is feeling miserable ( the other day I saw him taking his paci off his mouth and biting on a corner wall :dohh:!!! I kid you not!!!) and there are days that he is just fine. I imagine that as they start moving up they will move most of the other teeth too don't you think?
And so funny your story about him during his 20 months developmental check up :haha:!! Kids!!!

Charlie: yay for first step :happydance:!!! And boo for the diaper rash!!!! Thiago haven't had many of them just when he had to take amoxicillin but that was horrible poor thing! Hope she feels better soon:).

Storm: sounds like your move is finally getting to an end. I can just imagine how exhausted you must feel!!!

:hugs: to kosh, kitty,Claire, indigo, not sure if I forgot anyone.

We are doing well. Thiago is enjoying his time with my family. Still wants me most of the time but I think it has been great for him to have different people around all the time. My dad and his girlfriend Lucy are so funny together. My sister warn me before they got here that they talk over each other so you never know who you should pay attention to. And that is so true :dohh:!!! But I am loving it! They are leaving to go on a cruise on Saturday already:(. But my dad said that my sister is coming around may ( not sure of the month yet) to spend time with us here :happydance:. I love my OH's family but nothing like your own to make you feel right at home :hugs:.
Oh, and Lucy's ( my dad's girlfriend) son is a plastic surgeon in Brasil and she told me that if I want breast implants and liposuction he probably could do it all for $4.000,00!!!!! OH got all excited about that :haha:!!! And you know that Lucy is 77 years old and she had her boobs done by her son a year ago and she showed me what they look like now :haha:!!!! They look so much better than mine :dohh:!!!!!! I am sold!!!! I need to start making a separate savings for the plastic surgery that I will get in about 2 to 3 years :thumbup:.

Hugs to all!
Oh, forgot to ask indigo:

Where is NC do you live? My in laws are going this Thursday to ( gosh, forgot the name of the city!!!) in NC to see my FIL's family that lives close to charleston I think. I bet it is beautiful over there. One day we need to go to see that part of the family and we should meet you and Niko there:).
nothing much here - did loads of laundry from last night, LO in good spirits and now, a cold sore in my mouth (so perhaps it's a sign that I should stop eating? or else, am so run down that my mouth is protesting?

hope all are well and hugs (sorry not too long, but am sooooooo tired!)

Hi everyone--I'm back from the apple store where I had to take my computer again. J both stepped on it and bashed the keyboard with a maraca. So, I did some semi-retail therapy and bought the iPad Air, which I will then return when my Mac gets fixed. That kid has caused more damage to that laptop than we originally paid for it! Luckily, they've fixed it under warranty each time (though I'm sure they turned a blind eye to obvious user damage more than once for me). So now I have a larger keyboard to type with. Oh, but hold on!...
I had also written a post this morning before I had to go and put it on the communal hard drive so I could post it. Here it is in all of its whining glory:

In argument with OH. :growlmad: Ever since daylight savings time, J has been waking up at 3:30ish in the morning, but typically goes back to sleep pretty quick if you ignore him. Then he wakes at 5:00 to 5:30, and we've been trying very hard to ignore him until 6 am. This has always been my rule: if nothing is wrong, then he must stay in bed. OH has always agreed, and we've rarely had trouble with a pre-6 am wakeup. Until lately.

Last night, J wouldn't stop crying at the 3:30ish wake up, so I got worried, went in, and was dismayed to hear "DADDY!!!!!!", which meant he was fine and thought OH had caved. But I gave him some Tylenol and checked if he had peed through his diaper, anyway. He was fine. He cried after I left, but not much.

Then, the pre-6 am wake up started. Our promise to each other is: don't go in, no matter how hard he cries!!! Who then goes in every single time before 6 am? "DADDY!!!!" J got up at 5 am this morning. And, to top it all off, he just went down for a nap at 7 am because he was exhausted and throwing fits right, left and centre.

OH just had to call the day house and said we'd be in at 9 am instead of 8 am, which I think is just such bad form. I know that sounds silly, because my child needs to sleep and I wouldn't change that, but I don't want the lovely day house woman thinking that we're treating her like a drop-in centre. I'm sure that she's enjoying that extra hour, but still... Bad form.

OH also just told me that I was to stop talking because I'm grumpy, and I pointed out that I wouldn't be grumpy if I hadn't been up, listening to a crying baby and having my heart torn out, if OH would just follow the game plan! Obviously, I didn't stop talking. :haha:

I have lots of people to respond to, but I'm going to take a nap first. Day house and then the afternoon at Oma's for J means a peaceful day for Mummy!

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