any other over 35 first time mums?

Need to rant! Are men in general like this? I tell my OH something and he just doesn't listen and asks me the same again and then again doesn't listen. He says "sorry I forgot for the moment". No he didn't forget, he didn't listen! I might as well talk to the wall! Latest incident is when I told him that we are going to try the boys on the BRAT diet as Dominic has such bad diarrhoea. I told him yesterday and tell him again this morning what it means and what they should have and that this is ALL they should have. He wants to make their lunch, ok. So 5 minutes after I tell him what they should have, he says "I am going to give them Beef Stew, ok?" I must admit I totally lost it with him. And now he left in a huff to go shopping and didn't even say bye. I seriously want to kick him sometimes! So angry!

Are you living my life? :rofl: You poor thing--I so know the desire to kick OH in the butt!

What's BRAT? ETA: Looked it up--I'm finding it a bit hard to understand why your OH is having trouble remembering this. (Did I say that diplomatically enough?)
Very quick one, yes Clairey L was back to back, although I think she turned on the way out, not entirely sure. All I know is I didn't feel any contractions in my stomach it just felt like she was trying to come out my butt! I coped though, just gas and air. My friends first was back to back the whole way and ventouse delivery, pethadine, gas and air, her second was induced and the right way up but came out like a rocket and she said that was worse... Tell your friend nit to stress, head down and back to back isnt ideal but its way better than breech :)
Pooped after party, so having a cuppa and a bit of BnB.

Angel, I hear and the inability to listen, how many time I have heard, but you never told me! Grrrrr

Clairey, good to hear from you again, your mum sounds like she is doing well. I was back to back and OMG, my labour started on the Friday and Sophia was born via EMCS on Monday night, it was painful, slow and Sophias position blocked my urethra, so I went into urinary retention! My regret was not accepting stronger pain relief sooner as once I did, I relaxed and labour actually started progressing! But her baby can turn, lots of leaning over on all 4's I seem to remember! Oh the dignity of pregnancy!

Off to bed night ladies x
Lol Charlie I remember doing that for the last few weeks over an exercise ball, didn't work for me, I also remember getting stuck on the floor several times. I wonder if this baby will play ball and come out the right way! I'm terrified if a,section this time, not the actual section but being home alone with a newborn and a mad tiny person.

Today L and I went to see my friend who is in LAs mum, she's going to take my present over (given its mostly dollars), L was shy for about 20 minutes and then a nutter! She couldn't get over how full of beans L was, my reply 'yes all day every day!' She wasn't too bad, but I do find visiting stressful! I never know what L is going to say say next, I told her to say goodbye at the end and she said 'Bye bye darling'.... Wee monkey!

Ok time for bed, can't believe I'm back to work on Monday, the house is a mess and I have 3 grumpy newly moved cats I can't let out yet!

Oh and Angel dont talk to me about men! Apparently man moving is getting the big stuff moved, the little stuff is women's work and with dh AND my dad Ive had to contend with it both ways... A little example is having to clear food cupboards, fridges and freezers and relocate to the other house x2. My dad has left about 75% of his bits and pieces here, ALL my mums things etc.. so I have to clear out all that and believe me there is a lot before I can fit my rubbish in... I just removed 14 of my mums coats and I thought I had already cleared most of her clothes.... Men!
my OH is pretty useless and forgetful, too, angel - however, I hope that all of us mums of boys will raise them to be a bit better! That said, I did make a dinner for LO last night, so he would have something decent to eat this morning (my weekly lie-in), so OH couldn't fall back on the trusty fish fingers (once a week is okay, not every other meal on the weekend!)....

must go as need to go do the weekly shop!

ps. got a big fox stuffed animal, a t-shirt with a fox on it and an owl night-light at JoJo on Friday, plus a free sippy cup for buying over 30 euros of stuff.
Storm--How's it going? Is the house feeling more like your own? How far away from being finished are you? I understand that feeling of carrying (no pun intended!) out a move and being the only responsible for it. I always explain to OH that we need to cull our stuff before the packers come, and even though we've moved four time together, he still just wants to chuck junk into bags and "deal with it later." We still have stuff to "deal with later" back from three houses ago!

Didn't Rowan get a c/s with Martha in tow as well? It seems like you two both have crazy amounts of energy, and she did seem to do well. Why do you think you might need a section?

And how are the cats? Have they settled down yet? Poor things. What does L think of all of this chaos? Is she comfortable enough in your Dad's old house to not really notice that you're switching?

Kitty--how are you doing? Yay for Blake not throwing up his food!

Borboleta--Wow! That is a really good price for the plastic surgery. My greatest desire would be a tummy tuck, or whatever they do to reduce the stretched skin I have from pregnancy and plain ol' fatness. It sounds like you're having (had? Are they still there?) a lovely time with both your Dad and his girlfriend. How long has she and your Dad been together?

Charlie--Four days of labour? And no pain killer until the end? Wow. You are Superwoman! J also got caught on the way down, but I was demanding painkillers the minute we arrived at L&D. Luckily I was already 6cm dilated.

Angel--How is the BRAT diet going? Did your OH finally get it? And how is little D--any better? Can you get him to drink liquids at least, so he isn't dehydrated? Do you know what is causing D's runs to begin with? Do you know where could he have caught the bug, and why doesn't S have it, too?

And how are your cards? How long does it take you to make one? I remember the lovely ones from last year were very beautifully detailed. Are these similar?

SK--I totally agree with you about our LOs understanding more than they are able to say. Silly F--they always do that, don't they? Cats and toddlers will make a liar out of us every time! Did the nurse believe you when you said that he speaks just fine at home? J does the same; when at the Sunday Dinner, he says hardly anything in the wake of his loud and yappy cousins, so everyone but Oma and Pake think he's a very quiet boy. :rofl:

That sounds like very lovely booty you got from the fancy shop! What does F think about all the foxy things?

Claire--I don't think I realized that L still doesn't STTN! I knew there were major problems with sleep earlier, but I didn't realize it was still happening! How many times a night will little L get up now? Are you still as exhausted as you were before? In other words, has it at least gotten better?

And how is your mum? Is she still on bed rest?

Kosh--Thanks, kosh. I do feel a million times better now. I feel like I'm always waiting for the other shoe to drop with J. It's silly, I know, but autism dominated my list of worries until now. And how are you? Do you like your current work project as much as the last one?

Leeze--how are you doing? How's Kia's teething going?

Indigo--this is from a while back, but your description of the kite festival and the beach sounds heavenly. I had a boyfriend who was doing his PhD at Duke, and he told me that, because they have no air conditioner at home, he worked naked!

AFU--J is constantly singing. Baa Baa, Twinkle Twinkle, ABC and Itsy Bitsy Spider are his entire repertoire, unfortunately. I had to make a playlist of only those four songs, and it's driving me batty. He also insists on calling my parents, asks to speak to each in turn, and bellows songs at them. He even leaves them songs as a message if no one answers. :cloud9:

We managed to fix the 3:30 am and 5 am wake-ups, thank heaven! Well, I fixed it, of course. OH has promised to stay out of his room if J cries before six, but it turns out J hasn't even made a peep before 6 am since. It's probably because I also pushed back J's bedtime. Though this was over the protest of OH, who likes the early bedtime because it gives him more "me" time. :wacko:

And my computer came back with exactly the same problems as before. I am just too rough on my laptops, though, to be fair to me, J is even rougher! But OH has professional development money kicking around, and since I now have brand new parts in this one (they replaced almost everything), I might trade it in to get more money off of a new one. Though, the idea of losing this computer makes me tired; I'd have to do a lot of work in order to transfer stuff from this one to a new one. What's sad is that this one isn't even three years old! Stupid maraca.

Okay, posting this behemoth now before something goes wrong and I lose the post!
No Clio, I'm no superwoman, I was a stubborn idiot! It was me desperately wanting a natural water birth and the only meds I could have would mean no water birth! Believe me I was trying to negotiate with the obstetrician from 8am that Monday morning to give me a c section! I got my way 13 hours later!

That's so cute about J leaving songs as messages, they must love that soooooo much!
Hi ladies,

Clio: can you keep the new computer?
Maybe I can ask my dad's girlfriend to ask her son if I get enough people there to have plastic surgery Done by him if he would give us a good discount :haha:. And we can be room buddies :haha:!!! Tummy tuck sounds good to me, as we all had to deal with the csection, so no big deal right :winkwink:.
And so cute the story about J singing songs to his grandparents :kiss:. I can't wait when thiago is able to sing:).
I totally understand your fear of autism. I started reading the article that indigo posted but I decided to stop at one point because for some strange reason I start reading into things too much :dohh:!! So I am trying to be good and not getting myself too informed :haha:.

Angel: hope Dom is better. Poor thing. How is seb? And my OH is the same. I can totally tell when he is not paying attention. I just tell him ask him " are you paying attention because I will not going to repeat what I am saying?!" :growlmad::growlmad:
Can we see a sneak peak of the Christmas card :blush:?

Kitty: how is Blake's teeth going?

Storm: how is L enjoying her new room? Sorry you have to go back to work already but at least your maternity leave is coming :happydance:!! How are the kitties?

Charlie: I am with Clio 4 DAYS Labour!!!!! Oh my gosh!!!! What are your plans for the next one? How was S birthday day?

Sabrina: :happydance: for the savings on the clothes!!! I love when a plan comes together:).

Kosh: how is G's arm healing?

Indigo: :hugs:

My dad and Lucy left yesterday. I love when they come but it is so hard when they leave :cry:. Not sure if we will be able to see them next year but I told Oh we should go in 2015 when thiago is a little older and easier to deal with in a longer trip.
Poor thiago has a cold or at least I think it is a cold. He has runny nose and has been pooping a lot more throughout the day. He actually has been pooping the past 2 days at 5:30am and of course will not go back to sleep!!! So we are up really early the past couple of days :growlmad:!!! At least he is in an okay mood:).

Hope you are all having a lovely weekend:).
No Clio, I'm no superwoman, I was a stubborn idiot! It was me desperately wanting a natural water birth and the only meds I could have would mean no water birth! Believe me I was trying to negotiate with the obstetrician from 8am that Monday morning to give me a c section! I got my way 13 hours later!

That's so cute about J leaving songs as messages, they must love that soooooo much!

So you had a csection too. So let's see the csection ladies if I am correct are:

Me, Clio, Angel, Charlie, Sabrina,

Natural birth : storm, Claire,

Kosh, indigo, kitty can't remember .
Evening all, the scatteredness continues. First of all Borboleta sign me up for a boob job, not too big but I need a lift, tummy tuck and liposuction :) I also had a little giggle at your natural birth classification.. I had back to back labour, meconium stained waters and my heart went whacky for 2 days after the delivery and they wouldn't let me out.. but yup she,came out the V... Oh and 2 graces and a laceration whatever that is so lovely internal stitches :) Why am I doing this again?? Why!

Charlie 4 days?! Wow, I was knackered after 12 hours! I did think I might actually just die from exhaustion and pain...

Clio we are getting there slowly, the biggest issue is the lack of space due to the junk that's still here! The kitties are under house arrest so currently in the dining room with access to the conservatory.. at least they are eating again! Cheesed off but eating. We have so much rubbish we had to empty the utility room into bags ans bring the laundered but not sorted laundry that way. Dh said 'we will need a new system for the laundry which works in the new house' which I replied 'you mean one where you help me!'... Heehee. Anyway Clio I have been thinking about you as ive been crippled with hip pain this week, its been rough! I told dh I needed a stiff drink and painkillers... I guess I can have those in 3 months!

In other news I've exploded.. I am massive and feeling it. My backside is in competition with my bump. I'm huge..

Ok huge and wrecked so will continue this tomorrow night everyone, back to work tomorrow!
Storm--your comment about your butt and bump made me laugh! I think I could also go for a breast lift, too. Maybe even a reduction, because they will look too big in comparison to my newly svelte body. Just down to a C cup again, I think. A nice and perky C.

You poor thing. I'm sorry that you have hip pain; my loose joint is actually something other women have to endure during pregnancy because of the loosening of the pelvis ligaments.

Borboleta--yup, I'd be able to keep the computer; OH's professional development money is his to use as he pleases. Universities are awesome.

I had the worst night! J woke at 11--obviously needed teething meds, so I gave them to him. Then J woke at 12, and I sent OH in to take care of him. I figured he'd give him meds, too. Then he woke at 1:30, and I went and asked OH if he had given him meds. Nope, he had just cuddled him back to sleep. :dohh: So I sent him in again to administer the meds. Then J woke at 3:00, but I figured it was just his stupid 3 am thing, so I ignored him. Or rather, I sat on my bed, on edge, silently begging him to go to sleep for around 40 minutes. He wasn't crying too badly, but after 40 minutes, he began to WAIL. Confused, I woke up OH again to see if he really had given him meds last time. Nope, he had just cuddled him again. AAARRRGGHHH!!! So my poor baby was crying in pain all night long and received only cuddles from his dad and I had ignored him when he really needed me. :cry:

OH apologized the next morning and admitted that he had been stuck in the wine before he went to bed. I forgave him--it's not a common thing, and he was celebrating some stuff that had been going really well in his career lately--but my poor baby! :cry:

Okay, going to save the cat from J.
Borboleta I think I need an all-over liposuction but my boobs aren't too bad I guess. But who knows how they would be if I lost weight. But I definitely need a tummy tuck too as my belly and the skin looks like a loose drapery below the belly button. Bleh! :(

Storm I really feel for you with all the junk! It would be the same for us!
Glad your cats are slowly settling in though. Have you introduced them to the old resident cat yet?
How is Miss L taking to the new house? I guess she isn't unfamiliar with it but has she slept there before? How did it go?

Clio Poor J! :( What teeth is he working on then? Is it the second molars already? Cause apart from those I think my boys have them all now. At least according to this chart . They haven't suffered much with them and I hope the next ones will be similarly ok

I am not feeling too great. Got a touch of sinusitis I think, judging by how blocked up my nose is and how throbbing my forehead. Typical too. My friend Beau is having a little dinner tomorrow with friends and his mother to celebrate his graduation to fully qualified architect and I am invited and would love to go. First dinner out for me since the boys were born. But meeting his adored mother for the first time with a dripping nose and bug eyes when she must have heard so much of me in the last 10 years (his parents used to live in Argentina and now in Spain)? I am sure she will be charmed :/ Bleh!
angel - take some sudafed and use albas oil (we don't have in the usa, and I love it!) and go out tomorrow night!

not much here - OH being annoying (we had a row in Tesco yesterday) and then this am, he brought LO back into my room at 7.04 (not our 'agreed' 7.10) and when I complained, he told me 'not to start my usual'....I informed him that I hadn't blow-dried my hair and his response 'I thought you had', yes that's why I was still wearing a towel on my head, and can't do hair with LO in the room as somebody loves the hairdryer, but doesn't understand that playing with the extension cord is dangerous...growl! and why was OH in such a rush? to make HIS breakfast!

oops! Finn has just discovered me on the laptop and is now crying (he's a little OTT, me thinks!).....

Angel--Yup, 2nd molars I believe? He's always in a foul mood when he's home these days b/c of teething. He's fine when out and about, but it's Remembrance Day, which is the only "holiday" Albertans think is important enough to close everything for. He's at a ceremony with OH, but they'll be home soon, and I still feel wrecked from last night. Too wrecked to take him outside to play in the freezing cold, at least.

I'm sorry about your sinusitis! But if Beau's mother is in any way like her son, I think she'll love you regardless.
Angel: you need to go to the dinner:). Put on some make up and take meds and go :thumbup:. How long have you being friends with Beau? Is your OH ever jealous of him :haha:?

Sabrina: you are so funny. I love it!!!:thumbup:

Clio: it looks like a lot of our LO's are going thru the 2nd molars pain :growlmad:!! I read that they can come from 20 to 30 months, so we are right on track I guess. Thiago has his fingers in back of his mouth constantly but nothing till now. I imagine that they will move other teeth too so they fit in, don't you think? And I read that they are the most painful ones too. So wonderful isn't it :dohh:!!!

Ops, thiago woke up. Bye:).
Thank you ladies, I will do my UTMOST to be able to go. So far I have declined every dinner invitation from him since having the boys but when he said I had to come to his graduation dinner cause I had supported him for over 10 years of studying, I kinda felt that this IS special indeed, so yes.
Borboleta I have been friends with Beau for about 11 years now. I first met him at Christie's when he was 19. We both did a diploma course before he started university to study architecture and I went on to do my MA. I don't think OH is jealous of Beau, he is not the jealous type, even though he knows that Beau, unlike him, shares a lot of my interests in fine and decorative arts and art history etc. But it was my OH who suggested Beau as a godfather to Sebastian, so he does like him too. And besides all that and probably most importantly to OH, Beau is gay, so no threat in that way either. ;)

Hope all your teething babies have a good night. I am off to bed to read the newest Terry Pratchett. Night night all :)
No Clio, I'm no superwoman, I was a stubborn idiot! It was me desperately wanting a natural water birth and the only meds I could have would mean no water birth! Believe me I was trying to negotiate with the obstetrician from 8am that Monday morning to give me a c section! I got my way 13 hours later!

That's so cute about J leaving songs as messages, they must love that soooooo much!

So you had a csection too. So let's see the csection ladies if I am correct are:

Me, Clio, Angel, Charlie, Sabrina,

Natural birth : storm, Claire,

Kosh, indigo, kitty can't remember .

Mine was an assisted (forceps) delivery
Just wrote a long ish post and lost it! Will try again tomorrow. In the meantime, just wanted to say Angel, go for the dinner :thumbup:

Night ladies x
First of all Angel, please go out with Beau, really you must! Get your makeup on, some nice clothes and stop putting yourself down, you are a beautiful lady!

Clio we too had one of those nights, it started with L crying 'my cheek my cheek' an hour after we put her to bed and her little cheeks were indeed rip roaring red so I gave her calpol and got her settled. Then at 2am she woke up hysterical! Full on screaming and crying and thrashing round the bed screaming no no no, I think she was awake, the only thing that stopped her screaming was when I said do you want to come with mummy and she sobbed yes! So odd as the previous 3 nights she was great! As a result I was shattered today.

Then today 2 full on nose bleeds, one minor one in work then a gusher in the shower tonight, yuk, messy!

In other news dh is in funny form! He's tired, as far as I know hasn't seen his parents in weeks and he's grumpy!

I'm too tired to type more, will try and get some time tomorrow so I'm not one finger typing on my phone!

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