any other over 35 first time mums?

Hi ladies,

Sabrina: Finn is so cute:) I love his little cheeks:)! Who does he looks like more? He has a nice square face ( I find it a very beautiful feature in a man specially :kiss:). And your needle technique is very impressive!!! So sorry to hear that you haven't received any news yet about your job applications. Believe me I know the feeling:(.

Storm: I would be so angry at OH too :growlmad:!! I worry about us mommy's of boys if our LOs are going to turn out just like that :dohh:!!! But there is faith, my dad is the complete opposite and he will drive you nuts because things are not in order :dohh:!! So Lydia could have a slop like his daddy or be a neat freak like his mommy and specially his grandpa :thumbup:.
I am just like you when is about getting things done. If they ( OH) don't see that things should be cleaned or organized I just do it myself :growlmad:!!

Clio: J is turning 2 next month already!!! :kiss:

Kosh: yeah for Gael :happydance:. Little t too pretty much understand English and Portuguese but chooses to speak whatever is easier for him to say it. Good thing is that OH is learning Portuguese words:). I hope your trip goes well this weekend:).

Kitty: so cute your story about Blake and the cat:). Is he standing up most of the time now?

Charlie: I can just imagine how hard it will be to go back to work but at least your Oh will keep S:winkwink: and it is part time right?

Angel: are your getting ready for the dinner? I hope you have lots of fun :).
How is Dom?

Claire: glad to hear your mom is okay. Sorry for the bad nights:(.

Thiago still has his cold and feels pretty crabby, poor thing. He woke up again today at 5:30am ( after a couple of nights of sleeping in till 7am :happydance:) and I have to try to keep him awake till 12pm. Hard job because he is exhausted by 10am :dohh:!! Called the nurse yesterday and she said to wait till Monday and if he is not better by then we could bring him in. I just hate to see him like this. I wish I could give him something to make him feel better. At least today his nose is not an open faucet like it has been the past couple of days. So I think that is an improvement.
OH has been coming home around 6pm 6:30pm and is only able to spend a couple of hours with thiago since he is now going to bed around 8:30pm. The other day he told me that thiago was crying and wanting him to hold him ) I was not home :haha:, and OH said that he felt that thiago missed him. And than he starts telling thiago why he has to go to work and that he loves him and he misses him when he is at work ... Very cute but I think he was saying that more to make himself feel better about the situation. Thiago is too little to understand that kind of thing.

I guess that is all for now:). Big hugs to everyone:).
Borboleta, I hope T gets better soon, it's horrible when they are ill, but I find that Sophia needs way more sleep when poorly, maybe an extra nap again won't disrupt T's routine? And yes work is part time which is sooooo much better and yes OH will be with S which will be so so much easier than taking her to a child minder or nursery :thumbup: but funnily enough my department has just been on the news and one quote was " it was a busy and full department with queues outside at 10am! " my dread is more about the actual job, it is VERY full on and stressful. I am not sure that my heart is in it anymore, i use to love the buzz, the unpredictability and well the chaos and not sure i will now and you need to in order to enjoy that kind of work! We shall see, time will tell and in the meantime, it will pay the bills!

SK, sorry no news on the job front. Would you be happy to stay in Ireland if your OH gets a job?

Oh and Clio, keep on meaning to say how much I love that photo of J with the balloon, gorgeous boy!

News here today was 3 steps :happydance: the big walk is getting closer I feel, she seems very determined now to keep on trying :thumbup:

Storm, has your OH done the cat litter today?
Oh ladies, your posts are always more interesting and in depth than mine! I always seem to be just commenting on my own issues, so apologies for being a bit self centred.
Sk- love the knitting and Finn is such a cutie!

I have had the night from hell! I literally had almost no sleep! And needless to say it was because Lucy wouldn't/couldn't sleep :-( she has a pretty bad cold ( nothing unusual there) and a bit of a temp, but nothing scary.
She just fidgeted, moaned, cried and generally didn't sleep. I took her to df at 4.30am as she was breathing very shallow and fast ( a bit like panting) and her heart rate was really fast!
To cut a long story short the paramedic was called to attend to her. Typically she had fallen asleep on me and her symptoms had calmed. She didn't even wake when she put the sticky pad things on her to monitor her vital signs and even more amazingly she didn't wake when she tried to get blood from her foot to test her blood sugar. She tried twice!!!!! She was clearly so shattered!
Anyway, she us fine and it's all attributed to her cold, but boy they can really worry you at times.
I was thinking of your dh storm and the wonderful job he does. And you too Charlie in A&E.

Right as I'm running on empty, it's time for bed.
Night all.:hugs:
Oh Clairey you poor thing and poor little Lucy, they do worry you at times! I'm still thankful the night L had a rip roaring temp with her uti that dh was there cause it took us an hour and a half to get calpol into her!

Charlie I know what you mean, becoming a mum changes you, but you might find you get caught up in the hustle and bustle and the time flies in, you just won't know til you are back!

Sk I hope you hear something back or at least if your dh does get a fab job you are ok staying?

Oh and dh did the litter trays twice today :) He also transported a lady from one hospital to another who was in labour, I think it reminded him of what its like! He was also saying the other crew got a premature baby today, it was 28 weeks and the girl had the baby out before the ambulance arrived and apparently the baby wasn't breathing and the cord had snapped? How does the cord snap? It scared me though, I'm 27 weeks now! The 28 week baby is still alive btw, I hope the wee thing survives!

On a lighter note I thought I would have a bath tonight, in the new bath, which was lovely until I tried to get out LOL. Big fat pregnant woman, deep bath... No handrails.. I had to flip on to my knees (now there's a picture for you) before I could get up! No baths for me unless dh is home!

Oh and Borboleta, L is a messy mucky pup so T will need to do the tidying. Unless of course she elopes with F ;) heehee
storm - again, you made me laugh! Back when I was very heavily pregnant and in the hospital (for observation, urine collection and annoying hourly blood pressure monitoring) in wk 34, I went to take a bath and I couldn't get out of the tub! Fortunately, I realised before I sunk myself into it and turned the water off and waddled back down to the semi-private ward (had health insurance, but no 'private' beds available; in fact, not a snob, but have huge problems sleeping at any time, and fortunately, I was 'steady' and allowed home (had to check in every day), and in the last few days, had to use a stool in the shower as my legs were so swollen, etc ('member I had pre-eclampsia?).....

got AF today (I had forgotten to mark last month, so was wondering when it was due, explains the upset tummy! and to be honest, am NTNP and not too fussed!)...

as for a proper academic job....if my OH got a great job and he didn't throw it in my face that he pays for everything, except for creche, maybe. I just wish that there was a job here for me. I could do the post-graduate course for secondary teaching, but since new austerity measures in the budget, no extra money for having an M.A., let alone at PhD and the salary has been cut by some 20% and the course is from next year, going to be 2 years instead of 1 (UK ladies will know the equivalent PGCE, which would be free if I went to England!), I did do a museum post-graduate certificate a few years ago, but that sector has even less money than education....I would love to be a proper novelist (mysteries), but I do love my romans! In an ideal world, a job would open up at a posh school to teach Latin and Roman history and I could some art classes in my free time! sigh.

angel -- did you see that Frances Bacon's painting sold for over 100 million! WTF? The school that I teach at is near the Hugh Lane Gallery in Dublin and I take my students there every few months (they have Bacon's studio, which was transported from London to Dublin) and whilst interesting, I cannot believe somebody paid such a huge amount!

clio -- I cannot believe that J will be 2 next month!

borboleta - hugs to T! I was told that if the snots are green, then go to the doctors; if the cough is green or brown, etc. (but white/clear okay), then go to the doctors and if they are bleeding at all, check whether it's them or the cat! (the last one is just a joke!)

I have to go as my last application is very time-consuming -- they want everything, including writing samples, as a pdf -- but it's a little tricky for me as I had to scan the stuff in, email it to me and then transfer to a pdf file, it is taking ages. AARGH! I got a packet of stuff from one application today and when I saw it, said'I guess they are sending it all back' and it was all these forms to prove I am a US citizen? and clio - nothing back from Toronto at all (except an acknowledgement), so me thinks, no go -sigh. Toronot is so lovely in the fall....

Clairey, poor you and L! Hope she's on the mend ASAP!

Storm, :thumbup: OH and cat litter, hope he keeps it up!
Wow, sounds like we have quite a few December birthdays, poor kids, getting lumped in with Christmas. I was also considering doing some kind of half birthday or something in the summer?

Clairey - oh my, poor little thing, I hope she starts feeling better soon and you're able to find time for some sleep!

Charlie - maybe you'll be surprised and find yourself immersed in the action again?

SK - F is so adorable, love that picture of him, so cute! And wow that sweater looks good, very well done!

Borboleta - glad you had such a nice time with your dad and gf! Poor T with his cold, hope the nose slowing down means he'll be rid of it completely ASAP! I can understand how your oh feels, too. It's so hard to have to spend so much time working, commuting, etc. Dan leaves before B gets up and isn't back home until about 6 (but he does go to the gym for an hour after work), then Blakey goes to bed at 7:30-8:00. That's one reason (besides me needing to sleep) that I encouraged Dan to give B his morning bottle for the first 6 months or so, so they'd have that bonding time. Just not enough time in the day, you know? On the other hand, we're so fortunate to have a good job. They'll understand soon working allows us food, house, TOYS! :haha:

And yes, Blakey loves standing up! The playpen bars make it easy for him, and he's starting to pull up on other stuff now, his changing table, crib, dresser, bookcase (time to attach those to the wall this weekend)! He's so quick with his crawling now too!

Well, the food is still hit or miss. Two days ago, he refused to even open his mouth, almost like a game, as he was happy, laughing, but as soon as the spoon got close...snap! Mouth tightly closed while looking right in my eyes! Silly boy made me laugh so hard, he's got some attitude this one! Love it!

Someone just woke up...more later. Hugs girlies!

Oh, yay for oh cleaning litter Storm!!
Don't think I've posted here yet! 36 next week, due end of April with first bubs. Hello, everyone. :flower:
Hello BLEmma... I was 36 when I had my first and have just hit my third tri with number 2, will be 38 when this little lady is born... :)

Everyone else who knows me a bit better welcome to the comedy sketch that is my life. Today I had to work from home again and dh was there. I go to feed the terra pin and realise my dad when fixing. the light accidentally turned the wrong plug off, the poor thing had no heat or light last night! In fairness its fine but I start sobbing about the poor thing, its quickly sorted but I'm still sobbing. Then my dad calls to finish fixing the terrapins platform as the last one needed replaced, its so the little guy (probably girl and at nearly 26 not so little) can come up and bask.. so I casually ask my dad how much oil there is, he goes to check... Um NONE! Arghhhh, so we order oil, its coming tomorrow but its freezing today. Dh is off out taxing his car so I text him to buy coal and firelighters so we can light the fire. He phones and I explain so he says no problem. He comes home and I ask for the firelighers, he forgot them, but he bought 3 bags of coal?!? 3! For one night? Seriously.. then when I get fed up waiting for him to bring me coal I go and lift about 5 lumps, promptly drop one on the rug I vaxed yesterday and it bounces across the rug leaving FOUR big dirty marks! Then I'm trying to light the fire and dh brings the coal bucket in manages to clunk me on the head?!? How! So I start sobbing again... It didn't even hurt.I spent my whole lunch break lighting the damn fire!

Anyway today has been a hormonal sobfest. Dh went for a nap before work, leaving me to collect L and make dinner and L didn't like the fire! She wanted me to make it go away! Thankfully we have a fireguard and then the kids safety fireguard around the whole hearth and fire. L also managed to break a lamp tonight and knock over a glass at dinner. Oh and is now having full on conversations and arguments... Typical woman :)

I also have the joiner coming tomorrow as since we got the new carpet dh can't close the door to the room he is in and I can't close mine or I won't hear L and his smokers cough keeps waking me up. I actually went into his room at 3am this morning and told him I wanted to smother him to death... Then L had me up at 5 and dh wonders why I'm grumpy...

Ok I'm rambling... Silly me, hope everyone is well xxx
BLEmma welcome! :D I am 43 and my twin boys Sebastian and Dominic are 19 and a half months old (gulp).

Clio how is your dad? And I love that J calls himself monkey lol! Maybe some on at his Day House called him wee monkey and he liked it? :)

Sabrina Finn is adorable! Love his dimples! And I am so in awe that not only did you make his jumper but one for Foxy too! And I love your examples of knitting. Those are great! Fairisle stuff looks extremely complicated so I am not surprised you cannot do those! Surely those are mostly done by machines now anyway?
Oh and as for the Bacons, yes how staggering! I quite like some of his work but that price?! No way! :shrug:

Kosh I hope you are going to have a lovely time in Spain and that the flight there will not be the ordeal you think. Maybe maybe G will even sleep when he gets there just from sheer excitement overload? ;) You would definitely deserve it! :hugs:

charlie I hope you and S weren't hurt in the accident? What happened??
As for going back to work, is there any way you could change to a less stressful job than that of A&E nurse? Must say it sounds nightmarish and gory and very stressful. I admire you and your colleagues in related work (such as Storm's DH) very much. I doubt I could be that brave and work under such stress.
Yay though for three steps! Dominic started slowly like that too and now there is no stopping him! I bet Sophia will be quicker to make progress than him though as she sounds like a determined young lady :)

Claire you poor poor woman! :hugs: I keep saying it, but I don't know how you are still sane! Between no sleep and L getting one cold after another and then that horrible scare! AND your taking care of your mum and her dogs! You are wonder-woman. I hope tonight is going to be a lovely one finally, with L not waking once till morning and no one else needing you either :) How is your mum? Still getting better and better I hope?

Kitty the more you tell us about Blake the more I think he sounds like an amazing sweet and charming little man with a great sense of humour! Good for you to not stress about feeding times and just take it with humour :)

Storm you poor woman! I am not surprised you cried, I would have too, even though I am not pregnant! But you going to your DH at night and telling him you wanted to smother him made me laugh! But I am not underestimating the frustration you must be feeling and I think rightly so. I think they all rely too much on you but I do hope your DH will at least keep up the cleaning of the kitty litter! :growlmad: Btw is he now openly smoking again or is he still doing it surreptitiously under cover of walking the dog? Mine is still on the electronic cigarettes but those make him cough I find and of course he sneaks the occasional smoke when out and about. He thinks I won't smell it if he brushes his teeth but I can! GRR!

Borboleta how is T? Is his cold better? And wow your DH going to be d at 8:30?! That is incredibly early surely? When does he have to get up in the morning? And while agree that T cannot understand what your DH tols him, I can imagine that T probably misses his daddy and is maybe more clingy with him when he does see him?
Dominic is lots better thank you. He is still a bit runny but his horrible nappy rash with the open sores is a lot better! Poor boy!

Leeze hope you and Kia are well? I am always hoping that at least one of our sleepless wonder-women trio (claire, kosh and you) finally gets some decent sleep! :hugs:

As for us, my mum is here again for 4 days cause this is the only time she can make it before xmas. Sebastian hid his face in my neck for less than 5 minutes before he obviously remembered her and was all smiles and charm again. And I think she is secretly pleased that he takes much longer to warm up to my SIL and MIL ;) She is very impressed how well he walks now as the last time she was here about 6 weeks ago, he still mostly refused.
The dinner at my friend Beau's place was so so lovely. He is a marvellous cook and went all out again. (Don't know when he had the time!) But don't ask me to tell you what it was. It was chicken with I think roasted or baked figs and potatoes and uh... it tasted divine, that is all I cared about ;) I liked his mum very much but I haven't heard back yet what she thought of me. But I always think that if I like someone immediately, it is unlikely that they thought me the total limit, right? So I am hopeful I made an ok impression lol. Everyone at the dinner was nice and interesting and I enjoyed it so so much! I am soooo glad I didn't chicken out lol.
Well I am now going to bed to read before my OH can tear himself away from GTA5 and am looking forward to soundly sleeping all night thanks to my waxy earplugs and it being OH's night. Bliss! I am sending sleepy vibes to all your LO and hope everyone is well. Love and :hugs: as usual! xx
back to the dentist this morning, and he scrapped a bit off one filing as it was grinding against the top tooth, but I may need either two root canals or two extractions - gulp! (those two back teeth that were filled last time) the least, the pain at the moment isn't too bad (with some over the counter medication)....aargh!

In a month's time, we will be almost on our way to the USA (leaving the 16th December), OH will be finished with his job and we can go for a few days 'break' to NYC with LO....

hope all are okay, but hugs!
I was just about to complain that my last post had gone missing again!...until I realized I was smart and saved it to a Word document and never even posted it.:dohh: Now, let's see how up to date it is...ah, it's from yesterday.


Borboleta--is little T's cold any better, the poor thing? And I can imagine how your OH feels. But, as SK pointed out, they do understand more than they can say. And I'm certain that your OH managed, at the very least, to make T feel safe and loved.

ETA from today: talking about understanding more than you think, here is a prime example. I've been wondering if J should be saying please and thank you and your welcome, as many of you seem to be working on it. J will do the same as little F, and say "welcome!" after I say: "say 'thank you'!" But he doesn't say thank you or please. So OH and I had a big discussion about this yesterday while J was bouncing around and came to the conclusion that all we could do was model it for him. Then this morning, I handed him his morning "mush," and he said "Thank you!" There have been other instances like that, so I'm certain they understand.

Charlie--I hope going back to work will be easier than you are anticipating. I can imagine that you are a wonderful nurse--you are so very kind and compassionate. Are you only in Emergency, or do you work elsewhere in the hospital, too? Is it possible to switch to another department if it becomes too much? And how on earth does your husband speak 6 languages? :shock: Does he need them for his work? And thank you for the compliment on the balloon pic!

SK--cables are actually very easy; they just look complicated. You can even do a trick which allows you to make them without a cable needle. My grandmother taught me the basics, too: cast on, cast off, knit and purl. Have you ever made socks? They are soooo much fun. I bought the most glorious sock pattern book ( and made socks for everyone one Christmas. Took a while but the results were gorgeous, and get this: people actually wear them!

I'm sorry about the applications, but as you said yourself, most hiring committees often wait until January to make a short list. That's what we did on the few committees I was on, anyway. We were all total procrastinators, and no one ever wanted to meet to do it. I made my short lists on the bus.:blush: So I don't think you're out of the game yet with any of your applications!

Claire--is L any better? That must have been so scary! Though of course everything was fine by the time the paramedics get there... Murphy's Law, though not a bad law in this case, I suppose.

I'm posting this old post now so my next one can be more up-to-date.
Hi everyone,

Blemma: welcome:). So how are you feeling? Do you know what is the sex of the baby? Are you excited? 36 ... You are a baby :haha:. I turned 40 in September and have one little boy 20 months old :kiss:. Not sure if I want another one :haha:. OH wants another but I am the one saying no.

Angel: I am so happy your went to the dinner :happydance:. It sounded delicious!!! I love to go to friends house that are great cooks :blush:!! And I am sure his mom liked you very much. Who wouldn't :flower:?
Glad to hear that Dom is doing better. And that is so wonderful that your mom is around again:).

Clio: it is amazing how quick J picks up on conversation:). Are you extra careful with the cursing? I keep reminding OH that he needs to watch his language. But he always let something slide :dohh:!!! And how is J liking the leap frog videos?

Claire: how scary about L!!!! Is she better now? How many times has she been in the ER? Thiago has been once and that was not fun but it was just viral. Now I have to ask about your FB post :haha:... Are you pregnant :winkwink:? Whatever the good news are must be a great one ... So congratulations on whatever it is :happydance:.

Charlie: I think I told you before that my mom was the head nurse in the ER right. She was there for a long time and I remember her sometimes having to work on the weekends and I didn't like that. My dad was the one that would take care of us or we would go to my grandma and I remember just wishing she wouldn't have to work on the weekends. I guess I was a momma's girl :thumbup:. Do you have to do some weekends sometimes? I remembered it wasn't very often but just once in a while.
And yeah for more steps for S :happydance:.

Kitty: so cute your story about B laughing as he closes his mouth to eat :haha:. What a cutie pie:). And do you have the house all child proof now that he crawls everywhere? Is his birthday in December too?

Kosh: hope your trip is a blast:)!!!

Sabrina: is it dental treatment as expensive as it is here? I hate dentists!!!! I really need to go for a cleaning but I dreading the day that I actually have to go!!!! Poor you!! Two root canals and two extractions!!!! Ouch!!!!

Storm: I am so sorry you had a bad day. Can anyone sympathize with a pregnant woman these days? I can see what Charlie said about OHs not caring for the wife as much the second time around. So unfair!!! I wonder how is going to be when the new baby is here. No wonder we are the ones that have the baby and not men cause they couldn't do anything!! We work, take care of the kids, take care of them, cook, clean, pay bills, etc and what do they do ... Work. :growlmad:

As for us: little t is getting better from his cold. At least he is in a wonderful mood today and his nose is not running as much anymore :thumbup:. Today he woke up at 4:45am and I just turned the monitor's sound off and felt bad about leaving him in his bed till 6:10am so went pick him up and found a lovely poop in his diapers :dohh:!!! Why in the world does he want to poop at 5am!!!! The good thing is that he doesn't cry in his crib if left in there for 1:30 hr or so :thumbup:. And I was able to keep him awake till 12pm and he is now taking a nap. Hopefully a long one :thumbup:.
Yesterday thiago had his first time out. OH gets so aggravated that thiago keeps throwing food on the floor and he keeps telling him to leave the food on his tray. Yesterday thiago got upset when OH started telling him again not to throw food on the floor and thiago pushed OH away from his chair. OH got mad and told him not to push him away and picked him up and gave him 1 min time out. Thiago didn't really care :dohh:. After he brought him back to eat I asked OH why was he looking so stressed and he said that he didn't like what thiago did ( I agreed) but I did tell him that after a time out he can't hold grudge and just act normal and he did:). Are your LOs throwing food on the floor too? I am not sure if we should ignore it or just keep hammering the " no food on the floor" speech?
And for last I will have a proud mommy moment and say that thiago grabbed the letters S, O and P and put them in order and said stop:). Then I said where is the letter T and I couldn't find it at first in his letter puzzle so I looked under the sound system and I was there. So he didn't pick the T because he couldn't find it. Than I wrote LUA ( moon) with the puzzle and he kept pointing at it and saying lua. Oh and he loves " exit" signs!!! He spot them miles away :haha:!!! And when he sees them he smiles and laughs and says goodbye :dohh:!!! Anything related to alphabet the boy is in love!! And I did find the numbers magnetic things to put in the fridge so now we are working little by little with the numbers. But I think it is a little harder for him because he can't really pronounce two three etc. he does say um ( one).

Okay this post must be huge. Bye everyone:).

Oh and have you ladies did a mammogram before? I am thinking about asking my doctor to have one done since I am now 40 and my mom had breast cancer before. Better safe than sorry right :thumbup:.
Very quick one will post more later, yes Borboleta I had a mammogram at the start of the year given my family history. Given I have no boobs when I'm not pregnant it was fine, a little uncomfortable but not as bad as I thought, the lady doing it was lovely. I was more embarrassed by the quick check the male consultant did first! (female nurse present), anyway I got the all clear which was good but I think they will make go frequently! Xxx
Borboleta- I laughed so hard with your fb comment!! Lol I'm am not pregnant.
It is my best friend Lucy, she has gone junk labour today with her rainbow baby! I'm still stitting waiting to hear if he is here safe and sound. She was 7cm at about 4pm uk time, so I'm guessing he will be here soon?!!

My Lucy is doing so much better. Still sneezing massive green slimey goo and has a slight temperature. I can cope with that any day.
Borb- she has been to hospital twice and then the paramedics at home thus time.

Right must go and see if this baby has vome:baby:

Hugs to all.
Borboleta - I had a mammogram done back when I was 26 as I have inherited an odd tissue lumpiness from my mom! But, more seriously, my grandmother had it in her 70s (her own mother I believed died from it when she was in 50s) and my cousin had it, so whenever there is a 'lump' (I am prone to cysts), I always go and see the doctor, but it's quite obvious that it's a cyst (on the surface of the left breast), and I just keep an eye on it. I strongly recommend any and all tests for women whatever age (here in Ireland, mammograms are only free from 50-65!) and as my dad's second wife died of breast cancer in her 40s, I advocate it strongly for any woman (now, off the soapbox, sorry!)....

my teeth -- we're thinking of NI for possible dental treatment as it can be much cheaper -- I think I will try to save the teeth or get implants as extraction will mean that I will have to eat on one side of my mouth for the rest of my life. I'm quite annoyed as for the last few years have been very good regarding brushing and flossing, but I have had a troublesome tooth on one side since I was a teenager and has been repaired numerous times - and it is now affecting other teeth, so it's a structural issue rather than a bad hygenie thing (it was always a little too tall/high in my mouth, so over the years, it chipped and hit other teeth until now when the nerve is dying....aargh!)....

yes, claire -- I am curious as well!

thanks, clio for your kind insight. I know I have loads of skills, but academics (like me) are very lazy at times, except when we are on the reverse side (marking exams, replying to emails, etc)!

hugs to all and to all, A GOOD NIGHT's sleep (we didn't last night as somebody has a little cough and kept me up until 1.30am).............aargh!


Claire: :haha: I might have caused some speculation on FB :haha:!!!! But you never know :haha:!!! Maybe my comment put an idea on your DF's head :winkwink::). I am so glad to hear that L is doing a little better but green snot ... Poor thing :wacko:.

Sabrina: I will definetely get my appointment set with the doctor. I haven't had my annual check with him yet and I just saw on tv this newscaster that went to have a mammogram on tv as a way to show other ladies how easy it is do have one done ( well her first time) and she found out she has breast cancer at 40 years old :cry:. It made me think that I need to take care of my health cause I want to be around for little t as long as God wants me too :thumbup:.

Storm: so having a bigger breast hurts more than if you have small ones, or is the reverse?
Welcome BigLegEmma! I hope you come and join us regularly. I got pregnant with Jonah at 38, was 39 when he was born and am now 41 :)shock:). Are you planning on having more than one?

Charlie--what accident?!? I read that in Angel's post, but couldn't find it on the thread. Are you okay? What happened?!

And :wohoo: for 3 steps! That was two days ago, I think--any more since?

Storm--(still catching up...) Why did it take so long to get calpol into L? Was it because she was throwing it up, or not being cooperative when it came to administering it? If it was the latter, I still depend on the syringes from J's infant meds, even though J is up to the next level (Children's :cry:) and they use little cups. J would never stay still long enough to down a cupful, no matter how small. How is little L feeling now?

I'm glad your husband came to his senses after helping a pregnant woman! But that story about the 28 weaker is so sad! I have never heard of a cord snapping, but I'm glad the wee thing is hanging on! And yours will stay baking in your belly until week 40, and that's all there is to it. Oh, and you and your bath! :haha: Oh, the indignities of being pregnant!

I hate snorers, don't you? Now, I'm a horrible snorer, but that doesn't count.:haha: Snoring is one of the main reasons I'm in my own room. Your comment to your OH made me laugh as well!:haha:

Full on convos are fantastic! Arguments not so much, I assume. J still talks a lot to himself, and typically only to us if he needs something or wants us to engage in a game of pretend or to play with him. He comes by the talking to himself honestly, however. OH does it 99% of the time when he’s not talking to others. He doesn’t even realize it! I told you we were a yappy family!

Borboleta--J is already tidier than us. Get this: he always puts even the proper cap back on a marker when he's finished with it! :shock: Who does that? And then he tidies up all of his markers afterwards. I think he’s a changeling.

We really should be more careful about cursing, but my husband has already decided that "sh*t" is fine, but the f word isn't. Don't ask me where he is getting these differentiations from!

Leeze--what are these PlayDoh scissors of which you speak? Are there other PlayDoh accessories you can use? How is the teething going? Is Kia sleeping any better?

Kitty--that’s wonderful about B standing! Does he cruise around the furniture? And you’re right, we do have a lot of December babies here! Oh well, at least we have each other to figure out how to deal with it. Every person I know who has a birthday in December hates it. Everybody says to make sure you treat them as two discrete events, with equal weight on the present giving, so I guess we’ll be looking at a lot of money saved up for future Decembers.

Oh, I just thought about J’s upcoming b-day and my heart hurt. :cry: Why did I think this one wouldn’t be as bad as last year’s, emotionally?

Angel--What are your boys trying to get at or are looking at in your new, adorable avatar?

Thank you for asking after my dad. He’s okay, it appears. It wasn’t a “serious” surgery, just a run-of-the-mill prostate one, and he’s already in much better spirits.

I figured out that J learned the self-appellation “monkey” when he started to recite “No more monkeys jumping on the bed!!!” And also when he said “Jonah is a climbing monkey!” He must have learned both at the Day House, as you suggested.

I'm so envious that your mum can visit so often! And that is so sweet that little S knew who she was almost immediately! And the dinner sounds wonderful; I'm so glad you went! Did you know any of the other people? And I can't even fathom Beau's mother not liking you, so I don't think you have to worry! And I hope you had a gorgeous sleep last night!

Kosh--have a lovely, warm time in Spain! How often has your mum been around G since he was born? And when did she move there?

AFU--I am loving the Children's :)cry:) advil. We use J as an alarm clock and today he didn't wake until 7:30, and we had to be out of the house by 8am! So, not a single night wake up, and now he's sleeping in! (On a not so great note, now we have to buy an alarm clock that works...) I'm sure the Advil it will lose it's potency over time, but right now it is heaven!

So, how do you think I’d do as a librarian? I think I’m mousey and retiring enough for it. I looked at the Masters of Library and Information Studies program at OH’s university, but it seems a bit extreme (and not just a little boring) for someone who just wants to work at a public library. So, I think that in the new year, I’m going to see if I can volunteer somewhere. That’s how I got my job working at the Toronto Historical Board without a degree in Public History--I was a docent first. It’s nice to have a plan, finally. I’m going to have to do something when J goes to Kindergarten, which really isn’t all that far off, seeing as these two years have flown by. The amount I make doesn’t really matter, just doing something does.

We just got a new vacuum cleaner because I can’t move our behemoth of an upright, and OH and I just vacuumed the living room with it. Our eyes got bigger and bigger as we saw all the dust and hair being sucked up--it’s a see-through canister one--after vacuuming it just yesterday with the old one . Makes me feel quite grimy, actually. Ugh.

Holy!!! When I started writing this, no one had posted after me. Now there are a billion trillion posts still to read and respond to. Oh well. Here is my (again) not-up-to-date post!

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