any other over 35 first time mums?

Look what I was doing today ladies!!! Enjoying newborn cuddles with my best friends baby, 2 days old.
Just the best thing!
That was all I wanted to say :haha:
Aww Clairey so pleased for your buddy and her gorgeous baby! Ps for a sleep deprived lady you are looking great! Broody yet? Xx
aargh! LO is acting up at creche with the suggestion from one of the not regular staff that maybe something is happening at home? NO - it's because one of his favourites in the wobbler room left last week and not as experienced staff seem to be in charge of the wobbler room. I am NOT impressed! I am thinking of making an appointment with the manager, who is very approachable, to ask about when that staff member will be replaces and also to express my concerns....aargh.

for a few hours, no real pain in my tooth, and now...whammy! growl again!

hugs to all, and to all, understanding OHs!

Claire you look radiant with that baby! You clearly need another one yourself. Afterall, you aren't sleeping as it is, so there would be nothing new there then, right? ;)
Clairey - you look beautiful in that picture! Congrats to your friend!

Quick post as soooo tired today. Blake was up 3-4 times last night, once at midnight full on hysterical crying. I was almost in tears not knowing what he wanted, tried everything. I'm not sure he even knew what he wanted, he refused a bottle oh brought up, but then half hour later decided yeah, that bottle looks tasty and then finally fell asleep. Phew! Well, this afternoon when he opened up his mouth to scream for food (he does this for a few seconds in between me putting his bib on and putting the bottle in his mouth?), I got a good look and saw his top front tooth just broke through! I guess that's what it was, poor little pumpkin. And, we have never given B infant Tylenol or anything. I am not a fan of some of the ingredients, but I'm weird like that as you all know. :haha:

I was supposed to get a mammogram, my dr recommended at 35-36, but before I scheduled it I got pregnant. Glad you girls brought it up.

Need to get some laundry done while Blakey-poo is napping. Sorry no personals, but I've read up and sending hugs!
Hi ladies,

Here are a couple of pics of little T. He looks like a teenager :dohh:!!


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Claire: I loved the picture of you and the baby:). I agree with storm, for someone so sleep deprived you look fabulous :thumbup:!!! And with angel, you need to have another one :thumbup:.

Storm: I know sometimes our OHs are a bit much but like you today I had a realization that I am not as loving towards him like I was before little t arrived. So I called him and told him that I loved him and I am so sorry that I am demonstrate my love for him like before. He said that it was okay but he was happy to hear that I realized that. The other day I could clearly see what I was doing when I got home after class I always make this big deal that mommy is home for thiago and ask him a hug and them OH said: and daddy wants a hug too :dohh:! Oops!!!

Clio: I forgot to say that I am happy to hear that your dad is doing well:).

And yesterday OH started with a conversation that maybe we should start thinking about having another baby :dohh:!!! I was afraid that this conversation was coming my way :haha:!!! He said that he would love to have a little girl this time. And I told him that I don't want to have another child just because thiago needs a playmate. We can find playmates anywhere but I would have another child because I want to. And he said that this is how he feels; he wants another child :dohh:!!! I tried to get out of the conversation telling him to ask me again next summer but he said that we shouldn't wait too long. I told him that I don't know if I want to have another one and how he would feel if I just wanted thiago. He said he would have to find another woman :haha:!!!! Crazy :haha:!!!
This is so hard. There is a part of me that is so happy how it is. I love my little man, and is know I will love another child too. We are not financially anywhere ready for another child after making no money for 1 year. But them there is a part of me that thinks if something happens later on and thiago needs a sibling? How do you ladies that have decided to just have one feel about that? So hard:(.
Clairey - you look beautiful in that picture! Congrats to your friend!

Quick post as soooo tired today. Blake was up 3-4 times last night, once at midnight full on hysterical crying. I was almost in tears not knowing what he wanted, tried everything. I'm not sure he even knew what he wanted, he refused a bottle oh brought up, but then half hour later decided yeah, that bottle looks tasty and then finally fell asleep. Phew! Well, this afternoon when he opened up his mouth to scream for food (he does this for a few seconds in between me putting his bib on and putting the bottle in his mouth?), I got a good look and saw his top front tooth just broke through! I guess that's what it was, poor little pumpkin. And, we have never given B infant Tylenol or anything. I am not a fan of some of the ingredients, but I'm weird like that as you all know. :haha:

I was supposed to get a mammogram, my dr recommended at 35-36, but before I scheduled it I got pregnant. Glad you girls brought it up.

Need to get some laundry done while Blakey-poo is napping. Sorry no personals, but I've read up and sending hugs!

Poor little man:(. Can you out some of the gels on his gum? Although that never worked for thiago just good old Tylenol at the time. At least they are through. Now just 16 more to go :dohh:!!
Evening ladies, L was a nightmare tonight she was tired was in bed late and up early and just had total meltdown when we got home. Cried over EVERYTHING, the whole way through her bath etc.. I ended up putting her to bed at 7.20.. I wonder how this will go, oh and she demanded poorly medicine so she got calpol. Sorry Kitty we wouldn't survive without calpol although I don't use ibruprofen unless she's spiking temps so not in over a year as the paediatrician recommended we don't use it when she was having all her kidney tests after her Uti infections. For those of you that don't know she has a kidney which is a funny shape, slightly rotated and in a funny position but after all the tests apparently fully functional so not a health concern :)

I'm wrecked tonight, after this mornings post work kicked off and i was so so busy, no lunchbreak for me! What a day...

SK that's not good about nursery. L is besotted with the girl in charge of her room, she's young but nice. L runs in and jumps on her knee and is usually greeted with 'good morning gorgeous' and a hug and a kiss which is sweet. Most of the staff she likes now but never liked half the baby room staff!

Borboleta I still have days I think 'what have I done, I'm not sure I want another baby' and i have 12 weeks to go! DH was so sure he wanted 2 and I could have happily stopped at one, I'm so done after this little one arrives. Im positive I will love her to bits but things were just getting easier with L!

Anyway hugs to all, chill out time for me and bed early as I have a super busy day ahead of me tomorrow!
Thiago is soooo gorgeous! <3 And yes, he does look very mature in those pics! Thanks for posting them!

I can understand what you mean about #2. Its hard as we don't know the future. Things are great the way they are now, and I'm of course worried about something bad happening if I were to get pregnant again after B came so unexpectedly early, and the drs could provide no explanations? But then I feel like I'd regret not even trying? So we're trying and staying positive. Maybe if you just take some time to really think about it (what YOU want), you'll find some answers, but either way don't be pressured, be happy and comfortable with your decision. Ok, that sounded like a lecture, but I meant it as supportive :hugs: Btw, I hope he was kidding when he said he'd get a new woman!!! Grrr!

For me, we're trying, but I've been feeling a lot of guilt rising up again over B coming early. I think it has to do with his birthday coming up and also seeing all the "my first Christmas" stuff in the stores when shopping. I've been big on getting Blake cute little onsies or bibs or whatever for his first holidays and I absolutely LOVE Christmas. I really go all out on decorations and everything! But, it's not his first Christmas, his first was in the NICU, so those outfits, ornaments, etc. are out, but it IS his first Christmas home with us. Idk, it sounds silly, but it's just really been getting to me lately. Also with his first birthday, you know how people say, " that was the best day of our lives when you were born", well we were actually terrified and scared and I think I was in shock for a few days. First time I remember being happy (aside from practically bursting with relief when he cried right away) is when the NICU nurse finally answered yes to my constant question, "did he poo?" as I'd heard so many premature babies had terrible trouble with their digestive system. I think I finally was able to breathe again at that moment.

Ok, enough of that, sorry, I am so incredibly blessed and fortunate Blake has done so so well. Dan did take me to get 2012 baby ornaments at the last minute last year in between NICU visits, so Blake will be able to see his special ornaments on the tree. I also did find an outfit with a reindeer on the shirt and red and green striped pants, so he'll have a cute outfit. I guess I just need to adjust my attitude, good thing it's still November and I have some time!
Clairey, you look very radiant holding your friends baby....did he get you clucky?

Borboleta, ah T is one handsome little boy, he doe look so much older all of a sudden! He also is the perfect combination of you and your OH. And I do really hope that your OH was joking about finding another woman to have another baby with! I don't know what to advice about wanting another or not, as you know I do want another. But at the end of the day it's a joint decision and one that you should not be pressurised into.

Kitty, sorry for Blake really suffering with his first tooth :hugs: it's hard when we don't know what's wrong and how to help. As for this Christmas and his birthday :hugs: I am sure you have a lot of memories coming up now. I really cannot imagine how hard it must have been to have a very premature baby. Like you say, holding your breath for a very long time. But like you say, this will be his first Christmas at home.

SK, that's not good about F's nursery! I hope they get some better staff in soon.
Kitty: thanks for your lecture :hugs:. The thing is I am not ready now. I need more time to think about this even though I am 40 years old :haha:. But that is what I love about this group. A lot of us have their first at 41, 42, 44:).
And what you are feeling is totally normal. I would feel the same way and his first Christmas is this one since he is home with you guys:). Are you going to take him out to take pictures with Santa? Did the doctor give you the okay already:)? I bet your family is dying to come visit:).

Storm: it is amazing what exhaustion does to a child. Thiago is so good most of the time but when he starts getting tired or hungry the whining and the crying for no apparent reason starts... Tiring for sure!! And I hope you had some kind of snack cause how can you survive without lunch and pregnant?

Sabrina: sorry to hear about crèche. Easy for them to put the fault on the parents isn't it :growlmad:!!! Maybe poor little Finn is just having a bad day like most of us have :winkwink:.

Thiago woke up. His naps have been fabulous!!!!! But morning wake ups not so much :dohh:!! Anything from 4:30am ( normally a poopy diaper at that time) thru 7am ( rare!!!).
Oh kitty I totally understand where you are coming from, obviously I haven't been there and don't get how hard its been but last year must have been so emotional and traumatic! Maybe you should just celebrate this year as his proper first Christmas. I struggled with Ls first Christmas because it was the first without my mum and so hard for me, I am hoping this is a happier year!

Was B born at 32 weeks? I was just thinking I'm 28 now and I keep assuming I have 12 left, but you really don't know do you? I'm actually terrified of this baby coming on the anniversary of my mums death, I just don't think I could deal with that, it was bad enough my mum being told she was dying the day L was born without this one being born on the 2 year anniversary. Silly I know but I just hope it doesn't happen..

L has cried twice so far tonight so this doesn't bode well... I so hope she sleeps..... :(
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Look what I was doing today ladies!!! Enjoying newborn cuddles with my best friends baby, 2 days old.
Just the best thing!
That was all I wanted to say :haha:

Awww...I want to hold a newborn again! :cloud9:

Borboleta...did u feel nothing when u saw this pic? :baby: I'll do it if u do it...:haha: Thiago is so handsome! Love him!

Teething sucks :grr:

True story....I spent hours shampooing our carpet & toward the end asked DH to move a chair & he replied w 'I don't want to get me socks wet!' :grr::grr::grr::growlmad::growlmad::growlmad:
A very BAD night....LO was fussy all night and about 3am, I yelled for OH to take over as I needed some sort of sleep. He has a cough/cold and just feels out of sorts, (which I understand), but growl!

Not much else here, but am so exhausted that I can barely see straight and/or function.


Hi everyone. Good night for us--we managed to get J to sleep until 6 am (well, 5:30, but we kept him in bed until 6), and he woke up with no teething problems. For the past few days, we've had the velcro baby; he was teething horribly and needed to be picked up all day long. And still, even amongst the teething, it was as if he were on speed. We've been snowed in since Friday, and the boy won't stop talking and moving and demanding our help with his elaborate projects. It's making me very dizzy and I feel quite frayed. I'm so used to being able to toss him outside! He's going to the Day House this morning, and I have to say, I was quite happy to see the back of him. Isn't that horrible?

Kitty--I'm sorry that this is such a tough time for you. Thank you for telling us, though; I had never considered what it must have been like for you when B was born, and I'm so sorry for that, as well. I've read others' stories, but they've always been in the abstract for me. I've never had a friend who went through it, until now.:hugs: The outfit you have for B sounds adorable. We need pics, of course!

So, a year later, we're back where we started: J doesn't like books anymore. Even new ones don't catch his attention. I'll have to find a library with a fun play centre to occupy J, so I can find books that are not board books. I don't want to buy him new books with easily-ripped pages until I know he can handle them.

Suggestions, anyone?

Re: a second LO--You guys have made me soooo broody! I keep thinking that it would be easier to deal with a super-energized J if he had a sibling to play with. But then I remember: the chances of the new LO being bi-polar would also be relatively high, and I don't want to worry about two kids developing my illness. It's hard enough worrying about one. Just don't all of you leave the thread, like Rowan and Jules, okay? Please?
Clio: you made me laugh when you said that you were happy to see J's back out the door :haha:!!! I am sure we all feel like that at one point of the day :haha:!!! Specially when they are teething :dohh:!!! And don't you love a Velcro baby :wacko:!!! Thiago is like that in a regular basis :dohh:!!!

Sabrina : sorry for you bad night:(.

Indigo: I laughed at your comment if I do it up you will do it :haha:!!! I went to a friend's house today that has a 2 1/2 months old and a 2 year old and after leaving her house I kept saying to myself " one is perfect :haha:!!!!". Thiago did not like me holding the baby and it was jealous of her :wacko:, and put his little hand on the baby trying to push her away :dohh:!! And my poor friend barely sleeps because the toddlers is still wakes up during the night but the baby is a good night sleeper, and the baby is a terrible napper but the toddler takes a good nap. She just looks overwhelmed. I think I am being a little selfish but I like how it is now. How do people do with 4 or more little ones? I know another lady that has a 4 year old, 3 year old and a almost 2 year old twins :wacko:!!! She is a super woman!!! :haha: . So take me out of the TTC list. I am not 100% sure that I will not have another child but if my husband would be on board with me I would say that. But I have a feeling he will keep trying to convince me :dohh:. I told him that I will leave him at my friends house to see how it is :haha:. Plus I told him that my friend's husband goes to sleep when the babies go to sleep unlike him that wants to go to bed at 8:30am because he has to wake up at 6:15am :growlmad:!!!

Okay enough of that:). But I am cheering for the ladies that are ttcing :hugs:.
Oh, by the way I have never seen a picture of kitty, kosh and indigo. I think kitty is blonde, kosh is brunette and indigo has brown hair. Am I right? I would love to see a picture of you girls :thumbup:.
Hi ladies, have I kicked off a discussion on who wants to ttc #2? Lol
Thanks for the comments re: not looking tired etc for a 22month sleep deprived mother! Make up is my saviour!&#128539;
I'm fairly certain that I will ttc #2 it's just a question of when, but I turn the dreaded 40 in january, so don't want to leave it ages.
I had a quick Facebook message from Jules the other day. She said William is doing great but she is not so good (PND)I would say this is the reason she is Absent from our thread.
Maybe she might join us again in sometime?

Hugs to all. Xxx
Hi all, :hi: I'm back!
Had a really good time in Barcelona, much better than expected! Even the flight was ok! I was hoping I could get Gael to nap but he was not interested. He spent the whole 2 1/2 hours flight on my lap playing, drawing, and listening to music! :thumbup: there were a couple of occasions when he got impatient and bored but nothing too bad. At some point he asked me to go for a walk ('go-go'), or at least thats what I thought...he waved everyone good bye and walked to the door...he actually wanted to get off the plane! :haha:
He recognised my mum straight away (we skype every weekend) and was happy to hold her hand and play with her etc, but the cutest thing was hearing him trying to say 'abuela' (grandma). It would come out as 'abeba' :cloud9:
we also went to see my best friend and her family, she has a 9 year old and a 3 1/2

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