any other over 35 first time mums?

Apparently the bigger they are the more it hurts as they compress the breast tissue between sort of plastic plates... Sounds worse than it is! I got mine done for free at 37, but in Northern Ireland any woman can have one from 40 plus through action cancer, they couldn't do it for me cause I was under 40, so I had to go through my GP and wait a year after I was passed to genetics who wouldn't see me and back to the local hospital breast unit... A year of letters to be sent back to square one, but at least I got it. I was at the stage of almost going privately.

Sk is dental work cheaper up here? I get free dental work now and for a year after bubba is born, but its pretty basic. I had 2 root canals whilst having L but only got then free because I got black fillings (well one she sneakily did in white) because if I wanted a white filling I had to pay for all the treatment and the plan was always to crown it when it fully settled, but then I got pregnant and they can't do it til bubba arrives as they cant remove the amalgam filling while I'm pregnant. I've had 3 teeth out too and tbh they caused me so much pain over the years it was a welcome relief! They were back teeth though so you can't see the gaps! I think each implant is £1000 though? I wish I had a dentist relative!

Clairey I hope Lucy delivers soon! How exciting for you, is this the back to back bubba?

Clio L says please and,thankyou, words I dread to here are 'me help please'... She's also started obeying basic requests such as this am I asked her to open the door to let the dog in and she did and shouted 'Cara!' It was cute. She only does things she wants to, she's stubborn otherwise!

Ok going to post before I loose this...
Cross posting Clio, the calpol incident was when she was about 7 months, she was just so hysterical we couldn't get the syringe near her and when we eventually did she would scream and gag and refuse it. I have to admit these days she lives calpol, she always wants it and asks for 'poorly medicine'... It's well hidden though!

Oh my its 9.30 and I'm wrecked! This bubba is a squirmer and apparently likes lying horizontally across my belly which while is lovely for my bladder makes me huge and feel like my side's are going to explode. Both a guy in work and dh pointed out my massiveness today lol, it is massive but I don't have the terrible swelling yet, still rather pleased to have my wedding, engagement and eternity rings still on.. no idea how long for though :)

So tired! Zzz
Arghhh Sk I've just broken one of my root filled teeth! All that talk of teeth, the stupid thing has literally broken off a chunk of tooth and the white filling so now I have a very pointy tooth stump! That's the chances of that?? Stupid teeth...
Ouch! Poor you storm!! Hope you can get it sorted whilst pregnant?!

My friend Lucy has had her baby! Finally!
He was born about 1.30am last night ( uk time) and gD to be delivered by c section in the end :wacko: he had turned back round so he was no longer back to back and she was labouring really well, but she just wasn't progressing. I think it might have been due to a narrow birth canal. He was 7lb 10oz about 3 1/2kg I think? So not the huge baby they were told they were having!:baby:
Anyway, he's here all safe and mum is fine too. Can't wait to meet that will make me broody for sure!!

Any recovery tips from the ladies on here that had c sections??

Aww Clairey I'm glad Lucy has her little one! I know quite a few people who have had emergency sections and although not nice its good they are both ok! I too was told I was having a BIG baby, L was 7 14... I'm not sure they ever get it right!

Must go, in middle of argument with dh and his smoking, as far as I can see he's smoking more! Just now I asked him to wash out one of the litter trays and all I can smell is smoke coming in the kitchen extractor fab... Idiot
Aww Clairey I'm glad Lucy has her little one! I know quite a few people who have had emergency sections and although not nice its good they are both ok! I too was told I was having a BIG baby, L was 7 14... I'm not sure they ever get it right!

Must go, in middle of argument with dh and his smoking, as far as I can see he's smoking more! Just now I asked him to wash out one of the litter trays and all I can smell is smoke coming in the kitchen extractor fab... Idiot

He really needs to quit the smokes!!! Apart from his health..... Oh my, the cost!!!

Breaking news ladies! My mum took her dogs out in the car for their walk for the 1st time since her op!! Go mum, go!:happydance:
So happy she is getting her life back on track.
storm - it costs about 2,500 euros here for an implant (so roughly double?) and sorry about the bad luck with your tooth! You mentioned you have had a few back ones pulled out - did you notice any problems later with chewing on both sides? At the moment, the second to back molar on the left if the problem and I cannot chew on that side at all -- the dentist thinks both that and the very back left molar (the two together) are a problem and either need a root canal (which might be okay for a year or two) or both extracted. aargh!

vebal skills: Finn babbles alot, but he definitely understands us! He will go and get the remote or a dummy, etc., when asked.

c-section advice: have your friend have loads of painkillers and let her know that it might take a few days to go to the 'bathroom' (no. 2) and to get everybody else to do the lifting, housework, etc, which she cuddles LO!

must go - after a lull of a day or two of non-teething, it appears Finn has teething problems (I completely sympathise!) and a minor cough/cold.

Quick one here:

Claire: I loved my csection :haha:. I know crazy but just tell your friend to really take it easy the first couple of weeks. Make her family help with the baby. I felt almost normal after 1 week of operation.

Clio: what age can I start giving little t children's Advil? Sounds interesting :haha:. I think you and me are the ones that give the meds more often to our LOs in here :haha:. If thiago is whining and has his hand on his mouth it must be pain :thumbup:.

Okay have to go:).
scary moment....we have a playpen length-wise across one half of the living room and when I went to the loo, thought I had locked the little gate, but as I was on the toilet, I hear LO's voice getting closer and thinking it was my OH letting him out, but either i forgot to click the door or LO can get out....and he was running through the bedroom to the bathroom (our master bedroom and living room are on the same level, kitchen/dining room downstairs)....Obviously, he's fine, but for a split second (and I didn't have the stair gate on as it blocks the cats, but I guess whenever I leave the living room now, will have to double check everything....)

must go as daddy made some stew....bye!
Quick one here:

Claire: I loved my csection :haha:. I know crazy but just tell your friend to really take it easy the first couple of weeks. Make her family help with the baby. I felt almost normal after 1 week of operation.

Clio: what age can I start giving little t children's Advil? Sounds interesting :haha:. I think you and me are the ones that give the meds more often to our LOs in here :haha:. If thiago is whining and has his hand on his mouth it must be pain :thumbup:.

Okay have to go:).

Advice for C/S--Take all the pain meds! Especially the anti-inflammatories! I took it easy for a while, but not the entire six-week period I was supposed to. I had things to do! I also felt better after a week anyway. From what I've heard, typically the first five days are the worst, and then it's like you never had one. But I can't say I could take it easy! Those were such hectic and physically demanding days, those first six weeks! (Though you may not want to tell her that last part...)

Borboleta--oh yes, my response to teething is to drug immediately. Tylenol first if it's the middle of the day, Advil as a back up during the day and a must during the night. And yes, it turns out that J is now 26 lbs, and this makes him "eligible" for CHILDREN'S Advil and it packs a punch! Love it. AND, they have CHILDREN'S Tylenol now, too! I probably do give J too much, but it stops the pain, period. And it lets all of us sleep.

Oh oh. Now I'm feeling guilty. Darnit! But how else do you deal with the pain?
Storm--my OH has recently been talking about quitting! But he's also smoking more than ever, so I doubt that'll take. I don't get angry about it any more, though. It's a bit hypocritical to say he can't smoke, when I can.:blush:
Quick one here:

Claire: I loved my csection :haha:. I know crazy but just tell your friend to really take it easy the first couple of weeks. Make her family help with the baby. I felt almost normal after 1 week of operation.

Clio: what age can I start giving little t children's Advil? Sounds interesting :haha:. I think you and me are the ones that give the meds more often to our LOs in here :haha:. If thiago is whining and has his hand on his mouth it must be pain :thumbup:.

Okay have to go:).

Advice for C/S--Take all the pain meds! Especially the anti-inflammatories! I took it easy for a while, but not the entire six-week period I was supposed to. I had things to do! I also felt better after a week anyway. From what I've heard, typically the first five days are the worst, and then it's like you never had one. But I can't say I could take it easy! Those were such hectic and physically demanding days, those first six weeks! (Though you may not want to tell her that last part...)

Borboleta--oh yes, my response to teething is to drug immediately. Tylenol first if it's the middle of the day, Advil as a back up during the day and a must during the night. And yes, it turns out that J is now 26 lbs, and this makes him "eligible" for CHILDREN'S Advil and it packs a punch! Love it. AND, they have CHILDREN'S Tylenol now, too! I probably do give J too much, but it stops the pain, period. And it lets all of us sleep.

Oh oh. Now I'm feeling guilty. Darnit! But how else do you deal with the pain?

I am with you Clio. Sometimes I wonder if I am giving him too much when it is teething pain but why let the poor child suffer. I need to find out how heavy thiago is:).
Evening ladies,

Clairey, congrats to your friend on her little boy...c sec advice. Tbh I think my long labour took longer to recoup from as they gave me 7 litres of fluid in 12 hours ( don't ask! :dohh:) but my legs were the size of houses for a month after so that was more my problem. The c sec incision never really bothered me. If she is hoping to breastfeed though it can be harder with a c sec wound. Use a nice cushion for your belly an one for the baby. Also lying down feeding is more comfy if she can manage that. Also :thumbup: for mum walking the dogs, must have felt wonderful for her to do that again.

Angel, so good to hear that you had a wonderful time with your friend and his mum, I am sure she loved you. Oh and I love the photos of the boys in their winter hats, so cute. I love dressing Sophia up for a cold day here, so cute and snug they look! As for my accident, thank you for asking after me, all was fine, it was actually last summer and thank god, Sophia wasn't in the car with me, I would have been a hysterical maniac if she was! It was this man drove into my lane on a dual carriageway and drove into the side of my car at about 40mph. No indicating an clearly no looking! However he is saying that it happened on a residential street about 3 miles away from where it happened and that I drove into the back of him! :grr: anyhow, the damage is clearly not to the front of the car, so how I drove into the back of him and got a bashed in side of my car, I have no idea!

Storm, sorry about your tooth, yey for free dental treatment while preggers! I need an implant too as I had a tooth come out 2 years ago and you can just see it when I smile :nope: but it costs a fortune, up to 2K or more! How much does your OH smoke? So many nurses and paramedics smoke! I use to smoke and then i stopped for years. However i started again in my mid 30's, then stopped when I found out I was pregnant, I know naughty me , I should have stopped when we started trying :blush:

Someone asked about mammogram. I had one and ouch!!! I found it very painful but it was quick!

Things here, we had 4 steps today! So making progress! And another new Sophia word...tres, which is tree:thumbup: she is a littl chatter box, she doesn't stop the babbling with the occasional Sophia word here and there! She is also becoming very bossy, but aren't all toddlers bossy? But nicest of all, we get cuddles now, she will actually climb on to my lap and snuggle up, I LOVE it :cloud9:

Have just read 3 pages back... So many posts!

In answer to questions about my work. No I only work in the ED Clio. I am not a big fan of wards tbh! I have thought about looking into another less stressful job Angel, I will see. The main problem with that is I am a senior sister at the mo on a decent salary and if I went elsewhere with the idea of less stress I would have to go in a few bands below me. I so would not mind that, but we can't afford it just yet, maybe in a few years though! Also with TTC, I will stay put and see how successful we are with that...if all goes to plan, more maternity leave! :haha: we shall see, 2 days a week may be just enough so that i have something in the tank left to give to Sophia the rest of the week. And no Borboleta I did not know your mum was a nurse in the ER too!

Clio, my OH speaks Tamil and Sinhalese ( Sri lankas languages) also Hindi as he lived in India, Dutch and German from living in Holland and of course English! A clever linguist I have :thumbup: me not so clever with linguistic skills! However after another chat he is going to speak Tamil to Sophia on his 2 days a weeks with her when I am not around. :thumbup:

Oh and I agree December for a birthday sucks! My birthday is this Friday, I thought that was bad enough, but it's a whole lot better than December or early January. I am all for half birthdays :thumbup:
Storm--my OH has recently been talking about quitting! But he's also smoking more than ever, so I doubt that'll take. I don't get angry about it any more, though. It's a bit hypocritical to say he can't smoke, when I can.:blush:

I'm sorry, but this made me LOL.....:haha:

Took N to observe Santa at the mall. Trying to warm him up so we an get a pic this year. Well, we arrived too late & Santa was on his way home, but he saw N & came to say hello. N stuck out his hand & shook Santa's hand & said 'hello'! (His grandfather taught him how to do a proper handshake) So, I guess he's good?! :haha:

I had a planned CS. I thought it sucked. Drugs they gave me didn't even begin to touch the pain for the first 2 days. :growlmad: Borboleta...I was shocked when u wrote that u loved your CS....:wacko:

I'm reading everything....just lurking for a while....N is obsessed w me ATM....

Anyone start Xmas shopping?

Any suggestions for an 18 mo old?

Hope everyone is well....:wave: & :hug:
morning, all! Not much here, LO didn't sleep much Friday night (OH's night) but was okay last night (fell asleep around 7, woke up around 8.30 so we gave him a bath and bottle in the hopes of falling asleep again, which he did around 9-10, a bit of coughing and I was able to sleep for about 6 hours)....

pain relief: absolutely! We alternate nurophen and calpol, but a sure sign is bright pink cheeks and a tendency to chew on everything.

c-section: I'm not sure I loved it, but am grateful that my ob-gyn (we went private) was happy with an elective c-section to begin with (that it turned into an emergency one was a blessing too as I was already prepared for and had already read up on c-sections) and aside from post-operative bleeding (one of the stitches opened), no real issues (except for the lack of a bowel movement for five days!), but I am unsure whether the aftermath of pre-eclampsia and a c-section can be separated (e.g. lots of urine, was that post PE or because of c-section?), etc.

smoking: I used to smoke regular cigarettes, but quit back in 2011 and only smoked roll-ups (cheaper), when I found out I was pregnant, no problem to stop completely. In fact, I do smoke now (roll-ups) but at work or one or two at home, but never with LO around (or in the stroller, or on the way to creche), washing my hands before any contact with LO and when I had that bad cough, mostly stopped. I can't actually smoke or tolerate regular cigarettes anymore....LOL!

must go as have to finish making LO's dinner (broccoli with cod)....

Hi everyone,

Indigo: I know I am crazy :haha:!! But everything went so smooth ... And I had to have an emergency c-section too like Clio and Sabrina and Charlie. They gave me codine and Advil ( or Motrin) for pain when I went home. By the 3rd or 4th day I didn't need them anymore. I wonder why the pain meds didn't work for you? When I woke up from the csection I just remembered being in the worst pain I ever felt!!! But once they hooked me up with the morphine I was fine :haha:.
And for christmas we are planning on going to santa's wonderland again with thiago:). It is about 1 1/2 hours away and we will go right after thanksgiving so the lines are not too crazy :thumbup:. Wonder what thiago will do this year :dohh:. That is so cute that N liked Santa :thumbup:!!!

Charlie: I remember my feet and legs looking huge too!!!! I can just imagine you with some extra liquids in there :wacko:!!! And it took about a week for the swelling to go away.

Sabrina: I was so constipated too!!!! I thought I was going to be clogged forever :haha::haha:!!!!!

We are doing good. Thiago slept in till 6:50am this morning :happydance:!!! I was getting so tired with all the 5am wake up time!!!!
We saw his aunt today and I feel so bad for her :cry:. She is in the process of deciding to get a divorce. It is kind of sad cause they were a cute couple and have 2 beautiful children. It is being really hard on her. We are not sure but think that he might have someone else in California ( he works there one week and works one week from home and back and forth). She feels very overwhelmed at the moment and doesn't want to make any big decision that will be too much for the kids ( they are 10 and 13). We would like her to come back living here close to her family but she thinks it is easier on the kids with she stays where she is now ( about 1 1/2 hour away and where her in laws live). Hope she can change her mind about that.

Hugs to all of you:).
Morning ladies – sorry for the non posting over the weekend – I was reading everyone elses posts but I was in pretty crappy form with DH and tbh just couldn’t be bothered even going there trying to explain how mad and upset I was with him. Now I’ve calmed down and we have resolved it mostly basically in a nutshell I exploded at him and his selfishness and laziness and he told me I had anger management issues (I probably do but only cause he winds me up!). The thing that really p*ssed me off was he told me Ls sleep issues were cause I keep lifting her and brining her in with me, which may be true but its only cause I was doing 100% of the nights and I was seriously at breaking point.. anyway he needs to wise up and I need to stop freaking out!

Anyway I took L to Church yesterday (well I do every week) – and I usually take her into the first part of the service which is child friendly and then out to crèche where she point blank refuses to let me leave her. Yesterday we had been in a few minutes when the minister started doing the announcements and L shouts saying, ‘I no like it mummy’ – over and over again getting louder and louder. So the minister is having to speak up a bit and I’m starting to get embarrassed so after it becomes ‘I NO LIKE IT MUMMY’ I decide it’s time to go to crèche early – so I said ‘Do you want to go to crèche?’ and she nods then turns round to my dad gives him a big wave and says ‘BYE’ – she then proceeded to walk out of the Church (right form the front) – waving and saying BYE to every single person we walked past LOL. On the upside she did say in crèche on her own for 40 mins because she got to help make the juice and toast :)

In other news since swapping houses my dad has changed 3 light fittings – put up towel holders and toilet roll holders, bought new lamps and a rug and accidentally smashed the limestone fireplace taking out my belleek bowl and clock in the process – you have to laugh – go Grandpa. I’m glad he’s changing the house but wrecking the fireplace – whoopppsss Oh and L smashed my phone case (thankfully not the phone) and the kettle stopped working. New phone case on order and I now have a nice shiny red kettle :)

Oh and as for smoking – I’m not vehemently anti smoking – BUT DH promised to stop smoking before we had kids, he was still smoking when I was pregnant with L and eventually just before she was born I got him to go the drs, he got put on a course of champix for 6 months but they only gave him 3 months and then he had to order more, so he had the first 3 months (wasn’t smoking at all) ran out and changed drs and then found out our drs surgery don’t prescribe it (it’s a little controversial)! So we have an issue its prescription only, we can’t get a prescription – so I spoke nicely to my brother who is a GP and he gave DH a prescription for the last 3 months (his surgery partner didn’t mind) and Paul still didn’t smoke whilst on the champix. So we have 6 months of not smoking at all and then he decides to start messing around with electronic cigarettes and then moves on to sneaky smoking – this is escalating back to lots of cigarettes and his smokers cough is not funny! He woke me 4 times last night coughing his guts up… ARrrrrrghhhhhh Apart from the 6 month break he has been smoking for 25 years! Oh and did I mention his favourite aunt who smokes like a train has lung cancer??? I’m one of those irritating people who actually does like to smoke but can smoke maybe 1 or 2 cigarettes and then nothing for weeks (never ever smoked during pregnancy) or when Lydia was a baby… But seriously his cough is concerning… it worries me…

Sk forgot to say – no issues with eating after the tooth extractions – I got 2 out the first time and had no issues at all and the 3rd I got out a couple of weeks later and I took dry socket. OH MY WORD – dry socket is horrendous – the pain is out of this world – and it lasts for about 5 or 6 days and painkillers don’t touch it. It was so bad a couple of nights I took painkillers and shots of Sambuca just try and get a couple of hours of sleep – it was awful. That said once healed it was all great. I have the dentist on Wednesday about this broken tooth – I’m not convinced they can do much with it – maybe I will need a dental implant :)

Right better go – hope everyone has a good day :)
storm - I must read your first paragraph to my OH as he uses the very same 'tactics' with me, e.g. that I must be having a mental breakdown, that I have anger management issues, etc., whenever I complain about his behaviour and/or yell at him for not doing something....growl.

I think the second molar will have to come out as it seems loose; hopefully, they can do something with the other molar -- I am very annoyed as I had problems with my teeth post-mc (and during) and thought I was 'recovered' (I had my wisdom teeth out, sorted cavities, etc), and aside from two broken fillings after LO was born, no issues that pregnancy. Now, even with brushing twice a day, flossing, etc., they are crumbling to bits...aargh. I hope they can do something for you, storm, as they refused when I was pregnant before...

LO now has a cold with loads of runny nose bits (gross! and that is the one thing that makes me dry heave)....but hopefully, he will recover quickly -- at least, he doesn't complain unlike my OH, who, of course, has the bubonic plague and I could at least offer some sympathy, right? um, no......given that I have just had a chest infection and my teeth are fighting, sorry, nope!

words: LO's vocabulary is improving daily, he can now say 'apple', 'cheese' 'ok (he says 'oak', 'car', 'cat', and no more mama, but as mentioned before 'mommy', etc. He uses two word phrases such as 'all gone' or 'bye-bye', so in the midst of his babble, there are some proper words.

so cute, he dances around the house after his bath, and was running around in a circle, then walking backwards to some music - and quite funny as we warn him that he will fall over walking in circles, does so and then looks at us like it's our fault...oh, well!

Hee hee I have to laugh about all of our OH's. We had a row yesterday and OH told me to get my coat as he was taking me to the mental health hospital! Well he said mental asylum, but when I'm on one I have to correct EVERYTHING... Just to wind him up! In the build up to his attempt to get me sectioned he told me I had anger management issues! Glad to know they are all the same! :haha:

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