any other over 35 first time mums?

Hi ladies. I haven't forgotten you all. Just seem to have a lot on at the moment.

Clio - try letting J rip up old newspapers. You can tear them into strips and let him rip big pieces or little pieces etc..also check out "The Imagination Tree" on Facebook - they've got a recipe for moon sand which is gluten-free. An alternative to play-doh.

Storm - I can't believe you're 28 weeks already! Its going so fast. I hope your LO is born on their own special day and not your Mum's anniversary. Have you got a name yet?

Got to go, my brother is staying over tonight and just arrived.

My darling girl turned 2 - we went to soft play and had so much fun.

Hugs to all, will try get back soon XX
Oops posted too soon!

Someone is awake, will tr to finish my post later!
Morning everyone!

SK – I hope you had a better night with Mr F last night? I hate that crazy tiredness feeling where you actually don’t know what end of you is up -its horrible – I had it for soooo long with Miss L! Dentist for me today but I don’t expect them to do anything – how is the pain in your teeth today?

Borboleta – I do feel really sorry for you in your current position, I can only think not wanting another child and yet having a husband who does puts you both in a really awkward position. I know I would really have resented DH if I had wanted another child and he had refused so I guess you guys need to seriously talk about what your plans for the future are before someone ends up feeling hard done by!

Leeze being a mum and working is just so full on and I can’t believe that K is 2 already! Our babies aren’t babies anymore they are proper little people! And yes 28 weeks, I have to say once I got over the horrendous morning sickness it is totally flying in, potentially only 12 more weeks to go… eek!

Clairey I’m not sure I even want to know how good you look when you are not sleep deprived if that is you sleep deprived lol. I was just thinking we got our :bfp: at the same time and now our little ladies are nearly 2 – its mad – where has the time gone! How is your friend getting on with little T? Is he being a good baby or is she too being hit my total sleep deprivation?

Charlie I am glad your OH thinks you have anger issues too – I guess it’s a man thing that they just can’t see that the anger stems from them being so incompetent at times and it’s frustrating and annoying! What cracks me up is when DH is all tired and grumpy in the morning when he has the choice to go to bed and sleep all night – whereas I am up with her ladyship and I am genuinely shattered.

Indigo I did laugh at you saying to Borboleta that if she does it you will too – haha if the broodiness is there perhaps you aren’t done after all… I will be eagerly waiting to see what decision you make over the next few months..

Kosh so glad your trip went well and the plane journey was better than anticipated – that’s excellent and that you had a good time – YEAH! You need to post to update us more on your trip…

Clio I don’t think looking forward to some J free time makes you in anyway a bad person at all, I love L dearly but there are times I can’t wait to see the back of her for a few hours – she gets to go and play and I get to do things I can’t do when she is there! I finish work on 20th Dec and I’m keeping her in nursery 2 days a week, she seems to really like it and tbh I will need some me time before the new baby arrives and when its here as I can only imagine how difficult it is juggling 2, that and it wouldn’t be fair to take her out completely and then send her back when I go back to work! Glad to hear that things are going ok for your dad after his surgery!

Jules just in case you ever still read this thread, so sorry to hear about the PND, its very common in ladies our age especially those with professional jobs, you go from being this highly organised in control person to suddenly have a little person that relies upon you that you can’t predict and doesn’t follow the rules. My good friend in work had it after her first and although its very much under control she is still on meds for it, she did go on to have a second child though. She thinks hers was triggered by an emergency section as she had never considered ever needing one and she said on the bad days she would just sit and stare out the window and wish she was dead and she just didn’t know what to do, it was so bad and her baby wasn’t a sleeper at all that basically her mum and dad brought her back home with the baby and her dad stayed up with her every night in the living room with the baby to make sure she was ok – but there is light at the end of the tunnel and I sincerely hope you are getting the help you need and that your little one is doing well – big hug my lovely.

Kitty -how are you – your post really touched me and I realised how fortunate I was to have L at full term, I don’t know how you coped with the stress of little B coming so early and how wonderful he has done so well! Remember that just because B came early doesn’t mean that if you have another the same thing will happen, especially if the drs aren’t sure why B couldn’t wait to be born!

Angel I forgot to say I am glad the dinner with Beau went well and I honestly don’t know why you think his mum wouldn’t love you – silly lady – you need a good dose of self-confidence!

AFU – one of those not so hot nights – L was in with me from 4 and very very unsettled, I’m sure she had a night terror as she was standing up screaming NO NO NO NO NO and wouldn’t be comforted, it was rather unsettling, then she lay down and thrashed around for a while and eventually calmed down enough to take her bottle and go back to sleep. I’m so sure she has no recollection of the event but it woke me up and gave me rather a startle! Oh and the little madam when she eventually woke after all her unsettledness came over sat on me and did a massive parp (fart/broke wind/bottom burp – whatever you ladies call it) and then laughed her head off – little minx. Just heading towards 2 and has no manners and thinks toilet humour is hilarious… what is she like!

DH text to say his parents are calling today – I have to say I was a little put out as I’m working from home this afternoon after the dentist, so I did remind him I had to work and couldn’t hang around – please please let them be gone before I get home.. I haven’t seen them since the incident of DH getting involved in his brothers divorce after I told him if he did I would kill him and I really don’t want to see them. I have no respect for them I think they are useless grandparents and I now think they are pretty rubbish people… Apparently his dad is going in have 2 stents put in tomorrow and God forgive me but I honestly do not care. I know it’s bad but I don’t care what they do at all – they don’t care for us or L and I’m quite happy to not have them involved at all – they really are no help to me or DH whatsoever – ok I need to stop now… They are only coming up so they can have a d*mn good nosey round the house we are in now – I don’t want them to – I don’t go to their house at all never mind have a nosey round it… Grrrrr it’s not like they haven’t been there before! I hope they don’t think they are getting free reign on wandering around!

In other news L has most definitely progressed to full on conversations, she never shuts up. She now talks to the dog and cats etc.. and has annoyingly started lifting the cat food and feeding it to the dog – she thinks its great fun as does the dog – I don’t – the dog is a chunky Labrador and she doesn’t need any more food!

As for new baby – I’m huge, its already difficult to breathe and bend and I have no idea what way up or down she is, I am getting what I assume to be Braxton hicks the same as I had with L, can’t really feel anything in my stomach just get this incredible urge to go to the toilet and I don’t mean the quick way, which comes and goes and when it goes away I absolutely don’t need to go! Is that weird? Am I weird? Still no name – all the names I suggest I’m not allowed (Eden/Thea/Aria/Lyra) or the ones I like are my friends kids names (Rosa/Layla) so I think all we are left with is Leah and Julia both of which sound a little funny with Lydia! Actually people seem to really have issues with the name Lydia and the number of people who call her Olivia isn’t funny! At this rate this poor baby isn’t going to have a name… oh and given her middle names will be Sarah May it kind of wipes out Faye which I like as Faye Sarah May sounds like something out of little house on the Prairie. DH wants Sarah as the first name after his Nana but I’m refusing, I hardly knew the woman and I’m not calling my child after her, May is after my dear aunt who died when I was 9 weeks pregnant with L, she was like a granny to me and we were very very close. The other thing is that DHs cousin is due to have a little girl 2 weeks before we have ours so I hope she doesn’t use any of our names!

Ok this is stupidly long and I have the dentist soon – hope you all have a wonderful day!
Sorry ladies still really busy but I am reading all your posts and loving it when there are new long ones :)

Storm I thought of you just now, you said you wanted L to have a little hidden cabin or house in the garden. How about this one for Christmas ;)
Angel I if I had that little house I would move in there myself! How cool is that!

Back from the dentist - hes going to try and crown the tooth so I have to go back in a couple of weeks.

Oh and forgot to say DH brought me home a box of plastic gloves in case I need to change the cat litter - I didn't know whether to laugh or cry... MEN!
bugger...! had a nice long 'reply' too!

had decent sleep, all okay....grumble!

Angel I want one of those please! Very cool.

Kosh glad Barcelona was all good and you enjoyed it :thumbup:

Storm, I don't know if I would laugh or cry either :dohh:

Not much else to say really. OH is out for the evening and I am loving it :happydance:

Storm - Thank you so much for your kind words and for reminding me that just because Blake came early doesn't mean #2 will (if we conceive #2). And thanks for asking how I am :hugs: I'm feeling a bit better today. Dan let me have a good cry on his shoulder the other night, and he was very patient and sympathetic with me (which is not easy for him, he's just not built that way). That helped a lot as well as being able to express my feelings to you lovely ladies.

And I totally understand about not wanting your new little bean born on a sad anniversary. If it helps, lots of girls in my Feb group had days they either did want baby born or did not want baby born, and none of them happened. We had at least 40-50 members, so odds are definitely against it!

Blake was born at 30+5, but we usually say 31 weeks as my due date was moved 2 days at my second u\s (from Feb 10 to Feb 12). Unfortunately, those 2 days made Blake have a bunch of extra tests done, but better to err on the side of caution I guess.

And when I read your recent post about oh bringing you a box of plastic gloves, I thought oh my f'ing g*d, I swear I would have completely lost it on him and he would've had that box hurled at his head!!!

Crossing my fingers that your in-laws were long gone before you got home, you certainly don't need that kind of stress! Grrrrr! :hugs:

Charlie- Thank you so much for your hugs and kind words as well. Yes, I think it is just all the memories flooding back, and remembering how very scared we were, like you said holding our breath for weeks and weeks. It was good days and bad days in the NICU, with 2 steps forward and then suddenly a setback, and all those desats and bradys while holding him or watching him really took a toll. I think I just didn't let it out enough then as I was in shock and preoccupied with being strong for him and pumping, pumping, pumping.

Enjoy your evening without oh! :haha:
Borboleta - Thanks so much for your understanding. I agree, this will be his first Christmas. We'll sing carols and have fun around the tree and him looking (but not touching :haha:) all the decorations! At least Christmas here is already pretty much baby-proofed (inside cabinets, or in rooms where doors can be easily closed like our den and bonus room) because of the kitties. Tabitha kitty always tries to climb right up the middle of my fake tree in the den!

Don't think we will be taking Blake out yet. We have another dr apt in about 3 weeks, this one for a bunch of 1 year vaccines, and we'll probably talk about it again, but as of now I think we're planning to wait until spring. We heard a couple stories while in the NICU about babies born in the winter catching something around their first birthday and having it go directly to their lungs, back in the hospital and fighting to survive again. So, I don't think we're going to risk it. Yes, family is very impatient to meet him, but we just don't want to take the chance of hurting him and neither do they. My mom is actually very susceptible to bronchitis, gets it a lot (in fact she has it now for about 3-4 weeks already), so although she's sad about it, she 100% agrees. We do Facetime a lot, and Blake has started giving big smiles when he hears her voice, little sweetie pie.

And you made me laugh when you said you think I'm blonde - I am after I get my hair dyed! :haha: Hasn't been done for awhile, but really I'm a light or medium brown. I'll have to post some pictures, also wanted to show you all Blakey's owl Halloween costume.

Clio - thank you honey, I really appreciate your sweet words and your hugs. Big hug back to you! :hugs:

Not sure if this suggestion will help (as it is a board book) but one of Blake's favorites is one called "Roadwork", I'll try to post a link later, but its about all the steps to building a road with rhyming language and good pictures of different trucks and machinery. Another suggestion may be a magazine subscription for him? I know there's a National Geographic Little Kids magazine and National Wildlife Federation Ranger Rick Jr. we were thinking of starting for Blake? Maybe worth googling? I think they're only about $15 for a year.

And I can understand what you mean about worrying another LO may inherit a condition. I was born with a heart defect (had open heart surgery when I was 4) that can be hereditary, so my drs looked very closely at B's heart during u/s. Thank goodness his was perfect, but I can definitely understand your worry!

Kosh - glad you and G had a great time in Barcelona!! Cant wait to hear more about your trip. I visited there for a few days in the late 90's when I studied abroad in London and absolutely loved the city and the people! Told your story about G recognizing your mom to my mom and she loved it obviously! Thanks for sharing it, made her day!
Clio, here's the links...
Also just got this one for Blakey, really cute, but again a board book...
Ok, let's try again!

I had a meeting with the creche assistant manager about the comments that the non-regular staff member made - 'is there something happening at home?', which had upset me alot. Fortunately, I was able to speak to the 'head' of wobbler room yesterday and she clarified 'is he doing this at home?'. I went in to speak to the assistant manager and expressed my upset, etc., and then we turned to the BITINGS, which he has had 3 in 3 days (none for two weeks) and I personally think it is attention seeking (not teething), but at his age, all we can do is separate and tell him that we do not bite our friends. At home, we respond with 'gentle, gentle', and he will stroke the cheek and give a kiss (started when he was little so he would 'respect' the cats), but aside from sharing the message at home, he is under 2 and whilst we will do the 'time out chair' (as opposed to the naughty step/chair), he really still is a baby. All I can do is emphasize to the other parents (vis the staff) is my complete and utter mortification.........

LO slept from 9pm to 5am (fine with me, as a contrast to little sleep the night before) and as I had offered to take LO for last night (as OH had taken him from 3 am the night before), it makes me look good (hehehehe!) and tonight (cross fingers - LO will be okay-ish).

my teeth - sometimes (with pain meds), I almost forget the pain, BUT I am acutely aware of when the meds are wearing, I am not sure whether the tooth is loose or it's just my imagination (especially at 3am), but if we can save one back molar and lose this one, fine.

okay, will try personals:

storm - is before Xmas a stupid time to try and meet up? I have knitted a pink hat with a pompom and mittens and am slowly doing a white hat and mittens and will do a purple one soonish. I can always post to you! AND I also hope the in-laws weren't there when you got home! and :growlmad: to OH bringing YOU gloves for the litter trays - I'd just dump them on his work clothes/side of bed and see if the gloves are adequate!
Kitty: Finn was in NICU for 13 very long days and every day seemed sooooo long. I cannot completely comprehend the weeks that B was in NICU, but the advice I was given was NICU is like being with mummy that little bit longer and in terms of development, we are told to consider an adjusted age (Finn was a month early overall), so this is B's first Christmas....(if that helps?).

hugs to all, and to all, GOOD SLEEP!

Morning ladies, trying to post while Lucy eats some toast.

Kitty- I just wanted to say big hugs to you. I cannot comprehend how hard it was and still is for you guys. I was the complete opposite and was booted out of hospital the same day as giving birth, so I have no idea how you coped?You will get there in the end and you should feel so proud of the love and care you give your little B! And yes, chances are if you went for #2 they would arrive at the correct time or late even?!

Storm- I think you have done well not to personally shove every single one of those gloves down "DH's" throat! I think I would have cried and got mad all at the same time. Although I must admit to being very pleased when df brought me a box home from work the other day for me! Lol but I'm not pregnant and I asked for them! ( I use them for chopping onions and chillis etc...can't bear the smell of onions on my hands!!! )

I honestly don't look great ladies, but thanks for your kind words. Makeup really is my saviour! ;-)

I was feeling a bit down and overwhelmed yesterday.
As you know my friend has had her rainbow baby and I'm ecstatic off them! The thing is I started feeling a twinge of jealously that her baby is already letting her get good sleep ( for a newborn) why am I still struggling with this? What did I do wrong? Lucy was a handful from the start . She would never be put down to sleep!! Almost never. I tried and tried but to no avail. She would sleep but it had to be on me or df!
I sometimes wonder if motherhood would be different for me if Lucy had slept more?
Sorry, I guess I'm just feeling sorry for myself :blush:

My brain has now gone blank, so I'm off to make another cup of tea and get ready for Gymboree!

Hugs to all.
claire - :hugs: from another sleep deprived mum

will try to reply properly later
Morning all,

Oh SK that’s so kind of you! I’m good either way before or after Christmas, new baby is due 11th Feb but you are more than welcome to come visit the new baby too :)

Clairey the simple answer is you did nothing wrong, all children are different! There were times I thought I was having a nervous breakdown with L, between all the crying I was doing with my mum dying and her not sleeping it was just horrendous. I never thought I would still be up every night with my almost 2 year old! Given my brothers and I all slept through from 6 weeks… Put it this way my friend has 2 girls one is coming 4 and the other is a month younger than L, the 4 year old has slept through the night with no milk from 3 weeks old – the one the same age as L still has them up every single night and is drinking 2 bottles during the night and comes into their bed every night. Same parents, same parenting technique very different children! I honestly don’t know how you cope with the lack of sleep and being a SAHM! At least when I am utterly shattered when we have a bad night I can come into work, sit at my desk (looking rough) but I get to have coffee, lunch and not run after a toddler in my sleep deprived craziness. Honestly for me coming to work is mostly the easy option – yes it can be stressful but its more restful that looking after L. Oh and my other friend in work has a 5 year old and a 2 year old and they are both still up every night… we are not alone. I just reckon those people who get sleepers touched lucky ;)

Talking of sleep I honestly don’t know the last time I had 8 hours sleep, Any night where I get a block of 4 hours sleep is considered a good night – I never thought I would say that LOL – oh how your expectations change.. I guess I’m not going to find out any time soon as I will be back to up half the night with the newbie if all goes well.

I have a random question for you ladies -what did your Braxton Hicks feel like if you had any? I’m back to getting the horrible random ‘Poo feeling’ – it literally stops me in my tracks and for a minute or too its this horrible overwhelming painful feeling that I need the toilet – then it goes away. I had this with L and its exactly what it felt like going into labour, but I had assumed this was mostly cause L was back to back – now I’m thinking this is just what it feels like for me and now I’m dreading labour! I just don’t feeling anything round the front, its all in my butt!

Oh and this am Miss L decided it would be a good idea to colour in the arm of the reddy coloured leather sofa with a nice grey crayon… shes a laugh she is! I have no idea if that’s coming off or not…

Hope everyone has a lovely day!
Ps I did start this hours ago but forgot to post it!
Storm I seriously hope you hit your "DH" over the head with the gloves. I was soo angry just reading this! UNBELIEVABLE! You have more forbearance than me I assure you!

Kitty I am sorry I haven't yet commented on your post about your last Christmas. How tough this time must have been for you! But I agree this is B's first Christmas! I know easier said than done but I would advise that you try not to dwell too much on how sad and anxious you were last year but rather what a charming adorable and funny little boy you have in Blake this year and how amazingly well he is doing, not least due to your love and care! I hope this didn't coming across as patronising :hugs:

Claire I can so understand your feelings! I have excellent sleepers now (Phew!) but I remember what it was like. In a way I wish I could have another baby just cause with twins (of which one screamed non stop for the first 3 months and never slept till almost a year) I seriously had no time or leisure to absorb and enjoy having a baby. It was so stressful and so full on. I envy ppl who can soak up this special time and who have babies who sleep and let you get some sleep too. How different it must be for them! I would not exchange my boys for anything in the world and every day I marvel at how incredibly blessed and lucky I am to have them but I did miss out on their babyhood. And I think in a way ALL mothers of non sleepers do :hugs:

Must rush off again, we are getting Sebastian's hair cut this afternoon, I am not dressed or painted yet and the kitchen looks like a pig sty. (OH has taken to wearing his caterpillar boots as it is cold and walks through the mud of the cemetery every day on his shopping trips. Guess where the mud ends up and who gets to clean it?) Sorry I don't have time to respond to all you lovely ladies! But I am sending you all tons of :hugs:
Hi ladies,

Had an awful night of sleep last night. As you know little t never cries when he wakes up (even if he wakes up in the middle of the night) but last night he woke up at 1:30am crying. I felt bad because I did not give him Advil before bedtime ( he had both hands in the back of his mouth last night) so I thought it was maybe teething. Went there and he was wet ( maybe I need to get a size 6 diapers for the night :shrug:). Brought him downstairs to give him Advil and changed his diapers and pants. I knew I would have to stay in his room for at least one hour rocking him to sleep ( I am terrified of him trying to climb his crib, even though he is a terrible climber). Cutting a story short I didn't go back to bed till almost 4am :dohh: and didn't fall back asslep till about 4:30am and OH got up to go to work around 5:50am and showered and stuff, so woke me up again!!! And when he left at 6:15am I started getting this stabbing like muscle pain in one breast :growlmad:!!! So I really slept from 10pm till 1:30am! I am so tired :coffee:!!! I actually tried to find online the baby crib tent thing but they had a recall on those so I am just hoping little t will not try to climb off his crib for a while. I am not ready for a toddlers bed!! And he is a great little sleeper so I don't want to mess up with that just yet :thumbup:.

Claire: I would feel the same way as you towards your friends. When I saw my friend this week and we were talking about how funny it is when we don't have kids yet and we say things like ( I will never let my child sleep with me, I will never rock them to sleep ...) and then a child comes and all your those "rules" we had go down the drain! But there are some babies that are better sleepers than others. And Lucy is such a sweet heart in the pictures. Maybe when she has a child she will have a non sleeper and she will see what she did to mummy :haha:.

Thiago woke up. Have to go.
Lol ladies - I honestly think DH didn't even think that I might be offended by the gloves - he can be incredibly dim at times!

Borboleta L used to try and climb out of her cot but has never once got out of her toddler bed during the night - she just shouts or cries for you to come attend to her. She is perfectly capable of getting out as she uses it as a trampoline during the day when I am trying to change her nappy - you never know little T might not even try. Oh and L is a wonderful climber - her favourite trick now is to climb on the arm of the sofa and throw herself on the sofa shouting 'Oh oh oh ohhhhhhhhhhh' - it is amusing but I just hope she doesn't jump the wrong way someday. She's always been a little climbing monkey though :)

I've just ordered a pile of clothes for L and I couldn't resist a little black and white tartan skirt with white tights and a little black peter pan collared top to go with it - shes going to hate it but she will look cute. I also got her a red long sleeved top with a christmas pudding on it and navy leggings outfit, more tights, pjs and jumpers - its cold over here! I am so good at spending money! :)
Clairey - thanks for the hugs sweetie, and wow in and out of the hospital the same day! Superwoman!

Please don't think you did anything wrong with little Lucy not sleeping, you absolutely did nothing wrong!!! Similar to Storm, I knew a coworker who used to brag about his baby sleeping through the night, and they had "figured it all out". When baby #2 was baking, he was again chirping about how they know what they're doing, they'll apply the same techniques, it'll be so easy, etc. Well, baby 2 did not sleep through at all, and they were very sleep deprived and frustrated. Not nice, but I remember other coworkers with little children at the time laughing because they knew every baby is different! And from chatting with other moms, not wanting to be put down to sleep is so common and so so hard. Being so sleep deprived must be so hard and make other tasks much more difficult :hugs: :hugs:

Another coworker had 3 kids, first 2 (boys) didn't sleep through for as long as I worked with him (4+ yrs and he'd fall asleep at his desk all the time), then the third was a girl and slept through from the very beginning. They didn't even know how to react to that! His wife was worried for a long time because she thought that was strange compared to her others.
I think I managed to resize Blake's Halloween picture...he actually really liked being in it :)

I'm an owl!!!


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