any other over 35 first time mums?

Borboleta I love it! He is so cute :D
The story of the Fir Tree is about a little fir tree in the forest who wants to be a Christmas tree. It is told from the perspective of the tree and it is a real tear jerker! If you really want to read it, here is a link so you can read it online. I strongly recommend you do not. It is a horrible story!

FINALLY FOOD!! Must go xxx
Clio we have a fake tree cause I like to put it up early and real trees are getting expensive. Lots and lots of lights though, sorry kitty!

Borboleta loved the video, T is so adorable! He's a clever little cookie and you were worried about this kid? Why!

BLEmma we need an update!

Charlie I can totally see why weaning would be upsetting even though I ff L. I really really want to bf this time, hopefully it will work out... Hope you get a bfp before you have to wean though.

As for L the biter decided not to bite today, instead she full on smacked L in the face with a book they were fighting over, so my baby had a swollen cheek with red marks on it! I'm not impressed. Rough night with L and dh was off work and still put her in nursery and she cried... He did go get her 3 hours early so I guess that's something..

My arm is going dead trying to type this on my phone lying in bed so bye bye for now!
storm - I will tell you that LO the biter has never hit another child, ever! and when he does bite, he seems to realise that he was 'bad' (it makes mummy 'sad') and is very good at 'gentle, gentle' and kisses....growl - I would be annoyed with the other child in this situation!

We did have a biting today and my first response is always: 'is the other child okay?' (fortunately, yes), but I think it's a language problem (LO wants a toy another child has) rather than malicious (I hope!)....

trees: fake v. real. : Having had both, nothing beats the wonderful smell of a proper tree, but I hate cleaning up the pine needles of a real tree. We haven't had much luck with our real trees - trying to be eco-friendly, we buy trees that can be replanted, year, it wasn't (chopped off rather than roots!) and another year, it died before we could replant! My OH is very lazy in this regard and it may be February or March before we 'look' to replant (I will have religiously watered, tho)....we also have the issue of two cats who are very interested in any dangling things, like ornaments!

not much else. I finished knitting some hats and mittens for two friends expecting (one being storm, okay, have to do a pompom or two for hats, but will send off on Monday) and a sweater and hat as well. It's tricky doing for friends as a minor mistake for something for LO is okay, but not for others...and the worst is that I cannot remember how to do buttonholes and tried at least 20 times on the little cardigan and although had done a day or so before, could not get it to work again for more buttonholes and even when I practicised on other wool, still couldn't get it. My fingers were stiff and annoying (that carpal tunnel again)...growl!

As for travel, quick question - do any of your LOs have toddler friendly laptops? We have a leapfrog Scout, but haven't moved to the 'laptop' type -- any advice? Ideally, I'd like a toddler friendly (meaning able to withstand it being dropped!) laptop with games, etc., and even better, one that we could put DVDs on? I was thinking that a bit more advanced, but not quite grownup (and with the potential for breakage) might be perfect for the flights?

anyway, hugs -- we're not leaving until Monday and will try to post over the next few weeks whilst in the USA!

Morning all, im sitting outside the drs waiting to see the mw again... Dull :) Another rough night with L, I ended up lifting her after 11 as I was wrecked and she kept crying, she still has a cough, now has a sore tongue (possibly oral thrush) and is having nightmares! The oral thrush thing I find really weird, I've never had it in my life but both my mum and sil had it quite frequently... I dunno, must ask my brother. We have the gel for it so we have started on that.

Sk I hope you aren't trying to make anything perfect for me! My knitting is terrible so I wouldn't even notice if something was a little imperfect, sure its hand made thats the attraction and its more than kind of you to make us anything!

Back to the real tree thing, my brother and sil have a real tree. Last year and the year before was actually pretty sad, they had these 2 fabulous trees I grew from seed, both different varieties of fir tree. One was planted beside the wall in part of their garden at the front of their house, the builder owns the wall, anyway long story short the wall partially collapsed and the builder refused to fix it until the tree was removed :( I think it was 16 years old, so my brother chopped it down and used the top as their Christmas tree. Then last year the other tree which was growing at the front of their house and they put lights on it every year, someone complained about it to the council! Apparently cause it was taking up space on the public footpath, honestly it was fine. So again my brother had to chop it down! Actually to prove a point he cut all the branches off the bottom months before Christmas so it wasn't blocking anything and although it did look silly it was like a perfect tree up a 6ft trunk! Then other neighbours came to ask him what he was doing cause they loved the tree, but hey someone didn't so that became the tree last year...

Ok better go and check in for mw, have a lovely day all!
not a great day, sigh.

OH's last day at work and he's not answering his phone or responding to texts. Okay, I understand that you want to go out and get drunk and come home whenever, but a quick text, even to ask how your screaming toddler son is might be nice? On second, but it still annoys me!

LO was stroppy at times and I got stroppy back...and then, I went into another room and broke a cardinal rule - I never smoke in the house, but I rolled up one and had a few puffs in the bathroom and then went back into the living room, gave him a cuddle and started crying (and LO was trying to comfort me!) as I'm PMT with AF due any minute and OH has disappeared. I think LO was more scared by mommy's few tears than any screaming from mommy (he laughs when I yell at him as I only say 'shut up' and he runs around saying 'up') and he was acting up. No, I didn't smack or hit him, but I could have and that's why I left the room. Fortunately, we snuggled up for sleeptime and he's now asleep (but moving him from the living room to the bedroom is going to be tricky as he's very heavy and where is my OH? who knows....sigh.

hope all are well and to all - a calm, peaceful and well-behaved OH!

Oh SK you poor thing! I've cried many a time when L has been really hard work! Not a great night for us either, her mouth is sore and stingy and apart from calpol and the gel to clear it up what can I do? It took me an hour to get her down and I'm wrecked! As for your dh not phoning, I'd be baying for blood, why are men so selfish! Wake him up nice and early tomorrow :)

All clear at the mw this am, Harrah!

Hope everyone is well, I'm shattered xx
Night from hell, I swear L cried every 20 minutes... Kill me now...
Oh storm, you poor love!! I totally feel for you. Any idea why??
Sending hugs.
He's working tonight, so he's had L all morning, cause I told him I was just going to die :) She's in great form now! Still has a cough, sore tongue (although its improving) and did her first pee pee in the toilet while I was dozing! She asked to so dh put her on the loo and she went! I better get up, its noon :) x
OH came home around 11pm very drunk (in fact, he rang the doorbell as he couldn't find his keys) and after knocking over the coat rack, went to bed. I'm not annoyed that he was out drinking, but that he didn't text back once. This morning, he was very sheepish and apologised, but I said it wasn't the drinking (and he had been responsible, e.g. getting a taxi home, etc), but the non-communication.

LO was okay-ish last night - I brought him onto the bed a couple of times, but he has a tendency to sleep on top of you/the pillows, etc., and no matter how much you 'readjust' him, he always ends up perpendicular to you, so I wait until I am almost positive he is asleep and return him to the cot, which I had to do a few times last night. But in okay humour and that's the main thing (mommy, too!).

storm - where was your OH? working? and poor you and your lack of sleep!

anyway, hugs to all!
OH was helping out until 2, but it was just a disaster, I lifted her at 2 as she was screaming mummy mummy mummy ...

Anyway another peepee in the toilet, she's started thus btw not us! Leggings pulled off and demanding pee pee.... I'm just going with the flow!
Poor woman! I hope you actually slept this morning? As for the peepee thing, this would be great timing if this is actually her toilet training herself! :D!

L is asking to pee? That's awesome! Is she ahead of the curve here? N was interested for 1 day & now he uses his 'Lil Loo' as a step stool. are sooooo forgiving, lol.... I think I would have let my DH fumble around for the keys aaaaaallllll night.... :)

The boys let me sleep in until 9, so i am feeling fine. DH took N to the park so now I'm here.... sipping my caramel macchiato....:)

Something is up w N's tummy lately. He's barely eating, clingy, tearful, etc. The only thing that makes him feel better is being outside. ( The mittens I have for him are terrible...I wish I could knit...& I can't find any around here that are knit, not fleece...) I'm trying to do the BRAT diet until his tummy feels better, but the boy hates bland.

We have always had artificial trees. Idk why....laziness probably...:haha: My DH bought a real tree many, many moons ago so I could experience it. I loved it, but didn't like the mess.

I feel like lounging in my jammies all day today....wouldn't that be lovely....but I have a million things to do & all this holiday stuff is so much work..

The most difficult part of motherhood for me is no time off...

We're going to try to take N to a holiday charity event on a ship. Santa will be there. N is fascinated w his omnipresence...:haha: We need to buy 4 canned food items to bring...we don't have anything canned in the house except the cats' tuna fish.

We use that cats & the tuna fish as an excuse to transition N into things to minimize meltdowns...:haha: If it's time to head home from the park & I sense a meltdown coming, I tell him...'we have to go home & give AC & Fabio their tuna fish.' It works like a dream & he loves having a job to do. He loves to be 'helpful'. He takes the groceries out if the bags, does the trash duties w dad, feeds the cats, rakes the leaves, dusts, vacuums, etc.. I wonder how long this will last?
Lol she's asking to pee today, tomorrow she will probably have changed her mind! I think 18 months to 3 1/2 is considered 'normal'... I reckon each child is different. I have no idea what age I was.

OH and L are having a nap, he is working the next 2 nights. It's a wet, windy and horrible day... Im refusing to leave the house :)
Indigo - I saw your post about wanting 'knitted' mittens? I could try and do some up quickly tomorrow and post before we go to NYC on Monday. I can do ones without thumbs quickly in blue, but would need some time to do some with thumbs (I made some for storm's new arrival, but went with newborn mitts) - let me know! We're driving down to the MIL's tomorrow, so can sneak in a quick pair on the drive down....

not much else here - AF is threatening and TBH, wish it would just come as it is very heavy these days (first day is very bad) and I have this horrible feeling that it will hit (literally) as we get on the plane to NYC on Monday.

I have loads of lists and am trying to be organised in preparation, but was thinking of how much stuff we will need, even though we are staying at my mom's for almost two weeks -- it's the three days in NYC before we get to Arizona that is the problem, but then as my OH commented that he was only going to bring a few pairs of jeans and do some shopping like last time, the light bulb went off -- my OH can carry everything - hahahaha! and I can be relaxed - hehehehe!

Anyway another peepee in the toilet, she's started thus btw not us! Leggings pulled off and demanding pee pee.... I'm just going with the flow!
- I liked your comment, storm (groan!) Finn calls everything pee-pee and even when it is obvious that it is poopie, he tells us 'pee-pee'. He also watches us in the bathroom (pee-pee, no poopie!) and thinks it's funny so not sure ready for toilet training. The health visitor/public nurse gave us a booklet about toilet training and the poor child on the front looked constipated, so perhaps not the best advertising/picture to use!

and, proud mummy moment - LO goes down the stairs by almost sliding, but yesterday,we practiced walking down the stairs and holding onto the bannister rails (whatever those internal ones are called) and he was delighted to be walking like a big boy; of course, the next set of stairs, he went back to slip and slide, but nevertheless, mummy was very impressed.

anyway, off to print out stuff for our trip. OH complained that he couldn't find his UK passport and therefore, I must have put it somewhere - ah, no, it's in the same place it was when you removed it to get the Irish passport renewed - YOUR laptop case....growl!

Thank you, SK! It's very kind & generous of you :hug:, but there's no way I'm putting another thing on your list!

After going to Carter's & being told they have no mittens (WTH?), I ordered a few pairs from Etsy today & they should arrive next week. :) I should have paid more attention when my grandmother was trying to teach me to knit. :dohh:

:hi: & :hugs: everyone!

10 more sleeps until Christmas! I can't wait! :wohoo:
So the peepee in toilet phase lasted one day... Not surprised at all and I'm just going to leave it and let her tell me when she is ready!

Another so so night but at least her little tongue is healing, its a vast improvement!

Today I'm tired, too tired to write much of any interest! Just wanted to wish Sk all the best for your little families travels!

Hope everyone else is well :) x

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