any other over 35 first time mums?

Safe travels SK! Hope the flight over will be easy and stress free! xx
just a quick note before I go to sleep - haven't done much packing, but loads of preparation -- since we are going to NYC, I'm pulling out some of the designer gear (very old stuff) and making sure it's okay (I mean the Kate Spade sunglasses, the Coach leather gloves and coach leather classic bag!) and polishing up leather, etc. Sadly, my lovely chanel needs fixing (it's a black tote with black 'c's, very subtle. I like designer that is obvious to those who 'know', but not a walking advert for the designer (although I love lulu guinness and have a few of her older bags, sigh.)

We went to see MIL today and she was in an okay mood, but having a crazy toddler running around the place was perfect as I didn't have to sit and listen to her moan! and her house is not toddler/child friendly (coal by the fire, knives in an easy to open kitchen drawer, and a TV not protected by a playpen used as a fence (and little fingers kept poking the TV screen, looking to see if we noticed and trying again!). Very spooky moment, though. I am convinced that my FIL (who sadly died in 2010) has visited LO in the past, especially when he was a baby in his basket as he would look over my shoulder and smile, like somebody was waving to him. There are loads of pictures on a bookcase at my MIL's and I said to LO today that there's a picture of grandpa matt and LO immediately pointed to the picture of my FIL. We don't have loads of pictures around our own house, so it was a bit odd, me thinks!

not much else. try not to do anything too exciting whilst I'm in the air/NYC!


ps. the picture of LO in his reindeer outfit (avatar?) still applies -- I cut the legs off and made a little jacket and he wears it around the house (it is a little tight to snap closed, but it is still cute).....
Have a great trip SK! I hope the plane ride goes off without a hitch.

Today is J's second birthday!
Happy Birthday Jonah!! I hope you have a lovely day :) And I hope you are ok too Clio. Sending lots of :hugs:
Happy 2nd birthday J!!!!! Hope you have a lovely time!!

Safe trips SK and Kosh!!

Wow, happy birthday J! Can't believe K and J are 2 already, soon to be followed by L and L! Our babies are getting all grown up!
Hi ladies,

Clio: happy 2nd birthday Jonah :happydance:!!! How exciting!!!

Kosh and Sabrina: hope you all have a lovely holiday trip to your destinations and that LOs will be easy during flights :thumbup:.

Storm: I was getting excited about L wanting to go pee pee on the potty:). I have a feeling if she is not ready now she will be very soon:). Maybe now that you will go on maternity leave you might be able to work with her, and have less diapers to deal with :haha:.

Angel: I love the furniture that nick gave you for Christmas:). How are your paintings going?

Indigo: I would love to see a picture of you. You sound like a rebel :haha:, a good one:).

Kitty: is Blake still being good about and not getting a little more adventurous with the tree?

Charlie: I hope you don't need to work during the holidays.

As for us we are getting the last Christmas gifts and we decided to give thiago the merry Christmas pocoyo book and Lego duplo farm letters. He seems interested in the Lego duplo now. So let the fun starts :thumbup:. I cannot wait till he gets into the regular Legos and I can help him build suff with it:). One of my favorite toys. :thumbup:.
Asked my SIL what my nephew and niece wanted for Christmas and she gave me their amazon list and had to laugh at their picks. For my 13 year old nephew he wants video games and guns and for my niece a bunch a teenager make up and some clothes :haha:!!!
OH got me a new dishwasher for Christmas :happydance:!! I cannot wait to get it installed:). I really wanted a new stove too but if can wait till next Christmas :thumbup:.
Yesterday we went to a 2 year old birthday party and they had some kids thiago's age there and they were all playing with each other but thiago that was on his own playing with a toy:(. OH than decided to go and get him and bring him to where the other kids were so he could interact with the other ones. He actually did which was good. There was a lady there that said that her older son was just like that and he changed when he turned 3 years old.

Have to go:). Hugs to all:).
Happy 2nd Birthday, Jonah!!! <3

Hope you guys have a wonderful day together!!!
Borboleta--I got J the Fisher Price/Duplex Lego Number Train for Christmas! And he makes us read "Merry Christmas Pocoyo!" every night and many times during the day, too. He is in love with it. He got a Pato doll for his b-day, and loves it (he already has the Pocoyo doll, but because the head is hard, he isn't as fond of it. It's not as cuddly). And I've had to change Electric Thomas' battery twice more since I last wrote about it.

Here's something funny: J got a Little Tikes vacuum cleaner for his birthday, but I gave it to him a day early. He adores it. I asked him what its name is (we have named all of our vacuum cleaners). He said "Thiago!" :rofl: It's very loud, though, and he's woken me with his "cleaning" at 5 am, which is his new wake up time. :wacko:

J's birthday went well; he and I went to a nature centre in the morning, where he can climb in a huge "bee hive" designed for kids, and then he went with OH to buy the "Birthday Spread." This is actually a tradition from my parents'; instead of a proper dinner on Christmas Eve, we have tons of french bread, wonderful cheeses and cold cuts. Which is great at my parents' house, because everyone can eat wheat. Here, however, out of 9 people, only Pake and I can eat wheat, and we always have to make sure that the cheeses and meats and other toppings remain gluten free (ie. no spoons or knives that have touched bread even slightly can be used again). This became so overwhelming for me that I just stood in a corner of the kitchen and made OH bring me everything, which meant I couldn't talk to anyone. We should have just gone with Oma's suggestion: make tacos. Though, I haven't really felt like talking much to anyone for a long time, so it was actually a blessing in disguise.

And I guess I experienced what everyone else in their family experiences all the time: being the only one who can't eat wheat at a party where no one considers cross-contamination.

Angel--what a gorgeous desk! I wish there were such lovely antiques here, but because Edmonton was established only in 1905, and by poor immigrants and farmers, there are no antiques worth giving a second look here. Oh well, we couldn't afford anything anyway. Does this mean that your OH has found work as a chef?

Whoops! Got to go bring J to the day house!
just a quick one - flight was okay-ish. He was a bit stroppy for about 10-15 minutes when we got on the plane (we had delayed his nap until we were on the flight) and then slept for about 2 1/2 hours, then spent time playing with the video/headphones, etc and of course, the obligatory running up and down the aisles for a good 15 minutes, but we got here. OH was slightly useless, but fortunately, I had packed most of the stuff we needed.

LO is taking a nap now (from about 10am to?), so thought I'd look at email (can't access as am on another computer - growl!) and see how you all were. It's snowing in NYC and quite cold, but hopefully, once LO wakes up, we can at least take him around the block and maybe into a toy store? and as predicted, got AF whilst on the flight, but was prepared (growl!)

um...happy 2nd birthday, Jonah! and to all, hugs!

Clio: Thiago the vacuum cleaner :rofl::rofl:!!!! J must like thiago's name :haha:!! One day we should skype so they can see each other :thumbup:.
Glad to hear J had a good birthday day. After reading your story about most of your OH's family being in a gluten free diet I want to ask you what happens to him if he eats food that contains gluten? I know a lady at the studio that has been suffering with stomach pain. I spoke with her last week and she had just gone thru a colonoscopy to see if there is something wrong with her colon. She is young ( on her 30s) so I told her if there is nothing wrong maybe she could be allergic to gluten ( maybe?).

Sabrina: so glad to hear your flight went well:). How long was it? Is your family excited to finally see Finn? Do you have brothers or sisters?

Angel: forgot to ask how is seb and his runny poop?

Well, thiago just had a projectile vomit before he went to take a nap! He hasn't been eating much of anything since last night so I just hope it is his tummy not feeling so good and not the flu :wacko:!!! He actually even smiled after he vomited so fingers crossed:).

Sk glad you made it safely and I hope you have fun!

Borboleta I love the Santa pics, so cute :)

Clio meant to say I.bought L the DrSuess books, I got a whole set of them delivered for £15, so far she only likes Mr Brown can moo... She has no time for the rest.

We had another night from hell last night, I didn't het one solid hours sleep and I'm wrecked, then today I had my appraisal (all ok as expected), leaving lunch in work and my new crown fitted. I was so so tired, still am so bed for me.

We got another LA parcel from my friend, 2 pairs of shoes (too small though), 4 party frocks 2 with boleros, pjs, 2 coats, a poncho and vest! It cost her 57 dollars to post and I nearly didn't get it, they say they tried to deliver it 4 times.. liars! I've had no cards, nothing and they were going to return it to the sender next week!

Ok I'm wrecked, will post more tomorrow x
Glad J had a lovely birthday, love Thiago the vacuum cleaner :haha:

Hope T is ok after his vomiting Borboleta

SK glad flight went well :thumbup:

Kitty was meant to say I loved your story about the London cat, very cute! And what an awesome spot to live in London, my mum would be so jealous. When she was young and apparently longed to come to London, she always thought she would live by St James park :dohh: came down to earth when she got here!

Well my life is about to be transformed for ever! Sophia has decided to walk, after no walking at all for a month, she got up and walked across the room yesterday, she looks drunk and very pleased with herself. She claps herself :haha:

Hello everyone else, it's all got very quiet on here recently hope you're all well and almost ready for Christmas, I'm not!
Wow, well done Sophia for the walking!!! And batten down the hatches Charlie!! Xxx
Lol welcome to the madness Charlie - life will never be the same again and neither will your house! Just wait til she tries to run off when you are trying to get her in the car...

Thank goodness we had a decent night last night, she told me she needed medicine so I gave her calpol before bed, she was awake a couple of times before 1 but DH sorted her out and then I had to wake her this am before I left for work and she told me she wasn't getting up - hahah you have to laugh. Honestly I was so exhausted last night I thought I was going to die, everything was really getting to me and I just wanted some sleep. I did get a sensible amount of sleep but with the hip pain and acid reflux even without L messing around I was awake numerous times.

Anyway last night I honestly couldn't see light at the end of the tunnel, I was tired, sore and I am utterly huge at 32 weeks! I feel like I'm going to explode, I can't bend and I am so so so uncomfortable - I'm going to last another 8 weeks how? Then I started to panic, currently washing baby clothes, packing bags trying to sort Christmas, trying to sort out the house - its overwhelming... Did I mention I'm doing Christmas dinner for 12 and that DH only let me know a couple of days ago that not only is he working Christmas Eve night but also a full day on 23rd... so I'm flying solo on the prep work mostly. I started to totally panic about the cleaning, prep, getting the shopping, getting a bed sorted for my dad etc etc.. but I think I have calmed down now.. I hope...

In other news L has starting saying I love you - she told OH 'I love you daddy' this am, haha I can see she will have him wrapped round her little finger. She also seems to have take a minor aversion to clothes and doesn't want to put any on in the morning - my daughter the nudest.... interesting to say the least.

Hmm I seem to be having trouble with my circulation when typing, my arms have been feeling odd typing on my phone in bed and now I'm at the computer I can't type for long because my arms feel heavy! Another joyous side effect of pregnancy? I don't mean to be thankless but by heck I will be glad when this baby is out and I never have to be pregnant again. The baby that still has no name... hehe

Anyway hope everyone is well and that we are all prepared for Christmas - also hoping SK and Kosh have a fab time while they are away living it up in other countries :)

Also have I mentioned I'm bricking it about giving birth? Whoever said you forget the pain was nuts... I know you can't recreate pain in your mind but I'm pretty sure I remember feeling like I wanted to die! I also had a reasonable birth with L and minor stitches so I'm not sure why I'm so terrified - oh yes - cause it hurts like heck! I also don't want an epidural this time either as I want out to get home to L and I hated the hospital so much I wanted home.

This happened at the hospital I had L in (its disturbing don't read it if you think it may upset you) I know its a one in a million horrendous incident with a baby that was very unlikely to survive but I am so glad I changed hospitals for this one!

On a lighter note today is likely to be one of the worst days of the dogs life - she is off to the groomers for the first time ever in an hour (OH taking her) where she is getting a brush out, bath and dry, teeth cleaned, ears cleaned and anal glands sorted - bless her! Then to top it all she has to go to the vets tonight with my 3 cats for her annual booster. The poor dog I feel so sorry for her! I also had to laugh as OH thinks I'm taking the dog and 3 cats to the vets tonight and I'm pretty sure I will be getting him to do it... although in fairness the cats would be happier with me - and I'm not sure I want to do a trip to the vets with L, OH the dog and 3 cats... I shall let you know how it goes later... what fun!

Right better go and get some lunch - 2 days of work left - woo hoooooooo!
Oh god storm! That's way too much to be doing whilst pregnant!!!
Although I admit I did cook Xmas lunch for 8 when I was due with Lucy (39 weeks pregnant) but the difference being I didn't have to chase after another child etc.
You are indeed superwoman!!
Please try and take it easy though.
Lol Clairey I did it with L too, she was born 4 days later.... We are both mad! :)

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