any other over 35 first time mums?

I had a lovely surprise today, 3 gorgeous little baby hats and matching mittens! Thank you SK so much, they are adorable! You are so kind :)

In other news I've found the reason for the recent horrendous sleep, a whopping great massive back molar! It's totally through the skin and up a good bit, I should listen to L more when she asks for medicine!

Oh toddler cries better run!
Sorry I have been silent again, mum is here but leaving again tomorrow :(
Buuuut I have finally finished my freaking second painting YAY! Will attach it even though I am not that happy with it (I very rarely am lol) and the pic was taken with my phone and made the colours look a bit anaemic as usual. :shrug:

Hopefully I will be able catch up and post a bit more from tomorrow evening on.
Hope all are well. Sending lots of love and hugs to you all xxx

snow finally stopped and we went to see the dinosaurs today, but LO still refused to wear his mittens...sigh. I 'let' OH off on his own for a few hours (LO went to sleep almost immediately when he left) and he came home with a tablet; I went down to chinatown and bought chinese shoes and lovely rose and sandalwood soaps and now back to the room to relax a little. We probably won't make it to FAO Schwartz (THE toy store of NYC), but LO did get a few toys (a light/key chain of a roaring dinosaur), etc., at the AMNH and seemed happy enough.

I'm going to meet up with one of my 'old' and favourite professors from my NYU days tomorrow for lunch before we go to AZ, but am feeling a little glum (and fat) as I wasn't short-listed for any of the jobs (although one did ask whether I was interested in a one-year, non-permanent, non-tenure track position (it's not definite that either, depending on money), so growl!

now back to the room to see how the boys fared....

hugs and bye!
Angel its beautiful! What's it for? Do you ever get prints made of your paintings?

Sk have fun! Wish I was I'm nyc!

Must dash have to get ready for work :)
Hi ladies,

Angel: your picture is beautiful!!! I thought it almost looked like a real photograph! I am so glad you are not wasting your talent working in some other career that doesn't involve painting :thumbup:. I know it is hard now with the boys but have you ever thought about having some of your paintings in a gallery? Is it a hard thing to do?
Glad to hear you are enjoying your mom:). How wonderful:).

Sabrina: I think we are all jealous of you in NYC :haha:. Minus the cold weather though :thumbup:. Are you in a hotel? Is Finn sleeping well? So funny that you got lost :haha:.

Storm: I was exhausted just by reading your post the other day :haha:!!! You are a mad woman:). You will definitely have the energy to have two children :thumbup:. Actually three with your OH :haha:. And yeah for finally our first back molar toddler in the group :happydance:!! Poor L though:(. 3 more to go and this is it for teething :happydance:!!! Did L have her hand on her mouth all the time? Thiago has both hands stuck in the back of his mouth but so far I didn't feel them. It is just harder in the area than it used to. So I think they are moving up.
Oh, I forgot to say that once we had Christmas here at our house for 17 people and cutting a story short I have not offered to host dinner at my house anymore :haha:!!!! And I was not pregnant at the time. You go girl:).

Clio: I always find Thomas dead around the house!!!! I am running out of batteries. Need to get more but it is thiago's favorite toy at the moment. The other day I had put him down to sleep at night and I was walking towards my room when I heard Thomas downstairs :dohh:! So I trying to find him in the dark and there he was on his side just moving his little wheels :dohh:!!!
By the way, I just got from amazon a pocoyo book for thiago called pocoyo's big flip and look book. It is so cute!!! I still have to wrap it for Christmas but I think thiago will love it! It talks about colors, numbers, shapes and the alphabet. Can't wait to see his little face when he sees it :thumbup:.

As for us we are doing well. Wrapping presents and going to the park and bike rides since the weather is gorgeous here:). Thiago is feeling better and I have no idea why he vomited :shrug:. He was still without much energy yesterday but as the day went by he was back to normal. Once a week I like to take him to this bakery and share a cookie with him :kiss:. His little face just light up:). So cute :kiss:.
And thanks for the comments on the Christmas picture:). I will post it here so kosh can see it later:).

Big hugs to everyone else:)
Hi everyone!

SK - yes, very jealous also of you all in NYC (sorry about AF though). Sounds so fun to take Finn to the museums! Have fun meeting up with your old professor.

Storm - sounds like poor Cara had quite a day! And I can't believe you are hosting Christmas dinner. I was hoping you'd just get to show up somewhere and others would do the work and pamper you. Maybe once the eating is over, your oh or family should be in charge of ALL clean up, and let you rest!!! Hope you're feeling ok :hugs:

Angel - lovely picture!!! Hope you've had a great time with your mom.

Borboleta - glad T is feeling better, and I think were getting some warmer weather the next few days, so we can take some walks. It's been bitter cold here last few weeks, but I'll miss the snow.

Blake had his 12 month check up and vaccines on Monday, the dreaded mmr (only saying that as my mom warned me that I was super cranky and crying for days with big red lump), but Blake has coped very well so far! Thank goodness, just sleeping a bit more. He weighed in at 20.5 lbs and length of 28.5 inches, right on track apparently, dr was pleased. I was stressed about taking him and a morning snow storm didn't help my nerves, then we waited in the room for 45 minutes as the dr was late due to bad roads! But all done now, and I'm so glad he handled the shots ok. He cried of course, but then zonked out during the car ride home.

Charlie - YAY for S walking!!! Very exciting! :happydance:

Hi Clio!! :hugs: How's the new kitty doing? Climb up the tree yet? :haha:

Gotta get some laundry done...
Hello everyone!

Well today is my last day at work (again) - I honestly don't know how its this time already! I feel a bit sad about not being in work but I can't wait to spend more time with Miss L over the next 7 or so weeks before the newbie arrives! Although I am fully aware that its probably going to be even more tiring looking after her ladyship :)

Nothing much else to report - L had a standard L night - crying a few times and in with me from 5.30am sticking her feet in my butt and my back - she really is a little monkey - but darn is she cute.

Yesterday was nuts - I had a half day to take and I spent it cleaning the terrapin out, doing laundry, trying to wrap some presents etc.. before picking L up - it was totally exhausting. OH was at work and he is working again today so hopefully when I get L from nursery she will be in good form! As of now she is down to 2 days a week in nursery, but obviously will be off for a good week and a half over Christmas :) I am so looking forward to seeing her with all her presents on Christmas day!

I ordered her a little tikes cosy coupe trailer to go with her car and its arrived in the local argos so now I need to find a time I can possibly make it to the madness of that shopping centre to pick it up - I honestly don't even know if its possible before Christmas but I'm not much bothered if we get it or not before Christmas as she has plenty.

Hope everyone is well - sorry no personals - I'm tired as usual :)

Have a lovely day ladies :)
:wohoo: for last day at work Storm :happydance:

Love the painting, very talented lady you are Angel.

Good Blake handled his MMR well Kitty. I still haven't got around to getting Sophias done yet.

AFM, not much here, Finished Christmas shopping this morning :thumbup: now need to get my head around cooking for 5 avid meat eaters as well as mine and Sophias veggie chrimbo lunch. We are going to my Aunts for her last Christmas in her house of 52 years! In January she will be moving to a nursing home as she has become very physically disabled due to MS. So I am cooking in her kitchen, don't mind cooking at all, but in another kitchen,not my own, is more challenging! I am sure it will be fine. And storm, what the hell are you doing cooking for so many in your 3rd tri?! I agree that after lunch, put your feet up, have a snooze and let everyone else tidy up :thumbup:

:hi: everyone else x
made it to Arizona with a minimum of fuss - LO was a bit stroppy on the flight, but the plane is relatively comfy and at least, we both were a bit more relaxed (maybe, I think)....I have noticed that OH is very quick to blame me if HE didn't do something (e.g. check whether the AZ hotel has a shuttle bus from the airport or just now, where's the key that he gave me? (didn't give me a key and he had left it on the table where we had breakfast)

nice lunch with my old professor, who said the job market is terrible and nobody is hiring, so most people are doing one year positions and moving around alot, so not to be too discouraged as to even get an acknowledgement, let alone the appearance of some interest is okay (I might not get a job, but at least, don't get too upset)

off to ring my mommy and must do laundry asap as it might be advisable for me to travel light, but for LO - not easy at all (he's down to his 2nd last t-shirt and last pair of socks!)

hugs to all and to all, good sleep, etc

p.s. as the plane was going over Texas, albeit briefly, thought about you Borboleta!

Hello ladies, just really been reading but not posting. Christmas is a busy time and more so with a rather wilful ,nearly 2year
Angel- I love your picture, really life like!

I swear I still can't get my head around ttc no 2.
I just don't know how I will handle it?? Storm- you are definitely a braver woman than me!
Perhaps when you tell me what a breeze it is with 2 I will go for it!! Lol
I really hope it does work out to be on the easy side of hard for you! ;-)

Right, must dash.
Hugs to all, esp to kosh and sk on their travels!
Ppffttt easy? I've found the straw that has broken the camels back so to speak... Varicose veins in unmentionable places! I swear, seriously someone is having a laugh, never had them anywhere in my life before, I actually had a meltdown and sobbed tonight :( So sore, itchy and unpleasant... I swear if these bad boys don't ease up after pregnancy oh is paying for me to get rid!.... That is all my lovely ttc ladies....
And for my first night of maternity leave little L gave to me a night of vomiting.....

Vomiting stopped at 5am, I am wrecked and have SO much puke covered laundry to do.... Argghhh she's still running a temp...although running round laughing say 'I puke'... You have to laugh!
Oh god poor you storm!! That's for both the vomiting and the unmentionable v veins!!
Hopefully they will go ASAP after the birth.
Storm: you can't get a brake por woman! How is L doing now? Did you take a flu vaccine? Hope you don't get what she got it!

Claire: like you and indigo I still go back and forth on these ttc thing :dohh:!! And why everyone keeps saying that thiago needs a sibling :growlmad:!!!?

Sabrina: how did it go when you got to your mom? Is it the first time she saw Finn? And I so wish we could have met at the airport :thumbup:. Maybe next time:).

Charlie: Sofia is a vegetarian too? Did she ever had meat? I wonder what she thinks of it? And I bet it is difficult for you to cook meat. Does it grosses you out? I told you that when I was pregnant during the second trimester thru almost the end of the third I couldn't eat red meat. So strange cause I love a good piece of steak but just the thought of it would make me gag at the time :haha:.

Kitty: how is Blake after the MMR? Thiago was fine. And he is doing great ! Thiago was 23.5lbs when he went to his 18 months check up.

Clio: I have to tell you that my MIL bought thiago for Christmas the same pocoyo plush toys and I can't wait to see thiago's face :haha:! And she got him this little pocoyo car that if he hits the wall it reverses and does a u turn. Plus a bunch of other things :haha:. She is crazy and loves buying a bunch of things for Christmas.

So I just gave thiago a bowl of oatmeal but to make him try it I sprinkled sprinkles in the oatmeal :dohh:!! He is carefully trying to get the sprinkles out of the oatmeal but I kind of mix the whole thing so he is having to eat a little oatmeal with it :haha:!! This boy:dohh:!!!

Have to go, bye ladies:).
Lol....T cracks me up, B! :haha:

I'm still going back & forth. Last night we all went shopping & I was thinking how lovely & perfect it all was...we're a threesome & we all get along so well & it's so much fun being together...why mess w a good thing? It didn't help that there were mothers there w more than one....struggling & stressy & yelling at their poor kiddos...
DH (& others) think its time for #2, but now I digress....
One of my BnB friends just had her son & had an easy & quick birth & he's so made me broody. The next day, another BnB friend went to her 12 wk scan appt & there was no heartbeat :cry:.... I had forgotten how fragile it all is at our age.... :(

OMG Storm....if I were you, I'd run away for a night & stay in a posh hotel & not let anyone know where I was! I'd order room service & lounge in my robe all day & night & take a loooooong bubble bath....(to get rid of the puke scent). Do you ever get ANY time to relax?

Charlie...I can't stand meat except when I'm ovulating. :dohh: N can't stand it, either. I was a vegan for 16 years, but it's all gone to hell now....

I can't stop buying stuff for N! I was done a while ago, but I have let him open presents here & there & so now I've convinced myself I need to buy more to replace what he has opened! :haha: If you knew me well, this behavior would shock you...:blush:

I used to hate Xmas....the consumerism, materialism, etc.... Now (since N) I just looooove it.

We're taking N to the aquarium to see Santa. Then, we're going to the gardens tonight for the light show. They light up acres & acres & play Christmas music & serve wine & hot chocolate & snacks & they have decorated stations. I know N is going to love the train depot.

Is everyone ready for Christmas?
greetings, all - we've just returned from an ice-skating event (about 1/2 hour) where my cousin's little girl performed for a few's at a resort near my parents' house and around the rink, there are bleachers on one side, but on our side, you can reserve a half table surrounding a fire pit and have drinks, etc., to watch and it was very cosy and lovely with Christmas lights, etc...and LO was pretty good, watching the girls perform (hehehehe!)....

ironically, Borboleta - my aunt/uncle and cousins en route from DC got stuck in Houston over night tonight (snow in DC?).....

must go as pizza time, then bed for LO (I hope!) and hugs!

and storm - my worst was not being able to wipe after the loo during weeks 34+, hopefully, at least, you don't have that indignity (I literally 'invented' a pooh-stick of sorts!)?

hugs and bye!
Lol Sk thank you for making me laugh...

Little madam is back to nearly normal and is currently chasing her cousin round the house which has been well and truly trashed! Better go stop them!
bad night with LO - cranky and teething, so we didn't sleep too well (my parents sleep on the other side of the house so fortunately didn't/wouldn't hear him), but....aargh! My OH believes in waiting until LO has been crying/screaming for over a minute, which means of course, that I'm the one that initially responds to not a great night.

oh, well....must go as it's luncthtime!


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