any other over 35 first time mums?

Oh Indigo I'm sorry but that made me laugh! I don't know but I DTD the day before my peak on my cbfm, we were all shagged out after a couple on high fertility days to do it on the peak day! Still got preggers though!
What does the peak on the cbfm mean? Is it the day of the LH surge? Or OD?
OD day I think, sorry I'm useless, I've honestly mostly forgotten... Let me check
Apparently the peak is the lh surge so ov is 12 til 36 hours later. I was always a fan of getting the little guys in there sooner rather than later!
1 shag, now tomorrow, pref now!

11 or 12 LP is good, I would not bother with the b complex personally. I did and it messed my cycle up totally. Last month my longest LP and 1st nmonth without the B complex. If your body doesn't need it, I think it xan make things worse as it lowers oestrogen.

Sorry no time for more, at work on phone having a quick break from the madness!

Oh but before I forget happy birthday for tomorrow Claire xxx
Thanks Storm & Charlie! :hugs:

Happy Birthday, Claire! :cake:

Welcome to the 40s! :jo:

It's all downhill from here...:haha:
Happy Birthday Claire. Hope you got an early present from L and slept beautifully :)
As for your friends, how hurtful! :( I hope there will be enough attending that you still will have a nice time! :hugs:

Welcome back Sabrina. Sorry your visit at your mum's was such a time warp. They do know how to press our buttons. I am convinced that I get along with my brother so much better now cause I live far away. Otherwise I would probably still want to strangle him on a regular basis. I still do over FB at times!

Clio I am so glad you didn't get hurt! Sounds so scary! I used to drive on snow and ice back home in Switzerland and I used to drive over an Alpine pass every winter to get to the ski resort but even though I had the right tires and I had practice it was scary as heck! I don't miss that! (I do miss going to the ski resort though even though I hate skiing lol) One winter there was a lot of fog or maybe it was low clouds and there was a Dutch car coming towards me from the other way and he was on the wrong side of the road and I had to drive into the ditch too. I was sick with nerves after but so glad if happened on the top part of the pass and not on the winding narrow road going up. Luckily I was able to reverse out without assistance but my it took me ages to recover from the fright. (I am not brave and strong of nerve at all)
Love the tiger feet! So cute!
And I know the episode of Don't Touch too! Dominic isn't too fond of Pocoyo but when we say Don't Touch in that special voice to him he giggles so much! :) But like Thiago he is a great one to destroy anything that gets built, especially by Sebastian. I foresee a lot of fights between the boys as they grow up :wacko:

Storm I am glad the scan went ok but I am surprised about the gender thing. I thought it was certain from the last scan that you are having another girl?
Sorry L is sleeping so badly lately but hopefully last night was better? Still no name for the bean yet? What if it is a boy afterall? At any rate you are on the home stretch now! :)

Charlie how are you and Sophia? I hope all is ok? And when shall we start hassling you again to test? ;)

Kitty as for distrusting ppl, crazy, I know! I was thinking the other day how odd that babysitting used to be a young teenager job! What innocent times we grew up in compared to now. But I wouldn't trust a teenager for other reasons than I would mistrust an adult. The stuff I keep reading on the news and FB blurbs about sexual predators... Did you hear about the case of the lead singer of the Lost Prophets? I might have mentioned it before but I am so shocked about it!
As for Christmas decorations, my mum usually took them down on the 16th which is the day after her mum's birthday. My grandmother used to come and visit us every year for Christmas and they did the decoration together. Mind you, the tree was only decorated on the 24th, according to German tradition so it wasn't up that long really. I think I will take mine down on the 7th which is a day after Three Kings day. Don't know if you know the 6th as Three Kings Day but in Germany and Switzerland we would get special 3 Kings bread and one piece had a plastic king or and almond in and who ever found it was king for the day :) Or queen ;)

Indigo that made me laugh too! I kept meaning to ask if you were going ahead anyway after you posted something in another thread about wanting a sibling for Nico.
I don't want to persuade anyone who isn't sure but I think that if one can afford it, having several kids is wonderful. Yes sure, it is a lot of work but the love you feel for them is so worth it. Besides, the hard times of their babyhood is so so short! Well, usually. I know that several ladies here still get no sleep but I think it is at least unusual at the age of 2, right? And just imagine having another little person to love like you love Nico and you will, you know, cause the heart just grows :)

Borboleta I feel for you re the dishwasher! I am seriously in love with mine and wouldn't know what to do without it! One becomes so dependent on those machines! Can you imagine how our grandmothers coped without a dishwasher or a washing machine as we know it?! I always ask my mum to tell me stories from her childhood after the war and the mind boggles! being a housewife back then was a HARD full time job!
Oh Borboleta and Clio Sebastian isn't eating either. For him it is just a bit of toast, yoghurt and fruit as he now refuses even peas and sweetcorn! But we do manage to trick him into being fed a stage 2 food pouch by giving him a toy he isn't usually allowed. Not ideal but what can you do :(

As for us, Dominic has been practising drinking from an open cup and he thinks it is great fun and cries tantrummy-like when we come to the end of juice at the end of the meal. I only give him a tiny bit in a small cup and refill it when he has drunk that bit but he is very good with no spillage :)
He is also is starting on two word sentences and he is astonishing at times. For example we have a book called "I am a Bunny" and the bunny introduces itself on the first page saying "My name is Nicholas, I am a bunny". On the last page the bunny is sleeping under his blanket in his hollow tree during winter and Dominic brought the book with that page open to OH and said Nicky Nappy! (He says so many words with a y at the end. No idea why! Booty, uppy, dowy (down) foody, etc.)
But what surprised me about this is that he remembered that the bunny's name is Nicholas or Nicky as I never really talked about the bunny as Nicky and it is only mentioned on that one page!
Sebastian has actually been talking a tiny tiny bit too. He said Daddy and Mama and bubbles and "a boo" (peek-a-boo) and he said bye and waved. So I am hoping he is starting now finally. But obviously I am still taking him to the speech therapy when we get an appointment.
Ok I cannot delay any further now to getting them up. They have been quietly waiting for me in their cots since 8 and it is now 44 mins later. Bad mummy! Got to go! Love to you all xx
Argh another rough night and for the first time ever L got out of bed and came into my room, after I had been in 4 times to settle her and oh had been in.

Having a horrible weekend with oh, he's cracking up at how I'm so demanding all the time and I don't think I am, things need done and I mean the basics but he thinks his time off work should be relaxing time, um no you have a 2 year old you will never get to relax again for the foreseeable future. He also said he didn't want my family round today, he can't see L loves having her cousins here and it's SO much easier when they are here! So I had to tell my dad and brother not to call :( I made dam sure they knew it was cause HE didn't want them and not me, I fully intend to take L to my dads. Anyway I told oh I think we need marriage guidance counseling and he refused! So I said fine then you need to know that L and the new baby are my priority. Honestly he is such an ass at times, he accused me of me wanting him to be my slave! I'd like to point out I do ALL the shopping, cooking, cleaning, laundry, most of the childcare and I'm only just on maternity leave.. he hasn't a clue. I can see why his brother is getting divorced!

Anyway... Angel in NI they never fully commit to the sex of the baby, it's given as a 'more than likely' and some hospitals won't tell. Baby better be a girl as I'm ready for a girl and given ohs behavior this weekend I will dam well call her what I want, he can go whistle. Current contenders are Leah Aria Rose and Leah Julia Rose or Leah Julia Aria.. something along those lines. She won't be getting called Sarah after his grandmother unless something changes drastically!

Sorry for selfish post ladies, just needed to let it out before I SCREAM... Xxx
Storm ugh! Your hubby already gets this month's award again! I wish he could actually see all the things you do compared to what he does! But then again maybe he thinks this is normal as per the role of the woman?? I want to kick him! I am so sorry you feel you need counselling and that he isn't willing. At least it should give him an idea hopefully how unhappy you are with him? But then again he probably thinks hormonal slave driving preggo lady? :( Tons and tons of :hugs:!

Clio and Indigo I meant to say we started watching Top of the Lake. I am not sure I like it so far and I definitely need subtitles! I hardly understand ANYthing when David Wenham talks and not much when the lead detective woman talks. Very frustrating! But apart from that, it reminds me of The Killing and The Returned (Originaltitel: Les Revenants) in its theme, its bleakness and lake motive. What do you think of it so far?

ETA again: oh and Storm I love the names you have chosen! How do you pronounce Leah? Lee-ah? Or maybe like Princess Leia? ;) For me Leah Julia Rose flows best of the options you mentioned. :)
Borboleta--now, don't get me wrong, J destroyed the castle immediately, and then said, "what happened?!?" He does this ALL the time. He drops something, or messes something up, then asks us "What happened?!?" We then wearily tell him that "you happened, Jonah."

I had to look up what 30 F was (we go by Celsius). You get upset by -1 F? We dance a jig when it's -1 F!!! On days like that, we go out in spring jackets and don't even bother zipping them up! But I probably couldn't stand your summers, so I guess we're even... Turns out we have -41 C with windchill today, which is -41 F, too. I don't really understand how Fahrenheit works... J is going bonkers with boredom, though. I should take him somewhere, but it's so cold outside that I'm sure the roads are too icy. He's vacuuming cleaning right now.

I was just thinking about you. I'm so bored that I just ironed a whole load of shirts, which I rarely do (we usually hang them up in the bathroom when we take a shower so the steam can get most of the wrinkles out :blush:). OH was so surprised that I even knew how to iron. I explained to him that when I asked my mother to iron my jeans way back in the 80s (ridiculous, I know, but it was the 80s and that was the style), she refused to do anymore of our laundry, especially the ironing. So, I became an expert ironer (but I'm sure no where as good as you, though!) Though now I'm angry at OH because he brought me all of these shirts to do, and then later mentioned that they didn't have to be perfect because they were going under sweaters and only the collars would show. :grr:

Claire--happy belated birthday! :cake: I'm mad at your friends, too! That's just not cool, and I'm sorry. I'm certain we all would have been there if it were us!

Storm--I don't think J would say much to L! He's super quiet around other people, and no one believes us when we say that he's actually a chatterbox. Only his grandparents and Fauziah from the Day Home know. But I'm sure that after a little while, J and L would still become the best of friends. They're basically a week apart!

And wow about your OH! My eyes got bigger and bigger as I read on! It's surprising that he can be that...clueless, I guess. I'm glad you let your family know it wasn't you who wanted them to stay home. And I'm sure it's easier taking care of L when the cousins are there! I guess it's not surprising that he doesn't want counselling, but it sure sounds like he really, really needs it.

I agree with Angel, Leah Julia Rose. I, for some reason, have suddenly decided that Rose is a beautiful middle name. I wonder how hard it would be to change the name on J's birth certificate...

And, of course, rant away. Even if you weren't heavily pregnant, this is the spot for it!

Kitty--you asked for kitten stories, and it's not really a story, but... This morning I awoke at 8 am. OH had been up since 4:30 (his own choice), J awoke just before 6 am, the other cat had been let out of the basement hours earlier, and yet, when I woke up, the kitten was right there, staring at me. I asked OH if she had been down to visit (my door is always slightly open for her), and he said no. I actually ask him this every morning, because I've been shocked to learn that this kitten is so imprinted on me that she will not get up until I do. She certainly tries to wake me up earlier, but I ignore her, and so, it seems, she stays. In all my life of cats, I've never experienced such a thing! (The cat love of my life used to get up with OH early in the morning, but he said that the moment she heard me stir, she would race back to the bedroom to lie on the end of the bed so I would think she had been there all night. Sweet little stinker!)

Indigo--I would have killed for a 11 day LP! I have a 14 to 16 day one, and 6 weeks between periods because of PCOS, so when I was TTCing, I had less than 10 AF a year. It would have been nice if my body had given me a shorter LP, at least. So, have you had your one shag? When did you do it?

Angel--that drive through that mountain pass sounds scary, and your accident, too! I'm glad you were able to reverse out of it. The tow truck guy said that my wheels weren't even touching the ground, I was that entrenched! (This would also explain why my 4 wheel drive mode wasn't working... I can usually get that car out of anything.) I used to drive my little tin can of a car, with absolutely NO safety features, all over the wintery countryside of Southern Ontario when I rode (I boarded my horse at a number of barns--some close, some very far away). I had no fear, but that was really my problem. If I had had some fear, I wouldn't have been so reckless and ridden only "problem" horses. And then I would have a perfectly healthy SI joint... Oh well. At least I had fun.

I stopped watching Top of the Lake because it was so dreary. I agree--it's a lot like The Killing, which I also stopped watching. What also bothered me is that the detective is the woman from Mad Men, and she's an American, so I was constantly wondering how good her New Zealand accent is, and why they chose her, and do New Zealanders cringe when they hear it, or if it is so good, then how does she manage to do that? See--my brain is far too busy for such a slow moving show like that.

That episode of "Don't Touch" is great--it has gotten J to "not touch" a number of items, like the Christmas tree, the garbage, the dishwasher when it's open...

Little D is so smart with his Nicky Nappy! It's amazing what they choose to call a book, isn't it? I used to be astonished when J would refer to a book by a page in the middle that I usually didn't think much about. How does it work with getting an app't with a speech therapist? What are you waiting on? A referral from your GP?

kosh--has your Spanish version of Click Clack Moo arrived yet? I got J another one from the series, called Thump, Quack, Moo, and J loves it, too. I don't think he quite understands it, as it is more complicated, but he loves Farmer Brown, and he says at the beginning of each book: "Farmer Brown has problem!" (Farmer Brown does always has a problem...)

Today OH decided to teach J the only German he knows, so when I came down this morning, J said to me: "Guten Morgen, Mummy!" Ah, my bilingual child.

Okay, it seems like I've made it through everyone! (Except for Charlie and SK--how are you doing?) We packed J off for his nap early because he was so bored that he was throwing himself off the couch over and over again. Even when we tried to do something with him, we were so bored as well that it made no difference. I think I'll now make my bored self another cup of coffee, even though I'm sick from the sugar in the other three I've already had. But it will take up some time.

Oh, and I'm mad at my hair. Every time I look at it, I become infuriated. I went to a new hair salon around the corner, and the girl thinned it too much, so I have no volume and it's hanging lank and well, frankly, weirdly, and the blonde colour is a bit too much on the orange side for my liking (OH doesn't see it, but it is!). So I'm really pissed. I shouldn't be mad after a $250 hair cut and highlighting!!! I should be running around feeling gorgeous! Bah.
Another quickie here, so tired post nights. Just wanted to say...

:grr: about your OH Storm....WTF? He needs a kick up the arse and you need a big :hugs:
Holy cow Clio, your hair cost how much? If I converted that right it's over £140?

Had a talk with my dad and brother today, my dad reminded me that P doesn't come from an even vaguely normal family laugh but was mad at him and wanted to have a word, I asked him not to, but he said he needs to man up as he has a family now... My brother wanted to know if he would like a day in his house, his wife is borderline ocd and they have a pile of rules and regulations like shoes off at the door, floors must be cleaned every night before bed, my brother isn't allowed to cook as he makes a mess and the 3 kids MUST be bathed every night without fail... And my brother reckons he would be dead if he said to his wife what P said to me about the slave thing...

Anyway in L news.. oh she's up
Yup after 6 months of never doing it she's started getting out of bed....

Ok so P is putting her back, the other news was the second back molar is through, that's the 2 bottom ones, only 2 more to go!

Oh and id like this baby out in a couple of weeks please now that there is no space between my boobs and huge belly!
Clio: I barely iron clothes these days. Maybe 4 times a year. OH's. Shirts go to the cleaners. But I am glad that ironing the clothes occupied you for a while. Maybe you should show your OH how to iron so he can do his own shirts :haha:.
And I can just imagine how bored you guys are from staying home days!!!! Today thiago was so whinney and bored that around 10:30am I couldn't listen any more crying so we went to toysrus to buy more diapers and he ran around the store and he now is taking a lovely nap :thumbup:. What are we going to do when they don't nap anymore :cry:!!!!
A lady that I know is in Canada with her OH's family ( I guess they are from there) and she posted some picture of flipped cars on the side of the road. It looks awful.
Oh that book series that you and kosh got they have it on the kids meal at chick filet :haha:. Do you have chick filet in Canada?

Angel: that is so cool that Dom is saying all these words! He is a smart cookie. Thiago barely says two words yet :dohh:.
And I agree with you I don't know how mothers live without what we have at our disposal now :dohh:! I actually felt kind of bad when I said to the guy that I had to wash a big pile of dishes by hand :dohh:!!! Like that was the end of the world :dohh:!!!

Storm: you Oh is something else :growlmad:! AFS yes the award if the worst husband of the month goes to him and this is just the beginning of the month :dohh:! And I agree with angel and Clio I like Leah Julia Rose too:). It does flows very well:). What is L full name?

Indigo: hope you had a fun night with your OH :haha:

Yesterday I had an argument with OH cause I asked him to put thiago down to sleep at night and to let me sleep in this morning. I could see he didn't like that so I told him I never get to sleep in so I think I deserve to sleep in at least once a year and I put thiago down to sleep at night 5 to 6 times a week, not counting the naps. And he got mad at me and said " fine I can put him down to sleep tonight" and them I added and let me sleep in tomorrow. He than said it didn't matter what he said he would get scrulled ( not writing this write). Than I got mad and took thiago to sleep and told him it was not a matter to scrulled ( would you mind correction me :haha:) but just spending time with your son. He didn't speak to me till this morning but did let me sleep in :thumbup:. It amazes me how men forget what they promised!!! We had agree that he would put thiago down at night on Fridays and Saturdays and I would let him sleep in on Saturdays and he would let me sleep in on Sundays. That happened maybe one week :growlmad:. So yesterday while I was in bed I thought there is no way I will have another one if he doesn't help me more. Can you imagine putting one down and them going back to get the other while your OH either watching tv in the bedroom or snoozing away in dreamland :growlmad:!! Okay enough of that but I just got some good news that a lady that I used to talk to in a fertility forum is 10 weeks pregnant without Clomid this time around. She has a little Clomid boy and now it happened naturally :happydance:. So happy for her:).

Claire: happy birthday again:)!!! I loved the picture of you opening presents and I could see L playing with the iPad just like thiago :haha:. I might have to give him the option between Lucy and Lydia :haha:. Was Dom the one for Lucy?

Thiago is stirring in his room. I am so used to the 3 hour naps now that 2 hours is not enough :haha:. Oh, well early bed time :thumbup:.
Holy cow Clio, your hair cost how much? If I converted that right it's over £140?

Had a talk with my dad and brother tiday

Yup. It's that expensive to get my hair, with highlights, done. If you want quality, that's how much you pay. Problem is, I haven't yet found a permanent stylist, and this one was a stinker. Even when I get a good stylist, they somehow leave the salon for one reason or another. I know you can do it yourself, like Borboleta, but I don't dare to when going blonde; it's really hard to make it look natural.

Damn you stinker stylist!!! Though I am so mad that I'm going to get it re-done by a top scale boutique in three month's time (I usually only go once a year. Huh. No wonder I feel frumpy!). And I shouldn't have gone to a random salon just because it was around the corner! :dohh:

But yes, that's the price! Everywhere I go, that's what I pay.

Oh dear--a talk. Did you come to any conclusions? Are you okay? :hugs:
Storm: you dad is soooo cooollll!!! And your poor brother. That must be hard. Maybe your OH needs to have in intervention. Would be good for him :thumbup:. And I thought that all this crazy nights of yours must have been related to teething. So glad to hear she has just two more to go. Hopefully they will be thru before the baby comes :thumbup:.

Clio: I forgot to mention about your hair. That is a lot of money!!! I am so happy to buy my $5.00 color at the store and dye it myself. Now I will need to get my hair straighten again sometime in February but I hope that will be around $100.00. And they did a bad job for you!! You need to find another salon:).
Storm: you Oh is something else :growlmad:! AFS yes the award if the worst husband of the month goes to him and this is just the beginning of the month :dohh:!

I'm sorry, but I laughed out loud here! It is only the beginning of the month! Poor you, Storm!

Borboleta--I have no idea what "scrulled" is!" :haha: "Screwed," maybe? I'm not certain that the context is right...

Sorry! Still reading story!

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