any other over 35 first time mums?

Clairey your DF has impeccable taste (well obviously if hes engaged to you!) Good job! I wouldn't trust mine to pick anything, bizarrely enough we got engaged without a ring (well we were in Spain and it wasn't planned) and my mum and I went ring shopping :) I just hit him with the bill, then made him pay for the wedding rings and then hit him for an eternity ring after L, not sure what to ask for after this one..

Kosh that's great about the family trip, but I hope you aren't too exhausted after conferencing all day and toddler minding all night!

L was crying a couple of times before one last night so I folded and brought her in, she slept pretty well til 7ish only waking to clunk me on the head with an empty bottle and demand a new one.. twice.. then we dozed til after 8, then dh (cause I'm feeling nice) came home from night shift and left her to nursery. I feel so guilty when she goes to nursery when I'm at home, but it's 2 days a week and I know she likes it, but I still feel funny! I just have the dog to walk this am then hair salon this afternoon. I'm thinking takeaway for tea too :) Actually where we are now there are a ridiculous number of takeaways in such a small town, we have Kentucky fried chicken, McDs, Burger King, Subway, 3 Indians, 5 chineses, Dominos, another local pizza shop, 3 kebab shops and 3 fish and chip shops at least. It's mad, and the hilarious bit we rarely get takeaway as I'm not a fan! See as I type this I'm already thinking I could just cook :)

Ok I'm whittering on again.. must walk poor neglected dog seeing as L isnt here to demand going to the swings!

Have a lovely day everyone x
not much here - am spotting and not yet full on AF (probably will come in full force as I sit here typing, and I feel more AF than early preg), so if no proper AF, will do a test this weekend to check - am not getting cold feet, but am trying to console if it is AF (which 'helped' psychologically when ttc for LO, as I would tell myself that at least had another month to lose weight)...

kosh - good news and hopefully, employer will see you are making a huge effort, etc!
storm - sympathies!
re: rings -- I went and picked out my engagement ring and got no proposal anyway (I said to OH that if I didn't have the ring by the end of the month (we'd been together 5 years), I was gone - and he did buy the bigger 3 stone one!)...and I did take them off about month 7 of pregnancy as it was clear that my hands were swelling up....

must go as am at work and must do some 'teaching', (it's elementary, so I just pretend it's LO and practice vocab!)

Hi ladies, i haven't had much time or energy to post properly for ages it seems so am going to have a good catch up now!

Clairey glad to hear you had a lovely birthday and got spoilt rotten! but sorry still no STTN for you and Lucy :( i love your eternity ring, very beautiful. However you have to excuse my total ignorance, but as a not very romantic type of girl what is an eternity ring :shrug:? or is it a good excuse to get a beautiful piece of jewellery :thumbup:

Storm, how are Lydias night terrors now? have they improved? and please don't feel guilty about Lydia going to nursery while you are at home. She loves it there, as you say, she's in a routine of going which you will probably need once the new baby is here, and you are 35 weeks pregnant woman!! give yourself a break before the madness in your house goes up a notch or two :hugs: Oh and I love Leah Julia Rose too of the names you mention, that has a lovely flow to it.

Kosh, good that you are all sorted to go away on a family trip and conference call, but as storm says i hope it won't be too much for you.

Clio sorry about the trouble with your meds and your bad hair do :growlmad: did you get it sorted? i won't tell you how much it costs to get my hair done here....waaaaaay too much, so when it goes wrong :cry: as for the exercise, great idea with all that snow and ice. I'm a total believer in natural endorphins :thumbup: i have started a DVD just twice a week, a kind of kick boxing ish work out. It's great but i miss my runs and my gym but just not possible at the moment unless i go at 9pm!

SK sorry about AF, but travelling and TTC is never a good combo especially with such a time difference as it can mess with your cycles so fingers crossed for next month. How is F with the jet lag now? it took Sophia about a week to get back to her old routine when we came home.

Borboleta, 4am!!!!!!:cry: you poor thing, but at least T entertains himself then. Is he still having his mega long naps? how's your poor ipad, not green anymore i hope? :dohh:

Indigo, so did you get your one :sex: in? love your pics of little N at Christmas, a real cutie.

Kitty, so cute about Blake and Tabitha :cloud9: he sounds like a little sweatheart. Sophia is slowly getting more gentle with Charlie :dohh:

Angel how are you, Dominic and Sebastian? yey for all of Dominics talking :thumbup: and wonderful that S is talking more now too. Any news on the Speech and Language Therapist yet? does D still like plane spotting? Sophia now loves planes too, we have to stop whatever we are doing whenever she sees one!

AFU, well Sophias walking has taken off and well we could call it running and she runs everywhere! As i had guessed she is a climber and has a few tricks up he sleeve with it, just to make my life more interesting! so she can JUST climb onto the sofa, but it's a bit of a struggle, so to overcome this obstacle she just pulls all the cushions off the sofa, piles them on the floor...they make a wonderful step, easy!:dohh: so yes a more vertical attempt at childproofing is happening right now! it's actually quite scary as well as amazing at how fast LO's learn! she knows how to open all the safety gates, but doesn't have the dexterity yet to do it, thank god! she hasn't figured out the one at the top of the stairs yet :thumbup: We went to the nurse this morning for her jabs. We had to wait for about 20 minutes, so Sophia grabbed a book and went walkabout around and around the surgery over and over again, she was having a wonderful time, until the jabs :cry: We only did 2 of the jabs, i am holding off the MMR for a couple of months, she was fine after a little cry and a piece of cheese...she is a cheese monster!

Work, well it's work what can i say? i could right a book about the woes of it, but i really won't! OH is really enjoying his days with Sophia and she's happy. Yesterday she cried when i left and when i gave her a cuddle she turned to OH and waved him goodbye! but then last weekend, she happily waved me goodbye and shed no tears, so i think she is slowly getting use to it. I am having some difficulties with work life juggling, not on the same scale as Kosh, of course. But it's hard to attend meetings and i have been given a management day on a day that OH works, so can't do that etc. The bog standard 2 shifts a week is fine, it's the other bits and pieces that are hard to fit in with no one to look after Sophia. I may have to work a whole weekend one week and do my management day on a Wednesday once a month? we'll see.

Someone asked about testing?? not for another couple of weeks, am in the midst of all the action now, even though i would far prefer to be:sleep:

anyway S is up from her nap, hope you are all having a lovely day x
Claire: the ring is beautiful. What is an eternity ring? In Brasil we just have a band , and if you engaged you use it in your right hand and when you get married you just change to your left hand.
You should let your DF sleep with Lucy one night and see how it goes. :haha:

Storm: I meant to ask you how much sugary things you give it to L a day? Thiago has half or a whole cookie pretty much every day :dohh:. I love looking at his little face when he eats something sweet :dohh:!! I know, me the personal trainer shoving sweets at my son :dohh:!!!

Indigo: glad to hear that thiago is not the only one that wakes up with the heater. Today was a bit better, he woke up at 5:45am :wacko:. Does Niko sleeps in his room? When he wakes up he goes back to sleep easy?
And you will laugh but I normally just buy the cheap loreal color silk dark brown color or if I feel like I am rich and want to spend more money than I go with garner nutrisse ( again some kind of brown black or medium brown). I am just doing my roots these days. Since the ombré look is in my ends appreciate that I am not putting as much chemicals in my hair. And yes I do the Brazilian blowout and I LOVE IT!!! Cannot wait to have it done again!! It really treats my hair. So silky!! I think I will do it in February. Do you have a one color all over your hair? I have to dye my every month.

Kosh: glad to hear you got your trip all sorted out:).

My iPad is working again :happydance:. It was a matter of tapping in the back of it ( I took to a special guy here).

By the way thiago is eating better again:). So I guess is just a fase. Eating better means he is eating the things he likes. He is still a picky eater :haha:.
Yesterday he said "co ma". So I thought maybe he is trying to say " Mais pocoyo" ( more pocoyo). And I said Mais pocoyo and he said " ma co". :happydance:
This weekend I am planning on taking him to have his hair cut. It is looking crazy again :haha:.
And I am planning his birthday party already :haha:. It will be at the children's museum and I need to get it reserved before they don't have the date. And I want the same lady that did his cake from last year to do his cake this year. The theme: pocoyo:).

Need to go. :hugs: to all.
Morning ladies!

Well, last few nights Blake has started crying when I lay him in his crib, he used to give me lovey sleepy smiles and happily lay down. Hope it's just a phase? Thinking maybe hes more aware and wants to play instead of sleep? First night, I kept going in, but I'm thinking that might not be best as he's dry, warm, fed, sleepy. So, after that I've had to let him cry a bit, so hard though. :cry: Last night he cried maybe 5-7 minutes, then was asleep.

Charlie - how are things going with you? :hugs:

Kosh - sounds like a great plan re the trip. Really glad you were able to work something out!

SK - sorry about the oncoming AF. I think we missed the right time this month (dtd a couple days too early I think), but it seemed to work with Storm :) so I guess you never know?

Borboleta - oh my, 4am! And I didn't even think that you guys aren't used to using the heat :dohh: My Sammi kitty would not like your house as her fav spot is sleeping on our heating vents. She gets sad in summer when the AC is on, and walks all over the house checking each one hoping and hoping one will be different and put out heat lol! Then, the first time in autumn/winter when I turn the heat on, she smells it and her little face lights up and she rushes to the nearest one and plops right own! Love her!

Storm - don't cook, just get a pizza! Yum, yum!
Well ladies I'm sitting in the hair salon, with a head full of plastic strips for the lighter bits and dye on my roots to get rid of the grey, as a bonus they just brought me a latte and a mini strawberry cupcake... Yum.

Borboleta you asked me how much sugar L has, it really depends on the day and what we are doing and who she is with. Sometimes she doesn't have any apart from that in fruit (shes a fruit monster) and other days she has WAY too much. I'm not that fussy tbh. Actually last night dinner was a bit of a flop, chicken, chips (cooked in actifry) and mixed veg, she ate some chicken and the broccoli apparently everything else was yuk... Yet the 2 previous nights when we had spaghetti Bolognese and chilli and rice she ate loads. I guess she just likes pasta and rice and she loves kidney beans... She's also obsessed with oranges and grapes and strawberries but they aren't nice at the minute, the strawberries that is!

Oops better go, hairdresser coming back!
Ps an eternity ring over here is usually after x years of marriage or first child :) It's an excuse for more diamonds :)
Borboleta--we have the same with our rings, in both Dutch and German tradition. We only have simple white gold bands (I think mine cost only $150!) and wore them on our left hand until we got married and then moved it to the right. I like that better; I'm like Charlie--I'm not a romantic jewellery person. But for some reason I now want a simple gold chain necklace with some sort of small pendant.

Just as you were talking about the "heater" (I assume you and Indigo meant "furnace"? Or is it different in warmer climates?) ours just went on...again. I had to laugh. And then I actually got mad to hear that you're going to be up in the 60s. :grr: (I'm not mad at you--I'm mad at Texas.)

T wakes up and then stays in bed for two and a half hours? What kind of alien child do you have there? J wakes up and demands to get up, and that's that.

I love the theme for T's party! I would never have thought of that! How are you going to do it, other than putting Pocoyo on the cake? And yay for "Ma co"! I swear, Pocoyo has taught J at least a third of his language skills.


ARRRRGGGHHH! Just lost super long post! And now there are other posts to read... I hope I'll get one out today...
Okay, going to try to respond one at a time:

Storm--don't feel at all guilty about sending Miss L to creche! You need a rest, and if she enjoys it... OH and I are sending J to the day home on Tuesdays and Thursdays even though both of us are home. OH needs to work uninterrupted those mornings, and I can then get errands done without constantly having to dress J and lug him from car seat to store to car seat again. In fact, I just used this time this morning to go exercise! Oh, and your story about L hitting you in the head with her bottle made me laugh! How many does she still take at night?

Claire--what a gorgeous ring! Lucky you! When is your wedding again?

So, as I've just mentioned, I went to the gym this morning and walked around the track for 40 minutes, then did my physio stretches, so I'm feeling very proud of myself. The belt worked very well.

Oh, and my hair is better, but still not what I wanted. The highlights are too obvious. But it's not orange, so that's the main thing. The new stylist also tidied up the cut done by the orange stylist, but that then upped the price to what I paid the first time. I was really sheepish when I came home and didn't want to tell OH, :blush:, but he was really good about it. But then I couldn't let him foot both bills and drained my measly bank account to pay for it. I have $80 dollars left! :cry: I'm going to have to get that demure librarian's job fast!

As for the constant moving, my p-doc divided the dosage into two, so I take half in the morning and half in the evening. This has helped immensely.

Okay, on with the reading...
Kosh--I'm glad you worked out your family/work vacation! But like Storm said, I hope it doesn't end up being too much work.

Charlie--so it sounds like you pay as much as I have to for your hair! I'm sorry that you, too, are having trouble with juggling Sophia and work. But how lovely that you OH is enjoying his time with her! Do you take over when you get back home, or do you get a bit of a rest first?

Okay, I'm off to an app't. XOXO
Clio: I am like you and Charlie. I guess it is because we were raised that way? I love fake jewelry :dohh::haha:!! I just don't understand why people that don't have a lot of money save up so much for a engagement ring. And the bigger the stone the more the man loves you :shrug:??? So you can show your friends the huge rock on your finger? Just crazy to me :dohh:. I guess I am just a very practical person and think that maybe you should put that money in something else, like a down payment for a house. But if you have the money than go for it :thumbup:.

Talking about money, my mother in law wants to get a new car and I told her I want her old car. It is a minivan and I am so excited :happydance:!! Cannot wait for her to go ahead and do the move. Than I can just sell my car that I am not happy about paying for repairs when something goes bad because it is not cheap ( maybe I told you that once I had to get a new battery and it was $500.00 :growlmad:? And to my surprise there are two batteries in the car :growlmad:!!!). So I will be welcoming a honda minivan hopefully soon :thumbup:.

For thiago's birthday party I am going to order online pocoyo plates and cups ( might skip on the party hats cause thiago doesn't like them), and party favors. Oh and balloons and table cloth. It is amazing what you can find it online!!:haha:

And I know thiago just hangs out in his crib. Sometimes I go in there to go get him and he just doesn't want me to get him out. He just lays in there and plays with his toys and with his pacis. And I kid you not he stayed in his crib for 2 hours and half. I just woke up when I heard him getting upset because Loula had fallen on the floor and so as his pacis. Otherwise he probably would have stayed there :dohh:! Do you have toys in J's bed?

Glad to hear your hair is looking better :thumbup:. And so so so happy you are enjoying your exercising :thumbup:!!!! You go girl :happydance:!!! You will feel a lot of more energetic:).

Charlie: a climber!!! And how smart of her to use the pillows to go up the couch! A true climber and a smart one:). Isn't cute when they run :kiss:. Thiago runs so funny and he vocalizes his running. It is hilarious. I love it :kiss:!! So glad to hear that you OH is enjoying his days with with S :thumbup:.
And so true how life just changes so much when you have a kid. But it is extra hard when you don't have family to help like you.

Kitty: you are doing the right thing with Blake even though is hard to hear them cry. I still rock thiago to go to sleep :dohh:!!! If I had another child I will not do that again. I shouldn't listen to OH :haha:!! His fault!

Storm: hope you had a lovely time at the hair salon:).

Okay, my batteries are almost done. Talk to you ladies soon.
It's funny reading everyones updates on engagement rings etc... Over here in NI it's very much expected that you get a ring, the cost is entirely personal though. I hit dh for 2k which he could well afford but I know people who have rings ranging from hundreds to a staggering 16k! My wedding band is just a plain gold band which wasn't expensive at all :) My engagement ring, eternity ring and mums ring are the only jewelry I have that is decent, everything else is cheap lol.

I like my hair, apparently the plastic things were mesh? It cost me £67 as they had an offer on so usually £77 which is enough! It made me feel better anyway and I got about 3 inches cut off it too.

Charlie, no recent night terrors, usual night time messing and just wants mummy but I can deal with that! Clio, I'm sorry to say it's 3 bottles a night still... It's terrible!

In other news dh was talking to a work colleague who told him they had 4 years of sleep deprivation, how hard it us with 2 and how he and the wife nearly split they were so tired and stressed. I think the chat has given dh a kick up the backside as he even got up and collected L today aswell... Here's hoping... And he offered to get takeaway but I couldn't be bothered so maybe get it tomorrow, and bathed L and is now off walking the dog :)

Ok better go, need some water, I'm so thirsty!
well, definitely AF and am glad in a way, e.g. I have gotten so piggy that I need to lose weight (but at least can wear some clothes a bit better than this time last year, so must be cheerful in that regard....!)...

OH on redundancy - GROWL! He did pick up LO from creche, but I was home 15 minutes later and aside from him offering to make dinner, I looked after LO from 2.15 to almost 6 (we went to the library for a few minutes) and then he disappeared to 'call his mother', but 1/2 hour later, and knowing that AF had arrived, I called up to him, begging to use the bathroom, but his response - he was applying for a job and I could wait! Then, I got the lecture about him doing everything and me nothing, so it had to change. I explained that he had 7 hours where LO was in creche and if HE chose to go food shopping, how was that my fault and what was he doing from 2.15 onwards? going to buy printer cartiridges for my printer as he had heard there was a sale (and we already had some spares) and spending 1 1/2 hours putting a whiteboard on the wall (my fault that the drill was broken)....yes, it's LOTS of fun having you at home....!

and I still don't have the new laptop down at my desk, because?

hugs to all, and sorry for the rant, but no, I don't want OH to take any job, but it's only been 4 days!

Oh SK I feel your pain, what is it with men! Dh was on night shift on wed night, he did get to sleep until 4 on Thursday and THEN he chose to stay up until goodness knows when, I had L from 2am (bad night, more Santa dreams???) Kept her until 9 and then handed her over and went to sleep til 11.15... Now it's 3pm and he is all grumpy cause he's tired... Yeah it must be real sh&t having 8 of 9 hours uninterrupted sleep...

Anyway L is having a nap, she was wrecked, id have one myself but we had wee wee nappy failure all over mummys bed so it's currently stripped to the mattress.. and that was with a 2am nappy change... Ho hum...

In other news I'm fed up being pregnant... I hope this baby is a few weeks early or at least on time! I've told dh I will tell him what the baby is called when it's born and he said Joel, I'm guessing he's still not convinced it's a girl... Doh!
Am reading ladies but too tired to post much right now plus getting ready for gymbo. Sorry for being such a crappy poster. I think I lack iron again cause my AFs these days are super heavy.

Anyway I needed to comment on this: I am greedy and would secretly love to have an absolute ROCK on my ring finger lol. But I am not overly into jewellery either. I have a few nice things but I only wear my non-rock-like "engagement" ring (three stones of 1 1/2 carats all together) and my family signet ring next to it on my pinky day to day.
Claire I love your eternity ring, it looks very pretty indeed next to your lovely engagement ring! And may I just say that I am pale with envy of both yours and Storm's elegant slim hands! I thought so when Storm showed us a pic of her wearing that lovely solitaire for the first time. I have hands like loo lids and my ring size on my left hand is an N! Though now probably more, cause I is a fatty. (Recently weighed myself and wanted to sob!)
Got to pack my baby bag ready for gymbo now. I have started to hang it the wrong way round on the buggy cause it says Yummy Mummy on it and I think ppl will smirk if they see this. I am not fishing and you all know what 0 self esteem I have. So it is just a statement. This Fast Diet better work!
OH seems better today as I told him that I'd look after LO as was the practice until 5-6pm, then it was joint parenting, not his frantic (and annoying) 'be back in a few minutes' under the guise of 'applying for jobs' when he is surfing the internet past 6pm-ish.

LO was scratched in creche and then he pulled another child's hair, but at least it's not a biting, right?

Nothing else, am tired ....

hugs to all, bye!
Flip me SK I'm sure your oh is happy that's quite a deal he's getting...

It's our first tiny tutu class tomorrow although when I asked L if she wanted to go she wanted to go to the dentist and sit on the chair?? You have to laugh..

I'm so behind today, it's 6.30 and the tea still isn't ready, L has started searching for food... :)
Borboleta--I can't believe you found all that stuff online! Who is coming to the party? And yay for the minivan!!! :wohoo: One drove by me just as a radio commercial came on for the new Dodge Caravan, and all I could think of was: "Forget the SUV, I want a minivan!"

Pocoyo came through again yesterday, apparently. I was talking to the Day Home woman, and she said that J had made her look very good while she was being assessed the day before. J was playing with another little girl, and at some point, he said. "Not Jonah's turn. Nova's turn now. Jonah wait for Jonah's turn." I told OH, and he said that this was a theme of one of the Pocoyo episodes--Taking Turns with Pocoyo, or something. Hooray for Pocoyo! Hooray for taking turns!

SK--I'm sorry that your OH is pulling the "I do more than you" crap again. I'm always baffled by this, because you obviously do the lion's share of the work around the house and with little F. Do you ever make him explain how he's come to this odd conclusion?

And I'm sorry about AF. I didn't realize that a heavy period meant a lack of iron! Do you feel as if you're low on iron?

Storm--do you like how your hair turned out? Did you enjoy being pampered? And how many rings do you have! Don't your hands feel heavy? But they all sound gorgeous! The only thing I want jewellery-wise right now is a simple gold chain with a small pendant. Since so many of my new clothes reveal my neck, I decided that it should at least look pretty. I keep on thinking that I should learn how to apply even the slightest bit of makeup, but then I become very weary and choose to ignore the issue.

How funny it is that your husband hopped to it after hearing his colleague's story! I'm surprised he told you about it--that must have been very strange. But it looks like he does not want to lose you and is trying to make things better. I hope it remains like this! What did come of your talk with your brother and Dad (if you feel comfortable talking about it, that is...)?

ETA--oh, just read that he's back to his old tricks. So I guess the story didn't have a lasting impact... How aware is he that you are questioning your relationship?

Angel--hey you! I wondered where you were! Are you feeling okay? What sort of things do the boys do at Gymbo? Do they sit quietly when it comes to the...well...sit quietly time?

:hugs: I won't try to talk you out of how you feel, because it never works on me, either. But what I do know is that you are a lovely person on here, and I can imagine it comes through in real life, too. I laughed when you compared your hands to "loo lids"! OH has huge hands, too, and refers to them as his "Big Friesen Mitts." (His dad is from Friesland.)

What is a "Fast Diet"? Do you lose weight fast, or do you have to fast?

AFU--So yesterday, we were playing "Snow Tent." We use a big white feather duvet, hence the name "Snow Tent." Anyway, under the tent, J would ask questions like "Mummy see a beetle here?" or, "Jonah see a star here." Then he said, "Mummy see any alligators here?" and I said no. Then he whispered, "Jonah scared of alligators." :cloud9:

I know, I shouldn't be melting over my child's fear of large, dangerous lizard-like monsters, but it was the most real conversation we had ever had, and his eyes were so incredibly HUGE when he told me about being afraid of alligators that I just wanted to hold him and squeeze him tight with amazement. I told him that Edmonton is too cold for alligators, and he broke out into a big, big smile.

This morning OH got J up. Immediately upon seeing OH, he said, "Daddy, Jonah have poop. Today Daddy teach. Today Daddy take blue car. Mummy and Jonah take black car. Go to Fauziah!." We don't even know how he knows OH teaches today, as we haven't even gone through a week yet with OH's new teaching schedule. Man, watching this boy develop is incredibly fascinating.

Question for all--Cleo has a weepy eye, and when I went to the vet, she wasn't concerned about it. I've never had a cat with a weepy eye, and don't even knows what causes it (one person on a cat forum said that it's a blocked tear duct). Have any of you had to deal with this? If so, how did you fix it? I hate it, because she loves to nuzzle up against my face (which I also hate), and it's so icky when the eye is wet. Ewww.
Oh, I wanted to add--J was not good at sharing when our friends came over with their son, who is around 8 months older than J. The boy took one of J's toys and J tried to wrest it out of his hands, much to our embarrassment. After being chastised by us, J must have felt bad, because he went to the boy and hugged him from behind. The other boy turned and looked at his parents and asked: "What the boy doing???" :haha:

ETA--this is my 1000th post! I'm now a "chat happy" member! :dance:
Hi everyone,

Clio: chat happy :haha:. I noticed that after you mentioned and went to see what I was and I am chat happy too :haha:. Hooray for chat happy :haha:!!! Got to love pocoyo :haha:!!
I loved your story about the snow tent! I can't wait for thiago to be chat happy like J is:). We went to see our brazilian friends this morning and thiago was completely overwhelmed by how much noise a 4 year old can make :dohh:!! He didn't stop talking the whole 2 hours we were there. And I thought: " so that is how is going to be!!". His mom said that he was quiet when he was thiago's age but all of a sudden he just changed and has tons of energy and talks and talks and talks. He is a really sweet little boy:). So thiago just wanted me to hold him most of the time and didn't want anything to do with the kids. I think he was a bit hungry cause he ate a good amount of food when we came back home and he woke up early ( well his normal, thank you Lord) 6:30am. So 12:30am I went ahead and put him down and he is still down.

Yesterday OH and I went to his company award party :shrug: and my MIl stayed with thiago. I missed him so much!!! It is amazing I should be happy to have a little break but no, I missed him dearly and couldn't wait to get back home although he was already asslep by the time we came back:(.

Angel: happy to see you here:). I am so sorry you have low iron. And so as Sabrina. Last blood check up I had I was low in iron too and the doctor asked me if my periods were heavy and I told him not that I noticed :shrug:. Maybe is different for every woman. How are the boys doing?

Sabrina: is the laptop yours or your OHs? If we buy some kind of electronic my OH goes bananas over it :dohh:!! It is definetely a men thing.

Storm: show us pictures of your hair:). When you say I am going to make tea do you mean dinner?

Someone asked about thiago's nap and yes he still takes at least 2 hours. These days he is sleeping 3 hours and sometimes I have to go wake him up. But I just wish he would sleep till 7:30am in the morning :haha:.

Hugs everyone:).

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