any other over 35 first time mums?

Borboleta--we have the exact same sleep issues with Jonah. 3 hour naps, but awake at five in the morning. It's exhausting. I've been getting up earlier and earlier, and by now, I'm getting up between 4 and 5 am. Then I have insomnia plus an inability to nap. So I have been getting less than 4 hours sleep for a long while now.

Is it bad that I don't miss J when he's gone? I've developed this huge complex that I'm a terrible mother.
Borboleta yes tea is dinner, you have to understand I'm from Northern Ireland and at times our English is terrible :) Tea is also a cup of tea so isn't that confusing!

Clio I never let my dad or brother step in, I didn't want them to, I guess I want to figure things out myself. He hasn't been too bad this afternoon so we shall see!

Clio the rings I usually wear are my wedding and engagement ring on my ring finger of my left hand and my mums engagement ring and my eternity ring on the ring finger of my right hand, tbh I don't even notice them anymore. I specifically got an eternity ring I could wear with my mums engagement ring as the ring alone made me feel sad but the enternity ring for L made me feel happy and the 2 seemed right together... Am I weird?

L didn't want to go to bed tonight, little pest!

As for the hair yes it was nice to get to the salon, I read 3 magazines! It's too much effort to post photos from my phone here and I cant post on fb for fear of offending dhs cousin who usually does my hair, shes having a lot of bother with her daughter so in a few days I can say I thought she was busy enough!

Clio, L has entire conversations with me now and it blows me away! She's such a chatterbox, that says she has conversations with the dog too! I don't know what to advise re the kittens eye? I'd probably bathe it with lukewarm salt water to see if it helped?

As for 5am up time, I will take no naps over that anyway! Nightmare!

Ps I've been chat happy for ages now, heehee

Arghh new baby seems to have her feet rammed firmly under my ribs on the right side, sometimes when she kicks it hurts like heck and I've even let out the odd scream, didn't have this will L but this baby is up so high!

Nearly 10, time for me to start getting ready for bed, id forgotten how disabled I feel pregnant! Anyone want to help me get my socks off? :) x
I (finally!) have the new laptop at my desk (!) and it's a decent one -- I put the same wallpaper on it (jumping cat) so it feels 'friendly', but have to get OH to transfer some files over.....

clio -I 'don't miss LO' when I'm at work and am relieved to have a little 'me-time', but then, usually, get a big smile when on the bus coming home from work to collect LO from creche -- I think it's normal to want a little non-mommy time!

also, I agree with storm - I'd try the lukewarm, 'salt' or saline 'wash' for the cat's eye....

and my BnB status is addict!

Ah Angel my dearest, you need some self confidence or I'm going to fly over just to give you a kick up the butt! Woman dear I could understand if you had something to be self conscious about but you look just beautiful in ALL the photos I have seen... So chin up girl or I'm coming over to give you a slap (with love of course)

Well tiny tutus this am, L was obviously the youngest by about a year and the only child in nappies, she hated the fairy wings and tiara, was ok with the wand... Can't wait to see how the tutu goes next week... No chance! I may well have wasted £74.. ah well. AND I had to sit on the floor while 4 non pregnant women sat on the only 4 chairs, people are sh*t... Maybe I should take my own chair next week?

L wants me to light candles... Must dash...
Blah, now you would think other mothers would know better to give you a seat Storm :growlmad:

Angel, as the others have said, you need a kick up the bum my dear! albeit a lovey one.... I am only down the road so I can deliver that quite easily! :haha:

I don't miss Sophia while I am at work, but I am itching to see her the next morning and we have a very long cuddle in bed :cloud9:

Yesterday we spent the day with one of my oldest friends and her youngest boy, Jacob, who is 21 months, so roughly the same age as Thiago. Borboleta, Jacob went so so quiet for the first couple of hours, so similar to T becoming quiet with your friend possibly? However once he had got use to Sophia bulldozing all of his toys, he relaxed and they had a lot of fun together, chasing each other and generally been silly, it was very cute.

This morning we have been to my Aunts house, which she is selling and she is moving to a nursing home as her MS is just too bad for her to be at home now. The house was my grandparents house and the first place I went to after I was born, so feels weird to know it's not ours anymore :cry: but we went and collected a lot of family heirlooms, like a beautiful knitting table that was my nanas, 2 gorgeous desks that were my gorgeous grandfathers, one of which was a present from his parents. Amongst many other things including some amazing very old books, one from 1851!...we really need a house now! but there was no way any of these were leaving the family! far too beautiful and sentimental for me. I have to say I am loving having my grandfathers desk here, so many wonderful memories just looking at it :thumbup:

Oh one cat and Sophia greeting that I want to share with fellow cat lovers. Sophia now greets Charlie by crawling up to her and puts the top of her head up to Charlie and rubs it, basically like charlie sent marking, it so funny, Charlie looks at Sophia and either returns the compliment or indignantly walks away! As they say mimicry is the biggest form of flattery and Sophia really does adore Charlie :cloud9:

Hope you are all having a lovely day ladies x
You are all so sweet, thank you. But I am not saying these things to get compliments. I know I am crazy but I cannot help it. I have always been like this and I know where it is coming from etc. But as you said clio it doesn't matter what other people say, only how one feels inside. I suppose what would help is if a hunk like Hugh Jackman fell madly and eternally in lust with me lol or possibly someone as beautiful as Rodrigo Santoro. Oh yessety yes please! lol :drool: ;)
I am utterly ok otherwise though so not to worry. I will try and post more though I promise. Especially now that I have finished my Zelda game :blush:

Right now though I have to hoover while the boys still nap. Love to you all lovely ladies :) xx

Charlie I meant to ask, do you know the area by Twickenham called Hampton? I saw this house on rightmove and wish I could own it. The area looks so green too! But it is quite a way out of London. I am thinking this house will be gone by the time we are ready to sell anyway (and it is a bit too dear anyway). But was just curious.
You are all so sweet, thank you. But I am not saying these things to get compliments. I know I am crazy but I cannot help it. I have always been like this and I know where it is coming from etc. But as you said clio it doesn't matter what other people say, only how one feels inside. I suppose what would help is if a hunk like Hugh Jackman fell madly and eternally in lust with me lol or possibly someone as beautiful as Rodrigo Santoro. Oh yessety yes please! lol :drool: ;)
I am utterly ok otherwise though so not to worry. I will try and post more though I promise. Especially now that I have finished my Zelda game :blush:

Right now though I have to hoover while the boys still nap. Love to you all lovely ladies :) xx

Charlie I meant to ask, do you know the area by Twickenham called Hampton? I saw this house on rightmove and wish I could own it. The area looks so green too! But it is quite a way out of London. I am thinking this house will be gone by the time we are ready to sell anyway (and it is a bit too dear anyway). But was just curious.

That's funny, I was looking at that house only last week thinking the same, lovely isn't it, but I think it's such good value as it's in the middle of main roads, a compromise perhaps?

Yes Hampton is where I take Sophia to a lovely soft play area. It's a nice area by the river with bushy park and Hampton court palace. It's near Kingston and teddington. I have no idea what the links are to London, but I would say Kingston, Twickenham and Richmond are a fair bit better. It's a mixed area, with some very very lovely, posh area and some estates too. It has the famous Hampton boys school, a excellent private school. No idea about state schools though. I too have considered Hampton, still undecided though. But it has a lovely walk by the river from Hampton court palace to Kingston. Or even a better a lovely bike ride out to the countryside, along the river, with some lovely pubs. May be worth checking it out as you get a lot more for your money there than where you are for sure, but even more than Kingston and Twickenham.
am jealous hearing all the London talk!

and Shaun the Sheep (and other childrens' classics) have just been released on stamps by Royal Mail! (We spent a very productive hour this afternoon watching Shaun on DVD!)

not much else here - neighbours blasting music for a few hours this am -- am waiting for the hearing - the owner has begged me not to proceed as she is recovering from a car accident, while I have sympathy, she at least can rest at her home whenever she wants!

storm - boo to the other moms!

Angel- the house is lovely. I think it's on the road where the outdoor pool is?? I sometimes drive that way into Kingston.

Storm- I cannot understand those ladies not giving you a seat! That makes me mad just reading it!

Angel- I agree with Charlie and storm! And I too am not so far away so perhaps Charlie and I could join forces and come and bop you on the head together :haha::haha:

Hi ladies,

Sabrina: is the neighbor that blasts the music that asked you to not proceed with the complaint? If so, unbelievable!!!
I tried to show Shaun the sheep to thiago but pocoyo is still his love :haha:.

Charlie: I loved the story about S and Charlie :kiss:. Can you take a picture when she does that? So cute:).
I wish I would live near by so thiago could hang out with your 21 month old friend. Sounds just like him. I am trying to get my friend to come to our house now and see how thiago is going to do. But she doesn't drive so I need to go get her and bring her here.

Angel: you are a lovely, beautiful woman and Hugh Hackman would be all over you If he wasn't married:). And you like rodrigo santoro? I am sure you know he is Brazilian right? He is actually a very good actor. I just wish American movies would offer him better roles to play than just a pretty guy in a romantic comedy. You need to rent to some Brazilian movies that have subtitle in it so you can see how good he is. I heard that he played a transvestite in a movie there that was very well received and he won awards for it. :thumbup:
And keep posting links to those beautiful English houses. I love it. So different than here. And the one you posted is gorgeous!!! So clean and white.

Storm: so L is doing ballet? How cute is that!! When she lets you put the crown and the tutu you got to take a picture. And I cannot believe no mother gave you a sit :growlmad:!! How rude is that!!!
Glad that your OH is behaving:). I was actually thinking that we should have the best OH award of the month too and it sounds like kitty and Charlie and indigo have good husbands :thumbup:. At least we don't hear them talking bad about them as most of us do :haha:. Although maybe these month we should give the best OH award to Claire's fiancée cause he gave her a lovely birthday day and present:).

Clio: that is very strange about the waking up early. Maybe is something in the air? Although thiago woke up today at 5:55am :dohh:!!! But still better than 4am :thumbup:.
And don't feel bad you don't miss J when he is gone. I must be the weird one. Maybe thiago convinced me that him and I are the same person after all :wacko::haha:!!!

Yesterday night we went out to dinner with the family and I put thiago in the cutest little outfit that my MIL got him. He looked to die for!!! She bought the outfit at a store called jack and Jill ( I cannot afford clothes I this place). It was black slacks, with a striped shirt and white collar and black vest with a little car on the front. Hopefully OH took a picture of it. Everyone in the restaurant was saying how cute he looked :kiss:.

Hugs everyone:).
Storm--the conversation was so amazing because it made me realize that while I seem to have conversations all day long with J, it's typically J barking orders at us, or us telling him to do things, or him telling us stories, but never such an interactive one where he was asking me a such a serious question and then told me such a sensitive thing. We are, of course, back to constant talking but nothing on the level as that moment.

I can't believe that non-pregnant women took the chairs! I'm always astonished when I hear stories about that (and am always surprised that there are so many of them!) What's this little tutu program? They have to wear tutus and fairy wings? Do they at least come out of the course knowing how to grant wishes?

Re: low iron--Angel, I didn't realize you had it too! I'm sorry! I've never had it, I don't think. But my periods are absolutely non-existent again, so maybe I have an overabundance of iron! I'll bottle it and send it off to you and SK.

Borboleta--I'm a complete computer and any other type of tech freak that I'm the one everyone in my family and OH's family comes to to fix things. Even my new p-doc wants me to show him how to get books onto his tablet!

Charlie--you, too, can get S to cuddle with you? Am I the only one who doesn't have a cuddly kid? The closest we get is J lying down on me to watch some reality tv (for some reason, I've decided that this is appropriate tv for J. That, and nothing else, except for Pocoyo). Even while we watch, he'll lie down on me, and I'll think how lovely that is, and then he sits up a second later and say: "Mummy and Jonah wake up!" Then he'll lie back down for a second and say: "Mummy and Jonah have a rest." So up, down, up down, up down... Not exactly peaceful, and in no way cuddly. :cry:

I'm sorry about losing your grandparents' house, but the heirlooms sound lovely! When my parents go, I'm going to be shipping a whole whack load of heirlooms out here; my sister's home in TO looks so lovely because she can just walk into my mum's house and just declare she's taking something. (My mum doesn't care; she has too many gorgeous things.)

Oh, and that story of Charlie and Sophia is lovely! We're trying to get J to hold the kitten properly, and it's hit and miss. The other day, he picked her up by her back leg. That, obviously, was a major miss.

AFU--well, I just called the hair dresser's again. The colour is still no where close to what I wanted. I let my hair go without a washing from Wednesday until now (I like to let the natural oils balance out in my hair so I can go for even longer), but I just went swimming with J and was forced to wash it. It is still brown with really obvious wide blonde highlights! Grrr! Before, I just told myself it was dark from being oily (you have to go through a yucky period before the oils even out and I can leave it for a long time), but when I finished drying it, it was still brown! So, I called the "good salon" again, but the same colourist is going to try to fix it, and because she screwed up once, I don't trust her to do it again. But, I'll have to remain positive and give her a chance. Thing is, I even brought in pictures this time, where my hair is obviously blonde all over! ARRGGHHHH!!! Plus, I am so tired of app'ts. I feel like J spends more time at the day home than with us these days!

But we did go swimming. J was great; he was very serious, which is how he is in all new situations and experiences, but he didn't cry or get upset once. He was even shivering because he didn't want to immerse his body too far into the water, but even with the shivering, he didn't want to go home. A few times he ended up underwater on accident, and he took it totally in stride. I hope he'll be a water rat like me. All of this was in preparation for his swimming lessons which begin in February; I didn't want to spring swimming on him at the beginning of a totally foreign class. He only melted down when he was cold afterwards and I couldn't get either of us dressed fast enough. OH is coming next time to swim and help out at the end.

I really hope that being that cold doesn't turn him off of swimming. Still, the pool was lovely and warm, and in the beginning, you're not really cold yet. I hope he grows to enjoy swimming. I loved/love it. Charlie--aren't you the one who swam competitively? You must love to swim as well.
Borboleta - it's the owner of the property who asked, but it's the tenants that are the problem and after the music today, will proceed...

not much here, sorry!

A question for you uk ladies.
I haven't yet applied for a free preschool place for lucy ( she can start when she is 3yrs 4months) I'm worried I have left it too late? People keep saying this to me.
The only problem is that if I do register her somewhere near where I am now, the chances are we might have moved by the time she is ready to start and then I would have to apply somewhere else and I might not get a good pick of places.
Parenting is such a worry!
Clio I just noticed tonight my hair is uneven! Even never complain about a haircut in my life but I'm seriously thinking of calling into the salon on Monday...

Tiny tutus is basically fun ballet classes for 18 months to 5 years. From what I could gather a lot of dancing about with ballet moves thrown in, it's more for fun though. The wings and tiaras were props for some of the activities. She accepted the wand but I was scared she was going to hit someone :)

Borboleta she should get her tutu next week but I can't see her wearing it, but I wanted her to have one, it's cerise pink and really cute, not a proper tutu but cute and she should get ballet pumps too... Heehee. I will see how she goes but she's quite clingy in public situations and new surroundings, maybe she will warm up to it? I probably should have waited til she was older but I wanted her to try something!

Time for bed for me, ps I think she's getting her 3rd molar.. lots of drool and runny nose!
Clairey I haven't applied yet, it's certainly not taken into consideration the date of application over here anyway. Tbh L is highly unlikely to get a place in the local nursery, it's very popular it's 9 until 1, and single parents and unemployed people will get precedence over me... Bah!

Getting a nursery place over here is hard going!
Clairey - we also have free preschool, and I signed Finn up for the Irish language one when he was three weeks old (a touch of frantic-ness with slight PND!), but the one I wanted is closing down due to money issues! The creche he is at also has a free preschool and I may just keep him there (from sept 2015) as he will be with friends, etc. The big issue is that we have an Irish language primary and of this september, an Irish secondary here in our town/village (I live about 25 miles north of Dublin proper) and I really want LO to go through the Irish schools as they have much smaller class sizes and an appreciation of all things Irish (we had thought about private primary school, but the ones 'nearby' are on the other side of Dublin or too difficult to get to!, but he will either go to the Irish secondary or private secondary) - my husband knows Irish and I will learn a little (numbers and days, etc) to practice with LO....

anybody toilet training yet? LO will now announce when he wants his nappy changed, but he's already gone to the 'toilet' at that stage

not much else here, had a slight lie-in with LO until 7.30 and then we cuddled until 8.30 am! (no sttn (he woke up slightly a few times), but seems finally over his jetlag....!)

I've been trying to catch up, but M & N will be home soon & I need to start cooking. No new news here except N had his 18 mo check up, recd his vaccinations :cry: & gave them hell the entire time! They 'think' he is 36" & 30 lbs (Length = above percentile 95, Weight = in percentile 90) & that he's doing great. They 'think' his ears & teeth are ok. They couldn't tell me how many more he has to go. He was always so accommodating at his appointments before.... I swear they breathed a sigh of relief as we exited. :blush:

My DH isn't perfect by any means. Here's the latest news on that front...given the fact that N's separation anxiety is peaking right now, I'm not impressed that he's going to Austin to be wined & dined on Thursday. This means that I will get zero sleep for 3 days. I need to take melatonin to sleep & I can't if he's not here because I have to be able to wake in case N wakes up overnight. He's on an executive advisory panel for an organization that wants to pick his brain morning, noon &, they benefit from the meeting, he gets wined & dined & ego-stroked, but I (& now N) suffer in his absence. :growlmad::ninja: After last year, I told him that he either needs to decline or N & I go w him. (There is no career benefit for him, you see.) He sent me an email w his trip itinerary on Tuesday....way to late for us to find reasonably priced tickets. He's trying to make up for it by taking over all N & household duties yesterday & today & he's walking on eggshells waiting for my temper to flair. I'm tempted to fork out $900 & surprise him w news that we'll be joining him..:winkwink:
Hee Hee....we can get on the same flights for $1239....even better.....:finger:....:rofl:

Think he'll think twice about opting for ego stroking again? :haha:.....:devil:

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