any other over 35 first time mums?

We had a good night last night:). 9:45pm till 6:15am:). And he went back to sleep with daddy:).
Now naps if thiago starts giving me a hard time I just pop a Latin music cd and pretend I am on Dancing with the Stars :haha:. By the second or third music he is out and them I put him on his crib. And I am talking salsa, merengue, reggaeton ...:winkwink:. And the music is playing in a pretty good volume too:).
And today or tomorrow I will be switching his infant car seat for the convertible carseat to see if he likes that one better. The boy just hates the infant one. Complains most of the way if I am not sitting by him :nope:!!! I will let you know if he liked it.
Indigo--is it a one day up, one day zonked out thing? Does he catch up on the sleep he missed the next day? J will do this; eventually his refusal to nap ends up in one lovely day where he will sleep all day long... And so will we.

Doubt it...

But at least last night wasn't so bad. He fell asleep @ 9:30...had dream feed at midnight-ish, and got up at 6 am, had another bottle & went back to sleep.
I think I'll go back to bed.

I hope everyone enjoys their day.....:hug:

that wasn't so bad? :winkwink:
i'd pay for a night like that!

We're having a newborn day as I call them now. Night was not extremely bad,woke 100s of times, but at least he didn't have a par-tay (as clio would say) at 3am as the previous days. still woke up at 6am for the day. it's 1pm now and we're on our 3rd nap of the day :wacko::sleep:

Oh Indigo, it sounds like you have the perfect little sleeper! I thought they were just imaginary or could only be seen by virgins, but no, N is the real thing!

Oh man. I've been trying to write this reply for an hour now, but J keeps deciding that my laptop looks like a real nifty toy. I'll update when he goes down for his nap (<--hahahahahahahaha!!!!)
We had a good night last night:). 9:45pm till 6:15am:). And he went back to sleep with daddy:).
Now naps if thiago starts giving me a hard time I just pop a Latin music cd and pretend I am on Dancing with the Stars :haha:. By the second or third music he is out and them I put him on his crib. And I am talking salsa, merengue, reggaeton ...:winkwink:. And the music is playing in a pretty good volume too:).
And today or tomorrow I will be switching his infant car seat for the convertible carseat to see if he likes that one better. The boy just hates the infant one. Complains most of the way if I am not sitting by him :nope:!!! I will let you know if he liked it.

i'll try this!
Music? We were listening to Jeff Buckley & now it's Bach, Sonata No 3_Adagio (Yo-Yo Ma).

Ok, Clio....I take it back, he's snoozing away maybe he'll pull a Jonah. :shrug:

This week has been cooler than usual & not scorching sunny, so we were able to go on a few walks. He LOVES his stroller. He starts kicking the second he sees it. It makes such a difference to be able to get out. We (I...he was under the canopy) got rained on yesterday, but it was worth it. I wanted to keep going, but an elderly neighbor was giving me a disapproving glare. :rain:

Kosh...Do you nap with him during the day?

:wave: everyone!

Conina...Is Conor still sleeping well? :hug:
We had a good night last night:). 9:45pm till 6:15am:). And he went back to sleep with daddy:).
Now naps if thiago starts giving me a hard time I just pop a Latin music cd and pretend I am on Dancing with the Stars :haha:. By the second or third music he is out and them I put him on his crib. And I am talking salsa, merengue, reggaeton ...:winkwink:. And the music is playing in a pretty good volume too:).
And today or tomorrow I will be switching his infant car seat for the convertible carseat to see if he likes that one better. The boy just hates the infant one. Complains most of the way if I am not sitting by him :nope:!!! I will let you know if he liked it.

Okay, the boy is down for a nap, so now I can reply properly.

Hmnnn... Niko, Thiago could give you a run for your money. And the dancing sounds wonderful! Back when J was 3 weeks old and had a horrible, horrible cold, I learned that dancing and singing really loudly in his ear would actually knock him out by the third song. This is how the Paul Simon songs came into play--I had to use songs I knew all the words to, and had the music to, as well, and the only one I had both for was Paul Simon. Seems I've learned a lot of Paul Simon in my lifetime.

Oh, I wish that trick worked now...

Our night was rather interesting. He went down at 6:30 and slept until 3:30. It was my night, so I got up and got him his bottle and he wouldn't take it. Then he cried and cried and cried. So I stuck him in the crib with the turtle light show to shut him up and went and cried and cried and cried to my husband (I had to wake him up). So he asked me if I fed him. I said yes--he wouldn't take it. He said try again. I said I had already tried again--he wouldn't take it. He said try again. Again, I explained that I had already tried a number of times and he wouldn't take it. My husband sat there with his head in his hands, listening to me and finally said: "TRY. IT. AGAIN." So I went back, tried it again, and wouldn't you know it, he was right. I came out triumphant to tell my husband about it and discovered that he had gone back to bed. He hadn't even bothered to wait and see if it worked. Jerk.

This morning he told me that this is a common problem with J--he pretends he doesn't want his bottle and you have to keep on giving it to him umpteen times before he'll start to drink properly and get drowsy again. And I sat there, wondering why he couldn't just TELL ME THIS BEFORE.

kosh--what is G like during the day? And how long does he nap for? Is a newborn day a good one or a bad one? But yay for no par-tay! When do you go back again?

Indigo--I think I missed when you started a dream feed. It seems to be working. Did it allow N to drop a night feed? Though I guess he has been STTN for a while now... Okay, now I'm confused--why did you implement the dream feed? (I did it too, but J was waking three times during the night at that time.)

Leeze--I wish J would still submit to a carrier, but he won't anymore. He's got stuff to do, and a carrier interferes with his on-going personal projects.
I implemented the dream feed because you told me to...:haha: We started it the night after he STTN.
Music? We were listening to Jeff Buckley & now it's Bach, Sonata No 3_Adagio (Yo-Yo Ma).

Ok, Clio....I take it back, he's snoozing away maybe he'll pull a Jonah. :shrug:

This week has been cooler than usual & not scorching sunny, so we were able to go on a few walks. He LOVES his stroller. He starts kicking the second he sees it. It makes such a difference to be able to get out. We (I...he was under the canopy) got rained on yesterday, but it was worth it. I wanted to keep going, but an elderly neighbor was giving me a disapproving glare. :rain:

Kosh...Do you nap with him during the day?

:wave: everyone!

Conina...Is Conor still sleeping well?

We got caught out in the rain this week too - at least, Conor had the rain cover for the pram, if only we had thought to bring a rain cover for me :dohh:. It didn't help that it had been sunny when we set out so I was dressed like Susie Summertime in a t-shirt and sunnies... Plus, of course, we were at the furthest point of our walk. You would think I'd be used to Irish weather...

Indi - Conor is still sleeping fairly well, we've had one really good night where he slept from 10.30 to 4 and then til 7.30. But usually its from 11 to 3 and then 6.30 or so. So nothing to complain about!!
I'm loving the idea of singing LO's to sleep. Kia normally gets excited if I sing - the only person in the world who likes my singing - but maybe I should try it again for nap-time. I think for me there's actually something quite selfish or self-serving about feeding her to sleep and letting her sleep on me or the sling. I've only got 2 months left before I go back to work and I want to enjoy it as much as I can. I don't enjoy spending 40 mins or more each time trying to get her to sleep. Or her being very very grumpy because she hasn't had a sleep. Could this still be classed as accidental parenting, all those of you who've read baby whisperer books? I like to think of it as accidentally on purpose parenting! :haha:
I'm loving the idea of singing LO's to sleep. Kia normally gets excited if I sing - the only person in the world who likes my singing - but maybe I should try it again for nap-time. I think for me there's actually something quite selfish or self-serving about feeding her to sleep and letting her sleep on me or the sling. I've only got 2 months left before I go back to work and I want to enjoy it as much as I can. I don't enjoy spending 40 mins or more each time trying to get her to sleep. Or her being very very grumpy because she hasn't had a sleep. Could this still be classed as accidental parenting, all those of you who've read baby whisperer books? I like to think of it as accidentally on purpose parenting! :haha:

Leeze, what you're doing with the sling and the feeding is exactly what anybody who does Attachment Parenting would do! It is in no way selfish! Banish that mommy guilt!

Oh, and singing to sleep totally is accidental parenting. But Leeze, you smartie, they actually have something called APOP--"accidental parenting on purpose"! (I spent too much time on the Baby Whisperer forum when I was trying to establish J's schedule. I know waaaaaay too much about "Whispering," and I don't even follow it.)

Anyway, when I read that singing was "accidental parenting" then I decided that accidental parenting was was the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. Who doesn't sing to their kid? Or rather, we're not allowed to sing our kids?
I implemented the dream feed because you told me to...:haha: We started it the night after he STTN.

I did? I remember explaining what it was at one point...

Oh boy, the boy is up. Gotta go!
Our night was rather interesting. He went down at 6:30 and slept until 3:30. It was my night, so I got up and got him his bottle and he wouldn't take it. Then he cried and cried and cried. So I stuck him in the crib with the turtle light show to shut him up and went and cried and cried and cried to my husband (I had to wake him up). So he asked me if I fed him. I said yes--he wouldn't take it. He said try again. I said I had already tried again--he wouldn't take it. He said try again. Again, I explained that I had already tried a number of times and he wouldn't take it. My husband sat there with his head in his hands, listening to me and finally said: "TRY. IT. AGAIN." So I went back, tried it again, and wouldn't you know it, he was right. I came out triumphant to tell my husband about it and discovered that he had gone back to bed. He hadn't even bothered to wait and see if it worked. Jerk.

This morning he told me that this is a common problem with J--he pretends he doesn't want his bottle and you have to keep on giving it to him umpteen times before he'll start to drink properly and get drowsy again. And I sat there, wondering why he couldn't just TELL ME THIS BEFORE.

kosh--what is G like during the day? And how long does he nap for? Is a newborn day a good one or a bad one? But yay for no par-tay! When do you go back again?

Indigo--I think I missed when you started a dream feed. It seems to be working. Did it allow N to drop a night feed? Though I guess he has been STTN for a while now... Okay, now I'm confused--why did you implement the dream feed? (I did it too, but J was waking three times during the night at that time.)

Leeze--I wish J would still submit to a carrier, but he won't anymore. He's got stuff to do, and a carrier interferes with his on-going personal projects.

:haha:that's actually a good point! in the 'bad sleepers' thread we were saying that our LO's are worse than newborns, or that we feel we still have a newborn in our hands. in our case newborn does not equal to 'sleeping all day' :haha:
my 'newborn days' are those were I spend all day either trying to get him to sleep or feeding him or both! :dohh:
Gael is not only a bad sleeper but his feeds are all over the place, we FOD, but I really have NO clue when/how many times he feeds! :dohh:
Anyway, I've found out we have a forth teeth coming! so may be that'swhy he was so so grumpy and clingy today poor thing.

he's in bed now. went down like a flash. oh, don't know if i mentioned buy we found a way to co-sleep that works for us! so although he's waking lots I don't 'feel' it as much :thumbup:

Indigo -
yes, I sleep when he sleeps during the day, but I sometimes get frustrated/depressed because I end up spending all day in pyjamas.
I'm loving the idea of singing LO's to sleep. Kia normally gets excited if I sing - the only person in the world who likes my singing - but maybe I should try it again for nap-time. I think for me there's actually something quite selfish or self-serving about feeding her to sleep and letting her sleep on me or the sling. I've only got 2 months left before I go back to work and I want to enjoy it as much as I can. I don't enjoy spending 40 mins or more each time trying to get her to sleep. Or her being very very grumpy because she hasn't had a sleep. Could this still be classed as accidental parenting, all those of you who've read baby whisperer books? I like to think of it as accidentally on purpose parenting! :haha:

funny you say this leeze. I've just said to DH, after nursing Gael to sleep, that I want to BF him all my life:winkwink::cry::blush: (of course I do not, but you know what I mean!)
indigo - how do you add a 'spoiler'?
Our night was rather interesting. He went down at 6:30 and slept until 3:30. It was my night, so I got up and got him his bottle and he wouldn't take it. Then he cried and cried and cried. So I stuck him in the crib with the turtle light show to shut him up and went and cried and cried and cried to my husband (I had to wake him up). So he asked me if I fed him. I said yes--he wouldn't take it. He said try again. I said I had already tried again--he wouldn't take it. He said try again. Again, I explained that I had already tried a number of times and he wouldn't take it. My husband sat there with his head in his hands, listening to me and finally said: "TRY. IT. AGAIN." So I went back, tried it again, and wouldn't you know it, he was right. I came out triumphant to tell my husband about it and discovered that he had gone back to bed. He hadn't even bothered to wait and see if it worked. Jerk.

This morning he told me that this is a common problem with J--he pretends he doesn't want his bottle and you have to keep on giving it to him umpteen times before he'll start to drink properly and get drowsy again. And I sat there, wondering why he couldn't just TELL ME THIS BEFORE.

kosh--what is G like during the day? And how long does he nap for? Is a newborn day a good one or a bad one? But yay for no par-tay! When do you go back again?

Indigo--I think I missed when you started a dream feed. It seems to be working. Did it allow N to drop a night feed? Though I guess he has been STTN for a while now... Okay, now I'm confused--why did you implement the dream feed? (I did it too, but J was waking three times during the night at that time.)

Leeze--I wish J would still submit to a carrier, but he won't anymore. He's got stuff to do, and a carrier interferes with his on-going personal projects.

:haha:that's actually a good point! in the 'bad sleepers' thread we were saying that our LO's are worse than newborns, or that we feel we still have a newborn in our hands. in our case newborn does not equal to 'sleeping all day' :haha:
my 'newborn days' are those were I spend all day either trying to get him to sleep or feeding him or both! :dohh:
Gael is not only a bad sleeper but his feeds are all over the place, we FOD, but I really have NO clue when/how many times he feeds! :dohh:
Anyway, I've found out we have a forth teeth coming! so may be that'swhy he was so so grumpy and clingy today poor thing.

he's in bed now. went down like a flash. oh, don't know if i mentioned buy we found a way to co-sleep that works for us! so although he's waking lots I don't 'feel' it as much :thumbup:

Indigo -
yes, I sleep when he sleeps during the day, but I sometimes get frustrated/depressed because I end up spending all day in pyjamas.

How are you cosleeping with him? Just in case if I need to do that:). I love to have my little guy close by:):haha:.
I'm loving the idea of singing LO's to sleep. Kia normally gets excited if I sing - the only person in the world who likes my singing - but maybe I should try it again for nap-time. I think for me there's actually something quite selfish or self-serving about feeding her to sleep and letting her sleep on me or the sling. I've only got 2 months left before I go back to work and I want to enjoy it as much as I can. I don't enjoy spending 40 mins or more each time trying to get her to sleep. Or her being very very grumpy because she hasn't had a sleep. Could this still be classed as accidental parenting, all those of you who've read baby whisperer books? I like to think of it as accidentally on purpose parenting! :haha:

Leeze, what you're doing with the sling and the feeding is exactly what anybody who does Attachment Parenting would do! It is in no way selfish! Banish that mommy guilt!

Oh, and singing to sleep totally is accidental parenting. But Leeze, you smartie, they actually have something called APOP--"accidental parenting on purpose"! (I spent too much time on the Baby Whisperer forum when I was trying to establish J's schedule. I know waaaaaay too much about "Whispering," and I don't even follow it.)

Anyway, when I read that singing was "accidental parenting" then I decided that accidental parenting was was the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. Who doesn't sing to their kid? Or rather, we're not allowed to sing our kids?
Sounds to me like anything we do that is caring, fun or nurturing is accidental parenting. And that's hilarious that they've got accidental parenting on purpose. The whole concept of accidental parenting amuses me though. Like 'oops, I did a bit of parenting again but I didn't mean it'
Oh, and I've definitely got guilt about the feeding to sleep. My OH keeps telling me we need to do something to get her to sleep without relying on me feeding her to sleep. I repeatedly tell him he's very welcome to try anytime. Funny thing is that whenever he does try he normally comes through to get me after about 10 mins to tell me that he thinks she wants a feed!
I'm loving the idea of singing LO's to sleep. Kia normally gets excited if I sing - the only person in the world who likes my singing - but maybe I should try it again for nap-time. I think for me there's actually something quite selfish or self-serving about feeding her to sleep and letting her sleep on me or the sling. I've only got 2 months left before I go back to work and I want to enjoy it as much as I can. I don't enjoy spending 40 mins or more each time trying to get her to sleep. Or her being very very grumpy because she hasn't had a sleep. Could this still be classed as accidental parenting, all those of you who've read baby whisperer books? I like to think of it as accidentally on purpose parenting! :haha:

funny you say this leeze. I've just said to DH, after nursing Gael to sleep, that I want to BF him all my life:winkwink::cry::blush: (of course I do not, but you know what I mean!)
I know exactly what you mean! I always thought I would stop BF when I went back to work, so after a year, but now I'm thinking maybe 18 months or 2 because I don't want to take away the only way I have to guarantee she'll get to sleep!
I'm loving the idea of singing LO's to sleep. Kia normally gets excited if I sing - the only person in the world who likes my singing - but maybe I should try it again for nap-time. I think for me there's actually something quite selfish or self-serving about feeding her to sleep and letting her sleep on me or the sling. I've only got 2 months left before I go back to work and I want to enjoy it as much as I can. I don't enjoy spending 40 mins or more each time trying to get her to sleep. Or her being very very grumpy because she hasn't had a sleep. Could this still be classed as accidental parenting, all those of you who've read baby whisperer books? I like to think of it as accidentally on purpose parenting! :haha:

funny you say this leeze. I've just said to DH, after nursing Gael to sleep, that I want to BF him all my life:winkwink::cry::blush: (of course I do not, but you know what I mean!)
I know exactly what you mean! I always thought I would stop BF when I went back to work, so after a year, but now I'm thinking maybe 18 months or 2 because I don't want to take away the only way I have to guarantee she'll get to sleep!

^^ this! plus, i just loooove his face when he falls asleep on the boob :cloud9:
Oh, and I've definitely got guilt about the feeding to sleep. My OH keeps telling me we need to do something to get her to sleep without relying on me feeding her to sleep. I repeatedly tell him he's very welcome to try anytime. Funny thing is that whenever he does try he normally comes through to get me after about 10 mins to tell me that he thinks she wants a feed!

That made me laugh:))

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