any other over 35 first time mums?

Can I join you ladies again?? I originally posted waaaaay back in the beginning and I've lost touch.

Of course:)!!! Welcome back:). Your LO is a cutie:). How are you guys doing?
I have a question for you ladies. Is it okay for us to invite other mommies over 35 that have more than one baby to this group?
Can I join you ladies again?? I originally posted waaaaay back in the beginning and I've lost touch.

Of course:)!!! Welcome back:). Your LO is a cutie:). How are you guys doing?

Thank you!! Your LO is too - I love the avatar pic!

We're doing pretty good. My LO is teething at the moment....she just got her 1st tooth about 10 days ago - not long after her 1st birthday. The 2nd one is on its way, so not much sleep in our house..
Can I join you ladies again?? I originally posted waaaaay back in the beginning and I've lost touch.

Of course:)!!! Welcome back:). Your LO is a cutie:). How are you guys doing?

Thank you!! Your LO is too - I love the avatar pic!

We're doing pretty good. My LO is teething at the moment....she just got her 1st tooth about 10 days ago - not long after her 1st birthday. The 2nd one is on its way, so not much sleep in our house..

welcome back! :hi:
her first tooth after her first bday! mine got his first at 17weeks :wacko:

oh,for all of you going through teething - we are trying teething granules and they seem to help:thumbup:
1. What was the first things you gave your LO and how often? When did you move on to other things? And did this first portion replace a whole bottle or just half or...?

the fisrt thing we tried was sweet potato. i think we did that for a couple of days and then started introducing new veg/fruit.always one at a time. we are doing BLW so he's eating only tiny amounts, i don't think it replaces a feed tbh. having said that, i do thnk he's drinking less because my boobs feel fuller,but i have no clue how much less, if that makes any sense.

2. How did you even know your LO was ready? My boys are somewhat behind in certain things so I am not sure if they are ready? I read they have to be able to hold their head really steadily, observe you eat and reach for your food and be constantly hungry.

i just waited until he was 6mo. i think the things you should be looking for (or actually, what you should look for if doing BLW not too sure re TW) is hold their head, sit upright and hand-mouth coordination, then interest in food, but i never heard of being constantly hungry as a sign of being ready for solids, as you can just give him more milk?:shrug:
wanted to share this - can't believe what just happened
our usual (simple) bedtime routine is bath/wash and nurse to sleep. sometimes he doesn't fall asleep on the boob so he starts playing and cooing and after a while, when he gets properly tired i rock him to sleep.
so we were in bed, and he was all happy chatty going gggghhhaaa, bbrfffffffff, uh-uh-uhhh etc etc when all of the sudden, he got hold of his blanket, turned onto his tummy and fell asleep, just like that!!!!:happydance::shrug::happydance:
Can I join you ladies again?? I originally posted waaaaay back in the beginning and I've lost touch.

Of course:)!!! Welcome back:). Your LO is a cutie:). How are you guys doing?

Thank you!! Your LO is too - I love the avatar pic!

We're doing pretty good. My LO is teething at the moment....she just got her 1st tooth about 10 days ago - not long after her 1st birthday. The 2nd one is on its way, so not much sleep in our house..

welcome back! :hi:
her first tooth after her first bday! mine got his first at 17weeks :wacko:

oh,for all of you going through teething - we are trying teething granules and they seem to help:thumbup:

I wonder if they have the granules in the US....I'll have to see. Willing to try anything at this point. I feel so bad for her, she's not having an easy time with it. How many more teeth do I have to go?
Moti: I know. I joke that babies should be born with teeth already!!!!

Kosh: is the granules like little balls that you mix with some water and they dissolve? If it is it didn't work for my LO. The only thing that seems to help him is good old tylenol :haha:.

Clio: where are you? We miss you and Jonah:).
wanted to share this - can't believe what just happened
our usual (simple) bedtime routine is bath/wash and nurse to sleep. sometimes he doesn't fall asleep on the boob so he starts playing and cooing and after a while, when he gets properly tired i rock him to sleep.
so we were in bed, and he was all happy chatty going gggghhhaaa, bbrfffffffff, uh-uh-uhhh etc etc when all of the sudden, he got hold of his blanket, turned onto his tummy and fall asleep, just like that!!!!:happydance::shrug::happydance:

Yaaaay Gael!!! :dance:''

And welcome back, Moti!

Sorry I've been MIA. I've just been really tired. Jonah has been playing some night tricks again, coupled with a complete refusal to nap during the day, so it's been hard to get a break. He still wants his 4 o'clock PAR-TAY! So just looking at the keyboard makes feel even more tired.

Angel, I'll answer your survey after I've a little sleep.

Okay, my bed is calling--my husband took J to an historic site so I've got some time to catch some sleep. :sleep:
Just dropping in to say hi. Have read through some of the posts I've missed. Will post properly tomorrow once I've got a bit of time. Festival was quite an experience. Heavy rain on first night made it really muddy which was a bit of a nightmare. So pleased we hired campervan! Things I can remember from what I just read ... Re cats, our cat is a bit of a scaredy so runs away from Kia a lot but she gets very excited whenever he comes near. Weaning - we started very gradually at 24 weeks. First week was tiny bit of organic baby porridge with my milk, then second week sweet potato. We got an Annabel Karmel book which I found very helpful. We haven't dropped a feed as such but Kia does take less milk at each feed. We normally offer solids an hour after a milk feed so that she still takes enough milk. We also do finger foods and are getting more adventurous with these. She had some fishcake today and totally loved it. Congrats to your friend, Indigo. I love hearing success stories when someone had a long road. Right, bedtime now. Kia still thinks we're at the festival and has only just settled at nearly midnight. Goodnight all xx
Not an exciting day here, guys - fortunately!

Yesterday, my husband and I had to go to immigration and LO was pretty good (my OH kept grumbling, but it only took two hours, which is actually pretty good (my right to reside expired a few weeks ago and we were going to get a temporary stamp as will apply for Irish citizenship as have been here for so long)....but when we got home - smiles, tears and grumpiness as LO decided to have a temper tantrum, however, he did fall asleep by midnight and after his 6am bottle, did play by himself and FELL BACK ASLEEP ON HIS OWN until about 9am, so big excitement!

He's a little off on his food and milk, but it seems that the day after any outing, he seems more fussy than the day of -- anybody else's the same?

Tomorrow, depending on his mood (and mine!), will go look at the creche and then, on Friday....6 month vaccinations, sigh -- I hate them.

aye marthas defo fed up the day after :)

immunisations at 6 months - must be different in ireland to uk we dont get anymore til 1 year
Thank you Kosh & Lezeze... It took her 7 years to have her son! :wohoo:

:wave: I hope everyone is well?

Niko was up yesterday for almost 12 hours straight! He did it once before, as well. I keep thinking that something is wrong & I'm not figuring it out. There is NO WAY he could be teething this early, right? He slept well again last night, so I hope he has a better day today.

Kosh...YAY for Gael! :thumbup:
Hi everyone. J is driving us crazy. He will not go down for naps. Because he's too strong for us to hold him, we can't rock him to sleep. We put him in his crib, and he screams bloody murder. We've tried everything. I just came down from trying to pretend to sleep in the room with him (on the floor, no less), to putting him constantly down on his back and patting him, to sitting in the rocking chair while he's in the crib and singing "Jonah, Jonah, give me your answer true..." over and over again and sounding increasingly hysterical. In the end, my husband came in and told me to give it up. So far this morning, the count for getting him down for his first nap has been:

Mummy and Daddy--goose egg

Daddy is now going for goose egg number 4. J is supposed to go to his Oma's today, and while she is aware of the situation, the boy is a mess right now. I feel really badly sending him to her like this. If we could just get one nap out of him...

It's like he's realized that now that he is strong enough, he can get away from our seductive arms that have always succeeded in rocking him to sleep. Now he can neutralize those arms in seconds.

He kicked me in the boob and the stomach yesterday. Good times.

Oh wow--my husband just came down, and the boy is down! He finally gave into the exhaustion. I don't even care how long it lasts, just as long as he sleeps...

I don't remember all that I've missed, so I'll probably be a little spotty in my responses. But...

Angel--I don't know if you feel this has been answered enough for you, but here's what we did/are doing re: weaning. J refused to take the beginner cereal that we offered him with a spoon. Simply refused. So we went straight for purees. He hated those as well and rejected them. Just wouldn't open his mouth for the spoon. Then we began to trick him with the airplane and the choo-choo train and putting it in when he had his mouth open for any reason, and I began to feel really badly about it. Essentially, I was force feeding him. So, I began to look into Baby Led Weaning. We started with typical foods, but they were in finger format, and steamed. Sweet potato, carrots, cucumber, watermelon (he LOVES watermelon), steamed apples, pasta, broccoli, etc. This way, he can pick it up on his own and get it into his mouth. But, the point of BLW is not to actually get food into his stomach, but to get him used to holding food, tasting food, manipulating food with his mouth and learning to spit it out if there is a chance of choking. They don't really eat much until a year. So, it doesn't help with sleeping. I thought that it was reducing the amount of formula he was drinking, but turns out, it was just a remnant of his cold.

We also didn't start until 6 months old. He started to sit up at six months, so we knew he could now handle a high chair. Plus, the digestive system is apparently not fully developed until 6 months, so for something like BLW, you should really wait. I don't know much about this and Traditional Weaning, but our ped said that we could start with cereals at 5 months.

Um, let's see: cats. I've now decided J cannot become best buds with the cat just yet. We went to our weekly family dinner on Sunday, and I watched at first with amusement, then with increasing worry as J played with his FIVE YEAR OLD cousin. He saw him, got up on his knees and launched himself at his cousin. He rolled down his back, grabbing his hair and then BITING him. His cousin said it was fine, but I think J is learning bad things from that cat. I always knew the cat would get him in trouble.

Re: vaccinations. We get them at 6 months, and then at 12. Just thought I'd throw that in there.

kosh--anymore night time successes?

Re: music. I can't suggest Indian Elephant Tea strongly enough. If you go to iTunes, you can listen to parts of the songs. I also like Sandra Boynton's Philadelphia Chickens, but I think everyone knows about that one. It seems like "Snuggle Puppy" is this year's big baby hit.

Leeze--welcome back! :hi:
Sabrina, Kia would often get fussy days after big days, at one point it was better for us to alternate a quiet day in with a day out. Nowadays she seems pretty happy to be out and about most days. Clio, we stopped being able to get Kia to nap during the day about 3 months ago - unless I feed her to sleep or she's in her buggy. Otherwise she just screams and sobs even if she looks really sleepy. We did manage to get her to go to sleep at night once during the festival by lying her down inbetween us, but it's very rare these days. I'm just going with it at the moment and hoping she grows out of it. Also, she'll be starting nursery in a couple of months so I figure that they'll have to find new ways of getting her to nap and hopefully this will help me outside of nursery time too! Hey, I just made some tuna croquettes for Kia because I gave her a bit of fishcake in a cafe yesterday and she loved it. She seemed to really enjoy the croquettes too although she did make a right mess in the process. Then she refused to eat her puree afterwards which is the first time she's ever refused a home-cooked puree. I might have to do some more BLW recipes. It's very cute to see her feeding herself, she clearly loves it. So, we got back from the festival today as we stayed with some friends for a couple of days afterwards. We'd forgotten to put the cat net on the cot and the cat had very clearly been making himself very comfortable in the cot while we were away as it was absolutely covered in his hairs. It's funny because I've gone out before and forgotten to put the net on it and he didn't sleep in it. Maybe he thought we'd left it for him as a special treat!
ah clio bless you - martha wont nap more than 20 mins at a time during the day usually twice but sometimes 3 times - and wont nap unless shes taken for a walk :)
Sabrina, Kia would often get fussy days after big days, at one point it was better for us to alternate a quiet day in with a day out. Nowadays she seems pretty happy to be out and about most days. Clio, we stopped being able to get Kia to nap during the day about 3 months ago - unless I feed her to sleep or she's in her buggy. Otherwise she just screams and sobs even if she looks really sleepy. We did manage to get her to go to sleep at night once during the festival by lying her down inbetween us, but it's very rare these days. I'm just going with it at the moment and hoping she grows out of it. Also, she'll be starting nursery in a couple of months so I figure that they'll have to find new ways of getting her to nap and hopefully this will help me outside of nursery time too! Hey, I just made some tuna croquettes for Kia because I gave her a bit of fishcake in a cafe yesterday and she loved it. She seemed to really enjoy the croquettes too although she did make a right mess in the process. Then she refused to eat her puree afterwards which is the first time she's ever refused a home-cooked puree. I might have to do some more BLW recipes. It's very cute to see her feeding herself, she clearly loves it. So, we got back from the festival today as we stayed with some friends for a couple of days afterwards. We'd forgotten to put the cat net on the cot and the cat had very clearly been making himself very comfortable in the cot while we were away as it was absolutely covered in his hairs. It's funny because I've gone out before and forgotten to put the net on it and he didn't sleep in it. Maybe he thought we'd left it for him as a special treat!

Really--stopped napping? Nooooooo! I need those naps.

Re: croquettes--that sounded delicious so I found a recipe for it and just sent my husband out for some of the ingredients. Like, tuna.

Re: cat. Of course he thought it was a special treat for him. He's a cat.

ah clio bless you - martha wont nap more than 20 mins at a time during the day usually twice but sometimes 3 times - and wont nap unless shes taken for a walk :)

I know--I'm silly to moan. We've been really lucky so far regarding sleep. But now he's waking up waaay too early and now fights like a rabid monkey when we try to get him to sleep in the day. We're getting tired. Oh well, karma is probably catching up with us. Poor you and Indigo, having them awake all day long sucks.

Indigo--is it a one day up, one day zonked out thing? Does he catch up on the sleep he missed the next day? J will do this; eventually his refusal to nap ends up in one lovely day where he will sleep all day long... And so will we.
Yeah, I can't get her to nap in her cot during the day anymore. I do try it every few days and normally give in after about 10 mins or less. If I take her out lo the sling and pop her on the boob she normally sleeps on me without much fuss. I realise it does mean I don't get much me-time, but I'm not sure what else to do at the moment. Maybe I should try to persevere a bit more but I mostly don't mind her sleeping on me! It's hard at night sometimes though when I can't get her to settle. Like tonight. Oops. Need to go, she's not settling
Indigo--is it a one day up, one day zonked out thing? Does he catch up on the sleep he missed the next day? J will do this; eventually his refusal to nap ends up in one lovely day where he will sleep all day long... And so will we.

Doubt it...

But at least last night wasn't so bad. He fell asleep @ 9:30...had dream feed at midnight-ish, and got up at 6 am, had another bottle & went back to sleep.
I think I'll go back to bed.

I hope everyone enjoys their day.....:hug:
Indigo--is it a one day up, one day zonked out thing? Does he catch up on the sleep he missed the next day? J will do this; eventually his refusal to nap ends up in one lovely day where he will sleep all day long... And so will we.

Doubt it...

But at least last night wasn't so bad. He fell asleep @ 9:30...had dream feed at midnight-ish, and got up at 6 am, had another bottle & went back to sleep.
I think I'll go back to bed.

I hope everyone enjoys their day.....:hug:

that wasn't so bad? :winkwink:
i'd pay for a night like that!

We're having a newborn day as I call them now. Night was not extremely bad,woke 100s of times, but at least he didn't have a par-tay (as clio would say) at 3am as the previous days. still woke up at 6am for the day. it's 1pm now and we're on our 3rd nap of the day :wacko::sleep:

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