any other over 35 first time mums?

In relation to milk/weaning, I was told about 500-600ml was fine, e.g. I think it's about 15-20 oz, but my LO is drinking a bit more as today, we didn't do too much food as he was pretty fussy most of the day (and daddy was home from work, it's soooooo much easier when my OH is at work to feed LO food)...also, I was recommended to have cool, boiled water available to make sure LO is getting the hydration necessary. I asked my HV about how much food and she recommended 12 spoonfuls (baby spoonfuls, not tea or tablespoons) per 'meal', so if your LOs are 'drinking less', they are probably eating alot more...

My LO still has something to eat/drink every 2-3 hours (except at night, sleeping about 6-8 hours, not sttn per se, but that's fine with me!) as he has a reflux problem, so I give some milk and then an hour later, a few spoonfuls of food, and usually he has 12+ spoonfuls if he's hungry or likes (hates peas and spit those everywhere!) reading through previous posts, I wouldn't worry too much....

Am off to look at a creche tomorrow - cross fingers it is as good as it appears/friend's recommendation....kinda want to go back to work in October (only 3 mornings a week) as am tired of asking OH for money and of being broke!


Because we are doing BLW, we can't really say how much he's taking in, spoonful-wise. Or even, bite-wise (a lot ends up on the floor or in his lap, and you don't realize how much until after you take him out of the high chair). But what I do know is that the stuff he's eaten the most of has been protein--tofu, egg yolks and minced meat. And, correspondingly, so it seems, he wants less from his bottles. I didn't realize that we were giving him too much formula--though we fed him as much as he wanted, and as far as I understand it, babies can't want too much. He's 50th percentile all the way, since birth, so I don't think it's caused any problems. Oh well, it all comes out in the wash, I guess.

Good luck with the creche!

Blah, so tired--I'll respond to everyone properly tomorrow...
Sabrinakat: hope you have a great experience at the crèche. I understand being short on money! My hubby is looking for a job right now and we are trying to save money on everything!!

Strangegirl: the weather here is hot as hell!!! On the 90's as usual! Do you have a/c in houses in California?

Kosh: I know the rock bye baby cd. I have it on pandora radio and it is really cute. I need to find out more about your other recommendation. Sounds really good:)!

I am getting ready for in a couple of months start singing baby songs everywhere and watching kids channel. So as it for now I just crank the volume in the car and let pitbull and other adult singers sing their songs full of bad words with thiago in the car. I know that my music preference will have to be refined once he starts saying his first words:). Although I do love my good old bossa nova.
Since I taught Zumba classes until close to birth thiago is really used to the Latin music. I put on Some Zumba music to practice and dance with him and after a couple of songs he is out :haha:! Can't wait once he moves his little body with the music :happydance:.
kosh - ah were not doing ec really - just when she needs it if i pick up on the signals which i havent done the last 2 days...shes either not been as obvious or ive been too distracted?! but what a pain changing dirty nappies is yuk! lol! esp when she wants to sit or stand or crawl off lmao!

Christening went well yest yey!

martha has 5 4-5oz bottles but we put 8oz of milk in then she has 3 meals a day - we do a mix of puree and finger food
kosh - ah were not doing ec really - just when she needs it if i pick up on the signals which i havent done the last 2 days...shes either not been as obvious or ive been too distracted?! but what a pain changing dirty nappies is yuk! lol! esp when she wants to sit or stand or crawl off lmao!

Christening went well yest yey!

martha has 5 4-5oz bottles but we put 8oz of milk in then she has 3 meals a day - we do a mix of puree and finger food

sorry - i totally missed this, congrats!
Congratulations on the christening Rowan :D Will you post pics? Pretty please? :)

Ladies with weaning babies I have a few question for you as I am confused about the different things I read, so hopefully you'll be able to help?
1. What was the first things you gave your LO and how often? When did you move on to other things? And did this first portion replace a whole bottle or just half or...?
2. How did you even know your LO was ready? My boys are somewhat behind in certain things so I am not sure if they are ready? I read they have to be able to hold their head really steadily, observe you eat and reach for your food and be constantly hungry.
Dominic is pretty steady with his head but not 100% all the time. Sebastian is less good with this and tends to wobble a bit. I blame myself for that cause I haven't given them enough tummy time or haven't held them enough individually cause I always had to tend to one or the other. Plus Sebastian really hated tummy time and still will only tolerate about 5 minutes at a stretch.
They do certainly seem interested in when we eat or drink something but they do not reach for it. We very rarely eat real food in front of them, maybe an icecream or some sweets or my much needed morning coffee but our main meal in the (late) evening we tend to gobble down in between Dom crying in his cot. :wacko:
As for constantly hungry, yes it seems to me that Dominic finds the 4 hours between meals hard going and would like to eat sooner. Btw the 4 hours was totally their idea, not mine but it certainly made life easier for us. But he only eats about 180ml to 210ml at a go and definitely is happy with that amount and doesn't want more. As for Sebastian, well he refuses to eat at all most of the time and we have to sneak in his food when he is asleep. :(
I am wondering about weaning cause maybe this will help Dominic sleep and maybe it will make Sebastian eat? The appointment for their jabs is tomorrow and hopefully then we shall also know if Sebastian's ear and throat infection has cleared up. If not (which I suspect) this might still be why he is eating so badly I guess.
Had a terrible day today...didn't go to look at the creche (rescheduled for Thursday) as LO was screaming, crying and miserable and I was screaming, crying and took me ages to get him settled for his afternoon nap, and after an HOUR and about to call 999/911 and having checked him, his nappy, offered food, etc., and was about to throw him out the window (I am joking!), I offered some teething gel and rubbed his gums and the look on his face was....relief. He was/is getting another tooth and because he had been fine, albeit fussy, earlier in the day, I had completely missed it.

I had a good cry when he went to sleep and the rest of the day was OK, e.g. kept him distracted enough when awake and it was alot easier to settle him for subsequent naps, hopefully, even for tonight's sleep....but I think I need to go back to work part-time (as mentioned previously) as I think 24/7 with LO is just too much for me (and I have no family nearby or friends per se...)


Off to bed myself....and yes, I did have a nice glass of wine (once my OH came home from work!)

best wishes

ps. AngelUK- we started with rice ceral and are now on pureed fruit (he likes apples, bananas, strawberries, etc) and although tried peas (he was not impressed!). Incidentially, the packet hadn't mentioned peas on the front and when I complained to the company, they sent me a whole bunch of pure fruit packets for LO to try (yes, I should have read the back, but was too busy when out shopping). I still offer a bottle, but about an hour afterwards, such as today (before the teething incident from hell), LO ate about 14 small spoonfuls of strawberry and apples (I hate strawberries, but he loves!) and would have offered something later in the afternoon, I still give bottles and let him drink as much as he wants and then offer something an hour or so later, usually twice a day. Sometimes, he will eat loads, other times, only a few spoonfuls, but at least, he's/we're trying to introduce food and he is still getting loads of nutrition from bottles
Thanks SabrinaKat. I am so sorry you had such a terrible day! :hugs: Hope you manage to get some good sleep and feel rested and restored tomorrow :)
My best BnB friend gave birth today after a long, tough road.
I'm so proud of her and so happy for her family!
Her son is so handsome!

Happy Birthday, Henry!
Sabrinakat: so sorry you had a tough day. I totally understand that you need a break and wants to go back to work. Some of us just function better and are better parents if we have some time for ourselves. I actually enjoy teaching my classes and training my clients at different hours of the day. I miss my son but I love to come home feeling refreshed and ready to have fun with him:). Hope you enjoy visiting the crèche:). :winkwink: and can you give LO some Tylenol? I give thiago once a day ( normally at night ) but if he is looking in pain during the day we will give it again so help him with it. It really helps him.

Angelk: here is what we have been doing for thiago:
Hew skipped the cereal ( just on his night bottle :haha:) because he was gaggin at 4 months, so them at 5 months we started him on squash and he loved it. We still feeding his bottle to him ( he has about 5 or 6 oz every 3 hours). I started feeding his veggies once a day but now I am doing 2 times a day plus his formula every 3 hours. So he has about 6 to 7 bottles a day ( 36 oz a day!!! Man I just realized how much he eats!!! None wonder he is getting so heavy!!).
But anyways, that is what we do at the moment:).
My best BnB friend gave birth today after a long, tough road.
I'm so proud of her and so happy for her family!
Her son is so handsome!

Happy Birthday, Henry!

do i know her indigo?
bless you sabrina - one of those days!

angel i started weaning martha before 6 months but i dont think she was ready well her tummy wasnt and it set her reflux off again when we went away and used jars - apple is a mare for her - i started again at 5.5 months just on baby rice once a day and then weve slowly worked up to 3 meals a day testing out what sets her tummy off

in hindsight what i should ahve done when she was getting ravenous at 4 months was up her bottles - and that its what i did when i realised - so we went from 4 bottles a day to 3 hourly bottles again and that was fine for a few weeks til she got hungrier and i thought im not going to 2 hourly bottles (what with having to keep her upright for 30 mins after a bottle it means its a neverending cycle) and then we started on baby rice once a day as well - hope that helps
thanks, guys - although LO woke up at midnight and wanted a bottle and was fussy, we were able to settle him back to sleep about an hour later and my OH gave him his morning bottle and....LO took a two hour nap this am, so did I. I feel better, even though it was 'broken' sleep. Barboleta - we can use Calpol, which is paracetamol (the same as Tylenol) here and we use once, perhaps, twice a day at most when teething. I also use Nelson's teething gel and teething powders (natural stuff) and let him chew on our fingers, etc! I do completely understand his pain as I had my wisdom teeth slowly come in years earlier (and finally got them pulled out a few years ago), but as much as I love his baby stage, am looking forward to him proper talking, e.g. being able to say 'food', 'hungry', 'pain!' as it will be easier in that regard. My OH says that once LO is fully mobile, life will completely change as we know it, but that's okay with me -- I need the exercise!

Am actually feeling so much better today, even with the broken sleep -- at least, now that I know what's bothering LO (and he seems much better, too), I feel more confident -- but yesterday....growl!

thanks, guys and...welcome to the world, little Henry!

best wishes
sabrina you can also use calprofen alongside calpol if needs be - i try not to but if martha wakes in the night teething i give her calprofen rather than calpol

weve got these fab teethers from tommy tippe Tippee Gummy Teether - 2 Pack - Blue hope that link works! which are great for rubbing bongela on and then your lo can chew and get a good coating of bongela rather than just eating it :) we also put teethers in the fridge and that helps (sorry if youre already doing all that )
Finn started drooling and 'exploring his mouth' when he was about 3 months old -- his first two bottom front teeth came in at around 5 1/2 months, and as my previous posts said, he's getting a few more as we speak. Fortunately, today has been soooooo much better and am able to settle him/distract him much better (now that I know what's going on...!)

Rowan-- we tried the frozen/chilled teethers, but he doesn't like them much. I do have an inexpensive teething necklace that he will chew on, but he seems to like 'chewing' on a plastic ring (the type that go in a 5 ring stacker?, if that makes sense?), and he chews on everything, including his favourite stuffed toy -- an IKEA fox...

he's napping at the moment, and seems a little fussy, but not too hysterical today (as is his mummy - LOL!).

and I've actually been able to put a few potatoes in the oven for dinner, so am being a good 'housewife'...hahahaha

AND...tonight OH takes LO so I am going to try to go to bed early (however, as I am the only one who can really settle/get LO to sleep, hopefully, LO will sleep through (usually 10pm to 6am, but last night was an exception, e.g. waking up around 12am....hopefully, an exception!)

best wishes
Can I join you ladies again?? I originally posted waaaaay back in the beginning and I've lost touch.

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