any other over 35 first time mums?

Hi, guys -- my LO kept falling asleep last night, but when we tried to move him into the cot, he kept waking up, eventually, I decided to 'gentle play' and he didn't fall asleep until 11pm -- almost 2 1/2 hours after we started. On a positive note, tho, he did sleep through the 7.30am this morning, so it was almost like a annoyed with my OH, who sits on the couch watching us, but doing nothing whilst I am rocking LO and then tells me that it's MY FAULT as LO will now only fall asleep for me -- normally, my system works, especially for naps, so grumble and growl regarding my OH's blaming me for problems at night -- anybody else find LO different from naps to nights? Personally, I'm wondering if it's just too dark (we don't use blackout curtains) at night and when he wakes up at night, he can't as easily self-settle as during the day as he might be scared (we do have an ineffectual nightlight, tho)....

as for hair, I put the front up in a clip after a bath and/or into a scrunchie for a ponytail, as I HATE sweaty hair (I had pre-eclampsia and after LO came, I was sweating buckets; we even have a fan on in the living room as I even on a coldish day, get sweaty at times! I used to sweat buckets whenever LO started crying (but I read that that was perhaps hormonal?); it's better now, but if I cut it shorter, I would have to spend hours blowing it dry as my curls look okay on shoulder length hair (actually longer than that now) but odd with a short cut....oh, well.

sorry you didn't get much sleep last night Angel just wait until the twins are teenagers and supposedly, they'll sleep all the time! and it looks like Rowan's Martha also was a bit off sleeping-wise, so am glad that it wasn't just me (e.g. I know he'll fall asleep eventually, but would like some sort of idea (I was very smug at 9pm when he fell asleep, not so smug 5 minutes later when he woke up!)) and Indigo, I'm urged a glass of red wine after a tricky day with LO, so your OH sounds like a wise man suggesting a martini!

best wishes
Morning ladies,

I can already relate to the sleepless nights. I regularly wake at about 3 - 5am and lie awake for about 2 hours! Its soo annoying! YesI know its nothing like bhaving to battle with a LO who is refusing to go to sleep, but for me who can usually sleep from 10/11pm straight through to at least 7 or 8am, this is really frustrating.

On the other hand I'm just sooo annoyed with DF this morning. I am on the verge of tears. Think this if the first time in ages that I've been sooo cross with him! He said to his mom that the house has been a mess since I moved in!! How dare he?? After he finished talking to his mom I asked him to explain himself. He starts mentioning all my bits that are in the lounge. Yes I'm not the tidiest of people but I do try! Yes I am also nestingt through bits and pieces at the mo and we are in the process of designing wedding invitations so there are papers and ribbons in a bag.
Thikn I might need to walk out the room in a mo.

skweek- I had to go to the bathroom every 20 minutes or so it seemed from month 6 onwards, which was so fantastic for sleep (not!). As for the wedding invites, get a big plastic container to put everything in BUT since you are pregnant, it means your OH will have to cart and carry it -- see how long he complains about your bits and pieces when he has to help out!

skweek- I had to go to the bathroom every 20 minutes or so it seemed from month 6 onwards, which was so fantastic for sleep (not!). As for the wedding invites, get a big plastic container to put everything in BUT since you are pregnant, it means your OH will have to cart and carry it -- see how long he complains about your bits and pieces when he has to help out!


Well I landed up having a melt down soon after that post. DF asked if I wanted tea (I don't drink tea or coffee!) I know he was joking, as he usually does. He then asked if I wanted a drink and all I could say was a rather quiet no. He asked what was wrong and I replied nothing. He didn't buy it and we landed up talking it through.
He did apologize and has been a lot more sensitive since then.

So sorry about the rant! Pregnancy hormones! :haha:
lordy so much to catch up on and marthas fed up of playpen so i may only hsave a mo!! v wriggly!

kosh martha has too chunky legs for bumbo got to a point where she used to just stand up with it still attached lmao!!

martha didnt sleep too bad last night yey
oh shes very cross - am off!

hello to everyone :) hope you have good days!

Thisgo's legs do the same thing :haha::). Did you guys get the bumbo recall on the news? I not too worried about it. Once I see he is heavier than the bumbo I will not put him in there anymore.
Yeah for Martha sleeping good last night. Thiago did the same too. But the night before 3 am :dohh:!
Morning ladies,

I can already relate to the sleepless nights. I regularly wake at about 3 - 5am and lie awake for about 2 hours! Its soo annoying! YesI know its nothing like bhaving to battle with a LO who is refusing to go to sleep, but for me who can usually sleep from 10/11pm straight through to at least 7 or 8am, this is really frustrating.

On the other hand I'm just sooo annoyed with DF this morning. I am on the verge of tears. Think this if the first time in ages that I've been sooo cross with him! He said to his mom that the house has been a mess since I moved in!! How dare he?? After he finished talking to his mom I asked him to explain himself. He starts mentioning all my bits that are in the lounge. Yes I'm not the tidiest of people but I do try! Yes I am also nestingt through bits and pieces at the mo and we are in the process of designing wedding invitations so there are papers and ribbons in a bag.
Thikn I might need to walk out the room in a mo.

Tell you DF that if he thinks the house is messy now he doesn't no what is coming his way :haha:. He better get used to it! I was extremely type A personallity about how clean tend organized the house should be but now I should take a picture of the house for you to see it! And the worst part is that I don't even feel bad about the mess anymore! People come visit and them I try to put things away but other than that chances are it will stay there for 2 weeks until the cleaning ladies come to clean the house ( I LOVE them!!! :haha:).
Have you girls period changed after birth? I had a emcs and since I got my period back I don't feel any pain. My boobs used to kill me for 2 weeks before I got my period and on the first day I had cramps and felt bloated but now nothing :thumbup:. Very strange but I like it:).
Thanks ladies,
I did warn him that the mess will only get worse once she arrives and agreed. I did also say that we have to compromise where the mess is concerned. He admitted that he was so used to the place being his bachelor pad before I moved in. Yes it wasnt always neat and tidy but it was always his mess.
So hopefully he will be a bit more sensitive from now on
Hi everyone!

skweek--I had the same problem with my husband and tidying up during my last trimester, but for us the issue was the baby clothes I was arranging into sizes and counting to make sure I had enough of certain things. It was boxes and boxes, yes, but they were out of the way (well, out of my way, anyway :winkwink: ) when I didn't need them. Hormonal as well, I would say to him: "This is for our CHILD. How can you want to interfere with a project that is for our CHILD?! What kind of father are you?!" It worked though. And the threat of him carting the boxes worked as well.

Angel--I'm sorry that the night sucked again. And those three hours were broken up? Oh, man... But maybe you'll start to get good nights interspersed with not so good nights now?

Borboleta--I had a c/s too, and it did change; I also get no warning that it's coming because my boobs no longer hurt either. How strange! And for the first few, I bled so much I felt like a stuck pig. One night, I actually wore some adult diapers that we had bought for my labour because I was tired of the mess in the morning.

Our night was rough again, too. He woke up at 10:30--which he never does--and didn't want to go back down, so I gave him some Advil just in case it was his teeth. He calmed down and went back to sleep after that. Then he woke up at 2:30 and cried hard for an hour, no matter what we did. So, I finally gave him the Advil again, and within 15 minutes, he went right back to sleep. This morning I had a good look at his mouth, and the gums around his top middle two are quite swollen, and you can see the teeth quite clearly through the skin. This also explains his jerking his head back when drinking.

How do they end up coming in? It looks like they're just moving forward, breaking through the front of his gums instead of moving down. (Does that make any sense?) I can't imagine this is actually how it works, but they seem so prominent behind the gum.
ahh poor poppet it must eb so painful - marthas drooling a lot today so more teething on its way...
Sabrina, that's great your OH got your rocking technique to work. At the moment we rely on me BF Kia to sleep, maybe I'll get OH to try the rocking and see if it works. How long did it take? Angel, 3 hours sleep? You must be seriously exhausted. Hope you get a better sleep tonight. Can't imagine how tiring it must be to have twins. Hats off to you. Hoping their sleep improves soon. Clio, Kia has got one of her top middle two teeth through and the one next to it is on its way. It did kinda seem like it pushed through forwards as you could see the whole tooth through the gum before it broke through. It's very cute now it's through. Skweek, I can remember not sleeping well during the night in the last few months of pregnancy. It's like its nature's way of preparing you for what comes next. Seems unfair somehow. Are you working, do you get a chance for daytime naps? Oh, and whoever asked about periods, I haven't had one yet. One of the benefits of breastfeeding! ... So, one of my friends told me recently that at least once over the weekend her OH gets up with their LO after the first morning feed while she goes back to bed for a couple of hours. I suggested this to OH this morning and it was AMAZING. I slept from 9am till 11am and actually felt a bit refreshed this morning. Feel exhausted again now though. OH has been complaining a bit about how tired he feels today. I'm like, welcome to my world!
Sleek I forgot to tell you that I slept really bad from 3 months till the end of pregnancy!! It was horrible. I would wake up and stay up for at least 2 hours!! And of course after having the baby it didn't get any better!

Does any of your LO don't put stuff on their mouth? Thiago just likes to put his hands and arm in his mouth while teething. I try to give him things to chew on but he doesn't like it. Never seem a baby do that before.
Just wanted to tell you ladies a cute website called They have the cutest music and videos for babies. Thiago loves to watch twinkle twinkle little star and the snow flakes video. They sell the music too.
Does any of your LO don't put stuff on their mouth? Thiago just likes to put his hands and arm in his mouth while teething. I try to give him things to chew on but he doesn't like it. Never seem a baby do that before.

Does he ever put stuff into his mouth, or is it just during teething that he doesn't? J is teething like crazy right now, and he isn't putting anything in his mouth. A family friend of mine is a dentist, and she says it's because their gums are so sore that chewing on anything hurts more than soothes. Poor Thiago!
Does any of your LO don't put stuff on their mouth? Thiago just likes to put his hands and arm in his mouth while teething. I try to give him things to chew on but he doesn't like it. Never seem a baby do that before.

Does he ever put stuff into his mouth, or is it just during teething that he doesn't? J is teething like crazy right now, and he isn't putting anything in his mouth. A family friend of mine is a dentist, and she says it's because their gums are so sore that chewing on anything hurts more than soothes. Poor Thiago!

G is teething right now too and I think you're right,he's putting things in his mouth less than usual. he was in pain yesterday and I tried to rub some bonjela on his gums - I must have touched a painful spot because he cried really badly :cry::nope:
Kia likes to put my mobile phone in her mouth. She doesn't generally put teething toys in her mouth except sophie the giraffe. She loves sophie.
Kia likes to put my mobile phone in her mouth. She doesn't generally put teething toys in her mouth except sophie the giraffe. She loves sophie.

oh, we looove sophie too!
Glad you were able to get some extra rest, leeze -- my OH does the 6am feeding, and LO used to fall back asleep, giving me some extra sleep, but the last few weeks, he hasn't, except this am, when he did fall back asleep; he's teething and woke up throughout the night, but I was able to settle him, but that meant I couldn't really relax and go back to sleep.

Listen to this, guys-- I try to give my OH one lie-in (usually on a Sunday) and yesterday, he vegged out and watched a movie on his laptop; not a problem, but then he proceeds to tell me that we should each have some free time each week, and he equates MY free time with running errands (and I guess bathing! when LO is sleeping) and his to watch movies, etc. WTF? I went to bed, but realised that I was quite annoyed, so we discussed the matter (we did, didn't argue) and I made him realise that free time equals somebody else watching the baby and doing whatever we want for an hour or so and going to the supermarket is not anybody's idea of free time! I look forward to a proper lie-in myself, e.g. on Saturday morning, he couldn't (or wouldn't) settle LO for his morning nap, so I had to get up around 8-ish (yes, I agree, better than 6:30am, tho, but...he didn't get up until noon yesterday!)....He was a bit patronising, e.g. but he doesn't realise that during LO's naps, I do all the housework, laundry, etc., it's not just an opportunity to surf the internet!

growl and grumble!

and it's pouring rain in Ireland today, so NO chance of getting out for a walk with LO....

best wishes

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