any other over 35 first time mums?

Oh my gosh - I have all this coming my way still!
As for the sleeping - I seem to go through about a week when I sleep straight through and then another week when I cant seem to get back to sleep after going to the toilet! This morning wasn't too bad. Only took me about 30 minutes.

I think my LO had the hiccups this morning. Was really cute sitting here watching my belly rhythmically 'jump'. DF could even see it and feel it!
She has been very active again today.
My LO was always head down, so when I 'tried' to sleep, on the left side, I would get his hiccups and on the right, he would be punching me.....and his legs would pound on my lungs and his head was always resting on my bladder, hence the need to go to the loo every 20 minutes. Although I had a c-section, the first time post-catheter that I needed to go to the loo, I was so delighted that I was able to actually pee and could go for at least an hour before another one!

best wishes
I was okay with sleeping; I would just get in bed, choose a side, and was fine for the rest of the night. But unfortunately, I was usually awake until 4 or 5 in the morning because I had horrible insomnia.

Awful night. J woke at 2 am because of teething. I gave him Advil, tried to hold him until it kicked in and he actually let me rock him to sleep. But when I put him in the crib--crying. So I went through it all again. And again. And again. Sometimes he seemed like he was going to stay down, and I could even leave the room. But as soon as I climbed in bed, he'd go off again. And it would all repeat itself. I also knew that he wasn't hungry, because once the pain calmed down, he was able to take the bottle I brought. I finally decided that I had endured enough and got my husband. I also asked him what time it was. It was 5 o'clock in the morning. I had been doing this for 3 hours. He took J downstairs to play, and I crashed.

Please tell me that this horribleness is happening because his teeth are going to come through today. Or tomorrow. Or just really, really soon. Is there a final push of pain right before they come in? Or will everything subside again, and we'll have to go through this again? Please tell me that it'll be over soon!
I was okay with sleeping; I would just get in bed, choose a side, and was fine for the rest of the night. But unfortunately, I was usually awake until 4 or 5 in the morning because I had horrible insomnia.

Awful night. J woke at 2 am because of teething. I gave him Advil, tried to hold him until it kicked in and he actually let me rock him to sleep. But when I put him in the crib--crying. So I went through it all again. And again. And again. Sometimes he seemed like he was going to stay down, and I could even leave the room. But as soon as I climbed in bed, he'd go off again. And it would all repeat itself. I also knew that he wasn't hungry, because once the pain calmed down, he was able to take the bottle I brought. I finally decided that I had endured enough and got my husband. I also asked him what time it was. It was 5 o'clock in the morning. I had been doing this for 3 hours. He took J downstairs to play, and I crashed.

Please tell me that this horribleness is happening because his teeth are going to come through today. Or tomorrow. Or just really, really soon. Is there a final push of pain right before they come in? Or will everything subside again, and we'll have to go through this again? Please tell me that it'll be over soon!

We've been going through this off and on since the beginning of the month. She used to be a great sleeper. Now she's up during the night, I get her back to bed and then she gets up earlier than normal to start her day.
We have 1 tooth to show for it so far. A 2nd is on it's way through and the last few nights have been awful. I'm assuming it's from her teething but we also switched to milk earlier in the month. Now I wonder if that may possibly be upsetting her too. I just don't know....what I do know is that I'm exhausted as I'm sure you are.......
am exhausted, too, clio and moti -- up and down most of the night, but I did get some sleep in-between; LO's naps today have been pretty short and now, crankiness has hit him as well.........teething is horrible!

I was okay with sleeping; I would just get in bed, choose a side, and was fine for the rest of the night. But unfortunately, I was usually awake until 4 or 5 in the morning because I had horrible insomnia.

Awful night. J woke at 2 am because of teething. I gave him Advil, tried to hold him until it kicked in and he actually let me rock him to sleep. But when I put him in the crib--crying. So I went through it all again. And again. And again. Sometimes he seemed like he was going to stay down, and I could even leave the room. But as soon as I climbed in bed, he'd go off again. And it would all repeat itself. I also knew that he wasn't hungry, because once the pain calmed down, he was able to take the bottle I brought. I finally decided that I had endured enough and got my husband. I also asked him what time it was. It was 5 o'clock in the morning. I had been doing this for 3 hours. He took J downstairs to play, and I crashed.

Please tell me that this horribleness is happening because his teeth are going to come through today. Or tomorrow. Or just really, really soon. Is there a final push of pain right before they come in? Or will everything subside again, and we'll have to go through this again? Please tell me that it'll be over soon!

So sorry you are having terrible nights! What tooth is coming in? Is it the top ones. Just wondering so I can get prepared. I think his fourth one is coming but I just haven't seeing the little stinker yet but his gums are swollen so I know it is coming.
Yup, the top middle two. You can see them quite clearly, but they ain't in yet.

Oh man, he's now up from his, what, 10 minute nap?

Oh my gosh - I have all this coming my way still!
As for the sleeping - I seem to go through about a week when I sleep straight through and then another week when I cant seem to get back to sleep after going to the toilet! This morning wasn't too bad. Only took me about 30 minutes.

I think my LO had the hiccups this morning. Was really cute sitting here watching my belly rhythmically 'jump'. DF could even see it and feel it!
She has been very active again today.
You're making me feel VERY broody!
My LO was always head down, so when I 'tried' to sleep, on the left side, I would get his hiccups and on the right, he would be punching me.....and his legs would pound on my lungs and his head was always resting on my bladder, hence the need to go to the loo every 20 minutes. Although I had a c-section, the first time post-catheter that I needed to go to the loo, I was so delighted that I was able to actually pee and could go for at least an hour before another one!

best wishes

I remember that first wee too. Felt like the best wee I'd done for 6 months! Like I'd really properly emptied my bladder and not just let a trickle out!
Kia's had a lot of trouble with teething recently too, Clio. She's got the top middle 2 coming and the 2 either side of the middle 2. The last 3 or 4 nights have been ok but before that we were up nearly every night between 1 and 3 times for about a month. Every baby is different though, hopefully it'll pass soon. Poor little babies and poor mummies too. Hard times xx
Again -- my OH was able to put LO down for a nap tonight! Twice in two days -- I am impressed! (and told him so!). Finn isn't taking very long naps at the moment, e.g. he did have an 1 1/2 hour this am, but only 20 mins or so at 3, 5.30 and 8 (I don't think he's down for the night, sigh)....(I try to give a nap every two hours after a nap, so for instance, he woke up from a lovely nap (where I did loads of housework, laundry, etc) at 12.30 and then did go to sleep at 3 (but for 20-25 mins), then at 5.30 for 20-25 mins, and now at 8 until? He was screaming and in so much pain that we gave him his daily teething dose of calpol early (usually would have around 12 (but he was asleep) and one around 8-ish pre-bedtime, we gave at around 6....

I'm curious -- those mums who give calpol or tylenol, etc., do you give a preventative or when a teething/screaming incident happens? We give when it's obvious pain/teething (I would hate to overuse and to use when he's fussy from an upset tummy, etc). Also, I find that his pain seems worse in the afternoon/evening (except for last Monday lunchtime....), anybody else?

best wishes
Kia's had a lot of trouble with teething recently too, Clio. She's got the top middle 2 coming and the 2 either side of the middle 2. The last 3 or 4 nights have been ok but before that we were up nearly every night between 1 and 3 times for about a month. Every baby is different though, hopefully it'll pass soon. Poor little babies and poor mummies too. Hard times xx

:shock: You mean you've been going through the top middle two for a month??? Oh wait--OVER a month??? So this isn't the end of it? I was really hoping that they'll just pop on through in the next few days and then we'll just wait for the next ones.


skweek--how far are you in your planning/shopping (ie. clothes, stroller, things that help soothe them, etc)? You may have already sorted everything out, but by 30 weeks, I was just starting with it all. I just wanted to say that I was always really confused about what was reasonable to get (like, for example, how many newborn vests), and it helped to talk to people on forums to figure out what I needed. If you do still need some help, I think everyone here would be happy to provide some advice. And I apologize if I'm presuming too much! :blush:
I'm curious -- those mums who give calpol or tylenol, etc., do you give a preventative or when a teething/screaming incident happens? We give when it's obvious pain/teething (I would hate to overuse and to use when he's fussy from an upset tummy, etc). Also, I find that his pain seems worse in the afternoon/evening (except for last Monday lunchtime....), anybody else?

best wishes

Yay for OH! Soon you'll have less stress on your hands!

We use Advil (no idea what the UK equivalent is) because it is both a pain killer and an anti-inflammatory. Maybe calpol is the same?

My husband and I discussed this very issue yesterday--preventative or when needed? I decided to go with when needed for the same reason you did; I don't want to dose him when he doesn't need it. And yes, the pain is worse in the afternoon/evenings, but then all night as well. After last night's fiasco, and my lie-in, we had a lovely time playing this morning. His mood was great, my mood was great...

At least I have a pretty surefire way of knowing when he's having teething trouble (at least for these two teeth) and not anything else, like tummy trouble. He can't take a bottle if they're hurting him, even though he's obviously hungry. He just keeps jerking his head away. I also know when the Advil has taken effect because he then drinks properly.

My nephew, who is a year older than J, is getting his molars in and is in a vile mood all the time. I'm so not looking forward to that.

Has anyone been using an amber teething necklace? I thought at first that they were silly, but when my SIL bought one for my nephew, even my very cynical BIL had to admit that it did seem to help with his fussiness. So I bought one, and so far, it isn't helping. I leave it on him, though, because it makes him look like a hippie.
No worries Clio, We have fortunately so many around who have recently had LO's. DF's sister had a little boy last year so has given us so much - pram, moses basket, bouncer, clothes and toys!
The car seat is due to arrive tomorrow.
Other friends have given us sooo many clothes for her! I think she has more clothes than both of us!! Have already washed and ironed all her 0-3 months clothes. The rest of her clothes are sorted into boxes for when I need them.
I know I have a baby shower, but don't know when it is. Best friend is organising it.
Still have a few bits to organise and buy - cot bed and dresser/changer, carry cot for the pram and mattresses for both basket and cot.

Is there anything we have forgotten?

We are also in the process of organising and making our wedding invitations. DF is really good with those sorts of things - leave the perfectionist when he gets busy! hehe
I have also been looking at wedding favours.

Oh my gosh - DF has just shown me a draft copy of the invite - I LOVE IT!!! It already looks sooo professional even though its just been printed in B&W on the normal printer! Laser printer hopefully arriving in a few days time.
Clio, we've had one of the bottom 2 and 4 on the top all come or coming one after another for about a month. The top middle right gave lots of trouble but seemed ok after it broke through about 2 weeks ago. It's other half so top middle right is only just now coming in, but its neighbour next to middle left has already come through. We normally give calpol at night before bed if there's lots of screaming and drooling. Not tried the amber neclace but have heard lots of good things about them
Again -- my OH was able to put LO down for a nap tonight! Twice in two days -- I am impressed! (and told him so!). Finn isn't taking very long naps at the moment, e.g. he did have an 1 1/2 hour this am, but only 20 mins or so at 3, 5.30 and 8 (I don't think he's down for the night, sigh)....(I try to give a nap every two hours after a nap, so for instance, he woke up from a lovely nap (where I did loads of housework, laundry, etc) at 12.30 and then did go to sleep at 3 (but for 20-25 mins), then at 5.30 for 20-25 mins, and now at 8 until? He was screaming and in so much pain that we gave him his daily teething dose of calpol early (usually would have around 12 (but he was asleep) and one around 8-ish pre-bedtime, we gave at around 6....

I'm curious -- those mums who give calpol or tylenol, etc., do you give a preventative or when a teething/screaming incident happens? We give when it's obvious pain/teething (I would hate to overuse and to use when he's fussy from an upset tummy, etc). Also, I find that his pain seems worse in the afternoon/evening (except for last Monday lunchtime....), anybody else?

best wishes

I give it to thiago Tylenol if he seems in pain or chewing on his fingers and arms too much. Normally before bed time that is when it seems to hurt him more than usual.
J never responded much to Sophie. But he doesn't have one single toy that he likes over others. He's very democratic that way. Anyway, Sophie was just another toy. He has a whack load of teethers, but refuses all of them. Instead he knaws on other things, like his crib... :growlmad:

Leeze--that teething sounds crazy. I really hope that J isn't heading down that route, but I think he is. Everything seems to be coming in all at once.

I can't believe that Thiago and Martha have teeth already. That's crazy early to my mind. Did they fuss much?
He fusses some. It is not terrible but you can tell it bothere him sometimes. He has the two middle bottom teeth, them he got the left other bottom teeth. So I thought the next one was the right bottom teeth but he has been nodding on his fingers at the next left bottom :wacko:! I told my husband I think he will get all the bottom left teeth first and them go from there !!!! I know there is a 4 th teeth coming just wondering which one it is. He had terrible naps today ( about 20 min each) just one good one ( 1 hour and 1/2) because I lay down with him. I miss the 45 min naps:).

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