any other over 35 first time mums?

they were just pics of N! :haha:

... I'm feeling like N's growing & changing too quickly....ever feel like that? He doesn't fit into his 0-3 mo clothes anymore.

Oh, I know. I felt so sad every time I had to retire another size. As for changing, it's been so odd watching J become mobile. He just did it so fast. One day, he's lying on his back on the floor, like an upside down turtle, and the next, he's found ways to move around. It's crazy.

And those pictures of Niko are gorgeous! They shouldn't be hidden by a spoiler!
lol only "walking" holding onto our fingers - she tries by herself but isnt strong enough (and neither is my heart lol) she cruises and stands by herself and will stand and take a few steps in a launch at something if Im not quick enough - lordy its nerve wracking - well i think so lol - shes so over crawling and just wants to "walk" everywhere up and down the hall and into the room then up and down the room, round and round the playground this am - how she isnt exhausted I dont know - i certainly am :) she crawls over and then grabs your hands and pulls up and then were off...or pulls up on the sofa and then cruises until she reaches someone or something she can launch at...

Amazing:)! 7 months !!!
Indigo and Clio: love the LO pictures:).

And question for the mommies that LO's have their top teeth. Did you LO sucked on their bottom lip while those teeth were coming? Thiago started that doing that today and hubby and I checked his gums and they look kind of swallow and he has been drulling and chewing on his hands a bunch too.
Indigo and Clio: love the LO pictures:).

And question for the mommies that LO's have their top teeth. Did you LO sucked on their bottom lip while those teeth were coming? Thiago started that doing that today and hubby and I checked his gums and they look kind of swallow and he has been drulling and chewing on his hands a bunch too.

J's are coming in right now, and he keeps making a kissing sound. They all probably have different ways of coping with it, so it could very well be a sign that they're coming in. Is this new?
Indigo and Clio: love the LO pictures:).

And question for the mommies that LO's have their top teeth. Did you LO sucked on their bottom lip while those teeth were coming? Thiago started that doing that today and hubby and I checked his gums and they look kind of swallow and he has been drulling and chewing on his hands a bunch too.

J's are coming in right now, and he keeps making a kissing sound. They all probably have different ways of coping with it, so it could very well be a sign that they're coming in. Is this new?

Started today. He was sucking on his bottom lips most of the day.
we havent got any top teeth yet -muchos drooling and waking in the night for us gah!
i havent been this exhausted since she was a newborn lol

love the pic of jonah - dh is gettign babygates and a table like jonahs today :)

were stuck in all day waiting for the new kitchen to vbe delievered boring!
ps tried a few si[py cups - ones that dont drip etc but she cuoldnt get away with them so we have abog standard cheapie cup that spills everywhere lol she likes it tho - she loves sprinkling herself with water v funny!
morning everyone! :hi:

sabrina - I only now checked the website you posted. it's great - thanks!!

borboleta, clio -
yes, we had a 3rd teeth coming through that didn't seem to give much trouble, it is the 4th one a week or so later that is giving us hell :nope: so he now has his bottom two and on two (one and a tiny bit actually) top ones, not the middle ones but the ones next to those, so he looks well funny :haha: he doesn't make kissing noises or sucks his lips, but he twists his mouth and grinds them against each other :wacko:

indigo - I know, the grow soooo fast, don't they. I cried when his third tooth came through and every time I have to put away clothes because they don't fit anymore! :cry:
oh, and shots :nope:

question to other fellow BLWers - what do you give your LO for dinner? I haven't given G any proper 'meal' yet. we've had loads of veg and fruit and recently cheese on toast, but not a proper 'prepared' meal. what do you suggest?

also, do you know what food we can NOT give them? a friend said they can't have flour yet? :shrug:

oh, and one more - what does your 'nappy output' look like?? :winkwink: i found a piece of carrot yesterday, it looked exactly the same as before eaten! :haha:
indigo - I know, the grow soooo fast, don't they. I cried when his third tooth came through and every time I have to put away clothes because they don't fit anymore! :cry:
oh, and shots :nope::

I wanted to wait but the doc scared my DH with whooping cough & flu stories. Now he has a fever. :cry:

They made me feel like a crazy, overprotective mother. :growlmad:

The ladies at the doc's office were doing Zumba in the waiting room. (we were there past closing time) it looked like fun!

I think I need to try yoga or something. I still have aches & pains as if I'm still pregnant.

A carrot in his nappy? That should be a song....:haha:
re: carrot - Whenever my cat got into nuts, her poop would have the whole nut in them -LOL!

Took LO in for his 6 month immunisations; he only cried for a minute or two, I gave him some calpol and he took a nap -- now on the jumperoo and he seems fine! Even though my OH had LO last night, I still woke up around 5am, 6am, etc....growl.

Here's the credit crunch madness here in Ireland -- I put in for a small loan and they told me because I was still on maternity leave (and not on my regular salary), they wouldn't give me a loan unless I put an equal amount in the bank for security (I needed 1,000 euros and have 500 euros in the bank) -- WTF?

And, Finn has become happily reaquainted with sophie the giraffe and is chewing on her -- his top front teeth are in the process of coming in, so sophie is helping but sooooo much drool!

indigo - I know, the grow soooo fast, don't they. I cried when his third tooth came through and every time I have to put away clothes because they don't fit anymore! :cry:
oh, and shots :nope::

I wanted to wait but the doc scared my DH with whooping cough & flu stories. Now he has a fever. :cry:

They made me feel like a crazy, overprotective mother. :growlmad:

The ladies at the doc's office were doing Zumba in the waiting room. (we were there past closing time) it looked like fun!

I think I need to try yoga or something. I still have aches & pains as if I'm still pregnant.

A carrot in his nappy? That should be a song....:haha:

I teach Zumba indigo:). It is a super fun class:). The hour goes by really fast and you just have a blast and burn from 300 to 800 calories:). You should try it but yoga is fun too:).
Here's the credit crunch madness here in Ireland -- I put in for a small loan and they told me because I was still on maternity leave (and not on my regular salary), they wouldn't give me a loan unless I put an equal amount in the bank for security (I needed 1,000 euros and have 500 euros in the bank) -- WTF?

WTF is right! That makes no sense. You need to give them money so they can give you the money that you don't have to give them in the first place and hence are coming to them to give you money?

I hope I get everybody! Okay...

Indigo--Oh, I doubt this is the last time you'll be afraid people will think you're over-protective. I've already had that sense from others on many occasions...

kosh--I've given him tofu, meatloaf and chicken all from the Baby Led Weaning Cookbook. It's great--the book has so many easy things to make. Plus then you add some broccoli, maybe a rice cake, or even sticky rice, and with his formula, you've got all the major food groups covered. I've also given him pasta.

Re: Flour--it's fine to give just as long as there is no gluten allergy in the family. And even in some cases it is still okay to give them wheat (celiac runs through DH's family, but I'm still supposed to wean J as I would any other baby to see if a problem presents itself). But they're not supposed to have any egg whites that are even approaching raw (like in scrambled eggs). And avoid anything that a family member has an allergy to.

Re: Poo--no sign of undigested food, but his poos are sooo much thicker now.

Rowan--Oh, we finally got a baby gate (we're going to have to install them as they're needed because they cause us much stress). And, even the extra wide one didn't fit our stairs. So we had to do all sorts of wrangling and improvising that I think that our stairs are now even more dangerous than before. And re: music table--J loves his. He works it like he's a DJ spinning his tunes. Have you tried second hand that sell them for less? I got mine off of Craig's List for $18, when it costs $60 new. And it's in perfect condition. Let us know how the gate instalment goes for you; maybe you can give us some tips...

Oh, re: cruising shoes: I looked for some today, and they were $25! My mum is going to buy some for him and bring them next week.

Borboleta--excuse my ignorance, but what is Zumba? Not that I can do any proper exercise until my SI joint is stronger, but maybe I'll do it then! Because horseback riding is now completely out of the question forever, and that's how I used to keep fit. And thin. :cry:

As for us, well, we still haven't installed the baby gate entirely and his teething stopped again. Still no sign of the teeth, though. Last night was really good; he only woke once at 3:30, had his bottle and then went right back to sleep. So no PAR-TAY! last night. Yay! Now if he'd just STTN!

Okay, time for a nap. J is sleeping and my husband is on J duty when he wakes. :sleep:
Hi everyone - its been so long since Ive been on Bnb but thought it was time to get back to it!

Can't believe my little girl is 8 months old today - how mad is that - 8 months old, not crawling, 4 teeth and still has me up during the night! Shes wildly windy, has reflux and has had a few issues with uti's - it's not been as easy ride but I love the little lady to bits.

Ever hopeful the little lady starts sleeping better at night so I can catch up with you all. Oh and I'm 36 and this is my first!
Welcome to the thread Storm1jet2 :)

Hope all you ladies are well. I am off to bed hoping that Master Dominic will let me sleep a few hours! Hope springs eternal dontcha know ;)
Hi everyone - its been so long since Ive been on Bnb but thought it was time to get back to it!

Can't believe my little girl is 8 months old today - how mad is that - 8 months old, not crawling, 4 teeth and still has me up during the night! Shes wildly windy, has reflux and has had a few issues with uti's - it's not been as easy ride but I love the little lady to bits.

Ever hopeful the little lady starts sleeping better at night so I can catch up with you all. Oh and I'm 36 and this is my first!

hi storm!! :hi: remember me?
we got pregnant at about the same time!
Welcome to the thread Storm1jet2 :)

Hope all you ladies are well. I am off to bed hoping that Master Dominic will let me sleep a few hours! Hope springs eternal dontcha know ;)

hope your night is not too bad angel :hugs:
kosh--I've given him tofu, meatloaf and chicken all from the Baby Led Weaning Cookbook. It's great--the book has so many easy things to make. Plus then you add some broccoli, maybe a rice cake, or even sticky rice, and with his formula, you've got all the major food groups covered. I've also given him pasta.

Re: Flour--it's fine to give just as long as there is no gluten allergy in the family. And even in some cases it is still okay to give them wheat (celiac runs through DH's family, but I'm still supposed to wean J as I would any other baby to see if a problem presents itself). But they're not supposed to have any egg whites that are even approaching raw (like in scrambled eggs). And avoid anything that a family member has an allergy to.

Re: Poo--no sign of undigested food, but his poos are sooo much thicker now.

really?? mm that's a bit worrying...maybe G is swallowing food to quickly and not chewing it enough? it's not only carrots, i can identify everything in his nappy! should i ask the doc/HV?
:wave: Storm! You still have the banner! Let's see your LO, please!
I teach Zumba indigo:). It is a super fun class:). The hour goes by really fast and you just have a blast and burn from 300 to 800 calories:). You should try it but yoga is fun too:).

I know! You must be skinny! It looked like A LOT of fun....more like dancing, less like exercise....right up my alley....:winkwink:

I'd love to try both. Now, if I can only get my DH to babysit after work. Hmmmmm....:coffee:
:hi: Welcome to the thread, Storm! I have an 8 month old too!

Re: Poo--no sign of undigested food, but his poos are sooo much thicker now.

really?? mm that's a bit worrying...maybe G is swallowing food to quickly and not chewing it enough? it's not only carrots, i can identify everything in his nappy! should i ask the doc/HV?

How mushy is the food you're giving him? I've been trying to give him mushy/soft food so he can take it in but also digest it. But food with protein in it. Minced meat has been working really well--beef, turkey, chicken. Easy to get down without choking. Firm tofu is easy, too. As for veg, we stick to broccoli. He loves it and I know he won't choke on it. Also, it's only 3 min in the microwave.

Hmmnnn... I guess I should expand his veg repertoire, but they are actually the things that make me scared.

But I have to say, he still gets down so little. But maybe enough to thicken his poo?

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