any other over 35 first time mums?

. Mind you, she does often seem to move very quickly when I'm changing her and get poo on her feet somehow. Yuk.
:haha: Oh, the joys of parenting... :haha:

oh we had poo everywhere tonight :sick:

Today was the worst I've experienced. He "found" his penis in the bath the other day, and loves to play with it. And this morning, while I was changing his poo-filled diaper, he reached down and played with his poo-covered willy. Which then went on his way to his mouth. I caught it in time, but seriously, do they not have a sense of self-preservation?

Indigo--I love the pics! The cat and N's face are too cute!

Omg :haha:I can tell I'm gonna get a few laughs on this thread :haha::hugs:

Hi Bravemom! Yes, our collective LOs keep this thread lively!
Sabrina! Got room for one more?


That's so funny - your cat looks similar to my big cat (Sabrina, actually), but my cat is huge! and she keeps trying to get onto LO's play centre as well (we have to hide behind the door when not in use!)

well, the 'big' lottery win was not 1 euro, but a scratchcard, which had nothing matching, so I guess it's back to coins that have fallen behind the sofa cushions!

Finn's been pretty good tonight, and has gone down to sleep at 9.15 - cross fingers he doesn't wake up at 11! He's also been practicising his whines and screams all night, but when he sees that we are looking at him, he just starts to laugh!

Clio you always make me laugh so much! Your son sounds like such a character too! Adorable!
And I think that kitty is soo sweet Indi as is your son! I love that little grumpy face! But looking at your kitty makes me miss ours sooo much! :cry: Here is a pic.

I must say I am full of admiration for you Leeze and you others who actually cook and purée your kids' food! I always hated cooking and I don't think I will change now that I am so ancient. Maybe OH will want to cook for the boys but I was happy today when I looked at the Hipp Organic baby foods in jars to see that they have meat in there too! I realise that this is not BLW and while I like the idea of giving them proper food things to taste, I really really do not like to cook :( To me it is almost on par with cleaning the oven and actually marginally worse than ironing. :( I am a bad mum I know. :(

Oh and yes! Welcome Bravemom :)
. Mind you, she does often seem to move very quickly when I'm changing her and get poo on her feet somehow. Yuk.
:haha: Oh, the joys of parenting... :haha:

oh we had poo everywhere tonight :sick:

Today was the worst I've experienced. He "found" his penis in the bath the other day, and loves to play with it. And this morning, while I was changing his poo-filled diaper, he reached down and played with his poo-covered willy. Which then went on his way to his mouth. I caught it in time, but seriously, do they not have a sense of self-preservation
Ha ha. You win on the poo stories so far. Yuk
we had a horrid poo nappy today whilst i was in the throes of nausea...trying not to throw up on her while she tried to crawl all over the room had to laugh it was so ridiculous :)
we had a horrid poo nappy today whilst i was in the throes of nausea...trying not to throw up on her while she tried to crawl all over the room had to laugh it was so ridiculous :)


My friend carried a bucket (seriously, a bucket) around with her all day while she tried to deal with her 2 year old toddler. This allowed her to throw up on the run. She said she especially needed it for poopy nappy changes.
Clio you always make me laugh so much! Your son sounds like such a character too! Adorable!
And I think that kitty is soo sweet Indi as is your son! I love that little grumpy face! But looking at your kitty makes me miss ours .sooo much! :cry: Here is a pic.
View attachment 468145

I must say I am full of admiration for you Leeze and you others who actually cook and purée your kids' food! I always hated cooking and I don't think I will change now that I am so ancient. Maybe OH will want to cook for the boys but I was happy today when I looked at the Hipp Organic baby foods in jars to see that they have meat in there too! I realise that this is not BLW and while I like the idea of giving them proper food things to taste, I really really do not like to cook :( To me it is almost on par with cleaning the oven and actually marginally worse than ironing. :( I am a bad mum I know. :(

Oh and yes! Welcome Bravemom :)
that's sweet of you to say. Although I do really love cooking. I hate any type of housework type chores but I've always loved cooking. Partly because I like eating so much. Saying that, I have given Kia quite a few pouches too, especially if out and about although I try to give her at least one fresh meal a day if possible. She loved the Ella's kitchen stage 1 pouches, the organix and hipp organic fruit pots and now the Plum stage 2 pouches. There's quite a few she hasn't liked so I'd recommend you try your boys on a few different ones to see what they like. I taste them sometimes too and sometimes they taste vile. A little tip for you if you're going to do lots of jars and pouches then check all the websites of the different companies. You can normally sign up to join their club and you then get some freebies and some money-off vouchers. I've had quite a few already and they come in handy.
That's so funny - your cat looks similar to my big cat (Sabrina, actually), but my cat is huge! and she keeps trying to get onto LO's play centre as well (we have to hide behind the door when not in use!)

Omg...I'll try to find a picture of my MIL's cat.....20 lbs!!!!!

Indigo was my first cat. :winkwink:
I think I'm the shittiest mother on the planet. I was trimming his nails and......

When I tried to apply pressure to stop the bleeding, he started screaming MORE....

When I tried to put ice on it, he started crying MORE...


My husband REFUSES to trim his nails & now so do I....We're going to have to hire someone....:coffee:

This is ALL my husband's fault! :growlmad:
Clio you always make me laugh so much! Your son sounds like such a character too! Adorable!
And I think that kitty is soo sweet Indi as is your son! I love that little grumpy face! But looking at your kitty makes me miss ours sooo much! :cry: Here is a pic.
View attachment 468145

I must say I am full of admiration for you Leeze and you others who actually cook and purée your kids' food! I always hated cooking and I don't think I will change now that I am so ancient. Maybe OH will want to cook for the boys but I was happy today when I looked at the Hipp Organic baby foods in jars to see that they have meat in there too! I realise that this is not BLW and while I like the idea of giving them proper food things to taste, I really really do not like to cook :( To me it is almost on par with cleaning the oven and actually marginally worse than ironing. :( I am a bad mum I know. :(

Oh and yes! Welcome Bravemom :)

Thanks Angel! Well, J is fodder for good stories...

As for cooking, I hate it too. I made J's dinner in three different stages today because I can only stand it for so long. And I was all prepared to go the jar/sachet route but J wouldn't allow us to feed him. So, BLW was my only option.
I think I'm the shittiest mother on the planet. I was trimming his nails and......

When I tried to apply pressure to stop the bleeding, he started screaming MORE....

When I tried to put ice on it, he started crying MORE...


My husband REFUSES to trim his nails & now so do I....We're going to have to hire someone....:coffee:

This is ALL my husband's fault! :growlmad:

Woah! How did I miss this! Poor Indigo. I know. It's a horrible job. My husband won't do it because he claims it's not part of his "Daddy Contract." So I just bite them off. They come off really really easily.

I remember when I cut him and it wouldn't stop bleeding. I remember actually getting scared, thinking it would never stop. :cry:

Oh, and to make the "Mommy Contract" equal to the "Daddy Contract," I refuse to change a poo-y diaper when my husband's around. I added it to my contract. And amazingly, he abides by it. Sucker.
Clio: funny poop story:).

Love to hear all of you talking about recipes:). We are not there yet but I am taking notes:).

Thiago was having a hard evening with teething! But nothing that Tylenol couldn't fix it:). Now that he is almost 6 months we will be able to give him Advil too:). And found out today thiago does not like peas. He keeps gagging every time I put it in his mouth. Oh well now off to pears:).
I think I'm the shittiest mother on the planet. I was trimming his nails and......

When I tried to apply pressure to stop the bleeding, he started screaming MORE....

When I tried to put ice on it, he started crying MORE...


My husband REFUSES to trim his nails & now so do I....We're going to have to hire someone....:coffee:

This is ALL my husband's fault! :growlmad:

Indig, so sorry to hear about the nail. I wish I was closer to you and I would happily come by and trim his nails for you:). I love trimming babies nails :). I did so many times that now I became a pro but I can just imagine how terrible you felt. Lots of moms do that though so don't be too hard on your self:). When they are as little as you LO just squeeze his nail gently and just trim a little away from the actual finger. Now when he is about 3 or 4 months you can do the same thing and just cut the part that stays white when you squeeze his nails. Newborn nails are really difficult to cut i agree. Maybe you can just file his nails for now and them when he is a little older you can start trimming them again. The more you practice the better you get:).
Clio: funny poop story:).

Love to hear all of you talking about recipes:). We are not there yet but I am taking notes:).

Thiago was having a hard evening with teething! But nothing that Tylenol couldn't fix it:). Now that he is almost 6 months we will be able to give him Advil too:). And found out today thiago does not like peas. He keeps gagging every time I put it in his mouth. Oh well now off to pears:).

I wish my mother had paid attention to the fact I did not like peas as early as 5 months. That would have saved us years of frustration.

Baby Advil is wonderful. Like, wonderful. It's Baby Tylenol on steroids. For babies, though, so not very strong steroids. Baby Steroids.
O indigo ,I have done that too in the past wen cutting my kids nails ,I now do it wen they are asleep ,(well I did wen they were younger ) it's very stressful ESP now since wot happened but its so so easy accidentally catching the skin ,:nope:sometimes doing it with small baby scissors helps too or just use an emery board until u become more confident ,you are a great mommy and n loves you very much :kiss::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
I trim LO's naps when we are having a nappy change, but not all at once, e.g. one or two at a time...also, moisturise his face daily (or twice, if loads of dribble) after a nappy change -- Finn absolutely hated his nappy being changed when he was younger, so I made up a few songs and had a 'routine', now, he doesn't mind too much nails being trimmed (but again, one or two at a time)....

Clio -- you are NOT a bad mummy! I'm very lazy regarding puree -- I use organic packets myself. And I HATE peas and it appears so does LO (judging by his reaction of spitting them out everywhere!); once we introduce meat, tho, it will be easier as LO will have had the vegs/fruit we eat and can then puree chicken, veg and potato in one go -- but at the moment, it's just easier to get packets. Also, I eat loads of yogurt or mix with granola for breakfast, so it's again easier to buy the packets as the whole apple or whole banana would probably go off if I used....

LO slept last night from 9.15 to 6am, but my OH gave him a bottle at 6, brought him back to the cot still awake and then he went back to bed, so I had to get up and play with LO until about 7.45am, when Finn went back for a short nap (1/2 hour), so am very tired!

i nfeel bad about not purreing at the mo but weve only got a temporary kitchen (which im grateful to have that!) so no oven etc - just a hob - oh lordy do i miss my dishwasher - our kictehns being demolished as the floor is sinking and we need to soert that out (not that we can affird it lol) and dh is doing all the work when he gets chance so it could run and run....

martha has been asleep for an hour in her pushchair woop woop - got shopping list done, watered houeplants, dusted yey feel like a new woman - and i had a shower this am while dh gave her her porridge :) good times!

shes now changing her crawl to be on hands and feet?! looks like soemthign from darwins theory of evolution lol

friends coming round in a bit trust martha to be asleep :)
I trim LO's naps when we are having a nappy change, but not all at once, e.g. one or two at a time...also, moisturise his face daily (or twice, if loads of dribble) after a nappy change -- Finn absolutely hated his nappy being changed when he was younger, so I made up a few songs and had a 'routine', now, he doesn't mind too much nails being trimmed (but again, one or two at a time)....

Clio -- you are NOT a bad mummy! I'm very lazy regarding puree -- I use organic packets myself. And I HATE peas and it appears so does LO (judging by his reaction of spitting them out everywhere!); once we introduce meat, tho, it will be easier as LO will have had the vegs/fruit we eat and can then puree chicken, veg and potato in one go -- but at the moment, it's just easier to get packets. Also, I eat loads of yogurt or mix with granola for breakfast, so it's again easier to buy the packets as the whole apple or whole banana would probably go off if I used....

LO slept last night from 9.15 to 6am, but my OH gave him a bottle at 6, brought him back to the cot still awake and then he went back to bed, so I had to get up and play with LO until about 7.45am, when Finn went back for a short nap (1/2 hour), so am very tired!


Our LOs have a very similar sleeping pattern. Thiago goes down around the same time as your LO and wake up around 5:30am to 6:30pm. Most of the time we are able to put him back down again for a couple of hours too:).
Our shots are coming next week:(!!

shes now changing her crawl to be on hands and feet?! looks like soemthign from darwins theory of evolution lol

I think that's called the "bear crawl." I did it exclusively. Never even tried my knees. My mother said I looked like a camel.

Morning everyone (for me, that is...)!

I don't have much time for an update because J is all over me, but last night was good...

Okay, I put him down. He had a true temper tantrum. That was new.

You know, I think "last night" is so important to all of us, it should be capitalized: Last Night.

Anyway, Last Night, which was my night, was just great. He woke at 3:30, took his bottle and went straight back to sleep. The nights of PAR-TAYing seem to be over. However, I'm wondering if this is becoming a habitual thing; it's always 3:30. Is he just waking because he's really hungry, or because he likes to be held at 3:30 every night? How about with you guys? Do your LOs wake at a certain point every night, or does it vary?

Aw, sh...oot. He's up again. That must be the shortest nap in the history of naps. More later!

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