any other over 35 first time mums?

Brave mom I see you have a ovulation chart. Are you trying for one more baby?:)
After 2 doses of Tylenol thiago is off to sleep. Hopefully until 6:30am:). The medicine does it for him. Feel bad to give him 2 doses but if I was teething I would want my meds too:). Another good entertaining tool for him is shopping:). This boy loves when I go shopping anywhere! Hope he will be just like that as he gets older so I will not feel bad and lonely because I don't have a little girl to shop with me:).
His aunt wants to give thiago his first popsicle tomorrow for his 6 months birthday:). We will see how that goes.

Indigo: hope your mom can be of a help and not the other way around ! My mother in law sometimes can make me nervous too with some of her concerns but I try to shake it off the negative comments after she goes home:). And now my dad is coming to visit me in a week so I am sure he will have "wonderful" advices as well!!!
Clio: I remember you this morning after the poop penis story thiago decides to poop and touch his jewels too:)!!! Just lovely!!

Of to bed now:)l hope all our LOs will sleep till 8 am tomorrow:).

Kosh: not sure what happen to my little icons but sending you big hugs too:). You are a wonderful mommy and your son loves you very much:).

Yes I have been trying for over six years and had ten losses :nope:My last loss was just a year ago and still no bfp ,am one determined little bugger :haha::hugs:Hope you all get a good nights sleep :hugs::hugs:
Yes I have been trying for over six years and had ten losses :nope:My last loss was just a year ago and still no bfp ,am one determined little bugger :haha::hugs:Hope you all get a good nights sleep :hugs::hugs:

Oh my gosh, ten! That is awful! I am so sorry! You so deserve your forum name! I really hope you get your little rainbow soon! :hugs:
Hi ladies I would love your opinions on bottles. I am using tommee tippee at the mo and tbh i am not impressed with them, the twins seem to be sucking and sucking to get anything out and then they get knackered before they have managed to get much milk.
They are nearly 3 months now and taking 4oz six times in 24hrs. I think they should be taking more each feed by now and needing less feeds.
I am really starting to get knackered with the twin night feeds now as sometimes they are having as little as 2oz per feed. Helppppp.
Which teat size do you use? At that age I was definitely on number 3s.
Hm I use Avents but my boys are also still on 6 bottles a day but take 6oz each time. It takes them about 10 minutes to finish a bottle, sometimes a little less and sometimes a bit more depending on how tired and or hungry they are. I am not sure but I think the amount your twins have is what my boys had at that age too. I suppose you could try a different brand of bottles or a number 4 teat. I only just recently switched to number 4s though and they are recommended for 6 months +
As for the night feeds, are you sure they still need them and aren't just waking out of habit? My boys don't need them weight wise but Dominic definitely insists on having a feed at around midnight and the other 4 hours later and he usually finishes most of his 6oz. I have heard from other mums that they weaned their babies off the crack of dawn feeds with a bit of water instead. We are considering doing this with Dominic at the moment. Might this work for you too?
I have bought a couple of avents 3+ to try and so far so good 15 mins to have 4oz rather than 30 mins. I think it is going to be cheaper to change the bottle and teats to avents rather than just buying new teats for the tommee tippees.
Emily occasionally sleeps 6 hrs at night-time but Charlotte never more than 4 hrs even if they have been crying all evening and are knackered like last night. I try to keep then awake in the day but find if they are not sleeping they are crying so prefere them to be asleep arhhh. I know they are suffering with mild colic which dosen't help matters.
I would love for Dominic to do a 4 hour stretch! For the last month and a half or so hes been waking every hour, if not more! So I think your LOs are doing really well for their age. Mind you, I remember well wishing for more sleep when Dom too used to do 3 or 4 hour stretches. :( So here is loads of :hugs: to you! xxx
hi ladies,

Sorry I've been MIA, been a combination of really busy buying the last of the big furniture for the nursery and really tired due to insomnia! Got about 3 hours sleep the night before last and really struggled to get to sleep last night. 2 hours before DF eventually came to bed and then it was still another hour before I eventually fell asleep! This insomnia is really getting to me!

Bravemom - I agree you really have earned your name!

Kosh - :hugs: hope you are feeling better!

Clio - love the DIY job on the stair gate! I for sure would buy that blanket! oh and love the colours. You have inspired me to knit - something I haven't done in years!!! I might actually get my cross stitch out again and do something for the nursery.

I really take my hat off to all those mom's who cook and blitz meals for the LO's. I don't think I will be confident enough to blitz correctly esp when she needs bits in the food too.
Good morning ladies. Hope you all had good nights :)
Congrats gorgeous lil Thiago on your 6 months :D
As for Tylenol, do you think it actually sent him off to sleep or just the absence of pain? I must admit, we bought a cough medicine for Dom cause sometimes he has this dry lil cough. It might just be cause he puts his hand so deeply in his mouth but we thought a bit of tyxilix might help. We chose that one cause it didn't say non drowsy. I am a horrible mum! Serves me right that he hated the taste and spat it all out lol. I would like to say here though that I would never give them anything like sleeping drafts or such nonsense and I would never endanger my boys with anything they shouldn't have (like Romanians who add Țuica Schnaps to the bottles :shock:) but well, if the cough medicine had made him sleep just a lil better I would not have complained. How horrid of me! lol

Angel you made me laugh :haha:. Not sure if the Tylenol makes him more sleepy but sure helps with the pain:). And at first thiago did not like the taste of the cherry Tylenol but them my mil told us to mix a little water in a bottle with the medicine and give it to him. He liked it that way. So for a while we did that but them as another mil suggestion we got grape Tylenol and he loves it:). So we don't need to mix with water anymore.
Does Dom likes water?
I was putting the calpol into his formula, but we're now using a syringe (not the needle-type!) and that seems to work so much better.

We're starting LO on stage2 weaning stuff, e.g. chicken stew, etc., as he's okay with most veggies and fruit (stage1), and yes, I am too lazy at the moment, so bought Ella's organic packets! We're still on NUK 1 and 2 teats for LO, even though he's almost seven months (next Tuesday!)

My OH was able to get LO down for the night last night! I was so tired that I just went to bed, and my OH was able to get him to sleep (it was OH's night to take him, he does Tuesdays and Fridays) and I was able to get a lie-in until 9ish am -- very nice!

Nothing else! Hope all are well, otherwise!


ps. bravemom - I didn't pm you back, because I think I was just lucky having LO at 44, e.g. we were pre-IVF (and on metformin for PCOS and eltroxin for previously unknown underactive thyroid) and I was proably in the best shape for years (had lost weight from BMI 40 to BMI 29/30, had finally quit smoking, and was eating very heathily, also did acupuncture in the months before), but I think maybe it was just luck..........:hugs:
Bravemom: you are a true warrior:). Some women are made to have babies and they enjoy them so much:). I know a lady that has 5 kids and she wishes her husband would go for a 6th baby but he said no :haha:. No more space in the car :haha:. But she just loves it:). You little one will come your way:).
Have you tried preseed? We did that with Clomid and it worked for us. It is a sperm friendly lubricant:).

Tweety pie: we have been using dr. Brown bottles and we have the number 2 teats. Maybe I should change it to number 3? He does fine with it.

Angelk: my heart goes to you:). I don't know how you function with waking up with Dom every hour. :nope: :hugs:
And thank you for remembering thiago's 6 month birthday:). I gave him Advil for the first time today:)!!!

Sabrina: when did you start giving LO solid food ( little pieces) or do you purée everything. I am behind. I gave him so far: squash, sweet potatoes, peas, and pears. Tomorrow I will introduce avocado.
Thank you so much for all your lovely comments ,you are so sweet ,I feel so bad posting here about my losses whenever you are all celebrating being first time moms ,sorry ,but thanks again ,Really appreciate it :kiss:I have tried everything actually , had all the tests ,tried clomid soy aspirin fertilaid clexane progesterone ,have just lost over 50 pounds in weight and pray tht helps me ,o yea I also drug my hubby with Viagra and macca into his food to keep him nice and randy :blush::haha::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:p.s he doesn't know :haha:
Can I just say I love all your baby pics abd love reading about the feeding and sleeping ,such fun :cloud9::hugs:
Thought I'd share more pics of the two loves of my life :cloud9:

Sebastian today in the car.

Dominic in his woombie being rocked to sleep for a nap on OH's lap :)
OMG, Angel, they are gorgeous. Now I know why Dom needs to be rocked throughout the night: he realizes that he looks like a to-die-for baby model in this position and is hoping to be discovered. Silly babies. They never understand how these things really work.

All joking apart, the Cashmerino Blanket (patent pending) put J to sleep in 1/3 the time it usually takes him for his nap this morning. He was screaming, like he does, then got quieter quite fast, and then actually went: "ooohhh" and fell deep asleep. Not even partially asleep like usual, but totally asleep. And I didn't even get beat up like usual.

But Last Night, he woke for his bottle at 3:30 (again!). After my husband fed him, and went back to bed, he started to PAR-TAY, but entirely without us. He is so excited about babbling that he just practiced and practiced for an entire HOUR, getting louder and louder and punctuating his "babadadababadada" with shrieks of joy. I actually only woke up, though, when the cat sat down in front of his room and wailed at his door. At this point he was yelling "LALALALALALALALALALA!!!!!" at the top of his lungs. She was either so there could join him (unlikely) or to tell him to shut the ef up. Eventually my husband took him downstairs where they both continued to practice "dada." No one seems to care about "mama"! :cry:

Angel and Borboleta, re: painkillers. I found with both Tylenol and Advil, J falls right asleep. It could very well be the absence of pain, but I assume the pain makes them very tired, too. I remember one night, waiting for the Advil to kick in and J was just writhing all over my lap and chest. That's got to take a lot out of a LO.

Angel--I would be as tempted as you were. Totally and utterly. I'm sorry it's been so crappy with Dom. Did you make it through Last Night alright?

Borboleta--so you don't know which one is coming through? How is he today? I can appreciate the clinginess; J was like that yesterday evening while both my husband and I were cooking dinner. I had to put him in his carrier and work like that (around knives and hot plates and boiling water... It was quite nerve-wracking, but I didn't know what else to do).

Sabrina--oh my lord, is she ever adorable! And I love her teeth!

Kosh--are you okay, hun? I'm looking back for a post from you today and can't find one. I also wanted to let you know that I'm getting braver with the veg and fruit. Yesterday, I gave him an apple and DIDN'T steam it. And he did really well with it. Maybe I'll work my way up to raw carrot when his top teeth come in.

tweetypie--Hi! I'm glad you came back! But I'm sorry that you're so tired. Can your DH help out at all at night?

Question for you about feeding--are you FF or BF? If you're FF, I found that the powder would eventually clog up the nipples, no matter how well mixed it was (and we had a special mixing jug). I looked around for reviews, and Dr. Brown's bottles were the only ones that didn't have this problem and we switched to those. I even looked up Avent, and they had the same problem.

Or, it's teat size. If they're having trouble, then simply move up--forget about what the age recommendation is. J used to exhaust himself drinking until we figured out that the teat was too small, and after that, the minute he shows signs of having to "try" again, we move up a size.

Bmom--you are so brave, so whoever said that your username is appropriate was completely right. I am so sorry about your losses and really admire you for your perseverance. I'll have to stalk your chart!

skweek--what is "blitzing" food? Oh, and go for the knitting! I only have the patience for small jobs like socks, and have recently discovered knitting toys. There's some great patterns on Etsy. Right now I'm working on an alligator and a monkey.

I hope I got everyone!

Oh, and I looked at J's upper teeth again, and they are so swollen (but he's fine, mood-wise, strangely). Plus, right at the very top, at the gum line, there are burst blood vessels. Any idea if this might be it, veteran top teeth mums?
Hi ladies. Bravemum, so sorry for all your losses. I had one miscarriage and was devastated. But ten, wow. Can't imagine how that must feel. Have you had an HSG or any other investigative procedures? I got my BFP with Kia straight after having an HSG so I think maybe I had a small blockage. I also used pre-seed, softcups, maca and acupuncture. I think that's hilarious about giving your OH tablets. Another good one I was told about is bio-care male forte. I think its lovely that you've joined us and hope that it won't be too long for you before you have another tiny little mouth to feed. Angel, the photos of your boys are beautiful. I bet their little smiles make the sleepless nights that bit more bearable. Kosh, sending you big hugs. Borboleta, happy 6 months to your gorgeous little fella. I felt like 6 months was such a milestone and lots of exciting things happened straight after like teeth coming, sitting up and clapping. Hi to everyone else. Kia has suddenly got a lot more mobile, it's scary and we haven't baby-proofed yet. We're going to buy a room divider tomorrow so we can give her half a room to play in and put all the wires and shelves etc in the other half. Exciting but tiring times! Hugs x
Sabrina: when did you start giving LO solid food ( little pieces) or do you purée everything. I am behind. I gave him so far: squash, sweet potatoes, peas, and pears. Tomorrow I will introduce avocado.

no, everything is pureed (stage 1), I think stage 2 is little bits? (it says textured, not lumpy - whatever that means?), I am too lazy, so am using Plum organic and Ella's organic in packets....however, I am going to try to puree some of our chicken dinner tomorrow night with some potatoes and see if he likes that (sans salt and pepper!)....

LO was pretty tired today and has gone to sleep around 9pm, which could mean up in another hour 6am (cross fingers, it's 6am!)...


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