any other over 35 first time mums?

skweek--what is "blitzing" food? Oh, and go for the knitting! I only have the patience for small jobs like socks, and have recently discovered knitting toys. There's some great patterns on Etsy. Right now I'm working on an alligator and a monkey.

'blitzing' is the same as pureeing

My mom is currently knitting a white blanket for my LO so might ask if I can use some of her needles and give this all a go as soon as I start maternity leave - seeing that I am planning on starting mat leave at about 35/36 weeks so should have lots of time to start and hopefully finish something.
thanks for asking clio, i'm ok, just one of those days, i think AF is not helping either. :nope:
haven't read all the posts yet, but seen angel's photos - omg, they are soooo cute! oh, and sabrina's too, she's adorable.

can i share a picture too, that might make me feel better :winkwink:

I love him so much! :cloud9:


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Thanks ladies for all the compliments :cloud9: :D

skweek wow I am full of admiration for ppl who can knit! I don't have the patience for it... which is odd cause before I got pregnant I used to do antique painted furniture restoration. Maybe it is cause we were taught knitting in school and I hated the teacher. lol But at any rate please show us what your mum and you come up with? I love seeing hand knitted things! :)

:hugs: kosh! I hope you feel better soon and that it is just that nasty AF visiting. She is with me too atm and I know that horrid down feeling. But your boy really is totally and utterly adorable! I especially love the last two pics! That smile is sooo to die for! :) What a cutie!

But as for Sabrina's very lovely LO, isn't he a boy or am I missing something and "she" is her kitty maybe? This thread moves soooo fast :haha:
It looks like I said "she" not "he." Sorry Finn!

Kosh, I'm sorry about AF. It can wreak havoc with your emotions. Is this your first since giving birth? I know you BF.

And Gael is gorgeous. Show us more pictures!

Skweek--do you have an idea about what you'd like to knit? I'll want pics of that too!
thanks ladies!

I think I said she too!! :dohh: really sorry!

It's my 3rd AF but the first one to more 'abundant', even more than pre-pregnancy :nope:
Angel....:rofl: @ the drowsy medicine....& they are GORGEOUS boys...

HAPPY 6 MONTH BIRTHDAY THIAGO! :cake::cake::cake::cake:

Kosh....He is ADORABLE! :awww: & I hope you feel better soon...:hug::hug::hug:
Leeze...I hope you can keep up with Kia...DH & I keep saying we have 6 months to get in shape so we can keep up with N...:wacko:

Clio...maybe I can bite my tongue more often when I'm with my mother if I can come here and commiserate with you....:winkwink:

Love you, T! :hugs:

:hi: & :hug: to everyone else...
You girls are so awesome:)! I wish we could all sit down together and have a good laugh of how motherhood has changed our lives:).
Angel, Sabrina, Clio and kosh: the baby pictures are adorable!!! Oh, indigo too:). We want more pictures!!!! :)
Bravemom I used to go in this website called, I think. It was so nice to talk to other woman that were going thru the same problems that I was. And they are sooooo knowledgeble. They have all this different forum and threads about different fertility issues. But it sounds to me that you have no problem getting pregnant ( the hubby medicine was hilarious!!! ) but did the doctors tell you what is happening that is making it difficult for you to hold the pregnancy? Is it low progesterone?

Where is Conina? How are you and Lo doing?

Skeewek I was the same way. The sleep just got worst as the time went by. Maybe is you body preparing for what is coming next :dohh:!
It looks like I said "she" not "he." Sorry Finn!

Kosh, I'm sorry about AF. It can wreak havoc with your emotions. Is this your first since giving birth? I know you BF.

And Gael is gorgeous. Show us more pictures!

Skweek--do you have an idea about what you'd like to knit? I'll want pics of that too!

Jonah's photo looks like he got caught trying to kill Sophie the giraffe with a pillow! :haha::haha:
Clio...maybe I can bite my tongue more often when I'm with my mother if I can come here and commiserate with you....:winkwink:

Absolutely! I'm sure my tongue will be as sore as yours! :winkwink:

Jonah's photo looks like he got caught trying to kill Sophie the giraffe with a pillow! :haha::haha:

LOL!!! Maybe he does have strong feelings about Sophie after all!
Clio I love that new piccie! So cute with his bottom sticking up like that! :) I bet you want to pick him up and cuddle and kiss him non stop cause he is so delectable :D

Actually that pic made me think of something I wanted to ask you ladies with older babies especially: how do you dress your LOs? We started putting more jeans and combats and t-shirts and jumpers (sweaters) on the boys when we go out but I must admit I wish they were as easy as putting them into their rompers. So when we are at home it is still rompers. How about you?

Oh and as for the tyxilix we did use a syringe but he still spat it out. Oh well I don't think his cough is very bad so we will just leave it for now.
I tend to put kia in outfits if we're going out somewhere, which is most days now really. If we're staying at home all day then she stays in a babygrow or rompersuit. But, I normally put her in stuff that's easy to get in and out of so maybe a dress and leggings or a t-shirt and trousers. Anything with buttons or complicated fasteners I tend to avoid or only wear on special occasions like if MIL got her something pink and frilly then she wears it to go to MIL's house. I still look out for things that fasten with popper studs and open easily inside the legs for easy nappy opening. I think she was about 5 months old when I started putting more daytime outfits on her. She looks so cute in them though. I normally spend about 2 mins dressing me and about 15 mins deciding what to put her in. Hey, does anyone else ever realise later they've dressed themselves in the same colour or style as their LO on the same day? It's happened to me a few times. Like we're both in polka dots, or both in denim with a red top.
Aww Leeze I love that! I bet you two look so sweet together :D
Yesterday by coincidence Dom was wearing beige cords similar to OH and I loved it! OH finds it a lil silly to dress the boys like him but I think it is so cute! OH likes tshirts with long sleeves that are sort of inserted, as if they were under a short sleeved tshirt if that makes sense, so I bought some of those types also for the boys, though theirs in contrast to OHs tend to have cute animals and things on them lol.
And I try to find easy clothes for them with poppers etc too but I haven't found any trousers with them under the legs. I guess cause that would leave one with two halves lol but it is not easy getting the trousers over the bottom and the nappy. Ah well I guess it is all down to practise.
We just put a cardigan over his babygro when we go out (it's getting chilly here - growl, we've had no summer this year!) -- on the 'warmer' days, he still wears rompers, but I put a cellular blanket on his legs in the stroller. I have some jeans, sweatpants and some little t-shirts from babyGap and Next and some from Carters (I think it's a US company), which family sent over and he hasn't worn any! I think when he starts creche and/or walking, then we'll put him in separates, but for the moment, he seems most comfortable in rompers (both short and long legs) and/or babygros....

Finn slept through from 9 to 6am, with minor fussiness through the night, unfortunately, and although I went to bed around 10pm, just couldn't fall asleep until about 1am, so am somewhat tired, but we did go back to bed for an hour around 8am ('we' being me and LO).....

(yes, Finn is a boy! LOL!)

best wishes
Sabrina I envy you for Finn's sleep!
Sabrina I envy you for Finn's sleep!

well......this week, he has slept 'through' twice, but he will sometimes wake up as well, e.g. if he goes down too early (e.g. 7 or 8), he wakes up (wide awake!) and it's easier to get him up, gentle play and then try again an hour or so later; looking back on my log, the week before last was terrible, e.g. in bed around 9, awake at 12 or 1 am, and then back to sleep around 1.30-2am, so TBH, every night is different! Also, with teething, it's tricky. Last night, he woke up around 10.45 and we were lucky, e.g. put the dummy back in and he went back to sleep, but sometimes, he won't! My problem is that I lie in bed, somewhat tense as he might wake up....LOL!

What IS great is the yesterday morning, my OH was able to get him to sleep for his morning nap, so I could stay in bed a little longer (e.g. to 9-10am), but that's the first proper lie-in I have had since LO was born!

I put this on a babyclub sttn thread, but thought you guys might also find it interesting. In last week's Sunday Times, there was a short piece about sttn:

'A fifth of parents lie about their baby sleeping through the night. According to a survey by mumsnet, in reality, only 26% of babies sleep through by 12wks, but parenting experts have led us to believe that broken nights are a failure. Mothers say they pretend their child is sleeping through for fear of looking like a 'bad mother'.....almost half of parents quizzed suffered from sleep deprivation, so you're not alone'....

Hi ladies,

Kosh - :hugs: AF never helps with my moods.
That first AF post birth is one thing I am not looking forward to! Never enjoyed AF's visits!

I will agree with Borboleta - being able to chat to others in the same stage of life is always good. I found many threads on the TTC section here really supportive and informative.

I'm still not sure what I will knit. Might just opt for something really simple but will ask my mom to knit a cardigan or 2 as that is one thing I am really struggling to get my hands on! I only have 2 cardigans and those are both from a friend and blue! So if I can get a white and pink one for her, that will be great!
Clio I love that new piccie! So cute with his bottom sticking up like that! :) I bet you want to pick him up and cuddle and kiss him non stop cause he is so delectable :D

Actually that pic made me think of something I wanted to ask you ladies with older babies especially: how do you dress your LOs? We started putting more jeans and combats and t-shirts and jumpers (sweaters) on the boys when we go out but I must admit I wish they were as easy as putting them into their rompers. So when we are at home it is still rompers. How about you?

Oh and as for the tyxilix we did use a syringe but he still spat it out. Oh well I don't think his cough is very bad so we will just leave it for now.

I have to go back to respond to everyone properly, but I can at least remember some stuff...

Thanks Angel! But right now, instead of cuddling him, I'd like to gag that kid and drug him. He's yelling at the top of his lungs, for no reason. Just because. He's supposed to be napping. And he's so unbelievably clingy because of teething that I've had to carry him around a lot, especially while working in the kitchen. Out of desperation, I've been putting him in a carrier and then wonder how on earth women work like this all the time with their little ones. Every time I move my head to see around his, he moves his right in front of mine again. And frankly, baby-wearing seems awfully dangerous while cooking.

Okay--what he wears at home. I don't know what the difference between rompers and babygros are, but he wears sleepers almost exclusively. A sleeper is a body suit with feet. There are sleepers without feet, but I want to make sure his feet are aways warm. If we go out, I'll put him in proper clothes.

Sabrina--I totally believe that statistic. J still doesn't sleep through the night. Anyway, isn't the official definition of STTN 5-6 uninterrupted hours of sleep?

Not that I don't believe that Niko and Thiago STTN! I think they are our little superstars. :wohoo:

Skweek--I would try a blanket! It's really simple and very relaxing. There's a site called and it's got a great search engine that allows you to filter things and find exactly what you want. For example, if you want to knit a baby blanket using a free pattern, it'll pull up a whole bunch of pictures of what other people have knit, all using free patterns which are then available to you. Just click on the "pattern finder" link at the top, and then "advanced" in the search box.

I have to get back to my knitting. It's just hard to keep knitting stuff around because it is a Jonah magnet, just like cords and anything "tech" (as my husband likes to say). Oh, but my husband couldn't get J to nap this morning, so he got the Cashmerino Blanket (patent pending) and he said it worked like a charm.

Last Night sucked. It was my turn, and I had to get up three times because of the teething. Twice I had to administer painkillers (I've gotten really good at it. I get the syringe ready, and then I wait until his head is back and his mouth is wide open because he's screaming. Then I get it inside his mouth (this is my husband's problem--he doesn't get it far enough in and with one turn of J's head, he misses), and squirt super, super, super quick. Even if it's a dropper--super quick. Then I leave him in a reclined position until I'm certain he's swallowed it.) Anyway, at the fourth wake-up, I handed the job over to my husband and went back to bed. One can only take so much.

Oh, and I echo Skweek and Borboleta--I love this thread. Thank you kosh! It really is nice to have people in a similar situation to talk with. I never really write in BC, and certainly never start a thread. Most of the women are a lot younger, and it's a bit alienating. Sometimes I wish we had our own forum; then don't miss as much.

Oh, oh! Naptime is over...
Thanks sooo much Clio!! Will definitely search that site and see what I can get my hands on.
Will have to post a few pics of the blanket my mom has knitted for me as soon as she is done with it. Its apparently really difficult pattern which is why its taken her so long to do this one.
Talking of pics, I have taken bump pics but cant seem to download them so I'm charging my camera battery and will try again as soon as its ready.
Leeze...I hope you can keep up with Kia...DH & I keep saying we have 6 months to get in shape so we can keep up with N...:wacko:

Clio...maybe I can bite my tongue more often when I'm with my mother if I can come here and commiserate with you....:winkwink:

Love you, T! :hugs:

:hi: & :hug: to everyone else...

Love you too :cloud9:Hows my beautiful nephew ?:hugs::hugs:

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