any other over 35 first time mums?

lovely bump pic!

yes you are crackers - i am not one of those ladies who blooms in pg at all dearie me 3rd tri....oh lordy!

was trying to think of tips for life with a newborn...

if you are bottle feeding - get cartons for night feeds
get coke / pepsi in - you may not have time for tea / coffee and you will need caffiene :)
get nice biccies in for all the guests
get dry shampoo
Remember the first 6-8 weeks are the hardest :)
Angel, you're absolutely right, it was Indigo that I was referring to. I went back and changed it.

But, just in case you missed it, Indigo:

Indigo--oh man. Babies N's age don't get dirty! It's not like they're rolling in mud or anything! A sponge bath is perfect at that age. Plus, too many baths can dry his skin out. YOU, my dear, are in the right. Well, I have less than a week before I'll be joining you on the vent train.

Skweek--Oh, what a lovely bump!!! I almost miss being pregnant. Keep up with the pictures. Weekly ones would be nice, if you wouldn't mind...
Re: Knitting. Do you know how to purl and to knit? You could make a really nice blanket that way, which would then be reversible. I'll go look for a pattern on Ravelry to show you what I mean.
For example, something like this: And you don't have to make it as large as they might recommend (I haven't read the pattern). A blanket for the car seat (which the Cashmerino Blanket [patent pending] originally was) is around the size of a receiving blanket. Wait--I don't remember--are you in the States or in the UK? I don't know if they have receiving blankets there. Anyway, they're a quite manageable size to knit. And this pattern is easily modifiable.

SabrinaKat--do you knit? Because I realized that you asked for patterns, not pictures. And boy do I have patterns for toys...

Okay, got to put J down for nap (<-----hahahahaha!!!). I'll be back to respond to others.
yes, I do knit (at least I did, until carpal tunnel in pregnancy caused problems in my hands)...would love some patterns, Clio!

having a bad day -- my immediate boss informed me that there were no hours available for my return to work after maternity leave in mid-October, and I informed him that he couldn't do same as it was illegal under the maternity protection act (all on email). I spoke with the Equality Authority here and am submitting a claim for discrimination, etc. Incidentially, there ARE hours available, he just thinks I don't know the law. So, I called the creche and they can take Finn 5 mornings a week if necessary (I asked for 3 mornings, which seemed agreed), so either I do go back every morning or they have to pay me loads in compensation.

Finn's been bad with teething today, very short naps except for this latest one (1 hour+) and I didn't sleep until 4am (worried about OH and our row), so am in a rotten mood!

I think my OH is going to have to take LO tonight (he usually does Tuesdays) as I am tearful, exhausted and just plain grumpy!

best wishes
Aww poor thing, Sabrina! Sending you loads of :hugs: Hope you and OH sort things out and you feel better tomorrow.

And to kosh too! :hugs: Hope you are feeling better hun!

SabrinaKat--I am so sorry. Fights that last overnight are the worst, to my mind. I think that having him take the babe tonight is a good idea. It sounds like you really need a break. Again, this is where I wish we all lived closer, then we could come bring you tea and cake... (chocolate, of course). Actually, we might as well go straight to the chocolate. Forget the cake.

As per knitting, try the same site: There are tons of toy patterns. And I'll see what I can do about getting you some toy patterns myself. Do you feel comfortable giving me your email address?

As for your work, the law sounds the same as in Canada--they cannot change your job in any way or form. They have to keep it for you, and it has to be the same job... What an @sshole. At least the creche is so accommodating. It sounds like you really chose a winner there!

So last night, my FIL called me fat. Rather inadvertently...kinda. He's always been on my husband for his belly (which is the only "fat" thing about him; otherwise he is looks just fine, and all he has to do is go running for a week and it's gone. B*****d.), But it was always projection; he and OH have the same body type and my FIL thought he himself was getting fat. So, he put it on OH. But then, last night, he was holding J, and poked at J's baby belly and said "Oh, you're getting a belly like your parents." Thing is, OH may not be fat, but I am. I used to be thin, but for a number of reasons, I gained a ton of weight in the past three years (which include the pregnancy and the aftermath). My husband called him when we got home and said that this was NOT on, and he is especially never to insult his wife, but still. It's out there: he thinks I'm fat.

He did call this morning to apologize to me, for which I give him credit, but now I'm wondering if I'm ever going to enjoy our weekly dessert at the family dinner anymore. It's always been a family joke that only my BIL, FIL and I enjoy dessert and a big production always goes into it. And in my head, all I'll be thinking is my FIL thinks I'm fat. Why would I eat dessert there anymore? :nope:
Oh clio how hurtful! But you know, so what if he thinks that, you don't have to please him, just yourself and maybe your man. So if your OH likes you the way you are then who cares what your FIL thinks. But I know, that is easy to say and still it feels hurtful. :hugs:
Thanks Angel. It'll all disappear after a while, and heaven knows that my own good father has insulted family and family-in-law members numerous times. But my dad is old and an acknowledged often-crazy man. My FIL, well, we're not the best of friends--he's a tough guy to get to know--but OH's family is all I've got here, and I love our weekly Sunday dinners. The entire family--children, grandchildren--go to their house every Sunday since we all moved back 5 years ago. Or rather, when they all moved back, and I came with my husband. I'd hate to think that we'd feel uncomfortable around each other. But, I guess this is where I suck it up, I suppose. His apology was certainly sincere. And I know he'll bend over backwards to be kind to me from now on.

Okay, Kosh, starting to really worry about you. But I know how it feels to be really down, and I never want to communicate much when I am, so I'll just say that I'm thinking about you and hoping you'll feel better soon.

Borboleta and Leeze, did you and your DHs make up? And SabrinaKat, any better on your end?

Indigo, my Mum arrives on Thursday. It all goes very well in the beginning, but then, slowly, starts to unravel. Expect me to be on here, complaining, by Sunday.
Clio - love the croc's!! really cute!! Will have a chat to my mom tonight and see if I can get some needles from her. I'm getting excited! I want to start knitting now already but still don't know what I'm going to knit and have no wool as yet! Oh and back to work tomorrow. BOohoo!!

Indigo - Niko is gorgeous!!!!

Ok so I can't post baby pics as yet but here is my latest bump pic!!

You look beautiful skewed:). Show us your face too:). A happy mother's face:).

Indigo: I will ask my hubby to download the pictures in the computer and I will post them:). Niko is so handsome:). I love his mad face. Don't we all wish to have a mad face like that :haha:!

Sabrina: happy 7 months birthday buddy:)!!!
Clio - love the croc's!! really cute!! Will have a chat to my mom tonight and see if I can get some needles from her. I'm getting excited! I want to start knitting now already but still don't know what I'm going to knit and have no wool as yet! Oh and back to work tomorrow. BOohoo!!

Indigo - Niko is gorgeous!!!!

Ok so I can't post baby pics as yet but here is my latest bump pic!!

You look beautiful skewed:). Show us your face too:). A happy mother's face:).

Indigo: I will ask my hubby to download the pictures in the computer and I will post them:). Niko is so handsome:). I love his mad face. Don't we all wish to have a mad face like that :haha:!

Sabrina: happy 7 months birthday buddy:)!!!

Oh, I completely forgot! Yes, happy 7 months, Finn! :cake:

(I think we need better smilies. Where is a party one with balloons? I wish we could steal them from other forums... Wait, hold on, let's see what I can do...)

Yay for pics! And I agree with Borboleta, Skweek. Let's see more of you! I'm actually really excited for your baba's birth. We'll have a newborn on here! Since you know it's a girl, do you have a name yet?

ETA: my smilie plan didn't work... Boo!
Thanks Angel. It'll all disappear after a while, and heaven knows that my own good father has insulted family and family-in-law members numerous times. But my dad is old and an acknowledged often-crazy man. My FIL, well, we're not the best of friends--he's a tough guy to get to know--but OH's family is all I've got here, and I love our weekly Sunday dinners. The entire family--children, grandchildren--go to their house every Sunday since we all moved back 5 years ago. Or rather, when they all moved back, and I came with my husband. I'd hate to think that we'd feel uncomfortable around each other. But, I guess this is where I suck it up, I suppose. His apology was certainly sincere. And I know he'll bend over backwards to be kind to me from now on.

Okay, Kosh, starting to really worry about you. But I know how it feels to be really down, and I never want to communicate much when I am, so I'll just say that I'm thinking about you and hoping you'll feel better soon.

Borboleta and Leeze, did you and your DHs make up? And SabrinaKat, any better on your end?

Indigo, my Mum arrives on Thursday. It all goes very well in the beginning, but then, slowly, starts to unravel. Expect me to be on here, complaining, by Sunday.

Oh yes:). We have these little arguments here and there. But we are fine:). I still ove him to pieces:). :kiss: thank you so asking:).

I am with Clio. Kosh how are you sweetheart? We miss our Argentinian friend :hugs:!
thanks, guys ....

So, my OH was delayed for two hours on the train and I just lost it, crying, screaming, etc., and the baby was looking at me in horror. I immediately burst into even more tears, picked him up and gave him a cuddle....I think we're having separation anxiety as every time I even try to leave the room, LO starts crying... However, OH is bringing take-away (which I suggested) and when he gets home - I'M GOING TO TAKE A LONG, HOT BATH and try to relax.....

Incidentially, Finn seemed okay with chicken last night, but tonight, after the fifth or sixth spoonful, he spit it all out, so me thinks, maybe wait a few more weeks before we try chicken (pureed with small bits) again!

am soooooooo tired!

best wishes (and I would love some hugs and chocolate!, thanks!)
Hi all :hi: Sorry I've been totally MIA for a while - it's so difficult to get on the computer these days!! Also, does time move, like, a million times faster when you're at home with LO than when you're at work??

I can't believe how quick Conor is growing, his feet are absolutely at the bottom of his 0-3 month babygros, but the 3-6 month ones are enormous round his waist (long legs, skinny waist. SOOOOO doesn't take after me!!). And I'm somehow reluctant to put him in 3-6 month clothes at 5 weeks!!

I actually got DH to buy new trousers for him today, at least he won't be uncomfortable in them.

His other trick this week - getting the poo to come out the sides of the nappy. BOTH sides at once. I'll say no more...

OK I'm away to catch up on the last 10 pages!!
Hi Conina. Great to see you back. I remember those days where poo went everywhere. I think it gets a lot better after you start weaning and its more solid. Clio, that was quite hurtful what your FIL said but it's great he's given yet a very sincere apology. It sounds like he cares a lot about you and what you think. Hopefully you can get passed it and still enjoy your family dinners. :hugs: I love those knitted crocodiles, by the way. So VERY cute. Do you make them to sell at craft fairs or anything?if now then you should. Skweek, I'm loving that bump picture. You're doing nothing to help my broodiness. I saw a newborn today in the park and felt super broody! How are you feeling? I loved 3rd trimester, except the last couple of weeks or so when I was overdue. I loved Borboleta's advice. All great. Sabrina, sorry to hear about your OH being late back, having a take-away a bath sounds like a great plan. I was trying to explain to my OH the other day that I spend all of my energy taking care of Kia's needs and so I need him to take extra care of mine, but I think I need to keep reminding him. We do fortunately normally manage to sort out our niggles by bedtime as I hate going to sleep not having resolved something. Sorry to hear about your work situation, hope that gets sorted too. Not great timing, i'm sure. Indigo and Borboleta, i'm sure I was going to say stuff about your posts too but my brain has gone numb! Borboleta, was it you who said it's great when LO can sit up and play on their own? I've loved this last phase because of that although Kia is now almost crawling so those days are nearly over for us. Time to make everywhere super safe for crawling babies! Kosh, sending you a big hug. We're all thinking of you xx
hi ladies :hi: thanks so much for your thoughts! it means a lot.
i just hate hate hate the AF-related low mood, makes me see everything black :nope: the lack of sleep doesn't help either, but i'm feeling a bit better now

I've read quite a few pages, hope I got everyones' post (I took notes! :winkwink:)

Sabrina -
sorry about your argument with OH and the job situation. I hope can work something out and they give you the hours you want. would you want to go back 5 days a week? I'll go back full-time but I am already dreaming I'll change it to 80%.
my DH and I tend to argue quite a bit too. Hey, we're both latin types :winkwink: He's really stressed with work/study and I am not as patient as I used to be tbh, but we always try to work it out before bedtime too. I hate arguments.

re.sitting up - Gael stated to sit up unaided just before 7 months. It was such a change for him, it's like he can now see the world from a different angle and he really enjoys it :thumbup:

re. STTN - I totally agree with that quote. The other day, I was talking to a colleague at work (she has a 9mo boy) who said her boy STTN. When I said that G doesn't and wakes up 100s of times to feed, she said hers also feeds through the night..... helloooo?? No idea what she thinks STTN means :dohh: Does she think that STTN is 'to go to sleep at bedtime and remain asleep for most of the night, albeit interrupted'???:shrug:

Angel - I used to have G in sleepsuits all day but I now put him in proper clothes too,just because he looks cute! :cloud9:
meant to ask you - how did your OH interview go?

Clio - you FIL's comment was not on :growlmad: at least he apologised.
Sleepsuits with no feet = rompers :winkwink:
Love the knitted crocks. I used to knit too but I don't think I'll find the time now unfortunately.

Have a question for you - is the Ikea high chair stable enough? I am about to get one, but I have images of G managing to bring it down. He already fell of a snug seat :dohh:

- love the bump! I actually miss mine!

Finn, Thiago - :cake: :thumbup:

Indigo - Niko is adorable!
Re. baths, we never bathed G every day....

Leeze - can totally relate to your comment about having your needs met too. :hugs:
Oh,and yes, I love dressing G in similar clothes/colours to me or his dad!

Bravemum - :hugs:

I am trying an exclusion diet to see if it helps G's tummy/gas. First thing I excluded was diary, but I've now decided to leave chocolate out too, just in case. No idea why am I doing that to myself, and I really hopes it makes no difference,as I am already going crazy without it! :haha:
Hi Kosh. Great to hear from you. I'm so with you on the sleep deprivation issue. I find if I have more than about 3 or 4 nights in a row where I have rubbish sleep then it really affects my mood. Oh, got to dash, Kia not settling x
Right, she's back on the boob so fingers crossed. Re elimination diet, I found that if I cut out onions, peppers, chillies and generally spicy food then she had less wind and was less unsettled. Not sure if coincidence or not but seemed to make a difference x
Hi ladies,
Thanks so much, I am really enjoying this pregnancy - will definitely do this again some time but just not too soon. Need to move to a bigger house first!
Well as far as names go - we are still throwing a few around. there seem to be about 3 names that we are choosing between at the mo. Might be a case of deciding when she is born.
Thanks so much for all the advice!
Clio - I spoke to my mom this evening and so glad I did. She was wanting to make a really frilly cardigan for my LO - no offense to those who like frills - but just not my cup of tea! So have asked her to find a plain pattern.
I love the basket weave pattern - I should be able to manage with just plain and pearl stitches. Should be easy enough for me to start with.
I'm from SA and we get receiving blankets there - have a friend sending some over for me! I can't do without a few receiving blankets!!
Will see if I can find or take more pics with my happy face! Hair was still wet - not a good look!
How dare your FIL call you fat!! That so not on! I would be in 2 minds as to what to do - either think screw what you think and continue eating desserts or make a point of saying no thanks and not have dessert.

Lady at ASDA this evening asked if I had 2 weeks to go! I wish!!

SabrinaKat - that is just not fair!! How dare you boss think you are that ignorant! I would definitely take legal action against his actions!
Happy 7 months to Finn!! :cake:
Kosh--good to hear from you. I really hope that AF leaves soon. Does it always affect you mood-wise for so long? Mine used to, but got better as I got older. Re: Ikea chair--totally stable. The legs are at a very sturdy angle. The only time I worry about him is when he decides dinner is over and tries to climb out. This, however, only happens when I don't strap him in. :blush: So, totally my fault.

Leeze--they're actually not mine to sell. Those in the pics aren't even mine--they're the pics from the pattern. I've got to get the creator of the pattern's permission to sell them anywhere.

Skweek--I'm very glad you had that discussion with your mum. Frills are not my thing either. At all. Good thing you nipped that one in the bud. I'm glad you're going to try the basket weave! And yeah, we didn't put anything bigger than a receiving blanket on J in the winter in the car seat. So, it's a totally manageable size. If you can get some washable wool, then it'll be perfect!

SabrinaKat--I hope things are looking up. :hugs:

Thank you everybody for the support re: FIL. He's going through a tough time; he's a very active man who has now just retired and he has been really grumpy because of it. But still... And yes, what to do at the next dessert offering, I don't know. I think I'll just non-chalantly say that I'm fine and then go home and pig out on chocolate.

I'm such a bad wife. My husband is currently cleaning up the kitchen because he says that I'm too loud and wake up the boy. Oh well, if that's the case, I'll just sit quietly in the living room...

I just gave J his dinner, and it is the same thing every time. He takes the first piece of food on his tray, shoves it in his mouth, and sits there playing with it. With his mouth, his fingers, his tongue...the tray: "Hey! What happens if I suck on the tray with this in my mouth!!! Cool, look at the gross chicken-spit dripping out!" Then I gave him some broccoli, and I guess he still had some room in there because he then shoved three pieces in, too. Then he likes to scream (happily) so we can see what he has in there, because he is so very proud. That boy needs some manners, STAT.

I learned early on that I can never give him broccoli first. He'll take the biggest floret, shove it in, and that's it for dinner.
Had a decent night's sleep and a bath this am (was too tired last night) as OH took LO for the night (and was able to get him to sleep as well!)....

I've filled out the paperwork to bring a claim against my employer -- the frustrating thing is that I am still employed by them and can't claim Jobseekers (the dole/unemployment) whilst this is going on AND they owe me payment for annual leave (5 wks -- this includes all public holidays), so am going to be broke for awhile. I'm also going to see a solicitor/lawyer regarding bringing a claim of bullying/harrassment against my immediate supervisor as I am tired of having to resort to legal threats in order to get them/him to respect my statutory rights, fortunately, I've kept a log over the past year, but all of this is really spoiling my time home on maternity leave...

Finn was pretty bad last night, and wouldn't settle for ages. Today, however, we're both in a much better way and he's been napping now for about 1/2 hour and I feel so much better (and cleaner!)

Sabrina and Kosh: Glad to hear you girls are doing better. :winkwink::hugs:

So as I promised here are some pictures of Thiago:). The poor little man had his 6 months shots today and plus dealing with teething!!:cry: Yesterday he woke up at 4 AM but went back to sleep until 7:30AM. His weight didnt increase as much this time. He is on the 34% of weight and 70% on height.
And have a question for you ladies. We use the breathable bumper in his crib but he keeps scooching forward and gets trapped in a corner of the crib bumping his head trying to turn. So I was wondering that since he knows how to roller over if I could bring the old bumper with more cushion so it wold protect his head. Do you think it would be safe?






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