any other over 35 first time mums?

ps. does anybody know if there is a dummy/pacifier fairy? I seem to lose dummies between the cot and the bedroom door and then cannot ever find them again! I bought two new ones and one disappeared near the stairs BUT WAS NEVER SEEN AGAIN....(I thought maybe my cat had a secret stash (I have lost earrings as well when I have just taken them out of the bag never worn AND NEVER SEEN AGAIN.....)), spooky, huh?

Oh man. I was afraid of this. I'm sorry SabrinaKat, but it's my cat. In her attempt to perfect time travel, she accidentally created a wormhole that must end at your place. This totally explains all the dummies she's hoarding in the linen closet. And why she's wearing earrings today.

They are lovely earrings, by the way.
ps. does anybody know if there is a dummy/pacifier fairy? I seem to lose dummies between the cot and the bedroom door and then cannot ever find them again! I bought two new ones and one disappeared near the stairs BUT WAS NEVER SEEN AGAIN....(I thought maybe my cat had a secret stash (I have lost earrings as well when I have just taken them out of the bag never worn AND NEVER SEEN AGAIN.....)), spooky, huh?

Oh man. I was afraid of this. I'm sorry SabrinaKat, but it's my cat. In her attempt to perfect time travel, she accidentally created a wormhole that must end at your place. This totally explains all the dummies she's hoarding in the linen closet. And why she's wearing earrings today.

They are lovely earrings, by the way.


do you write clio?
ps. does anybody know if there is a dummy/pacifier fairy? I seem to lose dummies between the cot and the bedroom door and then cannot ever find them again! I bought two new ones and one disappeared near the stairs BUT WAS NEVER SEEN AGAIN....(I thought maybe my cat had a secret stash (I have lost earrings as well when I have just taken them out of the bag never worn AND NEVER SEEN AGAIN.....)), spooky, huh?

Oh man. I was afraid of this. I'm sorry SabrinaKat, but it's my cat. In her attempt to perfect time travel, she accidentally created a wormhole that must end at your place. This totally explains all the dummies she's hoarding in the linen closet. And why she's wearing earrings today.

They are lovely earrings, by the way.


do you write clio?

No, only on forums... I wouldn't really know what to write about, anyway. Who would believe that my cat time travels?
ps. does anybody know if there is a dummy/pacifier fairy? I seem to lose dummies between the cot and the bedroom door and then cannot ever find them again! I bought two new ones and one disappeared near the stairs BUT WAS NEVER SEEN AGAIN....(I thought maybe my cat had a secret stash (I have lost earrings as well when I have just taken them out of the bag never worn AND NEVER SEEN AGAIN.....)), spooky, huh?

Oh man. I was afraid of this. I'm sorry SabrinaKat, but it's my cat. In her attempt to perfect time travel, she accidentally created a wormhole that must end at your place. This totally explains all the dummies she's hoarding in the linen closet. And why she's wearing earrings today.

They are lovely earrings, by the way.


do you write clio?

No, only on forums... I wouldn't really know what to write about, anyway. Who would believe that my cat time travels?

Mm, you might be right, but I guess you'd have Sabrina's earring to prove it! :winkwink:
ps. does anybody know if there is a dummy/pacifier fairy? I seem to lose dummies between the cot and the bedroom door and then cannot ever find them again! I bought two new ones and one disappeared near the stairs BUT WAS NEVER SEEN AGAIN....(I thought maybe my cat had a secret stash (I have lost earrings as well when I have just taken them out of the bag never worn AND NEVER SEEN AGAIN.....)), spooky, huh?

Oh man. I was afraid of this. I'm sorry SabrinaKat, but it's my cat. In her attempt to perfect time travel, she accidentally created a wormhole that must end at your place. This totally explains all the dummies she's hoarding in the linen closet. And why she's wearing earrings today.

They are lovely earrings, by the way.


do you write clio?

No, only on forums... I wouldn't really know what to write about, anyway. Who would believe that my cat time travels?

Mm, you might be right, but I guess you'd have Sabrina's earring to prove it! :winkwink:

Now that I didn't think about. But, she's just said that she's put them in a place where I'll never find them. She says that she doesn't want her life on display like this. Especially when she's on the verge of a break-through and her competitors are trying to bring her down at every turn.

Luckily she only has one hiding spot. The linen closet. She's not too bright.
Here she is working on "String Bean Theory." As I said, she's not too bright.
Clio: you should write the adventures oh Jonah:)!! I would definetely read it!! Jonah might be the next Harry potter!!

So crazy night ( at least for us :haha:)! Thiago went down at 9:30pm, woke up at 1:30am :shrug:. Made the mistake to volunteer to bring him to bed while oh went to sleep in the other room. Took me about 1 hour to put him down ( I was trying to do it without giving him a bottle but I gave in after 45 min of punches from LO). He went down again till 6:30am and is happily sitting in his bouncer chair while I have my :coffee: so I can be ready to teach a class this morning while oh is happily :sleep: in the other room :growlmad:! All I am going to say is tonight he is waking up with the baby! Thiago's big front top teeth have almost broken in so hopefully he will be back to his regular sleeping schedule after that is over!!

Talk to you girls soon:)!
Clio: you should write the adventures oh Jonah:)!! I would definetely read it!! Jonah might be the next Harry potter!!

So crazy night ( at least for us :haha:)! Thiago went down at 9:30pm, woke up at 1:30am :shrug:. Made the mistake to volunteer to bring him to bed while oh went to sleep in the other room. Took me about 1 hour to put him down ( I was trying to do it without giving him a bottle but I gave in after 45 min of punches from LO). He went down again till 6:30am and is happily sitting in his bouncer chair while I have my :coffee: so I can be ready to teach a class this morning while oh is happily :sleep: in the other room :growlmad:! All I am going to say is tonight he is waking up with the baby! Thiago's big front top teeth have almost broken in so hopefully he will be back to his regular sleeping schedule after that is over!!

Talk to you girls soon:)!

I'm sorry your night sucked. We are essentially doing the same thing. He woke at 4, OH tried until 5 to put him down, and we've been downstairs since then. I'm only down because I couldn't fall back asleep after an hour of crying (J's, not my husband's).

What do T's teeth look like? I feel like I'm going crazy because I have no idea if there's any progress on the top upper teeth front. I've been looking for pics on the internet, videos, anything to let me know that we are close...

A pic would help... :winkwink:

Now I want more coffee. Have a good class!
Aside from Clio's cat, perhaps we share the OH, Barboleta? Finn woke up crying last night at midnight, so I did ask OH to get some calpol (hard to do with a screaming baby in your arms) and then OH went back to bed. It took nearly two hours to get him re-settled, and I am still exhausted today....

here are my kitties - the big one is Sabrina, the other is her daughter, Daphne....

nothing sooooooo tired! LO is pretty good, tho, today, but has those bright red cheeks that mean teething...poor thing. Hope Tiago is better now?

(Clio - am glad to see that your cat is different from mine, otherwise, I was thinking maybe the wormhole in the linen closet was linked to mine and we shared the same cat!)



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(Clio - am glad to see that your cat is different from mine, otherwise, I was thinking maybe the wormhole in the linen closet was linked to mine and we shared the same cat!)


Never underestimate the power of a good disguise. Check and see if one of your (totally beautiful!) cats has blue eyes.

But if we do share a wormhole, why don't you come for tea? Bring the LO, of course.

J's finally back to sleep. My mum is coming today, and we're trying to get some stuff cleaned (nothing more than the bathrooms and the sheets; she knows what chaos we live in). But do we get on it when J goes back down? No, we decide to have a nap. :nope: :sleep:
Well, I guess I found out why thiago woke up early last night. He got his first cold. Or it could be from the teething. Did your LO's got runny noses while getting their top teeth? He looks pretty miserable, poor little thing.

Clio: the top teeth. When I really just noticed them the past 3 days or so. I saw some white little things thru his top gums. Today I can see them almost thru the gum. It looks pretty painful to me. So if you still have not seem them they are probably on their way down still. I will try to take a picture if he cooperates with me. He has not been wanting to open his mouth to show me his teeth this days.
And once again you are quite a writer:)! I enjoy your posts very much:).

And yes my hubby had a wonderful meeting. Tomorrow they will call to set up a second interview :happydance:. It is working with a big company which it would be great since he always worked for small companies and had terrible luck with his crazy bosses!!! Keep him on your prayers:).
*whispers so as not to tempt fate* Conor has slept through the night for the last three nights running... I'm under no illusions that this is "it" - I'm actually constantly surprised that he's done it!!

Clio you crack me up!!

SabrinaKat - how cute are your kitties??
*whispers so as not to tempt fate* Conor has slept through the night for the last three nights running... I'm under no illusions that this is "it" - I'm actually constantly surprised that he's done it!!

Clio you crack me up!!

SabrinaKat - how cute are your kitties??

Wow that's amazing for a baby so young ,I was never that lucky ,make the most of it :thumbup::hugs::hugs:
Conina I am pale with envy! For your sake I hope it will last :)

Ladies I am feeling really down today cause of family reasons relating to the christening of my boys and all the various demands both our families think they an put on the event (and cause I have the night duty tonight :haha:) But you always cheer me up! I am going to write more tomorrow hopefully. Lotsa hugs!

I wish your cat would come to my house & wash the bottles & dishes. I'm so tired..

I wish your cat would come to my house & wash the bottles & dishes. I'm so tired..

:shock: Oh no, you don't want that! She'll break them all and then somehow convince you it was your fault.

I'm sorry you're so tired. :hugs:

Angel--What a rotten thing to do to you for your babies' christening. They should be rejoicing, not causing stress!

Conina--I don't know...3 nights is pretty consistent... You'll have to tell us in the morning how number four went. I think this will be the definitive night.

Borboleta--How is Thiago? Is he okay? I thought J had a runny nose because he was teething, but no, turned out, he had a cold. Probably not what you wanted to hear. Is he sneezing or coughing a lot?

Re: Second Interview: :wohoo:
Oh, and Re: Top Teeth--yes a photo would be incredibly helpful. I have no clue what anyone is describing. I just know that his top two teeth are bulging through the gums and he is often Mr. Crankypants until we drug him again.
Well night number 4 and... He slept through again!! :happydance::happydance: He fell asleep in hhis chair about 9, I lifted him aabout 10:30 to feed him and he then slept through to 6.30.

We also learnt last night that bathing him when he thinks he is hungry is a VERY bad idea. The neighbours must think we were murdering him. I tried to tell him you shouldn't swim after eating or you get craamp, but he wouldn't listen...

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