any other over 35 first time mums?

LOL Conina! But wow and yay for the sleeping through! :D
Our night was good too. Dom didn't wake in between his 0:30, 3:45 and 7:15 feeds :D Seb woke at 6:15 and then twice till 7:15 but I still think that was a good night. Except that I couldn't fall asleep again till after 2 after the midnightfeed :wacko:
As for the christening, Nick and I are not at all religious and we are only having a christening cause of his mum, my mum and my suddenly very religious brother. The problem is that in the Orthodox church (Nick is Greek and I Romanian Orthodox) only orthodox ppl can be godparents. But we had decided ages ago that Nick's sister should be godmum of Dominic and my brother his godfather. My best friends Andrea and Beau should be godparents of Sebastian. But Andrea and Beau aren't orthodox and for some reason my SIL (my brother's wife) thinks that she too will be a godmother even though I never said this but suspect that my mother did. So now my family wants me to reshuffle godparents so that Nick's sister would be of Sebastian with Andrea and Beau as secondary godparents and my brother and SIL of Dominic. Or My brother with Andrea for Dom and Beau and Rena for Seb. Thing is, Andrea is extremely ill and will never be able to have kids of her own. She has now thought of herself as Sebastian's godmother since before he was born and he is her only godchild. She and Beau have been talking over the phone to find a nice present for their shared godchild. And now I am suddenly to tell one of them oh sorry could you godparent the other instead? I hate this situation and I am close to cancelling the whole event!
Oh and the demands come in cause my brother is a religious nut to be honest. Cause you see he takes the bible very literally and is convinced that gay ppl go to hell (my friend Beau) and that ppl of Jewish decent might well end up there too (my friend Andrea). So he is not very willing to share a godchild with anyone but Rena (Nick's sister) but that probably only cause he hasn't met her.
Oh and Nick's mother who really is a sweetie usually, said that if we don't invite Nick's truly obnoxious brother as well, she won't be coming! WAAHHHH!! :growlmad:
Angel - we decided not on a christening ourselves as I'm protestant and OH is catholic, and to be honest, we did have a catholic wedding service BUT in my favourite place, Rome (in my real life, I have a PhD in Classics (Roman History), I usually just say History, tho) , so it was a good compromise, but although my OH suggests both a protestant and catholic christening,, so we'll wait until LO is older and maybe he can decide himself -- fortunately, my family isn't too religious and it has actually been better that we are waiting as my MIL has been very poorly lately (and remains in hospital, um...severe depression).

Well, another night of broken sleep -- teething terribly last night and the screams, oh, my poor baby -- it breaks my heart to hear him! He doesn't wake up per se at night, but whimpers and then you need to get up and replace the dummy and soothe him back to sleep (non-teething, he's okay and will drift back to sleep), so again am tired....

Exciting at home moment, tho -- was renewing library books on-line and discovered that my library belongs to an on-line learning system of hundreds of courses that you work through on your own pace, so I signed up for American Revolution 101 and the History of Conspiracy Theories, they're free and some of the stuff looks really interesting.

um...nothing else, going to drop the deposit and paperwork off for the creche today and would love a nap, but LO is not sleeping long (maybe 1/2 hour naps today and yesterday), so by the time I get comfy enough to fall back asleep, LO is awake (grumble) BUT tonight is OH's night and I can't wait!

Morning ladies - hope everyone is well - was having a good read through all the post there and glad to see other people have cats! I have 3 (Storm, Jet and Lily - thus the username) and a great big chunky labrador thrown into the mix! The cats have been easy with the baby, and the dogs been a dote - but I have to say sometimes I could see the dog walking far enough - but I guess it makes me exercise. Just waiting for the wee lady to wake from morning nap so I can take the pooch out. Lydia (baby) has been sleeping for 51 mins for this nap - given she often does a 30 minute nap this is good - it also explains why I time all her naps :)

Last night wasn't the best sleep wise, down for 8.10 but the crying started at 9, 10, 11, 12 - thats when I folded and brought her in with me - she was crying again at 3, and just wiggled round in circles from 5 and started the crying again at 6... thing is shes often pretty much asleep during a lot of the crying but I'm not! I must look out that other thread...

Now I'm wondering what on earth I'm going to feed her for her lunch - man I hate mealtimes.. they are so hit and miss. Actually its just dawned on me I made her shepherds pie yesterday evening so she will be 'trying' that (lean minced beef, onion, carrot and mashed potato with milk and unsalted butter...) she is so funny about what she eats - has to feed herself and is funny about texture etc.. I do struggle to get her balanced meals and if she gags she empties her entire stomach - oh and she hates gloopy stuff so blending is bad... arggh the joys of baby feeding!

Must go get a coffee before she wakes - 56 minutes now! Wow

storm -- how old is your LO? I'm trying to do two meals plus a snack, plus milk and I keep thinking he's hungry, but since I'm a little chubby myself (as is OH), I keep thinking he's too thin, but apparently, he's on target, and a long, lanky baby, too....

kosh - a three hour nap? We get those sometimes, but I always seem to be checking on him every five minutes when he goes past the hour mark (today, tho, naps seem to be about 30mins+)....

am sooooooooooooooooo tired....

AngelK, Conina and kosh: so glad to hear LOs are sleeping well or better:). Please be nice to mommies and keep this up :thumbup:.

Well we had a bad night last night!! Poor thiago with a cold or runny nose from teething woke up at 10:30pm because he couldn't breath. He cried and cried so I brought him to bed with me and got hubby to help using the nose sucking tool to help thiago breath. Them for some reason hubby and I start arguing with each other about what we should do next to help thiago ... long story short, hubby storms out of the room and slams the guest bedroom door while I am trying to make thiago stop crying to I can make him sleep in an upright position to help him breath! :cry: He finally goes to sleep around 11:30 pm and wakes up soaked in pee at 5:30am so I change him and them wakes up again soaked at 7 am but then no more sleep. He seems to be doing better today. The nose is not as runny as yesterday so hopefully he will sleep better tonight. Hubby and I talked this morning he apologize and i did too. It is amazing how a baby can cause this much friction to a couple. I just don't get it how some women get pregnant to "save" a marriage!!! That is never true!! It will cause you to divorce each other instead!! Hubby said he fells bad because he doesn't have a job but hopefully things will change for the better soon and the lady will call today for a second interview:)!!!
I am tired! Going to see if I can take a little nap with my little man:).
Borbolta how true! I have known a number of women who got pregnant to fix their marriages and then ended up divorced anyway. OH and I have never snapped at each as much as we do now. Plus not having much time for just coupledom does put a strain on a relationship. Glad you made up though and I can totally understand why your DH is feeling the way he is. Nick is in the same situation but has no interview lined up at the moment. We both have a bit of private income so we aren't desperate but still it isn't good for a man's ego not to be able to provide well. I really hope your DH gets his second interview and the job :) :hugs:
evening ladies

conina - wow and yay 4 STTN!! have to admit i'm soooo jealous! :sleep:

angel - so glad Dom slept a bit better! but what an awful situation re. the christening :growlmad: I really hope you can sort it out. If it was me, I'd call if off as I can't deal with those situations! why don't you tell your brother that Rena is Jewish AND gay :winkwink:

- I'm confused, are these J's first teeth? Gael got his 3rd and 4th through,but I am now wondering if the top middle ones are also about to come.his gums look too swollen there.

- I'm also very interested in conspiracy theories! :thumbup: let me know if you find something worth reading (not that I have the time lol)

- our naps used to be 30min max and I'd time them too :haha: but then all of the sudden they became longer. today's 3h long one was unprecedented though.

come on, come and join us in the other thread!

re. meal times - I find them stressful too. My main problem is that i sometimes do not find the time to give him 3 meals (+ milk, + naps, + bath, etc etc). How do you ladies do it? I am getting very stressed about it. My eating habits have always been very bad and I do not want to pass that on to my LO but I am really struggling :nope:

- how's thiago now? hope he's feeling better :hugs:

re. strain in the relationship, tell me about it. I'd kill him today. Don't get me wrong, I love him to pieces but sometimes (many times!) he just does not get it......:growlmad:

borboleta, angel - I agree re. men's egos. my DH works part-time and studies full time, so I earn more than him, and it is not easy to say the least. :nope:

how's everyone else?
indigo, bravemum? leeze?
right, ok, i need to share, cause i just read something made me feel really old/bad. there's a post in BC asking for advise re backpacking with a 5 month old. she said they went camping every weekend since LO was 2.5 months.
i think i just about managed to leave the house by 2.5 months! :dohh::wacko:
Good golly! That is amazing! I wouldn't have had the courage to go camping now, let alone have the energy! Even going shopping for longer than an hour or two made me nervous at that stage. My boys are usually well behaved when out and about and rarely go into meltdown but that doesn't mean I don't fear it constantly... gosh I am an easily embarrassed wuss :haha: But anyway I am already panicking for xmas when we are supposed to go to Switzerland to visit my parents. :wacko:

why don't you tell your brother that Rena is Jewish AND gay :winkwink:
Sabrina, I'm a catholic and DH is a protestant, and we were told by the priest who married us that we should do a pre-marriage course. During the course we were advised that you're not christened protestant or catholic, you're christened Christian, and all of the denominations recognise the others' christenings. In fact, here in NI (I don't know if it's the same everywhere, obviously it's a big deal here!!) the baptism certificate lists the churches that it covers. Not sure if that's any help!!
Conina seems that the Orthodox church does not recognise any other christening as valid! My mum was christened protestant and when she married my dad she had to convert and in order to do this, they re-christened her in the orthodox church. In regards to our boys' christening we have been told that it is ok to have only one godparent per child who is orthodox and have non-orthodox "assistants" who aren't but this would be the minimum. :/ Seriously, you'd think being Christian would be enough but noooo.
Hi everyone. Angel, that sounds like such a difficult situation you've got there regarding the christening. Hope you can work something out that you're happy with. I sometimes hate the fact that once you have a baby or babies then suddenly everyone feels like they can tell you what to do or meddle when it should be a precious time. Conina, that's great to have 4 nights in a row of STTN. Long may it last! My advice would be to totally make the most of it and stock up on your sleep reserves just in case it doesn't last! Kia used to STTN but it all changed when she started teething. Borboleta, poor Thiago - sounds like teething and a cold. Hope he feels better soon. And good luck for your OH about the interview. Kosh, 3 hour naps. Wow. That's the stuff my dreams are made of. My reality is normally 45 min naps! Clio, you really make me laugh with your posts about your cat! Storm, have you tried doing omelettes? Kia loves cheese omelette with some avocado on the side. So, anyone who's BF got a LO who bites? Kia has bit me hard 3 times today. The second time was very painful and I shouted out in pain and poor little thing got a big fright and started screaming. I really couldn't help it though.
Hmmm right enough there aren't too many Greek orthodox in NI!! I imagine they were probably talking about the main denominations in NI, catholic, church of Ireland, methodist and presbyterian. But it's hard to tell round here...
Hi everyone. Angel, that sounds like such a difficult situation you've got there regarding the christening. Hope you can work something out that you're happy with. I sometimes hate the fact that once you have a baby or babies then suddenly everyone feels like they can tell you what to do or meddle when it should be a precious time. Conina, that's great to have 4 nights in a row of STTN. Long may it last! My advice would be to totally make the most of it and stock up on your sleep reserves just in case it doesn't last! Kia used to STTN but it all changed when she started teething. Borboleta, poor Thiago - sounds like teething and a cold. Hope he feels better soon. And good luck for your OH about the interview. Kosh, 3 hour naps. Wow. That's the stuff my dreams are made of. My reality is normally 45 min naps! Clio, you really make me laugh with your posts about your cat! Storm, have you tried doing omelettes? Kia loves cheese omelette with some avocado on the side. So, anyone who's BF got a LO who bites? Kia has bit me hard 3 times today. The second time was very painful and I shouted out in pain and poor little thing got a big fright and started screaming. I really couldn't help it though.
Hmmm right enough there aren't too many Greek orthodox in NI!! I imagine they were probably talking about the main denominations in NI, catholic, church of Ireland, methodist and presbyterian. But it's hard to tell round here...

where about tin NI are you from conina?
mi ex was (is!) from belfast and i loved it
You can't win! :shrug:
You cannot please everyone, so you should do what you want to do.
They will get over it....eventually...
Indigo I totally understand the wedding thing! OH and I have been together for 9 1/2 years and one of the reasons we aren't married is our mutual DREAD of the wedding! IF we could do it as a civil ceremony with no one there from either family so it would be just for us, we would have done it ages ago. We do not want a huge hoopla. My brother had that with something like 300 guests and I would have hated that to be my wedding! Soo stressful and to me the anathema of romantic! But I know well that various friends and family will be seriously miffed if we did it on the sly without them being there. My best friend Andrea already told me she would never forgive me cause she cannot understand why I wouldn't want her there at least lol. So we don't get married. It is no big deal except of course Nick has very few rights where the boys are concerned should something happen to me. :(
Hmmm right enough there aren't too many Greek orthodox in NI!! I imagine they were probably talking about the main denominations in NI, catholic, church of Ireland, methodist and presbyterian. But it's hard to tell round here...

where about tin NI are you from conina?
mi ex was (is!) from belfast and i loved it

Kosh - I'm from Belfast too. Not everyone's cup of tea but I love it!

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