any other over 35 first time mums?

Kosh: I am Brazilian :happydance:;)!!! Love my country by the way. I am thinking for Thiago's birthday party to have Elmo holding an American flag and a brazilian one:) :haha:

Sabrina: have fun on your trip:)!! And I agree how nice it is to have LO's so close in age. We can share a lot of experience. Oh, there is conina's LO too. He is little like Niko.

Clio: so happy for little Jonah:). Up is a great first word. I wonder if thiago is going to have a speech delay since I speak Portuguese with him and the rest of the family speak English. Probably but that is okay:).

Storm: congratulations on your bfp:). So you and Rowan75 are going to have to share your experiences with two little ones so close in age.

Have to go get ready to get my dad at the airport:). Talk to you girls soon:)!
Angelk: thiago would roll from back to tummy but couldn't figure it out the other way around. After about 3 weeks he got better at it. They will do things when they are ready :thumbup:. And don't worry about Dom sleeping on his tummy, he probably has enough head control by now:). And all babies love sleeping like that anyways:winkwink:. Maybe he will sleep really good :sleep::).
Kosh: I am Brazilian :happydance:;)!!!

I know you are Brazilian! but are you 100% Brazilian? any mix in there?

Clio: so happy for little Jonah:). Up is a great first word. I wonder if thiago is going to have a speech delay since I speak Portuguese with him and the rest of the family speak English. Probably but that is okay:).

is he's anything like my friends' kids he might speak a bit later,but grow up bilingual 100% :thumbup:

Storm: congratulations on your bfp:). So you and Rowan75 are going to have to share your experiences with two little ones so close in age.

hang on a minute, have I missed something? are you pregnant Storm??
Kosh: I am Brazilian :happydance:;)!!!

I know you are Brazilian! but are you 100% Brazilian? any mix in there?

Clio: so happy for little Jonah:). Up is a great first word. I wonder if thiago is going to have a speech delay since I speak Portuguese with him and the rest of the family speak English. Probably but that is okay:).

is he's anything like my friends' kids he might speak a bit later,but grow up bilingual 100% :thumbup:

Storm: congratulations on your bfp:). So you and Rowan75 are going to have to share your experiences with two little ones so close in age.

hang on a minute, have I missed something? are you pregnant Storm??

:haha: I was born there. My dad had italian and African American from his grandparents now my mom has deutsch, native Indian and God knows what else!!

I am expecting the speech delay. But that is okay if he becomes bilingual. Do you speak Spanish with Gael?

And I thought that I read that storm said that she was tired since she got her bfp so I am assuming she is pregnant. Are you Storm?
Hey everyone!

I totally agree--I love that not only the women on this thread are my age and going through the same things (major doozy of a fight with DH this morning, too, started by him! Then, he went back to bed, leaving me with J, woke up again a few hours and totally forgot we had a fight. :wacko: In the meantime, I was having a meltdown and trying not to let J see so he isn't scarred for life... :cry: ).

I also love that all of us have babes around a month apart, so we all have someone who might be able to help us. AND, they're going through the same things (i.e. teething!) at the same time, so again, more help. Or commiseration.

Only problem is, I'm having difficulty keeping up with everyone. I want to respond to each and everyone of you, but it's getting tough. I have an idea, and please, please veto it if you think it won't work, don't like it, or is simply a bad idea. I will not be offended in the least. I also now have to speak very carefully to not violate the TOS.

What if we had a forum board of our own? We can start topics and then have the luxury to pay close attention to what everyone is saying, and not have to scroll down all the time to see what people said. I know where to go to have a board all to ourselves without having to set up anything and where we won't be intruded upon at all. I'm not sure yet about how we can lure new people to the new site (again, against TOS) but we could figure it out.

We can all also have our own personal thread and then can follow each other easily. There can be a kosh thread, a SabrinaKat thread, etc.

But I must emphasize: I LOVE this thread because of all of you (and your LOs. I feel like I know them, too.) But sometimes things fall through the cracks. Or, I feel my responses are sometimes superficial when that is the last thing I want to be.

What do you think? Or do you prefer a thread?
interesting idea clio, but tbh, don't know if i'd be able to follow everyone/everything in there.
why do you think that would be easier to follow than this thread (I too get lost sometimes, and have had to take notes!:blush:)
Oh, and I don't know how to say this without sounding like a bragging mother, but talking actually starts at about a year, so not to worry SabrinakKat. J is a bit early, probably because his mother and father are non-stop yappers.

But I think there is a genetic element going on here. Both of his cousins started talking and walking really early. J probably got it from my husband's family.
Wouldn't that be just like setting up journals here? I'll follow you ladies what ever you decide to go cause I like our little community but I do love the dynamic-ness :)haha: not a word) of this thread. :)

As for international backgrounds, I think without wanting to brag that I am the most cosmopolitan:
From my father's side:
Half Russian, half Norwegian grandmother
Half Romanian, half Greek Grandfather
From my mother's side:
German grandmother
Hungarian grandfather.

My father's parents met while studying in Oxford and then after their marriage lived in Romania. They left after WWII when the Russians occupied the country and settled in France. Since my Romanian grandfather and his sons (my grandmother was still Norwegian) then had no nationality they adopted French citizenship.

My parents met in Switzerland, where my father was going to uni and my mother went to do a French language course. After they married they settled in Zurich Switzerland where my brother and I were born. In Switzerland you are not automatically Swiss just cause you were born there so my brother and I were French citizens like my father. We became Swiss/French dual citizens when we were about 17 and 18. When Romania was freed once again we also regained our Romanian citizenship. So we have three passports :) Confused any? lol

Now I forgot what else I wanted to respond to :wacko:
interesting idea clio, but tbh, don't know if i'd be able to follow everyone/everything in there.
why do you think that would be easier to follow than this thread (I too get lost sometimes, and have had to take notes!:blush:)

Well, it'll be separate threads like anywhere else on BnB, and note-taking won't be necessary. I just wish I could follow everyone more closely.

Anyway, I love this thread, too. I cannot emphasize this enough.
wow angel I'm impressed!!
and I though I was 'exotic' :winkwink: - born in Argentina (of Argentine parents) but with eastern-european genetic background (grandparents from Russia, Ukraine and Poland)
DH is Mexican (but lived for over 20 years in the USA) of Spanish descent and something else which is a bit of a mistery - his grandfather arrived from who know where and had to change his surname....:shrug:

borboleta, yes we talk in Spanish to LO
Oh yes, I am trying to remember to speak in German to my boys as that is my first language. I think bringing up children bilingually is a great idea and will help later on. You never learn another language as easily as when you're tiny :)

Oh and Borboleta, thank you for reassuring me about the rolling. But the thing is that my boys have these special pillows to help with their flat heads. It wouldn't be so good if he rolled over and had his face stuck to that :wacko:. Also they are both still wearing their woombies and that restricts their arms quite a bit. So what with the pillows and the woombies I am not sure how well they would manage with the breathing. So we now use this belly band that holds Dom in place. It has velcro though and that makes quite a noise when opened. So we can only use it when we are sure that we won't have to lift him out again any time soon as it wakes him further and also wakes poor Seb.
Oh yes, I am trying to remember to speak in German to my boys as that is my first language. I think bringing up children bilingually is a great idea and will help later on. You never learn another language as easily as when you're tiny :)

Oh and Borboleta, thank you for reassuring me about the rolling. But the thing is that my boys have these special pillows to help with their flat heads. It wouldn't be so good if he rolled over and had his face stuck to that :wacko:. Also they are both still wearing their woombies and that restricts their arms quite a bit. So what with the pillows and the woombies I am not sure how well they would manage with the breathing. So we now use this belly band that holds Dom in place. It has velcro though and that makes quite a noise when opened. So we can only use it when we are sure that we won't have to lift him out again any time soon as it wakes him further and also wakes poor Seb.

so are you bilingual too?

re. rolling - I think I missed the question. Gaelonly just started rolling at night and in fact I think it helps him self-settle in the middle of the night
oh - and I still have to tell you about the side cot, I think you might find it useful. but i ahve to go now. please remind me later!! :flower:
Evening all - no no no no no I'm not pregnant - I meant my bfp with the little lady. Much as I would love another child I'm in no fit state to be having another one just yet - even though I do feel the pressure with the age thing... that and I remember what pregnancy and childbirth were both like and I didn't enjoy either much!

Had a nightmare night last night, LO was crying every hour and even when I had her in with me she cried for 2 hours - I don't know what she wanted, I tried everything :( I was really sick last night too, without being too gross vomited everywhere and it was full of blood, DH is a paramedic so I wasn't too scared but not it looks like I have an ulcer - I'm not surprised to be honest. My brother is a doctor so he put me on meds today and I have to see if I can get some investigation done by own GP. It never rains but it pours as they say.

Anyway I'm off to bed in a minute - LO is asleep after projectiling her last bottle over the both of us resulting in new clothes for us both - you couldn't make it up. I'm guessing thats not a good start for a decent nights sleep, that and I'm feeling poorly and DH is on nightshift :(

Ps to the lady who said about giving the bottle first thing in the morning - I totally agree, and if I had a 'normal' child where food was concerned I would. I've tried and she doesn't want it, she wants her porridge first and as it's made with her baby milk and she doesn't want her bottle to later I figure she's the boss - I know it's weird but then again pretty much everything with LO and her eating is weird.....

Hopefully catch up more tomorrow as my tummy hurts and I need a lie down xx
Kosh yes I am bilingual though I only learnt English in school and then further when I moved to England in the early 90s. I did grow up with French as my secondary language. My grandparents lived in France you see and both my father's brothers and their family are mainly French speaking cause one settled in Paris and the other in Geneva, the French part of Switzerland (as opposed to Zurich which is in the sort of German part). UNfortuantely since my grandmother died 3 years ago I have very little opportunity to use my French as the family used to gather at her home in Normandy and now we are in sad disarray :(
I think I'm not explaining what I mean well enough--as in, how it would work--BUT, it seems that this thread is much loved (by me, too!) so ignore my suggestion.

Long live the thread!

Totally German here, but born in Canada. Not very exciting, especially seeing as my German is soooo bad by now.
Storm only saw your post just now. You poor thing! I hope you feel better soon! I think ulcers can now be treated very successfully, right? I really hope you can clear it up. Vomiting like that sounds soo painful! Good thing you have help so close at hand. :hugs:
Evening all - no no no no no I'm not pregnant - I meant my bfp with the little lady. Much as I would love another child I'm in no fit state to be having another one just yet - even though I do feel the pressure with the age thing... that and I remember what pregnancy and childbirth were both like and I didn't enjoy either much!

Had a nightmare night last night, LO was crying every hour and even when I had her in with me she cried for 2 hours - I don't know what she wanted, I tried everything :( I was really sick last night too, without being too gross vomited everywhere and it was full of blood, DH is a paramedic so I wasn't too scared but not it looks like I have an ulcer - I'm not surprised to be honest. My brother is a doctor so he put me on meds today and I have to see if I can get some investigation done by own GP. It never rains but it pours as they say.

Anyway I'm off to bed in a minute - LO is asleep after projectiling her last bottle over the both of us resulting in new clothes for us both - you couldn't make it up. I'm guessing thats not a good start for a decent nights sleep, that and I'm feeling poorly and DH is on nightshift :(

Ps to the lady who said about giving the bottle first thing in the morning - I totally agree, and if I had a 'normal' child where food was concerned I would. I've tried and she doesn't want it, she wants her porridge first and as it's made with her baby milk and she doesn't want her bottle to later I figure she's the boss - I know it's weird but then again pretty much everything with LO and her eating is weird.....

Hopefully catch up more tomorrow as my tummy hurts and I need a lie down xx

omg - are you ok?
after clio's idea of the forum and the obvious difficulties of following what everybody says in this thread, would it help if when someone has a question/important comment/etc they highlight it somehow so people do not miss it? or it's too silly? :blush:
Hi ladies. This post moves so fast! I can't keep up. Have managed to lurk a bit the last couple days but have had trouble settling Kia and not much chance to post. She's still teething and pretty grumpy at the moment. Clio, how lovely to have 'up' as a first word. Feels like a very deliberate bit of communication and a request to be closer too. Amazing. Kia has said Daddy a few times in the last couple of days. OH is delighted. It's very cute. I can't wait for Mummy too. Thanks for the suggestion about a new forum etc, I like the sentiment behind it. I struggle to keep up sometimes, partly from mainly posting in the evening while Kia is feeding, and also because I'm doing it from my phone not my laptop. But, J still love this thread and the banter and support - and will join in as much as I can. So, is Kia the oldest baby in the group then? I hadn't realised before. Oh, and I know the discussion was a few pages back but I really feel for all of those of you who have pressure from families around weddings or christenings etc due to religion or cultural expectations etc. We've both got quite small families and whilst they can be demanding in their own ways there's no expectations about a wedding or a christening. Sure I had lots of other things I wanted to say but my mind has gone blank! Only that Storm, I hope you feel better soon. Sounds pretty stressful to be unwell when OH is on the nightshift. I've had 2 bouts of sickness recently but luckily they were both during the weekend and so OH could take care of Kia. Did anyone just watch the paralympics closing ceremony? I saw some of it and I loved the energy and emotion behind it. Oh, just remembered another point. Kia's got a bit of mixed ancestry too. Some Austrian, Scottish, Welsh, English and a little bit of Maltese! Bye for now x
No I think that is an excellent idea. Also I like the way clio highlights the name of the ppl she addresses. We should all do that too maybe?
I am off to bed. OH has the nightwatch :happydance: Night night all! xxx

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