any other over 35 first time mums?

kosh--that's a tough one. I'm racking my brain, but coming up empty. Everything I think of sounds like "Gay-l". Other problem is, my English has a Canadian accent, making our vowels different.

No one could pronounce my name properly (and actually, still can't) when they read it. I just always corrected them, even as a small child.

Re: babies at the same time--no, it was just circumstance that it happened so late for both of us. We were waiting to finish grad school (and then had 4 years of infertility), while my sister was waiting for the right guy. I guess she finally found him...

Re: MILs and grandchildren--I also think it has to do with comfort level and not wanting to stand on the DIL's toes. I certainly didn't want to go baby shopping with my MIL; I wanted my own mother. As well, I did invite my MIL to one of the u/s, but only because my mum was there, too. It seemed unfair that one grandmother should see and the other not, simply because she's the paternal grandmother. But if my mother wasn't there, I wouldn't have invited my MIL, that's for sure.
HELP (in an effort to make the thread easier :winkwink:)

I need your help ladies! I'm starting to get upset that people find it difficult/do not know how to pronounce Gael's name :nope: Most people here tend to pronounce it like the female version (Gail, ie Gay-l) - is that how you say it in your head?
I found that foreigners or people who speak other language apart from English do pronounce it correctly (by correctly, I mean the way we pronounce it in Spanish :winkwink:). So, for us it is Gah-el, like the first syllables of galaxy and elephant (!) if that makes any sense. I need to find either a word that sounds like it (so I can say, Gael, like xxxx but with G, for example) or something, don't know!

Given that we are such a cosmopolitan/multilingual group maybe you can help?
thanks! :flower:

Oh kosh I know ecxatly what you mean!! We go thru the same problem here too with thiago. Normally I let my husband say his name because when I say it people ask me to spell his name. They say Diego? Or thiago like Chicago? And the right way to say it is tchiago so the th sound like a TCH like chi from tai chi and not like chicago. And our babies are not even in school!! Poor things they will have to explain their names all the time I guess! But I still love thiago's name and I really like Gael's name too:).
I agree with angel on saying to people that they should pronounce it like the real superman's name:). So cool!!!
Kosh, I've always thought of it as "Guy-el", I see I've been wrong but I definitely think of it as two syllables, rather than like Gail with only one. That post may make no sense whatsoever...

My poor wee boy has a snuffly nose, he didn't sleep as soundly as he normally does last night as a result. Anyone any ideas of how we could help him?

We got him a baby gym yesterday and he loves it!!


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Kosh, I've always thought of it as "Guy-el", I see I've been wrong but I definitely think of it as two syllables, rather than like Gail with only one. That post may make no sense whatsoever...

My poor wee boy has a snuffly nose, he didn't sleep as soundly as he normally does last night as a result. Anyone any ideas of how we could help him?

We got him a baby gym yesterday and he loves it!!

So sorry to hear your LO is has stuffy nose. Thiago has it too! No fun :nope:! We have been using that nose sucking tool ( he hates it!!) but it helps and the saline solution ( he hates it too, but again it helps). I might go get a humidifier and heard (maybe from Clio) that Vicky's is good but not sure if you can put on your LO since he is so young still.

Hope he feels better soon.:hugs:
back from mini-hols! It was okay, LO was only a little fussy, e.g. waking up every few hours at night, but we assumed it was because it was a different place? We took his moses basket and that seemed to settle him, also, he was pretty good with the babysitter last night.

am exhausted! off to meet the solicitor in relation to work, e.g. advice before I go back....

nothing else (as for being older, my mum is late 60s (she had me when she was 22!) and if Finn waits as long as I did, I'll be in my 80s!) ....

I pronounce Tiago - as Tee-ah-go (?) as have had some brazilian students in my various classes, is that right? and sorry, cannot pronounce Gael....(my tongue won't do it, but my mind is willing!)

conina - we got snuffle baby from pharmacy (wipe on chest) and put a pillow under the mattress so LO was elevated when he had a cold a few months ago, maybe that would help?

best wishes to all!
back from mini-hols! It was okay, LO was only a little fussy, e.g. waking up every few hours at night, but we assumed it was because it was a different place? We took his moses basket and that seemed to settle him, also, he was pretty good with the babysitter last night.

am exhausted! off to meet the solicitor in relation to work, e.g. advice before I go back....

nothing else (as for being older, my mum is late 60s (she had me when she was 22!) and if Finn waits as long as I did, I'll be in my 80s!) ....

I pronounce Tiago - as Tee-ah-go (?) as have had some brazilian students in my various classes, is that right? and sorry, cannot pronounce Gael....(my tongue won't do it, but my mind is willing!)

conina - we got snuffle baby from pharmacy (wipe on chest) and put a pillow under the mattress so LO was elevated when he had a cold a few months ago, maybe that would help?

best wishes to all!

Hi Sabrina
Glad you are back:)! And yes you are pronouncing it right:). I have to try what you mention for his nose too.

Did any of your LOs had runny noses when their front teeth came down? I am soooooo tired!!! Thiago has been so clingy the past couple of days!!!! All he wants is to be held! At least he is sleeping good for naps and at night:)!! I just gave him some Tylenol cause I really think the boy is in pain.
I so need to have a 12 hours sleeping session:haha: or maybe I need to take some vitamins. Maybe that will do it!
Welcome back Sabrina. Did you have fun? Hope the interview with the solicitor went well :)

Borboleta that comment about the vitamins made me laugh! :rofl: Yep vitamins will totally compensate for your lack of sleep! LOL ;)

And just cause I am sooo in love with my boys I have to share the pics I took yesterday :)

My sweet little Sebastian :)

My adorable little Dominic :)
yep - meeting was good, e.g. he thinks immediate boss is just taking the piss, so if I do go down the legal route, hav proof of bulling, but thinks I should see how it goes the first week or so back....

LO is crying, then laughing, then crying, but fine when I hold must go and 'rescue LO'....yep, only wants mummy...sigh!

must run, sorry....!

Oh kosh I know ecxatly what you mean!! We go thru the same problem here too with thiago. Normally I let my husband say his name because when I say it people ask me to spell his name. They say Diego? Or thiago like Chicago? And the right way to say it is tchiago so the th sound like a TCH like chi from tai chi and not like chicago. And our babies are not even in school!! Poor things they will have to explain their names all the time I guess! But I still love thiago's name and I really like Gael's name too:).
I agree with angel on saying to people that they should pronounce it like the real superman's name:). So cool!!!

thanks borboleta
i must admit i think i've been pronouncing thiago's name wrong (ie the spanish pronounciation). i was saying it with t not tch. (is the tch sound like the 'te' in 'gente' in portuguese?)

clio - what's your real name?

sabrina - did you have a good time?

how's everyone else?
Oh kosh I know ecxatly what you mean!! We go thru the same problem here too with thiago. Normally I let my husband say his name because when I say it people ask me to spell his name. They say Diego? Or thiago like Chicago? And the right way to say it is tchiago so the th sound like a TCH like chi from tai chi and not like chicago. And our babies are not even in school!! Poor things they will have to explain their names all the time I guess! But I still love thiago's name and I really like Gael's name too:).
I agree with angel on saying to people that they should pronounce it like the real superman's name:). So cool!!!

thanks borboleta
i must admit i think i've been pronouncing thiago's name wrong (ie the spanish pronounciation). i was saying it with t not tch. (is the tch sound like the 'te' in 'gente' in portuguese?)

clio - what's your real name?

sabrina - did you have a good time?

how's everyone else?

Yes that is ecxatly how you say the th like gente:).
Welcome back Sabrina. Did you have fun? Hope the interview with the solicitor went well :)

Borboleta that comment about the vitamins made me laugh! :rofl: Yep vitamins will totally compensate for your lack of sleep! LOL ;)

And just cause I am sooo in love with my boys I have to share the pics I took yesterday :)

My sweet little Sebastian :)
View attachment 475293

My adorable little Dominic :)
View attachment 475295

Oh my goodness they are soooo cute!!! I want to see pictures of you and your hubby because you too make beautiful babies so you and him are probably beautiful too:)!
Angel, they are absolutely adorable. Have you ever thought of baby modelling for them? Xx
Kosh, not sure what advice to give to make sure people pronounce Gael's name properly. Maybe say it's like the Ga in Gaga not the Ga in Gay!
Kosh: I just remembered something about Gael's name. Angel mention kalel the super man real name. My husband said Gael like jarel ( superman's father:).
:haha:i'm actually surprised that ppl know these things about superman! :haha:
hey, gang...

did have a nice time on our mini-hols, although since it was raining, we ended up (all three of us) mainly sleeping! On our way back, we stopped at IKEA to get some/a replacement fox aka FOXY, just in case LO lost and....he almost lost Foxy! We were in the lift and i looked down and Foxy was gone, so I ran up stairs frantic and fortunately, a staff member had spotted Foxy and holding him up when I came running and the two were soon reunited!

(it's an old picture, but the love between a baby and his fox is so cute!)

I think I can pronounce Gael -- it's GA (like Lady GaGa) and EL? oh, no, is it e-l or just l? oh, well, am trying!

finally threw away the maternity leggings, which were in bits (but oh, so comfy) and bought some regular ones, at Tesco, but seem to be good quality (I wear with t-shirts around the house and under dresses/cardigans out) as I hate tights (I hate the feet part!)...and the regular ones were only one size larger than pre-pregnancy, so am slowly getting back to wearing my own clothes again (albeit the ones you wear when having AF, not the slim ones!)....


ps. I hid the other foxes as I think seeing three of them at the same time might confuse LO?!


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Thank you ladies! My mummy's heart is swelling with pride :D

Borboleta I don't think I am all that special and OH thinks he is not that special though I think he is seeexy! I will post a pic of him but if he knew he would be soo angry! lol It is a year old cause OH hates having his pic taken, which I can understand as I do too! I have to search if I can find a more recent one for me but in the meantime I can show you this:
This one is a year or so ago and the second one a month or so ago but he doesn't look so nice there I find.



This is me a year or so ago, before pregnancy anyway.

Sabrina he is so cute and I love the Foxy too :D
And what you said about wearing clothes like when on AF made me grin! That is exactly it! My tummy has gone down a LOT and only stick out like a bit pregnant in the evening or after I eat something cause I still have the parted abdominals but it is much better! I feel almost like myself again.
Hi ladies - just popping buy and catching up on all the posts now I'm feeling a bit better, the meds are starting to work so now I just feel nauseous - I also have an appointment for some tests next week so thats good - got to love private health care - which I get free with work btw even though I'm still off on ML.

Angel it's not a wonder you and your hubby make such beautiful babies!

As for the name pronounciation I had no idea, but you have to forgive me, I was born and bread in Northern Ireland and I haven't travelled much :) When I joined a multi national company 7 years ago it was a right shock all the different accents and names, I really struggled at the start - I'm getting a lot better mind you! That said I keep getting told how I have a 'cute accent' usually by my American buddies whom Im sure have some bizarre impression of what Northern Ireland is like, I think they think Im like a little leprauchan.. I can't even spell that!

To the lady who asked what age LO is she's just over 8 months, DH and I were just saying the other day her spewing seems to be lessening - sometimes she burps now and we don't duck for cover :) I can't wait for the day she can bend over without the spew follow through. She still isn't crawling and everytime she adopts the crawl position she provides us with a little spew and then plays with it if you dont get her moved pronto!

In other news after reading about Clios little ones UP I've been encouraging Lydia to say UP, no chance - BUT - she has started saying UMM MA MA, its definately got an UMM at the start but I've decided to pretenet its just MAMA :) HeeHee

She's still biting me, wee monkey but still as gorgeous and squishy and adorable as ever!
AngelUK - YOUR OH IS....OMG! So handsome! (trying not to drool!)

Storm- my LO does a fantastic ACK!

as for spewing, we are now able to stop using Colief, but we wonder if the Aptimal 1st baby and its FOM may have been the problem; also SMA resulted in massive spew, but we're now using Cow & Gate and LO is fine (still on 1st infant, tho) and he seems OK at the moment. He's also taking long naps (2 hours this am), but me thinks the teething gremlin will be back tonight.....oh, he slept last night from 10am to 5am, bottle, then 6am to 9am, which was lovely.........ah!

best wishes......!

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