any other over 35 first time mums?

No I think that is an excellent idea. Also I like the way clio highlights the name of the ppl she addresses. We should all do that too maybe?
I am off to bed. OH has the nightwatch :happydance: Night night all! xxx

oh yes,i copied that too. i think it really helps!
Oh yes, I am trying to remember to speak in German to my boys as that is my first language. I think bringing up children bilingually is a great idea and will help later on. You never learn another language as easily as when you're tiny :)

Oh and Borboleta, thank you for reassuring me about the rolling. But the thing is that my boys have these special pillows to help with their flat heads. It wouldn't be so good if he rolled over and had his face stuck to that :wacko:. Also they are both still wearing their woombies and that restricts their arms quite a bit. So what with the pillows and the woombies I am not sure how well they would manage with the breathing. So we now use this belly band that holds Dom in place. It has velcro though and that makes quite a noise when opened. So we can only use it when we are sure that we won't have to lift him out again any time soon as it wakes him further and also wakes poor Seb.

That is impressive that they are still in the swaddlers :thumbup::). When thiago was about 3 1/2 months or 4 months he used to be swaddle too, I woke up at night and check the monitor and saw him swaddled and between blocks ( so we used to but him on his side to sleep) but he had rolled over to his tummy !!! I got really scared and from them on we just tried to put him to go to sleep on his back (which it didn't work) and he got stronger and stronger so he could get out of the swaddle. So when he was about 4 months I quit the swaddle. Had a terrible week of triying to put him to sleep on his back but them I gave in and let him sleep on his tummy and things got a lot better after that:).
Funny you use the belly band to make him stay in place :haha:. Things we do for kids. I know a couple that when they moved their daughter to a bed and she would not stay in her room they moved the locks on there door so they could lock her in from the outside :haha:. I told my hubby if thiago does the same thing I will do that too :haha::).
Evening all - no no no no no I'm not pregnant - I meant my bfp with the little lady. Much as I would love another child I'm in no fit state to be having another one just yet - even though I do feel the pressure with the age thing... that and I remember what pregnancy and childbirth were both like and I didn't enjoy either much!

Had a nightmare night last night, LO was crying every hour and even when I had her in with me she cried for 2 hours - I don't know what she wanted, I tried everything :( I was really sick last night too, without being too gross vomited everywhere and it was full of blood, DH is a paramedic so I wasn't too scared but not it looks like I have an ulcer - I'm not surprised to be honest. My brother is a doctor so he put me on meds today and I have to see if I can get some investigation done by own GP. It never rains but it pours as they say.

Anyway I'm off to bed in a minute - LO is asleep after projectiling her last bottle over the both of us resulting in new clothes for us both - you couldn't make it up. I'm guessing thats not a good start for a decent nights sleep, that and I'm feeling poorly and DH is on nightshift :(

Ps to the lady who said about giving the bottle first thing in the morning - I totally agree, and if I had a 'normal' child where food was concerned I would. I've tried and she doesn't want it, she wants her porridge first and as it's made with her baby milk and she doesn't want her bottle to later I figure she's the boss - I know it's weird but then again pretty much everything with LO and her eating is weird.....

Hopefully catch up more tomorrow as my tummy hurts and I need a lie down xx

How old is your LO? My nephew had really bad acid reflux!! I mean terrible for 6 months!!! He would not sleep unless he was in my sister in law or brother in laws chest, he would do the projectile vomit all the time, they had to sleep with a vacuum cleaner on the whole night long because it was the only thing it would make him stop screaming ( poor thing). They went to various doctors but finally close to 6 months of age they found a doctor that got his medication right and things got better. I could ask my sister in law about it if you want:).
Hope you feel better too :hugs:.
Clio: I tried to take a pic of thiago's mouth but it didn't go so well:haha:. The boy would not let me go in to take the picture :haha:. I will keep trying:).
Clio: I tried to take a pic of thiago's mouth but it didn't go so well:haha:. The boy would not let me go in to take the picture :haha:. I will keep trying:).

:-( It's like all babies everywhere are conspiring against me. But thank you for trying!

His swelling seems to have gone down, but he was upset yesterday and last night. I'm so over these two teeth. They should just stay where they are as far as I'm concerned. :growlmad:
Clio: I tried to take a pic of thiago's mouth but it didn't go so well:haha:. The boy would not let me go in to take the picture :haha:. I will keep trying:).

:-( It's like all babies everywhere are conspiring against me. But thank you for trying!

His swelling seems to have gone down, but he was upset yesterday and last night. I'm so over these two teeth. They should just stay where they are as far as I'm concerned. :growlmad:

Ahahaha :haha:! I am on board! I am sick of these teething!!! Thisgo's nose is like an open faucet:)!:growlmad:
Clio: I tried to take a pic of thiago's mouth but it didn't go so well:haha:. The boy would not let me go in to take the picture :haha:. I will keep trying:).

:-( It's like all babies everywhere are conspiring against me. But thank you for trying!

His swelling seems to have gone down, but he was upset yesterday and last night. I'm so over these two teeth. They should just stay where they are as far as I'm concerned. :growlmad:

Ahahaha :haha:! I am on board! I am sick of these teething!!! Thisgo's nose is like an open faucet:)!:growlmad:

J had an entire month with a runny nose and nothing else, so he wasn't sick. BUT, did it result in teeth? NO. Whoever came up with this teething idea was 1) stupid and 2) mean.

Poor Thiago.
Oh, I just came from the most wondrous sight: J, asleep on his Grandma's chest. He would never do that for me or my husband. Only for Oma and Grandma, it appears.

This is my mother's first grandchild at 73 and she's beyond delighted. She just whispered to me: "I'm so happy!"

Luckily, my sister has a baby due in January, and she lives close to my mum, so hopefully my mum will have easier access to a grandchild. My sister, however, believes that at 38, she won't need much help. Hahahahahahahaha!!! :rofl:
Oh, I just came from the most wondrous sight: J, asleep on his Grandma's chest. He would never do that for me or my husband. Only for Oma and Grandma, it appears.

This is my mother's first grandchild at 73 and she's beyond delighted. She just whispered to me: "I'm so happy!"

awww how sweet!
my mum is also very happy about her new grandson (ie Gael). although he is the third one, she says he is different because is the 'child of a daughter' (rather than the 'child of a son', like my brother's), you know, the 'maternal line' etc etc. she's actually a great-grandmother too,but she still claims that his new grandson is more important to her :hugs:
Luckily, my sister has a baby due in January, and she lives close to my mum, so hopefully my mum will have easier access to a grandchild. My sister, however, believes that at 38, she won't need much help. Hahahahahahahaha!!! :rofl:

:rofl: :rofl:
Oh, I just came from the most wondrous sight: J, asleep on his Grandma's chest. He would never do that for me or my husband. Only for Oma and Grandma, it appears.

This is my mother's first grandchild at 73 and she's beyond delighted. She just whispered to me: "I'm so happy!"

Luckily, my sister has a baby due in January, and she lives close to my mum, so hopefully my mum will have easier access to a grandchild. My sister, however, believes that at 38, she won't need much help. Hahahahahahahaha!!! :rofl:

That is so sweet:).

Your sister does not know what is coming her way :haha:! Did you both decided to have babies late:)? That is so cool!
Oh, I just came from the most wondrous sight: J, asleep on his Grandma's chest. He would never do that for me or my husband. Only for Oma and Grandma, it appears.

This is my mother's first grandchild at 73 and she's beyond delighted. She just whispered to me: "I'm so happy!"
Aww that is so sweet! :D

Luckily, my sister has a baby due in January, and she lives close to my mum, so hopefully my mum will have easier access to a grandchild. My sister, however, believes that at 38, she won't need much help. Hahahahahahahaha!!! :rofl:

:rofl: :rofl:
She will learn.
awww how sweet!
my mum is also very happy about her new grandson (ie Gael). although he is the third one, she says he is different because is the 'child of a daughter' (rather than the 'child of a son', like my brother's), you know, the 'maternal line' etc etc. she's actually a great-grandmother too,but she still claims that his new grandson is more important to her :hugs:

kosh my mum sees it the same way. She dotes on my brother's kids, especially, I think, his little daughter but she did tell me that my kids are different to her cause my brother's kids are also the kids of another woman, where as mine are of her own daughter if that makes sense. But she sees them much more often than mine since my brother and his family live only about 2 miles away from her.
Clio, that's hilarious about your sister thinking she won't need much help coz of her age! Really cute. Let's see what she thinks about that once her LO arrives!
Oh, and I love the idea about highlighting bits of text to show what you're referring to but I don't think I can do it on my phone. I'll try to do a new post about each subject instead.
awww how sweet!
my mum is also very happy about her new grandson (ie Gael). although he is the third one, she says he is different because is the 'child of a daughter' (rather than the 'child of a son', like my brother's), you know, the 'maternal line' etc etc. she's actually a great-grandmother too,but she still claims that his new grandson is more important to her :hugs:

kosh my mum sees it the same way. She dotes on my brother's kids, especially, I think, his little daughter but she did tell me that my kids are different to her cause my brother's kids are also the kids of another woman, where as mine are of her own daughter if that makes sense. But she sees them much more often than mine since my brother and his family live only about 2 miles away from her.
My Mum says the same thing too, that it's different with your daughter's child or children. My SIL thinks that's because your daughter is very unlikely to take your grandchildren away from you but your DIL could leave your son and make it hard for you to see your grandchildren. Quite a cynical way of looking at it though! I wondered if she was trying to tell me she was thinking of leaving my brother! I think the other angle on it is that the MIL and DIL relationship can sometimes be a difficult one so maybe a grandmother would find it easier to get closer to their daughter's child or children. On a slightly different topic, has anyone considered yet how they'd like it to be when they have grandchildren? I'm already thinking that I'd want to do things very differently than my MIL does things with me, especially if I have a son one day and he has children. So far in the future, I know, but my MIL infuriates me because she is so critical of every little thing we do!
Leeze I am just hoping I'll be around by the time my boys have kids lol. If they take their time like my brother and I did, I might well be dead. What a horrid thought! At any rate I would be in my 80s! My gosh... :shock:
Leeze - I too think about my future grandchildren lol. I really hope he doesn't take as long as I did as otherwise, as angel says, we might not be here. Without sounding too dramatic I also think about how his life will be once we are not around. I better not think about that, sorry.
re. your SIL, you could see it that way, but I think it's related to the experience of 'giving birth' - we gave birth to their grandchildren, whereas our brothers didn't. just my take on it.
HELP (in an effort to make the thread easier :winkwink:)

I need your help ladies! I'm starting to get upset that people find it difficult/do not know how to pronounce Gael's name :nope: Most people here tend to pronounce it like the female version (Gail, ie Gay-l) - is that how you say it in your head?
I found that foreigners or people who speak other language apart from English do pronounce it correctly (by correctly, I mean the way we pronounce it in Spanish :winkwink:). So, for us it is Gah-el, like the first syllables of galaxy and elephant (!) if that makes any sense. I need to find either a word that sounds like it (so I can say, Gael, like xxxx but with G, for example) or something, don't know!

Given that we are such a cosmopolitan/multilingual group maybe you can help?
thanks! :flower:
kosh I pronounced it Gah-el in my head too but then maybe that is cause I know what the ¨ in Gaël means? Like in Citroën :haha: But I don't know how to help you explain it to other ppl. Hmm. Maybe you could say it is a lil like Superman's real name which was Kal El? Sorry that is probably not much help :(
kosh I pronounced it Gah-el in my head too but then maybe that is cause I know what the ¨ in Gaël means? Like in Citroën :haha: But I don't know how to help you explain it to other ppl. Hmm. Maybe you could say it is a lil like Superman's real name which was Kal El? Sorry that is probably not much help :(

:haha: is that Superman's real name?? I had no idea!

I'm happy you pronounce it Gah-el! :happydance: problem is his name (in his birth cert) is actually not spelt with the umlaut, I only started using it to see if it would make it easier when ppl read his name. But we even have problems when we say it, like 'what's his name?' 'Gah-el', 'what, Gay-l'? :dohh:

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