any other over 35 first time mums?

Hi guys! I have a question for you re: amount of food--

Last night, J STTNed. Now, before you start congratulating me, it was actually an accident. :blush: Or actually, it was US who STTNed, not J. It was my night, I heard him cry, but by the time I was down the stairs to get him his bottle, he had stopped. I sat on the stairs for a bit, but nope, he really had stopped.

We woke up the next morning incredibly joyful! Yay! First time! Until my mother came down and asked us if we had been trying to CIO in the middle of the night. She's in the room right next to J, and said that he cried for half an hour. Not horribly, with breaks in between, but he was definitely crying.

Then another strange thing came to light. DH asked me why I turned off the monitor. But I didn't. So he must have, in his sleep, as it is by his side. But, regardless of how it got turned off, it meant that we didn't hear him. My mum would have come and gotten us if he became hysterical, but otherwise, she thought we were doing this on purpose (she has heard of CIO, but doesn't quite know how it works).

It doesn't seem to have caused any lasting damage: he was very happy this morning, didn't even want to drink much when he woke up, and now is taking a fat nap that has lasted over an hour and will probably keep going.

Okay, now my question. How much formula does he actually need? If he takes three 8 oz bottles during the day (including his bedtime one), does he need a night one? And he typically sleeps for 11 hours at night. Would he need one half way through? That seems like a lot of time without food.

I never intend to let him CIO during the night again; it was a mistake. But can I take steps to wean him off of his night time bottle (however that's done)? In other words, Is 24 oz of formula a day for a 9 month old who is being weaned enough? I can't seem to find an answer on Dr. Google.
Oh, and re: pictures

Angel--Oh my god. That's all I have to say.

SabrinaKat--SO incredibly sweet! What a love affair!

I've said it before, and I'll say it again--yaaaay for pictures!!! I like to update J's in my siggy because he grows so fast and I always want to see and show the most recent. And I get bored. But I know; I'm a photo whore.

Otherwise, I'm out of the loop. Sorry--it's a bit hard with my mum here. I did read something about maternity leggings (SabrinaKat?) and wanted to say that I still wear my mat pants. They are the only pants that are comfortable and still fit... :blush:
Clio - we were recommended about 600ml a day during weaning, so that' oz (my LO drinks about 700-800 ml (25-30) plus 1/2 jar of porridge (small one, tho)/breakfast, cup of fruit puree (small portion, about 20-25 small spponfuls) for snack and we attempt meat/veg (minimum of 12 small demitasse size spoonfuls) for dinner. He also has 6-7 bottles a day (about 4oz a go as he had problems with reflux, so we feed more often - I offer 'food' about an hour after a bottle, so he's not too hungry or not too full.

oh, I LOVED my maternity leggings (black, cropped), but the inner thigh was worn out and I was tired of patching, so bought a pair of regular ones and they fit, so went and bought a few more. Besides, the maternity ones were too big in the tummy - LOL!, but yes, so comfy. Plus, both maternity ones and the new ones are of thick material, I hate flimsy stuff, so bought 3 pairs of the new ones and will rotate. I wore to work black long-sleeve thick t-shirts (work under a cardigan or under a jacket/with a scarf wrapped around a la audrey hepburn (I like to think)) and bought a dozen, so when I find a 'basic' I like, I do buy loads. In my defence, I have vintage clothes, too and used to shop at second hand shops (I wear alot of black, alice bands, peter pan collars under cardigans), and even have some of my mother's old clothes from the 1950s (too fat at the moment, tho), my style is preppy-punk, I suppose. So, I tend to stock up on stuff, but those maternity leggings were a complete life-saver! (oh, I wear with a long t-shirt at home, but throw on a cardigan and loafers/espadrilles for going outside)..........LOL!

Clio 3 bottles is plenty, my LO has 3 7oz bottles during the day the last is at bedtime and nothing overnight! She dropped her own during the middle of the night bottle about 3 weeks ago, she has a bottle cry and one night she just didn't use that cry! A few nights ago when she cried for a couple of hours I was so desperate I offered her a bottle but she didn't want it. I do offer her water/weak juice with her lunch and tea but she mostly plays with the cup and drinks very little.

Catching up here on my blackberry while LO tries to crawl, she can drag herself across the wooden floor using only her arms but hasn't got the leg action sorted yet!!
Thank you StormJet and SabrinaKat--that's very helpful. I think he's getting enough, too, and he's eating a lot of real food.

But he won't drop that night-time bottle. He's nearly 9 months (in 4 days! :shock: ). How do I go about getting him to drop it? I'm pretty sure it's a comfort thing. He doesn't even drink all of it anymore. I've heard of people giving water instead; maybe we should try it? Any other suggestions would be very appreciated!

StormJet--how old is your LO? You don't have a ticker, and that makes my poor little brain confused.

Borboleta--my real name is Eva.

kosh--this would apply to you. In German, it's pronounced "Eh-fa," and my family calls me that. My mum anglicized it to "A-va" when I entered grade school, and I just learned to correct people when they read it out loud and said it wrong (everyone says "Eee-va"). It was actually no big deal; my sister had to do the same with Anja. She needed to make people understand that the "j" was pronounced like a "y." You get used to it, and Gael probably will too.

So J has now added "hi" and "bah bah" while waving to his repertoire. Still, no "mama," or "dada." Seriously kid, I appreciate all the effort put into trying to communicate, but does your third word really have to be "bye?" As in, "I'm out of here"? He also finally noticed all the animal decals on his walls, so we have to take him around and around and around a number of times a day while he waves at all of them.

Question: What does everybody's username mean? I know that SabrinaKat and StormJet are after your cats, but the others? Clio is the muse of History, and I've used it for years.
Thank you for your compliments ladies :) :blush:

Clio: I have used the name Angel online since I think the late 90s and I used it for all games and other forums I have joined over the years. The UK comes cause I live in the UK :haha:

As for dropping that night time bottle, I have wondered the same with Dominic. With his weight of over 9kg (nearly 20lbs) there is no way he needs it. But woah does he want it lol. My mother had sent me some baby tea that is made by Hipp, not sure if you know this brand? (German) Here baby teas do not seem to be used at all but in German speaking countries it seems very normal. The tea consists mainly of fennel and such stuff I think. I tried giving it to Dom one night and he drank a bit and settled again but then cried 30 mins later and would not be fobbed off with the tea again. But maybe something like that might work on your boy? My friend Sandra swears by it and got her then 2 month old second son to drop his middle of the night feed. her first son slept through the night from the first grrr.

Edit: I LOOOOVE that pic of Jonah! He is gorgeous! His eyes slay me!
I haven't read all the posts sorry!
We're in the process of buying a house and had to go to the bank and solicitor today so we could finally exchange contracts! :happydance: Getting very excited (and very nervous too)!

Clio - absolutely no idea how much they should drink, sorry. Some ppl find that aspect of BF very diffcult as they want to know how much their LOs are taking. Luckily that never worried me.

re.usernames - funnily enough, kosh is (was) my cat too! She was a present for my 5th bday and died when I was 21st! She was always with me, I loved her soooo much!:cry: Her full name was koshka, which means cat in Russian! I use it as username everywhere.

re. pronounciation - is the V in your name really pronounced like an F,or is just a very strong V? we would pronounce it E-va in Spanish.

re. J's words - wow, 3 words already?????? :thumbup::happydance: amazing! I have to admit, that like storm, I've been trying to get Gael to say something cool as his first word, but no success so far.:haha:
Although he has started babbling this week! so cute :cloud9: I'm so in love with my son!

Angel- no wonder why Seb and Dom are so gorgeous!:winkwink:

Storm - glad you're feeling a bit better better.

Re. pictures - clio, sabrina your LOs are sooo cute! I'll post more pictures of mine tomorrow.

Sabrina - I'm trying to think what the preppy in preppy-punk means? :shrug::blush:

can't remember anymore, sorry...

Indigo - are you ok?
Let me do this in parts.

Clio: I love j eyes:)!!! To melt for:)!!!

Sabrina: Finn is soooooo adorable!!! Now I want to see pictures of you and your hubby :haha: nd Clio too:)!!! Actually everybody:)!:haha:

Angelk: as I suspected beautiful people do make beautiful babies:)!! You should tell you hubby that you posted his picture and all the girls thought he was so handsome:)!:haha: I bet he will love it:)!
Part two:

Clio: borboleta means butterfly in Portuguese. And I just love butterfly. My hubby calls me that sometimes :haha::).

AngelK: 20 pounds!!! Thiago went for his 6 months check up and he is 16 pounds 13 ounces! Dominic is being well feed :haha:. Poor thiago he might move out of this hotel down here! :dohh:
Morning ladies - Clio I've added a ticker - it's taken me 8 months to get round to it! LO is sleeping (morning nap - how long will she sleep who know's)! I'm contemplating going to buy her some crawler shoes so she can get some grip on the wooden floor and tiles, I do feel sorry for her dragging herself across the floor using her arms :) I'll see when she wakens as my SIL is calling this afternoon to check on my poorly tum, DH is at work. I'm feeling a good bit better today thank goodness.

As a side note, LO has LOADS of toys - what did she try and crawl across the room for? The dogs toy! What is she like :)
storm - yay for crawling!

question re. poo! - last time he pooed was Monday...when should I start to get concerned?
storm - yay for crawling!

question re. poo! - last time he pooed was Monday...when should I start to get concerned?

I was going to post but I think the last time L pooed was just now - what a smell....:baby::flower:
storm: Finn seems to love one of the cats' toys (it's a bird on the end of a string), and keeps trying to get the toy when we play with the cat (therefore, we now play with the cats when LO is asleep!).

kosh - I was told if LO goes 5 days without a poo and seems in obvious discomfort, so if last poo was Monday, maybe start to worry tomorrow (but as it's Friday, maybe a quick call to GP in the am, so if you need to go in, you could see GP/nurse tomorrow afternoon)

preppy is a term from the 1980s, to refer to people who go to prep school (independent private schools), join country clubs, etc., and the clothes are essentially not fussy, simple lines (think Lacoste, LLBean or Talbots), so turtlenecks, cardigans, wool skirts, loafers, etc., where the look, I think, is 'classic'. However, I wear some colours, but mostly black.

um....oh, my real name is Pamela. In real life, I teach TEFL at a further education college, but have a PhD in (ancient) history and even wrote a book on ancient rome a few years ago, but am now a SAHM mum ....until next month (so, of course, love your username Clio!)....

had a bad-ish night last night, as got AF and LO just wouldn't settle. My OH kept commenting that I needed to help out and I told him that was just so rude as I usually thank him for making bottles or getting LO to sleep, but no thanks from him for all I do. We didn't scream, but he did listen to me (or he was asleep on the couch, not sure - LOL!) . I went to bed and LO was just screaming, so I came back in and finally settled LO after about 2-3 hours trying (he wasn't interested in a nap at 7, nor one at 8 and finally went to sleep at 10, until 1, OH's night, so I merely poked my head into the spare room, asked if he wanted my help, he said no, and I went back to sleep, so did LO until 8am, so at least, we got some sleep eventually). I HATE TEETHING!

bye until later, as it's time for LO to take a nap...

To those of you ladies with boys, do your boys also grab at their bits when you change their nappies?? Dom has started to do this one or so weeks ago and it is always a race to wipe before he grabs cause of course he would then put the pooy fingers in his mouth after :sick: But what is more he really squeezes the poor little willy lol. He doesn't seem to hurt himself cause Dom would definitely let me know if something hurt LOL But I just wondered if he was just doing this en route for his feet that he cannot quite grasp yet or if this is a well known boy thing lol xxx
Poo nappy changed - eughhh - that's 2 today! Talking of which is anyone else at the stage where LO trys to escape everytime you try to change their nappy? Our nappy changes are now becoming a battle of wills! I win of course but boy is it annoying.

I took the little lady to get some shoes, pre-walkers, a mere £24 and I will be lucky if they do her 4 weeks, they do look cute though. She is currently trying to untie my shoe laces but I've duped her I'm wearing sketchers and they are just elasticated :)

Shes in good form cause she had lunch she liked, chicken and apricots followed by mango - I had to laugh as I on the otherhand had toast - no wonder I'm having tum issues! I could do with some of her meals :)

AF is due for me too in a couple of days SabrinaKat - was just thinking how when TTC I counted the days, now I just vaguely dread it cause its a hassle and makes me even more tired than I already am.

Hope everyone is well x
To those of you ladies with boys, do your boys also grab at their bits when you change their nappies?? Dom has started to do this one or so weeks ago and it is always a race to wipe before he grabs cause of course he would then put the pooy fingers in his mouth after :sick: But what is more he really squeezes the poor little willy lol. He doesn't seem to hurt himself cause Dom would definitely let me know if something hurt LOL But I just wondered if he was just doing this en route for his feet that he cannot quite grasp yet or if this is a well known boy thing lol xxx

I have a girl and she grabs her lady bits when changing her nappy - something which has me totally paranoid as she started doing it when she had a UTI and now I keep thinking she has a UTI - she doesn't I think she started and now she just has a grab now and again because she can :wacko:
nope, no grabbing of bits, but loads of kicking with absolute joy (and into our faces!) when changing nappies.

oops! It took me nearly half an hour to get LO settled for a nap (the cats chasing each other didn't help) and now, after about 1/2 hour, LO is awake. Bright red cheeks, so might need some calpol for teething (only really use when needed)....sigh. At least, I had time to: put laundry in, sterilise some bottles, put some dishes in the dishwasher, he's awake!

re. my own poo question - thanks sabrina but it's all sorted now :haha::sick:

angel - yessss, Gael does it too. in fact DH asked me yesterday if that was normal, and I said 'no idea' :haha: and yes, as you said, it's not that the grabs it he really squeezes the life out of that poor willy :haha:
Yay!!! This time you can congratulate us! (No, no, please, I insist.) We had a true STTN! We had all doors open, all fans off, the monitor up to the highest level and my mother on alert. But no! He stayed down until 7 am! Will this continue? Who knows!!! But it did happen.

StormJet--I hope you're feeling better. Yay for the crawling, though! :happydance: J would pull himself along the floor a bit, but he really discovered that he could get somewhere when he one day saw the cat and decided to "chase" it. We've got a video of it and it's hilarious. I know--shoes are expensive, aren't they? I've been trying to find some for J that are affordable (ie. NOT $25), but so far no luck. I think I'll try the second hand shops today. But do you not have sleepers and socks that have grips on them? Here they put them on all socks, and sleepers for 9+ months.

re: AF and TTC--oh, I know; I am SO GLAD that I don't have to think about TTC anymore, counting the days, getting anxious, AF actually meaning failure, and not that you just need to get more maxi pads.

SabrinaKat--I'm sorry for such a rotten night. Upset baby, cranky OH and AF. A perfect storm. I'm also due for AF today (saw the tell-tale pink on the tissue). Luckily the flow has slowed down since I gave birth. No more adult diapers to bed...

kosh--Koshka! What a lovely story. I adore cats. Can't live without one. How's the poo-ing situation? Still stuck? (Imagine the poo you're going to get at the end of this! :sick:)

Angel--after J found his bits in the bath, he did make to grab them at first when changing his diaper (you might remember the hand-to-poopy-willy-then-to-mouth incident a while back), but now I just put stuff in his hands to distract him. Also to keep him from flipping over and running away.

Borboleta--what a lovely word for butterfly. Much nicer than "Schmetterling" in German. Only the Germans can give such a delicate creature such a harsh name. Re: photos--I'm trying to find some nice pics of us, but we apparently don't take ones of each other anymore. Only of J. I'll keep looking. I may have to post older ones.

Rowan and Indigo--where are you? How are you doing? Rowan, how is the pregnancy going and is Martha walking yet???
clio - congratulations!! or I should actually say - Jonah - congratulations!! :thumbup:

angel - imagine the day we come to the board to say Dom/Gael have STTN?! :winkwink:

re. Koshka - the story is in fact even better: after my brother's death my mum thought it would be good for me to have a pet and as i already loved cats, she got me this tiny white cat. she lived through everything with me: my parents divorce, my mum's 'travels' (long story) and many many more. she lived over 16years and died on my brother's anniversary...:cry:

how's everyone else?

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