any other over 35 first time mums?

Hi everyone - its good to read about other peoples kiddies and their reflux - L has been a nightmare with the reflux and the vomiting and now at less than 9 months she can make herself sick if she doesn't want to eat something! I'm feeding her a mixture of porridge, home cooked food and hipp jars and ellas kitchens pouches. I bought some of the stupidly expensive Annabel Karmela pouches and she hated them! Her favourite food is still chicken breasts cooked in a casserole dish with fresh apricots, a little onion, carrot and potato then blended, I swear she is lazy and cant be be bothered chewing yet she has no issues chewing on the odd occasion my dad sneaks her a plain biscuit - funny that! She loves fromage frais and fruit puree and mango - I've cut out bananas for now as I think they were giving her constipation..

Anyway DH is bathing the little madam (have to get the food out of her hair) and then its bedtime bottle and as I need a decent sleep off to bed for the both of us :)

I also give her porridge first thing in the morning as bottle on an empty stomach = mega spewage and she didn't want it :) I figure her porridge has 3oz of milk in it anyway so I don't feel bad - porridge is a good base for keeping things down!
load of posts to read, sorry!
in the meantime - welcome mrsnorthman :hi:
and love all the pictures!
clio - don't know how I pictured you, but you look so young and relaxed! and your DH looks like the typical laid back academic! :winkwink:
conina - love the family picture! I am jealous, we didn't get any picture of all together :nope:
storm - love the trike, can she actually 'drive' it? where is your DH from? he looks like a younger and friendlier version of my boss :haha:

will have to post some of us now
Welcome MrsNorthman! :wave:

Well, like Thiago, one of the top teeth finally broke through. We're still waiting on the second one, though, and in the meantime, the poor kid is hopped up on painkillers. Which seems to give him a lot of energy?

Last night was another PAR-TAY. Plus, somehow, it ended up being my night again, though I'm not really certain how. I had to wake my husband because he slept through J's crying, and he was sooooooo slow getting up and getting him a bottle that I went in myself to make sure it was only hunger. Turned out, he was in pain, so I gave him Advil. And then, strangely, his bottle as well. My husband just came in, handed the bottle to me and said "So I guess you're feeding him?" :wacko: (I should have made him do it, but I did want to cuddle J through his pain.)

Ach, but it drives me crazy. My OH has absolutely no idea when to administer medicine and what sort. Can't decide if he needs it, can't tell which one to give, can't use the syringes properly (never gets the liquid in his mouth, even this far along), can't judge if it's really working or if J needs something else, as well. I have no desire to become "Dr. Mom," and wish he'd try to learn some of this stuff. But I guess it all just gives that special clause in my Mommy Contract--that I will not change J's poopy diapers if Daddy is around--that much more validation.

On our news, we went to get passport pics done for the boys. I am not sure I like the ones we ended up with but OH says that they are in keeping with all passport pics around the world, awful! lol No they aren't awful but I have much cuter pics of my boys. And the way they were taken was not helping either. Basically she had us lay the boys down on a pillow and she hovered over them to take the pic. Both boys were startled by the flash I guess but they look like mini criminals in a "WANTED" poster lol.
:haha: Oh, but they are wanted. Once you have Dom's sleeping sorted, send him this way. Seb, send right away, please.

StormJet--what a cutie on her trike! What can L do with it? Do you push her? Oh, and your husband looks exactly like my type: handsome and very kind. If OH continues to foist his nights off onto me, expect me on your doorstep.

And yay for full-on crawling! :wohoo: You'll never rest again, and will need to save your child from many life-threatening situations every day. The other day, J was illicitly chewing on a very heavy cord and I was in the middle of something really important. So, I thought, that rubber is so thick, he won't hurt himself. Till I look down a moment later and find that he has wrapped it around his neck and was trying to crawl away, and, in the process, was slowly choking himself.

Rowan--I'm glad weaning is helping M's reflux. J didn't have reflux, but he threw up all the time. We had to have two bibs on him at all times (we called it "double bibbing") and had tons of sleepers at the ready because they never remained clean for long. But when we started weaning, he almost immediately stopped with the spit up. And we do BLW and in the beginning he got barely anything down, so I'm not sure why it helped, but boy did it ever.

SabrinaKat--yay for the sitting! :wohoo: After J could sit, that was the beginning of everything. Rolling both ways (he only had perfected back to front at that point), crawling, cruising. It all happened in quick succession after learning to sit. (It isn't essential, though; my nephews never sat and walked crazy early anyway.) But I've got to say, I was so relieved to get rid of that play mat. It took up so much of our already-limited space.

I'm sure I've missed a number of people! Oh...

Indigo--again, what a Super Baby N is! J took forever to roll and he only started babbling with consonants around a month ago.

Traditional Weaning--wow, it sounds so complicated. But it also sounds so cool when you talk about how many ozs from this or that from the sachets and other. It sounds very reassuring. I have no idea how much J takes with the BLW. But he certainly takes more than he used to.

Okay, nap time. :sleep:
Phew, lots of pages to read. Hard to keep up. Feeling exhausted today but happier because it's the first day in the week with no diarrhoea for Kia. She's started putting her hand out this week when she wants something. It's very very cute. Welcome to Mrs N. It's a very friendly thread and we're all finding our way together in the madness that is first time motherhood in the over 35s! Conina, your photo is adorable. You look amazing for someone who's just given birth. Storm, loving the pic of Lydia on trike with dog. Kia goes on a little trike at a park near us. Have you taken her on a baby swing yet? Kia loves it. Clio, my OH asks me everything about parenting, not just medication! I'm clueless and mostly make it up as I go along. Borboleta, I give Kia about the equivalent of 4 ice cubes of puree plus finger foods. She'll normally tell me when she's had enough. Angel, how exciting to be getting passports! Where are you planning to go? Kosh, how are you feeling at the moment? Sabrina, I feel you on the teething. I feel like it's been almost constant now for 4 months. Sorry everyone for long post with no bold bits etc. On my phone and no chance to do this any other way today. Xx
No parties last night, per se....he went to sleep around 10pm and 'slept' through until 7.45am; however, I was awakened by his constant moaning and brief crying, e.g. at 11ish, 12ish, 1ish, 2ish, 4ish, 5ish, etc. I put the dummy back in, stroked his head and hoped he wouldn't fully wake up -- he didn't, but I didn't really get any decent sleep. We think the top front one is cutting through, but only feel the ridge, which means the other top front one still has to work its way down (so, I feel thiago's pain!).

My OH insists that Finn said his first words last night, e.g. 'good boy', repeating after daddy, but I think it's wishful thinking. We do gets lots of screaming, 'ack', 'awoooooo!', etc., and 'mawa', but don't think it's mama yet!

Glad to hear no diarrhoea for Kia so far today, and storm - hope you got some decent fact, I hope ALL of you got some decent sleep. Tonight is my OH's night and I plan to really relax -- now that he can LO to sleep, it makes MY life so much easier....

Morning all, we had a good sleep last night as in I was only up once with him. He did wake about ten and was wide awake and banging his feet but he went back after about 15 mins, he seemed to have a stuffy nose and was finding it difficult to breathe through his nose, so I just left the door open in case the room was too warm.

My alarm went off at 6.10 and right on cue he woke with no chance of going back to sleep but at least I got some smiles and kisses before I headed off, poor hubby though being up that early with him, although as I tell him it could be worse, at least he is going down at 8 so we have the evening to ourselves, well he has the evening to sit on the laptop and I get to get things sorted, never seems to stop for us ladies!!!

Some of you mentioned having your hubby do one night and you do the next, sounds like a great idea however is it just my hubby but he never seems to wake when Finn wakes so even though I sometimes wake him to go in to him I am also awake anyways which completely defeats the purpose :shrug:
mrs northman were the same here - my dh does not wake t all so has never doe=ne any night feeds or anything - actually it turns out we have a v traditional set up - hes only changed 3 nappies and fed her maybe 10 times too lol but hers great at playing and daddy action adventure stuff and my word she adrores him :) so it works - altho how it'll be with 2 under 15 months we shall wait and see! lmao

I was up 6 times before 2am with martha - teething and cold yey! :) dh actually woke up amazingly enough and found the karvol plug in which worked a treat!
Teething THREE teeth + REALLY cranky baby who cries at any little thing + obviously tired baby who SCREAMS when you try to put him down + obviously tired baby who finally falls asleep in your arms and then SCREAMS when put into crib + multiply this by two attempts + back that is KILLING me + husband who is away lecturing = AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Obviously, my day is not going well AT ALL.

Hope others are having a better go of it today.
big hugs and sympathy clio - hope you have an ok night and that tmro is better for you guys x
Oh, and I wanted to say:

Borboleta--I'm sorry I didn't respond to your post earlier; I knew I had missed something important in my last "round-up"! I'm so sorry about you and your trouble with DH. What is his reasoning for not giving you, frankly, way more than just 20 minutes on the couch in the evening?

What is his masters in?

Why don't men realize that this is a 24 hour job, and as important as theirs? :shrug: There is a reason it's called "labour"!

Leeze--my husband defers to me on everything as well, but I like it. It makes me feel that things are balanced then. We do 50/50, but OH does also work, albeit with awesome hours and most often from home. I always feel so guilty about that--50/50, yet one of us also works? But my husband keeps reminding me that I've done all the research, I make all the decisions and I keep everything organized. I just have to keep reminding myself about that... And I'm absolutely certain that you, Leeze, do know what you're doing.

And yay for K reaching for the things she wants! Isn't it so amazing when they do something new? I used to worry about milestones, but stopped because I realized that whenever I worried he was behind on something, he always did it within a week or two. It just ended up being wasted worry.

(Obviously, my husband has returned home and sent me away to have some time on my own. Hence the longer post...)

J is working on "Daddy," I think. Not "Dada," but "Dad-dee." He's still practicing though; he isn't ready to go "live" yet. Still no "mama," but he doesn't do "mmmmmm" much. I'd be a touch hurt, but really, his first word was said to his grandfather, so...

Aaahhhh. Painkiller is setting in and my back is getting some relief. I've actually been making J crawl to wherever I need him to go; picking him up and carrying him is pretty rough right now. Good thing babies love to crawl.

Re: Ice cubes and weaning--I'm really confused as to what this means. Is the food frozen and needs to be defrosted? Or is it a unit of measurement? And if so, why "ice cubes"?
big hugs and sympathy clio - hope you have an ok night and that tmro is better for you guys x

Thanks for your support, Rowan. Sadly, because I'm in Canada, the day is only half over, so there's no putting him down for the night for hours and hours yet. *sigh*
Very quickly as I'm hoping Kia is about to settle and I might get some much-needed time with OH. Clio, teething is such a bugger. It seems endless, doesn't it? I agree about quite liking that OH defers on decisions but sometimes I just wish he could decide for himself! Like what food to give her or which vest to put her in. Re ice cubes, we make up batches of pureed food then freeze it in ice cube trays. Then you can just pop a portion out into a dish and microwave. I've actually got a special annabel karmel ice cube tray that's meant for purees and each slot is about twice the size of a normal ice cube. And 2 of them is roughly a portion, I think. So 4 normal ice cubes. X
Hello ladies,

Have been really busy with my dad and cleaning the house :dohh:!!!

Clio: leeze explained the ice cube measurements perfectly:). Hope your back feels better!
And oh is now behaving better. He has been helping me more again since yesterday. He probably notice that I was ignoring him and decided to help. :haha: and he is getting a six sigma degree. He got his green belt, working on lean belt and than he has the black belt.

So nos I am giving thiago 3 regular size ice cubes 3 times a day and the boy still keeps his mouth open when the food is done :dohh:! Crazy!

Oh, a question. So some of you girls give yogurt to your babies even though they are not 1 year old yet? I thought you are not suppose to give them dairy until they are one :shrug:. Can I ignore that and by him baby yogurt and give it to him:)?

And about the milestone: thiago is trying to crawl. He is putting his butty up in the air and drag his head on the floor :haha:! It is hilarious!!! But the other day he went from his belly position to a sitted position!! I couldn't believe it!! He did that two times!!

And Sabrina, just try to keep your sanity with those big front teeth coming in. Thiago's is thru now but man it was a long process!!!!

Got to go grab pizza with the family:)!
yey thiago :) well done!

aye I give martha petit filous which is fromage frais

martha has been asleep for an hour!! best go and check on her again! its amazing :) altho she was up at 6.30am and lordy what a disrupted night again!
re: yogurt -- Ella's organic has a 7month+ packet that is baby yogurt+mango (LO LOVES mango)+ rice, so I assume that that is okay (but perhaps not the yogurt we would eat?)....

LO has had some good naps today in the slightly darker living room, me thinks the bedroom is too light during the day (even with the curtains drawn) for naps -- BUT it means I can't use the computer, which is in the living room. However, am getting loads of housework done - LOL!

pleased for thiago and a nap for over an hour for martha? excellent!

Stupid question for other teething mummies -- my LO has had broken sleep the last two to three nights -- I think it's teething related, but my OH (of course) put worry in my head, e.g. 'do you think anything's wrong' -- I don't, but thought I'd ask you guys as well -- he's eating loads, regular wet and/or dirty nappies and will go to sleep ok-ish. However, he wakes up every hour/every other hour at night, crying and needing cuddles -- I think it's teething as his cheeks are pink, but thought I'd check if you find the same with teething at night. Oh, and it's strange, but we rock LO to sleep and then transfer him to basket/cot, and he'll shake his head back and forth, which is perhaps odd, but I think he's just playing a little....anything to worry about (and to tell OH not to worry me as well?)

Borboleta--Yay Thiago!!! :wohoo: And sitting too!!! :happydance:

If T is keeping his mouth open after his three cubes, can't you feed him more? I don't know the rules of your type of weaning. With BLW, you just feed them as much as they want.

As per dairy, I've been giving J cheese since I started weaning, and hadn't heard that I shouldn't do it. He loves it and has been fine. In fact, it is often an ingredient in the recipes for BLW that I use.

And I'm glad things are better with your OH. It's so hard trying to balance out what is fair in this taking care of the baby/babies business.

SabrinaKat--it does sound like teething. Especially if nothing else has changed. And they make weird noises and do weird things with their mouths and heads when teething, trying to make it feel better. J has been putting the back of his hand against his mouth and flapping it, while saying: "wow wow wow wow." At first I thought it was just a quirky thing to do until I realized it was teething related. So I think your husband can rest at ease (though I know that's hard...)

Rowan--yay! A fat nap for M! You gotta love that.

Since my back has gone out, I've been feeling immensely guilty, and refuse to let OH take any of my shifts, but it's killing me. The last time this happened, OH had to take all of the shifts and got so tired that we fought more than we ever had before. So I went to my parents (across the country!) with J to give my husband a break (we already had a trip planned; I just went earlier), but I'm so afraid the tension will happen again. We just talked about it, and I think we understand each other better right now, but still, my stupid back!!! And I'm despairing over the laundry. I'm a laundry nut; I love doing it, I love folding it, I love putting it away. I can't stand doing any other housework, but laundry I'll do anytime. But now it's a mess; unfolded clean baskets from just before my back went, clothes that haven't been put away, and a growing pile of dirty stuff. When it gets like this, I feel awful--like the house is in chaos. And OH knows nothing about laundry and I don't want him touching anything. He once washed and even DRIED a dry clean only lambswool sweater of mine.

I was just thinking how much our LO's have grown and accomplished since we started this thread. To me, T is still 5 months, S and D are still 4, M is still 6... And then I look at the tickers and am so astonished! Sadly, teething has not improved for any of us since those first posts...
Re yoghurt: We give banana yoghurt that comes in a jar by Hipp organic which is for babies from 4 months old so like Sabrina I am guessing it might not be the yoghurt we would eat?

Borboleta Yay for Thiago and crawling! Have you got a pic? It sounds so cute! And I am glad your OH is helping more! Let's hope it lasts!

Clio And sleeping hasn't improved for Dom :( But it is amazing how much time has gone bye since I started participating in this thread! I still cannot believe that my boys are almost 6 months old! It seems like such a milestone :)
Sorry your back is hurting so! But as for guilt, I have that now though perhaps not the same kind! Sometimes it feels as though the boys, especially Dominic, are more focused on my OH and it makes me feel so bad! In the evening OH often takes over the rocking and the soothing. Not that I don't want to do it but, since I have no self confidence, when Nick says, "let me try", I often hand Dom over, thinking maybe I am doing it wrong or Nick thinks he can get him off to sleep faster. Which is nonsense, I am perfectly capable of rocking Dom, even if he is getting a bit too heavy for me while standing up. And I know Nick only does this to help me out and not to make me feel incapable. Also, I always ask my OH for his opinion on everything regarding the boys so it is definitely not me who says what goes when it comes to the boys. I do all the research but I always ask Nick what he thinks.
I don't know why I have such self doubts. But the thought that my boys could love me less than their daddy, kills me. I don't mind being loved equally but please please not less. And then I wonder if perhaps I don't spend enough quality time with the boys? Maybe I am not fun enough? Nick plays with them on the floor, lifting them up above him etc and especially Dom loves that. I cannot do that as I am not strong enough and Dom weighs over 10 kilos now. I even thought that if Nick and I were to separate (which we won't), would the boys really be better off with me as is normally assumed? Do you ladies ever fear such silly things too? Or am I alone in this?
Clio: I laughed when you mention the laundry:)! I love it too. Cause in Brazil we used to hang clothes and my dad used to make us iron EVERYTHING, underware, socks, sheets, towels, kitchen towels!!! :growlmad: now is like heaven, I put the laundry in the washing machine than put them on the dryer and fold them:)!!!! So lovely:)! Oh does not touch the laundry either :haha:!

Angel: sometimes I fear that too. I think it is normal. Man are more crazy or rough with playing and I guess babies like that. But I am sure that are moments that Dom looks at you like you are the most amazing thing he has ever seem:)! I love when thiago does that:)! :kiss: but he does love his daddy too and how silly he plays with him. I always tell hubby that it will be the day that he will walk in from home and thiago will look at me and say: you can leave now mommy, daddy is home!!!" :dohh:. There is not one kid I know that does not love my husband! When he comes in a party forget it, everyone else is chop liver!

And thanks for explaining about the yogurt. I will see if I can find a baby one that it would be good for thiago.

And no, I have not taken a picture of thiago crazy crawling trials :haha:! Good idea. I will do that. But again he tries but he does not move very far because his head is being dragged over the floor :dohh:!
Hey ladies, just having a glass of wine, Finn in bed and hubby is watching the golf (snore) so I am just on the laptop and heading to bed soon as I am exhausted!!!

Sabrina, Finn was like that last week, he is usually a pretty good sleeper and if he does wake we just have to give him his dummy and he goes back to abrinasleep but I had to lift him and nurse him back to sleep everytime he woke, he just wasn't himself at all, getting sick, hot, red cheeks. Just gave him some calpol and it passed after a while so yes I think its just his teeth, poor wee babas, must be so sore for them!!!

Angel, I think you are thinking about things way too much, I know you probably cant help it but the boys know right well who their mam is, you will always be there for them no matter what and no matter what age they are and i'm sure we will all feel at certain times that like they like someone better than us (girlfriends :growlmad:) hehe or have more time for other people but you just always assume your mam will be there in the background no matter what and they will love you more than they will love anyone anyone else ever!!!!

Do'nt know if what I am saying makes sense!!! Finn does the same for my oh, always has a massive smile for him and a giggle when sometimes I can't even, get a smile out of him he just adores him, but now I am back at work full time and he is with oh all day when they pick me up from the train station he has a massive smile for me and it breaks my heart every day that I cant be at home with him!!!

Also I always check with hubby about things as I am not always confident in my decisions or what is the right thing to do, its hard to know everything especially your first time, so yes I have felt that Finn prefers his dad to me at times but I know its not true as he loves both off us equally. xx
ok, i'm really really behind with all the posts, sorry!
i'm trying to get organised forwhen i go back to work, and part of that is pumping regularly and getting a stash of milk. my supply is def on the low side and it's getting a lot of time and effort to try and increase it, so when I am not feeding/plying/changing gael I am pumping. i have almost no time and energy left for anything else :nope:

angel - yours was the only post i read. Gael is the same with his dad. we go for walks and he can be grumpy as hell, but as soon as we get to the front door he's all excited with anticipation he'll see his dad! i'm not jealous, but mainly because I still am the main carer and can tell that when he's upset he def wants his mom. And I am sure yours will be the same. We are their mummies!
having said that, I am becoming very upset re.nursery - I really do not want anyone to spend more time with Gael than me! I know it's silly, but if he ends up loving his nursery staff more than me.
See, I told you not to worry, and look at me....:dohh:

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