any other over 35 first time mums?

teething hell...again....

will post tomorrow or later, or whatever....sigh....


teething hell...again....

will post tomorrow or later, or whatever....sigh....



I am with you hate teething!!!! :hugs: to you tonight!

I am mad at oh because I don't think he is helping me as much as he used to with thiago :growlmad:! I take care of him most of the day, my break is when I have to go teach my classes ( but that is not a break!) and I know he is trying to find a job and studying for his masters during the day but at night time I would like a little break :growlmad:! Even if it is 20 min me lying on the couch and watching a stupid tv show!!! Just :growlmad:!!!
My OH is pretty good, but am sooooooooooooo tired! LO gets tired, so goes to sleep around 8-9pm, and before teething, might sleep 9-10 to 6am, but now wakes up around 11pm and takes another hour to re-settle; I wouldn't mind so much, except his morning naps are only about 1/2 hour (so up at 6-6.30am, nap at 8-ish, but just as I resettle myself back into cozy bed, LO wakes up)....and his long nap is now at lunch-time or mid-afternoon, by which of course, I'm up for the day....

Are we all SAHM at the moment? Anyone also working, even part-time (I think you are Barboleta?), how are you managing sleep-wise with the broken nights?

growl and...yawn!
Here's all of us in the hospital just after he was born but as Indi says, I think that may be the last one we have of all of us!!



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Hi all, didnt realise this thread was here, although I am not 35 until December I hope you dont mind me joing anyways!!!

I am a first time mom to Finn who is also teething really hard, we too had a very bad week last week and I am up countless times some nights and I am soooooooooooo tired.

Love him so much and I have to say we are very lucky as he is a really good baby and always has been even though I have totally been winging this whole motherhood thing as everything is so new and I really didnt have a clue about anything babywise.

Found this really hard at the beginning but soon found my feet and even though I still havent a clue about most things I feel more confident now and dont worry so much that what I am doing is wrong or not the right way, if this makes any sense!!! Still have moments of OMG what do we do now, he was quite sick last week, fever, vomiting one evening but he had his injections that week and his gums where at him all so new to us that I wasnt sure if he needed a doctor or what, thank God for my mum who came up and sorted him out and he was fine but he is only really coming back to himself now.

Weaning is another story altogether but I think I have bored everyone enough now :haha:

Missing him loads as I am away every day from 7 in the morning till 5.45 in the evenings as I have to commute to work, love getting home to see him and my husband is a full time stay at home dad, not through choice but through him not working. I am however exhausted most of the time and I sooooo loved my sleep before Finn :haha:

I would love to be able to stay at home and I am always hopeful that oh will find a full time job but I can only dream!!!!!

Conina: love the picture of you, hubby and LO:).! And you specially looks marvelous after having a baby:). Did you have a csection?

Sabrina: well, I don't really work that much :haha:. I teach about 2 to 3 hours of fitness classes and personal training Monday thru Saturday except Friday and Sunday. It is more physically tiring than anything.

Mrs. Northmen: so glad you joined us:)!!! Poor Finn hopefully those mean old teeth come down. We all hate teething!!! And I can just imagine how you feel when you have to go to work. My heart goes to you. I stay away from thiago for 2 hours and when I get home is like I have not seen him for days!! And OH is out of work too! Pretty tough isn't it!!
Hi all, didnt realise this thread was here, although I am not 35 until December I hope you dont mind me joing anyways!!!

I am a first time mom to Finn who is also teething really hard, we too had a very bad week last week and I am up countless times some nights and I am soooooooooooo tired.

Love him so much and I have to say we are very lucky as he is a really good baby and always has been even though I have totally been winging this whole motherhood thing as everything is so new and I really didnt have a clue about anything babywise.

Found this really hard at the beginning but soon found my feet and even though I still havent a clue about most things I feel more confident now and dont worry so much that what I am doing is wrong or not the right way, if this makes any sense!!! Still have moments of OMG what do we do now, he was quite sick last week, fever, vomiting one evening but he had his injections that week and his gums where at him all so new to us that I wasnt sure if he needed a doctor or what, thank God for my mum who came up and sorted him out and he was fine but he is only really coming back to himself now.

Weaning is another story altogether but I think I have bored everyone enough now :haha:

Missing him loads as I am away every day from 7 in the morning till 5.45 in the evenings as I have to commute to work, love getting home to see him and my husband is a full time stay at home dad, not through choice but through him not working. I am however exhausted most of the time and I sooooo loved my sleep before Finn :haha:

I would love to be able to stay at home and I am always hopeful that oh will find a full time job but I can only dream!!!!!


Just noticed that Finn and thiago are days apart:)! How cute is that!

Oh, I have a question to all of you ladies. I give thiago 2 meals a day. They are the size of 2 ice cubes each meal. He has been finishing all and keep his mouth open waiting for more food. How much do you give purée food to your LO? I am thinking about giving him 3 ice cube size meals since he is still hungry.
Thanks Borboleta, it is pretty tough with him out of work and I hate working full time and as good as he is he defo cannot muti task so he pretty much just minds Finn and does as little housework as possible so I still have it all to do at the weekends.

But I really can't complain as I suppose there are a hell of a lot of worse things that could be happening ( I always have to remind myself of this when I start feeling sorry for myself) and we are so lucky to have our little man :happydance:

Borboleta...I hope your hubby starts doing his fair share soon. :growlmad:

Conina...That's such a sweet pic. I looked drugged up in mine. :haha:

I'm a SAHM & very grateful. I couldn't do this any other way.
Just noticed that how close they are in age, doesnt it just go so fast!!!

I give Finn his Porridge first thing (he had slight reflux and his morning bottle was still coming back up) and then his bottle about half an hour later, 5 ounces.

He gets 6 ounces at about 11.30.

Dinner is about 1 and I now give him 4 maybe 5 cubes of veg, he will have another 6 ounces about half an hour after this.

About 4 he gets a yoghurt and some water and then when I get in at 6 I give him his tea, which is normally baby bedtime cereal and he takes a good bit of this and then he gets his bottle about 7.30 which is another 8 ounces, its actually getting very hard to keep him awake till 7.30 so starting his bottle now about 7.15.

I recently dropped his afternoon bottle which he nornally got about 4.30 and replaced it with the yoghurt!!!

Its such a minfield, havent started giving him meat yet but have been giving him a finger of toast with butter and jam and he is just sucking this!!
Barboleta, yes it was a c-section after 14 hours of labour with no progression. Lots of fun! Mrs north where are u in ireland?
Hi, MrsNorthman -- I'm a transplanted American living in Balbriggan (north of the airport), also in Ireland and my LO is also named FINN (I'm 44, so a full 10 years older!)

weaning queries: My Finn still has 5-6 bottles a day (about 4oz/120 each) as we had some problems with reflux (but now, seems 'okay', occasionally a little upset tummy/mild vomit), so he drinks about 20-25oz or about 600ml. I'm not sure about 'ice-cube' size but I try to give a minimum of 12 small spoonfuls (baby spoons!) for brekkie (he has 1/2 small jar of porridge, about 16 spoonfuls); afternoon snack (we always have fruit and/or yogurt -- it's about 20+ spoonfuls (I use Plum or Ella's Organic packets and he eats the whole thing); dinner is 1/2 jar of some meat/veg combo. I'm very lazy, as I use packets and/or organic jars -- we do try to give him some of our pureed dinners (we pack in small containers), BUT I eat loads of yogurt/granola, soups and salad (well....trying), and LO isn't ready for loads of chewing, e.g. he only has two bottom teeth, so finger foods are on hold for the moment (we think a top one has just cut through and a back one is coming in (very early!)

Our big news -- I think Finn can sit up on his own for more than a few seconds! I sit on the ground and have him between my legs (so he 'rests' against my thighs) and he was able to reach forward (without me holding him) and grab a few toys, etc., so....will build up his and my confidence AND I think he's trying to crawl as well (when Daddy does tummy time, he will put him on the couch and LO tries to crawl to get the........TV remote, sigh)....

I worry a little about his physical development (social, verbal is great) as he was born at 36wks (my pre-eclampsia, so emergency c-section and delighted regardless (I wanted all the painkillers possible!), but you guys have made me a little less anxious.... I guessed.... he had an hour and half nap at lunchtime when I was already up...sigh

best wishes

PS. Mrs. Northman and Conina -- we're all on the same train line (if I transfer at Drogheda, tho!)
Afternoon everyone - hope everyone is well. My little Pixie is having her afternoon nap so its free time for me - hurrah - well probably for half an hour but hey I will take anything :o

Well we have full on crawling now, proper both legs and both hands - I feel for the dog - poor pup!

Anyway thought I would post a photo of L on her trike yesterday and of course the dog :)
Conina, love Belfast, back in the days before Finn we use to go there all the time for nights away, even had my hen party there, oh and I love the shopping!!!!!

Sabrina, I pass through Balbriggan on the train twice a day, shall wave to you laters when I am passing :haha:

Will actually be leaving work now to get the 4.50 enterprise home, at least work or letting me get this train home as I will be in about 5.40 otherwise I wouldnt be getting in until 6.45, that hour makes all the difference!!

I too also use the Ellas kitchen I usually mix them in with his porridge and evening cereal. We also had problems with reflux, thankfully it wasnt too severe but he was still throwing up practically every morning after his bottle hence the porridge first. He also throw up on me yesterday evening, you just never know!!!

Thats brilliant that he is sitting up now, my Finn is also doing that now, once he is supported at the back, but showing no signs of crawling, still hate being on his tummy. All kids are so different, my friends wee guy is 1 week older than Finn and has been crawling about 2 weeks, I think my Finn is just going to be a typical lazy man :haha:

Storm love the trike, she looks so cute in it!!
martha has those leggings on today storm :) love the trike!

reflux is wierd when weaning - we had to avoid apples until now as they made it baaad but now is much better - i tend to feed her every 2 hours (roughly) seems to work :) shes still on 4 or 5 bottles a day as well as 3 meals tho - ellas kitchen are great if a little expensive - weve been using the as I found them the best labelled and also they didnt have things like rapeseed oil in but weve just tried stage 2 hipps and they seem to be ok

she does projectile vom with some chunky food but not very often now only once up to now this week and that was cos she took a big bite of apple :)

you guys should meet up!

some babies dont crawl at all - most of my friends lo didnt so they were all like oh its great between sitting and walking you have a few months of them just sitting playing nicely and maybe rolling...not bliimin likely said Martha lmao! :)
Welcome MrsNorthman :)

Gosh I have forgotten the posts already that I wanted to answer :doh:

Ah about the weaning, I guess we are overfeeding our boys but the doctor said to give them as much of the rice, porridge or yoghurt as they want to eat. They only gert one meal of solids a day but that is usually a small jar between the two of them, not sure how many spoonfuls that is? I alternate between rice cereal, porridge and banana yoghurt. We usually buy Hipp Organic or Cow and Gate. I have mixed a little of banana from Ella's Kitchen into the porridge and rice before but I am not sure they liked it so I didn't the next time. Dom definitely didn't like the apple pouch! But I still need to read up on weaning a bit more cause they are now almost 6 months old and I think maybe I should start solids for breakfast for them too.

Storm loove the trike pic! So cute!

Sabrina yay for sitting up! :D We have started practising this with our boys too but while they do well with support, they pretty much still slowly pitch over without lol.

Hm I know there was something else but I cannot remember sigh

On our news, we went to get passport pics done for the boys. I am not sure I like the ones we ended up with but OH says that they are in keeping with all passport pics around the world, awful! lol No they aren't awful but I have much cuter pics of my boys. And the way they were taken was not helping either. Basically she had us lay the boys down on a pillow and she hovered over them to take the pic. Both boys were startled by the flash I guess but they look like mini criminals in a "WANTED" poster lol.
Afternoon everyone - hope everyone is well. My little Pixie is having her afternoon nap so its free time for me - hurrah - well probably for half an hour but hey I will take anything :o

Well we have full on crawling now, proper both legs and both hands - I feel for the dog - poor pup!

Anyway thought I would post a photo of L on her trike yesterday and of course the dog :)

The dog looks VERY happy - LOL!

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