any other over 35 first time mums?

my turn to apologise for being MIA! I had a night off from LO and stayed up...drinking wine and working on finishing a patchwork quilt! I bought the patchwork from Laura Ashley back in the late 1990s and just never did anything with it, so decided to make a crib/cot quilt for LO; it's blues and greens - I promise I will put up a picture when I finish it.

Barboleta - happy delated Birthday!
AngelUK - hope the christening was fun?
Clio - re: knitting pattern. I meant something simple that maybe has a similar pattern in the hat and mittens? I'm very good at blankets and scarves, but anything too complicated....I did 1/2 finish a simple cardigan, but couldn't decide whether to change the collar, so it's sitting in my knitting basket, waiting....

regarding meat; I followed advice from What to Expect-the First Year, but that said, we're giving in a pureed or stage2 'textured, but not lumpy' mix of Ella's Organics or Hipps Organics -- he does love Cow&Gate grandpa's sunday lunch (lamb, potatoes and carrots mixed), so I'm not completely organic. I would like to introduce fish as I love salmon, but my OH isn't sure.

skweek- enjoy your maternity leave! I've been off for 10 months (since last Christmas) and part of me is looking forward to going back, part of me is not.
Leeze- hate the teething, hope you and Kia survive! as for work, I asked for three days, but my immediate boss said no -- he could easily have said yes, as in this economy it would have been easy to get somebody to 'job-share' with me, but he and I don't like each other (I had to threaten legal action to get him to 'give me my job back', e.g. and it's in writing, so he really messed up as I was considered employed during maternity leave...growl)
rowan and kosh and anybody else I forgot, e.g. BraveMom? Mrs Northman? - sorry!

off to bed! LO is in good form, has slept through the last few nights, so hopefully, it will continue tonight!


ps. you'll notice I discovered the bold key!
Clio: I am 39!! You should see my dad's face when I told him I was turning 39 :haha: but the worst was when I told him that my sister is turning 38 at the end of the year!!! Priceless. I guess when you are a parent you will always think of you kids as kids forever :thumbup:. And congrats on your new job:)!!! :happydance:

Angel: hope you have a lovely christening:)!!!

So many of us dealing with teething and lack of sleep!!! I think tonight we will go for Advil too. We have been doing Tylenol the past 2 nights but it has not been working as good. So we will give it a try on Advil:).
Clio - you recommended I join ravelry. Joined tonight but now wondering if the pattern you used for your blanket is on that site?
Looking at the yarn and loving the colours!! Just to choose which colours to use now for my LO's blanket.

AFM - my mom gave me the blanket she knitted. Will see if I can take a few pics tomorrow and load them up.
Just got to put pics and curtains up and then the nursery is done!! Oh and buy a change mat!! Nearly forgot that!! Hopefully get that all done tomorrow.
Lots of pics to come!!

Do you mean the Cashmerino Blanket [patent pending]? It's from a Debbie Bliss book. "Essential Baby" I think it's called. You have to buy the book to get the pattern. But it's a very easy pattern. PM me!

Sabrina Kat--okay, so you want matching mitts and hats? Do you care about the scarves? I'll see what I can find!
SabrinaKat--I think this page can help. and mitts&sort=best

I think there are simpler patterns out there that can be even nicer, but look at these ones to start with.

I'll be back with more results. I hate this time of the thread. You're all asleep and I'm all awake! Oh well, I like looking at knitting patterns...
SabrinaKat--try looking at these. I just realized I don't know whether you're looking at baby or adult stuff.
I'm so mad at DH right now! Vent!

My husband jokes about this phrase and repeats it all the time. Before the board essentially died, I was a member of pregnancy dot org for years. My husband took as much pleasure as I did reading the posts and threads and got to know a lot of the people behind the screen names. Not personally, of course, but he'd follow their stories just as if he were pregnant. He doesn't like this board anywhere near as much because it's too big (except for the time when we followed a woman with an obvious phantom pregnancy that no one else seemed to notice). He certainly doesn't follow this thread though--don't worry. He has no idea where it is on the board and also respects my privacy.

Anyway, my husband has always delighted in saying "I'm so mad at DH right now! Vent!" in a high pitched voice because he would come across this thread title a lot. And I would laugh, and in large part would be relieved because I had never had a need to write this. Well...

I'm so effin' mad at DH right now!!! We alternate nights, and on his last two nights, he hasn't been able to settle the boy when he wakes from a teething episode. Today was again his night. So, after an hour of me having to listen to the boy cry, he comes to me at 3:30 am and tells me that it's now "my turn" because he couldn't get J to bed. Since I knew that he hadn't taken J to his own bed to blow off some steam after taking the meds, I actually yelled, "Are you KIDDING ME???" when he came to wake me up. "Why won't you listen to what I say???" He said something uber-manly like "Don't yell at me!" I let J bounce around on the bed a bit, let him watch Twinkle and Snowflake 50 million times, and then went to ask OH what he had given J. He had received the painkiller 20 minutes ago. Bottle? Oh! Do you think he needs a bottle?

OH MY GOD. J wakes up at 2:30, which is BOTTLE TIME, and my husband reaches straight for the painkillers and doesn't even think to get him a bottle. I made him make me a bottle, gave it to J, who downed it in a second flat, and then went to bed after some rocking (which killed my sore and tired back).

So, it's been my night for 4 nights in a row now. Which is nothing, I know, for you guys, but one of the strategies in place so I don't get sick is that I get enough sleep. But here I am, awake, and I'm so mad at DH right now!!!

In other news, J has turned "Mum" into Mama and says it a lot. Mainly when he wants comfort. It got confusing today (yesterday ?), though, because I had to change his poopy diaper, and he hates it. So, in distress, he called out "Mama!" As if some other Mama who looks and sounds exactly as me was supposed to rescue him. My husband's theory is that he can't differentiate between us yet, and we're both Mama and Dada to him. I think that's BS, but I still can't explain the diaper/Mama! business. Any ideas what this might be about?
Clio: so sorry to hear about your husband. Sometimes men are just clueless! No wonder why we are the ones that carry and have the babies!

Question: what size nipple do you ladies have on the bottles? Thiago is using size 2 and he will be 7 months tomorrow so maybe is time for him to go to a size 3. He has not been drinking all his milk and at night time he gets a little frustrated with the bottle ( I put a little cereal on his bottle, maybe that is why since he has to suck extra hard :haha:).

Found out today the poor boy is getting 3 teeth!!! The 2 side top ones and the other side bottom one that was missing since he has the other one for a while now. No wonder he has not sleep very good the past week or so. So by 7 month thiago has almost 8 teeth!!! :wacko: I probably will be able to feed him steak by the age of 1 :haha:.
Borboleta--Do you use Dr. Browns? I can only speak to those, but when J hit 6 months, we switched to Level 3s. Now that he is 9 months, he's on level 4 and it is awesome. He drinks an 8 oz bottle in the period of 3 minutes.

If you don't use Dr. B, then disregard all the info I just gave.

Ahhh, 39. That's a good age.

ETA: I can't believe how many teeth T has already! He's like a teething machine!
Just dropping in to catch up and see how everyone's doing. Had terrible night again. So tired. Catch properly soon xx
Borboleta--Do you use Dr. Browns? I can only speak to those, but when J hit 6 months, we switched to Level 3s. Now that he is 9 months, he's on level 4 and it is awesome. He drinks an 8 oz bottle in the period of 3 minutes.

If you don't use Dr. B, then disregard all the info I just gave.

Ahhh, 39. That's a good age.

ETA: I can't believe how many teeth T has already! He's like a teething machine!

Yes we use dr. Browns:). I will change the nipples:). Thanks Clio:).

I am sure next year will hit hard when I turn 40!!! Although I have to say I have never been in better shape ( except the tummy and wanting the brazilian butt that i never got even though i am brazilian:) and just feel good about myself in general. Oh, I forgot the saggy boobs:( :haha:! Besides that I am ready for the 40s I think.

And poor thiago is a teething machine.:wacko:
Angel: how did the christening go? Would love to see pictures:).
again too tired to reply properly.......sorry!

clio - I'll think about the nappy/mama incident and see if I can up with some sort of theory :winkwink:

sorry that you're mad at your DH, but at least he does a shift, mine snores throughout the night......I got tired today and after putting Gael to sleep I came down and said - from tomorrow, we take turns to put him to sleep (I know that it will not be that easy, but I think I need to be a bit more firm!)

borboleta - 39? you're a spring chicken! :winkwink:

angel - how did the christening go?

that's all I can remember sorry!
1st October -I go back to work ft in a month

Aww kosh :hugs:

Thank you ladies for your interest. I was going to post a whole new entry about the christening but somehow I clicked return and it all vanished. So I have copied the text I wrote in my journal for here too. Hope you don't mind. I is tired.

So we had the christening on Saturday and it went much better than I had feared. We got to the church a lil late cause we got stuck in traffic and the ceremony overran as well.
Dominic was in great form and smiled at everyone, though my brother who had to hold him through out, said he was arching and wriggling so much that his arms got extremely sore and tired by the end lol. And my brother is a huge 6'5 guy hehe. Sebastian, poor baby, was not happy. He dislikes strangers and being held by Nelly, his Greek godmother, really distressed him. He cried loudly and shrilly throughout until he fell asleep on her arm through exhaustion. But he couldn't sleep long as the boys were then stripped and dunked into the baptismal font. Even Dom didn't like that and especially not being held aloft naked while his godparents (my brother and Nick's sister) rubbed oil all over him. So he had a bit of a cry too at that point. After they were redressed in their new outfits, both boys fell asleep on their godparents arms, the cuties! They looked soo sweet in their outfits! Nick and I were too stressed to take pictures however and the ones my mum took on her phone turned out pretty awful. So I am not sharing these but am hoping that the ones that were taken by camera will turn out better. But even then I cannot post any that contain my family as I don't have their consent. The ones I have of me... well let's say that a 55 year old Romanian peasant woman minus the rosy cheeks is what I look like (and I do not mean to disparage Romanian peasant women here! Just wanted to indicate that I look as though I am not well, had a hard life but plenty of food :cry:! I need to lose weight ASAP! ) And when I exclaimed in horror over them, my mum said "I think you look very nice!" WHAT?! THIS is what I look like when I look nice?! More :cry:...

The taxis I had ordered to get everyone to the hotel for afternoon tea afterwards, had left already and I had to reorder them which delayed us further. But we finally got there and I think everyone enjoyed it as it is a really lovely place. We had little favours for everyone too which went down well. They were small organza baglets with blue sugared almonds and tiny heart shaped silver pill boxes with D&S and the date engraved and contained a miniature silver charm, each in keeping with a baby theme. I think ppl liked them :)
Afternoon tea was delicious and the hotel just gorgeous! The boys behaved well on the whole, especially Dominic who sat on everyone's knees in turn and smiled broadly, most of the time at his daddy. Sebastian had another lil meltdown and then fell asleep on Nick's lap as did Dom a lil later. We got home at 7 and had a rubbish night, as I expected after that much excitement and not much nap time.

I saw my mum and auntie off to the airport today and they were the last to leave. So quiet has returned and I am looking forward to sleeping tonight.

I might post a few pictures later afterall, though I must warn again that the quality is not good.
Hey ladies good to catch up with you all if only I can remember some of the details!

Clio L has 7 cousins in Northern Ireland, my brothers have 4 and 3, the eldest brother has 3 boys 14,7 and 5 and a 12 year old girl, the other brother has 2 boys 9 and 6 and a 3 year old girl. The 2 we had on Saturday were 9 and 5. Tonight I had the 3 year old, Ella for a couple of hours and Lyds loved it! Technically she has another 3 cousins in England who are my husbands brothers kids who are all boys that are 5, 4 and 2 - but we rarely see them. She shes the other 7 all the time which is great!

I was reading about what level teats you guys are all using and now I feel bad! L is still on Dr Browns level 2 teats and she has thickner in her bottles - she doesn't seem to have much issue drinking though but now I'm wondering if I should change the teats! I have a couple of level 3 ones so I will try those - I'm always paranoid about making her windy.

Typically she slept well last night and I couldnt sleep! I was clocking watching from 2am until 7.20 when she got up, well she was squiggling and squirming and head butting me and moving all over the place but she was asleep - grrrrrr why can't I sleep when she does?

Clio I understand you have medical needs and need your sleep but at times I seriously do think I'm teetering on the edge of sanity with my sleep deprivation you are not alone - lack of sleep is pure torture and it must be worse when you are concerned about how it will affect you in other ways - hope you get some sleep soon.

Less than 3 months til work now, L will have to go to nursery, I will be paying for 5 days a week but as hubby works shifts (they change from month to month) we are pretty sure she won't be in more than 2 to 3 days a week which is good. I'm actually starting her at the end of October for 2 days a week, it will help settle her and I need some free time. For those of you that don't know me too well yet (hate telling this cause I'm not looking for sympathy but it makes some things make more sense) basically my mum died when L was 4 week and 1 day old after being diagnosed with terminal cancer at exactly the same time I was going to hospital in labour, I kid you not. So basically I've been trying to clear out my mums stuff and its pretty much impossible with L and boy did my mum have a lot of stuff. My dad also wants to swap houses as he is on his own in a 5 bedroomed detached house and we are in a 3 bed roomed semi so in short its going to be me that has to clear both houses and sort it all out and I can't do that with the little lady. Also she is highly clingy to me, she is fine with her dad and her grandpa as long as it isn't bedtime or she hasn't hurt herself but she isnt great with anyone else.

In other news I have a sore head L is asleep and I should go to sleep too and try and shift it! Catch up soon :)
Hi guys! Sorry, I've read through everyone's but I've got no time to reply--will do so soon. Instead, this post will be entirely self-centric (because, of course, I've always got time for myself...)

Having a helluva time trying to find a convertible carseat for J. We have a 2009 RAV4 which is impossible to buy RF seats for. When we bought it, J was just a glint in our eye, and we didn't think to check this aspect of the car out. From my research on forums, the one we're going to have to get is sooooooo expensive.:nope: But hey--all in the name of our little ones, right?

Other news: J said "cat" today! I knew that letting them hang out would bring good things. The cat's probably been coaching him.

kosh--I appreciate your pondering of the Mum/poo problem. I think with the brainpower we have between us, especially with all the sleep we're getting, we could publish our results.

Talking about results, turns out, I was right about the "identifying objects" thing. J is no genius--they've "just discovered" that babies between 6 and 9 months can identify objects. They did all these elaborate experiments with slides and variables and all sorts of other things I can't even fathom, but seriously, why didn't they just ASK some babies to identify things?

Okay, gotta go. Hopefully I can return tonight.
Hi guys! Sorry, I've read through everyone's but I've got no time to reply--will do so soon. Instead, this post will be entirely self-centric (because, of course, I've always got time for myself...)

Having a helluva time trying to find a convertible carseat for J. We have a 2009 RAV4 which is impossible to buy RF seats for. When we bought it, J was just a glint in our eye, and we didn't think to check this aspect of the car out. From my research on forums, the one we're going to have to get is sooooooo expensive.:nope: But hey--all in the name of our little ones, right?

Other news: J said "cat" today! I knew that letting them hang out would bring good things. The cat's probably been coaching him.

kosh--I appreciate your pondering of the Mum/poo problem. I think with the brainpower we have between us, especially with all the sleep we're getting, we could publish our results.

Talking about results, turns out, I was right about the "identifying objects" thing. J is no genius--they've "just discovered" that babies between 6 and 9 months can identify objects. They did all these elaborate experiments with slides and variables and all sorts of other things I can't even fathom, but seriously, why didn't they just ASK some babies to identify things?

Okay, gotta go. Hopefully I can return tonight.

Hi guys! Sorry, I've read through everyone's but I've got no time to reply--will do so soon. Instead, this post will be entirely self-centric (because, of course, I've always got time for myself...)

Having a helluva time trying to find a convertible carseat for J. We have a 2009 RAV4 which is impossible to buy RF seats for. When we bought it, J was just a glint in our eye, and we didn't think to check this aspect of the car out. From my research on forums, the one we're going to have to get is sooooooo expensive.:nope: But hey--all in the name of our little ones, right?

Other news: J said "cat" today! I knew that letting them hang out would bring good things. The cat's probably been coaching him.

kosh--I appreciate your pondering of the Mum/poo problem. I think with the brainpower we have between us, especially with all the sleep we're getting, we could publish our results.

Talking about results, turns out, I was right about the "identifying objects" thing. J is no genius--they've "just discovered" that babies between 6 and 9 months can identify objects. They did all these elaborate experiments with slides and variables and all sorts of other things I can't even fathom, but seriously, why didn't they just ASK some babies to identify things?

Okay, gotta go. Hopefully I can return tonight.

have to say that i am a bit concerned x2 about this ^^
Since you told us I have been asking Gael where is this where is that, and he has no clue what i am saying.
same for talking
or crawling

should I worry?

feeling extremely low atm, I could blame AF, but I think it is actually my marriage :cry:
Hi guys! Sorry, I've read through everyone's but I've got no time to reply--will do so soon. Instead, this post will be entirely self-centric (because, of course, I've always got time for myself...)

Having a helluva time trying to find a convertible carseat for J. We have a 2009 RAV4 which is impossible to buy RF seats for. When we bought it, J was just a glint in our eye, and we didn't think to check this aspect of the car out. From my research on forums, the one we're going to have to get is sooooooo expensive.:nope: But hey--all in the name of our little ones, right?

Other news: J said "cat" today! I knew that letting them hang out would bring good things. The cat's probably been coaching him.

kosh--I appreciate your pondering of the Mum/poo problem. I think with the brainpower we have between us, especially with all the sleep we're getting, we could publish our results.

Talking about results, turns out, I was right about the "identifying objects" thing. J is no genius--they've "just discovered" that babies between 6 and 9 months can identify objects. They did all these elaborate experiments with slides and variables and all sorts of other things I can't even fathom, but seriously, why didn't they just ASK some babies to identify things?

Okay, gotta go. Hopefully I can return tonight.

have to say that i am a bit concerned x2 about this ^^
Since you told us I have been asking Gael where is this where is that, and he has no clue what i am saying.
same for talking
or crawling

should I worry?

feeling extremely low atm, I could blame AF, but I think it is actually my marriage :cry:

I feel so badly, kosh. I didn't mean to alarm you, but looking back at what I wrote, I can see how it would. I'm really sorry! But I had a long think about it, and suspect that it must truly be hard to see "object identification" if scientists had to come up with such an elaborate scheme to identify it (slides, timing of eyes on objects, etc.). So, I shouldn't have made fun of it. It seems that babies may recognize language much earlier than people thought, but we don't know it because it's imperceptible. J just seems to be a bit of an anomaly.

Talking typically starts at 12 months, or even later. J's just early! Crap, I didn't mean to worry you. But have you looked at a milestone chart? I think it'll make you feel a thousand times better.

Re: Crawling--got this from Baby Center:
When it develops
Most babies learn to crawl between 6 and 10 months. But some children never crawl, instead opting for bottom shuffling, slithering on their stomach, or moving directly to pulling up, standing, and and walking. It's getting mobile that's important, no matter how your baby does it.

Re: feeling low. Oh my dear. I'm sorry. :hugs: I don't even know what to say. You know you can trust us here, right? Because I'd listen! :flower:
RE: crawling -- according to my mum, I never 'properly' crawled, but bum-shuffled until I got bored and started walking....

um: vocab...LO knows mama, dada and Finn; we think we understand 'kitty' and 'cat' as he looks around the room for them, and milkee (for bottle), but sadly, his vocab is limited to all variations of dada, dadee, etc...He also attempts to meow, and like your cat, clio, me thinks our cat is coaching him, especially in 'the leaving a few spoonfuls of food in the bowl for the cat to finish' game...

I'm not sleeping well at the moment as am stressing about returning to work, but LO is -- from about 10pm to 7.30am, I didn't fall asleep for ages again last night.

must run -- time for LO's nap...yesterday, the phone kept ringing and waking him up (a wrong number, and the person kept on ringing anyway; finally told them I would call the police if they didn't dial the correct number (and yes, did turn the ringer off, but as my MIL is in hospital, we need to keep the phone 'on').....

oh, well! bye!!!!!!!!!!!

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