any other over 35 first time mums?

cutlery and bowl sound good :)

ah I was induced at 42+1 (meanies made me wait even tho I had spd, puppps and carpal tunnel pretty bad)

got marthas winter coat (pink yuk) and hat and mittens - yey ready for winter! shes so chatty at the mo I love hearing her chatter on - would love to know what shes saying

clio marthas the same re no and radiators - thinks its a great game :)
Rowan--yay for hating pink! That's horrible about when they induced! They won't let you go past your EDD here. I hope you have a better experience this time. How is the SPD progressing? Is it bad? Do you get days of relief (some days my SI joint is okay, others, not so much...)

Although this sounds horrible, at least there is a consequence to touching a radiator--it's hot! But not so the kitchen garbage. Little bratty monkey. J is "talking" all the time too, and with inflection, so it sounds like "human" talk. It's hilarious to hear. He gets the most inventive in his high chair while eating. Maybe he likes the way the food alters the sound?

Leeze--well, we continued with "spoon training" this morning with some thick oatmeal. He's getting pretty good at figuring out which end of the spoon goes in his mouth now. I just left him at his Oma's and she does BLW with him, too. Oma's going to puree some pumpkin for him. It seems like we're going backwards to where TWers started--purees!

I haven't got the bowl yet, but I want it very badly, now. I think it will totally help his self-spooning.

The News on This End--J now knows "down"! He doesn't say it, but if you ask him to go up the stairs to the gate, he does. If you ask him to go DOWN the steps, he does that as well now! I also taught him to climb down flights of stairs just in case, after his mad dash up them. Now he LOVES to do it, and if the basement door is open, it's a race between him and me to get to the stairs first. But what's the most lovely thing about the up and down flights of stairs games is that they're great time killers if you're bored.

J may also have an incentive to walk now. He's realizing that he can't take stuff with him when he moves around the downstairs. If it doesn't fit in his mouth or he can't drag it with him with his belly (like a stuffed animal) the object doesn't move. I don't really know why I want him to walk when it means more chasing after him for me, but I do want him to be able to play with his walking cousins more. Since he has no siblings (and probably never will), I want him to forge a strong relationship with his two cousins.

Okay, nap time for me! (Gotta love Omas!) :sleep:
I FINISHED THE QUILT! (it's 50 inches by 70 inches or 4 feet by 6 feet, so the right size hopefully for a child's bed, but Finn has already 'christened' by chewing the corner and will probably use more for activities...) -- will post a picture asap....

now, to finish a tapestry/needlepoint pillow, then...knit a few hats for LO, then take old babygros and make into cot/crib sized quilt (I have enough left-over wadding/filler from the 'big' quilt) fingers have calluses, ripped skin and rough bits did our grand-mothers survive?

so, it looks like the weather won't be nice tomorrow, so probably just breakfast in bed and....? creche went okay today -- he didn't eat much, but did manage to fall asleep, so that's one less thing to worry about....but he was so happy to see me....sob!

best wishes to all!
Good morning ladies :)

Poor Rowan with the SPD! Hope the physio can help you. :hugs: I had the most awful carpal tunnel too and it got really bad after birth so that I could hardly hold the boys! But when the fluid went, so did most of the carpal tunnel. It is back a lil due to thumb strain from lifting my chunky boys! I meant to ask you, did you manage to get your parted abdominals back together with the exercises and if so, how long did it take? What did the MW say about this happening again this time round?

Clio yay for stairs! Your boy sounds like so much fun! He must be a sweetheart even if he is at times a handful. But I'd prefer that to a very inactive baby any day I think :)

Sabrina yay for finishing! I am looking forward to seeing pics. Will you have time to continue your crafts when you go back to work? I bet it was hard leaving your boy even knowing he is in a good creche! :hugs: And I know a little what you mean with melting when he greeted you with huge smiles. Every morning when I get my boys up I am greeted with such smiles and I melt and forgive all the nightly wakings instantly hehe. Though Dom is getting much better. :thumbup:

As for us, well we went to the rehoming centre to have a look and... we couldn't resist this little kitty face and she came home with us immediately :D She is ca 7 months old and she doesn't have a name yet cause we didn't like the one they gave her at the centre. She seems very sweet so far and totally unphased about the boys and vice versa. She does like cuddling and giving kisses which is soo sweet. And I don't know if you can see it but her eyes are bright orange which I think is unusual for a tabby :)


PS: This is the link to her page on the home's website
Angel -- lovely kitty! I think they are more settled after 6 months+

nothing else here - weather is horrible, so no Zoo today...

am tired - why is it when I am able to get some sleep, I'm more tired?

talk to all later, bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good morning ladies :

As for us, well we went to the rehoming centre to have a look and... we couldn't resist this little kitty face and she came home with us immediately :D She is ca 7 months old and she doesn't have a name yet cause we didn't like the one they gave her at the centre. She seems very sweet so far and totally unphased about the boys and vice versa. She does like cuddling and giving kisses which is soo sweet. And I don't know if you can see it but her eyes are bright orange which I think is unusual for a tabby :)

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PS: This is the link to her page on the home's website

OMG you got a cat you got a cat you got a cat!!!! And what beautiful eyes! What a beautiful cat, period! How are the boys reacting to her? Any names in mind?

You'll have to forgive me. I come from a long line of cat lovers. Even our last name means tom cat in German. Here is a pic of our so-called family crest. In other words, some idiot a few hundred years ago had it designed and then passed it off as our "true" crest:

Everyone in my large extended family thinks it's real, but my dad, who is a German historian, showed it to me years ago and told me it's a fake. We were peasants, not knights. Apparently, my dad didn't make this clear to the rest of the family...

Re: active boy--yup. He sure is active. But he's at that stage where he's always on the move. Even hugs are just part of his rambles around the house: play with cat, look in toy mirror in living room, try to stand on head (really!), cruise around coffee table, hit mummy's laptop, ask for hug, get down, try to knock down mummy's coffee cup, push upside down laundry basket for a fast cruise around the kitchen, beat on some pots there, yelling "DADADADADADADA" the entire time. Now, imagine that with two, Angel! :winkwink:

ETA: SabrinaKat--happy birthday! I'm sorry that the weather is so bad. Can you postpone the zoo until the weekend?
Oh, my 73 year old mother just got an iPhone 5. She's doing remarkably well with it. She got it so she could do FaceTime with J, even though I've explained over and over again that Skype is much better and on a much larger screen. I think she really just wanted the phone. We're currently messaging, but she wants me to get unlimited long distance (which she has) so she can call my own iPhone. Um, no. That would make me accessible to her, not only by voice and text, but by FACETIME at ANY TIME, at home, and out and about. Hell to the no!
we'll try to go to the Zoo this weekend, but it's tough to plan anything the way the Irish weather is.....

talk to you all later!

Hi ladies,

Rowan - hows your SPD doing this time round? Hope the Physio is able to help relieve the discomfort and pain soon.

Clio - J sounds like one busy little boy! I'm hoping to purchase the yarn for my blanket this weekend. Just need to decide what colours I want to use.
OH my gosh - she has an iphone 5!!! what ever happened to having a standard phone these days? haha Even the samsung can get skype these days.

Sabrina - Yay for finishing the quilt. Can't wait to see pics. Hope the Irish weather is kind to you this weekend so you can get out to the zoo.

Angel - that kitty is gorgeous!! I really miss having a cat around, but no way I can have one these days as DF is sooo allergic to them! Hope she settles in quickly.

AFM - Had an appointment to see a consultant this afternoon. Eventually called in to see them 50 minutes late to be told I will be seeing a doctor as the consultant is not in today! and thats not all!! We attempted to talk through everything to be told the doctor can't make the decision and I will have to make an appointment for 2 weeks time to see the consultant! Is that not why I was there today??? :grr: :grr:
So made that appointment. I will kick up serious stink if I don't see that consultant in 2 weeks time!
Also saw the dentist this evening! He did the beginnings of a root canal. Hope this holds me over for another 5 weeks, till after baby is born, when he can then finish the root canal off properly. Just hoping the pain eases soon.
Last day at work tomorrow! But still so much I need to get finished off! And I still need to clear the desk, pack everything up and find somewhere to store everything. Don't think I will get home before 6pm tomorrow night! Half expect there will be a few bits that I will need to sort out over the weekend or into next week. Will just get them sorted and emailed.
Clio - which number colours did you use for your blanket? Just trying to decide which colours to order.
Also how many balls did you use for each colour?
thanks ladies - spd is coming and going - yey can cope with that!!! si joint is playing up and piriformis muscle - driving hurts but hopefully physio will help! it wasnt so much the pain that bothered me last time but the disclocating hips - a nightmare!

re tummy - consultant said itll happen again :( I got the gap down to 2 fingers (by my reckoning) so itll be interesting to get a physio opinion on monday)

yey for a quilt! and Gorge cat! and Im not an animal person :)
Leeze--got TT bowl and sticky mat. I'm pretty impressed! Now I have to find him more things to use a spoon with. Turns out, the pureed pumpkin yesterday at Oma's was a big flop. Even if he can feed himself, he hates purees. I've done oatmeal, mashed potatoes (and since I mashed it myself, I left behind lots of lumps) and since purees are out, I'm at a complete loss. Thick stew in the new bowl, maybe?

Rowan--re: "touching game." Aliss (only know her by name) from BC put up this great picture of Bert from Sesame Street with the stare I use when I look at him to strongly indicate that I am 1) totally serious when I say "no," and 2) NOT impressed. Let me go find it...

skweek--are you getting the Debbie Bliss Cashmerino yarn? I don't know their numbers, but I used dark and light blue, dark and light purple and a light green that ended up looking like a very ugly yellow. I think I only had one ball of each, except for the light blue, which you need two of because it's also the trim. For some reason, the pattern asks for two light purples as well, but I have no idea why. I didn't use it at all. But I found my colour combo to be a bit dark, which I don't usually associate with babies.

I just looked at the the colours for the DB Cashmerino yarn, and it's hard to choose! Are you looking for something "babyish" or don't care? If you want babyish, use the light colours. Why don't you send me a combo you came up with--just give me the numbers. That way I can give my opinion more easily. But still, how exciting! :wohoo: Are you ordering the yarn online?

Re: app't--I would have gotten as mad as you. Stupid doctors. It's like our time isn't important.

Okay, got to go right now. I'll finish up the "personals" as soon as I can.
lmao - looks great!! will try that tmro!

oh and I am not a girlie girl at all - have been having to buy barbies etc as pressies recently and its so out of my comfort zone - I used to make my barbies into punks (shaved hair, tattoos, piercings)! my mam soon stopped buying me stuff! lol

re puree / spoon one of marthas pals is refusing to eat off a spoon so is only having hand held stuff - I find martha gets really really chatty when feeding herself hand held stuff its like shes having a whole dialogue with herself ?! scotch pancakes today went down a treat :)
Hi everyone. Having a tough day today. Kia has got a bad cold and sleep is bad too. Night time partying going on. Kinda cute and funny because she hasn't been crying that much but just waking up a lot in the night and chatting. 1am till 3am last night I couldn't get her settled. Lots of dada dada dada going on. Angel, your new cat is adorable. I'm from a family of cat lovers too. Clio, very cute description of Jonah cruising round. Re what to put in the bowl, I've been using it to put any food in so mini burgers, chicken strips etc. Although she pulled the bowl and suction pad off the table today and chucked them both plus their contents all over the floor. Our cat was delighted! Sabrina, hooray for finishing quilt, what a star you are. You don't fancy giving up your day job and getting into this full-time? Rowan, sorry to hear about your spd. That must really suck now that Martha is so mobile. Skweek, hope your consultant appointment gets sorted ok. How are you feeling now? Has your maternity leave started? Kosh, how are you? Have I missed a post from you or have you been quiet lately? Sorry for not doing the bold bits for names etc but I can't do it on my crappy phone. Xx
Hello ladies,

Posting some of the pictures of the wedding. Thiago Handsome and Thiago Gangster :haha:.

Thiago has been waking up around 1:30AM too the past couple of days. Not used to that!!! And he is pretty much refusing to eat anything that is not his yogurt or maybe a fruit (sigh). Made his favorite squash today but he kept crying in the chair so eventually i gave up. Not sure if I should start trying to put little pieces of food in his tray and see what happens! What was the first thing you girls cook for your LOs for them to feed themselves?

Another question. Thiago is loving to be upside down. He sticks his butt in the air and stays there for a while :wacko:. He tries to crawl like that too. Is that normal?

Angel: Love the kitty. Your boys will have so much fun with him!

Rowan: so sorry you don't feel well with your SPD. Good thing is it will be over in 8 months (hopefully:).

Got to go teach a class. Talk to you girls soon:).



lmao - looks great!! will try that tmro!

oh and I am not a girlie girl at all - have been having to buy barbies etc as pressies recently and its so out of my comfort zone - I used to make my barbies into punks (shaved hair, tattoos, piercings)! my mam soon stopped buying me stuff! lol

re puree / spoon one of marthas pals is refusing to eat off a spoon so is only having hand held stuff - I find martha gets really really chatty when feeding herself hand held stuff its like shes having a whole dialogue with herself ?! scotch pancakes today went down a treat :)

Yay! I make tons and freeze them; they defrost really quickly, especially in a microwave.

J always talks when feeding himself, and it's like he's talking a real language. He'll only do it in the chair while feeding himself. My husband likes to call it his "interjections into the conversation" because he'll be eating away, and then stops to say something to us, and then goes back to ignoring us.
My dad and Thiago:). Love this picture!!:kiss:

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What a wonderful picture, Borboleta! You can tell that they are family; they look like each other! All of your pictures are wonderful, though. I like seeing what you look like! You look so fit! I want to be fit like you! My favourite is the first one with you and Thiago. You both look beautiful!

I don't quite understand what you mean by "up-side down." Can you explain it a bit more so I can picture it? Or maybe you should just post a picture?:winkwink:
Rowan--I'm sure this has been suggested before and you've probably already tried it, but have you tried an SI belt? It made a world of difference to me.

I should start wearing mine again, but it keeps flying off because of my *ahem* girth. I should buy a new one.

I'm sorry that you're going through this. I know what SI pain is, and I can't even imagine adding other pelvic joint pains on top of it. :hugs:

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