any other over 35 first time mums?

tweety pie I didn't BF either but got my period at around 3 month PP. :hugs:

Borboleta I only saw your post about your dad now! How scary! Is he feeling better now? Sending you loads of :hugs:

Nothing much new to report here. Boys are doing well though Sebastian is very stubborn about his naps during the day and will not have them even though he is clearly tired. I prefers to lie in his bouncy moaning monotonously Hnnhnn Hnnhnnn Hnnnn. :wacko: It is not pleasant cause it grates a bit after a while. And sometimes, he gets so tired that he has meltdowns and then all that helps is to "woombie" him and put him in the nursery with the blind down, the lights off and the white noise up. But even that will only work when he is clearly VERY exhausted, otherwise he will just cry. Dom just drifts off most of the time and likes us to rock his bouncy with our foot. He does seem to know when we leave the room though cause he wakes up shortly after and then will not sleep again :(
What strange little things babies are huh?
When i go out to do my food shopping i am going to pick up a test, my hormones are all over the place and it's got me thinking...........
Martha will still only nap during the day if I take her for a walk..

before I looked away from Martha for two seconds and heard yum yum yum...looked back no martha but the plant behind the sofa was shaking about no end - she was sat eating handfuls of soil!!

spd is starting...struggled to drive this am - bum!
Hi ladies,
Tweety pie - I would recommend doing a HPT. At our NCT class we were told that it could take 6 - 24 months for normal periods to resume. So if the test is negative don't worry too much.

Borletta - :hugs: Hope your dad is feeling better soon!

I will admit I'm struggling to keep up with the chatter on here at the mo but hopefully from next week will be much better. Mat leave starts on Friday! YAY can't wait now.

Had another growth scan this afternoon and turns out she is already approximately 6lbs/2.87kg's!! And I still have another 4 weeks to go!! HELP!! A little porker on my hands!!
Bought the most beautiful change bag this past weekend!
Managed to pick up, not just one but 2 change bags for £55!! Big one usually goes on there site for £55
and the small one (for free) usually goes for £40!!
So got a big pink change bag and a small black one! I just love them!!

Also bought a few girlie head bands!! DF thinks I'm just being silly buying the headbands for a new born girl! MIL says its spoiling me and not the baby! :haha: I just think its something that needs to be done!! hehe
Hey everyone! Sorry I've been MIA--as SabrinaKat mentioned, it's the Canadian Thanksgiving, which means lots of family and lots of food, usually for more than one day. Yesterday was with my in-laws, and today was on the phone and Skyping with my family. Jonah was soooo cute with the Skype. He can now recognize faces on the screen and came running when my sister was on. He smiled and talked and played the "bang-bang" game with her (you say "bang-bang" and bang your hand on a surface, and he'll bang his hand back). He hung around for basically the entire call (over 30 minutes) and it was such a difference from when he was younger and couldn't understand what was going on and ended up crying if anyone wanted to see him on the screen for more than a minute.

So J has now developed a very interesting relationship with the cat. At times, the cat finds him too annoying and runs away, and at others, J couldn't care less and the cat is just longing for his attention. This was one of the longing for attention days, so I had to do some work to get J to do anything with the cat. So, the cat went to their "special" place by the front window where J typically mauls her, but J didn't care. So I pet her until J finally got curious as to what I was doing, saw the cat, stood by the window, looked out and absentmindedly banged her on the head a few times. But that was just for a moment--not enough for the cat--but J then moved a step backwards and was accidentally standing with both feet on her tail. And the whole room filled with the sound of her purring. Cats. They're crazy.

Now, on to the "personals" (I read that in another thread a while ago--thought it was a nice and appropriate word for responding to others.)

Borboleta--First, T is incredibly gorgeous, and second, he looks so SWEET. What a great picture! But I'm sorry about your dad; that must have been quite scary. How is he now?

But it sounds like T is a total trooper. And with the family, as well. They all must LOVE him. He's just so darned cute!

And, fingers crossed for your OH. What does he do, if I may ask?

Re: eating--I was just going to ask the same thing until I read your question. J rarely refuses his bottle, but there are days when he won't eat what's on his high chair tray (this morning was one of them). He just pokes around. I used to think it was related to teething and not feeling well, but then he goes and drains every last drop of his bottle. But I'm glad to hear that I'm not alone in this. Maybe they're just bored?

Rowan--I'm glad M is on the mend! But the SPD is starting already? Your poor thing. How immobile did you get by the end of the last pregnancy?

Leeze--what a chef you are! I am incredibly impressed. Do you and your OH eat the same meals as K?

SabrinaKat--I'm glad you fixed the quilt problem. I've gone to great lengths to secure yarn that I didn't realize I needed when I'm knitting something. You'll definitely have to take pictures to show us once it's done!

StormJet--How sad that your leave is almost over. Is L the first of our little group to start daycare? I'd love to hear all about it.

Angel--how weird is it that Seb is now causing problems with sleeping just as Dom has started to improve! I agree, I wish I knew what was going on in their little heads.

Okay, I think I'm caught up on the personals. I hope today is going well for everyone...
well, LO was at creche this am and was okay if I was in the room, but after 10-15 minutes after I left, he got be fair to him, he had had a short nap this morning and a short nap in the afternoon, so I think he was tired...they do 'settling in' all week, e.g. 1 hour today, 2 hours tomorrow, 2 1/2 hours on Wednesday (none on Thursday as cross fingers (the weather), we are going to the Zoo for my birthday) and then 3 hours on Friday, so hopefully, both of us will be okay for Monday, am....doomsday, perhaps?

Barboleta - I meant to mention that picture of Thiago is gorgeous!
Clio - hope you had a great day! (do you canadians do pumpkin pies and turkey too?) -- I do an american thanksgiving here in Ireland, so it will be Finn's first - LOL, did J enjoy the food?
Rowan - sympathies -- I didn't develop spd, but the pre-eclampsia in the last week made even bathing impossible (so swollen I couldn't do anything, e.g. even walking/breathing at the same time....):hugs:
skweek, storm, not ignoring, but we've bathed LO, he has had a book read and it's bedtime....!

Clio, I'm very impressed with your 'personals' - I find it so hard to remember everything I want to say to everyone. My brain is fried with tiredness too which doesn't help! So, happy Thanksgiving! How lovely that Jonah will play games on Skype - it's amazing to think of the technology that our children will grow up with. Re food - I love cooking and tend to make Kia a mini version of what we're having. Like I made us all lamb mince shepherd's pie but separated hers halfway through the cooking before I added salt, stock etc. So we tend to have similar a lot of the time. Although at the moment the main things she's eating are chicken thigh strips, pitta bread, corn on the cob, yoghurts and rice-cakes. Much as I love all of those I couldn't eat them at every meal!
Rowan, that is hilarious about Martha eating the soil. Funny how they're often much better at eating things they shouldn't than real food! Our cat has scratched the arm of one of our sofas and there's a few loose threads hanging off. If Kia gets half a chance to get near to it she pulls bits off and tries to put them in her mouth. She's also quite into eating kitchen roll if she gets her hands on any! How are you finding looking after a mobile baby while being pregnant? I'm finding it hard-going keeping up with Kia some days and I'm not even pregnant.
Hey ladies, quick question - how many maternity pads did you land up buying/using after birth?
I think I have about 40 pads - is that going to be enough?
Skweek, that is so exciting that you're almost there. How lovely to be buying changing bags and baby clothes. Have you got any plans for the first few weeks of maternity leave? I went on maternity at this time last year and I really mainly vegged out in those few weeks before Kia came. I watched trashy TV, read a few books, took lots of naps and tried to get in touch with my nesting instinct! I wasn't too successful on the nesting front though. Seriously though, my advice would be to sleep, nap or rest as much as you possibly can. And get lots of food in that's quick and easy to prepare!
Not much planned at the mo. Hoping to get out to watch a movie pr lunch with a friend. Hoping to get in as much reading as possible.
Oh yes and don't forget all those naps!!
Hey ladies, quick question - how many maternity pads did you land up buying/using after birth?
I think I have about 40 pads - is that going to be enough?
I think it's probably quite an individual thing depending on the length of
your labour, type of birth and length of bleeding afterwards. I didn't take enough with me to the hospital but OH brought me some more. I would advise taking a full pack to the hospital just so you don't need to think about it x
I think I have packed a large pack - 24 mat pads I think - that should be enough for the hospital?
DF can always bring more to the hospital if needed.
Angel, I struggle with getting Kia to take naps too. I can only get her to nap if I breastfeed her to sleep -which will then mean she's sleeping either on me, lying beside her in bed or in the sling. Very occasionally she'll sleep in the sling, buggy or carseat without being breasted to sleep but I can never guarantee it. It's been about 4 months since she last took a daytime nap in her cot. I'm hoping it's just a phase but I also think she's too mobile these days and whenever we do try to settle her in the cot she either stands up or rolls around and then ends up screaming the place down.
Skweek, you're making me feel all broody and excited! How are you feeling?
surprisingly energetic for this time of night. (yawn yawn)
I'm getting a bit excited but also really nervous/anxious!!
some of the ladies from our November thread have already given birth! I'm soo jealous!! I want to have my baby now too!
One of the NCT ladies had her baby boy this afternoon! (3 days early) This didn't help me either. I know I will get there but with 4 years to go, just feels like ages away still.
4 years Skweek?? Was that a freudian slip??? Lol
Very exciting skweek! Makes me broody too! :D As for pads, I didn't take any maternity ones but just took a packet of Always Ultra Nights which are extra long and have of course wings. That was plenty for the 3 days I was in hospital. Afterwards I bled for about 8 weeks and I was always fine with Always as it was like the heaviest day of my period.

Leeze how does Kia cope with so few naps or do you always lie down with her/ take her out in her sling? Btw my boys always drop off in their ergo when OH takes them out. It is so so cute :D

And now I have a question for all you catlovers. Your posts that feature your kitties always make me envy you and miss our own sweet girl. In a way I think it is too soon to get a new kitty, it's not even been 6 months. But, and here is the question, do you think it would be wiser to get a cat before the boys are able to chase/molest it or when they are a little older/more mobile? Obviously I want both cat and boys to get used to each other in the most stress-free way for the cat (and myself). Also, I would preferably get a cat from a re-homing centre and one that is maybe 1 or 2 years old. But do you think it would actually be better to get a kitten (even though I think their destructiveness might add to my stress at present) in order for the kitty and the boys to grow up together as it were? Would really value your input on this. :) xxx
And now I have a question for all you catlovers. Your posts that feature your kitties always make me envy you and miss our own sweet girl. In a way I think it is too soon to get a new kitty, it's not even been 6 months. But, and here is the question, do you think it would be wiser to get a cat before the boys are able to chase/molest it or when they are a little older/more mobile? Obviously I want both cat and boys to get used to each other in the most stress-free way for the cat (and myself). Also, I would preferably get a cat from a re-homing centre and one that is maybe 1 or 2 years old. But do you think it would actually be better to get a kitten (even though I think their destructiveness might add to my stress at present) in order for the kitty and the boys to grow up together as it were? Would really value your input on this. :) xxx

I personally wouldn't go for a kitten, but the young-ish cat from a re-homing centre. Kittens are so easily spooked and want to play rough and have no problem scratching or biting. Cats live for a long time these days, so a cat that's only a few years old won't be too old, nor will the boys remember that they didn't grow up together. And kittens are REALLY needy. Older cats can be more independent, which is better for you. Plus, they usually have more patience. (This sounds cruel, but one way to test the cat is to pull on their tail and see what they do.)

But I think it is wonderful that you're considering a cat! I LOVE watching them together, and J did start crawling so he could follow the cat.

ETA: just re-read and saw the part about when to get it. I'd say before they're mobile. It would be pretty stressful for a cat to come to a new home and family and then have to deal with groping baby hands or being chased. This way, they can come to know each other before the boys are capable of tearing after her/him.

This, however, is just my opinion, and I'm glad there are other cat people here to give theirs as well. My answer to any question about getting a cat is always a resounding: YES! So, I'm REALLY biased.
Thank you all ladies for your concern with my dad:)! He is doing a lot better. He must have been really dihadrated and the urinary infection didn't help either. He went for a procedure to have stones removed from his kidneys but the doctor made a mistake and cut his bladder a little so he had to go back to have that repaired 3 months ago. So he is still recovering from all that. And he is pre diabetic too. But he is fine now and we went shopping a little dpthis afternoon like the old days me, my dad and my sister:).

Thiago is a sweetheart:)! He still hates to go to the carseat but he loves when we are walking around the mall or stores:)! And he had all those people from the wedding to hold him so he was in heaven:)!!! I need to post the picture of him and my dad that my hubby took the same day he took the one from my avatar. It turned out beautiful too.

Skeewer: almost there!!! I know the feeling of everyone else having their babies and you think: how about me!!!!. 4 weeks will go by quick. And here in the US i just used the maternity pads from the hospital. They gave me a bunch so the ones that I bought I returned them because I didn't need. I did bleed heavier the first couple of days but after about a week I could use a regular pad.

Conina: you are back:)!!! How is your little man doing?

Leeze: my husband asked me to ask you the recipe of your sheperd's pie :haha:.

Angel: hope your little men will appreciate you as they are growing up. You are a hero:)!

Sabrina: I know your birthday is coming. When is it again?

Clio: thiago loves the computer too. I can't wait for when he is 2 so I can ask him computer questions instead of asking my husband. And by the way, my husband of a vp of direct channels. He has lots of experience in sales, marketing, pr, and managing people. Now we just need the job.

Rowan: love the story about your LO and the dirt :haha:!!! Oh well, a little dirt will do her good:).

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