any other over 35 first time mums?

My dad and Thiago:). Love this picture!!:kiss:

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What a wonderful picture, Borboleta! You can tell that they are family; they look like each other! All of your pictures are wonderful, though. I like seeing what you look like! You look so fit! I want to be fit like you! My favourite is the first one with you and Thiago. You both look beautiful!

I don't quite understand what you mean by "up-side down." Can you explain it a thbit more so I can picture it? Or maybe you should just post a picture?:winkwink:

Thanks Clio:)! Actually the first picture is thiago with my sister :haha::). I love how she is looking at him :kiss:.

And the upside down I mean with his head down on the floor and his butty up in the air. Almost like he is going to do a summersault. He loves being on this position!! Must give him a head rush or something :haha:. And what food did you start J with when you started trying to make him feed himself?
My dad and Thiago:). Love this picture!!:kiss:

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What a wonderful picture, Borboleta! You can tell that they are family; they look like each other! All of your pictures are wonderful, though. I like seeing what you look like! You look so fit! I want to be fit like you! My favourite is the first one with you and Thiago. You both look beautiful!

I don't quite understand what you mean by "up-side down." Can you explain it a thbit more so I can picture it? Or maybe you should just post a picture?:winkwink:

Thanks Clio:)! Actually the first picture is thiago with my sister :haha::). I love how she is looking at him :kiss:.

And the upside down I mean with his head down on the floor and his butty up in the air. Almost like he is going to do a summersault. He loves being on this position!! Must give him a head rush or something :haha:. And what food did you start J with when you started trying to make him feed himself?

J does this too! This is what I meant by "trying to stand on his head." Maybe it is the head rush--I haven't been able to come up with any better explanation!

I started out with steamed vegetables which were typically cut double the size of his fist so he could have part of it sticking out to eat. Then I gave him veggies that I knew he had a good chance of getting down. Carrots that could be smushed by his tongue. Asparagus that was really soft. Broccoli is awesome--it doesn't have to be too soft because the pieces on the florets are so small they actually go down really easily if they come off. Oh, but we started out with watermelon! It was the best--sweet, wet, goes down real easy and the rind is a great handle. Give him an orange, too, and he'll go nuts.

So that was the start. We did purely these types of foods for a week. Then I started to add protein with tofu, cheese, smushed egg yolk, ground beef and ground chicken. All easy to get down. (And all easy recipes!)
great food ideas clio j sounds fab! they are funny little onions arent they!

love the pics of thiago!

Martha is 19lb 6oz today :) doing well yey! think I may try not giving her gaviscon soon - shes past the point of being held for 30 mins after feeding which is great altho we read less books! but so freeing on a night! milk then bed :) no sitting for 30 mins just waiting - imagine if this baby doesnt have reflux - woo hoo!

thanks clio re SI belt - am hoping Ill get some stuff from the physio on Monday - will take whatever contraptions they can give me lol!! If I have to look like an S&M fan so be it :)
Nothing much here - rotten day yesterday and OH made me feel OLD (growl!).

LO seems okay-ish in creche; he has a 4-hour settling in today and I have been checking via the webcam and he seems to be sleeping! I came home and...cleaned the house - LOL! and my immediate boss DID actually email me (after two requests, Monday and yesterday, but not pestering!) with my class details for it's the end of maternity leave, sigh and sob.

I have my firstaid course tomorrow - will let you all know how it goes and....

it's a beautiful, sunny day in Dublin (GRUMBLE!)....hopefully, we can go to the Zoo on Sunday, but I liked having it special for my birthday....

oh, well..........bye!
Morning! Ugh, I hate living this far north. It is 7:30 am and still dark out. Like, pitch black. I know I've gone through this for four years already, but it still is a shock every time. It even snowed two days ago, and the snow is still on the ground. Last year, it snowed in JUNE. Somedays in the middle of winter we are told not to go out because our skin will freeze almost instantaneously. The city actually suggests people not go to work.

But, in order to combat a common belief, not all of Canada is like this. Toronto, Ontario, where I'm from, doesn't get snow anymore. Vancouver, British Columbia never has. But Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba are hell in the winter. I don't know anything about the Atlantic provinces, but no one in Canada does. We don't pay much attention to them.

I twisted my ankle yesterday. Coming down the stairs. While holding Jonah. It was awful! I fell and tried desperately to hold onto him. Luckily, I managed, but my ankle! I immediately put a thick tensor brace on it and now am afraid to take it off because there's a chance it'll swell up like a balloon and I'll never get it back on again. Bah. Now that's three injuries: my back, my pelvis and now my ankle. I think my husband wanted to cry more than I did because with each injury, it means he has to carry J for me even more.

But enough about grumbling me. On to the "personals."

SabrinaKat--I'm sorry about your awful birthday. And how insensitive of your OH! BUT, where are the pics of your quilt?

Borboleta--What a lovely picture of your sister, then! But you look amazing (and T looks adorable--is he even capable of looking not-cute?)

Oh, and I wanted to add that defrosted frozen spinach (do you know those packs? Do you even have those packs in Texas?) is also a great beginning meal.

I guess I'm not a traditional BLWer--I built up to the harder (quite literally) foods instead of throwing him immediately into the deep end. But it's worked so far. Since his confidence and skill have grown, he can now handle more.


Thank you for all of your suggestions! I know there is nothing ON the spoon, but still! He's getting the concept. I'll do mashed potatoes again tonight.

Is K any better? Did you have a better night?

Question for those with crawlers: Since J has been crawling on the linoleum, his knees hurt. He's since been crawling on his hands and feet. Do you have the same problem? I've been putting extra pants over his sleepers, but it doesn't help.
ah sabrina bummer about work! hope it goes ok! and boo hiss to oh making you feel old!

clio pants re another injury - is your si pain from an old injury or still from pg?

Martha has permanently red knees - plus she sleeps on her tummy with her bum in the air on her knees so they dont get any rest - Ive put cord trousers on her today and thats been a bit better (they are fleecy inside)
Rowan--I'll look and see if I have something similar. He has fleece sleepers and fleece sweat pants, but I don't think they're fleecy on the inside. I think what else is not helping is him rubbing his knees on the carpet on the steps when he goes up and down them.

My SI pain is from a riding injury three/four years ago, so it's permanent. It's hyper-mobile, and you can't shorten the ligament that is causing the problem. I'll be trying something called prolotherapy in a few weeks, as it is my only hope to fix it, but otherwise, it's physio for me for the rest of my life. Once it's doing better, though, I can finally start exercising again, and hopefully lose some of this weight.

EDIT: removed über-grumpy stuff. This is why you shouldn't post after taking a painkiller...

Sorry, I'm really grumpy. J has been an absolute nightmare this morning. He was crying at everything. Example: he crawled past my foot. The nail from my big toe lightly grazed his cheek. TOTAL meltdown. He also wouldn't sleep all morning, so I couldn't get anything done. OH is finally home and is trying to get him to sleep (I failed three times), but he is still in the nursery, so I don't think it's going well for him either. I gave him some Tylenol because one cheek was red, but that didn't improve his mood. We've just dosed him with Advil. Hopefully it'll knock him out.

AND my mother is trying FaceTime on her new iPhone and it isn't working. So she keeps phoning me on my iPhone, which has no long-distance plan. Which means me paying money, and J getting madder and madder with every phone call. Well, if we had managed to get it going, she would have seen a furious J, wailing.

Okay, enough grumping around. Need nap. :sleep:
Clio, so sorry to hear about your ankle. Sounds scary and painful and the last thing you need on top of your other physical problems. Loving the photo of J with his new bowl! Kia loves feeding herself yogurt from the spoon and although she drops quite a lot of it she's getting better. I'll try to post a photo from the laptop tomorrow if I get time. We had a terrible sleep last night too. She went to sleep around 9.30 then woke up at 10.30 and I couldn't settle her again until 1.30. I was an emotional wreck by this point and had woken OH up to tell him I couldn't cope. She seems a bit happier today except a very runny nose so fingers crossed for a better night. It's so hard when they don't nap, isn't it? And when they are grumpy for no obvious reason. I'm very much looking forward to the day when Kia can tell me what's wrong. It's so hard when you don't know what the matter is.
I hadn't noticed sore knees from crawling. Will check tomorrow unless she wakes again tonight which is highly likely! Kia's been pulling herself to stand much more recently, it feels like she's getting quite keen to start walking. She's also become very inquisitive in the last few days. She's exposing a multitude of sins in the dirt department. Boxes hidden away under corner tables, pipes under the bathroom sink - anywhere that's a dust haven has become a fun place to explore!
Borboleta, because we started with purees we didn't really do finger food until about 7 and a half months. The main things that were a hit to start with were baby rice-cakes, chunks of cheese, toast, avocado slices, steamed carrot fingers and steamed parsnip fingers. Her current favourites are pitta bread, corn on the cob and chicken thigh strips. Oh, and I discovered this week she quite likes peas - very cute to see her pincer grip in action!
Rowan, Martha is a great healthy weight. Must be hard having a baby with reflux. Hard for them and for you. Hope this is the end of it now. So, have you got any morning sickness? You're pretty much in 2nd trimester now. How does it feel? Does it feel real yet?
Quick update.............. My period arrived this morning and OMG am i pleased to see it, first time ever mind and so it's snip snip snip for hubby.
Sabrina, that sucks that it's the end of your maternity leave. But great that Finn sounds like he's settling at nursery. At least, I'm assuming he is given he's sleeping? One of my major concerns about Kia going to nursery is whether she'll be able to sleep there ok given I mostly feed her to sleep. I've got 5 weeks of maternity leave left and it's starting to sink in now. Time to start TTC again soon, I reckon! :haha: seriously, it's very tempting. And a trip to the zoo at the weekend sounds fantastic. Hopefully the weather will hold out for you.
Last night I felt like I had a newborn in the house again!!! Bed at almost 10pm ( we went to a Halloween concert with thiago), then 1:30am, 3:15am ( hubby tried for 45 min without luck so brought him to bed and I fed him) then up again at 6:15am!!! Put him down for his first nap at 7:30am!!! I read that they go thru a big development growth between 32 and 37 weeks and they will not eat and sleep well AND might be crabbier!!! :wacko: maybe that explain the past 4 nights of bad sleeping and his lack of appetite.

Angel how do you do it??? God must have a special place for twin mommies:).
hey ladies - seeing if Martha will nap in her cot otherwise its another walk for us! shes been poorly today - oh shed on my lap nw - no cot nap!!

she had a funny day yest - didnt want to eat anything then slept 3 hours (on my lap) last night i was up every hour at least and today she projectile vomits milk shes kept her lunch down (spag bol and friut puree) up to now tho....

her ears are awful - drs mon first thing - runny goo yuk poor martha

clio whst a pain re your si injury - are you hypermobile in general or just the si joint due to the injury? hope the new therapy works for you!
sorry about your crappy sleep borboleta

yey for not being pg tweety pie

thanka leeze its starting to feel real as i have a bump and we listen to hb each night - sickness all gone woo! scan 2 weeks today for gender!
Rowan--Just the SI joint. Thank god. It actually went away for my pregnancy--isn't that odd? During the time when most women are hyper-mobile, I get better. But it was back almost immediately after the pregnancy. I really hope yours will be bearable this time!

How are you already so far along??? How long have we been together on this thread???
skweek--I (and probably almost all of us on this thread!) for the first time in 5 years actually didn't want to cry when I saw my first PP period. It was the most liberating experience!

Borboleta!--I'm sorry it was such a horrible night! Do you think it was because you went out? Or teething?

Rowan--did M's reflux get better after you started solids? J's did literally overnight, after his first solid meal and it was so weird. He barely ate anything (BLW--the amount you get down in the beginning is minuscule) and it stopped immediately. Not that he had reflux, but this boy spat up ALL THE TIME from birth to 6 months. He was never without a bib. And I had bought 50 million of them, AND 50 million receiving blankets to deal with the problem. AND tons of sleepers to change his clothes all the time. And then a tiny bit of cucumber goes down, and that's it? Babies are weird.

AFM--My horrible day yesterday with J didn't get better, except I got a nap when my OH got home. He just wouldn't stop crying! We put him to bed at 5:30, it was that crazy. But part of my total inability to deal with it, I think, is because AF is coming. My PMS was getting the better of me. I had some cramps this morning, and my mood is 100% better, so it should come today.

My mother finally figured out FaceTime, which has me worried. Turns out, though, that she doesn't want to talk to me, just have me train my phone on the boy and follow him around with it so she can see what he's doing. My mother is insane. But in January my sis is having her kid, so hopefully things will calm down a bit then. She can be obsessed with another grandchild instead.

Did I tell you guys that J can say "apple"? He has been saying it for a while now, but it's getting clearer (he got lazy) and we finally know what he wants. Yay! However, he wants half an apple all the time. And then he loses that half and even we can't find it, so he wants some more. I suspect we have mouldy apple halves all over the downstairs by now.

Re: baby talk--did you guys read the thread about whether you speak in baby talk with your LO? I do it all the time, including saying the words he has for things (like "bap" for bottle). But basically everyone on the thread said that they never do it. I think they believe it hinders language development. What do you guys think? But they also didn't really define baby talk, so I don't know what they mean by it. I don't know, for example if playing the "yelling game" counts (he yells really loud, and then we yell back, trying to use the same inflection he used).

Okay, I've got to go. Cheers, everyone!
So much teething and tiredness and grumpiness all round with our babies at the moment. I've decided today that having a baby is bloody hard work. I love it too but it's so relentless. And we're talking about having another one, what is this madness? Borboleta, that's interesting to know that when they go through big developmental phases that they lose their appetite. Kia is definitely off her food at the moment and there's lots of changes going on for her too. We had another awful night too. I'm running on some hidden reserves I didn't know I had! Mainly from chocolate and diet coke I think!
Re baby talk, I do it a little bit. I say, shall we go and change your nap nap? And, do you want some num nums? And I copy her noises. I read somewhere, probably Tracy Hogg, that it's good to copy their noises as it encourages them to try to communicate more. I think it's a load of twaddle that baby talk delays communication. Babies often make up their own words and sounds for things before they can speak properly anyway. My nephew used to ask if he could go and play on Anda's pooter. It was very cute and we all knew he meant Grandad's computer but we used to also call it Anda's pooter because it was so cute. His development wasn't affected by it. He was delighted with himself that we knew what he meant. I guess if you only talked in baby talk it might slow full speech down a bit but not a few words and phrases here and there
Hi ladies, sorry I am so behind. Have been reading a bit here and there but had no time to respond.

First of all Borboleta you are a stunner! Soo lovely! And I am pale with envy of those gorgeous toned arms of yours! And your little boy in the tux is heartmeltingly cute! So sweet! :D And the pic with your dad is gorgeous! If I had one like that with my dad I would put it in a frame :)
Is Thiago sleeping better again now? I don't think I deserve any special regard on how I am coping. I wouldn't be if it weren't for alternating nights with OH. And then you do get used to things, even lack of sleep. Not easily or gladly but you do lol

Clio Poor you with your owies! How is the ankle now? And falling with J on your arms! You must have been so scared! I know it is one of my worst nightmares! :hugs:
I was very interested in your post about what you gave first as finger foods. I am not sure we are there yet cause I tried giving them a little piece of banana by putting it into their hands but that is where it stayed. Do you think I should give a bigger piece maybe so they can hold it in their hand like a hm... banana? I am thinking they will just smush it and not eat it. Mind you Sebastian is always really interested when I eat or drink something in front of him. This morning again he reached out for my cup the adorable little thing and I let him inspect it (it wasn't very hot) and he was very interested but I don't think he would have put it in his mouth if he could have.
What you wrote about your mum and face time made me laugh so much! So are you following the boy through the house to let her see him? And you know, the whole facetime has me freaked out. My mum wants me to get skype and I refuse! I told her there is no camera on my laptop (lie) cause the thought of always having to be available and to have to show my face all the time... no way!
I am sorry J is having a bad time with his teeth again. But maybe this is better now? I am so behind! I hope he recovers really soon anyway :) It kinda makes me dread my boys teething cause I can just imagine how dramatic they will be about it!
Yay for saying apple! What other words can he say? So cute! :)

Sabrina why did your OH make you feel old? Is he younger than you? If you are young enough to have babies you cannot possibly be that old! :grr: at him!
I am sorry your mat leave is coming to and end though I know you were also kind of looking forward to getting back to work. I can imagine it must be a mixed bag of emotions now that it is a reality. But knowing that he is ok at the creche must be such a relief :)

Rowan excellent weight for Martha! Makes my boys sound huge though, as my Dominic is a whopping 23.36lbs and my Sebastian 20.50lbs lol. My mum told me though that it is very often the lighter babies who walk first and to expect my boys to not walk till they are about a year old lol.
Hae you stopped the Gaviscon already? We were thinking of stopping the ranitidine a few weeks ago but it became clear that it was too early when poor Sebastian who is usually such a good sleeper cried a lot during the night and didn't feed at all well. How come that you weren't given ranitidine btw? Or did you not want any? That and the wedge in the boys beds has made a huge difference for us.
Hope you got a belt or something that helps with your SPD. :)

Leeze How is Kia's runny nose? Hope she is better and her sleep is improving too! I know what it feels like to be sleepless and wanting to know what the heck the matter is with a crying grumpy baby!
I haven't even thought of baby proofing the house but what you wrote about Kia getting into all these corners made me assess the dangers in our place and golly there is loads! Problem is that we have so little space and I am not sure where to store some stuff safely. :(
So are you going to try for a second one? Or are you just broody like I am ;)

tweety pie I am happy for you. I bet you were scared since it seems you are definitely not looking to have more babies in the future? A friend of mine who is the same age had her tubes tied when she had her second baby. I didn't want mine done cause it seemed so final, even though I know I will probably not have more. At least if I am sensible I won't lol.

Re babytalk No we don't do that. Except maybe use a special tone of voice which is kinda cooing. lol That sounds sickly. We used to have a special talk for our kitty (the one that died in April) cause we were obsessed with her and we imagined that she had a lisp and we would do her part of the conversation too. And since Nick didn't want to be daddy to her, we both were perthon. Aw I miss her so much! :( The new kitty won't be able to fill her boots but I am hoping in time we will bond with her as much. She is now called Miss Felina Mewsli btw lol

I am sure there was something else I wanted to say but I forgot again. What with the boys only napping for 10 mins when I am not there to sit beside them this has taken me over 2 hours to write! Ah well, hopefully I'll write more soon!

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