any other over 35 first time mums?

morning, all!

skweek: I had my LO four weeks early, so I didn't have to wait - LOL!
Barboleta: my birthday is Thursday, and I'll be....45. Part of me feels really old, but since I had LO so late and all the dire warnings/anxiety about ttc are over, I feel young -- does that make sense?
Angel- I think an 'older' cat might be better; having had rescue cats before, they are checked for temperment and hopefully, you might know a little of their background; kittens are hard work and loads of scratches (they don't know any better) on hands, etc. (when Sabrina had kittens years ago, it was fun, but exhausting and my hands/legs had playful scratches all over them)....

must go play with LO as a) it's our last week together in the mornings; b)he's so cute!

Hi all, hope I can remember everything! Skweek, I was part of a BnB bump buddies group where we were all initially due on Halloween. There were about 10 in the group and they all had their babies either early, on the due date or maximum of 1 or 2 days late. I had Kia nearly 2 weeks late, so on 11th November. So, I know what it's like to be impatient at the end! Those last days and weeks were really tough! But, it doesn't natter now she's here, if that makes sense! Hang on in there and remember how snug and safe your LO is inside you! X
Corina - :blush: oh my hell yes that was a slip!!! I'm just so glad its not 4 years!! :haha:

Thanks ladies for the support. I just hope that all these ladies here at work, who are saying there is no way I will be having her late, are right!
Seeing the consultant on Thursday to discuss the birth. In a way I'm hoping for a c-section, that way I'm guaranteed to have her early. But on the other hand I want a water birth and will have to wait for that.
Angel, re naps - I just do whatever I need to do to make sure Kia gets get naps. But, having only one means I can do that. The only disadvantage is that I never have any time to do anything while she's napping but I use it as an opportunity to put my feet up and watch TV or lie down and snooze beside her or go out and do some shopping etc. I have to wait till OH comes go before I can do chores etc, unless I try to do them when she's awake which is hilarious now she's mobile! The only thing I could think would be whether you could put one of them in the buggy and the other in the Ergo and take them both out and hope they fall asleep that way. Are either of then ok about sleeping in the buggy? I just found in the end that my life was easier if she got her naps, even if it meant abandoning any ideas I had for getting things done! Cooking can be a bit nearly joke as I'll often chop and prepare things in the living room while she plays around me then I'll be running in and out of the kitchen trying to stir things etc. Sometimes I've got her balanced on one arm while I stir the food with the other, my OH would have a fit if he could see it! Can't imagine how I'd cope if I had a difficult sleeper plus another baby to look after. Hats off to you! X
Very quickly as I need to wake Kia to get her ready for swimming... Borboleta - Shepherd's Pie. Brown lamb mince over medium heat in a little oil, add finely chopped garlic, pinch of paprika, little bit of fried thyme or rosemary, add finely chopped leek or onion, plus finely chopped carrot and soften the vegetables with the mince. I then added small pieces of potato and enough water to cover everything plus half a baby stock cube and a little squirt of marmite - bring it all to the boil and then simmer for about 15 mins until the potatoes are soft. You can then either puree or mash depending on consistency you want. You could also add a bit of unsalted butter or milk if the consistency is too thick. The lamb croquettes I made by using some of the pureeed mixture, adding a bit of gram flour to thicken then coating in flour, egg and breadcrumbs. At the point I added the potatoes and water and stock I also split the mince and vegetables into 2 pans so I could make an adult version and added salt, pepper, gravy granules, meat stock, worcester sauce and extra garlic. I also added some butter beans to pad it out a bit. Then I did normal mashed potatoes for us. Kia actually wasn't that keen on it but I think possibly her version was too thick as she took some in her mouth then spat it out again. Also with bought her a stage 3 lamb pouch yesterday and the pouch was much more runny than my version. The thing she loved best were the mini lamb burgers so I'm glad I took a bit of mince out before I started do this with! This was just mince, tiny bit of egg yoke, tiny bit tomato puree and tiny bit paprika all mixed together and then made into mini burgers and fried in tiny bit olive oil.
Thank you clio and Sabrina for the advice on cats. I think you are right and a grown but still youngish kitty will be best. I just considered a kitten cause it would grow up being used to the boys. But yes you are right, they do test cats at the rehoming centres and will be able to point out which one is suitable. I even had a google for the Battersea Dogs and Cats Home which is one of the biggest in this area but alas all the ones that are suitable for kids of all ages are already rehomed. OH and I considered having a look for breed kitties too and we especially love the Birman chocolatey ones (similar to yours I think clio?) but I always felt that if at all possible it is better to offer a home to a rescue kitty since breed kitties very rarely get abandoned or have trouble finding a home. :)

Leeze thank you for the advice. My boys do fall asleep in the pram and in the car but not invariably so, it is a lil hit and miss. I cannot take them in the ergo anymore. The one time I did it was with Dominic and he was about 3 months old and about 6kg. I only went to the local Starbucks and back so in all maybe 30mins of carrying him. By the time I got back I thought I would collapse! I think this has to do with my parted abdominal muscles and not having any core strength as a result. The boys now are over 9 and 10 kg respectively and I find just lifting them up and about the house for a bit really hard going now. It is a lil easier to carry them on their tummy and on my arms like that but still, my back aches like crazy in the evening. :( I know I should start doing the exercises to close the gap in my tummy but frankly I am too exhausted. :(
today's development she can see I'm distracted eating my peanut better sandwiches she carries on pressing the buttons on her noisy teddy with one hand to kid me to thinking she wasn't up to anything...then crawled slowly over to said plant (which needs to find a new home sharpish) and was about to crack on when she heard me say I can see you young lady = cue fits of laughter form Miss smarty pants - points for trying girl!

maternity pads - i use tena lady instead massive ones - not for wee wee but for the bleeding i just prefer them

hope you dont go over sqwweek - i had martha at 24+2

spd went after a few hours phew!!! last time I couldnt walk for the last 3 months and my hips would dislocate and Id collapse and not be able to get up - it was a nightmare - but lazy mw wasnt bothered so I didnt get any physio etc - this time - new hospital - got appointment next monday - much better service!! I cannot be that disabled this time! I think cos Im hypermobile it has an impact and also my injuries to my si joint and hips and pelvis on my right side from the car crash also have not helped matters - doh!!
Rowan seriously?! Martha was 24 + 2? How traumatic if so! I had no idea she was that premature!

She sounds like a lot of fun though and your story made me grin! Cheeky monkey gal ;) xxx
well, another few hours at creche -- he cried when I left the room, but seemed okay when I went back after a walk around the block...seems he loves their bouncy chair (like he does at home) and that calmed him down. Tomorrow, another few hours to build up to the trama of my first day back at work on Monday....eek! I'm glad, tho, that it's not full-time, just mornings, and he's in an excellent creche (they even have cameras in the baby rooms, so you can check on LO whenever you want; I'll be teaching and will check at my break, but my OH will probably be watching all morning!) OH didn't clean the litter trays, so one of the cats pissed on the activity centre! I changed the trays this morning, washed the activity centre in the machine (the bottom cloth comes off) and gave a good talking to the cats, who were not impressed! or asleep....growl -- I was letting them sleep in the living room as I close the bedroom door at night, and they have never tried to piss on the acitivity centre, although they are very interested in it, so now, have to close the living room door -- these cats do not understand the repercussions of their actions! tonight, it will be all 'meow, meow' at the living room door, but I won't let them in--okay, I will but after I remove activity centre to another room....

Rowan - Martha was 24+2? what a wonder child! amazing!

best wishes to all and I'm off to play with LO!

lol sorry no she was 42+2 - my typo!! were going to a party on sat for twins who were born at 23 weeks and they are now one - amazing!

shes asleep - lordy she is running me Ragged!!! weve read stories, sang, danced, played in the garden, been out for 2 walks (in pushchair) one walk (martha walking me holding her hands) played with teddy bears, eaten a lot, changed nappies a lot, played with all her toys, im goosed! had to stay in while some building work was getting done on kitchen - not staying in tmro!
Leeze--the secret to my "personals"? I have one tab in my browser open to the thread, and another tab open to "Reply to Topic." So, as I read through, at the end of a post, I switch tabs and reply to that person. I'm used to using a forum with a small group of people, so topics get their own thread, and I can reply easily. But I've learned to adapt!

As for the food--I'm still so impressed. So have you switched over to BLW completely now (or were you always?). Or is there a point in TW where it turns essentially into BLW? I'm so confused about all of this, BLW included (I'll explain below...) Today I've decided to make J Black Beans and Rice for lunch and then pasta with ground chicken tonight. I'm a VERY simple cook.

SabrinaKat--I'm glad that things seem well-planned with settling Finn at the creche and he'll eventually get used to you not being there (which I'm sure will be a hard experience in and of itself...). I've always wondered, how do they manage nap time? In other words, do they actually get the kids, including the babies, to sleep? If so, I'm finding a daycare ASAP and signing J up immediately for afternoons, when he WILL NOT NAP.

skweek--what lovely bags! As for headbands, you're not silly at all. In fact I think ALL babies should wear them. As you can clearly see, J LOVED his:

J came 2 weeks early, but it's good that he did--he was already 8 lbs 1 oz! (Though I had a c/s, so I guess it didn't really matter how big he was.) Luckily, all of my nesting had made us completely ready, but still, it was quite a shock!

Rowan--Martha is hilarious! I love the trying to trick you so she can get back to the plant. Well, here we say that a pound of dirt a year is very healthy, and is, indeed, necessary. J is already pushing boundaries with "no." He'll sit by the kitchen garbage can and touch it. I say no. He stops. Looks at me. Then touches it again. I say "no." He stops, looks at me with the most devilish, "I so am not listening to you and think this is a GREAT joke" look, and touches it again, which results in a second or two in the Pack 'n Play. At least that stops the game for that day.

24+2!!! Really!!! That's just barely viable! After hearing all of what M can do already, I'm just stunned!

Okay, J is up. I'll be back later...

ETA: Okay, apparently J prefers to stay in his crib and talk. I have no problem with this. But it means that I'll have to dash at a second's notice when he decides that he'd rather talk to real people.

Re: Naps--J will still take a morning one around 3/4th of the time, but afternoon ones are basically out. He gave them up a while ago. We consider it a gift from above when he'll go down in the afternoon. But at least his self-chosen bedtime is so early. But it does give us some freedom in the afternoon if we have to do stuff and don't have to deal with a cranky baby who needs a nap. But when we don't have stuff to do, and I can't carry him because of my back and hence can't take him out on my own, they become loooooong days at home.

Borboleta!--pics, please!!! T sounds like an angel, by the way.

Okay, now he's really up. Later!
Very quickly as I need to wake Kia to get her ready for swimming... Borboleta - Shepherd's Pie. Brown lamb mince over medium heat in a little oil, add finely chopped garlic, pinch of paprika, little bit of fried thyme or rosemary, add finely chopped leek or onion, plus finely chopped carrot and soften the vegetables with the mince. I then added small pieces of potato and enough water to cover everything plus half a baby stock cube and a little squirt of marmite - bring it all to the boil and then simmer for about 15 mins until the potatoes are soft. You can then either puree or mash depending on consistency you want. You could also add a bit of unsalted butter or milk if the consistency is too thick. The lamb croquettes I made by using some of the pureeed mixture, adding a bit of gram flour to thicken then coating in flour, egg and breadcrumbs. At the point I added the potatoes and water and stock I also split the mince and vegetables into 2 pans so I could make an adult version and added salt, pepper, gravy granules, meat stock, worcester sauce and extra garlic. I also added some butter beans to pad it out a bit. Then I did normal mashed potatoes for us. Kia actually wasn't that keen on it but I think possibly her version was too thick as she took some in her mouth then spat it out again. Also with bought her a stage 3 lamb pouch yesterday and the pouch was much more runny than my version. The thing she loved best were the mini lamb burgers so I'm glad I took a bit of mince out before I started do this with! This was just mince, tiny bit of egg yoke, tiny bit tomato puree and tiny bit paprika all mixed together and then made into mini burgers and fried in tiny bit olive oil.

:shock: You are My. Personal. Hero.

Angel--oh wow, what a beautiful cat! I love that she is heilig too! You can't go wrong with that! We got Morgan at a "breeder's" which just meant that the woman had mated her two Siamese Manxes and was selling the offspring. Our previous cat died that day (long story) and because we have a rule that our house cannot go for one night without a cat (it's an honest-to-god rule), I had to go to a breeder as that's the only kitten I could find with VERY little notice.

Okay, my question(s) about weaning--I'm starting to lose the point of it. I know that sounds silly, but J already eats anything put in front of him and has been eating finger foods right from the start. There is nothing you can't toss at him. He may not be able to get it down (like a strip of a roast) because he can't chew that type of food without teeth, but now I'm at a loss in this limbo period of BLW with no teeth. Do I move onto practicing with cutlery now? I gave him pre-loaded spoons with his mashed potato last night, and he's better than he used to be with a spoon, but he still has a long way to go with using anything other than his fingers.

So, is that the next weaning objective--cutlery?
Rowan--well then, that makes a lot more sense! How come they let you go so long with M, though? I think they induce here if you're approaching the 42 week mark.
Clio, that makes sense re having 2 windows open to be thorough in your replies. Sadly my only time for being on hear is normally while Kia is feeding or snoozing on me and this means I'm on my phone and can't keep have 2 windows open. Re weaning I started doing TW and then got Kia more into finger foods gradually as she got older. It was about 2 months ago where I started getting more adventurous, because we were going to a festival and I thought it would be easier to do finger foods while we were there. Since we moved onto the 10 month and upwards recipes or pouches and introduced lumps she's refusing most things on a spoon except yoghurts and fruit pots which are obviously smooth. She's started feeding herself a litle with a pre-loaded spoon but it's very messy. So, we mostly do finger foods now and I'm trying to tempt her with different things. She had some salmon today and peas and a couple of chips! Ahem. They were from a child menu and they said there was no added salt so I think they were ok! It was very cute to see her with the peas. She's pretty much there with the pincer grip. In terms of next stage, i've no idea! I think maybe keep going with it until they can use a spoon. I bought her a little bowl yesterday with a suction pad thing underneath to stick it to the table. Very cute to see her eat from a bowl. I'll see if there's anything in any of the BLW books I got about next stage. Oh, phone battery low. Will post this quick x
Angel, no wonder you don't use the Ergo. Sounds very painful and you've got big boys there by the sounds of it! Kia's not even 9 kilos yet and she's 11 months. Someone recently was telling me that their son's childminder has hammocks and she rocks the children to sleep in these! I've just been joking with my OH that we should get one but I don't really know where we'd put it!
OH has LO for two nights in a row (his usual Tuesday and tomorrow night (Wednesday), so I can have a lie-in on my birthday (didn't on Sat morning as OH was working)...

clio -- Finn wouldn't eat at creche, but am hoping he might have a snooze tomorrow -- they are happy to do bouncy chair and then move him to cot....but he moves into moses basket (we bought a 3 foot long one without realising it was enormous) onto the cot (better for my back), so it will be interesting if he actually sleeps at all at creche -- the saving grace is that I will collect by lunch-time after work, so he will at least get a decent afternoon sleep, but....his later nap today, he woke up screaming and I was giving him cuddles and milk, and my OH came home to very unhappy baby (we all were fine within 10 minutes), so now, am worried.....

Leeze - bouncy chairs, hammocks -- LOs love being rocked!

am so tired....the woman at the creche loves my songs (my made-up ones) and wants me to write them down so she can try with Finn and comfort him....

must run -- am soooooooooooooo tired.

cutlery? Finn keeps trying to grab the spoon, the bowl and the cat is getting a little too interested (the cat tried to lick the spoon from my hand whilst feeding LO -- and I can't yell at the cat to 'get away' as I don't want LO to be scared of the cats, but the big cat is something else, e.g. she now meows for porridge in the morning!)

Clio, that makes sense re having 2 windows open to be thorough in your replies. Sadly my only time for being on hear is normally while Kia is feeding or snoozing on me and this means I'm on my phone and can't keep have 2 windows open. Re weaning I started doing TW and then got Kia more into finger foods gradually as she got older. It was about 2 months ago where I started getting more adventurous, because we were going to a festival and I thought it would be easier to do finger foods while we were there. Since we moved onto the 10 month and upwards recipes or pouches and introduced lumps she's refusing most things on a spoon except yoghurts and fruit pots which are obviously smooth. She's started feeding herself a litle with a pre-loaded spoon but it's very messy. So, we mostly do finger foods now and I'm trying to tempt her with different things. She had some salmon today and peas and a couple of chips! Ahem. They were from a child menu and they said there was no added salt so I think they were ok! It was very cute to see her with the peas. She's pretty much there with the pincer grip. In terms of next stage, i've no idea! I think maybe keep going with it until they can use a spoon. I bought her a little bowl yesterday with a suction pad thing underneath to stick it to the table. Very cute to see her eat from a bowl. I'll see if there's anything in any of the BLW books I got about next stage. Oh, phone battery low. Will post this quick x

The "official" cookbook says starting with cutlery at this age. So, yes, I guess spoon is next. Because J needs to learn new "moves." He's kinda plateaued. Okay, good. I'm back on mission. That bowl sounds awesome--I'll see if I can find one. Thanks!
Clio the bowl plus suction pad I got are from tommee tippee if that helps? Not sure if you can get them over there? X
BRU here has TT, so hopefully they'll have it. Again, thanks! Now I'll have to think of things to feed him using a spoon...
BRU here has TT, so hopefully they'll have it. Again, thanks! Now I'll have to think of things to feed him using a spoon...

both Finn and the cat recommend porridge/oatmeal!


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