any other over 35 first time mums?

im totally out of the loop cooking food - were still on jars as still no kitchen - bless him dh doing as much as he can in his "spare time" did the electrics last weekend this weekend its something else after its been plastered - cant wait to cook for martha again!

your sister sounds in a tizz clio bless her! and bless you :) how was your physio? Ive been checking out pilates studios and osteo preg massage - could get expensive but not as expensive as if I cant walk and dh has to take time off unpaid and lose business!

gah martha fed up of playpen - its worse now she can see over the top of it! she stood on her own for ages this am (she didnt realise as she was eating a spoon) and she now says things that sound like cuddle, get down, water, no and oh dear - lord knows if thats what shesctually saying lol
:wohoo: Martha!!! Of COURSE she is saying those things! J would be very clear the first time or two, and then he became a slacker and shorten them, or muddle them. As my BIL says, once they start talking, it goes very fast; they just add and add words to their vocab. As for the standing: :wohoo: Martha!!! J tried to take his first steps yesterday after pushing around this miracle toy:

Anyway, got to go--J up from nap. More later!
sorry for my absence -- was exhausted last night and we all went to bed by about 9-9.30 (including LO, until about 6am).

First day back was okay - I did make the bus, class/teaching was a little rusty, and did not fight with my immediate boss -- in fact, everybody commented on how relaxed and unstressed I was! -- and I had a lovely to the creche 5 minutes late, but am on public transport and they said not to stress, so....up again at 6.15 this am; LO slept through my bath, woke up at 6.45, bottle and cuddles, and we left the house at 7.15; we can take LOs into the creche before the 7.30am drop-off, so some tears (mainly mine) and off to work again this am. Teaching fine today, doing a little preparation (language classes) during my break, but refusing to take or do anything at home (harder for academics, tho!), it's okay!

afternoons are for Finn only, and it seems to be okay -- the only one complaining is my OH, who complained about 'rushing this morning', well, then YOU get up earlier; not having breakfast, well, then YOU get up earlier, fact, I secretly think he's annoyed that I am organised (well, more than him) and now, can't complain about anything because I have more hassle in commuting, baby, there!

as for cleaning (previous posts); I decided what was a priority and did when LO was sleeping - hard to do if you're exhausted or LO takes short naps, otherwise, try to ignore (and as a fellow academic, clio -- I understand the books, bookcases and organised chaos!), but IKEA have wonderful storage solutions, which helps me alot (out of sight, out of mind)!....

hope all others are well..........YAWN!

glad your first day went ok sabrina - cheers re cleaning :)

yey for nearly walking J - martha cant get the idea about a push along toy at all bless her lol - and Happy 10 months! isnt time flying!!!

ah so maybe she is saying those! currently she is shouting about being in playpen! only been in there as long as Ive been typing lol!
Oooh, OH just tried to put J down for a nap. Big Goose egg for him.

Anyway, Rowan--how incredibly exciting about M! I remember when J first stood without realizing it, and we all held our breath, stopped moving and didn't dare say anything to "snap him out of it." Actually, we still do that. But he's never tried to actively go from one place to another while balancing himself. Until yesterday, when he had a "gap" in his cruising route around the living room and he actually tried to breach the gap by taking a few independent steps to go from the ottoman to the coffee table. It didn't work, but he tried!!! And I totally thought that once we got Thomas, that he'd be pushing it as if he were using it to support himself, like a (very fast) walker, but no, he got behind it, got on the linoleum, and began prancing behind it!

Have you tried the laundry basket trick? Oma gave J an upside down laundry basket to push around her house, which is a bungalow, so it has lots of room to maneuver. I never saw it at her place, but she told me about it, but also reassured me that she wouldn't let him do it in the kitchen because she was worried that the lino would be to fast for him and he'd fall. And I thought, "of course he won't fall!" and gave him a laundry basket to push exclusively on our lino. And he learned to "drive" that thing so well! That's why I think Thomas is working so well--it's like the laundry basket, but he can finally stand up properly.

Re: physio and pilates--absolutely, you must do it (especially the massage! :winkwink:)! My husband says the same thing: don't worry about the cost (though some of it is covered by his insurance), you NEED to do it if it's interfering with your quality of life and your ability to take care of LO. Physio went fine, but we're dialling back the difficulty of the exercises anyway because I start prolotherapy next week. I'll explain more of what that is when I start to do it--it's pretty convoluted.

Angel--I take back every thing I said about FaceTime. Because of it, my mum also saw the attempt to walk! I so want her to see J grow up and do neat things and now we can do it to such an extent that she can watch her grandson take his first steps! (It was a total coincidence, though, that she was still FaceTime-ing me.) But my Dad also joined in, and they saw J climb up the stairs, and then watched him bouncing around on our bed, and so on.

Oh no--daddy is trying for another nap. Hopefully

Leeze--thank you for the stew suggestion! I also though leek and potatoes would be a good stew for him.

SabrinaKat--I'm glad that both work and the creche are working out relatively well.

And now, I have a question: Where is every body?

we're off to take a bath, bottle, cuddles and bedtime story and then, cross fingers --same for the baby! Just kidding...


ps. J is 10 months old!
re: Where is everybody: I am being visited by AF and feeling not quite myself (grumpy/teary) and not looking forward to having night duty.

I am too tired to respond to all your posts but I am reading and will hopefully be able to respond tomorrow. Hugs to you all in the meantime. xxx
I'm sorry Angel--it's just been so quiet here the last two days. I hope everyone is okay! Keep the faith!
Hi lovelies. Sorry for not being a very good thread buddy again but I'm sooo tired again. I've lost count now of how many difficult nights in a row. What's really hard this week is that when Kia has woken in the night she's been full-on partying and taking 2 hours to go back to sleep. She's got a bad cough too at the moment and keeps coughing and waking herself up. I'm like a zombie today. Sabrina, well done for getting it together for work and getting Finn ready too. Sounds like a pretty early start, no wonder you're ready for bed. It's lovely you've still got the afternoons together. Rowan, that's amazing that Martha's speech is really coming on. How exciting. Kia mainly says Mama, Dada and Baba and otherwise lots of babbling. Although today she said something that sounded like Row row row. Clearly she's so advanced she's moving onto songs already! Must be a total pain not having a usable kitchen, any idea how long till it's sorted? Clio, loving the cruising story and almost walking. Great idea about the laundry basket. Kia's got an Oma too. My partner's Mum is Austrian. Where's j's Oma from? Re BLW I made carrot and orange muffins from the BLW book - well it was more of a loaf as I used a loaf tin. It was a big hit ... with the other babies at our Monday afternoon group - but Kia wasn't keen and spat hers out. I've discovered this week she likes strawberries and green beans. Not together, of course. The green beans particularly like breaking these down into their component parts and scattering everywhere although a few made it into her mouth. Sorry for another of the none-bold posts. I'm so not with it today. Xx
Has anyone checked out their local library yet? Ours has got a great children's section. Kia had fab fun there today wig the books. Pulling them all off the shelves and scattering them all over the floor! Luckily they aren't in any order in the baby section or this would have been hard work for me trying to put them all back! Xx
And, Angel - you shouldn't have to do night duty when AF is here. Hope you feel better soon x
MARTHAwill not sit in playpen lol! whst a night agan - party all night - so much so at 2 am (after trying to console her for 2 hours) i sat sobbing as well! dh amazingly woke and came and took over - first time ever! these tablets for his sleep are defo helping!

but she seems in a better mood today than yest so heres oping for a better day!

great idea re laundry basket will try that today! j i doing so well!

martha cant say mam yet - that must be so nice leeze!! we love our library we get new books every week which martha picks and we go to a playgroup there on a fri pm - its lovely

right best go and get porridge ready!
hope all are okay?

nothing much here -- Finn is slightly teething, but seems okay. They seem to like him in the creche and he smiles whenever he sees them, so it seems okay. I am managing to do everything, e.g. work, baby, house, etc., but am so tired after dinner, etc!

sorry about AF, Angel - growl!
Rowan - we haven't been to the library lately, but they were giving away 'old' books a few months ago and I grabbed a few for LO, and he enjoys eating them....

um......that's all. No time for knitting, crafts, etc., so am glad that I finished the quilt last week!

For those of you about to/soon go back to work, it's not too bad, actually -- I use the time on the bus (harder if you are driving, tho!) to read and listen to music and feel strangely indulgent as well! No time for shopping afterwards as must catch a particular bus, so might actually save some money, too!

oh, well....must consider what to make for dinner? I have to do something, otherwise, my OH lingers and takes ages to make anything (no ability to multi-task!)....

Angel--I agree with SabrinaKat; AF and night duty are mutually exclusive. Doesn't your OH know this? How are you doing now? How's Dom's night sleeping and Seb's day sleeping?

AND, how is the kitten doing? My husband looked up yesterday and found J just standing at the window, looking at the tree leaves and casually sucking on the cat's tail.

SabrinaKat--I'm glad that it hasn't been so bad going back to work, and I understand the sense of luxury when travelling and not having to do anything but relax.

Rowan--I'm working on balance with J. I've been standing him up, and once he stops friggin' bouncing with excitement, I've been getting him in balance and then slowly letting go. Which worked great the first time or two, until he found a MUCH more fun game: launch yourself at mummy once she lets go. So, since that didn't work too well, while we were playing with some plastic cups, I put one on his head. He immediately straightened up, sat still and balanced it till it fell off. We managed to do that a few times, until he decided that HE wanted to put it on his head instead, and that just turned into a gong show.

What night for you! I'm glad your husband took over, though. Maybe you need to cry more?

Leeze and Rowan
Re: Books--I felt all guilty again when you all talked about taking your LOs to the library and choosing books and reading them all week long. So I pulled out one of J's books again, and tried to read it to him once more. It went a bit better. He didn't try to eat it (a MAJOR improvement) but he would only stay as long as half a page, then turn to do something else while I loudly read the second half to the back of his head. When I turned the page again, he'd look again, listen for half a page, and I think we all know how this ends.

Anytime I've gone to the library, I've only gotten him CDs. Without any intention of getting him books. And the last time I forgot to return the CDs, which means I owe them a lot of money, my card is on probation, and my husband has forbidden me to use it again. Luckily J has a card (odd, I know, but they were offering), and so does OH, so I've got two more to rack up fines on before we are totally out of the library game.

He will sit still for 20 minutes, listening to his father play guitar and sing to him. Do you think this makes up a little bit for his developing illiteracy? We're going to get him a small guitar for his birthday because he loves to pluck and strum the strings on Eric's.

Leeze--I have to thank you again for the TT bowl/placemat suggestion. I've been putting everything in there. But at times J gets a big confused and sticks his face in the bowl and tries to eat that way. He must have been watching the cat too much.

Re: Oma--my MIL is Dutch, so that's where it came from.

AFM: --J has a cold that he appears to have caught from his cousins. And then passed on to OH and me. But he's being a trooper about it, and OH and I are not too sickly.

I hope I have't missed anyone!
Sabrina glad the return to work was ok and that you get to have some sort of Me time on the bus at least. I used to always listen to audiobooks but even that is now difficult and it took me about a 10 days to listen to a shortish one (new one by Terry Pratchett) recently. I think you may have mentioned what you are teaching but I forgot. Is it American History or something related? How do you like your students so far and what age range are they? Hope they are interesting and intelligent so that you enjoy teaching them :)

Clio I am glad you are reconciled with the whole Facetime thing. I suppose if I didn't have to show my face I would be ok with it too lol ;) But yeah I am sure your mum must be thrilled to be able to watch J do all these things! :D
I wanted to ask you about the cheerios you give J. Are they just the normal ones or one of the others? I had a look and there seem to be three types as far as I can make out? Is one type less sugary than the rest? I am so at sea with sugar and salt contents, which is why I find giving pouches so much easier :(
Also I wanted to comment on the toy thing.First of all, how is J doing with his miracle toy and the walking? We really need to move to a bigger place so that when the time comes the boys can have a toy like that AND the room to actually push it around lol.
But what I wanted to say also is, I don't think that the car you originally posted is especially boyish unless the whole film was more for boys than girls? I am not into the whole gender neutral thing myself to be honest but would have no problem if either of my boys wanted an easy bake oven or something like that. I would however draw the line at a Barbie (though I would be reluctant to the extreme to buy one even had I a daughter. Cause although I had them myself as a kid, I hate them!) Are you trying to find toys that are gender neutral or are you just against stereo types? A few weeks ago there was a huge debate in baby club after a mother posted that her parents had a problem with her 3 year old son choosing to be dressed in a dress and strappy sparkly sandals. It got quite heated. Don't know if you saw it? It was quite interesting. :flower:

Leeze re AF, you are sweet but it would be unfair towards my poor OH who would then have to take more than one night in a row. And though Dominic has improved SOOO much sleep wise, it is still tiring having to get up at least twice every night. Besides, Dominic has now taken to being awake for about an hour after his 4am feed and shouting and chatting in his bed. This means who ever has night duty cannot go to bed, even though Dom would probably self settle eventually, cause who ever is allowed to sleep that night would be woken up from the noise over the monitor. But AF isn't so bad that I need to curl up in a corner or anything. I just feel a lil fragile the first day or so. :)

Rowan and Leeze we have a kitchen but are definitely also on jars and pouches. However, a fellow mum (La Rockera) whose journal I follow, recently posted that apparently there is quite a high arsenic content in baby rice. :( So today we threw out all the jars with anything like rice in it. Which is a shame cause my boys adore porridge especially but there is rice starch in there. Not sure yet if that counts but I haven't had time to research yet. But isn't this shocking?! Apparently the arsenic is within levels that are permissible but those levels are for adults and no one knows for sure if they are also ok for babies. I just don't understand why there would be any arsenic in it at all? So yes I am still very impressed with Leeze and Clio for cooking. :)

As for us, we went to the doctor's on Monday cause Sebastian's eczema had spread to his tummy, inside of elbows and the creases above his feet. He had scratched his face bloody on Saturday as well poor baby! So we got a new cortisone cream we are to mix with an emollient twice a day and apply when he has a flare up. Even after just 2 days it is heaps better! Still, I wouldn't trust him not to scratch so he is still sleeping in his woombie for now. This didn't prevent him scratching his arms though cause he somehow managed to insert his hands up the opposite sleeve and have a jolly hard scratch! OH has clipped his finger nails but even when they are short, if he wants to scratch to the blood he can :(
But we also asked about Dominic's weight cause my mother has been on about it and saying that I was setting him up to be fat all his life etc. Grr! Well the doctor did not find him fat at all and said not to worry about it and that many babies his age do not sleep through and want their night time feeds. He thought it was totally normal. So that is a relief!
Hmm what else. Oh yes. Sebastian has taken to the solids soo much! He opens his mouth properly to receive the spoon and even leans forward to half meet it! It is soo cute! He leans forward more if I am too slow with the next spoon full and makes the cutest little fishmouth! :cloud9: He is also starting to try and reach for my cup when I drink coffee in front of him and examines it very closely when I bring it close to him. he holds on to it with both hands and tries to pull it to his mouth. I won't let him of course and I always make sure the cup isn't hot or could knock him in the mouth! So I think he will be ready for finger foods much sooner than Dom. Dom still eats off the spoon as if he was sipping on hot soup and won't open his mouth properly. He also likes to dribble half of his food out of his mouth again. Luckily we hve found bibs with sleeves and plastic undercoating or I would have to change them after every feed. lol
Hmm what else... I forgot again, so this will be it for now xxx
great idea re balance practice - shes been letting go a few more times this aftie so Ill try tmro - currently sat seeing if she'll settle in cot lol

maybe J is going to be musical rather than bookish? thats lovely that he sits and listens to your dh :)

my aunt is oma too - my cousin lives in oh lordy where is it...vancouver I think Im rubbish! lol
Hi ladies,
Well I think I am finally getting used to being on Maternity leave. It felt really strange to be at home the first few days as I usually don't take time off work unless I'm ill and knowing there is nothing wrong with me and everyone else is still at school/work. But finding that I'm now needing an afternoon nap and busy with wedding bits and bobs is keeping me really busy. Haven't done much today yet. It's just past 12pm and I'm still in my PJ's!! BLISS!! Have sorted a few wedding invite bits and need to get to the post office, but might leave that for tomorrow.
Just seeing a neighbours window cleaners is really tempting - might ask them to do ours too! hehe DF usually does them but leaves them rather streaky! I don't like that!
Saw the MW on Tuesday- all is well and will be seeing her weekly from here on.
Sabrina - glad to hear you are settling back into work so quickly. YAY for bus/me time

Clio - how you and family are feeling better really soon!
I have bought some yarn - not debbie bliss though - just some really soft baby yarn in lots of different pastel colours. Have cast on and done the first row. Just want to get my mom to check it before I carry on. I suspect I will need to undo everything and start again - it has been about 20 years since I last knitted anything! But I think for a first attempt I haven't done too badly. Will get my mothers verdict soon.
I might take my cross stitch out and see if I can get more of that finished. Started a big one a few years back and still not finished it yet!

Angel - hope those new creams work its magic on Sebastian really soon!!
Sounds like he really wants food now! haha Love the fishmouth's - my godson does that every time we feed him! So cute!

Loving the Oma talk - my mom will be Ouma and my dad will be Oupa as we are from South Africa and my dad is of Dutch decent. Will make it so easy for my LO as DF's parents will be Nanny and Grandad.
Angel - clio does the american history; I teach english to non-nationals (but have a PhD in ancient history, but alas, no jobs here in 'proper' academia!). I'm teaching elementary, and so it's like teaching LO! They are pretty nice (3 brazilians and 1 colombian) and two have children (home in Brazil, I think).

had a HUGE row with my OH this am - growl. I got up at 6.15/6.20, had a bath, got into sweats (don't change until right before we leave), fed and changed LO and waited for my OH to come so I could blow-dry my hair...and waited....and waited....and waited. At 6.55, he finally came into the living room (we have to leave at 7.15 and acted like I should have gotten up earlier! so, I told him I was fed up, e.g. I'm still doing all the housework in the afternoons, etc., and the idea of me getting up so early was so we BOTH had time in the morning, not just him. I was crying when he dropped me off at the creche and LO started crying and it was a miserable moment. Fortunately, LO was fine at the creche when I left, but am so annoyed. Yes, I do love my OH, but sometimes, I don't like him! He just acts like I'm the only one who is cranky in the mornings, but his attitude doesn't help at all. I guess I'll have to get up even earlier and just assume that he can't help, rather than expect any help....growl.

oh, well. I'm not impressed with him today, but overall, things are okay. I love them both and the cats, etc., but I would love to sleep until 6.45ish, but can't!

skweek - enjoy the rest and....try to get the house, etc., in order beforehand, because you won't have time after LO comes!

ah bless you sabrina - hope you guys get into a routine soon must b v hard to adjust again - dh's dont get stuff sometimes!

skweek yey for mat leave - yes stock up your freezer, get bouncing on your birthing ball, wash baby stuff - read anything you fancy reading, go see films and get your hair done etc :) enjoy your free time now lol
Angel--my lord, I've started this response to your car question so often, but keep on getting interrupted. Okay, let's try again.

I think you raise a really good point, and I know I sound very naive when it comes to this stuff--I mean, how long can you keep your kid away from gender stereotypes and buy him only gender neutral things? But as he gets older, his clothes become increasingly covered in cars, helicopters, planes, tractors, trucks and sports things and I can't find ones I feel comfortable with any more. I want the animal ones back!

It has a lot to do with my profession. I have studied, written about and taught gender history for so long and how gender stereotypes have started and evolved over two centuries. So, putting a tractor sleeper on my son makes me cringe. It's actually quite a visceral response; this goes so completely against my personal and professional belief system that I feel defeated and helpless.
At least, when J gets a little older, we can talk to him about it. We intend to raise him as a feminist (as odd as that sounds for a boy).

Okay, I'm posting this right away so I don't lose it again. :flower:

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