any other over 35 first time mums?

Angel--Yaaaay for rolling for both of them! It took J so long to roll that I was getting really worried about it. And I think it's great that Seb is reaching for finger foods! I don't really understand why it is a problem if Dom isn't yet ready for them. Is it because it would be too hard to prepare for two and feed them at the same time?

You had an Oma and an Omi too! I only had an Omi (mother's side) and a Grossmutti (father's side). My Grossmutti was, to say the least, a bit full of herself. I'm surprised she didn't want us to call her Grossmutter. Though my father is insisting on being called Grandfather. Isn't there a "roll your eyes" smilie somewhere?

I really tried to convince my mother to let herself be called Omi, but she wanted Grandma. I actually don't understand why.

Re: cat--I'm sorry that things are a bit frustrating with her. I suspect that a seven month old cat/kitten needs to mature a little. Have you heard of these claw covers? They're little plastic caps that can be glued onto the cat's claws. I used them on Morgan when we needed her to stop scratching the carpet of our rented house.

SabrinaKat--it seems like things are really working out for you! I like the idea that F gets to do all of these fun things at daycare, and then more with you. I can truly relate to "running out of ideas." And now that it's getting so much colder here, I can't just toss J and the cat out into the backyard when I have no idea what to do with him anymore. (Don't worry, I "toss" myself out there, too... I'm not THAT negligent a mother.)

Rowan--how wide is your belt? Mine is relatively thin, and I was told to place it right above my pubic hair, and then make sure it goes straight around. It's to go beneath your hips. But checking with Dr. Google is also a good idea... I hope it helps you! Tomorrow I start something called "prolotherapy," and I'm really nervous. It's the only way to cure the problem of a hyper-mobile SI joint. They take a pretty big needle and go in using x-ray to get to the ligament and then inject a sucrose solution to aggravate the area (like REALLY aggravate it). This way, the body thinks it's re-injured itself, and starts to build up scar tissue on the ligament, tightening it. I have to do a number of these sessions around a month apart, and the pain, I've been told, doesn't really lesson between sessions. But if I have to endure some pain (while whining all the way, of course) to get functional again, I'll do it.

Re: Martha--she is seriously a Wunderkind! I can't believe what she can do! Yay Martha! :wohoo: She's going to be walking in no time, lucky you, with your hyper-mobile pelvis and growing bump. You and M are two tough cookies!

Those "aren't my" books are actually drawing J's attention. And this morning he looked at the Tiger one and said "Tigger!" (One of his favourite stuffed animals is Tigger.) So maybe I'll get some more.

Borboleta--It looks like T will be walking soon, too! So, when you've been talking about head down and butt in the air, is it his form of crawling? I did that exclusively when I was a baby, and it isn't too uncommon. Apparently it's called the bear crawl.

I'm sorry that your dad left already. How much longer is your sister staying?

Re: ipad--have you seen the download for Thomas the cat (and now there is Ginger the kitten)? It's very interactive and it's easy for the LO to touch. He can make him purr, the cat will repeat what you say, and so on. We use it to calm J down when he's crying. As for Simply Songs, I say don't worry about it. J also loves those (thank you again to whomever recommended it!) and they have become an integral part of our day when he's melting down. Sometimes you just need some relief, and I think you've found one.

Oops--J's awake! Got to go. Will finish personals later.
Hi everyone. Even though Kia didn't go to sleep till 1.45 she actually slept until 10.25 with only one very short wake up all night. So, even though it was a very stressful evening last night, I think I had the best sleep I've had in about a month! OH was amazing last night, he was up with us too and it was him who finally got Kia to sleep. Kosh, Martha really sounds like she's making progress with her walking. That's amazing. Have you got any shoes for her yet or any thoughts about her first shoes? I read somewhere that they should walk unaided for 6 weeks before you buy them shoes. Has anyone else heard this?
Clio, I love your sense of humour. I bet you'd be a right laugh to sit and have a proper chat with. The idea of flinging J out in the garden with the cat ... then reminding us you'd be there too. I did have a random thought last night about whether it would be fun to put our cat in the playpen with Kia then I decided it would be a VERY bad idea as she loves trying to grab him and he's such a scaredy he would probably scratch her. Wow, that procedure you're having sounds a bit scary and painful. I guess you must be in a lot of pain already though which must really suck. That's fab that J is getting into the That's Not My books. Kia's other recommendation is another Usborne book called 'This is my Duck'. It's definitely moved into top favourite place recently. It's like the That's Not My books in that it's got different textures but is bigger and also has a bit you can press that makes a Quack Quack noise. She loves making it go Quack Quack. I think there's others in the same series too.
Kia's gone to sleep at it's only 11pm so I'm going to try to get an early night and sign off now. Sorry for not doing all the personals - just to say quickly that it sounds like all our LOs are really developing loads. It's incredible to watch them grow, isn't it? And also, I was thinking today that one day we'll all look back at the days were we got hardly any sleep but it will be a dim and distant memory because our LOs will all be sleeping 12 solid hours a night. Can you imagine? Xx
That sounds like a fantasy at the moment...

Isn't it crazy how much and how fast they're developing? It's happening much faster now, I've noticed, as we approach 1 year.

Who here doesn't have a cold? J has one, Gael most certainly has something bad, and isn't little T sick, too? Wow. I think we just uncovered an international pandemic.

Leeze--Why don't you let K out into the living room with the cat? That way, the cat can more easily get away. Do you trust her? I trusted Morgan, but I would not have trusted my previous (and much loved) cat.

Thank you again for the This is Not series suggestion. I'm going to get more and will get that duck one too!
Clio: thiago is not sick ( thank you Lord:)!!. I am a little paranoid and keep washing his and my hand and putting hand sanitizer in our hands :haha:. We will see how long that will keep us from a cold :dohh:.
And thiago still do the head plant on the floor but he is not moving. He just stays there enjoying he word upside down :haha:. But he is moving a little backwards he is on his fours. So I still hope he will crawl in the next month or so.
Oh, and I forgot to tell you that I thought the picture of J with a headband was cute and soo funny:). He will get a kick out of this one when he is older:).

Leeze: glad to hear Kia slept after such a hard time putting her down. And I totally agree with you about the day that they will sleep for long enough so we can be rested:). I am so looking forward to this day:). I think my period is coming but I could barely finish a class tonight because I was so tired!!!
And I love this little group too. We need to come here once in a while,so we can see how are we and our Los doing.
Clio, it's amazing how much they're developing now. Kia seems to do something different every few days. Yesterday I gave her a tour of the kitchen in that she wanted to see every spice jar, coffee pot, kitchen implement etc and shake it or bash it! She is outside the playpen most of the time and whenever she sees the cat she runs after him but he's too fast and gets away every time. He was a rescue cat and is quite timid so even if he's lying relaxed and purring then he will normally run away if we bring her to him. If she's roaming about of her own accord he makes a break for it before she gets anywhere near him. He is getting a bit better but I think it probably won't be until she understands that he needs her to be calm and gentle that they'll properly be able to bond. She gets too excited for him and squeals and waves her arms around and he gets freaked out by this.
Borboleta, Kia crawled properly after about 3 weeks of crawling backwards. Do you have carpets or hard floors? We've got laminate flooring and it took her longer on this because she kept slipping. We bought a big playmat for her which helped, and took her out a lot to different groups etc so she could practice a bit more on softer floors. It won't be long for Thiago now though!
Kia's other recommendation is another Usborne book called 'This is my Duck'. It's definitely moved into top favourite place recently. It's like the That's Not My books in that it's got different textures but is bigger and also has a bit you can press that makes a Quack Quack noise. She loves making it go Quack Quack. I think there's others in the same series too.

We have 'this is my kitten' and LO loves it! Plus, sometimes the small cat will meow on cue and that gets LO very happy, too!

Sign of the times: we bought a play/child's pretend remote control as LO kept grabbing the real one and he is sooooooooo happy to play with (it says the numbers when you press those buttons, does music on other buttons, etc)! Plus, we discovered the 'ack' song last night, e.g. ack-ack-ack to the tune of jungle bells (LO thought it was the funniest thing he had ever heard and was laughing and snorting!

must run to creche, work, etc......!

Leeze--what an inquisitive kid Kia is! Maybe she'll be a good cook, like you! They want to learn so much, don't they? I remember that back at exactly 6 months, J learned to sit up, and everything changed. Things just kept happening so fast. I have videos of him when he first creeped to his first unsteady crawl, to him pulling himself up to his music table and straining every muscle.

You've got to love iPhones...

Oh, I wanted to ask you, Leeze: do you have a leek and potato soup recipe? One that isn't too difficult? :blush:

Borboleta!--J did that backwards thing too in the beginning. He'd be trying to push himself onto his hands in the process he'd push himself backwards instead. J learned to crawl mainly on carpet, and in the beginning he only creeped, then commando crawled. He got very good at it, but then realized he could go faster if he used his legs. Though I don't remember how long it took for him to be a full-time crawler after that. But it'll certainly be any day now for T! Then you'll realize just how much you need to baby proof.:growlmad:

Have you seen this very neat video (I think I've posted it on here before) of the "stages" of crawling:

J pretty much followed the stages to a T.
martha sat on my knee eating my wallet lol -20 mins nap done - time for milk then were off to the supermarker for more calpol :) well the supermarkets own version as its half the price!

hey everyone :)

re books just got this one for m for christmas- she loves the one we got from the library she Loves the usbourne noisy books and loves the this is my tractor best of all she can say tractor now :)

last night around 3am i think she was saying cine cine cine and waving at the little table her calopl etc and monitor are on and i thoguht is she saying medicine and she was - she then said spoon and chew as she wanted to chew the soon and her teether - aww! very helpful

leeze we got these shoes she wears them at playgroups and if were out and about aND SHES going to want to be out of her pushchair stomping about

ipds do sound fab - lol i dont even have a smart phone :)

remotes are mad arent they martha put her nuresery ryhme cd on yest i don't think she meant to but she was very proud of herself!

clio good luck with new treatment - yikes hope its not toooo painful! will be v interested to see how you get on! Thanks re si belt -I was wearing it too high round the front then -poor baby!

sabrinakat you sound so busy!

right shes demoilishing my purse so were offski...
Leeze--what an inquisitive kid Kia is! Maybe she'll be a good cook, like you! They want to learn so much, don't they? I remember that back at exactly 6 months, J learned to sit up, and everything changed. Things just kept happening so fast. I have videos of him when he first creeped to his first unsteady crawl, to him pulling himself up to his music table and straining every muscle.

You've got to love iPhones...

Oh, I wanted to ask you, Leeze: do you have a leek and potato soup recipe? One that isn't too difficult? :blush:

Borboleta!--J did that backwards thing too in the beginning. He'd be trying to push himself onto his hands in the process he'd push himself backwards instead. J learned to crawl mainly on carpet, and in the beginning he only creeped, then commando crawled. He got very good at it, but then realized he could go faster if he used his legs. Though I don't remember how long it took for him to be a full-time crawler after that. But it'll certainly be any day now for T! Then you'll realize just how much you need to baby proof.:growlmad:

Have you seen this very neat video (I think I've posted it on here before) of the "stages" of crawling:

J pretty much followed the stages to a T.

Just saw the video:). Too cute. Thiago does the bounce back and forth on his fours sometimes and the backwards crawling sometimes but still his favorite thing to do is butty up in the air and head on the ground ( sometimes hands of the floors too :wacko:). Now he has discover his hands and does something that looks like he is waving goodbye.

Oh, and my sister leaves November 2nd :cry:.

Leeze: we do have wood floors through out the house so he stays in a rug that we have in the living room.
we asked about inexpensive mats like the ones they use at Finn's creche and they are from trying to find -- might be something to consider for our crawler, walkers and in my case, bum shuffler!

off to the library....

Borboleta wow amazing that Thiago will walk when held! I bet you are so proud of him! :D And the sitting sounds great too! We are still practising sitting and both boys can do it for a few seconds now, especially if you distract them and they don't realise they are sitting lol. I am sorry your dad has left already. When will you see him next? Are you going over for Christmas maybe?
I don't know the Simple songs but I don't see why you should feel bad about it. Ok so too much tv screen time is probably not ideal but I think it is mostly the fast moving programmes that are meant to be bad for little ones? If these songs are for babies then I am sure the camera doesn't switch too often and the lighting isn't flashy. Anything that helps Thiago in the car or when out is good in my opinion. :) How was his sleep last night? Any better? Do you think he sleeps badly cause of his teeth or cause he is overtired since he doesn't get enough nap sleep during the day?
Dominic is sleeping much better, thank you for asking. He usually sleeps with only a few wakings from 7 to around midnight and then when he wakes I feed both boys and Dominic then sleeps till around 4 when I feed him again. I don't feed Sebastian at that time, cause he will otherwise not have his breakfast and he usually is fast asleep anyway. And then they should wake at 7 but today they both woke at 5:45 and I had a bout of insomnia till 4ish. Typical! :(

Sabrina the creche sounds great! I often wonder if maybe I am not a lil short on activity for my boys :( I mean, I do tummy time and practice sitting and rolling and stuff like that but that is pretty much it. So I think that sending them to a creche where there are other children and lots of fun stuff going on is probably doing them a good turn :)
Which wipes do you usually use? Dominic has a really sore bottom at the moment but I think it has to do with teething rather than the wipes, which he was always ok with. But the thought of having an itchy sore bum and not being able to to do anything about it is awful! I really feel for our lil babies! They cannot even have a good scratch lol.
Glad your OH is getting up earlier to make things easier. I must say I don't think I'll ever like getting up before 7. Before I had the boys I often slept till 10 or even 11 and didn't go to bed till the crack of dawn. Oh how things change eh?

Clio how did your therapy go today? I hope it was not too painful? Will you still be wearing your belt in the meantime? I really hope all this will help you really soon! :hugs:
We have That is not my Teddy too :) I think my boys are too young for it though. So far they love things that rhyme or songs I sing to them while swinging them gently over my head in time with the beat :) Exhausting!
Your comment about J waving at himself and being a model made me laugh! But do you think he knows it is him or does he think it is another baby in there? I can't remember when they are supposed to recognise themselves? Mind you, my Sebastian has a magic sentence that makes him laugh every time and that is: You are soo cuuuute! He loves it! So we both have vain lil boys ;)
YAY for walking! I am sure he will get there really soon now. :D
Yes my Oma was my father's mother and my Omi was my mother's mum. Although only the latter was German. The other one was Norwegian but my father and his brothers had a German Kinderfräulein (sounds posh eh) when they were small so that his first language was actually German and she called his grandmother Omi so that it stuck in the family :)
As for fingerfoods, the dilemma is that I do not wish to cook as I hate it. lol Golly how bad a mummy am I!? But seeing that Sebastian would really love being able to hold stuff and put it in his mouth himself leaves me with few excuses, even though I don't think Dom would take to it as well. He just doesn't grab as Seb does. But how do you ensure that when they do eat by themselves they actually get enough? At the moment I give them pouches and jars and I know exactly how much they had.
I have heard of claw covers but not over here. I will have to look into it and see if they exist here too. Mind you, she will be allowed out into the garden in about a week. Would those covers not be a disservice to her then? Will she still be able to climb and defend herself if need be? I don't think there are any mean toms in the area but you never know!
No my boys aren't sick either and apart from Sebastian having an ear ache a while ago, neither of them have as yet been sick. I am touching wood this may continue! :)

kosh first of all :hugs: I am so glad you are not leaving us or good. And also that your boy wasn't hurt when he fell! Almost the same thing happened to Dominic the other day and when you read the bad mother confession thread in Baby Club you see that it seems to happen to most mums at some point, which made me feel less bad. ;)
I think maybe your returning to work might do you good. I know you will miss Gael and the sleeping thing is a worry of course. But who knows, maybe being able to get your thoughts onto other matters might help you retank on energy? And the creche might tire your boy out so that he will finally sleep? Stranger things have happened. I am crossing my fingers for you! :hugs:

Leeze sorry your nights are still rough but last night sounds really good. I hope tonight will be equally good :). I hope Kia is getting over her cold? Poor baby, I bet she felt miserable with both teething pains and a cold to boot! When are you back at work? And do you have a creche or nursery for Kia? A new day nursery opened in my area and it has huge banners in the windows saying £60 a day! That made me snort/laugh! Who can pay £120 a day?? Not I! :/ Hope you found one that is a bit more reasonable, even though you live in London too, right?

Rowan how are you feeling? And as for Martha, as clio said, she is a true wunderkind! No doubt she will go to uni at the age of 16 ;)

Hm whom did I forget? I actually started writing this this morning at 6:30 am! Both my boys were up at 5:50 but I refused to get them up and just went in to check on them, to reinsert the dummy and to close the window. Then I sat in the kitchen, drinking coffee and reading all your posts while Dominic loudly shouted Lallallall! lol I went into them every ten minutes making sure they were ok and by 6:30 I noticed that Dom has a major explosion that went up his back and down his legs , so that put a stop to my posting here. :sick: I don't know, he is on Pampers Active fit 4+ which is meant to be from 10kg to 18 I think, so why does he keep having poo explosions like that?? He had 3 today! Ok so at the moment due to teething I guess, it tends to be a lil liquidy but I always make sure the elastic rushing is pulled out to the sides and that everything is snug etc an yet he still manages to leak soooo often! Anyway...
OH thinks he saw "subterranean" teeth in Sebastian's gum line too! It is difficult to check cause he won't show us. When we pull down his lip he just pushes his tongue out. But OH says he saw it when Sebastian cried for a moment today. Sort of like white shadows under the gum?
I am glad to report that the cortisone cream and the new emollient we were prescribed have helped heaps! His face is now almost as soft as Dominic's and his little feet and belly is not so red any more. YAY! Still, we are continuing with the woombie till we are sure he doesn't feel the urge to scratch his face any more.
Hmm I think this is it for now I think. I am going to sleep tonight as OH has nightduty and I am SOO glad!
Hope are all well and healthy. Sending :hugs: to all :)
Oh and here is something that made the rounds on FB and that made me laugh lots:
Re: Mats--are those the ones that you can put together like a puzzle? I got some pretty thick ones at TRU, and Walmart has them too (but not as thick). Here's a link to what I mean:

I just got a four pack for $20, so you don't have to get as elaborate as the one in the link. But then we had to put it in the basement because guests were coming, and they accidentally became extremely large scratching posts for the cat, and are now totally unusable.

You could also get a nice cheap Ikea rug to put down on the hardwood (and fold up for later).

For BLWers or Fingerfooders--have you tried corn on the cob yet? I just gave it to J and he LOVED it. He was obviously very, very proud that he could handle it and get the kernels down. I cut it in half and he very carefully started at the top, removing kernels one by one.

Oh, and OH did something neat the other day--he took celery stalks and put cream cheese in them and it worked so well! J loved the celery especially and it trains him to use a spoon.

I would really like to hear what you guys are doing with your LOs if you're finger-fooding it right now.

And we are finally rid of that wretched high-chair! It was great in the beginning, because it was all plastic and light and seemed easy to clean, but it became more and more of a chore after every meal (BLW is MESSY). So, we got him a booster seat after we learned that Oma had been using J's cousin's when feeding him. The seat is wonderful! I just take it at the end of the meal, shake it over the sink, wipe it and the table down, and voila! And no tray to clean!

But we are still getting nowhere with J's book-learnin'. We just read This is Not My Teddy again, where J turned the pages randomly and touched things, so I thought we were finally improving on this reading thing. Until he closed the book with a definite thump, took it and shoved it under the couch. And then made a huge effort to push it really far back, so retrieval will not be easy. *sigh*

Rowan--what a little smarty M is! It's quite remarkable. Do you feel comfortable posting a pic of her? I would really like to see what she looks like.

I just came from my first prolotherapy session, and it hurt like hell. And my SI joint is supposed to be incredibly sore for the next 3 or 4 weeks, when we do it again. So, I'm looking at at least 3 months of constant SI pain. Expect me to come on here and whinge a lot. :cry:

Borboleta--that is too cute with T. J still does it, too. Maybe it helps with the pain of teething?
thanks for your words angel

brief update from us:
we had our second day at nursery and I left Gael for almost 2 hours. I'm still in shock as he was absolutely fine when I left :shrug: I've been told sometimes they can have like a delay reaction and get upset a few days later when the novelty wears off and they realise they'll have to stay. but still it was a very good start :thumbup: he seemed to have enjoyed his time there as he was all smiley when we left.

oh and the other news is I finally :winkwink: have a crawler! :happydance:
he's sooooo happy now that he can move around! :cloud9:

i'm interested to see how all this will affect his sleep :coffee:

i must admit i haven't read all the posts, sorry
Hi ladies, i'm trying something different today and got kia before she woke up naturally. Fingers crossed she's going to sleep now, at nearly 8pm. Mind you, she might wake shortly ready to PARTY again! Clio, re leek and potato, i'd probably fry an onion up with 2 leeks in a bit of oil or unsalted butter with some garlic. Then add boiled water to cover it all plus half a chicken or veg baby stock cube or real stock if you've got it. Then peel and grate 2 medium sized potatoes and peel and chop into chunky pieces another 2 potatoes. Add all these to the pan. Add more boiled water to cover. Bring back to boil then simmer for about 20-30 mins until the potatoes are as soft as you want them to be. I'd add fresh or dried finely chopped parsley and a little sprinkle of paprika. As it's cooking add a little more water if you get worried about it sticking. At the end when you take it off the heat you could add some milk, cheese, cream etc to give it some creaminess. You could also blend a little bit of it and put back in to thicken or add a little cornflour in water. Serve with chunks of bread. Yummy. I've guessed the measurements a little so you could change the amounts of leek or potatoes. You can also throw in some celery, add finely chopped and treat same as onion; or add carrot and treat same as potato. I'm really hungry now! Got to go eat and hopefullysleep xx
kosh -- gentle settling-in helped Finn....he does cry when I leave, BUT I open the door a minute later, and Ger (the baby room lady) has him already laughing, so I don't feel too bad. Plus, he goes to sleep right away in the cot at his nap-time (which he doesn't do at home, still needs a rock) and will eat everything they give him! - LOL! I do wonder if I am babying him too much, but when he's fussy, I take him in my arms and he still gives that smug 'I'm with mummy!' look to my OH, so me thinks he's getting some good socialisation at creche, but knows that mummy loves him best.

It's hard, I know, but since Finn will be an only child, I want him to socialise with loads of other children and adults plus he is getting some good stimulation there at creche, e.g. today, they did ghost paintings (bare feet dipped in white paint on black paper with glitter) and he was very pleased with himself! Plus, he smiles when he sees his little friends (there are only 2 other babies in 'junior babies') and I think it's good for him....

must go to sleep - OH has LO tonight and I'm up at 6.15, but fortunately, no real problems this am or yesterday as my OH has realised that sleeping-in to 7am is NOT ON! yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

hey ladies :) bought some new toys for marthas playpen - shes actually been entertained for 10 mins now got lots done!! now sit down for a mo :) got her 12months plus toys as the younger ones were boring! got some for Christmas / birthday too! local retail park done in an hour woop woop - I HATE shopping! I shop like a man - when me and dh go we have to have sweets as a bribe lol looks like M is the same :) she was taking her shoes off in the queue at mothercare and shouting about it :)

also got her a tunnel/tent thing and made up her seat toy thing so shes all set - cleared all her old toy box of babyish toys and have a bigh black sack ready to be washed and popped in the loft for new baby - lord knows what our house wil look like with all their toys out at once!!!

right - whats everyone up to...

sabrinakat - creche sounds v cool! I would probs pop m there once a week if we could afford it

leeze am storing up your info for when I have a kitchen again!

kosh - yey for a crawler and also- woah your life has now change for good lol!! glad gael settled well!

clio - we were watching raising hope the other night and it was all about the baby being smarter than the rest of the family and we laughed til we cried! :) will upload some pics tonight and pop them on here :)

your new therapy sounds v sore indeed I hope in the long run it works and is worth it - its worth a try certainly!!

angel - that link cracked me up :) love it!! cor uni - I hope we can afford it - we havent even set up a bank account for her yet! sounds like teeth are nearly there for you guys!!

Im doing ok - counting down til sunday when we have a scan and find out if we are expecting a boy or girl! slept well last night only up 4 times woop woop! teeth dont seem to be bother her as much - maybe theyre actually coming through - she nearly broke my nose when I asked for a look the other day so Im not chancing it again lol!!

saw a thing which i think is what you guys were on about ages ago - a thing where you pop your smartphone in and they can play apps - very cool but alas no use for me :) so I got her a toy smart phone instead for Christmas - ooo got a Christmas song book for her as well with buttons that play the songs - love it! from November I take off my metal and my chem romance etc and just play Christmas Crooners - love a bit of bing and frank!!

right...better not push this playpen lark!

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