any other over 35 first time mums?

So it is 2 am and hubby and I are awake :dohh:! What in the world!!! :growlmad:. Thiago is asslep!!! We had the worst night yesterday when he woke up at 2:30am and decided to partay till 4:30am!!! Then slept with us till 7:30am. I think it is his teeth that is bothering him. So lastl night I told hubby to give him Advil instead of far so good, but maybe we should have had some ourselves :haha:. He hasn't been eating very much either. Anyways, we are preparing for Halloween:)! Thiago got a little bat outfit:). So cute. This weekend we will try to go to a pumpkin patch to take pictures of him dress up with the pumpkins:). And of course we will trick or treat on Wednesday and eat thiago's candies :haha:.

Rowan: can't wait to hear what gender your baby is:)! So excited for you!! Are you getting bigger now this time around?

Angel: I laughed about the diaper explosion:)!!! Thiago has not done one of those in a while. And Dominic is wearing number 4 diapers already :wacko:!! Thiago is still on 3s and he will probably be on them for a while. But I do love pampers. Never liked Huggies for thiago. And yeah for sitting:). Yesterday hubby and I were trying to work with thiago on his crawling and one point I thought " do we really want him to become mobile yet?" :haha:. Just sitting for now sounds better than chasing after a baby :winkwink:.

Kosh: yeah for crawling and the lovely visit to the crèche:)!!! You see Gael is 9 months so that is a good time to start crawling :haha:. I will tell thiago that.

Question for the crawlers or walkers: did your baby sleep really improved after they became mobile? Thiago sleeps good but I wish he would skip his between 5 to 6 am feedings. And slept until 7am at least :haha:!!!

Going to try to sleep. Goodnight or good morning ladies:).
hey ladies - mw today :)

not too bad a sleep last night - martha so much fun tho - I love this stage...I know Ive said that about every stage but it is cool! shes loving her new laptop toy and keeps copying the sheep noise lol sounds awful but shes enjoying it! no new teeth yet! but shes in less pain - no meds at all yest!

shes wanting to walk not holding hands but cant manage it so Im holding her like under her armpit gently while she walks - murder on the back like!

my bump is Huge (well so it seems to me)!! when weve got space on the camera Ill take and upload a pic -maybe on sunday when I upload new baby pics (all being well ofc)

sorry about your crappy night borboleta - Im afraid I cant say that Marthas sleep improved when she started crawling cos thats when her teeth started being a real pain - sorry!
Barboleta -- we're thinking of also taking LO trick or treating as well, but am not sure as he is only 8months+, and it would be obvious that the candy is for me! also,i sorry about T's not sleeping and your not sleeping -- I have the same problem, even when LO does sleep, I can't....

nothing else much here -- it's cold here, and overcast and generally, blah!

Barboleta -- we're thinking of also taking LO trick or treating as well, but am not sure as he is only 8months+, and it would be obvious that the candy is for me! also,i sorry about T's not sleeping and your not sleeping -- I have the same problem, even when LO does sleep, I can't....

nothing else much here -- it's cold here, and overcast and generally, blah!


You should go trick or treating:). And eat all the candy :haha::)! It is your only chance to make Finn work for you :haha:. We will just do a couple of houses but we are doing it:).
I've been reading along since yesterday but didn't have time to post. So much to respond to!

Angel--I love your posts because you ask so many interesting questions and I'm always thinking hard after your section to me.

Re: BLW--I had a bit of a panic yesterday wondering if J really is getting enough food through BLW, so I read some more about it. Apparently, at age one, they automatically start eating more. And what they need the most at this stage (after six months) is iron. So I looked up the foods I was giving him, and found that the vast majority of food he is getting is full of iron. Some things he still has trouble getting down, like strips of chicken and beef (no teeth), but he'll suck on them till he's drained them of all the good stuff. Anything minced, however, he gets down no problem. Tofu crumbles in his mouth, egg breaks off nicely into small, manageable pieces, and fish flakes well. But last night, conscious of your question, I observed how much he ate of his spaghetti, and it was around 2/3rds. Same with his French Toast this morning.

Re: J and the Mirror--I also looked this up, and learned that he's not old enough to recognize himself yet. There's a test you can try: you put a streak of lipstick on their nose, and if they try to wipe it off when they see it in the mirror, then they recognize it's them. So I got out some lipstick (I really had to dig for some; I haven't worn make up since...well, ever), and tried to get it on his nose. Of course, he moved his head and it ended up around his eye, and now he looks like he has a black eye. :dohh: I finally got it on his nose, took him to the mirror, and he couldn't have cared less. SO, either he has no sense of shame, or he doesn't know himself.

But I'm kind of glad about that. That means that when he's waving at the mirror in front of his car seat, he thinks it is another baby, and therefore, company on the road trip. Do you think this counts as socialization?

Re: claw covers--you're right, outside cats shouldn't have them. Morgan is only allowed out into our fenced-in yard where the only fights she gets into are arguments with the birds. And she also learned how to pull them off in a day, anyway, so they certainly were not effective with her.

Re: Seb's skin--I'm so glad that the meds are working! My sister had terrible eczema (well, still does) and I remember how hard it was for her. Are you allowed to give Seb an oatmeal bath? It's supposed to help with the itching.

kosh--Yay for Gael and crawling!!! :wohoo: But I didn't find that it made J sleep better. I'm glad that G is also taking to the creche. And if they can get him to nap...

Leeze--You astound me! Did you just come up with that recipe on the fly? It's now on my list of dinners to make. Or lunch. Thank you so much! I'm sorry that you're dealing with crappy sleeping again.

Rowan--I'm going to start watching Raising Hope now. I am now also counting down the time till Sunday. How exciting!

Okay, I'm certain that I'm missing people, but I'll have to finish later. For some strange reason, J believes that he deserves my attention. Little Bozo.
Aww I wish we could too! But really we feed our boys solids at 6 and get them off to bed 6:30 to 7. There is a fireworks and funfair in the park next to us on Nov 2nd, the gates open at 6 and the children's firework is at 7:30. But alas by then our boys are already sleeping. Hopefully. Well at least we will be able to see some of the firworks if we step outside our house.
Am off to have a bath and will write more later hopefully.
Aww Borboleta I so feel your pain re the party and not being able to sleep even though your boy is sleeping! I really hope he sleeps better tonight. Do you feel the different pain killers make that much of a difference or was that just chance?
I hope you will post a pic of Thiago in his bat outfit! Sounds adorable!
As for Huggies, no we don't like those either! They actually leaked through the nappy. I can understand leaking through the leg opening but through the material?! Uh, no thanks!
Your comment about do we want a mobile baby made me laugh. OH and I had a conversation about all the things that would have to go from the sitting room before it would be safe for the boys. And it is LOADS! Have you baby proofed everything already?

Rowan how did it go at the MW?
Martha's laptop toy sounds great. Have to have a look into that, maybe this is an idea for xmas for the boys. :) Has she always had pain with her teeth or is it just some? I am trying not to get my hopes up with Dominic but it really does seem that this tooth has not hurt him at all. So I am wondering if it can vary from tooth to tooth.
I can imagine that your back would hurt when you have to bend over like that as it has to do with lack of core strength due to the parted abdominals. :( I bought a DVD called The Tuppler Technique which is specific to help with diastasis recti. I have yet to watch it :blush:
Looking forward to seeing a pic of your bumpage :D

he is only 8months+, and it would be obvious that the candy is for me!
:rofl: A woman after my own heart! DO IT! :D

clio gosh I hope you do mean that cause I fear cannot control my endless inquisitiveness :blush: I must have been hellish as a kid. Why? Why? How? :wacko: But in my defence I am very interested in the ladies of this group. I am soo glad kosh started this cause I think you are all lovely and interesting! I wish I had real life mummy friends like you guys!
:hugs: to all my ladies :)

Hm I always feel I forget something or someone. If so, I am sorry :flower:

Last night was the best night ever ever! The boys went to bed at 7ish as usual and though Dominic woke a couple of times and needed replugging and wriggling till 8:30 he then settled down. We went to bed shortly after 10 and I thought maybe he will give me an hour or so before wanting his bottle. But lo and behold! Dominic slept till 10 to 3!! He was then up for about 20 mins but managed to resettled himself and fall asleep. And then he slept till ca 6 but when I wouldn't get him, he dropped off again round 6:15 and then Sebastian woke at 7:15! Can you believe the bliss? But yeah, I was at most dozing till he woke at 2:50 and didn't sleep that deeply after either. Somehow I always seem to await the crying and won't let myself sleep deeply I guess.
I hope he will do equally well for OH tonight and that this is the start of a new routine! :D
Hi ladies. Quick check-in. Got my parents visiting so even less time than ever to be on here. I wish I had time to do the personals properly as there's so much going on that I want to chat about. Sometimes I feel like I'm not a great thread buddy in that respect. I was a much better bump buddy. I used to spend hours on here each day! Now, my brain is so foggy and my time is so short. Will try do some quick personals though ...
Angel--I truly mean it! :) As I said, your questions really make me think and then look things up.

And I love this group, too. :hugs:

Borboleta!--You're the one I missed in my last post. Unfortunately, J is currently taking a chair for a spin around the kitchen and dining room, so I've got to go stop his craziness. But I'll answer as soon as possible.

And StormJet, where are you?
Borboleta, sorry to hear about the night-time partying. It's so hard, isn't it? And I often find when I've finally settled her that I'm then wide awake. Kia's sleep has definitely got worse in the last month and that's about the time she's been crawling but I think it's because of a bad cold and teething. I met a woman at Kia's swimming class who said her baby started sleeping much better once she became mobile so I haven't given up hope yet! Definitely take some photos of Thiago in his outfit. Would love to see them xx
Angel, what a great sleep for the boys last night -that sounds really promising for future nights ahead. And 5 hours or more is technically counted as STTN! We still haven't baby-proofed because we're moving in a few weeks and the new place in much more baby proof. But it does mean we have to watch Kia like a hawk and constantly take her away from cables, laptops, CD shelves etc. I tend to go out most days so she can do more exploring etc in safer environments. That's lovely what you said about the group. I think you guys all seem great too. But, I don't know what I'd do without my Mummy friends in real life too. I've made a few good friends in the last few months from going to groups. Have you been to anything like that yet? Which part of London are you in? Maybe I could recommend something? Xx
Clio, I love cooking so if I've made something a few times then recipes will stick in my head a bit. I've tried leek and potato soup a few times but never had the greatest success with it. I find it can be a bit bland or quite starchy. That's why I'd recommend the cream or cheese etc. Let me know if you try it how it works out. Need to go, Kia has just settled so am gonna grab half an hour with OH before bed xx
Hi ladies, So sorry I've been MIA again. Clearly I've been spending too much time either knitting or sleeping! Had a really lethargic day today! Eventually dragged myself out of bed at 10:30am, but could have slept on longer! I was still in my PJ's when OH got home from work at 2pm!
We saw the consultant this afternoon and he is very happy for me to try a vag birth. He very confidently explained the dynamics of the coccyx and the effect of pregnancy hormones on it at this time. He seems confident that it will help instead of cause further pain in the long run.
So no c-section booked! YAY Just have to wait around now till this little one decides to make her grand entrance.

Ok time to see if I can remember all the goings on around here ...

Borletta - hope you and OH get a better nights sleep tonight!

Will finish catching up tomorrow as its time for bed now
Night night all
can't find who posted the original questions but clio, angel, the lipstick-mirror test is used to study cognitive levels in monkeys too!:haha:

:hugs: to all
Ha ha. False alarm. She woke up straight away. I was thinking 11pm was quite an early night for us!
Borboleta!--Ugh, that sounds like an awful night. I'm trying to figure out if you're in my time zone or not. Luckily, I have a little thing called "the internet" to figure it out...

Nope, you're one hour ahead (or is it behind?). But I suppose that still means that you don't know yet if tonight will be better. Fingers crossed!

Re: Halloween--a bat sounds adorable! We hadn't even thought of going out until you mentioned it. We might just now. J would love to see all the goings on. But then we'd also need a costume...

For all you UKers, since when do you celebrate Halloween? (<--Hmmnnn... that sounds far more accusatory than I meant it to be.) I thought it was just a North American thing. I knew you guys have Guy Fawkes day, but not Halloween.

Angel--yay for a good night! Maybe this will end soon! Did Seb start sleeping during the day again?

Leeze--you are a great thread buddy! Stop thinking such silliness!

AFM--the injections really hurt, but I'm concerned because I don't hurt much now (my pain is livable, as long as I don't do anything like...well, take J out anywhere alone because I can't get the stroller out of the car). They were supposed to inflame the ligament so scar tissue will build up, but if it's not anymore inflamed as usual, then how's this supposed to work? I'm trying not to feel down about it, but it's hard. This is my last hope. I still have 2 more sessions booked, so let's see what happens.

So while you guys have crawlers, sitters and almost-walkers, I suddenly have the most terrifying of all: a climber. I was worried about this; apparently my sister climbed before she could even crawl, and I've seen J put his feet up on things that could boost him onto the coffee table, but it never worked. Then today, I turned around, and found him up on the ottoman and aiming for the couch where our laptops are (the couch has always been a safety zone up until now). :nope: We got rid of the ottoman, but it isn't that much shorter than the couches, so I think we've just delayed the problem, not solved it.

Okay, J's in bed, so I think I'll watch some TV. And eat lots of chocolate.
I think Halloween is relatively newish here in Ireland, but we're going to try it (go around to a few neighbours that we know)....that's one of the things that makes me a little sad that LO is going to spend most of his time here as opposed to my American upbringing, but we'll try to celebrate american holidays, e.g. I special order some foods e.g. pumpkin pie mix, etc., so we'll try to have a thanksgiving later in November, but it still seems weird to work on the 4th of July, etc!

off to work's payday! My employer agreed with my figures for annual leave/holidays so will get a big check/cheque today (I accumulated five weeks worth of holidays) -- but will try and be good and save a little (trying not to spend all at babyGap).......

Bah. We're having diaper troubles, too. J is a prolific night-time pee-er. We've been using size 3 Huggies nighttime diapers, at first doubled up with his Pampers swaddlers, then on their own as he grew into them, and now the problem is back. So now we're onto Huggies 4s, doubled with 3s and he's still peeing through.

SabrinaKat--I like how you're bringing Finn your American traditions. My parents did the same, mainly around Christmas time, and it has always made Christmas extra special for me. And not just because I got to open my presents on Christmas Eve...

Ahhh, Baby Gap. Totally out of my price range. But totally affordable 2nd hand. Apart from sleepers right now--which I can't find for 9-12 months secondhand--I don't think I have anything new. And it's now all being shipped off to my sister (who is on team yellow, but is against gender stereotypes as much as me and doesn't care if her potential baby girl is wearing boy's clothes. But she's even poorer than us, so I think this also affected her decision...). But I've got some awesome high end stuff for no more than $5.00 an item. When my Mum came, she was itching to buy new, but I wouldn't let her. It's hard to justify shelling out $25 for something I can get for $5.

Oh, that reminds me:
Re: Shoes--have you guys got Robeez over there? They're leather with suede soles and are really good for babies learning to walk because they mould to their feet. Firsthand, they're $25, but 2nd hand I've gotten them for between 5-10 bucks. They're adorable, too, with dragon faces or monkeys or dogs.

Here's a link to them:

Which reminds me--I should get J some boot ones as soon as possible. It snowed again today, and it's effin' freezing outside.

ETA: Maybe my favourite 2nd-hand place has some "that's not" and "this is" books. I'll go check it out tomorrow.
Clio, you're very sweet to say I'm a great thread buddy. I have been a much better one though. I used to make sure I responded personally to everyone and re-read all the individual posts in time. But I just don't have time now so I normally just reply to whatever stuck in my mind or what I can read from the same page I'm posting on. I buy most stuff second hand too. I love charity shops. And ebay. Do you ever do ebay? I bet you could get a bundle of sleepsuits on ebay pretty cheaply. And Halloween, we've always celebrated it. Ever since I was a child. It's become a lot more commercial recently though. Got to go, kia awake xxx

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