any other over 35 first time mums?

hey ladies m in playpen playing with laptop after a 20 min nap so may not have much time lol

angel mw was fine thanks - fh 16 cm so bang on target, heard hb and all bloods fine :)

skweek good news re your coccyx - do you usually have back probs? cor we are an old injured bunch lol!

clio - going to try lipstick today! hope your si joint not too bad today - maybe youre tougher than you thought! I also have a climber - up over her chair and onto the setee yesterday - scary!!

Raising Hope is fab!! Love it! I love The Middle too! nice short chirpy shows!

weaners / blws - any ideas for breakfast for Martha? like the feed after her bottle? she normally has porridge but is sooo bored with it

last night I washed my hair with shower gel by accident - lmao i laughed so much :) brill!

am trying new routine-ish with M - toys go in toybox at night after her tea and then we bring them out again in the morning - well except the big toys (elephant tunnel/tent, chair toy, walker and entertainment table) lordy how are we going to fit in our house with toys for 2 kids!!!

right m getting grouchy! have a good day all :flower:
Ok. Back again. Napping with Kia in bedroom while my parents do a few chores. If only they lived closer! Clio, I got some cute soft-soled shoes for Kia yesterday in a second-hand shop. They're similar to the ones you posted but are pink with little hearts. I don't normally go so girlie but they're very cute. How amazing J has started climbing. Has he been climbing the stairs yet? X
Skweek. Don't feel bad about having lots of sleep or not getting dressed etc. Seriously, have more sleep. Do less. You won't regret it! Unless you get any nesting urges to tidy out cupboards etc, just get as much sleep as you possibly can. And do relaxing stuff. Long baths, funny DVDs, juicy books, long chats to friends on phone, etc. Do it all. Everything will change soon forever and you will never get this time again! Hope you're feeling ok. Be amazing if you don't have to have a c-section. I ended up having an emergency one and it was good to get her out safely but the recovery is pretty tough. Xx
Sabrina, hooray for pay cheques with holiday pay in them. I got one yesterday for 6 days bank holiday from when I was on maternity leave. Don't really understand it but never mind! I could have been paid for more leave but I decided to use some to delay my return to work because our new flat isn't ready yet and the nursery is near the new flat. Getting a bit stressful now. So much to do and never any time. How's Finn doing at the creche? I love hearing about him coming home all messy! Sounds like he's having so much fun and helps reassure me that hopefully Kia will have lots of fun when she starts nursery. Xx
Hi ladies, Just back from shopping with a friend at the local mall. Loved it but my back is seriously complaining now. Might have a snooze this afternoon or do more knitting. Will see how we go.

Rowan - I first injured my coccyx when I was 10 years old and then again about 4 years ago.
Been struggling to find something that permanently takes the pain away.

DF took a few pics of me and the bump on Tuesday night. This would have been 38w 3d.
Terrible night again for us! Not sure what's happening. Maybe teething or isn't it something called the 8 months sleep regression? Thiago woke up at 2:30am the at 3:30am and just when back to sleep at almost 5 am!! Of course he woke up at his usual 7:30am. :sleep:
hey ladies martha napping so popping on here and to look at Christmas stockings before writing the shopping list for the weekly shop (dh goes bless him)

tried the lipstick thing and wasnt sure how to interpret Marthas response lol - she giggled then rubbed her nose on the mirror like an eskimo kiss

oh shes awake already - holy cos 10 min nap gah
Hey guys--just a quick question before J realizes I'm on the computer.

Rowan--what brand of laptop did you get M?,default,pd.html i got her this one clio - there were lots to choose from tho - I love the vtech toys but this was cheaper :) and the others were for 18mt or older - she loves it - so funny when she makes the sheep sound! my folks popped in today and thought it was fab - my little sister is v bright and was adhd when she was little (a lot of the kids in our family are) but not on ritilin - she was v v active and inquisitive and down right bloomin naughty lol didnt sleep through til she was 6 - they were like - ohhh maybe we should have bought her more stimulating toys!!! we just thought they were a waste of money! durr - you think?!

skweeek didnt get chance to say earlier - fab bump pic and LOVE your jumper!!!

just showed martha winnie the poo on you tube and she said tigger and laughed her socks off - hmm maybe I should get a dvd lol! she has two toy winnies and a winnie wash cloth that she loves as a puppet maybe we should get a tigger!
Leeze--you do respond to everyone! Again, silliness! And this is the nature of this thread. When we were pregnant, we didn't have to deal with these little monsters who don't sleep, make us too tired to post, give us no time to post, etc, etc.

Re: ebay--I used to get stuff off of ebay until the shipping costs to Canada became outrageously high. You could buy something for $15 and then pay close to $40 for shipping. I have no idea why this is, but it really sucks and stopped my ebay-ing. There is a "Canadian" ebay, but it still gives you American results. Though we have something called Kijiji here, which is like Craig's list, but with pictures. I've gotten a few toys for J from Kijiji. And his high chair.

Re: stairs--oh yes. This he started a while ago. And he's so fast that it's hard to catch up with him. He can also climb down stairs, too. I taught him how to do it as a precautionary measure; I don't want him to break his neck should he try to go down them again.

Holy cow, I just looked at your ticker, and little Kia's birthday is only two weeks away!!! We need to do some sort of virtual celebration.

Rowan--what a cute reaction from M! Though I don't know how to interpret it either.

Re: laptop--I just looked for the one you bought on Amazon, and it costs over $70! :shrug: And I really like the idea of the mirror. Mirrors can occupy J for a goodly amount of time. So, I guess I'll see if someone in my city is selling one. Or see if the second hand store has one.

Re: climbing--J had been trying to climb out of his high chair at every meal, so we had to switch to a booster seat. It's hard to enjoy meals together when your kid is constantly on a suicide mission.

Re: breakfast--maybe scrambled eggs (though with no salt)? If M is being TW, then you'd really have to break it up, but if she can take lumps, then maybe it would work?

Skweek--you look gorgeous! What a lovely, huge bump! And you're so near the end! How's the knitting going?

Re: coccyx--I've must have missed that. I'm so sorry--chronic pain is horrible. But yaaay for no c/s!

Borboleta!--I'm sorry that T's sleep (and yours!) is so bad. I don't really know any thing about the 8 months sleep regression, as J was fine.

AFM--We've got a permanent wake-up time at 4:00. He'll go down again maybe an hour or two later, but 4 am sucks.

I can't think of anything else at this point... I live a pretty boring life.
Leeze I don't envy you having to pack up your house! We will probably look for a bigger place next year and I dread it already now. I have lived in this flat for 18 years so the accumulation of stuff is enormous! I will probably be ruthless and just chuck a skip-load!
Last night was OH's night but Dominic insisted on being fed at 11:30 and since we were still up I fed Sebastian while he fed Dom. Dom then woke again at 4 but not in between. So although not as great as the night before, yeah we are getting there :)
As for baby groups, there is one place really near bye and they even have a day for twins. But I haven't really managed to go except to sign up with them when the boys were 3 months. I know, I really should go. We are in Fulham btw.

skweek I am glad you can have the vag birth you wanted :) :thumbup: And it really could be any day now huh? So exciting :D
You look absolutely gorgeous and have a lovely bump!

kosh that made me giggle! Hope you get a better night tonight :)

Clio I am so sorry the injections hurt so much! And that the absence of pain doesn't mean it is for nothing! How dreadful that would be. When will you know if it worked or not?
As for Halloween, ever since I moved to England it has been feted by kids in my neighbourhood. Probably just a good excuse for the retailers to sell more sweets and for the kids to get some! I don't think it is as big over here as in the US or Canada though.
J climbing does sound scary! You have to rethink your whole house on a new level I guess. But hopefully he cannot yet climb over the stairgate?
Seb does nap during the day but not as well as Dominic. But since he sleeps well during the night I am guessing he has enough for his needs? :shrug:
Eating lotsa chocolate sounds good. I do it on the sly and pretend I didn't have any but I think I might have put on weight again :cry: Only 2 more months and then I have no more excuses to why I am not back to pre-preg weight. :(
We have a pair of robeez for the boys, they are dark blue with and lined with a sort of furry material. Very cute! But we also have 2 pairs from a company called Inch Blue. They hand-make them and they aren't cheap but well I had a weak moment and OH is always ok with spending money on the boys lol. We have ones with the frog and the little monster though not the colour combo shown here. Ours are blue and green but different to those.

Sabrina Yay for payday!
As for Thanksgiving, are you going to make a whole turkey roast and yamms etc and invite friends round? I think that would be a great holiday to have :)
And I too love baby gap! :D Though they have way more for baby girls than boys. And though I wouldn't mind mixing the gender stuff a bit, I do draw the line at bows on the ankles of leggings and overly pink outfits.

Borboleta I am so sorry Thiago's sleep still is so bad! Has he suffered like this with every tooth he has gotten? But I wonder if it is that or just as you suggest a phase thing. Cause if it were teeth then surely he should be ok once you give him the pain killers. I didn't know there is a 8month sleep regression! I really really hope we will be spared it. I had enough with the 4 month regression, as it lasted 3 months! :wacko:

As for us, Dom's second middle bottom tooth is through. :D And still he is his usual cheerful and boisterous self. But he does have a bit of a nappy rash going on and rather runny poo too. I think this might be related? He had leaks 3 times today so that I had to change him completely! We have loads of clothes for the boys but I have never had to wash so much! Thank golly for our tumble drier!
Dominic really loves chanting llall llall llall and llie llie llie at the top of his voice and we both like to answer back in kind. It makes him laugh and makes him shout even louder with a big smile on his face lol. He also loves Sophie the Giraffe and when he isn't chewing on her hooves, he likes to bang her against his leg to make her squeak. Sebastian prefers to suck on something smaller, such as his thumb or a corner his muslin while chatting along the lines of ehwehblehmehthepfhae etc. Very cute! :) SOOO much better than his monotonous hnnnhnnnhnnn that he does when he is tired/bored and I wish he would stop that as it really grates on our nerves. :wacko: He usually does it when he is supposed to drop off for a nap and he just won't! On average he sleeps very little during the day still but well, he seems ok at night so I guess maybe he doesn't need as much?
I have switched Sebastian to Follow on Milk but I though I might be imagining it, he doesn't like it as much as First Milk. :shrug: I will continue with this tub and see how we get on. I think the milk is somewhat thicker than the First so maybe that is why he leaves a bit now. Dominic is still on Hungry Baby as per his GP's advice.
Hm what else. Arrgh I have to call my mum! I forgot! Got to run! xxx
Angel, fulham is south of the river isn't it? Is it far away from Clapham Common? They have a great drop-in there every afternoon called The 1 o'clock club. I've been a couple of times with a friend who lives in Brixton. Otherwise I'm a bit clueless about south london. A twin group sounds like it could be fun though. Hey, you definitely sound like sleep is improving in your house. You must be so relieved. I dunno about 8 month sleep regression. Feel like we had 10 month sleep regression though and it's still going on. Last night was 1.30 when she went back to sleep after trying to settle from 7pm. Mind you, she then only woke up once which was incredible. And slept until 10am. So I feel a lot better today!
Hi ladies, Just back from shopping with a friend at the local mall. Loved it but my back is seriously complaining now. Might have a snooze this afternoon or do more knitting. Will see how we go.

Rowan - I first injured my coccyx when I was 10 years old and then again about 4 years ago.
Been struggling to find something that permanently takes the pain away.

DF took a few pics of me and the bump on Tuesday night. This would have been 38w 3d.

You look beautiful:)!!! And you have a pretty nice bump:). Do they know how much the baby will be?
Leeze no Fulham is north of the river, it is next to Hammersmith. Where are you?
Thanks ladies. That top is one I bought last winter at Dorothy Perkins! I love it and its not even a mat top but still fits over the bump!! Love it!!
At my last scan they said her EFW was about 2.7kg/just over 6lbs. So we're expecting an 8lber.
I am just so glad I'm allowed to go for a vaginal delivery. The consultant was very competent in explaining that the delivery will be very possible with my coccyx. Just hoping it actually helps with the pain by pushing the coccyx back into its natural position. But only time will tell.
We have just got back from an NCT water birth class. I found it informative, although I knew a bit already. A few tips like positions in the pool.
will try catch up with everyone tomorrow
Hope you all have a better nights sleep!
hey, gang!

well, as predicted - headed to the only Gap in Dublin, and went straight for the SALE baby stuff and picked up loads for later and next summer, and some terry cloth 'overalls', but all one colour in navy. I think Finn should start wearing socks and baby shoes occasionally, but he still sticks his feet in his mouth, so will be carefully monitored - otherwise, he wears babygros. I do agree that the stuff is expensive-ish (I never buy at full price), but the quality is fantastic -- I can scrub the fabric numerous times to get the food stains out (with a nail brush and vanish stain remover) and every time, the clothes come out looking great. We have something called Primark/Penneys over here (I think like Kmart?) and the clothes are cute and cheap, but the fabric tends to bobble after a few washes and they shrink like crazy, so I find LO wearing his Gap stuff more.

Ebay: I love ebay! If you look through my 'history', it's almost a record of my life for the last five years, e.g. wedding dress (Laura Ashley simple classic dress), maternity clothes and now baby stuff! We bought four (4) sleeping bags for LO for the price of 1 official grobag, and only 1 is a little too short, so good buys overall. I've also gotten a few winter coats and posh baby clothes at 50% less than the stores (emile et rose outfits)....however, and it's very annoying -- the prices quoted from the USA postage are ridiculous, so I tend to stay with as they are more reasonable postage.

re: creche -- he does seem really happy there -- he interacts with a few other children and seems to be making friends. A few of the other babies seem to cry all the time, but Finn only cries when I leave him, and I have walked back in and/or opened the door a minute or two later, and he is having fun in the activity centre or bouncy chair! Plus, he is interacting with the wobblers, who love to bring him toys and he will take them, look at it, and hand it back if he's not interested (although I think it's more 'throws on the ground'!) and they seem to really like him, so although hard to get up in the mornings, especially when LO is so happy when he wakes, with this huge smile like 'Hello! What are we going to do today?'....

skweek - lovely picture!

re: thanksgiving. We'll have sweet potatoes, turkey, pumpkin pie and a few other treats, but not a huge feast. and no american football on TV, sigh! I miss baseball alot (something my father and I used to do), but hopefully, when LO gets bigger and we're back visiting, I can take him to a game or two. It's too expensive to get ESPN America over on our satellite TV (another 20 euros a month) and my OH says that I will monopolise the TV even more....oh, well.....:growlmad:

I'm sorry that everybody is having sleeping problems -- we cut out his later nap (he now has one in the am, one around lunch and one around 4pm) and he's going to sleep around 9-10pm until about 6am. HOWEVER, he is still fussy at nights and I don't sleep well as am anticipating that the whimper might become a cry, etc., so he wakes up refreshed and me? am exhausted....sigh. and now, I find it hard to sleep when OH takes LO for the night, so I can't win either way....sigh...

am sorry if I didn't respond the personals by name, but reread the last few pages (hence comments above!) and hope that you all know you're loved!

Thank you ladies for your wishes of better sleep tonight.

We will try Advil since the past couple of nights we did Tylenol instead and it was not good. So I will let you know angel if the medicine makes a difference.

I did read that they have a 4 months, 8 months, 11 months, 18 months and 24 months sleep regression!!!!:wacko: so not sure what is happening with the boy and he was not his happy self today either.
I do hope you do not have to go thru this Angel, like you said you had your share. And leeze and kosh :winkwink:.

Angel: the boys sound like they are doing so well. It must be a lot of work but I am sure you enjoy seeing their different personalities:).

Leeze: I am so sorry Kia is not sleeping well either. We just have to think " patience, patience.." . Do you let her cry when she gets up during The night? I am thinking about telling hubby to not just jump in thiago room at his first complain. Maybe he needs to burn some energy with crying ( bad mommy and I am not even sure I can do that).

Clio: I laugh so hard a suicidal tendencies at dinner time :haha:. You are hilarious!!! Don't know you hubby but hopefully Jonah will have your sense of humor:).

Rowan: I will be waiting to hear what the sex of the baby is:)! So excited for you!! Okay, I will put a bet that it is another girl:). Don't ask me why but just thought about that:).

Sabrina: pay day sounds lovely specially now when we have no payday:(! But hubby is going for a second interview with the owner of a company on Monday so hope something will come out of it:).

Skeewek: 8 lbs:0!!! Sounds lovely:)!

Oh, Clio I tried to give thiago eggs and he hated. He loves toast, cupcakes ( gave him a little piece today ( bad mommy:), oranges but I need to do the broccoli and see what he thinks. He is so funny about trying food. He barely opens his mouth and them I shove a little food in there and if he likes it he opens his mouth or the other way around.
Oh, and doors any of your LOs like to kick and move and smack their arms a lot? Thiago loves it. He does that a lot. My mother in law thinks he will be very active :wacko:.
hey, gang!

well, as predicted - headed to the only Gap in Dublin, and went straight for the SALE baby stuff and picked up loads for later and next summer, and some terry cloth 'overalls', but all one colour in navy. I think Finn should start wearing socks and baby shoes occasionally, but he still sticks his feet in his mouth, so will be carefully monitored - otherwise, he wears babygros. I do agree that the stuff is expensive-ish (I never buy at full price), but the quality is fantastic -- I can scrub the fabric numerous times to get the food stains out (with a nail brush and vanish stain remover) and every time, the clothes come out looking great. We have something called Primark/Penneys over here (I think like Kmart?) and the clothes are cute and cheap, but the fabric tends to bobble after a few washes and they shrink like crazy, so I find LO wearing his Gap stuff more.

Ebay: I love ebay! If you look through my 'history', it's almost a record of my life for the last five years, e.g. wedding dress (Laura Ashley simple classic dress), maternity clothes and now baby stuff! We bought four (4) sleeping bags for LO for the price of 1 official grobag, and only 1 is a little too short, so good buys overall. I've also gotten a few winter coats and posh baby clothes at 50% less than the stores (emile et rose outfits)....however, and it's very annoying -- the prices quoted from the USA postage are ridiculous, so I tend to stay with as they are more reasonable postage.

re: creche -- he does seem really happy there -- he interacts with a few other children and seems to be making friends. A few of the other babies seem to cry all the time, but Finn only cries when I leave him, and I have walked back in and/or opened the door a minute or two later, and he is having fun in the activity centre or bouncy chair! Plus, he is interacting with the wobblers, who love to bring him toys and he will take them, look at it, and hand it back if he's not interested (although I think it's more 'throws on the ground'!) and they seem to really like him, so although hard to get up in the mornings, especially when LO is so happy when he wakes, with this huge smile like 'Hello! What are we going to do today?'....

skweek - lovely picture!

re: thanksgiving. We'll have sweet potatoes, turkey, pumpkin pie and a few other treats, but not a huge feast. and no american football on TV, sigh! I miss baseball alot (something my father and I used to do), but hopefully, when LO gets bigger and we're back visiting, I can take him to a game or two. It's too expensive to get ESPN America over on our satellite TV (another 20 euros a month) and my OH says that I will monopolise the TV even more....oh, well.....:growlmad:

I'm sorry that everybody is having sleeping problems -- we cut out his later nap (he now has one in the am, one around lunch and one around 4pm) and he's going to sleep around 9-10pm until about 6am. HOWEVER, he is still fussy at nights and I don't sleep well as am anticipating that the whimper might become a cry, etc., so he wakes up refreshed and me? am exhausted....sigh. and now, I find it hard to sleep when OH takes LO for the night, so I can't win either way....sigh...

am sorry if I didn't respond the personals by name, but reread the last few pages (hence comments above!) and hope that you all know you're loved!


Oh, baby gap:)!! Love that place. My sister and I went to target and I was not going to buy anything but we found Gwen stefani baby clothing and I could resist and bought an outfit for thiago. Too cute. Very rocker looking!!

And you are giving Finn 3 naps? I was going to post that I am thinking about giving thiago just 2 naps and see how it goes. Today for sure he will have just 2 since he just woke up from his second nap.

Got go get him. Bye:)!
So I do have some news. J has found a new and faster way to crawl:

I don't think this boy is going to walk anytime soon, even though he can stand unaided. He's way too inventive a crawler...

There was something else I was going to say, but I can't remember. Oh well, it'll come to me.
Very quick. Angel, we live in Hackney in East London at the moment but moving to Crouch End in North London very soon. I don't know your area at all, hon. Is it North West then? Skweek, i'm loving the bump picture. Adorable. You look so happy and blooming. Making me feel broody again. Seriously! Borboleta, I don't leave Kia to cry in the night but normally I do some back or tummy rubbing or shh patting before picking her up. I worry if I leave her to cry that she'll become too wide awake. I'm hoping she's over the 2 hour long wake ups because she hasn't had one for about 4 or 5 nights now. I normally try to nurse her back to sleep. If it doesn't work then I try to keep it quiet and dark but sometimes she's so chatty and lively that I just go with it. There's been a couple of times a few weeks ago where she wouldn't stop crying and we ended up cuddling and rocking her back to sleep and she cried herself to sleep while one of us held her. I hated this but we just couldn't calm or settle her. Keep your fingers crossed it's just a phase and Thiago will be over it soon. Right, got to go to sleep as it's 1.30am now! Xx

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