any other over 35 first time mums?

If you thought there was a third pic cause I said 3d, I meant 3D as in where you see him not as a shadow ;)

:dohh: Well now, that makes more sense! Does the DVD show Michael moving around? Is he as active as Martha? :winkwink:
angel - what symptoms did Seb have when he had the ear infection?
kosh he he didn't want to drink, he pulled on his ear and rubbed it and when I tried to clean it a bit, he wouldn't let me and turned his head away quite forcefully. Do you think Gael has an ear infection? Our GP told me that ear infections in babies often appear along side throat infections too. So this was an added reason why he wouldn't drink. Hope Gael will feel better soon. xxx
kosh he he didn't want to drink, he pulled on his ear and rubbed it and when I tried to clean it a bit, he wouldn't let me and turned his head away quite forcefully. Do you think Gael has an ear infection? Our GP told me that ear infections in babies often appear along side throat infections too. So this was an added reason why he wouldn't drink. Hope Gael will feel better soon. xxx

thanks angel
i don't know really, he was pulling and rubbing his ear last night, that's what got me thinking. but he pulls his ear when he is tired too :shrug:
oh kosh--I'm so sorry about Gael! This sounds nightmarish! Have you been to a doctor? If you have, what did they say? And how are you holding up? (Though I can guess...) :hugs: :hugs::hugs:

I'm not sure who asked this, but...--I'm not really sure how J got the idea to use the plates. I think it all started when we allowed him to play with the items on the first shelf of the pantry (we would tell him to go take inventory and restock the shelves, and then my husband would fire him because he un-stocked them instead. And then I would hire him again out of pity.) We made sure that only safe items were on that shelf, and among them was a box with packets of oatmeal. I noticed one day that he was crawling with one under his hand, and he seemed quite pleased with the speed boost it gave him. I think it just evolved from there. Little monkey.

SabrinaKat--I think I'm just going to write SK from now on--waaaay faster. Do you mind?

What a strange/ridiculous comment your husband made. And how does he make you feel incompetent, when that is sooooo far from the truth? :hugs: These nighttime parties suck. What do you do to settle him again? Do you let him play a bit till he's obviously tired, or do you try to rock him back to sleep?
Evening all! First of all a big massive huge congratulations to Rowan, that is wonderful news, so happy for you!

To those of you who asked about L kidneys, basically the little lady has been hard work, mostly at night's from day one, she has reflux and after a horrendous run of nights at 6 months I took her to the Dr begging for help, we eventually found out she had a uti, then she had another uti, then she was bad again and I took her back to the most condescending Dr who didn't believe me when I Saud I thought she had another uti, I swear I nearly had him by the throat, but he did refer her to a paediatrican who was amazing - totally listened, prescribed meds for her reflux, preventative antibiotic for her uti s and ordered up 3 kidney tests, the first and least invasive was the ultrasound. 2 radiographers later and one wriggly baby they have discovered one of her kidneys is a funny shape and rotated! Now we are waiting for the dye test to see if the kidney is functioning/has reflux/blockages etc or not. We are in limbo til then.. we just don't know! What makes me mad is I first took L to the Dr at 6 weeks saying she wasn't right and all i got was 'babies cry for lots of reasons, are you depressed' (given my mum had died 2 weeks before this seemed all health workers preoccupation). The normal reflux meds has made a huge difference so I'd like to know what's happening with her plumbing now!

In other happier news we have tooth number 5 and we are cruising so we can torture the dog and cats more readily!

I'm still catching up on all the missed posts though.... Xxx
Huge congrats Rowan. You guys must be so excited. He looks adorable and Michael is a great name. I'm definitely feeling a lot more broody after seeing that photo. How are you feeling about having a baby and a toddler together? A few people have said it's not harder than having your first because partly you're more confident and experienced and partly they amuse each other a little.
Thanks ladies :) were very excited!!!

aye its a 3D pic and the screen was in 4D at the scan so we could see him moving v clearly :) fab he's a wriggler like Martha!

Ive heard great things about such a small age gap which is great - fingers crossed! am reading jools olivers book at the mo and she has a 13 month gap with her eldest girls so its timely reading!

re ear infections - M has had 2 and she pulls and scratches her ears - shes also taken to shaking her head at the mo but hasn't got an infection but its her molar coming through
Hi ladies,
Although I have loved being pregnant and love my bump, I'm now officially fed up and ready to get my body back!! Just 6 days to my EDD!! Trying everything possible to get her out soon!
Heard from a colleague, who was due 22 Nov, she had a little boy (4lb 13!) this morning! So many people I know have had their babies early!
Out of 12 ladies (who I personally know) due in Oct or Nov 7 have already had their babies and of those 6 were early!! The other was 1 day late and another was due last Wednesday.

Leeze - Kia is almost a year old - maybe time for next one? teehee

Angel - I really hope I will get the water birth I so want. It now just depends on if the pool is available and then if there is qualified staff on duty at the time.
The consultant said that in pregnancy the hormone relaxin works on all the joints and ligaments and so it shouldn't be that painful if it does get moved.

Clio - Thanks hun. I'm really not sure if it will be permanent. Time will tell.
I just hope its less than 6 days till this little one makes her appearance! I am trying just about everything possible to get her here before her due date.
I've just about finished the back of the blanket. Will take pics as soon as its all done. Did you do both back and front? Not sure I will get round to doing the front.

Rowan - Fab scan pics!! YAY for being team Blue! He sure is gorgeous!

Storm - :hugs: for L! Hope the scan show up a good explanation for her discomfort. A friend of mine's son (just under a year old) recently a stent fitted into one of his kidney tubes. You would never say he was really ill before the op. These little ones are so robust and just keep going! FXed L sails through all the tests!

Kosh - FXed Gael feels better soon!
hey, gang -- thanks for your words of encouragement...grumble. Clio (SK is fine) -- it's not that he says I'm incompetent, but he'll say that he has to do everything and can't I help out (growl) and that upsets me, especially since he takes the piss at times, e.g. he slept until 1.15 (in the afternoon) yesterday am and Finn and I were up since 7.15am. I do housework when LO takes his naps, but my OH complains that he doesn't have time to even get a bottle when LO takes his morning nap (yes, watching music videos is far more important!). I then get told that loads of other dads don't do as much as he does, and he does do alot for LO, but no housework (or he considers taking the bins out and/or cat litter clean-up as his housekeeping for the week....), what a rant!

skweek - Finn was a month early, but that doesn't count as I had pre-eclampsia! I do remember hoping around wk 35, 36 (e.g. right around the development of the severe PE) that I didn't think I could make it to wk40 as I was sooooooooooooo big (and I'm 5 feet tall, so looked and felt like a beach-ball!)!

yeah for a little bro for Martha, rowan -- my brother and I are 14 months apart and we did have some problems growing up (mainly because of my father's ultra-competitiveness), but we're friends now, if that helps!

Leeze - stop that broody feeling! I do, however, understand, but sleep deprivation reminds me that no....not yet....and with my age, probably not at all. We've been talking about possible adoption in a few years as I'd prefer more of a gap.....

storm -- cross fingers -- my neice was born with one kidney and she's doing really well; e.g. a bit more careful monitoring, but seems fine....

kosh - hope gael feels better soon!

well, LO has his two top teeth in and now his bite is very painful! OH gave him a rusk (a type of sweetish biscuit/cookie, we don't have in the USA, or else, my family didn't as it was new to me) and he chewed half, spit out some and seemed to be happy to be a big boy!

it's a bank holiday here, and guess who is sleeping away as we speak? yes, my OH, but he will take LO tonight and his usual Tuesday, but lord, now that the clocks have changed, the evenings are so dark and cold!

Hi ladies,

Rowan: a little boy:)!!! Man was I wrong :haha:. You will love having a little boy:). They are so sweet and love their mommies. Thiago looks at me sometimes like I am the most precious thing he has ever seen :kiss::). I love it:)!! Congratulations. I bet your hubby is super Happy!!

Storm: so sorry to hear your ordeal with doctors!!! The worst thing is that we are at there mercy :growlmad:! Keep us posted about how things are going for L. We will pray for you and her.

Kosh: poor little Gael. When I used to baby sit the little boy that I took care was really crabby and crying most of the day. His parents thought it was just a cold but after a week I told them that maybe we should take him to a doctor. The doctor told them that he had the worst ear infection that he had ever seen!! So maybe you should have him checked and if you are not happy with the doctor find another one. There are plenty of them out there. Someone will listen to you.

Skewek: almost there:)! I was so sick of being pregnant the last month!!! And he came a week later because I evict him. :haha: hope you don't have to go thru that:).

Sabrina: hope Finn slept better for you. I hate the night parties!!! We listen a song the other day that I kept singing for thiago : everybody have fun tonight ... Thiago has fun tonight:)!

Clio: yeah for j almost walking:)!!! Then the real trouble begins!!! And a climber :dohh:!!! Poor you!!! I did the lipstick thing and thiago just smiled really big to the mirror :haha:. I guess he does not know that it is him.

Angel: we want more pics of your beauties:)! Actually of all the babies:).

Thiago is doing soooo weellll the past 2 days. Since I decide to give him 2 naps a day he has been sleeping great:)! Last night till 6:30pm then feed him and he slept until 9am :happydance:!! And the night before he did wake up at 2am but he was soked with pee and them hubby brought him to bed with us and he slept till 8:30am:)!! His naps are between 1:30min to 3 hours!!! Love it!!!! Hope this will last forever :haha:!!
He hates his Halloween costume and will not smile while in it!! I will put a photo of him here soon:). He does look really cute:). Looking forward to Halloween now!
OMG, Jonah just threw his first tantrum ever. And it went on for soooooooo long! He wasn't even crying, he was braying. Well, he was crying too. And sobbing. And even, at one point, lying stretched out on the kitchen floor, face down, screaming. Why? Because I had the gaul to: try to get him to take a nap (epic fail), put him in the playpen because I was doing something in the kitchen that needed all my attention (tantamount to a war crime, apparently), ask him not to break the dishwasher (time to call Children's Aid), and put him on the ground numerous times because he wouldn't let me console him. Other things that angered him: giving him toys, giving him the grape-flavoured medicine he loves because I suspect he is teething, giving him a bottle, and giving him the finger. :blush:

I finally stopped the hysterics by giving him half an apple, which was really just a shot in the dark, seeing as nothing had worked yet. But then Daddy came home, and he hadn't yet seen J's new talent, so J felt it necessary to demonstrate. Eric picked him up to say hello, put him down, and off J went to the races again... I am currently envisioning myself on a tropical island for all of his terrible 2s and 3s. OH took him out for lunch with his family because J never acts up anywhere other than home.

Oh, and he gave himself a black eye (number 3 so far) because he pulled on the back of a kitchen chair and I barely got there in time to stop it from falling on his head. But some part of it did hit his eye. I told OH to make it VERY clear to his family that while J had been screaming for the better part of an hour, I DID NOT clock him one, even though I really, really, really wanted to.

Whoever thought that making babies mobile before they had an ounce of sense in their heads was either seriously stupid, or had a very sick sense of humour.

To All You Broody Ladies--Why why why why????? Though even my SIL, who had two insane children in her late 30s, STILL wants another one, so I guess I am missing a gene somewhere. I wanted J with all my heart, but I DO NOT WANT ANOTHER ONE. Not because J has turned me off of them (the above tale notwithstanding), but because... I don't know, just because. And for all of you who ask if you are crazy for wanting more, my answer to you is YES.

Skweek--though I'm sure you already tried this, but J came at exactly 38 weeks after *ahem* an orgasm. Like seriously, RIGHT after. Orgasm stopped, water broke. Though I've got to tell you, the guilt! I wanted him to stay put until 40 weeks. I never even got to the uncomfortable stage where I could moan about wanting him out. But perhaps it was a good thing, because he was 8 lbs 1 oz when he was born. Sometimes I wonder if I had developed GD after the test cleared me because he would have been huge in another 2 weeks, and I had been eating a lot of chocolate.

Re: blanket half--I did both sides but really grew to hate doing the side with the squares. My yarn was always tangled because of it and weaving the threads in in the end was a major pain in the butt. I'm also really bad at sewing, so I gave up after when my stitching job looked very sad. The upshot, though, is that I got two blankets out of it my efforts.

SK ( much easier for these lazy fingers)--:hugs: Your OH seems to have an inflated notion of how much he does. I'd be so tempted to tack a detailed list on the wall showing very clearly who has done what that day or night.

StormJet--poor little L, and poor you! :hugs: I really hope you have better news after the next test.

Oops, gotta go! My love to all of you!
thanks borboleta, yes, I'll try and take him to the doc tomorrow.
angel - did Seb have lots of wax during the infection? Gael's right ear is sooo full of wax is disgusting! :haha:

all ladies
- sorry i'm a bit self-absorbed. have no time whatsoever and i am absolutely knacked. hope you're all doing well
yep, clio -- he does have an inflated sense of how much he does; e.g. he subtracts a good hour from he wakes up and today, Finn and I were up at 6.15 am and OH, well, he wandered down to make breakfast around 9.30, sorry, but I had already hoovered the living room, fed/changed LO, blown bubbles and generally entertained LO and now, my OH is complaining because he's so tired...yeah, right.

must run as LO didn't settle for any naps today (except for MY morning nap), but that's my fault of course.....

kosh yes absolutely! Lots of wax and he wouldn't let me clean it at all. I didn't try to clean inside the ear canal mind you, just around it cause it was so waxy. So if Gael has this too then it really might be an infection? Poor little thing if so! Hope you can get an appointment for him soon. :hugs:
Evening all! Oh Clio I laughed at your post, not the black eye part but the rest. L has also discovered tantrums over the most ridiculous things and boy can she scream, and she's pretty good at going rigid and refusing to bend to say put her in the car or the pram, she's nuts.

Tonight I did the chicken dipped in egg and breadcrumbs for her tea, poison apparently... Hubby and I scoffed them, they were gorgeous!

Clio I tried the sex thing to move L along, didn't work but she was 3 days early, I was walking the dog the day before she arrived. Waddling like an enormous crippled hippo.....

I do get broody, then I think there is no flipping way I'm doing that pregnancy thing again, I hated it!

L is currently torturing her dad so I think I better go help....
kosh yes absolutely! Lots of wax and he wouldn't let me clean it at all. I didn't try to clean inside the ear canal mind you, just around it cause it was so waxy. So if Gael has this too then it really might be an infection? Poor little thing if so! Hope you can get an appointment for him soon. :hugs:

oh wow i'm glad i asked you - i thought it was weird because it was only one ear! i'll try and get an appointment tomorrow.
thanks! :flower:
HI ladies,
Well I think I have officially had the nesting thing!!
Oven = cleaned! Fridge = cleaned! dishes washed, dried and packed away(even lunch dishes!! House vacuumed! stuff cleared to respective places! Kitchen table cleared and cleaned. Ironing done and packed away! Shopping bought and packed away! Oh and decided as I've been so productive I will buy a hot curry - Madras is not that hot!! Or at least to me! Might need to try a vindaloo later in the week!! :haha:
Might have to pass on my last planned event of the day as I have no energy to be grabbing DF when he walks through the door. Might attempt that another night! teehee
My bump is so big I have to hold my laptop in place or it will fall off! :haha:

Sabrina - yay for new teeth!!
I agree - make a list of all that you do and all that he does. Maybe then he will become aware just how much you do around the house and for LO!

Borboleta - FXed Thiago's new sleeping pattern lasts for years!
Can't wait to see all the Halloween outfits. I will have to wait till next year to have fun with dressing LO up for Halloween.

Clio - My mom has offered to do the front of the blanket for me. I might take her up on that offer. I will have to give her all my revised notes for the blanket. As I changed the yarn I'm using it was turning out to be a lot smaller than the original pattern, so I had to add st's and rows.
Hope J's tantrums are short lived! That is one bit I'm not looking forward to with having a LO around! Might need to resort to heading off to that luxury island for a few years! haha

Ok time for sleep now!

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